{right spot. ORDINANCE NO. 25. An Ordinance to Preven t the En. | oroachment of Buildings, Walle and | Bnolasures on the Streets, Alleys and Public Grounds, Fstablishing Railding Lines on the Different Streets and Al ieys in the Borough of Patton, impos. ing Penalty for the Violation of the Kame, ele, Speriox 1 dained by the Burgess and the Town Council of the Borough of Patton and | itis hereby enacted by the anthority of the same: That after the pUssARe of this Ordinance, when any person or persons intend to erect or place any building on any lot of ground in the Borough of Patton, adjoining any Street or Alley, he, she, or they, shall, before commencing the same, aeoer tain the correct line of said lt and shall not erect said building closer than _alx feet from the Jot fine on any of the Streets or Avenues in the Borough, or that may subsequently be luid out as Streets in said Borough of Patton, with! the exception of Fifth Avenue on which Street suid building line shall be eight feet from the lot line, and if any per- gon or persons shall fal to comply with the conditions of this Ordinance, be, she or they shall forfeit and pay to the Treasurer for the use of the Bor ough Fifty Dollars for each encroach. ment as aforesgid, and it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner, ander direction of the Town Council, rom: plaint having been made to them, to remove sny building or buildings or structures as aforesaid, that shall in any manner interfere or encroach on any. Street or Avenue in violation of this Ordinance, at the cost and charges of the person or persons who canped the erection of the encroachment, to he recovered by law, as such debia are recoverable. Laxoous 8. BELL, President of Council. W. J DoNxELLY, Burgess. | Attest: HARVEY PATTERSON, (Jerk. ORDINANCE NO. %. An Ordinance Fixing Grade on Fifth Avenue Between Beech and Mager Avenues, Establishing Grade for Side. walk on West Bide of the Bame: Sporiox 1. Be it enacted and pr dained by ihe Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Patton and it is hereby enaotad by the suthority of the same: That from and after the of this Ordinance the Street Grade on Fifth Avenue in the Borough of Patton, between Beech and Magee Aventes, shall be and remain of the _wame elevation as the present center tine of said Street. Spe, 2. That the Sidewalk went wide of Filth Avenue, shall, com. menging at viorth side of Magoe Ave. ane. be of an elevation of 1.7444 feat, ae north BO fost to ane evation of 1,754.8 feet, thence continuing bporth 50 feet to an elevation of 1,780 feet, thence north 50 ftooet to an elevation of 1,784 feet, thence sorth 50 feet to an! elevation of 1,767 feet; thence comtin- ping north 50 feet to an elevation of 1,709.2 feet, thence continuing north (0 Les £3 THe mouth side of Beech Avenue, to an ele. vation of 1,771.4 feet, thereby estab lishing a uniform grade and adopting the same grade as established by the Chest Creek Land and Improvement company and making the draft pre pared by them a part of this Ordi- : nance. 8m. 3. The Street Commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to go on the property adjoining and abutting on said Street and take up the Sidewalk as already laid and to : grade down to the elevations, or fill up, -» the case may be until a uniform a is made in conformity to Section ~. € of this Ordinance, Solicitor is hereby directed to petition the Court of Common Pleas of Cam ‘bria County for the appointment of viewers to nswess the damages and levy contributions sustained by reason of ‘gaid grade on the property owners