The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 26, 1896, Image 1
-botore we Our Po i all-wool dress suits for * PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, MARCH $1.00 PER YEAR OND & COWD: This Spring? H so we arc prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Everything but the worms, 7 and you can dig them in any old place “you know.” be here atid we can furnish you with all colors of dys | - coloring ergs. As we Shave told you Eo handle evervthing from a “monkey to an ele ~ phant” A domplete stock of Munvon's Homeopathic Remedies. Call and get a copy of Munyon's | Guide to Health free. Patton Pharmacy, Headquarters for drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Etc. Opposite School Building. i ageration © When we were boys we used to tell our parents what catch if we go fishing WwW e grow to be mer- chants we are apt to exagerate in speaking about our goods : and telling the public how far their dollars will go if they buy ofns | We're afraid to say much | about our new goods, We're proud of them we might ex- _ agerate. Just come and look at them, please, and form vour own opinion, | Mothers now is the time to prepare | your bays for Eastor. We have the bugest stock of Boyy and Children's Suits in this end of the county. Alla prices will astonish you more this _goason than they did last. Good suit for $1; all-wool for §1.50; | 4. 4.50, 85. : 5 Those little boys’ Easter suits at 2, 2.95, 2.50, 3, to $4. All new things in | Patton. Nobby and fashionable. Waists to match these at 40c, 50¢ T6e. Match as if you can. Clothier Tailor, Hatter. ages from 3 upto 18 yrs. 2, 250, 8 3.50, the “Courier 3 ‘ec DECENDE] MR. EVANS DEFENDED akon From the Ehiotsbang Momaimineer ; Written by Hon A. A. Bako Me Enron: In reading the Motin taineer of March cle headed “Attack on Alvin Evans” and “Extracts fram a Venomons Johns town Times Article of February 22° and also saw the article of February 22 It is truly 4 venimoous article, filled with vitaperstion, misrepresentations and lien. either malicions or ignorant; probably both. Hear the editor of the Joinsdown “Times prate: He savs that “if Brother Swank wants to help the Re sabiican party he hag beter bestinke himsell to retirement and meditation for & while.” “He is now plotting to have the conferees from Cambria county elected favorable to Alvin Ev: ans. of Ebensburg, who is an unknown quantity outside of Ebepstairg, who has no strength in his own part of tha eounty, and who ia not seriously re garded as a candidate for Congress by anybody 4 narrow. minded, ronmey- laving eoontry lawyer, who his no fail Fditor (lark says ‘it is no thing for Cambria to go back on 8 brave soldier like Hicks for & skulker like Evans’ « ¥ * When there was a cull for brave men to go and defend the Jif of the government Evans cownrdiy stook at home. While the boysin the field risked their lived and sacrificed businese and family and every thing that man holds dear, Alvin Evans staid st home to make money.” The crowning disgrace of the ‘article is this: ‘war he would have been sure to have been among traitors, where bis sur roundings would have been eigen. ial" seh 1 noticed an arte Tinws The ravings of the Times are as base a slander as were ever uttered. Mr. Evans is a8 brave and loysl a man as ‘any man living. When the war broke out Alvin Evans was only 18 yedrs of age, but if be had been 2 youre oid and had offered bis service Wo country no examining board wonid have passed him ax able to do mili duty, for hi, being an industrious boy, had beer employed Bry me ; ber yard, where be had Cperddent from verely for years. Notwitslanding these facta the heartless editor of the Joins town Times says Alvio Evans wis 8 AR HEL I fem OD wikl he mafferid we mitt wh ah ileriiler’t and Vatald hase lO money. In 1962. when Governor Carlin cade for volunteers to gro ont the State Alvin Evans “lathe as he was wow one of the volunteer, The writer was in Wie sage company with him, atid Joyaity, and also of ib had in marching. Fearn | mnsterad into the United States service and has an honorable lischarge We did not have to go before an examin. jog board. in dele 0 koopa of ns difenily ae WORM Mr. Evans bax worked lime if the honorable positions whe ocenpies by his own the pride of himself that he has done so. He Is respected by all who know him, and his ang ance is not confined to Ebensburg Cambris county, nor