ation Cour er. Farrow PUBLISHING co. Propriewsrs.. THURSDAY, } MARCH 2, 19896. SHOULD PASS THE BRILL The bill introduced by Representa tive Lond, of California, in regard to second-class postal matter, Ans 1G oor pect ahtpws which sucomsive post. masters genera! have diseowsed in the reports, and to which the President has called the attention of Congress. At presént the transportation of mes oid: class postal mutier i on Friedl on at a large lost to the govern this toss is traceaids not TO the class publications which the elasdfiontio was destgnod 10 COVET, but ti pa ene tions which are only noni jeal in their character, The classification clude newspapers and magazines, but a class of book publiscers have man: aged to work their publications | this class by styling them periodical publications, sithough really distinct and séparste books. The pernicious class of flash literature for boys has been greatly stimulated and developed by getting into the periodical class. “Jimmy the Kid, or the Terror of the Plsins,” ocaght to pay book postage rates, but hy Bening it as a number of the ‘“‘Rav's Anventore Library" the publisher enters it an second-class mat. ter. and loads it upon the mails at the fixed rates of newspapers. Another effect of this abuse has bowen to call Into existence # class of publications known Yen, a Waeant Wan a as houge organs, which are really ad A New York vertising pamphlets publisher of this sort of matter not | Jong ago attempted to send through the mails as second-class matter a bulky directory, on the ground that it waa gotten up as & number of a peri odieal publication. It is doubtful whether under a strict enforcement of existing laws such abuses could have grown up, bat evil has gone bevornd administrative pontral and calls for action of Congress, The Loud bill is indorsed by the Amr. jean Trade Press association, repre senting ligitimate trade periodicals. It is to be hoped timt Congress will pass the bill. ABOUT SUAINS FINANCES The London Statist, in speaking of Spain's finances, says that practoally, Spain has never paid her way She has siways had to borrow to pay the charge of her debt. Bhe has again and again defaulted. She has reorganized the debt, Rhe his rednced it in all man. ner of ways. And since her settlement with ber oreditors she has paid the interest ont of borrowed money just as before. Spain, there. fore, in the truest and most literal sense of the word is insolvent. Bat she has somehow or other managed to rube money enough to pay her creditors up to the present. It is said that negotia- tions are going on with France which will result in another Spanish loan be- ing brought out in Paris. That remains to be seen. A French loan, of course, woud be an immense advantage for the time being. But if would he a much greater advantage to Spain than to the Prench investors and in speaking as to why she holds on to Cuba this journal says: “It is natorsl, at the same time, that Spain should cling with tenacity to Cuba. Ones Spain lorded it over the whole of Central and Bouth America, and a very large part of North America likewise, Now every inch of her continental possess. jon in gone, and she retains only a few islands off the coast. That ahe should prize these even beyond their worth is most nataral. That she should spend blood and treasure freely to retain ther is in accordance with haman nature. Bat, looked at from the sconomic point of view by those who are not stirred by Spanish feeling, it is certain that the connection with Cuba ix a disadvantage to Spain.’ PENNA AIR FOR CONSUMPTIVES The government has recognized the virtues of the dry atmosphere of the highlands of McKean county, Pa, by taking steps for the establishment of 4 home for the men who have contrasted consumption while in the army Bavy, says the Pitsburg t Telegraph. An agent of the War De. partment has purchased three acres of ground in the own of Kane, on which suitable baildings will be erected, The government has bad ponsumptive sol- dlera and sailors ig Kane and ia borhiood for several years, testing the #¥oct of the elisnate, and the result bas been so satisfactory that a permanent a7 irs BILE weigh snstitution for the care of such pplivats : has been determined upon. The dry atmosphere of the south- western portion of McKean county has long been known as pecaliarly bene. ficial in lung diseases sent there from different parts