The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 26, 1896, Image 3
on ER Se STEVENSON'S stevensons wooesty. | AT A MALAY PICNIC. ) Nuveltst's Opinion of Himself sa Exe ; ; {_ preuad In Hu Letters, | # JOLLY DAY OF SIMPLE PLEASURES There is nbs passage in Lois Steven- | = ial n's eovrelpondence which it woald i IN THE JUNGLE. i y heen 3 thousand pitios to miss. So i RE) ih notissive kis been written atogt | 074 and Young Mingle Together and Ate | nieis work, he was made the vie. | ghile he Hyved of sock an extrava } gm of pofing, that those who | Wor know him wore almost inevitas ly forced to associate him with his Miterars and to believe that he mus woe bimself with their eyes. Fo 18 clear shat he did pot. His most exacting | witio can hardly bave fndged him mors : nly than he jodged himself Cap For thy nonce my =kill deserts me, | oc ends Begin © glow pol ne 18 i, or was It was a very LE {eas ea a . y dows of inspiration, sod a pretty Dee | Rn oe EWN nn Bs trick of styls, long lost, trmproved and gaming ibsbiile Ages si 6 mot herote industry. Bofae 1000 emt from thes graceful atap how ve managed fo please the “jonrnaliste and minke toward the piace of renges But Lam a fctiticns article, and have sons. Hy the tirne the part ¥ hous gatiber- | ong knows it. 1 am resd by jrnal exh, pons 20 minates, tho hia RES : Bo" ; : : Bhs LAL. aiden : to explode, a wide rush of orange bpd (lear co the short sword has been relegated to . ; Gop JF fellow novelists, and hy spreads pear and far and the great hat (jaar oon tha Back yard snd the hop of the brie. | for inevitable adds in their boxipess. A boys. With these, incipit st explicit my { ns : : . a peeossity of the pear fotore is an ny ot { STR Ey enn Comes BP panting. Then {uilaws Th ne with what pies a Yan denier, ard fenoung iu meraly 4 yogne. Good th myway, for 1 seem Sad be ; oR ops ih : : a ha kh i anit t) : : ¢ thing a 1y ¥ Pema the moet delicioas hor of § ra day. A | grantonoiie PoE pastime AHnown as gek Rens, In the civil provement fu pEterosnnDes anit ther i germs : a Fo have i oe hundred hoes of gresa ave broagit ont in 3 war in Japs 18 Fears ago, however, | chapening, RO thay know indge if Be xy oan - R. RCo. Lassa. atoms than 1 I sometimes wish 1 had into shivang relief, every dewy deal be | pathy 42 there wera certain Compan os of guards i may become pare widespread. ; Soya yi CONDENSED TIME TABLE re. They ate amosing Hat cannot comes A prism in which rainbows float. pe ene the a armed with swords, who did MIDIS Very township shoud Hove is hacter jr Ash | wead Up Rend : take myself seriously as an artist The The Fg ae isfe awakens ito its morn But all pvp. bani posmibad DIR effective and bloody wark with them. and ita Incr; i equipment. hen : Ev: ih Sov. 17 18 rap awn Hmitations are so obvions : ing pealm, brilliant Lizds Witter and | OWA £5 There ix a ciod in Henoluio, with is po study niore intarest:ng, and note Oy © 1% is not often one finds a popular an cou together seeking the eariy bug. ed be pas : headquarters on Maunakea street, whose that is sd Imporiapt to humanity ire Pa A thor writiog in such a strain--sn an- | 8°09° batterflins come forth to dry their | SEDI 3s bers have an instroctor in the ose : on Oo LW 1 - Aa ords. Thera is a "tha singlestick. The organization is | eles Prom | i ir : : $ What eo MADE potent to Sp SL On and wher Nov, 1000. 