of Re A CONJURER'S TALE OF WOE. Wonfederats Prodio-od us Hecdful of Change | Tnatend of & Marked Dollie. Cor] Beets, the ng of some of the wo times spoil the art of the conjuror “TE wae fi Tiushvilie, he said, 1 experienced arial Hook iw JX was prrtortning the well known trick of passing a msrbod coin Sts the center tik Gents tha pt gree Hihat I Cf, « an uneut arenes; at least that's what | a good many people thinght 1 was | used a widver dollar. and empha the trick by pareing the coin fata porket of some boy whom 1 had en ied on ta the slags. 1 will openly © Bed to be 8 potifelierate, sn wo hod dollar had ite fellow in one an jrepared by me Due night, ss | wma catering the theater, 1 looked soit for 1 likely youth ta aid me in my dot ‘Ble dealing. 1 picked a bby mod ain. $00 vopass him in Hl be would fiiiowm mY instrgctions, i lamao wn jrirer,’ 1 wid 1 want yen $: * pa $heis dollar in year right hand tronics pocket. 1H get yim a seal on thee trips row. Wien J owek for sone indy fi erie yy Hie wee, ay dum ay fend wey Brae Bo Jeng es ai gn rhe bo 1 possed that horeosved dollar int tie orange, out the fruit upon. and onl 1} dropped the pain. Thon 1 went un Boe Avl pow, adies gud gent will perform a still mere diffienit De 1 hive passed that dollar intoan aaunye Rew [will sek some mediber of the | *ience fo step om The stage, un ting auywhers Ber him, I gainn dollar, mareed, as moet, into bis right hand tromeers ke “Tyne to bis burgain, the boy step to the stage. [stepped opposite him and Srp a Now, sir, have - peforay BENS pir, was the auswir, +] have here a daliar,” 1 sontinned ham going to pass it into your right hand trousers pocket. One—iwob—tlitoe 5H 3 Fon * RET sey Be “1 made the proper magician’s pase aud smiled confidently upon ty wedi Cease? Leald To my aseistant, ‘put your hasd into your right hand trousers pocket aud give me tho dollar.’ 7%n bay looked a bit sheepish, but “ho dived his fist down. Then, 0 my un- witerable horror, he produced a bandfal of sliver and said; “eve only got 90 mis of it Joft, sir’ I yent cut in a horry and took s drink Vn Now York Times, Dh A MAN FUR AN EMERGENCY RR A FAS PBurprising Exnsricnss ia 8 Car of » Foy | GG YY an Headstrong Plains BRYONY 15 vacant sont, nud bang cu. tipped hia bat the boy dry tw the neat ph Eh) strip wi ith oe boy with 4 : “Radar, throw! ing thn a bit he iF Thal hag peed Au tittle, ; ¢ head Bit GUE, = NW Xk Eun. : The alten Pimut. We supped te ¥ iy ke at the downy tent ot the st nd Re pI he ol ald. nnoushy (ne alx of large, gay green bod was a, and way taking ar “ghelternd than the ar, ing RfRewhat + i | Any prudent 2 nap, whi BELG, Waa Rl inight find a come ue ber asking the i ta open 1s velvet leaves just and then tn fold them tight); i the wanderer! And while we little syounad £5 nin, 1 mt anos ber navi uy tow of hess Yds a bow gly : Sard We thought that 1 LA REA Barter, the (vrs tall, and young purster. There for [met his foinre wi feel wl Pydney the Tower wieaits parr of the piwth iv 3 yet iia ion heir ny out ad {i a grit hg wt 8 Line, sod then Yougiand Trpr 1} {not 1 believe, 13 ean seven yours ube ancther. A? sm Huxley's appointment ty thie ¥ off Mines he wis ina preition to big bride and woolen lor 10 th hone in Coders Wind nee] to say that to engage thic : of 8 young girl nodey these of Bre knowing that he won r fon sri iy the rermitest 1 iF. Nas wn act Frac? A zn strong! ¥ 3 minat hat i had : anew when besieged by hi gviea. throwing ihe Rates cages, the beg sed the enemy 1 Bk te bo at the of making a leat § ig. VDonner-vons trer.”’ The Freug aed fo haroer away with Ah lary, wheregpm the Bwis moe gingh bung the bresches with she 3 clon protection agaimd wa fee tile a fom Shortly after srrived re-énforvemen from Switzerland, which, without ps king snd harried march, dashed ont In disorder agningt the enrompaasing A and dispersed them with terrible k HIE we could only reckon ppon obi anon in cur men.’ said the Swi ers, “we shonld march the whale of France "Macmillan s Mag Zing. Hitehooek « Wilmot, The Angio-= ek’ were used gx diminative or ¢ dearing forms of personal Dames, jus aa the Normans used | the suffizes ' 08," Yen’ and "Thne from Hiteh, Diesel! a Ee gtr of Richusd, {tbe SLIT IER His hkin, | Hit and Hit baptismal rayne | gueh varia shu whol LY AER tain la “Rat, gy Ling ¥ * Feros Fey fhe 12 buldon : prs uf rm £4 rabbit the © Xe Aji erroe gar ope, 1 15 idea's Dra 3 gn ocui {breast of a pets El wore speaking a bigebottie Oy Wwenh Jing past ve, as if to tnd set to be asking shelter of an hu ok Pir na oue f—Bdith 3. Thopias in 51. Nicholas, a ei Artificial Eggs Barred. “I wish tosay,”’ _ tragedian, Mr. REINA PC