Slew {i Linpeessnd n Youngster Who Heard hard jo Lia's . thua Pike ronnty. thi or a | atthe table for cur young fri Pouring my descent of the thers was omly oué piece ROUND Lo a I te RR CHAMP CLABK'S STORY. 3 : It in» Speech, “dem dhe Le there twas o 1 aesrtiiin place in pt Charles panty, In ate. A number of distinguished ieptic speakers were there, and spk Barcuek campaign “a - i & £ £ 3 € 5 3 Damocrutie meeting ot i ! hasd a day of it. The writer was then ! all ehild, but ous of the speakers gate B very profound impression npon bis mind. The speaker wax no other than {i hamp Clark. Noone asks pow, ‘Who was Champ Plark/ but then he was a now star in Wahad a number of speeches, and the ehildren were very tired. Ican't speak | i § or thie grown people, because the good | Dencerats there would not have owned being tired, 1 know, ufter such a die- , lay 1 eloquence from their great party | : mother whispered : Thers is omly one mors spec § & § ¢ I | that I eonld have imparted my hh. si ‘and 1 was moth relieved. A blond young | pnan was introduesd ss Champ Clark of pleasant face and nunnver that al Gnew attracted my attention. He began ig od a postin and exproted - pometiin finer the next day. oily vias ston to #it $x Tie fam table when a wepin drove up Gag x : sell | ERATE i# . peighibor's familly came in of the hoose wanonneed that thes Yis “had some 10 dinner, T hers was 8 The ¥ . sporizasn, sod be waited, with hig avos anxicusly fixed on the dish of poring The guests had good pppetites. Finally of posenm left, and ome of Lis own family took it. Then the possum lover hasated * ight oot werying. The dimppaintment was too minch for him. He came forward with a ing the Italian soenery withont hells were pot in use, an [a isnomer. “ips om sen bo the inher s FOE sick, tha | at thst | the mean in Dut, | that oor fo { Dutel dome, | paper cater and dn hig ere yt $ : 5 : i “My friends,’ continued Mr. Clatk, | 41 gum in that same condition. When 1 heard the first speech, I thought, weil— that is pretiy bed, bot still 1 biave some thing left to say. mesh speech, aud the next, and when the Just speaker finished I just bosted right out a-orying, becanse there was not un- _ other thing left for me to 837. ae Bm there was, and be sid it too. He swakeped that sudience till yom could hoar its applanse a mile Away. I'think that that was probably the Bret time Clamp Clark ever spoke in St. Jharles county. He carried back bome with bim the thanks and appreciation of 4h good many of his bearers that day. wofit. Lomis Republic. MR BR IRERARRNEE SEEE NG THE KONGOD STATE. Explorer Stantey Tells Is Brief the Story bad revo thei qu Jed our fioti Kongo 1) Ived over and over in my mind Cihér oocasis question of the destiny of the river, at the prow of my boat, which | 3 § Than thers cue the i i sa Sons es A sham Fr SA TA ER A AAA RM _yiver developing itself, I was preocon- | pind with ri mo other powor those thoughts every leisure | There was, it seemed $0 me, | 0 but England that conid | Anterent fhoelt with this part of Africa, | oy 0 and, us 1 said, thers was Bot a mingle | al full apology. wiaite man in posession of any portion | ‘of the ngnatorial belt excrqt at the ath of the Kengo, whers a few trad. hind guthored t pe taking effect. After nearly nine But despite the po 7 essen iu England spon this | Wild a © gebiect I fuiled to awaken ore than 8 grographical fnterent in egustivial & however, the reports of : addres in the Eoglish newspapers | f the Belgians invited me to vist him, mod I was then informed of his strong } inclination to nodertake for Africa what bad been 80 strenuuualy a4 Bahmen to do. He was already of the African International assomiats which was about to set on foot a hiv masitarisn enterprises foceq the ean const, und ho led we to pnderstand that (1 ie the Ko and en » dong kn of setting ahont the work was ooou- the ppper waters, which 1 estimated mid farpich abont 6,000 railes of nas. ation. Wo argued about this ma mn Apgost to December, 1575 Belgian enginecrs w but after the & émtant 3 rods past the eaturacia and build tection of caravans enditore should not excesd $60.0 M Stank rin O Hit I Lemon Len: ved at Home. ward in this « member to arothe £5 A y lutely fis ing, ¥ jn ) ' was the reply. { “Put are you 1 your ame on tl: immortal seroll of fame? : on to a sand bar? © “My desr frie: ’, 1 don't bother my: ‘pelf with reflect us of that kind. wife, who is & ¢ cerning avd 1p sical woman, once mie a remark to ne dur 3g hou time which bas as sisted me on mi: 7 occasions.’ “What was it’ “She said thy vext toa genuine beto he man to be i st admired is one who OW 10 get in the way.''~— # x LE » Epon i came Sh grove wail going to try to write tp the class that the boy he Don't you realize that you were | done because it Jocked the larger f sent here by your constituents to see 10 | tion was very foolish, bot the laugh was ig that these othe: fellows don't Jet the ship of atate dri; Mr were free from her empagemeits wonld like to employ me in opening : Kongo basin to Eurcpean infloence It way my opinion that the best way : a Hight surface railway wich 4d skirt the cataracts of the Jower : in, and pever were such good roen as and then to Jauoch steamers cb | yy Berra M2 holy day of nobody daring pede of | plied that be woold take the i | German, even English, ts. At any rate I was tired, but my | hia be The terror of the African climate gman, te general was too strong upon every: wonths’ bry Jife in England the king a they relly 1 s SF Ligh pt wid gre consulted. | no historical t : most elaborate calosla- | 0 dere tions as To cost it wus finally decided | (Leb. wee expense would be great we ; : ) § eo 3 CPB SR ANG U3 ourselves with making: an : | bow whether he would “What do you expect to being fore; ress © said one now | Eh Wak News Nemes whueving with my Eas FW WaTe OFF (00 6 waRton sols crourants of the railway erm parte pint, Stapoing at Padow, a puspioions hokine person entered the carriage, placing hivself on the opposite Heat | with my hastand, while | sat oppngite them and diagonal My opinion of Italinns, acquired froma the reading of romance, War that they | were mostly brigands or robbers. Here | was (ne of the type. While l fastened my gaze upon his sinister oonntepance, | what was my horror to se him stealth i ily draw a stiletto from his pocliet nod | Jay it by his side. I conghed— 3 Pa “5 ¥ la i The Beward of Marit. ~# of is sa fae Bri Tose] Beal? EE WAR H Sans Ine | THI Las lad with addored wafers, pool 4s Ward thors § 43 HR iif & arty tha phabint ion {iombe {ne Baw Cat valing wa mErTnen. z tertars, fiw ergy aan ones made ci tie niles of bis Boek the treading the straight and antl, as of nryanted with descont SORE highway leading in the : Befipe he wis weil s iLiuronivis bo ran down the wd procesded 10 s0il the s ygorit Bn gen ThRe Eke pl Ys Senn Pde =m i geal ap E myiney ar ¥OELe WELL srsmenigtiog Woah 0s fy ora Er SE bs ii Fhe rodhury, Wang of tor me, amd 1 wo add peas 1a : wy t Past avanigy tha tied Bot wooed nid LEAT be ‘ Yi road And Iviog fat one to pan wn ar Sow he exied, thin Baw: Sw wisite Wala ty haven is Le th sn the banister he began ta pail iriinenif ap, hand over hand, os Imlgrio HislY as 8 gros] pou ww * bor rhs an ‘ Avast h revered faut Again. Bapoy in Than having tae i th ton, amd got Bis aaetian ert Dreatl, ha 4 the wad leg uu- Lids and wind tha aii ao Eibnrs Will & sapidity and paved uw fnversile funstiar rte we AORIHON 3 Weakly Geographies 19 ihame. Oy, Wag. game of foo ie Pride Napa iviim, Naan 1 thesia 1 net. ¥ al pEsEnr 8 1 EN KotH iif Lomein ww bets $53 was payed a Potrr was dan 5° Tal $4 05 id 2 wa RE > dpa 2 135008 2 ¥ wo ¥ TARE BR Fan SAA a FR ask ak aE inYarT ew Ea ha mF 4 is paitate f « Pg the Uivost, and 1a Ir ow opsite true tnt tha mst eniranrainary Hroge, nt Ba mors astounded vir dubbed a =RIGL dad in the odie of % i Ad out how Frelinh fashion 10 mis toons bBo founded, ee han Dro fray} 3 ww har Th CRT 1. WD Basitate rel, thal fe wis however or a tha he Pair IX gnerplin LEE esr Hh ght Wien isa be IX make hasta CEE LRR CI, Wi Are ATOMS Ana so wit proved —Naw York Elaraisl $y SB An Agrienitarsl Peer. 2 Winekheloen 18 best Roown + by the great iDlere agnenitarai His br vah ied Bw to make many expeditions, some of which havis extended as fur as Egyps and to risk his life at the end