THI OR a quarrelsome gs yon aod - mever bove fongh following worn ug, the eu Commbiong vu the Margais dod Ags i - Consequence She Was Npediosely Excited. Yones suo journeying with my kes Bend in Tals, wwe were on one coeasion 3 sole geen ante oF the railway edmpart. ment. Sienping at Padns, a seepicions looking pers enter the curring, placing Kieee ld cu the opposite sind with my heedand, while eat ite Shor add by fea the he a My opinyen of Italiane, acquired from the rimding of romance, was that wera mostly brigands or rollers deed the type. We § my gore upon his sinister oonni what was my horror to see hin sicaith ily draw a stiletto from his pocket and lay it by his side. I conghed—pay hos: band ignored it Then I placed ny foot upon his, which he drew away, annoyed, Qold chills seized me. We bad watches and money, People had been murdered for less. 1 feared to speak. French, German, even English, the man might ‘kpow My hashand spoke Dutch, Wied that I conld have imparted my fears in that tongue! There was little danger of the highwayman 's knowin it. While I centeroplated Jumping from the vindow Mr. Bee wan calmly view. ing the Italian sornery withont, Alerm Dells wers nod in use, aml the goara was a miknomer, Ajrain the man sought fie pocket Thin times fora pistol! No, it was there Iy » pamphlet, aud he ooo iy tog BD tha stilatio aid ont the Jeavos prepataliay to'reading 1 fell bork exhunited: I fusiber nrgned, mmoght wi a siete dn domi daty, much pa forks van be pei for poothoicke? Preseutly be laid fhe pamphlet down My bnsband, gi nelig at the ritla page, immediniely widiesead 4he man in Datel, afrapward div loeng Swat opr fellow traveler was a harm) ss Puch dominie. The stiletto proved a bat, Paps cutter and the murderons gleam 4m ham eve only the bine ight of Calvin: Som Chicago Times Herald. Ee i A Famous Frenoh Duelist The late Murania de J Angie Déanma- noir wits in his younger day favtims ne 8 diseliiet. (os evening frawetion Bin woniin, the Marquis do Hallays. In the foyur of the Opera, be walked up ta him md, in the couse of Goversation, ve marked: Flow, That, id £ wiv aan ge ction RE) LS That's tras’ reniied Lo Hallavs, hat that oan winars te pei ail Ant an the strength of thar tbe oonkine viet in mortal comin a ton [AER ERY Fe Han. : 2 Bik eight Tot fatoen by Rie piversary's pacer, WHICH W Hike 1 ant it odd, my doer br REA Shee 9 Topi Fn rendered a continuanos 44 (he fib dime posible, lft the other baal ire fo grep that of bis oipinin undiminished J frwndetip 8 monet slterwant On an ofher secamon, when be Was aloat 10 Bin a coel in which be was “itirely in oe thy ropht sed tis adversary io the Wren, be ysoenly discovered that his opponent Wie oo fect novice In swordsmanship, Cam be wonld, therefore, have him OL. ¥ at hix mercy. Bo be strode up 14 bin and, wp the presence of 30 or BO/be wt, presented the most courtecns . Ab tail apology. Almost dumfoonided, ‘the hice tuquired why the marquis mmsnroed such an extraordinary course HM fcianse, | be returned, 4° would real + tons anfortooate if 1 wers to fight b waste (greenhorn). | And with = thet 16 race 8 Jow bow sod then torned his buck npon him. —8an Francisco Ar BORG? : Fanisbed Por Their Wickednens, fhe nt Andrew's fishermen wre snp- pois. po doubt erraneonaly, to he Jess © wentuiiue than others A year or two apy they ret ieved their fame Ly very gallant condoct in un uneeaworthy life boa Boi However, their manne neighbors tell this take: Mavy years ago there was a viclent stort on a 22d of November. A wreck omipe in: the fishers bosrded it, found sone sailors still alive and “made ik- ket’ by drowning them. Then they seized the cargo and fell in luck. The anipiversary, Nov. 22, waa a bright, still, halcyon day, and the blue bay was eovered with brown sails. Not one came Iy Jand colony, mainly of Chisbolmes, came in, sud never were such good mes as