The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 26, 1896, Image 5
Pb vi 8 Ea ation @ourier. | reo PUBLISHING co, Proprietors. THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 15896. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Rubecribers who do not gotioe 10 the coatrary an sonkidenst as wish Pp to renew their ahibseript Soars Ff subscribers orders 1he Asean tinaande Sof thidy pertstivats, the prubisher . YERY COA tune to send thei ORT KG ATTEATRECS Biv er Re sk 1s SIE Ir wnhscrihers nig thelr po sient ica is froin yey are & Lhaey Baws setided Cdsseontinaed, ces Sather The wat Infsrming the fre met Ho th Bon Pespaishie. hes {ln tare gurhintii and having sv idenee of Lnitention 8 I subweribors py Serrsed to abv nitics att they Co test Wish Ter ial toy ire refs 3 weed rim Ye Free £ #1 thy BY these if in niivance i aed of ihe and the sud SX Press Oo NES apes, 8 sent to the pabiish or CHURCH NOTICES. CarfoLics Father Marcos iing BAHT svar odd Were fl % and Wi hy Any webpool A 2 Boon aad Sheps x Fp METHODIST BEFIsCOPAL CW Rea malar, SOrVi AL 44 Ns op Reanday sehoot at J pee meth Laggan ar frp. Prover pra vue Westies. i # 3 " AS Mavs Gi ¥ Mery yi EEE ppenitr nl TL LODGE NOTICES PN HRY ER OENT CREE OF LE F for peels Pat file Laxtge Ne, Pon pnaeeda erery Fr rela v a {jam n $n vo HL OF Woe Ne PEATE ic ERR irsgeton mp Nix Seng Bw Tin MTN EE A ERIE ll a Eivnitta Pall Ww br Molteger, Pres. $v mu fh TWH ¥ Sresay Aeris Monday HO Winslow, Pgs Sovak Carita Wiy PEE paren BND rien of weeks mad . PTE Eos Ma bean From, Tome Fortiedey, Nowy, Lirnnd Arnimy of ih Raph = Kaylor Post, Xo. G55, meta aver fans ri ly Satnnbay Afterpony ud Rp Comets Fold AF JacHeGn Ww. H HH fell, Adjgtani Taprov els ORoER oF Heer Conthyer, Nox, JR apeeis saa Gre Fridave of eanh roo th Saonis Hall gmt LS Wi irene, Revi'y ANCIENT 1 ROEE OF in wk cans dy AMER TOA TH vision No a od 2 ation. fannie Dog nty, meets every fiat Marek sf eraon iif dae 5X rye In Gorn Faun. Paris Fannie Foes, WHEE, focal Time Table, The hours of of trains at the follows: : Teain No Arrives TER : 8 n-N. 1g Ta i: 5 TORN Mail {eps THI AD 8&0 Postoffios hours P.M Train numbers marked ONT northbound and 8" southbound. ‘he Wanted Showing. Haye Ax) he | sionrt apon i That # And we've filed it Hp with fprening Fit Bar aii Sp or GHW re A lady sfopped 10 Titer Ta the Wary yore He roid bagi ea SW ht enn : nth Thee 2ivls Ak Hike? # an Flo politely mised bis ki “Hf gemitve wal the Wotan eons Daa rg That yrs et Pa shee erating As This fawning, criaging — (i povals fo hase Soe, fer Ehee para of Ra Tee to Eh soinne of ail tients wie The gind 1 vou with show rae Why you is tat dvs > ETA wo Tym On Satorday Evening, April 4th Is the white slave sale and festival Tooth-ache cared at Dr, Swarlz's 812 Bes Mirkin & Kusoer lor clothing. HET give express arrival and departore Patton Station are as white The ground: Tog got oft thi time. Attend the Firemen’s dance on Faster Monday. Finest class of all kinds of filling at Dr. Swartz's. 1612 For fine neglegee andried » “to Mirkin & Kusner, 1611 HH. Sweeney, of DuBois Ered on Monday Feta go vis tad relatives in Pa Ser Florida vinia genet, SPeinoms B ipsburg this Ls ag Holt. a coml sender i burg, had business in Patton on Tha aay. Before mm your spring suit per. 162 Mrs. J HL Dixon and son Wo visiting hor sister, Mrs CH. Perry, in Chest Springs. aring Aa vigit Mirkin & Rus Misses Agnes and spent Natarday and Sun Frank Mol Sorell JU Wise, o guest of his Sr bor Monday of this Thus Philadelphia Press of nat Wed. nesday printed a pactore of Barges Bolger, of Philipsburg. Jowe E Dae and 5. M. Wilson took a business sep cast Hawch Creek raiirosd Toesday Next Pay. 2 nothing Mra HE. Passel! are visiting relative in Pepin gette. Bik cominty