The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 19, 1896, Image 4

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4 $12,508,000,
this wonld make the net gold
a AR FR Spee
Patton Co urier. have used One
pS ok my family and for myself, with results
PATTON FU BLISHING CO. Proprietors | 7 oi iy satisfactory that 1 can
oy hardly find words to expresd myself as
to ite merit. I will never fail 10 recomn-
{mend it to others on every occasion
51.00 | that presents itself” CW. Hodgkins
upon Faster Fashions,
Faster Toilettes arc ont. That ix to
say, the April tase of that most asc
Entered at the Postoffior al Patton as seeond I nating iadies’ magazine, Totlettes, has
= : lax mall rattler, | made ita appearance om the news
| stands, illustrating, in its own fnimit-
; TIME OF HOLBING COURT. | able style, everything that will be new
ist Monday of March tat Monday of Bept. ! and charming in women’s wear daring
im Monday of June wi Monday of Tre, the coming season. A wamber of
BFPICERNS, % TE: : ¥ . } .
: beautiful designs in ootore, illostratin
Hon, A.V. Barker. fa gn 4, ®
ablic, Ta., says:
{ine COPY, (Nhe FEE, try Avance,
| EE Advertising ales made KRpown
I maNo pees
Hacontinued antl all avo
wishin a the Opliog. of the!
REGISTER AND Raecorner-F I Tom
| wepascnre--F, H Barker,
Kperipr- 0. W.Gnaiter.
erry Bans Ppa Ra rr
{ elties, together with an invreased nom.
avis, Brower] ber of black and white pages (over 150
> illustrations | attest the ever onward
porwicr Avtar KE SWINE Lioyd, | march of Toilette, and mccount for
Geo. M. Werte. oo ¢g { that journal's ever increasing popular.
x rarer J. Ww. tity. One feature of the new issue,
CarXTY SURVEYOR LL 00 Bettormaf | which is sure to stiract widespread at-
Say Anmrrons—Wm. J. Jone, w. Se BE
7E ge Dally. A nie Weak inndg, | tention, is a new design of the most
TLL ee a | rational dress for whediwomen, by a
ConnsEr- ie. George MatLl | celebrated Paris firm, and consists in 4
rine Sion Sea | divided skirt--not hloomers-— having
: BOROUGH OFFICERS. the effect of pantaloons while mounted,
Rane W. 1 Tennelly. » yet hanging in graceful draperies for
¥ | walking purposes, The Worth articles
, {on “Fashion and ita Origin,’ are con
tinued in this nomber, and accom.
Fares Sore
B nme ca
+ at, BF Wi b
Sento Ba CC rip et
{ panied by life-like photographs of the
present heads of rhe Maison Worth,
. Messrs. Gaston Worth and Jean Worth.
tor LEeTon. Jax, Mellor, | Toilettes can be bought from all news
: Hs eine T Imie, H FE. Banon, sec niet
x ampnso dos. He. Flicker, s | deale « at 35 cents a COPY or had by
Aas F I. Kinkead, Hi. 0. Winslow, rs at 25 cents a copy, or had by
pf boven.
Mebion aan W. $1 Randfoert ?
TICE OF is Prace-—Jowe F. mle, Jas
OrERK Harvey Patterson
the publishers direct,
street, Now York.
os it Dana's Sarsaparilia is not only the
FEALY'S FINANCES ‘best of all remedies for the Nerves,
According to conservative reviews | Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, and Blood;
of the financial condition of italy that bat if no benefit, you can get your
country is on a swift decline to bank- money hack. The same guarantee ap-
roptey. The views of people who | plies to Dunn's Pills, Cough Syrup and
stady the finances of the world are re- Plasters. For sale hy CW. Hodgkins,
flected in the metropolitan newspapers Agent 1413.
{ and from one of these, the Phila Astphia 4 Rich Diisesieries of fintd
iv From, the Sllowins extract from Te: | (opie Creek, Colo, and else
thar OF RLBorioN-Sam § Bayi. at 126 West 28rd
xproTOR Walter Wess i irnel.
CoNRT ARLE Ha steel Ko Jura.