the: lost sailors of Fife. For long the un- holly day of November was a holiday, nobody daring to go forth to sea. . foch is the legend, which may have no histories] basis. In any case Fife fishers and the east coast men generally are considered to be better in a boat sn the west higblandurs, and Fife en- prise and capital might bave loft ue The Schoolboy and the Inspector. In an Edinburgh school the other day an iuspector, wishing to test the knowl. ere life had sped. —Kirby. Where Mostams Are Most Xow rons, Par in advance of any other nation in the number of the Moslems under ie rule is Great Britain. In India alone there are cons BO.GO0 O00 Mohamme dans, and they ontnnmber all the mb jects of the snlean iors than two to ome. Pasides, Ergland rules Mohamnia dans in other parts of her vast smpire, though HOt MARY any (ne place, The queen is the sovereign of many millicns more Moslems than Christians Ching jo believed to come next os a pountry inhabited by many followers of the prophet. The pomber of Mohamme- dans in the Chinese spire ix estimuted all the way from 36,000,000 15 50,000, 000. and the smallest of the gnesses 1s sore than Tarkey can mateh Holland also has pearly or quite 30,000,000 Mos Jers stihjeets in her populous and rich East Indian possessions. Java has folly 975.000.6000 people, und nearly ail of them are Mcoharwmedana : The Torkish empire is sopposed to contain abont 98.000 0060 Moslems, commiting the portion of Arabia in which tha pathority of the enitan 18 008 Tory well sstsblished and is in danger of bw. ing destroyed at any Lou Therefore it is apparent that oui or great error hos Koen made in estimst og the nombaey of Mabsrmmedans in the Chiness sminn the enltan is only fourth among rulers of great bodies of men and women who believe in Mohammed. : Put gming other sonntriss which are dominnted Ye the Malem element of their popalatton and are nnder the pay of a Mohmnisnadan roler the Tarkish eae pire is enxily first in num hers and mi power for evil A loveland Losder. The Danger of Stlence 1 even hud & case (said a raeraber of the bar} against a man in the ooontry which was as clear as daylight in my asi, but, by the ennning of his law. yor. ke bad eentipond to avaid coming ta brial for alent tw years At Inst the ease was called, late in the term and late in a hod day, the const wad jeiy tired wd napaloenh. 1 ature tha facts and prodoced the evi demos, which was all un my sida The judges asked the counsel whether they wished to argue the cage, Salting thut ha hardy thought it necessary 1G guhmit it in ko plain a matter. The Jaw. gers agreed to submit 18 Without argo went. The jory went cut and honed. #taly returned with a verdict fur the de- fandant. Aw soon ax the coart adjourned 1 sompht the foreman of the jury, and ask od him how in the nama ol common sense they came to render such a ver dict. “Why, yoo see,’’ said he, "we didn’t think mueh of the lawyer against you, and it wasn't strange he didn’t bave nothing to say: but, squire, the fact ia wo thought you was about one of the smartest lawyers in the country, and if yun couldn't find nothisg to sy on your side it must be a pretty hard oase, so wa had to go against you.’ --Pearson's Weekly. Closes Shave With a» Leopard, 1 walked a little nearer the adas of the ledge to listen if 1 couki hear any. thing in the gap, as we could nut tell whera the dogs or the jeopard bad gos te. 1 beard a slight rostle below, wheth- er in the bush or on the ledge I could pot tell and there was po time to find ont. for with a rush and a bound the Jeopard threw himself against the krantz clotching st the gris roots on top with theclawsof one forn paw —the other was broken just above the Wrist and I could hear biz bind claws scrap ing om the rocks in his endeavors 10 scramble up. I knew that he was very close to me. His great blood smeared paws were within six