Barnes Tormer, . the fiend who threw that china egg and hreathless is puthing but aj knocked me prate, with the instinots of an sssassin say he bs | then ; gently then Wilh {ting or sin Ring i throat is ose oF Ane shunted that eminent | which dogs have Lis “that | cata Ising on het he was asieen on the thow the nition haa 100, wats axe FIRTH Hs Lam inpred to ordinary expressions of | warmth, and nog soelimies pRrovaL but this is more than flesh | can bear! Indianapolis - Has Doubts About it The Bachelor—It' 5 easier to break | Marie: my brains cin than to maky them. The Engaged Yoang Man {(dubicusiy! | Ne dons know about that. —Philadel FX he's onib or eradde Dr that oe dogs certainly do — Temple Bar Lidia Warth. Harry—1 canpoi offer sax 33 Are @aa Yi We » the § fortune oi +| possess. ii Marie—Oh, Harry, if you are as bad- Jy off us that I'm afraid papa will ney- er give his consent =Strand Magazine starred direct bo | fg to rest yoors than an hoor stor x | DOA shan, 8 § home from call oh tyes if | paightors in Tarn axon egfizes kin’ and we ® get ? What Honters bay 50 £50 Lea iy gain bate the ry ea Liner L WeERE Lo ghidong Trel in hd In th wn Reory feaving Ane rrp tf wn ders tu guch chills up end Axrk hues orss base totes, § we eral gaze puter, I thai 1 BES tant we longed at nilpute of VR eet SAMAR! TAN 'N BE THE GOOD Fle Wonld Have Bean Liktdy bo Gal ¥en weil Todo Troalioe. sg 1 was returning r English 5 ETN Cran Gar fr 04 anomie, 22 gd sewersl MEER in ELH Ng IY Way along by t fron ep | spe + rather a ign Hight Ff a Chinese lan ili 1 Tmt BIE who hed Tues impal SE WEN OY My fost go eh ar Ops Nt: % Rd 1a ERE SENT Te Tek atl AY Alarsoead Fo The Professor's | is in the lals shemin} expe Fn the i ; The hei hasn't gone —Har wpm Li A Cantions Farbet. os fo the viine of pms | he wt CE SWAT white was srminded Th Ai: ft. prams Ne goa A Koran Syed Rrgiaser ; geiting has Garden tor whe Jived in a BOO The dontcr | Loci over | that hs ed be at Arran W Petr ER #33 There wae B judge wel apm ww the “md gee 1 betes GRE said a eal a lige WwW ¥ 3 Boo ot an Inte ons if ag § i {ete us GLE ond - Dey VER Das. dita ¥ ot & os 5 ple wiheas ston » a, fw you far Loon har on % Sag Ain Sonus . F edn | pre TALIA om stair wed Fan in the (oven sroash. ~~ Longrnan’s Maga ; Thers have been many stimabis peo © 7 ek dies Benen oF and it has sometimes proved | we almost imma Re : fie 15 sevand in toe Jaw, : tire: y mil edumted, whe had ls sae ? has Iw i TER CRA LY apm We that whi hitng b Event We ZIAY £198 sormew hat 4 was oid, oe Klan a RRS Marsh Gms Under Tow, An ipterestiog chamical experiment, akg mee 10 Sh Wes prrtor rnd bl Pare 8 BLY » wesrd Cod A The Senter WEES (8 A tare artis Sohal Jake pom whol rem foe had Tormed In vavions dees wi pcts woes poticed In the bow sO Reet i seg. gs ree of the sksters mid 10 me, EL throng ome of theme While peace — sppiind 8 fare to he gus, Whorh rok fre bed to Farther axpevimants, and Bt owas fond that by boring a frail hen 8 bmg dn jet of Same ond be rexined and this contimued for Bey bh The gat was of comres puavsh gag foponndl by thr deroampeets | wegen matter AT The hese f Inks. The sborce pothod o to | ae formation of ie. bots tha wethatin pri yot 4 pad ign ea aw wl TL Nix bre eRe ie ha ped by cortasn fork wat padiimt wits ay) - Baye dis av aray sl and ms tom wd hire ame lt 3a itz fe 3 os AR TIO R pad gSrrinr y Be) kent thw Enger of fe be fa A the chee. and : Hipg, toe expression Bis ian emi tigat be wae interest , sioma’ly a watching hinwelf din. Ax be drew bis last bresid the Sus tering 8% Bis wrist must have inedivnted it. for Be jet bis Sngess drop, dnd around Lbs group guthernd pont Bim with ae clear wel tetel pent ex reaston | am awry that ever shone oa gy mud Hom and Sietireriy, Dre sow,’ and rx T 1 Lhe, wih Naw ¥ Tow (ogre Smiied. a whieh tern afl an the lal a x adr who Bist Teeny a mensher of a sixrarond, the | jae chief justios, then Mr Cor idige, Tehnessne | Wa STOeE PTATY IR IDE 4 Withee, Whe gave bat on | idence ss to the plaintidl’ # behavior : sa off the sisters’ a weird eae that plaints # 5 aff Slaedpaing 10 ow ri Mr ony Gi Ea YP #irawe ar a EE RE nip AT RET, wif that ce of Bis Teiehs Ha Hare: ridged i wD Bt pi Bra 3 R25 OE. 3% & Dipoad Cork PWEDE gre The Never SER nit of TogEg 3 ¥ : his Dae Dr w anda’ rig, Spies Sore FlaBagw rR TTR » LM TOR Ls v are bork smpbers DN ats, thes wadars ve Most joska, Periey . Joka arenes Fieming | a of Willlam FP Erection of iy 1 the man wheat taal Tle the molils wel ™ oka EEA RiaiVe CIgar between his TARY ak , -— heaty esi x Might Be Extended. i was dulfgee, “hi Was COsSCuUTS "rh was recin- yp Vail lanreal nar Cideridge, Seutsman.