The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 09, 1896, Image 1
1H1L.—NO. 19. $10 PER YEAR. If so drop in and try our We are no in shape to nerve you with Iso all kinds of the intest flavors. Al incinding the wondesful The finest line of Garden and Flow. Call and get 8 copy of Mudyon’s Guide to Health free. ins, Patton Pharmacy, Chemicals, Etc., Opposite School Building. When you are on the “hunt” for a nobby snit— or coat and vest and pants single—at the lowest figures for a good thing see p The 2 Ings. aaseyoand e jo 15219301 971 0] IPEBUI IAAI sTeap 153q [3 jo 2u0 123 [Im nod pur ‘uejy 20g IL nod jel si} nod |) sul [is om 18) wal} 3Inoqe yon os pieay aaey MOA [[aA\ isoouyg Aes nok pug [s04S man who handles the best line of Clothing, and all the latest furnish-. NIH fay ® svar eacomnss § er especially in | the rofl of honor is somewhat redoced As Prepared by the Prinripal, | Mr. G. H. Hubbard, rs Month's Work of Teaching. | Patton completed their 7th month's | Primary grade, which was cloned for {eight days in Pebroary on sochnnt of ness of the teacher. Below in given the full report of the entire building,’ by publishing the last full month tanght by the Second Primary grade The following is the report of the last morith taught: Whole camber en- rolled, 135; bovs, 171; girls, 154; aver age sttepdance, 265; making i daily average of 44 pupils for each (depart ‘ment; per cent. of attendanie, SN, | namber of pupils who were present every day, 115; number of visitors, 5, The weather being. quite severe dur- ing the latter part of March, capvrned | the attendance to be quite irregular, the Primary grides, hence from the previous month's record, The schools were elosnd on Good y as many of the patrona’ desire regard the day with special ob- During the last month of school we rnestiy desire the hearty co-opera- tion of the parents with the teachers in securing the best attendance possible. t is sotnewhiat difficulty to classify and properly grade pupils whan they are allowed to drop out of school a few weeks before the close of the term; ‘and it is extremely difficult to interest (them in the work when their attend. ‘ance is irregular. The popils who have been most saocessfui in thir studies, ‘the easiest controlled by the teacher, ‘and the ones who have esrnnd pro motion, are thoss whose names nearly always, if not always, “appear on the been endeavoring to organise in Patton | The following list of names represent the pupils who deserve special inention for their perfect attendance, good de | portment and rapid progress in their : that the vast majority of thom will be pontent and feel at home wily in their honor roll. studies: ¥ gh Sehonits Sallie Holter, Virgie Dade, Minnie Holter, Mande Litzinger, Dinan Sand. ford, Ollie Swank, Lizzie Dewar, Jane Bard tines Laws, Carrie Crowell, Anne Kinkead, Mary Myers, Buia Patrick, Ruth Reese, Fred McPherson, Howurd Swank, James Sheehan, Mary Hooter, Clara Myers. 3 G. H. Hussart, Prawipal. | Gremenmunr Se boril, | Arthay Thomas, Charley Uroweil Carl Croweil, Noonan, Les Williams, John Fedor, Albert, Wilkins, Edward Martha Hewlett, Edna Brideson, | Mamie Jones, Emma Sheehan, Annie Biller, Jennie Crain, Christina Lees. 0. E. Larrexry, Teacher. sevond Intermediate, Howard Bloom, Mary Hisrnaoer, Botwat MePherson, Margarel, Jones, Blanche Brideson, Emeias Haden, Mary Semple, leo McTigue, Andrew For nadly, Elmer Crowell, Leroy Wilkins, ‘Howard Tate, Bennie Wilkins, Waiter Peckwith, Thomas Cullin, Thomas Sheehan. John Edmiston, Edmond Jetta ) : Joseruxse OC. Downes, Teacher. ¥ First Intermediate. ’ John Ingles, Carrie Holter, George Myers, Thomas Rounsiey, Charles Kessler, Ward Woleslaghs, Katie For. nadly, Edith Spencer, Peter Kerrs, Dora. Beckwith, Joh Reese, James Crompton, Jacob Hanter, (irae Gantz, ! Anna Beqman, Clarence Blalr, Anna Tate, Oscar Hertzog, James (fornelus Borrg M. Zoasersay, Teacher, Second Primacy. Irvin Myers, Venatta Crowell, Mary Btirrat; Angela Burkey, [eott Reese, Clarles Robinson, Emanuoel Jolly, Clemans Biller, John Osbevan|, Jennie a ‘ Brevneaw, Marshal Glass, Frank Lipp ‘nick, John Sperry, Elanora Truman, Louis Learde, James Korre Hanvah .Clapman, David Sperry, Daniel Jonk. ins, Zela