sven ta the State ‘of Pennsylvania hohe pu efforta, sind Bix frienas Brio “Has no strength or following ih hus own county,’ says the mal ; tor of the Times, when the Heputigoan convention of 160 delegates, W Lich Bes sembied in the Times man. gave ans & pnanimous endorsement gresa, with the privi) of me his own conferees a gent the won Mr Evans has teen a sacoesiiy torney for 25 years, both in his county and in the supreme Girt State, He has practiced ia 4 States court, and at the proe one of the most prominent lawyers io this part of Pennsylvania, who has | been employed on one side or thie viher | of pearly all the prominent cases Wh ich have come before the courts of the county for years past. And yet, the opinion of the amanine editor of the Johnstown Times, he ls an “unknown quantity outside of Ebenstarg.”’ As fur a8 the Times man’s attack on Editor Swank, of the Tribune, is cob- cerned. or the claim of Cambria county or any other county oy this Congress. jonal District concerned, 1 have nothing to say, and take po inlerest, for I mn a radical Prohibition party man and shall vote the Prohibition ticket if 1 live until the next election ‘day, but when a man like Alvin Evans, whom no man who values his character or reputation dares say aught against, | has been attacked and vilified, as Mr. Evans has, by the vile editor of the “if Evans had wanl to FAT WR Times | cannot Keep silent [ have known Mr Evans for 30 gears; Lever sine he was a boy len yeans oid, and have wacthed him with [terest in his untiring efforts as he worked his way slong life's thorny path to so honorable a position as that be now ocenpies In the community and in the sonnty court, ard in the supreme court of the State, and 1 feel proud of a fol- low towneman who has sccomplished what Mr. Evans has, and feel in doty hound to give my testimony in his be half, entirely onsolicited by him, A. A Basxenr Fhensburg, March 7, 1596, GOVERNMENT AWLHDS Boovived by the os Radics das i ammiarvs and Nogrby Conley, The following pension certificates have been issued the March 3 Crrigrinal-~James (0, Hoss, Beithesdn, [ancaster county; Alfred NN. Rasedl Ohprchtown, Lancaster county. Heilman, La Bolt, York county; Wil fiam Edinger. Reading, Gilbert W. Flegal, Woodland, ClanrBeld poainty; Jos A. McUorkie, Markie, Wetmore. ic Bab Bin avi land county; Absolom M Mars, Raita burg, Indiana county; A. J. Smith, Indiana Original widows, ele Elizabeth Sti ta. Brush Valley, Indiana county Moore, Tanoma, Rueanna Indiana cantly Iniresse Nosh Beaber, Mb ant: Andrew Rabl, Grennsburg; as Joy, Ramey, Clearfipdd county. Renews] and increase (iles Steven. won, Contpors, ClaarfBeid county. EE Le Leas. i; Bom Restoration Pralip Longhaner, Jeanette; Josiah Promser, Jotinstaown. Further Bel avtions Following the recent in fares, extended the apolic snd mile Books 9 revise Open ralrosad Das 1 the Beach ation of its thats cower sil nodots on th Altoona & Phihpsburg Coa railroad. Comrnencing, thereon, Monday, March 5rd, 1998, bisoks swat by thee {peek fag se rAd read will be bonured for Desay a LY wi EHR tho Allaana & Ph e313 3 {rie TREES IE ¢ : he 2 sia dati 55 & 3 beard Breer Lhe mage PRENES 6 thd governs on the bewmoh Creek Fab rod proper. On safe date the gs <u Re A LE pon ralivoad wih plage On wie yn & % Visenday evening : SOIREE iE if SMosditmes fen Nusti Kaseanr, as . - THERE a WW Lika foie, PURE oi ¥ Lise Bape Chel departure for Patton, having spend The ladies cannnt give LOO apueh thanks to Wife § aunk a pind and cared Ge CWE Lark %iy etov able eYening. 2a Dern Prod at he Age oR 18 Teds Be home & 11:3 acon died on Monday fas. Lathe arrotiiown, ot age 78 verre The devessnd was weii- wun throughout this part of Cambria py amd leaves a Regi Gam rosrand friends to mobs the oe PR WEED AT arsid He Campbell and Aru Carrolitown, Mrs | enshgry ant BF 5 oe geod 2: mer Living i ok TLE ry. Mix Fligor Ampaiaied. orning whik Charlie Ad year-oid sou of Jared Angnatine, Was pa Bers citer press his Gi aving . i p11 Band became, 16 sothe = in the coy wheels sud Wary Sle shed quite badly, The young broaght Yo Patton aa sei) Bas taken to Br. Worre wha fogrd that IU was hetessary amputate the ring Suger C Band xT promi ble Sid ii. fi f the Boured he unfortunate Hite fell i will no doubt never altesapt to make sider out OF Leds AM A fread Pension. It was learned Thursda) that Senator and Mrs. M.S. Quay had given $16,000 to the