feet, and I could we his wicked yellow eyes glaring sav- sirely and the saliva, red tinged, drop- ping from the gleaming roska As Nogwajs ran in with uplifted as segat | fired down foto rhe brute's mouth, and with a savage gasp he fell down on to the ledge below. The plucky Swazi, withoat waiting to sue if he was dead, jumped down on top of bim and gave him a final thrust with his asegai io Able to Read Writing. »1 paver will forget the queer inel " dents and experiences I had when I fre m pours prosperous isle of Lewes. —Loo- | don News, i kmow that | know bow to read writin, | : | and you don’t have to print your letters tought a typewriter and sent out in print my correspondence and bi ils 10 my | customers who lived in the rustic regions shout me,’ said a merchant from =» ’ “Several of my pa: trons dropped me, and 1 was at a loss to socount for their manner, which chang: of toward me. At last the mystery was scived A burly young farmer drove up to the store, tisd op bis oxen and staliced into my office over 60 000 monthly t Ta Johannesharg. Tong before daybiglt the square is fall of ay wagons, son from didanend occapying days to travaree, sad tn boy ere of foragh, outs, corm, meade frown, pail ry. ea ore Are lmiy a Fiepa thy gowal gon % BURA SOON BR They Can sae An YORE far ont on Prateh reaches inet ines of Of Tae a An some of a few figures rowed OF with pis cut that the amonnt be has Dutehipas 18 abot half of what it doght to be if porrectiy reckoned np the price agreed. Cuan Pand cannot roekon mock, bat bas a Ready and asp EAE BRED et from ba ii Os Sse Y {Hyg peiy the aad aloud floarisly § Hyd Bones ¥ hat 8 . LEER bay *oaa fe & AF nA ook at ER Xx Fry ig yaaryed nod your « Ean, new, GA trapeaelitn eave The Flo pot ped ion tint, Wagon ant. Natal end Bah as sapens. All poulh A : 2, spe dither tas jk veg tor i bevred Maney Jie HE paar it Arn . than pied Ma # x. * o Hs arn pon Jays pie koix to is house before the midday ben tend mat is dear aod bread and vege bles chesip In the Travwvasi brewed and segetanles Are drare-n ior $ Jorge snougli t0 be dignified : same of loaf costing fi tpetoe——tiuil feat bs cheap. ~~ hamberd' Joarna) CorePslnew Peeferablo to Brilllnaey, Dr. CH Parkburss says that a Hight ning Dall ie Lilian lo belohl, tnd be would rather have a candle 0 read by There are fow lighming Oaibes an many candies fn the world A “bri Hant’’ yoong man or woman fet BN MONDIKLGE GF enn jee Ee Homi Lave ns believe The plodding Sia beby oof dogged toil van accompitel mare taan spasmeadie freshers of enthosmim The work of the world is dose in ity workshops, not is LUking shows, don vaptions and anthosisstio gatieriogs, whee enthosiam never, by any rhanos, percolates into the adjoining street op ium. The girl who I plain in fice and hesnely of figure, bot kindly of heart and tender and true, is to be preferred by an honest man for wifehood before her dashing, laughing sisters, rave und hand. some, whose dainty Sngers never baked a pie, whose hearts never bare anol here burden The light of the hone ix gen erally the quiet, homble, nrobtrasive #iuter or brother who is not cared with the waywardness of genios Beauty and talent bave annaked op- poriunition wives aombined with digwet. ing character. But the plas of setare pever intended that the many should trust to them, sa they are givan to the fow, The majority of ux depend on ony power to be neeful—detrominndly ne fulfor our Life's valon And the dally : effort thos to live hae made this world! and cnr paticnal heritage mitch what they are and give to os — Now York Ledger. How Mines Are Hoaght Nowadays. The time has pissed when gine prop. erties are bought on seays The higher the ore goes (he more sospiciins the in wouter bervanes A mUNing proposition, to receive stiention in these days, wos hava a reasonable hesay valve, and mise stand the test of mypert examination