Woomer, Wilson Truman : MARGARET L. Sxrrii, Toscher. : First Primary. Rachael! Haden, Dora Prescott, Ro. ‘maine Smale, Julia Myers, Lillie Wil. ‘liams, Thomasine Holter, Earl Wilson, Claire Boyce, Walter Schmelerky, | Willie Jenkins, Edwin Burkey, Andrew Prygoda, Willie McTigue, Jou Learde, . Oscar Danielson, Thomas Glass, Fannie Wilkins, Flora Rowland, Mars Jeon ANNA C. Wisox, Teacher, ONE MORE MONTH YET. Monday, April 61h, (oropleted the Seventh On Monday, April Sth, the schools of Soley, fonisa OC. Lytie, Tonnelton, Indiana oounty; Mary Kelly, Beaty, West more. land county; Rolanda Shoff, Conlport, . ‘John Holm and © WO The congregation will be ourporated at Edward shor, Jerry McTigue, Angeline Drummard, Ages Hanter, o Bakith Holter, GOVERNMENT AWARDS Heceived hy the Od soldiers In Cambria and Nearhy Countess. The following pension certificates have been issued since the date of March 17: Original Sylvester Pan, Salix, Cam. bria county; John Stephens, Jeanrette; William Hatfield, Latrobe: Samuel H Stout, Sardis, Westmoreland county; Jobn (i. Lawson, Latrobe; Johnithan Weible, Davidsville, Somerwet colinty: Geo. A. Heilbran, North Ssmmit, In- diana county. work of teaching, except the Becond Increase Robert Dunlap, Carroll town, Cambria county; Robert Thomp- LSC, Blairevilie; Romanus Baldwin, Shanksville, Somerset country; An drew Robinson, New Florence; John A Bethman, Restraver, Westmordand county: George W. Merrynuin, Onoeola Mille, Clearfield county; Puter Fister, Clearfield: James Baldwin, Sunimer- ville, Jefferson ocunty; Michael J. Swope, Westover, Clearfleld county. Re issae and increase - David Muir, Blairsville. Reissne William H. Clouser Big Ruan, Jefferson county; James Me. Vieker, (dstown, Cambria connty, widow's, ete --Mary E Clearfield eounty; Origrinal Westover, Clearfield county. ] Additional - Peter Pile, Glade Simer- set county. Aniber Charch Organization. Rev. J. N. Alexis, of Histings, in than we are compelled to pay now. formed the COURIER that on April lat he had perfected another church (rgan- tation io Patton, which will be known | as the Swedish Evangelical Lothern with 3. which is consilered one of the most, Hebron church of Patton, somrmunieant members, and the whol number being 45 and that them were good prospects for many more joining, The congrega- tion is making preparation to build a : (Juite a the congregation soon. chareh the coming summer, number of the members wo fonmerly lived at Hastings snd were members of this church at that plies have the past two years. Rev. Jdexis states that in view of the fact that so many of the Swedish people of Patton were old lantherans from their ehildboodd own church, and that it womb have heen organized and the chiireh orected moch sooner hed i not been the Following are fhe officers i tay choosed at the mesting hid on April Rev, J. N. Alexis, chairman; © T. Blomquist, wocretary: John Londen, i. Famsterg, dea song: Peter Jolson, Gontitied Ander and Albin Danielson, rastoss June term of court. The Doviys “PL” The Cor KIER bas secured the tervives Master Joseph Ferdinand Sbort to dp the foreman to set type and to lok after the daties of the devil" of which title he has the honot of possess. ing while taking the initiatory steps in becoming one of the “art preservatives of all arte” Following i» his firet at. tempt, the subject of which is “the Hell Box: Fox WOWT WonuFL Hardie NX rhiited han ls iv M Kafe TN ner MA nid. wMuthn Jar diy ; a By ged A; FAs wes ae ib Lovnayy nad tel" ual a BL SW VDE Mageh Wouls $1 rieesal tal H&E. ; se EFT Mog tito geod WHIM Teh vd oe Loaiutnw pel Tenia Ta Ta eae) She ek Ian Faietddanmemt 8 00 # wit hrabirr «Tak loMl » rec ¥ Lo we Wh wh pr. efiimsr ih wf 3 £1 rs Bums rain + Ba Mois MED vibe a Fort ax Then cas Tie ww § wd Eat i E sity Ww 4 2 % ai per Ma ws or Tex BRE : SAihen hi Lhe gtal ys BARE 3 isesriaobd = elisha WL Cop omnes © wk fy te ele Film Pre aa i Eo Mit ow oad & it uy FF & Drovwnesd bn fhe Masques hana : Om Wednesday of last weok Joba Rarabangh, of Chest township, rear New Washington, Clearfield county, was drowned in the Sasqushanna river at Mahaffey by beipg thrown from a raft, which struck the railroad bridge pier. He was a school teacher, 19 years oid and