along the line of said improvement. L. 8. BELL, President of Council. WW. J. DoNNELLY, Burgess. ] Attest: 3 BF. We, Clerk. February 28, 1808, All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills, of Jebapon, Conn, was badly afflicted. ‘with rieumatisin. AL times it was s) severe that he could not stand up straight, but was drawn over on ogg aide. *'I tried different remedies with: out receiving relief,” he says, “unt i about six months ago I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Baim. Afr using it for three days my rhe umiatisin | was gone and haa not returned sine ge, ! For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, : s((live me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world,” said a genius. The | druggist handed him a bottle of De. Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous tittle pills. C. W. Hodgkins. : Dana’s Sarsaparilla is not only the hest of all remedies for the Nerves, | Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Blood; : : but it no benefit, you can get your] plies to Dana's Pills, Cough Syrup and Plasters. For saleby C. W. Hodgkins, | Agent. 1413. ; Dollars 4 month, anil Be it enacted and or | price more rapidiy than amy CSrowcks, ana Prudential Gold Mining WHYS cur And the Borough | r back. ‘The same guarantee ap- | One Minate Cough Cure tone ches the | i TE glee fonchis if the | Iright time if you take it Ww hen yor ‘have a cough or said Ress the point? . Then don’t oar AW Hole k ons, Rich rss evans of Gigi at 4 Rise wha daily, and the the largest at Two Has Cripple Creel M At Cripple Oreo, Colo where, are being made production for 1596 wil ever known, estimaied dred Million Dollars alone is producing over Omi steadily Fae frien ing. Mining Stews mre advan other many pey Hivhiends oF They offer (he Se lnrge to 30 per cent. portanity to make 3 smal] investrgent 3. t Morgan Lr £5 Now York, prof on piri $5 Hooad was Lrerit for the fina Bre rich Sai jay, Shoe, ripe Lopes They fart they ixtion of hers Farr nis district. treseling in wits free, o- Mining will Tagen af ENE companies i book on rend oodton fportant foainres Send Boks of rep Pyowesil wen 2 §1% JRE, ¥ aban ing nosy and for el Luli if id in Et FIT es Ie Visy PHY ri any form of sper T Hey are inte rene tin fs HAY Prove po 3 Rola AF res profitable 73 VOR 1 a " have aeed Une and I W. Pierce, Bepabiie, In, Minule oF TY earl Care in wiv family waieh sy entire Bandy Hoa wer tei ite ment. i mead it ext hers | that presents sel, ®il ever hah th reeann gsLary Om HOARE Hy wig Riis Nast oy re teihon Wik 24% On Will people novel learn thst a ool” Cis an pecident to be desaded, and that wien i tpeatinent shoulki be provaptiy applied? There is 00 Know. ing where the tronble will end; and pesovery iw the role, Les terribly Treqent, ane RTs while compicte the exoeplions housands npon thonssnds of faral ii nesR OOOO every year gelyered in by a dittle injudisious exposur: and seem. ingly trifling symploms. Beyond this, there sre to-day counties in vadics who san trace their complaints ko “volds™ which at the time of ooturrence gave no concern, and were therefore neg jected, Cincinnati Gases When troubled with 5 cold use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It is prompt effectual. 2H Mi cent bottles for sale by Pation Pharmacy, WW. Hedg- king. and Quick in effect, heals and eaves no ser. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to byrne, scaids, it is magioal in effect. Al {0 WW. Hodgkins old mores, ta piles Fireman's Davie On Faster Monday nighl. April 6th, 1ua6 the Patton Fire company wil hold & rand ball in their lad on fang avenne 16 ale tend. Don’! grand allair. By iNyiled 1% it order of IMM TTTER Tih hE fron't fry rien! img Lppoint tent by #x- ne Mine ¢ure und you Bave im meali- Th Br OEE go Ppersd upean utes Lig FE pares craih that Ww diate rein harness mediante resaits pot pre Wiis iG. Hoclpekins The Leading Undertaker, Patton, Pa. Embalming CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN BE CORDELL, Prope. Accommodations the beat. First-class Bar in connection RATES $1.25 PER DAY, AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Pa Avwosapresla ling of 3 aout Wines ad the Fiat ao HEE Atha Bed (GFEORGE FERGUSON, Progr len rill in, Faw W. H.SECHLER, Atte ney - at EBEN NSBURG, Cambria County, ta. WM DAVIS, - Attorney ami Counselor at Law, EsEvsBURG, Pa. Al lea! Business promptly afbealed to Often 1a Aomory Hat) R. L. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT GALLITZIN, PA. Rolicitor for (German National B. & | 1. association. LAW. The valy A Sperdalty. . Law, | Kimon 8 Hartman, of Tannelton, W. Va. has been subject fo tines of cole about once a year, and wonid have to val a doe or and thon saffer yr FART sate do when they. of fit thodr Oe in Bheny Tie Sngty lowe ns plod ambiria for aby Euan wit bw AH fii Fie was Tags } awd ik RT i He wos taken paeg Pa, oi the f0ll0 vi fe hear ther times . . Appa fev 41 pen oy road recently inst the apni as at o and soyacioded to patalie hay hen osesEBeg, TEs BY Af xd THEM SINCE THE 1a¥r TRIENNIAL AS. tes BEYUR 5% oy Fa : Font num Pa it gave me relief im five minales SPREMIENT OF WHERE CHANGES IN Vai. be wee Rain any | wen FES a ins apa a The OEHIOYPEY L000 BAR £511 ENE APIGN HAYS 4 HATE Ci LOE TRT SEE CIF PAE RLS aN Fem harcaoy, | FOR SALE, Lhd anst tu a Latig ayvenmy Fi Hr bere padiries J. P Rogers, inter. and PT Yim oh * Fashion Toor Matys DHITIE AOR ru main arree A for TH { heat anh Some Ashville, Car AE BANDS tOWTRli pa, atard host Springs and | ehaiifaowe, is £4 horonghs, TORACOO and (Fx 1} 1 We F men Mires Bo APA wisday, Apt J Fin Cresuon, Gallitzin, Reade and White and Barnestors, Oaldiitan, Hastings, Patton, Spangler and Ton tieihiill boroughs : townehires, Verne ; : deep t. Hestanrant on ¥ MEALS On Friday, April 3, 1890 Far Adnms, Bhwkiick, Cambria Cro Jackson and Muarster townshi ve, and | Wil ba Loh Reuel Somerville, Al Jibwenstainiy, Lilly and raves Fase fOrnen-al : wp 3s Tawa April 1A East Tavior wd Washington Frankiin, rt si, Par Pa. Fhe Cio Building TIN, ; Far £ Mn mmerh aie nsec, Grae, {pee i Hoe In Lawn ani Fat Cone Tiethe ob ue samimerhill and Same of Apes Uompanie are mans. Po Fork Or Wabmpnddany Apri 3 Visler Richland, i peer Yoder Repth Basrastighs, reese nt in 2 # bigs H, R06 fave PATTON INSURANCE AGENGY Protect Your PRO P ERTY. YC Whee in Geond Build aver 1st National PARNELL ¢& Ct WHER ‘. Agents. Fi stony. 2 townships, ARG ale, Tal whary Lipo rm arreiivilie we Westmont FORTY ow Das Rae Fuse. petighee, fn Thorsda, April B 180 For Joknstown City. JG LIOYD, PE DILIAN, GFO MM. WERTZ Altest Jno, OO yee Gi County i! OMS ONe rs Fol AY % Ban » (iarven, Clerk Oonmissd srors tee Ehemsbnirg, Pa. March 10, 1598, ard West Tay. Cinderella Stoves and Ranges BEST there ire A. M. THOMAS, Gen on 3 Sm ar’ £1 4 promptly upon the kidney iver, stomach an snse the system tffectua wpel colds, head vers : cure habitual constipation, making cnema ¢ septa de /th ) truly bee le Tapuie the evening ical, or, bette; it still, ok nome nt wh ch the is noted of approaching headac he , any remove gently | LOSING | ¥ 8 and fe oni | | So" tie Sad PAE Siam ON Aa ee oi Co ———— taken