of the United States and even from Europe. Local newspapers say that at present about 100 consumptives from Europe are wintering there, and that doring the past 12 months not a single de ath from consumption has occurred in : Kane among all the visitors, Natives never have the disease. : Pennsylvanians need not go to Colo _ yado or to other distant natural sani tariums, when their own State offers a " the jan Sufferers wre reigon of relief from this distressing and fatal malady. THE NEW DAILY. . The Pittsburg Evening News, which | was but recently started in Pittsburg, 'js making the right step towards a clean pewsy journal pnd should be read by every good thinking vith ‘gen of that city as’ well as Calf athe puntata Tek goveral PR pOTAT hint Birvgr aedan £ ua existence ing lke Pho are Bos hiug i sreaidorat Pavey should leno shoo mows they Skiek fa the more they UR : ERLE in fis 3 i 1¥3 hy thine tame 1 3 ROT JIMMY 3 Tries Masia ay afi thre is BO srying about it gn the $5 i: bt. has come fo 8 ; Lee for the “hebieos’” FaE8 ERENSBURG, Pa, Mar, Ith, Robert Davison, Ehensharg, « a stndent sit the Pennsylvania Uni varsity in Philadelphia, spent a couple dave wepk attending conrt ax a Witness Mensrs. Hurry W Myars, of this plase, FR f who 15% at horse jast Hbgir and George wharted laut week for a trip through thawost, nind expect {California before they refarm, ed Patton, drove where he at. to reach Aaron Weakiand, to Ebensburg last wesk tondod some busines matier. About fifty persons from Ebonsburg attended the social and oyster supper which was held at David Black's, in Cambria township, on Friday night The proceeds were added tothe ME church in this place, The Overdor! Bros, of Marrelivitle, commenced work on the repairing of the Congregational church, of Ebens. burg. It ix to be finshed abont hype ioniths JP. Steward, of Buffalo, NX. Y., and C. I. Brewer, of Hi an Md, registered at the Blair house Tuesday. Renel Somerville, FEsg., afficient attorney, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Ebensbarg, J J Rheddy, of Ashwiile, Masher & Fancher, dealers of Lock Haven, patrons here Monday. ev. Father Ludden, Angst. ine, preached nosermon in the Charch of the Holy Name in this place on Sun. day evening at Vespein, The supper whieh pescidence of Mpa. Sauires, in ward, on evening fit of tepchond reniiandd. The secomi (Quartény Ebermburg and Beisyno the M. FE nrday and Sunday, The 8 in agent for wholesales Haguor antl on Bde Lf hee the Plast for the beine was feild at aay = heck, was well at fitEie frie ple and a SAN Was Cemiferencs of was held in shrek in his place dn Sat abhbath sohowd alas of Wo A Jeanie x ] oie al The $4 fiterary and musical seein reridence of Dr. FO Jones on Friday evening. A concert will be given at the opera honse on Wednesday evening by home talent for the benef of Ebensbarg's free reading room. Onr people should patronize sech a goed step in a worthy Cale, A purty was ax hed at the home of Mr. and Mra H. A Rhoemaker, on Julian street, last evening in honor of their daughter Mildoisd's eleventh birthday. Warrbuge Tice nw The ndlowing mariage pstpend by the dlerk | of tha Cowirt for the week imding March 19, 1508: Peter Gindlesbergur, Paint township, and Ann M. Allison, liwnsos were Orphan's Thursday, Samerset county, Coopersdale. Patrick Waldren and Margaret Cal. en, Patton. John Farrestz and Mary Bensereek. Max Ream, Johnstown, Cle. Huntingdon county sarrell Christman Nhatfer and Emma Catharine Rickard, Flinton, Arthar Fey, Johnstown May Jacoby, Walnut Grove Witham N. Marsh Shaffer, Johnstown Lazaro, and Lda M, and Ale Annie 1. and Nope of View. Cokie a Beret bu hy given that the view. tity Gud Fort of Clamman fay View { levy toanly ema ao pEpITLY ORES Pras mipeed as ma sewer. $e Tilden Of Wine App $n! FELT Waa Lye3l, fhe 1 yi Jigs Ho SosERVE aes RX Mipazrine i Infineiier The snormous dreulation of magazine as The Lailies’ Home Jour San, be anelerston sald that during the last 1405 there were printed, sold and ciren ated over four millon cop 'fgmares 4,008 981 Figures these give one soipw ides of ins fRuence which may be exerted by even ane af the modern magazines, vial fo mete, wi when in ME sonihs of in ex sirehy ns the a single Clhsing oul at Hastings, I E. Bender, nf Hastings, Pa. is closing out his entire stock of hard- ware at cost. All must be sold by the next 30 days, Call and see him and | get some great bargains as be is clos ing out to quit business. 