188, wi arrive wil depart from In apt Mey, ne lloows TRAINE DEPART, reirant nd eR a a LUrwensviie win Li "a ire 3 Baw] Bir { soll Sradtord, Butnio and Hochesler, J Ringiesti ®i © vaso ET pri : ; , pa. : SH 3x 18 Fantmihney and Hy Bun wold Mit Pe Atbecking a. ’ a 5 . ¥ Lg o 4 EE Won Hidgway ane Predford. Punzenugwne wid Rig Uimsrieid and Chile, Falls tUmek. THAINS ARRIVE. Fanssutcnney and Hig Roe, Fam iL wi. Bewlfont and Ridgauy Clarwemay bis and Chharfieid, Lian rEeid a Fla q Panzsiwney sid Big Bog Haoehember wid BAalnio Pongssiswties and ig Kun Iprwnneviie and Vlenrtiedd, a BL Le RET ge dl TET Lee seis ge Teel WORD adh slaline al Joris pet ime Loos Helets, time latdee snd Tul informethon oh a a sda ree, MM. oLntidenat, Agent, [9 Bots £. Co kapey, Gen | Pan Agent, Beoohestor, N.Y, Si Bots dally on i 3 { 1 i Teli a genres Ce # REE | i Chaya eames alien hs odhe (Bt haw pean Ap Enroun vhs wend Ta dhe Hanrice : ie | ge 33 ial 4 Happy No Tiresome Advance Frepars | { i A tion of Fond and Cooled For the Danguet, How Fish Ave Captured he Run. pane With tho first the starr is mada 35 Sgro Rah TREE Raat waavait x v 5% % * RF = Alarfncrin, ‘ a : ta Sy : rt iver 3 ros sights a Malay iy A5 a. me it * fim ow : yt i¥ 5 * the ed ay pon, nielodintan you wii i ~ Hye fy Bee GOLA aR Rn £ Ha enti vis In 5d . Xs 2 A few aaron nrrowe ol eat Pi il BO Priceings an 0X inne DAE FY tb sey Nd beni DY v to tae fon 4 has? vigeyara knowl A ¢ woreduingr, wh 38 the i he coin la we arid hr hie dive of fisting, Bob with the ie provement in the methods of warfare, wirich the Japaneses wera quick th adopt, “ar datrymoun, thi staal Faaser, 10a £305 Ta ; Por of the siilowarm andl he and Busia on bees are alike indebted to hw die : ocwnrer of the germ origin of disensn | i ig 3 din nnd 5 Beech (Creek Railroad. : 4 ¥ hin GIRL any WE LB hey sf £ pl a gn YE ard gimaten NEVIS 3 tan i Ca lr pA SA MO SANS ties Carlyle and Seott. “ OE New York Ledger. ; : thor, too, whom thers seetoed a general spangled wings on Joafy shrobs, while | : rs - paling miu he onspiracy among the reviewers to spoil iFonr frouia.m 3 i ® ia hat 8 o/mirast it is to the following of from the tomehing epilogue add to thise letters by his editor and | The fragment em which he wronght wg th last month of his life gives y mind, as it did to his own, for time the full measure of his ew, 80d if in the literature of ro- e thire is to be found wark more erly, of more piercing human in 8 Or paces concentrated imaginative pion ani besoty, 1 do not know it."’ somillan's Magazine he A CLEVER SCHEME. One day in a Sixth ayenue chophonse 1 dtessed young man sitting at a for his check, but ss it was far in the jungle often the hoarse, gal tiger sonnds bass to the chorags, The picnickers ara pow under way. spaces of country. if we may judgs from their faces and frequent penis of Isoghter. Most of the party is afoot. They are io holiday coos tame, A fnely woven sarong of cotton or #iik forms the Jower garment of men and women alike. hued and the most gracefol of gar | mente It ccumists of a piece of material of suitable Jength sewed together at the side both ends being open. end, in wearing, is tocked nantly and tightly together with the hand and tural, fearsome growl of the Malayan | yon his’ | the saying {ethane b Before them i a march of gix or seven : miles through virgin jungle and open | That will consume | some two or three hours. Somme of (he | famales are mounted upon elepbante— | it thers are any well to do families in | Journal, writes of The sarong is many | The upper | tire of the man who iv wailing 10 tiiid is this bard and bosy world wie good of other things than troubins -— Macmiilan's Magazine. wew York as a Literary Mart, Edward W. Bok of Now York and Boston (between which cities it may ba inferred be belioves if rests) fur the distinction, He sunmaries New York in this way "New York wn- doubtedy offers the largest market Yor literature of any oity in America. This is natnrally so, a8 must always follow fn the case of the largest and wealthiest pity of sontrols the largest number of publish. ing houses, even though