Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1896. | TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one feat in advance, « application, S-No papers dAlseoniin Pest ren wre paid, noless at the puttisher. aed Bath all aption of thd Entered nt the Postoffios at Patton us recon. | clnen ral! trealier, COUNTY. TIME OF HULDING COU ET, tot Xo anday of Marsh 1st Monday of Sept 1s “denday of June ial Meomday of Ive BEYIDERS Prepkinesy Junae. Hos A.V. Barker Pic HusOtARY dW Imi Beaterkr asp Beoonpen -F, Treas pre FH Barker, SEERIEy 1 W, Uonier. : DEsrry Suepires-Barael Davis E mv . ron 7 2 Dernier A YAM MINRION ERS a Is Opp John UO Tales, COONEY RUPERINTEN ENT JW. Taeweh GUNEY RERYEYOR-B {3 Fattermun County Arprrors-— Wm. J. Jones, Ww. , Jamon Daily BH Joes Eimer rrogNEyY ROB Ma £3 Indien, TIvRY Commissioners Anslers Weakiand, | Wm. Miller. Comoner De. George Martin, Poor Dinpcrars--B Moore, Jaren Ror. esrvilie, Raphist Hite, BOROUGH OFFICERS Rupapes WJ, Donnelly, Coe srio-dincoin ® Beil? president; BM Wilson. Frank Ummptedl, BF. Young, Halph Leisweh, Kegrewst. Bk ghd OC Crowsil, president; HH. Onrfoms, secretin, WOH sanded, tress. urer Jesse b, Imie, HE. Barton, Fd minston, Sh Sowers oF THE Peacock Joe EB. Imi, Jas. Mellon. TREASURERS WH Sandford rene Harves Patterson Cnrteeron. Sax Metion Assiseyno Jon 31 Hicker Avprrons FH, Kinkesd, H. (1 Winslow, Hirry Gonid. Jotix ne Fiporion. Sal Boyes Ixnpperan. Walter Wonkiand CONSTABLE Sanne! F. Jonm CHiey oF Potice Jobin Bove, reer CoMwiesio wee 8 1 Taokean, ENGLAND AND VENEZUFLA. While the cabled summary British side of the Venermelan dispute indicates that England bas made out 8 better ease than many thought it was possible for her to do, it is to be re membered that it ie only the British side says the New York Morning Ad. vertiser. Venezuela is yet to be beard 8a far ae the United States 8 oon- eerned however, reat Britain cannot present too strong a case. The prople of this country are not prejudice for or against the United Kingdom in this CODLrOversy. every inch of territory that rightfully belongs to her in South America, All that they demand is that she shall demonstrate that she is not transgress ing the Monroe doctrine. They simply insist upon an impartial asccrtaininent of the facts in the matter. 1 these shall show that Venemeola is in the wrong Great Britain will find no stisuncher defender of her claim than 7 | the United States.” HN the least gratifying feature of this phase of the Venezuelan tangle is the renewed assurance it affords that the question will be settled in 6 peace. ful manner. War between two great English speaking nations wand be a calamity so horrible that it should be regarded as unthinkable” 5 £5 the Rif ATION HETWEEN | 5 AND SPUAIN, In ¥iew of the ict that the relntions of the United States with Spain are to a greater or less extent undor discus sion at present, it may be worth while to glance ut the trade relations bel ween the United States and both Spain and Cuba. A glance at the figures pre pared by the Burean of Statistios of the Treasory Departioent show that during the calendar year 1535 the ime porta of merchandise from Spain were valued at £3,526, 060, and the exports thereto af R10. 