Carey or Povics-—John Buoy oe
Serer CoMMImIN ERA, 3. Jackson
Since the se : i where, are being made daily, and the
1801 0 fhe tions nee Ra production for 159 will be the largest
ing from hand to mouth, In seven STO known, estimated at Two Han
years up to 1891 the national debt in- dred Million Dollars. Cripple Creek
Ee crossed $10,000,000. The average an- alone is producing over One Miliion
be ntial deficit has for ten Years pi ant Bese t Dollars a month, and steadily increas
: : : ing. Mining Stocks are advanving in
and in 1858.9 it resched C .
price more rapidly than any other
tenth of the net national income goeR :
fointerest on debt, in Eogland 28 per to 5 per cent. They offer the best op-
cent., and in Italy 36 per cent. A year. portunity to make a large profit on a
ago when a heavy addition was made small investment.
$0 taxes on personal property io Italy | J. E. Morgan & Co, 45 Broadway,
to provide means to pay the debt New York, are financial agents for the
| talian b per cent. were 75. They rose. | g
i Ses to 86 last : ; “others in the famous Cripple Creek
in 1895 to 36 last December and under They will mend you fees, In-
the first f defeat dropped to 80. 2
o er ° eat rapped if hb teresting particolss of the Mining
Fig issues made neos ? companies they represent also their
. Abysnls nia the wh twill ih sis di. : DOUK On speculation in stocks, grain
Sly = Bo oT Sv nt of three : and cotton containing many new and
2] roe ta with a total capital of Important features :
Toe ‘nation oa : Rend for these books st once if you
wal tressury ; :
has to provide the a are interested in any form of specula-
: i alter col
lapse of the currency. Elaborate plans :
for doing this were proposed by Baron Quick in effect, heals and leaves no
Songino jast December, and these, 100, ‘soar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
are upset. : quickly cured by De Witt's Witch
© THE RECENT BOND SALE Hazel Salve. Applied to burns, acaida
i old sores, it is magical in effect. Al
| Therecentbond sale by the United yupy cures piles. C. W. Hodgkine
States government may be regarded as
practically vompleted, as loss than §i1.-
000,000 of the amount of gold doe from
the succesful bidders for the issue re- zon et al, Patton
mains to be paid to the treasury, says oe.
Bradst: pet's. The net treasury gold A.B Jordan et ux. et al to James
reserve now amounts to about §126.- P. McUans, Chest, $1.
000,000, though some $21,000,000 re
eeived in payment for bonds remains dan et al., Chest, §1.
in the special depositary banks, and of JM. Shumaker, trustee, to D. W.
this latter amount some §9,000,000 has | Karlinsey, Sasquehanna, $1.
not been taken up on the treasury’s Nathan Smiley et ox
books. Added to the official reserve, Houghstetler,
LL held by | Joseph A. Gry «t
_ the government about $136,000 000, or Susquehanna, $50. :
- 994,000,000 than the minimum point R Coulter et al. to DW Luke etal,
touched in the first days of February South Pork, $100.
before the payments of the bonds be- Mary E. Spencer et vir
gan. There are no indications of any A. Bathrath, Reade, $2560.
large withdrawals of gold from the Benjamin Rush et ux. to Rees Lloyd,
_ tressury, either to provide for the Cambria county, $475 :
: mmadl balance of the bonds stil unpaid Joseph Hochstedier et ux to Philip
or to meet gold contracts made by the Heading, Cambeia county, $1.35,
= bond subscribers at the commencement J.C. Murphy et ux. to Hiram Y oder,
of the operation. Under existing cir- south Fork, $276.
cumstances, and especially as no gold...
exports are in sight, there is a feeling Mive me 8 bves regulator and 1 can
that the treasury can maintain ite frie regulate the world,” sail a peniua. The
gold wo at about the present level droggist handed him a bottle of De
oF | a to come. Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
WW Hodgkins
profitable to you. - 1430
Transfers of Real Estate
W T. Robison et ux. to J. A. Adolf
consideration, $1,
to Joseph
(aumbria coanty, $1,200,
al. to Joho Luly,
10 Mrs 1.
re mn —— little pilis,
The house cominittee on naval affairs
a aio A a, onside The committer of ph yeicians re-
: ; shan He quested to examine mio “the merits of
: SE > BO the wines of Alfred Speer report these
bat it is alte Coruain th it reed hd : wines strictly pure, acceptable in
Te bettleahive ahd pedo i be Bayar, palatalie and rich body. Dir.