this wee EK. Apso i We. over the Pod Adept Wednesday is UAprd Beware of imitationd ¢ hat the genuine, Barton and sons Paul and BR Cooney, who Pam Desi Visiting friends nt Bellefonte for the past week, | pete rned hore on Saturday. Have vou the new Pittab Evening News yet? A | pan be procured at this office urg REY a CHEE : x RARE Copy mize the Firemen's danoe Patten, Pa, Apri wth Say, don't in Firemen's hall, Easter Monday might, Fichoy the ork I Ronrnier rs painter, ws sl Bt oo pond to retarn fo Palbon wat ing BOGIOO WW whey has prast Geos. Deter, of Caledonia, Leon empiored in Palit 1 Fol TRUER (Ey pdaiae ayer. confer. YEE Y meihind 1 slave sade and feat Editor Kaylor bune hy sovOTn pane iN Parife and two onli Sata riiny . Nee the ments of Ike Hardware Company | this week bange in the Wartesk Wy nnd oh, & tale Parnell and Cowher, tho two Fivss jnsarance men of Patton, drove Madera on Frid hag Saturday sgnt water o Hyer. X A Bigh ver ino! EE 8 ong tory TrEeL TM fire BK & 4 x Boon ime for making maple stgar with De Wire's and Yack wax." Spring suite, honest value st $5.00 5 Mirkin & Kosner's, 1641 IH you do not wish your COURIER discontinued “drop in’! and pay up Dr. Somerville, of Chast Springs, was | a welcome visitor to Patton on Sun. day. WEEE stor gttecd 4 Goods House considerable expense, to su been filled in two days wit order had come to us asually suffer great times by being compelled to make a lon ply needs which could have ceived 8 Inesaagte ' wile, who hives al Houta fia and on Monday AM pan fed hy his wif, nr SH i ee ® ly The Ouickest Mail Order House in Central Pennsylvania, People who do not live near an up-to-date Dry o° con yerients at frurncy, at perfect satisfaction, if their EVERYTHING THAT A MODERN DE- PARTMENT STORE SHOULD KEEP IN STOCK HERE Rg VARIETY. Samples and ever requested. will be prom: orders ol opt furnished when y as received. M. F. GABLE & Co, ALTOONA, PA. Satisfaction Always Guaranteed Your Money Back " in any way L Unsatistactory . Rave your teeth by going to Dr. Swarts. 1612 ‘ranged from HRA SE bs KR Nepal Wn, H Sandford. caslsior of the | First National bank, made a business ‘trip to Philipsburg and other points east on Thursday. Valentine and Fose Bishop, Ves Seymore and Rose Hite spent a few hours in Patton on Sundiy with Mr. and Mra AC Fisher Five hundred do offered for the the allege larder of hrs wosrani = now arerpst of Bookaming ham i bude wiry wt $ 4 i Ea pik CHEERY YY pwedd all fh cently added store hy Nati [1 Spar 3 Isl 5 Joahe purchasing & pew frproved gister and computing ARE) TR RR ain, an od citizen of Munster township, died last ving, The faneral took place on Thursday morning, the serv. spl pipetted % mol Tresday fon bedragr edad bn WE Micbaelts church, foaretio Pa Miss Marton Book, harp sister Katie snent to Loreto oad Opps Natura 3 Hen Sut upahied by and Broth toiriel Matiida Hog on tes EW of 1 firin Gray & Uo, publishers of the PraBois Courier, was in Patton on poking after Misdness inter. shaking with oid acgumniances, k Maloy, “Afeljatosh, Dunphy amd Grade Cranser composed a sleighing party that drove r Jim the feperal of thelr cousin Wha who dui at Charterol ray, the of BE WW, Mormng fondday hands estn and Frank dns Xf nue Rw dy Myra aver from Altorma ons day last wank of the Thor Avenne. Bi ie Dodds WEN Lhe of Me guest I Maliona While attempting to jmp on 1 mov. ing steigh on Wadnesday of ast week a young son of Kd. (Haw poceivisl me pare injuries on lis hoatl This ougit to bw a warning bows in Patton who continually dangerous sport. The Pennsyivania ridirosd most viagabde in the world, The sys tem embraces 8000 miles of rot Band Bas a capitalization of $85 000,04, an snnual meome of $95,000,000, anid car ries the na employes on ite pay role. A