504 474, a total of a 1itthe over $314.000,000 which “ falling off of about $3.00, 000) us come pared with the precgeding year. The importa from Cuba, on the other hand, were valued in 1805 at 851,662,125, and the exports thereto at $9 495 0044 a total of something over $61,000,006, which represents a decrease of over 832,000, 000 as compared with the precieding year. The trade with Span itself, as will be seen, is comparatively insignifl cant as compared with that with its troublesome colony in the Antilles. As ‘regards Bpain's financial situation, it will semroely eseape attention that that country carries one of the largest debls in the worid Pe IreRents ROLMES MUST HANG. Governor Hastings has signed the death warrant of HH. Holes, the multi-murderer. and the notorious eriminal will die on the galiows on May 7, unless some tuesns can be dee vised by his atiorneys to obtain a farther delay in ihe execution of the death sentence Already the case has been to the highest tribunal of the State of Pennsylvania, and every effort to obtain a new triai has been tried, only to result in the afiemation of the sentence of the trial court. Holmes “tor Mudgett, which is bis right name, “richly deserves death. He ix one of the most remarkable criminals of mod- ern times His crimes were of the mast cold-blooded sort. He regarded men, women, children as worth just so much money as their lives could be in- sured for without exciting too much suspicion when death followed and the policies became collectable, He went ‘about his dreadful work in a deliberate, business-like way which marks him as one of the most heartless specimens of the human race. The latest wing collar now in stock; Pa. March 10, 1596. ~Everctt.” Bev, Farnisher, $100 S- Advertising rates made kKuowas Spon ; ar Lilies, Wise, PF. 2. 7 wag nnd of the They want her to have THEY FIRST OFPORTUNITY. The first opportunity the people of | this section have had to hear of the sit. mation in that tarbalent land Land Armenians from the knowledge of tone of their own who has Teen there, comes through the columns af the Pittsburg Times jsmnend bast Rate day and from the pen of BH. Batier, who spent the greater part of Lhe last “two months in the far East. Mr. Butler gives the second article on his asd ventures there in the Saturday edition, and is no less interesting than the first, though of an entirely different char meter. I too, exemplifies the woniler ful range The Times has acquired in ite progressive and aggressive policy of the last few years The last and least of the Pilzelawrg morning papers to start for fame and sneoess, It has bn few years become one of the foremost journgis of ite class in the country. wd Dana's Sarsapariila is not only the best of all remedies for the Nerves, Liver, Kidneys, Bromach, and Biood, but if no benefit. you can get your money back. The same guarantee ap plies to Dana's Pilis, Congh Symp and Plasters. For sale by CW, Hodgkins, Agent 14113 Boh Burdelile mays The Monroe Doctrine simply and explicitly declares that no foreign nation shall ome over here and slide dawn our cellar door; that England Land France shall not bang on our from? gate to do their courting; that Germ. any and Austria can't spt a bes: tree in oir woods: that Flossia can't spank her children with our butter paddie “The Monroe Doctrine simply means that we are the ball of the woods be tween two oceans, and the man who joins farms with na on either wide had hetier not move the boundary line until be talks to us about if, and that ‘he can't subiet a patch of bis farm to anybody until we are saticfied that the new tenant will make a goad neighbor far ne Quick in effect, hails and eaves no sear, Buring, sosly skin praptions quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Applied to burns, scalds, s magical in effect. A) OW Hixdgkins Haze! Salve old sores, WHE Cures role { From: (aa! Trade Jonraal, In the bituminous trade, the Sea Vesna Stearn Coal association has been ik iy £ vedl ined) Cana thers was ho further nse for it the Pennsvivania Bituminous Clend eornpany It =» nnderstood that a large number of the smaller operators ou the Pennsylvania taking its piace. save places] their catgut with 3) One large mining ennesrn has not signed, givieg