Masonic University fund, and in addition thereto a plot of sixteen acres of groond as a site for the pro- posed institution of jearving in Beaver county, rhe as Shas *®. EX Din Beas, TWO KILLED AT ADRAIN her Mining Aeestints Which EL in the Mines wt Palton, The first great mining disaster in th petghorhiond of DniBos, Pa. in all of the 15 years since mining Pesce an industry of magnitade, took place at 2M o'olock Monday morning, ab the Rerwind White shaft, jost ant of (hat town. It came in the form of an ex. plosion of mine gas and rentited in the dexth of 13 men, all of [Bois thir names being as follows: James Girabam, SN Jr Fame Crrabam, aby YR “we bs fat hoy Jobn Monroe. Josue Pratieth waite fworge Postiethivaite Henry Harvey. {morge Harvey, Harry Smith. Lindsey F. Bradley. Andrew Mowak. David Bell Henben Noble Cearge Ainsley Al of the dead leave cept James Graham, J aN apd before the extent of Was Known, messin ers were set into tn Wie famiitles, ox the gxplinion eourred the AR 8500 Sasanter to summon all the physictans whe sould be found When the news renohesd Rothesior manos, threw miles from the shaft, tb working there rightly divined that the services of good, practical men would tw wanted under the ground and abold Ll a shaft. Superintendent Reed, of Flow hesder Ines fSilowed and. as soon Oia DATE 4 Sri wfartasd fo ax be arrived at the shat, went below with a cage full of his dwn men The gir was a0 nen. who went down in gangs of abot $i ool not stay had below hat the lorie af a Mme, bait the npening seein Gch Detler progres in get Bgl 0 Aden sees moan hour, CRT OP 3 wise ov LITE 2 io the the dissder was mde a thensand people were al toe indian yiwder ground, sul 2 ER pete were geld maay nn Ew 2 Bae Bx oc ki fhe friends of thon ! Bw FAY As passive from the fannls of those who wer the Dedies Goad be pes SORES, Mespraiitonn men weal evry Tie Send ra the morning. io into a heading north of the abd, thee four obers 300 AL Pagans, SIG bass. Wire 1h i% ‘ Fisgr mam we ball 3 Dead Clan terrific showk le AWAY Ger 3 Oo as pwn] Wis wat fi . Imoeeiiaiely wei pilose of Mise tums PANY Funny wad ther o £5 of Fb to the shady. 16 ive andl tary z > AL eX BREEN % Their Sret sfion. Was Varatiioes whi Son ay efor? Of TUTnIng An ae 5. oid Ra hot before They Sad Sa raaes i 4% Pa Fy danas Pa aad Aare Teale SPECIE OY wi Baad to Fos Sch bes hen Feat CE Sh ake Up tu 2 GE SHEL % Ech Hig a a HE TROAIS aT « BIGE PRA UD WANE Al sh Papen 7 # asks Badin i en Wid at Sdn 1 Fx whesier vad ag eX pose pods day, Foe stared in the Aa and Suaperintendent i panied by Bye uel, grad tried to seals | anil rem y gt Fins, were overcome by foal au ered nnoonsciots. A resone part them out iB line but two of te party, base Jones and Charles Lawrence, were boil found dead. Superintendent Robinson is in a serious cordition, but is expected to recover. The fire is confined to a nar row area, anid will not ease mich damage. 1 save hres A Narrow Escape. Om Friday sflernoon Michael Leon ard, who lives on Beech avenue, Pat- He was 1 % br ¥ of alber are mreed awl worl at Magee & FATY OB REPPOW DlEpe from death while working Inthe a frown from a tealn of ldaded age Tb tie, § linge s coliwry, % x ak a dies whieh wade escenETg 1d Sota dant TR Pevaking both DRE ¢ Aug Thon amd canghl sartaivg interna Lang LW TLOR gral ugly i and bedy baatdes redding sev sande abot the send | Mareay amd Noonan SOETE RINT sires longing after the 5 he pnfortanstel man si far ax possibile sdvised that be abonid be taken £5 hospital where hw cond receive proper care, and on Sutvrday hie was taken to the Pol pital pag may alwnt LE verluyrgt | Btw ae Leonard oan uliatrioos I years of age atic Das a geife and family Tagmred at the Motiorm ok Lote ng aot the Mok grmick wom welt ing in Phat Track Mr be goa bide To AL. TEP while foreign) at Om Moraiay Sibi bugs, Al aery, aE ou apes Wi ankle spraining it will na Sout eral hye WiLL COME 10 PRTTON Wheeden Wi Faniint aired Statice Monday. Florida ow &Y the A marvelons revelation of Lropieal Lrrarianee, a Norida state fair a roll ing pa the fand of Aowers {lorem with golden decoraiyoms and Fitleat with i liropiesl iohl soenery. imposing sities Yi omderal Mirveions int varioty, and splendid with a thous in ressasliion’ atid Drobieas wonders sbating So Ch RE alt Senay Te sede : hg AH AE advantages and Tress. Lime siete per toss miRaadore, fa conser atory wander ipl was 2 total vad sitar gabe NOTRE AGT Se VP i SEP VET buisize A % Bae 3. i v ET Pasaray DOOR B43 GX Tig er SATIRE ih Fda PRT FHT Wisi De ORE Reena NERY» POLO pry Lasin Rey Ro Th deny wn Of Ae bo adilpalons are LEE We a Re did Shi we tod & Kperd] dnd x kuE graced feat ®t TS apy Hiaiil, Patt TREN ia anti 2 sep ral ®ion a by BEIMENG Phe aries wisdds the bepefit of the 1 Panos’ | satniritas 5 Paine govks AREER wind Foisnaorald fanny napisy lar XW iEN Pharr ter anphman & Ean NEL eh PERL #7 wal Naki bd rity tad They are at rer] : +s x aowps I Sogpt % * 3 i 38 peg GOReT 18 Be ING § ayn E pois spo dar $iky fi Rene y tae aiumalt arrived ror BrooRvibie ifr 1 Mr tis woe ial pork Fra paste oon WW awh Dyce hers thal Lis HAsR alyis DEN a1 $305 Pn ww en pond pletion 3 FT uksonvilie Pla. Matis polis. At Pafton Monday, March 30th, € fron 9 4. 8 A ihee Pussies. of the Passover snsit Saturday and will con. The Fant The Hebrew Feast will commeloe evening, the Sth mst, tine for one week. as spring spook Tu Our spring stock bas arrived awl other goods are arriving every day. See us for prices and you will be happy. | 186 Mirkin & KUsNER, satissaction, -1612 Patton and at Effect xn ase COAL PRICES GO UP. Moot isi oof (Fperators Held in he Pe wind. Wie Phiimideiphin Ore. Qatarday notices were posted at the mines srmnd Patton votifying the wien that an advance of five cents per ton, rther work proportionately, would ga into wiffect Apri Ist This wan chsering nfrmstion to Lie miners of this region, whe have worked for moritha af rehired VORRYS, and, while there iW sume disappointment that the ad varies Was not 10 cents par ton, the advances granted will be accepted in the hope that the additional five cents will some at an early date. The advance Hf Ave cents per ton April Ist will be general throughout the Clear. Avid and Beech (reek regions, and also at the mines of the Rochester & Pittabary Conti & [ron sorapany and shome of the Bell, Lewis & Yates Coal Mining company. Concerning the pro- posed advances a dixpatch dated at Philadelphia saya: he Ritaminons coal operators of wan met at the office of the Berwind White company and affveted a distriet organization, Joba Lloyd. ¢f Altoona, who has been chair he various preliminary meet. sha Clearfield sof ¢ man of the ings. was lected president, and =» abe commitien was appointed to select ive otiver officers. All the Clearfield operators have identified themselves with thes organization, which is for the PART Da of regulating the weal trade ax owell ws giving It representation in bie 2 of iid i firmed Blomnons cond Say jon, composed of the six dis telcts slipping to tide water, Phd exeeniive committee has fixed spent thie prices for the conting year and inte effect April Ist per ton’ or sad New at Philadel Noww and of 10 Onis ad Beech new prices agreed WERE Gp which will be pal The new uric. arm ®1,0%0 Pocahontas haagred No reat i asad lle seiviailed for several GRANGE MEELRG To Be Well at avert stared wy April SE LER EL Fremont sessiog we called 10 x iow . CApeier oF when will the Toliow- Fis tame soiree of read. fa Pn tae tlisossesd of, 4 whieh 13385 pedi HET wii ie rerio reed whey Om £ halavgus an recnmmended by the State Roard Agrionitare Jos. © eecitation by Amelia Benbetl; w X Kirsch A Aernaon session will open a AY 5 oh Alan Kale BU ial af MH senate Of 5h pent Dy 3 Ie Baie y Pasaatiaiain By of secretary of P HARI | ipsa fates A WEL Ra Teer re aries (FTRnges; Sew pasion for ol Ong Proporta Who Pay an NERTINS Are Lhe Fe xg Ani TRARY Parrish i o’olacR al chp or as pomsihie, a 3 Laibar, ee whieh Ad Loy ariel In of pian Nhe {aA the parposs itera wish to take the degree of Pomona x h i 7% 3 Tie evening seaman Wis 3 - +a HE ip. 3 he cilled fo carder af 7 The trogen Ehsan Ratiladion a Pengo Repre ry Warren Wirth Rajeev. vi Dhemiwral rectiation stipes hy N ¥ her Penpsyivania mtr Larange The processing of aah seemion will Fog vy Fe PE Ca Eee 3 w® Ww X PR SCE GTR INARRR. fiARRETY, Neoreiary ta E%Y Fiovista on Whew Ar HM. Jao ksonviile, £3 {resitient oq xX rive waver i sae -t, ‘ basdhian River ralircad, & hw thin work, and he pays special Ben tion ta movement of the car aud ita apparent good it is doing through- out the country. He is a whole-souled philanthropist, and the residents of Florida are loud in their praise for the Th work he is doing. — Wilmington Del. |, Daily News 30th. While others fil to please we g ve Du. SWART At Patton on Monday,