was going 1o Lock Havep to attend the Normal He was a son of Russell Barabangh and was unmarried. Twn Analversariss. [ast week both the Coalport Stand- ard and the Philipsburg Ledger, two good hustling and newsy journals entered gpon another year of useful ness. The editors of both these papers have the best wishes of the ParTon COURIER and it is hoped that they will always prosper in the future ‘as in the past. Secure Your Shadows. (iet your picture taken. An agent will call on you in & few days with special offer good for 60 days. J. C. Patrick, Photographer. A EE (the pooier on Toesday . Oratside Guard, John Hetherall A Larges List of Proprtise Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. ANOTHER PHONE HERE A Direct Line Will be Established from Patton to Carroiitows sad Fhemsbharg Patton is to have another telephone The Covrten has Jesrned from a re Hable source that in no longer time than a month the people of Patton will : have an opportunity fo talk to Ebens burg direct, over a new telephone tine. There ix already a line, as is well known, running direct from Ebens- burg to Hastings, passing through Carrolitown, which is owned and oper- | ated by a local company, of which Ex-Sheriff Jos. firay, of Carrolitown, €. A. Buck. cashier of the bank at Ebensburg, and others ure interested. | Very little work is necessary to con- | pect with Patton as the telephone line | belonging to the Patton Cond company, | which rans from the main offices here | to thelr different mines, will be con. nected with the main line near the Asheroft aoliiery, only necessitating in the erection of a new line of about one-half a mile distance. All the pecessary appliances have been ordered and as son as they ar- | rive work will be somrmenced and in jess than thirty days we will have the | pleasure of talking direct to Fbensburg | at, no doubt, 8 more moderate rate | The pay station for this new Hine ! will, in all probability, be located in the harware store of John Yahner, | corner of Fifth and Magee avenues, | central and convenient places in town This i= another good thing for Pat ton, and will be much appreciated by | the citizens. : Wanted the Monkey Palied In 2. W. Hodgkine’ monkey, Jack, which has gained a considerable reputation in this part of Cambria county, came very nesrly being pot in Jack has 3 profound disitke for a certain race of people and one of thin class thought he would amuse the queer little animal atid Bre of his Angers came in contact with his sharp teeth inflicting & severe woupd. This enraged the fellow and After giving Jack a pleve of his mind he departed in search of Jaw. He soon fopnd "Squire Melion, and after stating hig case, wanted a warrant serves on “de monk.” as be termed it, and ent ter the lock-up or give hail for surety of the peace. “De Monk™ has not heen srrested yet, as the "Squire told the wonld-be prosecutor that there was no jaw in this country for monkeys, and referred Bim to Weyler, the Spanish general where he thonght he could get satisfaction. OMerrs Fiootwd and Tastniled. Patton Lodge, No 1088, 1 OOF has elevted the fadowing officers for the ensuing year: Past Grand, 0 H Curfman; Noble Grand, Wm. Cramer, Vice Grand. Dr. 8 W. Warrell, Sec. retary, Join Hunter, Assistant Secre- tary, Samoel Edmiston; Trustees, Gi. 'H. Cuaorfman. lobo Hanter, BF. Wise: Supporters to Noble Grand, Jess Starr and Jack Monteith; Supporters to Viee Grand, Wm. Probet and Abe Mirkin. Scene Supporters, Halph Jeinch and E. Will Greene, Warden, Andrew Leese: Conductor, Samuel Cornelios; Chaplain, Rev. Chan W. Waason : Inside Guanmd, Geo Hunter, Dig trict Deputy W. M. Core, of Johns town, was préssat on Thursday night when be installed the officers A Wig Whine Om Monday the big whistle, which the Patton Clay Mapufacturing cons pany purchased, was placed in posi tion and tested. Engineer Jenkins informed the CouRiER thas the bell of the whistle is [0x18 inches and vould be heard at” a distance of the proper amount of steam be applied It is certainly a screecher and will awaken the “sleepy homds'' bright and eanriy. The whistie wid blown ad 530, 8:30 and T a m IIm and dp m. daring every day except Sundin 3 Ten Dies if Ow Change in Sreeel Nombre. On account