Journal The fw days hear the chirps of chicks, is something 5 Plowmt of pracied this Tas i8 tha wi of 15, Sad ‘rade baer post ufler a became abe does ot BA ANOS Like the merehant ing after the hint canes his calls haven't who Gite adveris. SERrOwWs biden] has stare with elamoring customers Fed Scar Pears Thee {5 Rang Hollow paiiroad, which few base alfitzin Times says that the heaneh of the West Penn covers 23 mies Irom Bolivar Junotion to Dornck Point, near on the Penasyivama mean fhe bBrasen shies the West Peas ta ship freight Wb without neotrse Wo the Johnstown, Hae, is completed. “ne Johnstown Ais iw Mesirs WAL Roeenorans and C = Cusndir are erecting buildings at Garman's Mills, and in about six weeks Bev eily dt be equipped the facture of window sash, enrtain poles ates will put in operation a wood The plant Ww wills asi Lowe machinery for Hanh t- Fae g ¢ J EY % fg stalls, bazdsters, 10064 Bandios, Pheusburg Mountaineer Sebpesnt Bepogt the repeat Dam school, Noa 3 White for the month ending March Hib Namber inn attendance, 38; gveragy ab wlance, 34; per cent. of Mitendance, These perfect 1 Dorin, Sarah Durhin, sovila dye pling Purgos lia Ganntaor, Minne Niwd 321 Davin, 4 travis, Timothy Davia Buargoon, Edward Bar harles Burgoon, Thedphoits ‘I Laasd Wirtaer 1} Matthew Duran, Jomeph Dishart, Joseph Genntoer. Tes stiesdanes durin af Beaver toswnasly ™ Following i= oe Praia. Pmbart in attendaue 3 Foged Mary seer Las ! Thathas avis, nas FE ELEN Aner LE Pala evigR fey, Gaxckly, Lavin A Fame nsy FATA Me ang Mr mam Bae grav fis wil wire wiyi Dy hip. Toesadas Prot ed Tn rapes pro {Hse cipal on Saturna migniday thimd RE VERT. might, amd the morning Their two years to ht one Monday Eisd wx 21 One © Hild of the 1 AY RUEIVIVE™ a baby of six weeks. --Uresson Record. Prices reasonable al Dr. Swarta’s. Stl 5 thei Fan Ve pene oof its : High prices for | inferior goods, Silvy £1. we have crowd our trays When vou want a good article, if it's - made of gold or Things useful, srnatnental and essential, of Ceol d and Silves Novelties. it; Hawi Horn. wrtness mn aoor tH Patton Phar- rience periits of } ny L ¥ cnemaner the Next TORIC POT EC TR TR x Sie ht We Make a Specialty of FINE SHOES and DRY GOODS. Foc Wt satisfac ction what truth <honld advise your friend and always bear out that you in you can get elsewhere. 4.75 Suits better than any other house, and ‘where else. Everybody “pr pular Pric Good Building, Next to Bank. Pig Mandy for Eggs {+ is anid that there Are over a doa Liffewnt wavk of cooking eggs amd the publishers af The Ki Brain for the Journal hopafit of ¥ hen wise Ws ¢ their suberibers in wh Heh EER «greatest vanety prepared ota have They jr hi ark of pay 100 in wnding ther different recipes & wedi Hf ther Ten fash ta the greatest number of COOKIN see, ang G1 ee } #8 Bex Every ennaking We ran Perrot KHON SEE whole? thes Lhe Fea PIPER tains AfEL Enclave EIS Ree saget was ent stamps for a thee monihe Erin tir Liha Dest enplinary iospnal The Kitoben Jo { hicaga, [iL splwcriploon prabiliadved Aatiironss spinal, 8 FING wvenae, Yoo Advisers. feveadler ali palions dir HAV artinem 5% Now for Spring A Beautif "wrirat will Be given away with every $15 purchase of goo ix. d. RK. ——" ture Dealer and Undertaker, Furni THE HARDWARE - CO. Drifting olr wa CAMBRIA e¢ best atensils -and money Big iz % tite hae Ase ke eper’ a my Wal. L.ots of Parlor Comfo elor Nane better on Kitchen Ranges AND Stoves a full and § th RIO General Hardware. [HAR CO. Everything. $3.50. them Trousers to Measure, degen or mony peat affects in stripes. pare gevwist offers well worth twice our asking conrse. ever can't rest, in price COME ranging nr HS show goods. SPRING | ¥ we . Xe { a Tongs cents RIGHT \L.ONCE WOLF & THOMPSON, ood Bin dir £s Patton, Pa.