as a seit State office, wid Mfr of the Bovch Creek shippors gre offering Oo sed nn of ts faced proani wembers was holding a wasld not take contracts ot present prices on the Beading triwks rive me a liver regulator and 1 can inte 1 reg be world," said a genins, The druggist handed hm a bottle of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous dit tie £1. W, Hodgkins NDTIE OF PEAS Tha of Connty will be at their Office In Ebens- pila Comimbaingers Cambria bury, Pa, on the following dave to hear appeals from all persons to whom real estate how boon amesen]. ACQUIRED BY PHM Sie THE avr TRIENNIAL As GUWHERE UN ANGER IN VAL CATH AYE BEEN MADE, DR ACOGUNT Also if inter OF I¥PRoVEMENTS, IY from perso nase ld With nope : est. taxable for Mate purposes; and Yao forthe purpiees Foy 1 ¥ 5 fo § £ Cada s Mititarw Hod for 1898 riety, April | IR # of making correc. On Ys For Allegheny, Chews, airfield, Dyan, Elder and Susquie- Ashville, Car. Barr. Carroll, FREON boron hin On Thursday, Api 3 1806 For Cresson Gatlitzin Beade and White townships, and Barneshoro, Gallitzin, Hau thom Spangler and Ton- nethill horoapne, tines Po On Friday, Apal 5, 1894 a Alto thanhris Ory ie 2h ed Adame Jackson and Manster townatine 3: RA dit and Womore har. Phenshinry, opin Gu Taesdas, April], 1864 For Conemaugh, East Taylor, Portage, Sammerhill and Washington town. ghips, and Pranklin, Fat Core mangh, Portage, Summerhill and Bauth Pork boroughs On Wednesday, April 8 1858 For Lower Yoder, Richland creek, Upper Yoder and West Tay- lor townships, and Coopersdale, my MY Daisytown, Dale, Morreliville, Rose dale, Roxbury and Westmont bor- aughs. On Tharsday. April 9, 180, § iy. 1. 6. LIOYD, Seiiiote EE DILLOK, Clout GEO. M. WERTZ | ommisnoners. Attest: dna, OC Gates, Clerk. Commissioners’ Office, For Johnstown O Laretto IHTATE Ebensburg, SHERIFF SALES. “arntirin annty Frog erthon FFiipm one] oF bey the Mherin Sheriff Coulter dispomd of the joi ory wl MILI wing propertios 82 Monday at the court hots All ls rigtd U0) inn nepal taioatedd: Noo LL oral in Hi mores of land towpabip was sold to Margaret Kune for $106 Ng 2A & Aivided ape hall intarest 4 all and other minerals and in Carroll township, was purchased hy [3 I. Krew fir $100 Noo BAH bow frterest in the coml ard fire ding | tah Ton the rosad in 122% acres of : 08 acres of land in Carroll township, together with the coal tipple, series, gponle house, and ther ; anil improvements on the premises sold te W. A Gould for §2,. 16 4. All the interest to any personal, mixed or real property is Carroll town ship was sold ta DL. Krebs for $1 The right, title and intercsd of C. A McMonigls in the & known as the Franklin house, in lilly boroagh: his right in two acres of land and tannery buildings in Washington township, and his claim in 2 acres of 1and adjoining tannery property on the south were sold to Daniel Longham and John Labey for $1,060. The interest of Margaret Celass Lo 82 acres of land and improvements in Munster township, takan at the suit of Mrs Mary Robinson, was purchased hy A. V. Dively and H. P. Graffios for 32 Simon Wilsem, the plaantiff, pur chased for $6 the title and interest of J FP Cox to 43 acres of land and » log house and barn sitasted in Clearfieid township. was §v Nix biel property Nat te be Trifted With, Will people never learn that a “ood” i= an accident to be dresded, and that when iB coram treatment should be promptly applied? There is no know. ing where the trouble will end. and while complete recovery Is the rile, the sxeeptions gre torrilily fragent, and thonsands upon themsireds of fatal i your paberssd io by little Injudiciotus exposinre and seem ingly trifling symptoms. Bevond ties, thors gre teuday counties invalids who [Ess OOTY every A cafy traow Yhetr rn Jim fits to "avis which ut the time of gevurrends gave By oroneern. And were therelire neg W hen treated with i cold pas Uhamdwrisin a tonph Remedy Hn a Moctaiad oh and 56 sale by Patton Pharmany, U. jortedt Dinsinnald flazette Is prompt and bedtion § W Hog fen iE Kins One Minute {ongh ure tonches the right spot. It right time i have a comgh or 0 windy fenactes 1 St Lie Ween Then don't comngh. 