The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 26, 1896, Image 7

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    rg SR HA HR 15 EN
THE POOR RLOTH, ; A French Art Departure. separ hy a Guiek Process + 1 if b rionslin : >
_—— i. The first za 1a of tineere 4 Ai ae i Clon anal ol Xander By og VETS [Sharad 1 HH MAD TO LEAVE.
Fe Has Poor Chances tn the Great Battle gia bw og wore of Aliesing proves th 0 11s 1 cha gs | mara by Its een Hit Eye, » Rabbit Phe Weather Cirrk Was Not Appreciated
of Life and Deserves Sympathy, “Rate of frien 3. Fiend igirey of Fo nt LL ey GEE asin Goi A ray i aavar Bn pee Awnited 1 lis Death, In Bitteiite.
1 Dives Ie R h re sluth withomt feal: k ; 1s oy {irom Frivhiny gh YB i fre Yds § ty Chrys e) pa 2 b 5 spr 5 3 3 re 32 £ i inereay fumarty ; 5 ay 5 4 og. Per x 4 Ln FER hy ’ +3 5 3 a & a Ped ste the
ing sorry for it, for raly they ai 1 de x { vi { : ; Sa Mai ak rh 3 flies and gv bo divested ro THe
gore o sympathy and plenty of it. Had
tha Jan's sliny
. i DORI 10 IDS dean Be > ge BEER : 6 ofl SNR IEG Yipee, aL 0 tH : : Eis : a see. 19 thiswar, We
ani oe ohureara ge oad ory wimeat | fated dechelin Bnoer, 4 sweeten || The polonie] neg Bis bande bakded Lim For sume time 10 HELM HER hee Jone had 1 or cold 18 wa eonld phi
i : Pi . iv A Sih us Tanah phot dant td iol bt Sevies ves # wih pa EER of mals ; IR fasorard Ah > W Manele, 80 Wisk yon condi’ rund a Hines duster.
ivy rie! psp iaat hunt, Cibo adviios a ahd . pein SR ; fw Slow fs de sped £4 Gah thie hele in 4; fii Ws : jt wan thin bom Fl ER Tiel of Lh wh Ht W hans Tus ‘4 hang ont his worm dag
Lanny rin ava I Rave po RINE nat ith the Gre pady of the sitoation, | the If Gnd Fase thon bee dyad || GP peeve li satel aha Ww ban Rp 1X inated pabbit, 2 ntiy the weather’ come @8 iid me moting,
Hifaal of FPSHES, pur mnyMy Bore The Tashi HOCHICHY 3% We AEALIN Oa i vow thet hoes previa y se wn | stan ght 2 em ad are WELL ey 133 fant En yserietdn iy the oakd had an sehen he said ran ME owen id SOnIe Be
ment wonn Le Arn 10 gb Ive 10 A sha edenerta dB veo Pha ariid Bonving | oak Tn OCR VIR wy Honor, which bowen I hava winds ie oq rain 0f gn ariged its way poarter aryl peanie dey vou eonld be ar tha ground crack,
burtew, xu aven if ere uy mya df any the lowering sky, With Ha. oh Fi be goo Bt a Vi turn of Thin] ped di shake hands with pigoees # ARR tx pups listened with an Fie th be loked on as och a Jee
none, por the tins Will hich 0) $80 neue wife, arn attunoud 10 te pong L Rn degre * flesm down thyongh the Ih rari ol tise 30 Ante i tu fie NER vam! dit os rhe wae took him for no tort an
¥ ; } an it worried
an west tor
phe mula
meaty bad
wt ge thie tem farm.
a On gies
s¥in weather
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then they
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Marted Dow More.
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Fog Rind to nies
leading ly with
a¥ vapor tank
the sain voll
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bax pve rape bay
Poeiion of Washington's Life, : ; : ALERTS } ; ; wlkinie a a,
Writing of w Hington's #5 great 5 aad = 3 tion cdeh of Some N40 # Sines al Fatal 10e 114 : wp fe . nL # . AEE : A fistla bak § : i thin conn off
2 Lary. 1s Fie Ladies’ Home : = ni EE i 5 5 w Wass ate Jute WE : ii % tins Rg . % = . : : . & slat wont Sat 2 fe ed 1 2 racan ConTorssl fii eldere bead a
Cian vn § $2. Mogi igri oe Es gr : Sha x 5 + x § ¥ vi boos sds tr ian Sil a & Now : did SIRE ET {ii 55,4 ok gril as Ea i i 3 : 4 13 Lich i : of :3 3 3 re 4
duuial, Ms. Buren Harrinch STAC vd be of risen Bi arrfactiy, bu a : # at al 5 * i 44 * | good deal of tik about 150 FR room of
¥ od wor 3% & by % io 5 i" . 4 § HD 3 JN Lat & 5 5 4 To > $4 A ta et 340 A Lu Ww ho
A EREIY BG TMG ah by the sh afts Eons (a exp Alay somnd wi Lewin . : ; ¥ : int i id mh a oh LIES ia ry boii lsation, approche corn ial WE,
of the little god of lwo bad lawn cradually nusil st bec Lib amen svi frovasiaty, be made the custors- : he Falldings : ha Gi ys ; : eo. wee arr fry ted ‘alk.