of the rearrangement of street numbers in Pittsburgh by city atithorities the office of Mr. Thom. as E Watt, Pussenger Agent West ern District, Pennsylvania Railroad, as well as the city ticket office, corner of Fifth Avenue and Smithtield Street, Pittsburg, will be changed on April 15 from No. 110, present number, to No 380 Fifth Avenoe fii Turn to another page and vou will observe the new md of Mirkin & Kus. ner. following properties for sali st the court house in Fbensharg on Monday, | April 20, 1898, at | o'clock p. mi. | rolitown borough. ; of ground in Pation, | frame house of Patton gave a banquet al the Com. mercial hotel recently, which was well Patton. {GONA, PA County Under the Driesded Wimmer. i Sheriff Coulter han advertised the | iT The Harrison-Dimmick Nap tials Celebrated. The interest of Andrew T. Anderson GH, in a lot of ground in Bider tosmubip. CEREMONY EXECUTED The interest of John Byrne and Ma- ‘ in tilda Byrne in a lot of groond in Car. In the Cy of New York ft Was s Quiet ; Wadding The interest of John Pearson in two: Ex-Freaident Benjamin Harrison was iote of ground in Elder township. married soon after § o'clock Monday The interest of G. W. Swank in a lot afternoon to Mary Scott Lord Dim. having thrson a mick at St. Thomas’ chupch, Fifth ave two-story frame dwelling Bote, nue and FP ifty third street, New York The interest of J. J. McDoneell, John city. The ceremony was performed by FE Wilkon, assignee, and Altered P_ the Rev. J. Wesley Brown, rector of Miller, M. D., terre tenant, is a lot or St. Thomas’, and was very simple. piece of ground in the borongh of Only afew guests wore present al the Portage. feremony. : The interest of Samuel Snieltger in General Harrison's honeymoon will one acre of ground in Washington | be spent in his home at Indianapolis, township, having fherson a plank where his old home han been renovated hotter weather boarded. and refitted. Later the coaple will go The interest of William Glisw in 100 | to the Adirondack mountains, where a acres of land in Munster towessip. | cottage has been secured for the sum- The interest of J. F. Trexior and mer. | Celestine Trexler, executors of Joseph Mrs Dimmick is a decided branett J. Trexier deceased, in 100 acres of and 37 years old, jit 25 years the jand in Clearfield township, having junior of the eX-preside: + has a theron & two-story dwelling hopse and charming personality and is gifted in log barn. many arta. She was born in Pennsyl- The interest of Ignations Meintel in vania and was married in 1881 to ‘a lof of ground in Gallitein borough Walter E. Dimmick, a young lawyer, with a two-story frame dwelling house. | Who died of typhoid fever three months The interest of William Méliwevey in sfter the wedding ceremony. Mm a piece of Jand in Tunnelibill Borongh, | Dimmick is a niece of Mm. Harrison, having thereon erected a two-story | the eX-president’s late wife, and figured prominently in White House affuire The interest of Jobs Alston in a lot | during the inst year of Mr. Harrison's of ground in North Barneshoro, hay. Mdministration. ing thereon a two-story plunk frame Paster Serviees dwelling house, . The anniversary of the resurection The interest of M. (. Weakland in a of Christ was fittingly observed in the jot of ground in Barmesboro, having Methodist Eplseopai church of this. thervon a three-story building known place. The interior of the church was as the Globe hotel. ‘decorated with beautifal flowers. At P.O. R of A. Manger: 83) a sunrise prayer meeting was The Patriotic Onder Sons of America Deld. This was a helpful and inspiring ‘service, and was greatly enjoyed by the large number of persons present. attended and proved a very pleasant! At 10:30 an Emer Missionary peo. ancial affair. Afr dinner Rov. OJ Fram was rendered by the Sunday Berlin, pastor of the Baptist church, jschool. This servios was in charge of and a member of the order, pave AD W. H Sandford, the efficient superin- address of about forty minntes length, | iendent of the Sunday school, and con He spoke of the work of order in gen. | sisted of appropriate music, recitations eral. talloed at some Dgth aout the | 23 an address by the pastor. A splen- did Easter offering for missions was social condition of fhe connitry as the present time, amd miso advocated the | received. In the evening at 7:45 the taxation of all olinreh property in the pastor, Rev. Chas W. "Wamon, deliv- sation. The address was initempersed ered an inspiring Easter sermon to a with anecdotes, and called forth fre large and appreciative congregation quent sounds of applause. Dr Wor. roll responded with a few ronuicks be. fitting the aeoasion. prononiioed A sevens, RB Sadreem The festival and save sale,’ heid on All in all it was Raparday evening by the Baptist Young People’s Union, of Patton, proved a | snecess, notwithstanding the inclem.