it cannot claim all the principal ones It has a iarger number of magazines and periodioads vd in The Ladies’ Hotne “Pha American Lito % £ Fx i vy we aa $d ¥ the village They sit very gracctuily on | erary Center,’ apd presents the cians their Jofty mounts and mujoy the ride, any country. The Empire City solely for amusement, rather ran for business, thongh there is probably a de- | : | tnalken most others, even of the noblest | aire on the part of the leaders to perpeta- ate the oid fashioned methods of their forefathers in quelling rebelilons. Just now this club, the Sonrise ia without an instructor, so that thera is but Little practice and no exhibitions The headquarters of the Sunrise Sin. glestick club is on the joer floor of the building occupied by the Japanese Throngh newspaper of the sama pare, the kindness of Editor Satto, and Hira: oka, business manager of the paper, a reporter was given an opportunity to witness an exhibiticn mal and Karicawa, two expert handlers | of the sticks By the way of introdnetion the com- hatants removed their kKimonns and | donned loose skirts and a helmet with | strong iron bars across the face. Then | bention with stiff | Heavily padded | they sheathed their bamboo breastpiates | awl Scott in (the matter of wlesp. Noth | ing, be says, short of a “erence sleep’ | jie “sond ax a between Yaji- | HT rend of Root,’ says Temple Bax, and test, appear small by comparison. 1” The writer illustrates bis meaning by | pointing to the contrast between Carlvie Cin which ba could | stone’ for hotrs, covid satisfy Carivie | Fhe naps were serioos things, and if apy inroad from withoot or within wom | made apon me's’ would be sure to foliow, pomstant nights of waking and aching wonld be met by Scott with scarce a | grumble or by a playfal coe, i A dog, whies yelping bad disturbed | hin slumbers, moved Carlyle to the jo- cosely savage wish that ha had the ani- mal by its hind legs within reach stones wall, “Rilions und beadache this morn- tiem, apathemas and *"waps | while | - -. of » ing,” notes Heott, ander the influence is if ih crit IEEE i ang Soma oe i te bios 4 TELE HEL ae mmAMAS fi GE es A rhe] is no BM cd TE Le Clesrfeld Juoe Ard 16 AE ade cones Haste June. dv BY. ani Woadiand ARS on os Walieeton Wd Morrisdeie Mines in Fhe Munn... ¥ ashy ase | AFF Ar) PRPADANE {fey Munson... L rr = % ——— bat SEEN SRuEs TT %a4dlnanal - Re CasENG GEES FETS DEP EN EET - i wk La ekEilintown gaagzEnEss Bueosomu addy a SEsRGzEZVUB E * EgusRSgiusn KB Bi old rBewre yma iN =u and Reading Hii romd oh ; jnsetion with the Fai’ i p with Uenitond rome of vi ale. Atlipsburg with Penn's. BR. AL 3 “th Buftalc, Rochester and Pittaba x mi way Al Ma y aud Patton with (amb of Clearfield division of the Pew b afiroad: At Ma nd Norihwestns ral of a like infliction occurring in the vary tA hog howled all night and left me litle Poor sur!’ with an outgoing of the nnconscious trim. | bler of his repose. “I dare sny be had all kinds than any otbar city, even though it ix deprived the right © the frst and foremcet of all Amurican liter ary periodicals, the lesdisg se lontio magazine of the world or of the most gloves with gaontiets finished the cos | OF tame. The * "short sticks’ areaboot five midst of his sea of troubles. foot long, and are made of saviral pieces | of bamboo fastened together. There | sioep. seemed tobe no call of ‘time’ bya | sympathy toward to him be suddenly rose up and 10 the cashier's desk, which was the door, aod said bave dropped $50 ont of my this pisces! Let no cine go oat held securely sround the waist by a belt. Hometimes these krossngs, of belts, are richly jewsled and worth as much as 3,000 silver dollars. Bat we shall pot see that sort at a pienis The 1 minke a