: authorized. Membe f fhe o Cyrus Edison, of New York Board of
34 . ers of Lhe commit: Health, says there is no beter wine in
tee differ as to what this increase shall the world.
be. Some favor six battieships and 15
torpedo boats, while others want four
_ battleships and from 20 to 30 torpedo Lebanon, Conn., was badly atficted
boats, The bill will carry an appropria- with rheumatism. At times it was sO
outside of an authorized incresse in Severe that he could not stand up
the navy, of about FER. 00,000. straight, bat was drawn over on one
One Minute Cough Suse touilien the Side re tried SferOr Tomei with.
ial ; raha i hu | PME receiving relief” he says, unl
sient Spek, 2 eo on pg 3a We abe ut six months Bgo 1 bought a bottle
have a cough or cold. See the point? of t hamberlain’s Pain Baim After
Then don'tcough. C. W. Hodgkins. using it for three days my rheumatism
Eads mnt of Speers Wine Hy the B arully
wl New York. :
411 last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills of
was gone and bas not returned since.”
to Dr. Forsale by Patton Pharmacy, CW,
Save your teeth by going
Swartz. 162
Minate Cough Care in.
| the most delightful of this year's pov:
at 8200 per year, from
Prudential Gold Mining company, and
for liquidat- :
ing this load #0 as to prevent tion or investments. They may prove
James P. McCans to Henry M. Jor
Fig Money for PEE.
It is said that there are over a dozen
different ways of cooking eggs and the
publishers of The Kitchen Journal
wishing to obtain for the benefit of
their submeribers the greatest varity
in which eggs can be prepared have
taken thik method of obtaining. They
will pay 8100 in ansh ta the person
sending them the greatest number ¢ f
different recipes for coOkiNE eZRs, and
4 sofid silver watch will be given 10
each of the ten persons sending in th
ten pext Jargest number of recipes
Every person knowing anything about
cooking should enter the contest
W rite the recipes plainly and mark the
number sent
with twelve two-cent stamps for a three
months trial subscription to the beat
culinary journal published. Aoxiress
The Kitchen Journal, 66 Fifth avenue,
Chbcago, TH
Loeni Market Report
For the special pwinefit of the farmers
in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER
publishes the following Jocal market
report, revised each week from Geo.
8] Good's store:
Rutier, ”
ary i
rey, sheliad,
Whaat, :
Pc kw bond,
Hay, pros,
29 west per pound.
Eden us¥L
ty $57 per tom
A ot ate Im Mole
The current. number of “1 Art de In
Mode inaugurates a series of articles
of great interest to all dressmaker
One of New York's most prominent
dressmakers contributes a signed arti
cle giving the reason for Ber success in
her profession. Seven handsomely
colored plates showing the latest
combinations of eolor and material to-
gether with about seventy-five other
jilustrations, all of which are original
and will appear no where but in “1 Art
de ia Mode,” will make it a number
that is rarely approached in excellence.
Send 35 cents for ciirrent number or
2.cont stamp for sample copy to The
Moree Broughton Co, 3 East. 19th
street. New York.
«And Enjoy —
n this country about &
In ts eGumITY Stocks, and many pay dividends of 35
Onir stock of Winter Shoes
< the most extensive in the
city and—well you know
we always sell goods cheap
er than anbody else in town
not because our goods are
inferior, but because we buy
in large quantities and at
the right time. See? The
goods are first-class and
George F. Streit,
r122 Eleventh Ave,
Altoona, Pa.