- of the weather. The slives were at fisir prices, but the young did mot hid very en It is hardly thought lack of funds so much Lewnding Coal Land, During the past three wenks ssveral “00¥ parties Dave been taking optints sn oR all seidd lands in Gallitgin, Allegheny and Car- men of Patton roll townships, and they hap leased at | thusiastically $10.00 per acre, avery acre of coal they that it was for could secure from the Amibey plant as the fact that they had “saves * and westward as fir as Bradley Janetivn, Aid not? care to burdened with Options have been sienred on consid. another. About £90 it was realivesd, erable over 8000 acres in all, and the Which the young people will ose to. : Cward furnishing thelr new chunch about to be srected hex hoon has reached fiver heal among the people of the section. The coal han excellent ooking qualities and many persons are predictisg coke in dustries that Will rica; How of The he Patton Fire company was 4 stooess Mma : ti eliawisie Mins ; Te ne ery particular, thre Desing about Peri A a pa ier 70 couples present. The members - Sei , Y af the compapy never does things hy of capitalist wha will develop the halves and they did everything in roa), their power to makes their Fests an. joy themselves, which was appreciated The pew {ownship road lading from by all. In the contest tor a prise Miss Lawrenes to Patton will soon be nan raised over $50.00 and The of Chest Mins Carrie Crowell over $7.00 by sub- township have completed ilweir work geription. The company will no doabt and on Friday the supirvisors of lear a neat sam all todd, Fider township will proces tol finikh their part. When this is dine the bor angh HF Patton will have § portion 0 The buisness of the world is done [t in sxpected that in jess than Principally on paper and you will find x month rod will be teakdy for more Wall Paper and window blinds Mor: are at work Anning the sud lower prices at M. Letts, the herosts Chest Creek eiow town, leading Painter aml Paper Hanger of This mud will shorten the diane be. Nothern Cambria. County, wsepond Gt. Lawrencs by store roam from Corner drug store, Magee avenge than anywhere in town. A Giowat Tarnonl, The dance held on Momday night by Will soon be Clmpletn Nt Gertie Noo completed. SUPER I peak Nolioe. bail fu} travel bridge tween Puttin and nearly three miles) Land! ved Erde Fixing Up. hair Napier and Foativid sh Cordell, the pleasant proprietor A grand oyster supper sud festival of the Cental hotel, i bognd to be will be given in the Firemen's hall on first in fixing ap for spriglg He bas Thursday night, April 50th, for the jast had an aristic job of punting done benefit of the Patton Fire company si the eeilitg and wills Tn his bar and Everybody, young and old, rich and sve which greatly adds to the ap- poor, is invited fo attend Don't for pearance of his hosteiry IH C. get the date Warren did the work, il : A tian Bail. On Prida's night, April "th, a grand ball will be given by the mambers of the Patton Base Ball Club. This prom- ives to be one of the grandest «fairs of the kind wych has ever been held in E vervone is invited to attend. Turn cat wud heip the “hoyw” make it A SECON, ¢ John Tat For Sale. A lot on Russell avenue, Patton, Pa, size 25x40 fiet. Terms reasonable. Will be sold cheap. Address or inquire * John Resch, Central Hotel, Patton, Pa. Story Roow sod Dweiling § « Sie. Sore oon and dwelling boas, corer of Fifth and Kerr avenues iat aod dry cellar and a No. 1 building. Note the change in Geo, 8B. Good's Will be sold reasonable. advertisement this week. 19t4 WD. Lincous, Patton, Pa