A low grade camp, it ta sand, i better 5 the long ron for the mine owner, sed infinitely better for a community in which such mines are sitoated, as more men are emploved asd mors WoDey 8 taken out than ‘= camps whera the mines are narrow amd rich This is shown in the Camr d'Alene, whers tone of ore ars mined) produce 18,000 tons of con’! | centrates. Every coe is benefited where! vine Bisnk. said he, ‘1'd have you snd bills when you send them me | don’t propose to be insalted in such a edyre of 3 class in fractions, asked one soy whether he would rather take a ‘gixth or a sc venth part of an orange if he got his choice. The boy promptly re- plied that be would take the seventh. At thiw the inspector explained at Jength | i i $0 the class that the boy who would | pose the sraaller part as this boy bad we because is looked the larger frac- i» was very foolish, but the laugh was an the other side when the chirping ‘manner,’ “He ther threw down the letivr on my desk apd stalked vet. '—Louisvilis Courier-Journal Kinglake snd The Times. It was Kinglake who uttered ope of the peatest of mots on the peculiar char- ' acter of the London Times He had Hit- yolee of another urchin broke in in re- _mcostrance, ‘Please, sir, but that boy The Scoffer, Watts—Do you really believe that ev- ery sin is followed by punishment? some man steals a million or sa dollars, don't a Jot of people bave to starve as a Journal mette. db ao ny Unprepared te Say. “Don’t you think,” said Mis Sim- tani, *“that Theodore Thomas is the best fat replied thoughtfully: “Well, I dunno as I ever rid in his oar. Boston Commercial Bulletin. aia | St diana like oranges. ''— Westminster (ia tle fonduess for that journal in spite of personal friendships which might have been expected to soften hin view of the question. The paper was stiltobim a sort »* Juggernaut, irresistible and fate ful On seeing an announcement of the new editor's marriage he exclaimed: *‘Heavens! That brings The Times into yelatiuns with humanity.” in Sa Indians In Colnmbus’ Time. While there are no complete statistics available, careful estimates from all probable that ery there were no more than 500,000 Indians in all North America —St Louis Globe Democrat. a A AAA RE Maryland has 107,054 persons engaged a fool? possitile sources of information make it at the time of the discov- in manufacture, the annoal valoe of whose product is $171,843,593. | trying to hamor yom — Adami Freeman. such conditions prevail Mine investors have become suspicions | becanse in the past they have been moat somercifully worked by smicrupuioos mining men asd promoters | Mine ex. | perting has become a sciepos, and it is a diffionlt thing to improve npon a mine expert of national reputation, and onjy | men of this character are : pass npon a mining proposition the pur clase of which involves the expenditure of large sums of money. -- Spokaoe | Spokesman. Review. preys event tig LS ¥ Patroniziog Infants, A characteristic instance was given at a dinner party lately of the present day tendepey for ti patrinize then parents. At a [preparatory school we ehildron worn told fo write down what they thought 6 be the slijoct of sdonew ticm. Ope small boy white, stiject of education ts to be able to talk for your father and mother when youn go abroad,’ and apother bay, donbtle s re membering the oft repeated reflociaon at home, when he bad fallen into some scrape, that “'the holidays wisld soon be over and he would be safely back st whonl,”” wrote, with soeonsious cyni- ets, “The object of education is to got you out of your parents’ way Hein tlewoman. eh ii A NBA RE bi Lady & Inquisitive, ’ Tommy {in search of formation j— Is & stream let 8 spaall stream’ His Father—Yes my son “Is an owlet a smauil owl?" “Yuu, Tommy." “Is an exgier a small egg?’ “Yes, yes, you might call is that. “Then what is a bullet? Tisn't a small bull, is it? —London Tis Bits A Shoek to His Complaveney. Jags—Why is it every one laughs at Cn A MAA PENI 5 hr Spaggs—They don't. Some one was ————r punleuts to me inumediately dyes ta tedions, : fonr badge (ren. where shall wa place Coffer Drinking. Theta are some Torso whn indnlige i to a considerable nxcess in eoffes drink ! ing, and many move gi 1h sven ! greater cxonss (0 the nee of toa. It kas asiedd by some ab wiley Hage pas Enbetanoes that shia of generating a form of | ELE Tun El sna 8 hota] lohbe the other avening WHEN VIRTUE LOST A STORY TO PROVE THAT BIGHT DOES NOT ALWAYS COME UPR RMOKT. A Remsrhatile Tale of Love and Tragedy In a Ranvhera Town The Pata! Werk of Pwa Nuilets Fired iy Enraged Rivals The Fad of a Foolish Girl so pi iiss ine gl dt pi sign ol 2 3% A Srar ypryirier WAR difsey £0 8 JN Tits and a | Mew York drupaner had just Gnisladd a , | story on the old line of virtoe trl wiph- ; : ing and the villain of the plot gewiog | hin just dues this side of the hot oluce, when a Kentocky congressman tori the solos, 411 anpetita from ale : Ria head ry Ress faith WIR & t i 4 Lani 4 Paging nrg 2 lone, “That sort of thing, he said, "is well snoogh in books and on the fage Cand I am willing 10 agree that it hap. { pens fn actual ify, bat not always | me cite an instances ta the contrary iF ‘he i There beta no objection 10 the Cit tinn, the Hentnekinn, after caving his | pve ower the company, pricesdsd : the symptoms of | mg FLEne Wit “YW enrs so, in A sithern town,’ he anid, “ibere Hyed a prediy gil with a | Jot of money-~a combination no rea can apite as dio Cand ae f person wonld have thionuit 1 £3 Aa il 5 A % rein: A fis Intaxioat bar al Bi Teas sun. Pope Leo's Heading. Tho pope's favorite poets are Viegil apd Dante He knows a grest part if hith by heart apd Faken plensnre in quit jing them When Father Michael, the o prefect to Erithven, was taking with the her Frapciseans wha scaompanied him to Africa, his wrliness recitad to them with groat spirit Dante's canto npan St Francis The pops read the DewSDAPErs, fas. argos of interest being wierked for bim by rasders in Grder 10 save him time He froquently writes letters to the bish- op mud encyelivale In» pritished axed oy fib 6% & sk BUI MORN hia jean Ciro ian sive of Lain cain wre printed at the private press of tite Vatican, an instiostion founded by him and furnabed with all modern ime proseuents. They ars frst published in The (reepvators Romane, the affieind daily paper of the Vatican, and then fnalle translated mts Italian and other japguspes and sent ort to the bishops atrcad. Leo XII1 writes excellent verses, both in Latin and Jmalian, and Likes to mea and talk with nen of jetlers ax well as to rend their works Two yoars 5go be requested Professor Branall of Perugia to boy for bite the posticsl weeks of the Ahbe Zanalln The reqoest iq charscteristin, fir his holiness insisted spon paving for the book like suy cna alse — Marion Crawiied in Century. Filkins and Camden, Stephen B Elkins rolls an interesting story of his election to the senate. 3 was sitting in my study at my cooptry hop, said Be, awaiting the retarns that shonld rel] me whather or not 1 bad bees chosen to talie the place of Senator Camden. The opirator at the telegraph station had orders to open ail telegrams addromed 10 mie, und te wlepbons thar Raddenly tive tolepbone bell rang, und the ehil guverness, who answered the ‘phate, came to py and told me That the Person at the gther ed of the wip Was saving somelibing about ‘shoes,’ abe enn idn’t quite male tt ont. TOb said 1. @t¢ wy wife's shoemaker, probably. Tell him to dan the matler rest antil to sparrow, | She delivered the mossage, but returned sborrly to say that the man insisted on talking to me. | went te the telephone It was tha telegraph (pera. tor, aud the messages he was (ryiug to transit fo mw way: “When shail 1 send you my shoes? Juknson R. Camden.’ Then [ knew that 1 bail been chosen AL the shoes of thal worthy genthanan. Uselons Expense Io Chiongo He looked over the plan for the new building that he Intended to have erect: od and shook bis bead. “What's the matter?” asked the ar ahitect “0 alaborute.’” was the reply; too much unpeesssary lavey work wo sant me “No more them bs psaal on first class Boitkiipes,' projosted the rchitect. “What won you have left oft? “The orpemeental work at the top.’ “fiat, my dear air,’ protested the x | architect, "that iy quite the thing now | Ba make the boililings plain sx00pt at : tha am and the top, Wall " separissl the capitalist de. “ire all zight to buave a Litile pom for tha firs story, bug puvieg fur art work for the top pian’ cadedly frsanantat abismt to angels. We'll have the Choacago Post. | A Place For Hoses iia Dean America,’ gives the ng good story. which was poke an enter ta noeent given iin his anor BY ihe [atom elub of Now York The qnuintest story of the evening was told by Dr Greer of monctonons proscher who had exhanstod the patience of his bear ers by au einborate dissertation on the greater prophets, and when, to sad di hr pisses on to the wiiner and asked, © Ard pow, muy brethe f Hosea?! a and Tony In Hole, un ie Tg flow od up at cB Yi & wait 2k 2 wn rose from the cotgeregation | made answer: You oun piace him bers, igir. I'm oi.” 1t is a vain thonght to fles from the work that God appoints os for the sake of finding a wreatyr blessing instead of | peaking it whera alone it is to be found —in loviog obedience, —leurge Eliot. | The glazing of pens, in some varie | ies considered an important operation, | in done with Iso dissolved in naphtha. tween the goed going arcund and aroand ia the old (lime? asked an idle person. deny the power of-—and she had giveer. hut tae of Bra mak and the other pratide, and afer her more | for her money than herself, ded all the | & rhion wera HOEY on kom tha trigger. Any pags ola £ fae pind cided ory varly ax be and the bal, bot avery cue knows that women don’t do that war in matiers of the beprt. E “1 will sav for her, thoogh, that ber | her doyle Fug sed grit Seip % od ? 8g! ® Cen Bette a 7 rest, and Ivo © womb have : preferences wey fur the decent man and | he stood the best chance of winning | among all of the contestants. His dis ] reputable rival, bowergr, received mors or less encouragement and be way mak | jug a hot fght-—s0 hot, in fae, tint on | ope or tn orcasions the men bad cote ta Blows and ones, at least, pistols bad been draws The gicl was fuoibd as pther women have beety under like cdr cumstances, and rather enjoyed the po. | siticn she cocapled, and felt fatterad by tha dangerons rivalry for ber hwnd and heart. One duy, though, it enhyinated tragically, and the girl didu’t regres it, thst anybody ever beard Der ment vin It was i the aftérnoon and a pleasant day and the two rivals wet unexpectedly, fost across the street from ber house, and sach on his way to oall on bor ; “Pha gir] lived on a comer and they were approaching from different striets and almost buted into each othe? at the oroseing, have it cat, hat they were hot blooded and yoong and on the instant two men jutsped back from each other a fow fom, fwo pistols fiw from two hip pockets, two sharp reports rang ont wiwn the air, and one man fell to the sidewalk, dead. And it wam't the bal man, sither. Ou thaocontrary, it was {he repo. table ona, and there was 8 buliet hols straight thromgh his forehead. he bad man's shot hud precsded the other just envogh, and the deesnt man’s pistol wont off ax ho threw op bis hams, Five | sinntes later the whole striet wis in sn apsoar, and the bad man was in postody, The other mun was carried over to the girl's hones, for it was pot known then that he was dead, and a physician was called. Half an hour later the dias] body was removed to