search!” Where's your check 7" be was asked. “Hera it ix. I had two twenties and $10 Bill” “Will you pey this check of $1.50" “1 ona't till 1 find my roll” Thoitas, call in xo officer I’ But what for?" asked the victim. To wrrest yon if you don't pay! That's un old game—ioo wuciens to ek here.” upper garment of men and women alike ia a cloth or cotton jacket { kabaii) In- n° shade, The fest o£ ail are danse] a plenses ns a viil stead of buttons the women nee for fas | tenings a nomber of gold or gilver | brooches. The men largely affect brass | butions. Over this jacket the females | { we» another sarcng. which is made to | mest Gyer the head, and serves the and when she | | which make contemporanecss Amer can protected by a kiod of wooden sandal | widely circulated channels of serial lite erature. But, nngoesticoably, it has the majority, and s powerfni majority i in It has libraries galore, cos might al most say, yet the two principal of the country are in other cities Its list of authors, resident of the city or pear it, ix long and repressntative, em- bracing some of the most gifted pens literazars. If all our best writings do Hirarioe referea. The men stepped to the center of the room and saluted each other by a metion of the arm, aml then one ut- tered a guttural sound signifying bis anwillingness to begin tha fray and | they crossed sticks, the point of each being held on a level with the neck and | rt ; ' { | Ten been trying to invent a poeals | to put on the market, but I can caly ges the bapdle grasped with both hands Yajimai led, and thronghout the boat was acting in the offensive, while Kart: | kwa braced himself #0 ax to resist and bis distrasses, as I bave mine. So i AA A AI PR A Not te Be Done. 3 were many figores and said : | so far with 1." “What is i077 asked the other, It was in & Brixton tram car, He took | out 8 piece of paper on which there | | ¥ ¥ HERRIMAN, AGPALMER, Gen’ i sg peri endent Ph prt ANIA RAILROAD, IN KEFRCT NOV 2, i. Mitiadeiphin and Ere Hatlrond Divisue fiw Tabs Trains issve Driftwood HANTWARD. G6 A.M. Truly 5 Anlly wxvept Sanday, for snnary. Hurrishieg and internsedisie Gon, arriving at Philadelphia = pe My, New York wok pom Hediste, SA mw. Washitsgion, Ta pom. Pallas Parior ons watts Wikismaperd wan Deasenger sweaty ate wy Philedei pha, ar po Loren 8 daily exoepi Rundey, for Harrtebnsg sand terinntinie ala Lions, arviv wg al Phitadeiphin at © 38. 8, New ¥ iow oar FET nan Meeeping ours from : or Philadelphia apd New York OT PE D in elespe “This reprwents & tram car. Thers | are 12 men off one side and § women on | the other. “Hl pee You want to get 10 on aside” : “Na Idon’t. Aopother Woman gets the ear, making ¥ women to 13 men. | SC Exaetly : “She must have a seat. Bot ernanate from its immense pisces of : ; 2 ward off any blow that might be di output, 8 goxily portion andeniatiy {do pected toward him. Ones ha Was thenghtiess. Yajimad gave him a crack on the helmet that rescinded through | the roses. All the lime the men were | fencing they were shionting as if warn. in ing such other to look ost for what | “But } have dropped $501 “Qual! Will you pay?’ “1'1 pay if 1 can find my money. 1 kpow 1 had it when I came in bere.” “Cull the copper, Tom!" Two isirmtes later an officer busted to set what was wanted. The cashier All these gurients are Joos, sre a'poem | tor harmony of codons, and thers 14 po | fold that does viclenes to beauty and | grace. ‘This in a poor enough pictire of | "After You, Gentlemen.” car picnic party, or 0 or 109 Malay | The French ar Fostency, sheitersd by men, women, boys apd girls passing, the ridge, oomkd starcely believe their Joking snd langhing along their jiless: eyes at the sight of the English gunners wf oiling