Financial Condition
Year Ending March 2d. 1590
§A N
¥¥ oR
wg iw
tn dan
3 LE
: pra
Te Thani i
wi wey
vip Aha inal IY
$55 a
Fla mines Cis tise
rteernat evangeens dae aint arsed
ipdings txt anlar
: Foe
al wn"
475 00s ik}
Phone us
Wa the sodersigoed ABditars @
Rorcaah, Derby cert That wee fei ve Adidited
thes ses emsl gecuints of Palen Borsa dad
and correct ad pr UR pred ng Mutagen
FiO, Winsnow.
Fiammy 18 Ger tan
March 18h, 18
Phelan ing
§ anders
Patton Fao
It not only ix so, it must he so, One
Minute Congn
that's whit ori
“yee acts onickly, and
it ¢ W. Hodg-
1 ied
‘need in Bike Hine,
prised at his excesdingly
amd snoloss the same
Is your Umbrella Covering getting
more holée-y than righteous? Bring the
thing to us snd we will give it a pew
a fe. Will recover it in A
twinkling right before your ayes
cheaper by hal than buying 8 pew
here, Priecs right.
“1 imhreila Mender
df 49
+> x
1 36 Clinton St,
Wand ke ta have some of the Patton
Trade Wa will have a inrge three.
story balding of our own flied with
New Spring :
Dry Goods,
Ete. Fie.
: 7 WN est
TH oy 5 4
i i MUN.
Sen a
if you can’i come,
Clinton St.
Ward & McKeluy
are now prepared to fit you
out in the atest style
at prices almost as low as you can
to be pe nade once 8 wiwk.
All our work ix guaranteed to
give satisfaction and 8. You can
not make money faster than by
letting us furnish your
even if you do pay a little more
than stare. price at the time
We don’t
diag Ltreesiiiiu, Lhey Aix
We make then
Hage not teen
su gvwnd Tak
giv 1 i'M
fi) WeaE, arm i
cope Maele Mls
SIE Ae ml we
Hee trials
wa Wk 341
already a 5
Prices {roan
S15 TO SH.
{yom resend Shoes, Cram
we are making
ais {ome In
wowon to select from,
And shou
Boots or Rubbers,
VETY chose: prices
and see gn,
Ward & Mek clvy
Merchant Tailors,
Salomon Bi'd'y,
Drug Store, Magee Ave
CROWN Hoosier
of all Sewing Machines a
sHand-re- Downs!” that have
Flour and Feed.
| have recently purchased the two
flour and fend stores belonging to
Sam’ Bovoe and Willis M. Ross and
am now prepared to furnish yoo with
all grades of Flour and Feud
At Prices
to Suit your plirse,
Roller Feed and Poultry Pow-
der a
Lime for Bale
{iive me a call,
John Gantz,
Resch Avenoe,
Money Saved,
hy ¢alling on
C.M. Letts
the Artistic Paper Hanger, Duwcorator
and Painter, for anything you may
Yon will be sur oy ;
Keeond storeroom from the {Corner
1544 1404
B. 2.
Manufacturer's Agent
Keystone Powers,
Threshers and Cleaners.
CHAMPION Binders, Reap
No other house can do it
ers and Mowers. i
yrain and
Corn Dnilils. : i
WAGONS, Buggies, Carts:
Plows, Harrows and Culti-f
Sewing Machine, the King,
Good Building. ~
Any person wishing to purchase any
of the above Hine can SAVE MONEY |
by sending a Postal Card to re -
Carrolltown, Pa. Be rnc a
We wish to call the attention of the people
of Patton and nearby towns that we have
of the finest assortments of
to Northern
just received one
wall ever brought
WHICH wi will
i yal wr
sell at prices ranging from 10 10 40
cents for double bolt, with borders and ceiling to match.
homes in the Spring it will pay you
going to beautify yuur
before purchasing elsewhere.
to call and examine our line
\ll Paper trimmed free of charge.
\{av be a pleasant pastime but we take
more pleasu re Mm
population of this
i that
% ny
gary by
Nadie uh?
x bh RARE RE $n «ion Rw
Wr PLC nt to Vour econom-
+1 conarieration owl compete
<P R Of
Careful Selection.
Reasonable Prices.
Pure Goods.
Appeal to your
Patton Supply Co., 3
Patton, Pa.