an umdertakiie’s, and that part of {he tragedy was aver “Daring all the excitement, the gird nad met muds ber appearing, and aw soc as the afr gqoieted a litle search wan made for her, Becanss it was known that she had Deen in the hogs shortly Before the sicoting. Her mother went directly to Lor room amd when she oped the dude, she saw her davghter Witting at the window, or rathet jeaniug upon a flower shell on the window sill, aul her fleet thought was that the gird had i ths shooting spd had fainted. fhe ran her and lifted her ap and as she did an of foand her face bloody and the girl's body almost sH® She ran, weresnming, out, and when the doctor eume ha fonnd a dead girl with a ballet hole in her head, “+ Parther examination showed a hole in «be glass of the window, and the whole story was told. The girl had been sitting thers, and had no doubt seen the wieeti g of the two men, and the ballet from the killed man’s pistol had reached her thers and snded hor life at the same time the life of the man she wonld have married went ont. Of course it was self defense in the case of the man who escaped his rival's bnllet, and it was the rivitl’s b let which killed the girl, and the rival ww boyond any earthly jurisdiction. The affair wied thers, with nothing good iv trian oh, except a public sentiment which compeliod fhe killer to stay away rom the town for five ar six years “Didn't he even meet a violent death or sunethineg like that®' nguived the drammer, thirsting fir sore tron of the asaal in “NG renited the Kertnokinn, "not sven that. His npele died anid loft him a fine farm. al be found a very nice girl who was willing to marry him.” The drompmer sighed and dida't offer to cap the Keutuckinn's story with a better (ne — Washington Star the tale Betiar Work Every Day Wa ought never to be willing to live any year just ag we lived the last one No one is striving after the bess things who is pot intent on an upward and a forward movement continually. The oir pular movement is essential 100-—tie grooves, daily tasks—yet even in. this treadmill round thers should be constant | progress. things better each day Then in the midat of the outward ronting our inner | life ought to be growing in eurnestoess, tn fore, in depth, —J. R. Miller. Couldn't Find It “How ia it 1 never see via killing “1 can’t find the time,” said the busy man in perfect innocenoe. — hiudianapolls Journal oy 1 a Sh % Cepxochapoelicr of Le eRLaEGLEG That was bardly the place to Wa onght to 40 the sawe | Lmotor ataxy. | wondie? The Cuemmber Sponge. ¢ In the ecuedmber sponge (Feplee tella encumber) wa hive 8 soecioin of ate whieh lies the von afiey the manper of iF nine ir cori whit resembles. Feilo owe heantifal of wges is Fngleetelils nye a Whe fey tua i Hit is commenly esland nr basket It ge of ginsey fibers va gonceiog Tha fie : mn Eoglayd came info the be “ha inte Peofess a ove 3 beld by him as a great tremsmra. ft was won followed by a few more specimens, which were wold ine the market at aboot £6 apiece, but pow that they have been found to be so plentiful they may be honght for ss many shiilingn Thess sponges were found by the Challenger expedition to be growing in vast atonds anes iy ordain spots 0 the deen Waters greng the Philippine ixlands and alee coast of Brazil inevy Ive briried 11 pyod which is so soft aun Tratuae way ton wang Fnnneetag ks a heoniiind i the as not tir orpsh tae oF dn saw impede the assumption pf pheiy ele form, and they aie $ in thw position and prevents Foi wining by a fringe of glassy spionies ae Perham of ERIE specimen Troy thn Phibipnines, afier ine ef th wpoaigy, Is fronnenytly sian ied Ig POR sometimes by a pute, of deca arose ceans. Heron inde v of this Bormsit drab We Have wenn Dying dened Han On FUT ay ee sien fond petri a niY 3 foe son ARO 0 PAPET Wak WL oa sponge was a wonderfal nabiiation oon strocied by tgs crab Cand pet Won eet sores fame 3s Cds JARED. 