4 . Aiew oF Thies detiom Notice is hereby i 3.5 that thedparinersiagp ing between { E and BET Little the hate her basiness in Patton borongh, ary ti i boresefore exist. i has been dissnived by matoal consent, CE, Little retiring, and the business will herexfer be oomiucted by FT. Little at the old place 5f business Jae CPE &ET Lermie Patton, Pa, April 1, 184, It not only sso, it most be oso, One Minute Cough Core acts quickly, and that's what makes it gh. OC WH Kins { niger Momey lo Lown. In sums of £40 to 810 6x proved real estate eecirity ticnlars address J. OC Patel Pa Sts Al last winter Mr. Ges Lebmnion, affioted ARR Hey Conn. wan hoellv = oa ge with Theumiaiinim, Af farsew 1 4 Crkall a BARE IAE ARP tha oom Siverer Liha gp pg ah i straight, bal wi Hl rb revwiving sic ke Red alma wx months aro | DOU ¥is a a 3 £5. ¥ Chamberisin's Pain buds «££ Hsing it for three avs my rhea L% WaE Zone and has nd nares] tix Pha Patron For sale Hodykins PENMNSYIVANTIA 1 {ap Pik % i a BAER SRR Eo Maw 3 Rabwribedd and sw day of Mant : dEsen bl Correct ~ Atle sl AE Parr, Bo Beoosx James Kike A Midis of WALL PAPER and WINDOW BLINDS. C.W. Letts paper Huse r, four [worl Yor TRY bee wir. Revvind strsesrcwan from the Corner For 4 3 Flour and Feed. smeed the two helomging Wo M Boss and ati you with Irriag Store, Mages Ave. I have Rony rocaniiy phir ariel fewer atoorps Sy FA Sar’} Boyes and W AIT HOW prepared 8 3 a a 11 grades of Flour and Fee At Prices ter Bry VOUT JRiree. bot Lime for Bale {Hive me a call, John Gantz, Beet Avenne 1424 JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa, Weonld like toh : ve some of the Paton Trade We will bave a iarpe three. story building of oor own filled with New Spring ; 3 . 4 Dry Goods A:T aw FER ES EEE ul Toew almost as low a CE and me Down RLS ROY 8 WERK in guaranteed 0 ans fe. Ni or OE < or co » ¥ he i ws ose faster than by yo iad your Clothes ALMOST 1,000 NEW SAMPLES n prasad SNF ewn § ism Ward A Mek ely 5 . Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA § iy NE Soman Good Building. Mh. fo 3 iy ie fowing Undertaker, Patton. Pa ‘FirstNation'| Bank : OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000 00. SURPLUS, $15,000 00. LE ET Embaiming a Speciality —IN THE 4 aticne, Fes —~ALIL WORK GUARANTEED. “© IRC Cie Repainng a FLLIS CHAMPION B if oR CROW FY ei LGTh W AGH & a ig x Postal Card to Car y Helier Boe sale for all the eal xy ahbe in The priteripm fan oer seven pt and 7 fd ALL Prsterent paid om Titne Seprmite. AE Parrox, Wx H SANDFORD, President. Canivier. PROTECT THE Fit ~ And Enjoy w 5000 Speciaity. t iy facturer’s Ager coe Finy Ths Powers. Emer CE rr gUsinne w in EF Ty. ders. Reap gr o \( : Omar stock of Winter Shoes NAEWPTS, d 4 23 te $k ox mast extensive 10 100 MMOs CXILNEN N Hoosier Grain and Drills INS 31 pp * BAH A city and—well you know goods cheap town are because we buy and at The PC IASS and 2 a i Ww 3 Y Ss BE 4% w §3 5 %.. ay ama a Bi anhody else 1n x LH 8a bs # SN a So gige # amie. et Are ors ALY ¥ A x cw i Se CIIARPALIGE 121 TACVERAA SHARFATGH, NN Altoona, ik ed 57 GETEX a "ip ge TTI BACKWARD we take GENERAL GROCERIES. eful Selection. Reasonable Frice Pure 5. p— Goods. Patton Supply Co., Patton, Pa. if them sold a ir make Be sure to pie before purchase Made by Indians Blexele Co, Indianapolis, JAMES W HOY, Agent.