him that be had a deadbeat i pired fur when & woman rose up Jowve, and the young man’s $30 was nd ots the floor, where it had been “Didu't 1 tell you so!’ be exclaimed @ returned 10 the cabior 10 pay the wok. ‘Nice sort of man, you are’ 1 ye you for damages before I'm through The easbier looked tired, but made reply. When the indignant young 3s bad deparied, 1 said: Then he wasn't a beat, after all?” Thi shickest kind, be replied. Put he lost bis money, and it was Don't you believe 18! The woman bis pal anid gave it up ouly wien Ww that be would be arresred. ‘our Uncle Hiram bas been right bere yours and knows the ropes!’ ark Cor. Detroit Freon Prose | Lord Ellenborough's Wig. iy Ellenberough, 8 renowned beso- | gone oceawion sccompanied the on gircait, on the distinct under. itig that she sboold pot incumber rigge with bandboxes—his ab- moe. During the first day's journey Ellenbtoroogh, stretching his legs, ad to strike his foot against some under the seat. it was a bandbox went the window aud cut it flew. The omachman, thinking the box bad woom. '! On renclitng the next assize wrd Ellenborough proceeded to himmeif for the bench. “‘Now.' FR Aa pod fog PEE ¥ 5 : - YNhere 12 my Wig MY | pared, and before lung the whole purty is after yom are in bed ‘replied the attendant, ''it was row out of the currisge window.’ — ‘smple Bar. 1 Am Acquired Habit. #*¥om beard Mrr. De Voe recits ‘The Fiowt Child’ last nigat, didn’t yoo? “of course.’ : ; **Nutice the quer way in which ehe worked ber chin! *Certainly ; but you know the reason “Double binge i 1 her Jaws!" “Ob, no! She ssorked in a chewing gum factory for ive years before her marriage and bil to sample every lot turned out. '—Do roit Free Press. ¥ Ac Enthusiastic A. tist—Do you know I aintcd a picture of a lion so naturally that it bad to be laced behind bars? Enthusiastic A hor—That's nothing. wrote a novel : fell of burning emo tion that it had t De printed on asbestus puges for fear «{ cousmming them. — Loudin Tit-Bits. combination of Tho water su: 1 isa raf} and boat. on the surface of the water, it turDs its 1 ih wu ward «nd floats ou is back, @ itself hy means of an carlike | A hen it desires to float they trast Tuban Allah to provide ab th pienso ground 2 fection, you know, is such a bother, Hs where iy lovely-—ao Jong as they are in ibe vicinhiy of a mountain and 8 Water pools. Bo a pool is chosen as coe Likely ito contain in its black depths a suf t ficiency of good, fat fish, The raen al | qoce prepare to dyramite this pool, or else throw the fish paralyning tabs yool Ligto the water. Then 20 men leap toto the pool, while a number of women are | stationed at the shallow and lower ent | to estoh the escaping finny tribe. Ah, ving dead or benumbed at the bottom of the pool. Aud now the boldest swim | mera dive in and far down. They search ing up. Some of them grasp In each band a great, shining, silvery fish. What pounders. Then the stolid Malay relazes, (he shouts, he praises Allah, and the i whole camp becomes a scene of rejoice. out, ¢ emer pulled up, but bis or furiously rood ont the order to ing, as the spoil ix flung alive into the ! prey was being taken. Rise ix als pro- seated arcand the green bamjuet board, and rice such as only the Malay house wife can oopcoct. The jovsome meal | finished, the party betakes itsvil to smok- ing. chewing betel nod telling stories, under all of which influences It 14 not surprising that the pext sora is a geu- eral siesta, which lasts till aboot 3 o'clock, when the old man of the purty wisely observes it is geting late and is | is time to be starting back. Night must pot overtake them, or they piay meet Stripes or Spots, cut also for a pienic, | and vastly preferring fresh meat to fish. —New York Independent. | Costly Words. “1 would nat care more than 3 cents if you broke your neck, you drunkin brote!” said the angered wife bitterly. “when I am gone.’ “I won't either!" However, she did regret ber words . when they were brought up in it in the oase sca had against the iiroad company for $30,000 damages for'running over him with & train, Un | the strength of her thoughtless remark the jury awarded her 3 cents indian. apolis Journal ; ate way. The Leaves carry some sears and parang, in case 8 tiger or leopard | molest. The fair bear along a little rics and cerry spice. The bulk of provisions “How very nice,” 1 hesr the gentle lady reader say. Why, preparation of meats and ples and oon { Our outing periy now {onl that they hava gone far enough and they may. ‘halt, no matter just wherseefor every. | no big fish are canght! They must bs the bottoms, they even thrust their hands into the water filled caves of the rocky | sides. Ope by ope the divers come pant | fnck! Two fish at a time, each 10 or 15 pot of already boiling water, or squirma grilling, roasting, frying, vm grovnd | ‘fires kindled by bose and girls as the enjoying fish ax yom like it and curry morsing with a plus of store new Black MH yon Face thick and thin to The inebrinted husband sobbed. “You may regret such language,'’ said be, - what a Blagemr pess had perchance its curppensl Lox for | slewing roond their poaces to over them, When tiey at length realised thit it was ape of the sneniy's and not coe of their own batteries, the Mears of the Gardes Francais rushed tle Head of thelr men, shumting to then to deploy awl chargn the cannon. Ads at the sao nent the preusibers scend spon hin. pas chanel #0 many gonoiationg reader : Fury ane knows the do the scene for which Vaitaios was ine debtod to DF Avgasem. How the French eMonrs, in their blue and wi var winta and their lng seariet vesty and mock ings, wailio the aporoach if the grena diers Bux in band. How the medioats dood their marvels shield fromted cam, while Land {harles Hay bowed fn the ceposiog lise. with the words, Gentlemen of the French gard, pleans d'Antercche replied: “Gentlemen, We riplicn of | pever fire first. Fire yourselves!” Such was & battie of the gravd age mi pie’ tured By the aristocrat whi saw the uns varse reflected in the mirrors off the CEil dv Beruf, but io she Lothian papers there is a yellow letter, written by Har in hospital after gestion, which gives a rader, and, it ix to be feared, more nat. ural version of the story, «Temple Bar Mors Inboun of 1638 Mra Isham suffered from an eropiion : an the skin, for which Siz Ralph Verney sends ber a homemade lotion, with the £§E3 Sl. Anan following directions March ss Apply this to your face every igh fa 42 Le on aid it goncly of pu ded night, and wipe Chath, but wash not your face soe poe company for a day or Dia, or three, it is Letter, for then yoo muy lay it on fresh in the myarnping. and let i continae on all day snd wipe it pent off at night againe with the Black loath 1 bad almost forgot to feil you, oa mast thes, power ont a little quickly (wie thi china Box, and, i¥ing an yong take a piece of spange, pat it Soa Eg af pr wppian liks it yoo may have as much of you plense at » Weekes Warning. When it arrives, sie ds too bosr with her husoaud’s ailments so attend to her awn. If my dear Papoy is weil, f sbail I doe bat shinse with my Blake fase and the Blak slsth | soote maka nae of 118 1 shall be Blind her bushand. —i ouginan's Magazine, Ap ipexhinatibile of the most precivas gifts of heaven, spreading teedf Like oil over vi tron bBiad sea of thought amd wind so osoth and squabls in the rough it wea her ~~. Irving - —— — wy and Began to de fr woes thain that thers ER ‘ wei EY