3 Cp BHR * eave il Sadaror tha Kgenehloen and Balle A story at the expenses of Sr v Harcotrs is whrth repeating vecent departing for toe ead sone time al yi meaadde, dn ob Ole Ler fasion visited owen ub war au Of Wi Hampshire coast, After dinner, lhe Wealuar pages 4 rater rough, the captain, au ule bad wmall and dApIer man, sop ovel tl Kir Willian shonid dnp da aad, a thonghtfolly smebdama Dos ani Lei for the night to his distinguish jocet. Next moaning, af the ely Luar wel the captain usoally oes, (De aR sailor servanh, who Enews poi of change of bewlbe Brongn a cup of oN to the cabin door and Ruocked : or twite withont Joceivitg <u SLEW Somewhat alarmed, the se iabk po in Bis ead asd “Pan't you morning, sry’ | The only reply wou in the Datuie ofn ywl and the terrified satiur beheld » gigantic figure turning over onder thy bedolothes, Dropping the cap of woff the faithtul servant rarhed to the sbi . gnrgedn, exclnmiog : | Ru goodoess’ sake, sir, come to the captain at ones He's wpeoch ioe, swolling to ten times his natural # Strand Magazine. § : The Father of the Cockinil. The cocktail wax the investion of Colne] Curter of Calpeper Court ie Va. Many years ago in that HE khers was a wayside inn nanwkd € ook and Boils, the semblance of aR old English tavern, and which tore upon fa mwinging sign a ok aud battle, meaning thereby that draft and tt hed ale ocala be had withine=the cock,” In ald vernacular. Be therefore, who gid the fast and mnddy partion of the tap Was said TO Lave eajvad the Vosckiatlh Upon one ocosion, when Colonel Can ror wax subjected to the Isdigoity of having this maddy wrerags put before him. he threw it angrily spo the Some aud exclaimed, Hearvafivr 1 will drink cocktails of ty own brewing md then and there, inspired ‘evidently by the spirit of Giapyinede, Le dashed together Bitters, sugar. the oil of Jemon peel aad som ald Holland gin, and thus anid then and there wax the original cock tinil con. coetisd. — Philadeinbia Times facade tag i A Britlisnt Confedernte. A prestidigitator, in the eonres of an | aghibition in New York recently, bask one of the andisoes select oneeusd ftom a pack apd then be handed a itheet of paper to another spectator, a timid look: ing blond man. The professor, W ho digh not see the card. sunoaneed that after " hud bent returned to the pak the de seriptiom of it wonld be fond writteh on the paper. The card was the right off hanrts, It was tiken ont hy the profess ar. is that ein dg ght ud hearin asked the prafessar. That ‘sail right," suswered the tunid Jookiog mao. be jvas a very of satiny mun. and Inter hp insiniod on Deiling the andiense thst the profess bad Britian on the paper, ‘ Pleaso say. 1h an syed iis all right v - Nalurk Ma Ssnhatrring Tha Ruy I together oa noel oan nine, entitled dnnint da dret,”” a no Pn many of thean old, bur venvle all of thes god There is one, evidently told in print for ‘the first time, of a bittle gov] in Aber deen who brought a basket of strawbes- | pies to the minister very sarly on Mone {day morning. “‘Thask yon, my jit irl," he said: they are wey nantital ut [ hope von didn't gather thom yog- terday, which ous: the Sabbah day P* { “Na, sr,” replied the ohitld, 1 pulled them this morning Pot they was grow | in nil yesterday.’ : Sk PEs rai ad 4 Nee wy Jags # " FEMA ATs Trin A Simple Diagnosis. Professor Scohaslich—1 don’t kvpow what's the matter with me, dostor, 4 | am perpetnally Himping today. I» it loco Doctor-—W! ¥ yin Tor, You ale walk ing with one foot on the enrbstone and the other in the yatter — Lastige 1ilatver. In the Cyelonean buildings at 1laalbee there are stow 60 fest long, 4 fess thick and 14 fout wide Some of them are 30 feet above the foundation. The war department was established by act of congress Aug. 7, 1786. s LS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers