| differed so completely from our precon- oeived ideas of crimivals, that we were : to imagine what eonld have i them into prison. We bad never # doubt but that their offenses were of fhe most trivial natere, and we said so The superior gave us one of her odd, humorous smiles. yom potios that woman in the | dor? “Bhs is Marie Behneider. That insignificant looking little wom. an, who Bad stood aside with a gentle _deprecative smile to allow ns to pass, Marie Schneider! Why, in any other : one wonld have set ber down at atice as the hardworking wife of a struggling curate, sO thoroughly re- ' peotable did she look. And she is Marie fphneider. 8 European celebrity with Wore murders on her conscience than she has fingers on her hands! “And you let her stay here?” | “We have powhers ols 10 pot bor,” fhe inspector, who bad joined us, re i “gud we don’t hang women in jnstria "’ {Nor is she, as we som found, the on | ly moturiety in the place. One of the | prisoners is a delicate looking girl, with ree brown eyes and golden bair—a ype of beauty almost pecnlisr to Aus | Gians. Bbe bas a low, cooing voice snd © maingolarly sweet, innocent expression. | “What on esrth can that girl have | ame to be sent here?’ | whispered. : . . “Dupe? the inspector replied grim. 1 x “iSet & house on fire in the hope of Killing a man with his wife and five rhe girl must have had estrsord. smrily sharp ears, for. although we gore standing at somo distunce away, spe heard what be maid, znd she gave Kim a glance such as I hope never to 8 again in my life It was absolntely (bolic: had there been a knife within h the man would bave died on the Yet only a suoment before she had mi Jooking ep into wy face with a Jo an angel might have envied wera! of the prisoners are in the con killing their own children; killing or trying to kill their | bends ; others for stealing or embez; ‘than begging. There are all de- of guilt there, in fact, and all OTD 16 to women of pea: ne for , 88 it were —Cornhill Magazine. A Little Premeh Lomon. i those who bave no knowledge x yr and trembling—which the re- | 4 fe slang and considered vulgar. | Jadies do not say ‘chic’ any wounds hastily Cs When boron is made to act spon oar ander the best « electric for. pecs, two bodies are formed, one of hem stable, the other attacksble by » mixture of potassic chlorate acid The first of thess han the formula BoA O. MM Moissan, in La Nature, pays it of boron with carbon in the electric cated hy the anthor. class of somponnds an wilicide (of carbon toarbide of silicon; Like the latter, it posse snes a to 1,000 degrees Cin oxygen gas, it burns slowly and with more difficnity meited boracie acid The met CO Tion. cessive hardness While silicide of oar: Aone fic cut #, facets may cat the dinmond hy neipg the dust of boride of carbon. The iatter is very friable It cam be pounded fine in = instead of diamomd dost for cutting diamonds. : The hardpess of this boride is appar facets are cut with great clearness. stance capable of ontting the diamond The compound silicide of carbon --Popuiar Science News Officer. A Brave Chinese surrender of Wei-Hai Wei. He was first lieutenant of the Peivang cruiser Tei- Yuen, baving succeeded the late Shin Show Ch'sng, spother returned Ameri: ean student, who was killed while com- manding the Tsi- Yen in the first paval setion of the late war a3 quently decapitated mpiain, Fong Feb Kien. Wei Liegtenant Husng Two Lien was badly vised to leave refused to do, to the emperor at his post. ”’ tenant board, although be bad to be supported by an attendant in doing wo Shortly Jor Ww! s shot strock his thigh, but be still refused to retire, remaining with bis goox A few minutes after | ward a shell from the enemy's batteries almost annihilated the gallant officer. BUCK, &he Leading : Undertaker, Patton, Pi. Embulmiog a Speciaity. Cambngs NOTICE OF IPPENLS Commpwioners of [County will be at their Office in Foens. burg, Pa, on the following days to hear ; appeals from all persons to whom real : (mur-new )—A bill of fare. x (roo)—A mixture of butter ances. (#0-tay)—Lightly fried in but- : « d'cuvres (bear d'urver)—Light : Ledger. Gh a re any a Semban, p.— Philadelphia should have the men as to who A having built a house, B, od to *'best’’ him. 50 be called in a J known architect to prepare plana Asked what aspect be would like to _bonse, B, scratching bis bead, in- ad: “Aspect! What's that? Has A Cp, y. of course,’’ said the architect. ~ *ffs couldn't possibly’ — ben pat me on two!’ was the { and emphatic reply. —8trand Sarcastic Reader—1 noticed that you id 8 communication in the first number «all right. 2 ¥ bv sub ‘wd baked, is sed » i Tele none I~ 3 r Fu 3 over 1st National Bank PARNELL & COWHER, Agents. Wy SSD terclla Stoves and Ranges Wines, ‘Hasiing act gently but promptly upon the kidneys liver, stomach and intestines : cleanse the system effectually ; dispel colds, bead- aches and fevers; cure habitual constipation, making enemas anpecessary. Are acceptable to the stomach and truly bene- ficial in effects. A single TABULE taken after the evening meal, or just befure retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the rst indication is noted of an approachmg cold, headache, any symptom of digestion of depression of spirits will remove - the whale difficulty in an bour , without the patient being con scious of ny other than a siightly warning elect, and that the ex- pected lines fated to material- (ze ¢r has disappeared, Tlsease commoniy Comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually W you suer rom Headache, Orspepuis 1355 R [PANS TARULES RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULT RIPANS TAFE # i A # i EET ww RRA 4 Ww dangerous. It you sre Bitiows, Constipated, or have 8 Disordered Liver, . . . i. your Completion is Sallow, or sou + suffer Dastress sfter Eating, . For Offensive Broath and al of the Stomehh. . Ripans Tabules Regulate the FEEAXXXXXLXEXXEG GIVES RELIEF TARE TARR > Disarders Ti E tH ES asd aa SESE 2 aha EASY TO TAKE, SAVE MANY A DOJ totes re an pts QUKK TD ACT MAT 33 u ® . » Pi HEAREST BRUNET. « h A— hy A a 4 a oh Sipps ry FARA SR) NEWSPAPER. ee Ni SA LS AIA Girias With Horsbeund © Olt Annt Rachael an old and see petit nurs, 96 years old. TO years experience as a norse and mach sought after by bumdseds of families, has for iL SY IE PER DAY wtTOam made 3 Cordial most effective : for conghs and colle by the nee of Craps with Elecsmpane Root and the JONMX Bb. CORDELL Prop'r. Aveornraoddatinos the best. First-olae : Boar on vowviaintons { y ig By ATP Es MM HAFF# afte, FH Nor 3 EH Ers ae it. ders. Seid by drugginta : FirstNation'I Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000 00. SURPLUS, $15,000 00. ay af APPRECIATES A GOOD Vrepesutions. Firave Indiv ite sri aiedt Sigews The Meat Tvomg. Luda EEE MRE ad tee TIRE rritele Sor wie Bar all 15 jeading oe 3 a x 4 a 3 Sa & Yea want Bisa yin] Sy ais LI n ratte pa vistds in The prioespet # Lee : hk so, von mast red A paper which fone tains sii the ews. The Pittsburg Chronicle Pennsyiva elegraph ’ ; Events og rider Lo Gof ¥ nmvw ony prosmnt sed stim Seopeatie AE Parrox, Wx H. Saxprozh, President Cankier, n ia Railroad Time Table May 2, 1885 Har armed ® Avs ar wav dave amy Lorrain: BN Aiwy ire Fouy se J om inl BE ve Kai webs rate S10 Tae 5it The Special Features EP HEL. sgenEs i sheduie Fxg, Sails { pawn remains WW ant ward ps RSeeini. WIR Bes Plo awan, deaths We we iuB > » the ites eretimi ard areal © 5% iS weve en BA svERa FS yy wok Save : cambria and Clearfield. sf Fhe 1 Mens dvwa rd Morais fran for Patton aed § enn dmves Ma Ba Te 4 8 