1612. pouseming all the + requirements & Patton's ing Soothing. oating Witt's Witch Hazel Sal tor sores, wonnds arc piles, Ww pever fails to care. Mo burning. Cures chap cleansing, Hohing sores in two or three hours Hodgkins. Statement Financial Condition PATTON BOROUGH OF THE ii EXPVENIITURYS Pe ¥.3 i FERRE ont Ewiryplel RL noi) hs Palagwys pe i favs 8 fein nH = rei soa ¥ ei § Mage hte pl Ent IXARIUITIER pals Par ety & “Raye 350 rsa iit walt tau per The # ming it : BMawuy § £5, W pany AYRE FEA Fides Hae, a Minroh yn joe PROTECT THE FEET And Enjoy {ar George F/ Streit, £1 3 4 6000 HEALTH! STi y2 Eleventh ie LTV Ave, Altoona, Pa. NW, Ameri AYER can XX SON'S Newspaper sekgowh ese sd piel La be Lhe vilnahhe aid to Fx $e Fe Sent carriage staged by IEEE $i § patil, i Annual IOC WSIs fa peat aso EBV Sex i reap £ price, $4.00, by the Publishers NW Newspaper Advertising Agts,, Phi Aver ri: adel; i & Son, hia. Da ve is the enemy hich it and {lips a fall We n not ¢ only is no, it mt bes #0, . One) Minute Cough Cnre acts quickly, and | that's what makes it go. C. W. Hodg- kins. f " Flour and I have recently purelinand the feed stores flour and OO ‘Sam'l Boyve and Willis M. Ross am now prepared to furnish you ‘all grades of Flour and Feed At Prices to Spit your purse ‘WALL PAPER and | WINDOW BLINDS. Money Saved / by calling on C.M. Letts the Artistic Paper Ha and Painter, : pawl in Bile prise ar bbe po aeesadint Decorator : Ley pm i con may Roller Feed and Poultry Pow- Pr mar po x 3 2 ¥ dy » Ger 4 Speciaity. re Lave Tor Sale fyive mee uw onll John Gantz, B.S. LOW PRIC Fh § sre 1d Rewer stoamrion [Fam bois © Mlaonine A 45k 1444 Beech Avenue, Mamnficturis’ s Agent our Dmbretls Covering getting >For The holes y than rights pos? Bring the wo alll glee it a new Will swevsver if in a L br free yi Sr eves cha per : half than buving a new inhaling Neo sther Bote can do it here Prices right, I. S. BELL, Smbiells Mender JAMES SN Johnstown, Pa. Woiild like to have some of the Patton Trade, We will have a large three story nilding of oar own filled with Now pe ng is ry thing th fous of twinkiing Fl1.11S Keystone Powers, Threshers and Cleaners CHAMPION Binders, Reap ers and Mowers. CROWN Hoosier Gram Corn Drills WAGONS, Plows, Harrows PAtors, WHITE ne Machine, 1 Sewing Mach Specialty. 1.3 sriet $i fife and | Carts, Juggies and —IN THE Good Building» 14-116 (| iE CW1 King | 108 3 I of all 13 Any person wishing to pure hase any of the above ne ain BRAVE MONEY ALL WORK— by sending a Pu wind rd to Dry Goods 1. W. SHARBAUGH. GUARANTEED. Pa : Bicycle Repairing a : Specialty. FACT of Geo. S. Good's Carrolltown, TIS Ti £ & a pes, Read Y 4 Made Dresses, hat ! 33d ler Wy Ete is the that the store it ee Hive wre offer At the Conceded hy all, Lowest Prices. — rel Ly of PATTON. wu x ¥i SMCS We ag vou: California Bartlett Pears at 15, 20 and A5e per oan. A fll tine of fancy canned goods such as French Peas, Musharoons, Lob stern, ote, always in stock. We are selling the well-known brands Apple Butier\ of Arbuckle's, Lion, Crescent and Cardova at 2c per pound. and 2¢ per The largest sack of table salt in town for the money We hmudle the best always: Lor ab Do Deer O8N. A better one at 100 (» Tomatoes sf ik per Te, Parly June Peas for 2 Uh can for 2. Tabis ponchos at 1 mW Ln Pie peaches at Iie per can. Q1 INN three far Lin or # ~y" Ail? Ward & McKeluy y £543 ton St. 100 por can or the of York ate ape now prepared (oo Mt : } ant in the htest style i 8 l : I Wail purc hased of charge Remember al our store will be paper rimmed free Tailor-"lade Respectfully yours, Geo. S. Good ) GOOD BUILDING, Patton, Pa. id prives almost as OW as You can hoy Hand me Downs’ that have fa be peeanaute ONO WER. All nur wark is guaranteed £5 ive satisfaction and i'r SY on can AOE mAke money faster than by ding us furnish your LOOKING BACKWARD May be a pleasant pastime but we take nore pleasure mn lothes OOk NER Lr than FORWARD population ob this onvinced that wail do mre whim pay a little phen aS Bier Dios, Crown hee me ALMOST 1,000 NEW SAMPLES rue SEI t 4 siti ei AL awk iY GENERAL GROCERIES. Careful Selection. Reasonable Prices. Pure Goods. wr vont S15 TO SH0. aed hymen Lam “maki we ame i £1 CERY Odo Dries OW. tan AR sea GR ¥ Ward & MeKelvy Merchant Tailors, PATTI IN: PA. Appeal £ ¥ POCK EL HEALTH. Patton Supply Co. Patton, Pi. REASON, Salomon Bldg