Ore retiring ah degression 5 init ail ehh ie wh i With Fda 3 eer We Wea # you suffer from Meadache. Dyspepsia » r or Indigestinn, ol oC —-— if you are Biliows, Coastipated, or have a Disordered Liver, . : w. vour Complexion a Saflow, safier Dhotress after Basing, SF YORE: Far Offensive Brauth and ail Disorders » of the Stumach, ¥ 5 4 Ripans Tabules Regulate FEEEEXXTXREXT ZY ONE GIVES Spo? that the _Pastnenchip horetdifore exist Li miss kin a Senile Grapes wim h Rorchaond J Cxires Comptia Old Annt Rachael an old and soc- cessful nurse, 90 years old, 70 years experience as a nurse and much sought after by hundreds of families, has for years made a Cordial most effective fir whe arid the nee of Grapes with Elecampane Root and the Her Horehound, Public speakers and cifgors nue it. TL Is performing won dere, Hold by druggists FirstNation'l Bank i OF PATTON. J Patton, Cambria Co, Pa Noties of Priesintion Notice is hereby given to the public Foand 180, Bale in LE Fgh home Sarh . By pyalals consent, bie Beitraes Cas ocudds by i 0 TEER Oe HA p00 06, : Fao, ¥ faa CAPITA wre erin Five Sor pi thr FEesy | wading 1 wahas in Priowipm > 3x os 58 x in dn. vu oad fava? and TARAS : i i alifornia Wines and fu) epi) £3 pw le, We Lo a ~ Chinton &ony Nain Sts a Tp PATTON, Wit H. SANDYORD, President Cashier. Joh nstown 1 Pa. Pe BEY) gv siread Time van Ra 7%. 3.1 [ahle May 20, 1585, . 4 i ¥ an WE 3t East ward swe ik dave Sut wink dues ! Pri JITIEtors § aR 1 Ree Bottles Fp hw OLD CABINET, COXEY'S COMMON: "= a nl thing to patent? BU 0 WANTED-AN IDEA Joni: et I TRE A AP IR OLD FAVORITE , AND See wun BN dave sou rt downed hei WEAL Pure Rye EY Mail & Tras ar Pal E3988 ial afte at Saba ial Tes Lara Flaat ings: dg ay lr i TAR Ph ent vhor Ted ariving A fie Foden Tratn Dae Mutat gE eR ; rf or ipa 2 i Bony arr } oma RI 4 Who ran think Bsvios : ok n pow ; $3 ewes wt Rin Write JOF Ne wr Now & C0, tent Attorne rs, Washington, C. for their £1,800 prise offi. LANTZY, ward FRE i oe BECES af Fad 1, arriving {rerun UANIN fear wmves Cresson ab 53% ory ele Patton #2 3 J Ed Hastings four ‘Ea ded Maha fhey T50 Wint T. wrpiving wt Mahal Fes i JR Woes, oer, Vass Agt Beech CUreek Ratiroad. NY OC&A&H RR Co Leswe Condensed Time Table, 33 Rend = i igiEAIY we £1 IM wy IT SAVED CATARRH Fil hee Pg Maire : HF TE Purae ix asi at vutits rubies, at 4 Shear etary goed 54 bith vied Pruitese Cian of thm Ae Lim cial af po Presumed CE EREATED Kiimeny Pr RS PY FR SNF IE Si EN 3 Wy Ty Te 3% BR & P Tune Ladle. Phe mbit Lobe twine ite Hidgeny, Froid flue Sorbo als EOC thas Bites, Howediswtier wi agave Fails oad polite tn the apps Hegion fang ant Gf Es § 38 8 Tarina seal My INL, peasen Tay TRINA fedisre Falls irewk day sno Sd iowa Let sist Jones ng, Fawr M1 forties ahd wilh sree, PhesiBade, Lisdshsmstn bogie : X Woarpen Bu i 3 gig RIP ANS EL q : $5 Pn seaier Peat fire $i vd paensy Non he \ ar 34 Sia Sada vy AREY peal Avie \J : wie PEE PHY § ¥1 F945 wei RR , FE oF thst v Ban Xena whe Ri ensiriiiae The modern stand- a PRD arett. iat LIEF. i. a * ard Family Medi- Cures the very-day ni Punteiasoey; HoT Rapes Soe Sat ¥ cine : ian % INFO CO nmon cai Ta WIENS GIVES RI ~ + * LC OREEX ARD CLEARFELD ONE Chaps Zid ERI Vane map Fray PA sig rey TRADE MARKS, DEKICN PATENTS, CORVRIGHT ato. MUN ) WAY deat ¢ rest For an PRLETILS 0 Ase ea Brery patent taken out oe ns ie broaght batons the patio IY wliotice giver, res of aiarge in nibe Cri per mik TEE ETY Phas Agr. Hiowhwster, N.Y ti parrehase Heke A eX Tees hag hy awd eto teins, fing wil stations us ixiiaineed. sre arid Fark LEE CRIS writ Tow 1 hie tiy pid os STUER bcm adh on