5 badome fi W esover Ged aaron Hastings A0tE Hnetiogw Garey Cte peso TH Pattee D2 Rewdley famed ions Tol Kahr THE, ar Tiving at CIN 3 & A Bors Traits For Patios and £8 y heks vow Mahaihy wf AW im ’ Fk Wemtesver B31 fenrway (Be vee) BET antioes NT Cmrway Sor reese AES Pelion . Bemater Topetios Bah Kavior B88 gris 4% For ad iresleol @t £5 IDEA Toocenghiok North wand SRN & 0, Pate TRB, C.. for thir $1,400 prise nM EEE Snanaial. deparimart eo Cris 8 Rnd Bia i CR Has Handled in Ok pas AY Amy's vents Ing Wwng iY madi %il sarong : {he ed & SODY Gr AE cers owsel for sample cop CHEORNRILE Sith postal card sn EAR Pa 3 Sah eA 3 £. Fruirienune, Pa Sh Ws boy ard uA fo gm pt? adie Box ¥ La Sm Sey Loa Tae CED Mm uw W sings SAE Fast ng way lor Mabey: TOK Tore aevtving at : J.B Wad, a Paws, Agt Prmeir pd Mgr LoS Pexier Beer. i:tc. En po - o.'s Beer. 0a Heech Creek Railroad. NN YO &HR R Co Lemee Condensed Time Table. Paad ap Fie ok Naw 17, 1486 f 8" Ne ¢ 5 5 ME i Patio Phoenix Brewind Priel ig L 4 PEN ew Penna. I gasunluels Wit bei rfl Jute Tretia ad a tH BS EE —__ YE S—— ———— i —— Cataryy | LiVIDE i Yo! hiven 3D casep, :i00 a I ow . ta i EAE Bowen SAARI ERE aa i Marristab Mines Museen Phitipetung “A Pak y be wr oy a | 9% 0 Eee aie sven ee gon : eg ; : yotove ny 2 ihe en 2 “ns CERE AE wg Nie REM FLY wan gore at Tat aller * paying owen Havel hin oft Ssnesdaks Was Te owas Myce Date Lee ar Wa on Ee 4 SR se day FE 2 Renda ys 3 Uhmstwpert With Phils L Fesding relma; al Jerwy Shore th the Pall Broek Rv «1 Mi Hell eet Halimamd of Praosyivania: ot Puigiiastin % Peso Donnie miimmd: : sows the Reflsie Hoehester frematinre miiway 3 MaBafer and Patton atid acevo mevd Clemrfindd abe ison af The wanda matiovamals a1 Mabsfey with the ey vans aml Northeeslarn MRiay iy, Palsteer ¥ FE Herrin sg periptendent, Chens. Paes | uisdeiphiie, £931 ten np WE man clutelied, 0 retails fe IT SAVED HIM, It will saxo fon CATARRH Beiny a {amid wdtinal 5 ILCAS BE (1 RED, LW, Bras CRlEBRaATED CAT ARRH A RANTER Ee HaRBgEns vas Wills nawpeart ee PMR cei Sos ind pis tip of Lake Third Thi anche of 54 B R & P Time Table. Phe fenart Dine Detween Do Bos Ridgway, Brad font. Salamon, Buffs, Roeder Ni span Falls, and polsts in ive Lipper URL Tagan dia Cn ast afer Noa BE TRIE Pash: Irmo Small in O fo Si. : Hottie weil arrive awl Geert fhe ‘min reek oa # bow 2 Bi £ No. Se. a. 4 Bete k ents Huai, exoepl Sandny. ae Sdbows: meri bow ou 0 Ham Rinse, REE, ead ow, a Batis sad Boohester sal For Ca RARE Ridgway, Solmessin mg, ML Hiettiond, Meluomanis. Bufiaio, and et: Munreting AT Soshraan hat with gas Gar WW OGons Katee FTE Expres Traen | Hadgway, SRrocRwarviie and pier ". i sation, Be Dally and Panes. Meet ind es Uae Yoke pu 13 ca fig Ran and Posten wnegy pmo mmiliord Lovsanpiswint ion Foe ab irse. Beekowenyyilie, Ellman, Ire, Tolmennidang. ML Jews A thy s .oasaiho For Do Ruan, Sy ies, ig Ran, rors wad ney wand Wiadslon a oC Won indi wird Pusgsdiawosy BX oat at Raed 4 4 san movrsrseoda thon fron y ogrems roan Pas focrss Play fe Svs How hese C & M Division. FALLS CREEN | The modern stand- ard Family Medi | Cures the e—— common every-day cine . ills of humanity. 3 oe tL % ONE GIVES RELIEF. Ll i. «0. Ad 2 1 a eas JOO eI boat het vg aon Rtn Ldernon Yiadaey Rhwines HELO HEVE -» “ie 5h 9% nad Risa Ruign® * am pie A Cas vi Shp as Lh smmewrn at 1a¥ob for Belg aor, PradSenst, Tati wond rene vireerts at Daiiods Sar Beater, ab 1h For BS sankey Umstingwsr, Tisiladeds sere erat 4 i dw Ah Lee REE per die, 7 wii stslaons £2 Lape CRE Hw Hal ward Wa Pressey ame repgesitand Ya gy Hes Tey anbiring (he os vy ooents Wilh tw ow lowed Sones Bares are yebid on thunk from all dalions where a Senet office BB Raintaimed. Tooky on PRRERNIGENEENUNEE Avsnmnoduiiion For Dolo, 498 4 Aa Flew Horehound Public spenkers and a it is performing wo. 55.