N aE Ey » iG i [38 i fi A w iE w i 5 GOORIN taal Ww yoke breil i. A £4 to fire Seat wo which the Comte Senne IsLIOne. gr parry is the secret of the game, Yai 11d be entitled Their endurance, | wing iesticky Boon the back of ail princes on | Pacitie { cmmereial Advertiser. goal pature is ond | i em sori bevy the | might be going. Toy the stranger who is pot familiar ; with the rales thers seomsd $0 be DO rest for the men. If one should yoreive 4 Blow which under ordipary cironig. | stances world warrant his going down far a few seconds, pg epongh tO ree cover, it must imply end with the de- give, aud bis next move wili be to get back at his opponent. In thiv exhibition Kartkaws, Who was rather mom stoek- sly Bilt than lus foe, had the best of thie frat of the Gah, bay the end Wa S draw. and the men retinnl windlosy and with the perspiration pairing from their fares The wrist seemed to bet the pars of the anatomy ofesest xiped af, and while that part of the arm i protected by a padded gauntlet the DUINATUR 18 bara, vd a strong blow means a heavy weit and a sien aon. At the end of the code tent spoken of, here Yajimal carrind a | mark which was quite bioe on the wrist is sevens epongh, 38 Wi i disabis i fencer, and the ght ends, and Lif it cannot be accomplished in that way a fencer will raise his stick high above and inclined toward the back of his Bead, very mach after the style of an afent spoon ioners in the chipring blak | process, and bring if down with ail bis Cgtvengt hoon los rival's heado—if be can Uninrily marks soery miayement of tie faticer, 0 that tha ohwerver’s eye is taxed to it ntmost fo kenp track of the men, Singlestick fencing mmopg the Japa- pose is oso Terent from ansthing ate tempted by the white people that it is iMenlt to make comparisons or draw If goickuess io au attack mai and Kacikawa sh fo paloma e seria ia remarkaile, considering thickoess of thecliihing worm. gs they are in heavily paddisd snas. evi- dently mach depeads upon the eye. and toms, the it 13 when ous of the foucers calches thie Ye of his opp Cattemids a ( . The #vi i Bod pot lay it on clears ‘bul shake 15 very ; well togeather, till tis ws thick as candle, sent off his gnard that be Ww, ut 10 asertain whan attemding to HE business i# moh ditHenly for a stranger © sive, shielded as the femér’s face 18 aA ES with iron burs set clos y together sur potots in a mateh witk Betwoenr Japniiese—a Dow homd, a fair ons, for glane kis ca pot count; a thrust at the a droke on the wrist and » { stroke on the side, Lhe ia narale as to the position » fener most oocnpy 0 ies Hvsring any one of these blows—it may bw from either side and from ope or both | | bands. HE itis a Cehopper, | it apt lo | be one that will giake the pan receiving it wince, even though be be protectsd by sorts of grolesgoe cORIYTVRIICES, = Hare Envagh, Landlair— Do you like your steak rare, Mr Boarding? Mr. B.~ Nu varer than it is, oesdam, — Detroit Free Prose H a blow Sownthed the 13 wen, apd’ ~~ | her a seat, of coorse | te place her muong the 8 women. i ; problem of pirpetasl motion, be dure, Ceonidn’s be done wf the men go on he Op god catch cidd Velapdon Fon ; Al the Vowel Tn Goes Wad There are But siz words in the lEng- Cele in regular onderevid, alSTENLOGR, and tragueiions, | spder and that word is duoliseral Resides the above there am 149 Eng in irregular onder. ‘13, 3 with i, 3 with o, with u apd od with v.86 “public ! A Rolmod For His Oliver. the court of appeal, usd to keep up a ronning fire of Cohatl’’ on Jedrnesd conn. i sedi, sometimes got a Roland for his Ol vera When a youug barrister, in the | popes of argent, stated that me ree » oomid donbt gue padticns | sonable poo lar proposition t judgw The yomthiul advocate, not