i : 3 ke! iE J : 5 2 - 7? 5 % v a ve ve X Hope . ; : ! a
the beset of Washington, the boy, al geptibie, oles HE fndirdaacn agen, and ie : Sig tr oa. x Po ovenus Bons aes 180 Rhode 8 0 SGrandna’ eal ba oii] hon -
3 i has 4 16 Jon how, after : bis £240 wg the sone ein CERT, Shed smn La i Egat Lt oo Sy Seine mr : : Ri EME Row the Last Juror Was Won. tha differancad LE
i : f ys . SPR Es 33 FENERN Eh RL LRG wd SEE 3 % " i : ih ; 4 i SETAE 3 iy 5 Darrian
i a sehen bay (hiliressed wt s 1 3 > : a ke Fo 3 iy svi tuny SF Reagan bd ss ap Hk : 3 x '
and his répeated Biddresnes 10 A Het: yove teen mde on this line with the oh : 5 : | FUSE tha matinia, of Wiveh f ark uf pha N loa {oo Jgrtarie yh answered tw
sey Paunteiong, and bis later sensibility Lo Lonel woe Rl vreaanit | hie RoE UAL he ¢ of denay tno already A : “hice ha i aid mat. ie RUHR 3 ney with a
to the charms of “the at Mrs agtremnk ur veseds froth a Halon! a arent: po a : SUE | eid ies spy Pasvme b Sai Ea BY A an ; batch: ok fs Eaten awry, and obvke
Yoighe 1 gl oy ER eb mre bewidl Kish ly pele } 9 3 ina 0) Set , AY ib Beaild be BIE i
iat SLE i & x i 3 § hi: & 4 LE ALE Oh = ig wi Ry EAL ; & bg A Ek is { 3 : 5 i > 3 aly % - H
aly, ay TW BI rid £5. Am | direetions a: x atin) : ih Cs oat! : $1 0h Tare eons suinetitnes adapt thems i is aiiling him with» tantahelk
the pus : : : qhE D
mig te rie coud Yave ge mina ot | jaggy | Avant psi endined aie ot x isu bine ther A fo th : re wall
A Mata Aas ers STAN Rr? RAR WY i Fp wy 4 § 5 i iin 3 oo 3 § A
Ba 00 EA ae A sa dg A 7 4 $ pf Xo aan Reding § pase hy + Tapas $4 4 ! Sash Sk ¥ Buy wae ty Bev wis ; ¢ z i A FTES 3. NRE i > ye
Gil for so many JoaTe. Bat fot 24 bron sor ue Bemen SRDUITRE BUR finer huizidar i ait nen Pritt 7 iss ited is gis Jo i Shit ¥ ovens tre the x + enough, witnont dont, Th S08 Jdifrrenie
% 4 Ws SH hv bE HY £0 3 5 2 TRAGER ERT Bal x A 2 Ln ix Sdian § s « : = a ®
i Ele GER ga wh J : tai siviilznd warfare and thal of
g felt fir the others Was Bx Waler CaN Eo feet Tromp Bh ire | pot been ki Lado aoel, 1 should bas ca’ hte dries Biipee 1 His wan a os maid 4 43 iki abl idan wars again. wes 5 ivine Nk ary aiid thal »
bmide the hopeless attach Bu oh Kleptrieny A ol Lo Rha waned The gone bat thie completes
fat "bis beantifind nig hie i Maly pruspd Sani Lyra ar agi patra y ! re 2 Tn LEE Laat SEE $ i “Bl 5 Naan 5 Bx y wt ma 4 tae a aivi 4 pi : $i 4 Bink axel the shai Lo
Faas hs i Soy ye sad : ; A Larn Por wantial dn bo anaRn Ei Wo aiiinia a aadiread he teen Be DN : : 3 5 3 EELS ai fo
thas dar Ing hin pr Fowl thre x = } wo imei ie weeded : : ¥ i } wl the 1 of war firovar = Souths :
S53 Bulle 3% :
« thanks 1
eenienes of hie own jetrers the
ihe Fosdunres Mare,
YW ont 1
Few npn when Won Hix Bet,
above nil been
Ls Ih IN NWD doit aks
winsal an ¢ hie 3 marl
ATHY eRelY Juels SE + TORE Mk raat foe svivn nd
family daring tae . a gt ea ba ask prior
Se ¢. They Ten fs ; FfoL
anv stedent { £ the wiring: of Yeasian pop HERE Shitly plaekpicize ger
tin and will CHRYTY 20h En ese oli shed 18 G0 lie 12 1 CTE BG
Line, ”
; 3 | E13 By 8
on the adnis ig f xcoapen tothe Came Ae te dviginal Hite daughter. th bak woniy, a happy themes stm Bis Ho Character ii like steel in trade: the
bridge degroas, eit wiles po the oa obi bE op pas wr fey Bini vad ACEH a, ¢ eivisitaned ia iat Hie pa AH pg vt wher | pore of i IAN TH eee this great
foot that no fewer than a, rd i REAL ee wire ¥ 2h Roms 8 Ba even Lo Bo pind bere 12 WEY {his faculties for making sddithigis to WL
Time to Chan sestigits pf EY ss] : 6s baile diario dl tiie fact that tin 0s ail lenis of aun ;
) gr Bos 3 Tie ; ey hi 3 oc bogie om as EME RAVINE UD dey! Uharaeter,
: : Mr. Gradebars Gn 3 Ei FER Se hn Vix ixalR SAE i 5 on EN Cia £5 pag § a gh, $v
2iieges Walp founded by wane re | E wath aA ; aay ete Hips a Tesi eri J Character
meine, by Earabets h ; TH Tentt won koow won ard 3 vere “Redan t pew, 13 : of 5 i kaa ip De rasazuut hie liane : anid bikes Yolen erste luiiuencas Hf
connie of Clare; Ponbroke, by J Barrera?” mind ie welsh ing in cose iraome. snail A cide lier, eat Hash: alt way. Yomi farmer and sail] patronage and SH{EOrt, aid DPSNY 3 SEN
de B1 Fanl, connioes of L# OE . axl Mos nasi Ep b i Sry LiF d EE } : EL rs apne : ! Att ort 8y BEY IY Fath tail CARY WHY 10 Woes bovgor and Bape
Queen's, by LJueey Ms gare ef ol «tha peatoringe off the devil ha impitinee of biginoiug in de SEE CS alia
ii iak 8 aid De Toehine, by Lady ee ¥ ar ni ai i nme, obs th ooh ys Ki : ; Li Ao : * 8 wag : Gi
cota as of " Wrks PEE We Bie ghee ee FE ; Ey Shes Ay BA i eg A ¥
ged a olivinity profe
wey Sossex, by Lady Franoes Sidney,
countess of Busses
Fear is implanted in us ns a presary Ia the nie ¥ 4 a he eh
tive fromm evil, but Hi duty, ik that af geile wn Sek sed TEN BS 3s A455 de : Pi : : ; 4 wg : io aby sb ie wie nto iehanen » bee hy) = 12 AVAL aid i 2 eadod i BERT 1 od Again the Fitness of Thmgs
other p BESIONS, i8 pot ta Ove risa DEason aispa ti Yenving ke aaliia & Ieee td , ” : : ; : : * 3 ITY renee sviday the hniugen ree SA ENE dh : ae ih LEE 3 eee) eg a flve . . .
bud to amist it. Joliet, ; La Was en hh A HE % Ar Bap 0 oy Lalat FE $e ova ligws | WEL eo
In Japan paper coats, ole sw) and thos Xaotiy, La |
wade wiaterpronf, have been in wun That is preciely wat you do want, Ly Crit fw be y Bren EL fang 1h Logl soldiers are | 0
t least NUTS. ; # one id FN Ly heir avery diy. : ¥ 1 A
at least ton centuries i BE y &y Ly & mau gamed Hogg Balttma
iHness cok Haws =
Sunday Gibservatsos [on Beato
arid vy yay 1 i Fed gis i: 3 beh LUGE : Ni 11 Ly >a ¢ +54 y 21
PER RE REESE REFS zr § fu i Xs : & TH ase ¥ » PY an iy
The tory Woy onil Seas (Hm Bye Re CRundays Wark of © oeoessiry ar shri
i i : may still in pardon 4 f fneter WHER
Class dies daeaciing otime! -- Histon