coe whit abashed, replied, 1 sad po reaschable | person, uy ond,” The master of the rolls conld only | gasp, Proceed, sir; proceed U'—-Liver: pond Mercury. Hank Growth. The fond Washington mother has ~fennd a pew simile fur ber daveloping youngster. She no longer ltkens him to a weed or a mushroom, but declares, with pardonable pride, that Ge is “growing Lk a gas bill —Washing- ton Star At the Play. | George— How those Jovers ooO-—just Hike turtle dovis Mamie on but in this case it % Just Times. No man is poor who dogs not think himself so, bor if ina full fortune he with impatience desires more, be pro. olaims his wants amd bis beggarly cone dition. —Juremy Taylor, San Franciseo manufactures each year abort £150, 000, 000 worth of goods. She looks at | + And one of them gets ap apd offers | “Yea of conse Now what I want is “My dear sir.” said the other, a4 ha turned away, vou had better tackie the | It can’s | If thers wers bot § women) it Either mak yoany women gut off and take cabs, Or let one ER lish lnpguage which contain all the vow. | : : : ; a { geaenions, ane pio, facetious, HARWRONE | There is hot ons word | | which contain them in Frsnlar reverse } : : dei phi, 11:0 lish words which contain all the vowels | ait Twalvn of these bia | gin with the letter a; 7 with b, 23 with | e, 18 with d, ld with se, 4 witht, 7 with | Lg 1 wath bh, 8 with i 3 with § 3 with 13 with po 1 with gq. 8 witnn r. 3 with & J with &, 101 Louis Re | RAEN 19 leaves Ridgway at 2% 8. |. sons Lord Esher, who, when presidents of | “But I donbe it very wach,” said the : Train 7117 Tein 4 Lp, mm, Pain 4 1% p. @ o. PREVORT, ¥ had Cediatustesd nul Tata. wm 4 ira isd BETA Tate a tial FTE RT TIVE rata, Rd a ta; New York "= cook AnyS SDd Pa. moo Sundays; a more, Si » wm. Wakhin of Tee Ww flan Sars and pase Uke TROIS ria and Wimmer Wo Palle pion. wpppeel 1h klbeper Tor Baltimdire and Laie wi bee Umeelerred Sia Waning 1 af hres oaig Teta wile we (eo Phlsdeipbos and Wiliam oo Bailieore WENTW aD Moo Teain [dey ANewpl MRooey Ing bods, mont andl inte Lesvos Bidgwny st 39 RAT asx 38 A ar Badgeewir, coed Li be Le LO a. er Bo die die skid LEMAR HR RE ay SEE speed Late ine, Paar OM. nin iL Aeiiy eXovel suntey © Wa ree mar pi bertisnd late slallone. sich GaH TRAINEE FOR BRIFTWOOD FROM THE BEART AND aOUTH. jmves Phidsdsplin “88 oe = & ashiiagtas Tae wa Beitiore 5155 8. Mm. Wil gpebarre, HES a mel daily slcept Sun Lay aerivivig wt Driftwosd af 530 pom. wil sofas parlor oar from rind el pl is SI Hangame. LAIN 8 aves Now YUE si AU pW 3m. Washington, Ee. fe i amily mrriving at De oe Palen seeping hie a] wi wdei phils timore, LEW Pp. pad al BX 8 op Pibaieiphits to Erle and from rgb abd Baltimore to Willison Hort plasm Et CECT fron Ph i Brie, Baltimom ta Willing epnirt, HAIN 1 josves Heoovo at #8 & mo, dal) pcept Ropdey, Arriving Lr woesd TO % m IGHNSONBURG RAILROAD lmily a Munday 4 wan burg at fade mo arriving st Clermont AEN TR RAIN 90 jenves Clermont al (HN a. Wa Mvigg kl Johososborg al 0s os me, alk itp wny al LEO Hla FIDGWAY AND CLEARFIELD KR RB GATLY EXCEPT REND Y en TTHWARD, AM WTATIUNS, 7 TUT Rie way Igtard Kay Mill Haven Croyiand shorts Mills Hine Hock Vineyard Hun Lrrier Hrockway ville MaeMinn Summit Harveys Ran Falist reek 8 Dabols TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Enstwanl West Ware &. Train § i154 8 = Termin |, 0p, = Tin 4, 8p = 4. RR, Woon, Chen 1 Pe ARH 5 a 8a a be BEgENEECLEY og ne Gea wt Ao ey meek tnrtle wou know — Washington e en PRR EER eR SERRE ¥ents i part payment fora high grade bievade, which we smiEnd rd on : gaia Ange rk done ntl] the Dicyche arrives and proves satistaoiont. Young Ladies “ma Thorn or whrds applr they mast bo well recom a Wah Santen 3 ACME CYCLE COMPANY, ] AA