The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 05, 1896, Image 6
Fun mw one Womin Thinks It 1. « ! Bport, bat Mut Sa | “Oh, but eocnuany iva facing theory, 3 exclaim 4 the woman - milor frock. “Toe shnos 0 eanitie A lottery ticket or plaving the racc. : Won pot in a Little and get ont a oto) . swmething. I always read those artic = the housekeeping papers that tell y gou can make x welnot sideboard a pine piano box and cozy cor oo. ont of last year's chicken coops and ~ owtcballs that fill ail beholders with omvy out of your wid oversboes. said she in the pictore Wat, “x think (hose descriptions are per- Aectly fascinating, aud 1 mean to try seme of them when 1 got a Httle money ahead. Think of bring able to take a Tot ef old packing eases and by meats of alot of plush and ghiding and orn mental tacks being able to tn than into chairs and bockoases that po ‘Boy bat your best enemy conld teil froth emgdre foruiture Sf’ you believe it! said the oid maid, “eft tried IL J saved up my © Mwoors Baindles ones to wake a EYpey ta 1 } WE BuaRIng sh diferent art Fracin wal, ] Font 0 pots . Thon is i done, a pond to hat 1 had os misnizod I ba Wint flies Bb ave =: pes Les wou his Lm tala ela uf bhaviog oAny Bn in fa othe taker frock anal ; Pah said, we Lave baw world that eoonomy | Shey LONDE MN OMNIBUSES. wba resting M2 Wiakict jee of Transportation in tse KE ugtish Capra, pw botwi is Baye Appear thw amin bus and fran Fhe trang 5 our car lines, are pA Rpt twa 4 fd 6 ipebes Gabel my BF raed ponies, 5 onre in vee i oi beage of pel RiEes BE given § Ni% The os Wadd pol wre ix hoAs miles por hes Hat © iF a London am ; bus Be 0 hori lew por Bour. Tk he average ix 87 100the of n penny (3 The average omnibus i jours of & penny por mie, ' Sn for Hines, withih m run {5.100 snple Joarneys ip dass work, w hich lasts om : 16 how rH atid 44 minutes. here are 3, 186 of them, op 58 B0h xing le Soraere in of a day that averages 13 “8 spinnten There are 18 8 GE pani en, 1s tha cones fomadon re TR He omin ARTINOArY qutees Er E23 toy CE Bis 35.678 A these Segue: ww shows thut ti £2 3 ¥ youl, Rad Rh S23. 800 E0 Hi lon IH) passengers In a © iene that each of the Like the Munvi es "i ga kr will travel 64 mien u day, carrying 420 pasecn gees as tie day’s | work and eooning Sa during each of its ib janraey, il Louis Gi lesbo - Deiat omrat. i Tikerons of agin o nt Asneriesns AR porpoise character, 108 Britizh and Amperican jabios ura SipikinRly ut one Tho toue « of popular sentiment i% mneh 9 srtirnds toward gies hgruin interest ia citer ¥ San ih WE 5 IYI GEE % Le FRE patil Gor i# aroused ga 4b wm intheir to des thar Theor spirited sai BAS, Ther iy in put gasik proving LL Yanda pital and rue fk airican Who ten divest bBimasl! dinealizm in England spd the an Who cau ny aside bis iu ty in Arerica each fiuds Beef y weBilward M. Chapman in . Lessons For Setoatbors. © There i po question that car fore | fathers suppoed that benefit might Le yaad from cansing schoolboys to be spectators of the hanging of criminals Bir Walter Boott had boros Sextinieny tls en son Pigg not enkoown walent Yo The Heart SE iarhoan’” Siddtetrin ie represented as saying: ty adk a Bal play day We be the tothe Taabrue rlibt gang soul sew gr. which santa Yast have a plessing GAP prang winds, weiog then is BO Laiariig at Shey I wl hater Bir Walew wonld pot, we HER a sme, have written the above Lad he pot Jou n that such things had sctaal- ly talun plac o. ~—Notes and Queries. Natarid Ressstment. oLittle bow,’ lady, why do ron ory sol’ +']4 there anything in the manher of | my expressing my grief, madam." re ted the Boston boy, ‘that strikes | as buing outre or inappropriate? | o hoo! Boo boo! '—Lheagn Tribune. he Roow I Mr. Snagge~—From what I have seen | of your pon Mrs. Northside I have ‘eancladed that she is a temporizer. Mrs Snagus—Oh. 1 know that very well. 1 have uften seen Lar tamper rise. Pittsburg Chronicle | pelousness, amd ile departs wil vious pain, * asked the sympathizing BOMBSHELL S re Deel. The Dog Saved Two Little Children From Rerious Danger. While a gnn wax being joaded Bomb shell wonld sit on the parapet and witch the operation. That finished, he would jump ap apd Jock out to sea over the range and then scamper down from the parapet and follow us into the bomb. proof. A# pxoal, Bombshell was on band © see the text of the pew big gun He superintended the loading, and while ] was aiming the gon he Jooked over the range as carefully as did the sonkout, and from his air of responsibil. jty ope might bave supposed that to him had been introsted the duty of seeing that the range was ¢lear. Bat when we started for the hob. proof, instead of following os, as was his costo, Bombshell remained on the parapet, looking ont to sea and sniffing the air. In a moment he dashed off throngh the bushes which covers the narrow beach between the parapet and the sen Though thinking his actions I was sure that he wonld not renal fremt of the oe be had dope so mee when guia yonng and Inexper: sneed, nnd the Tarning powder, which are always thrown t binst of a gon, bad buried thes in hin sk buraing him badly. never 1 Bred LOR {are that beowonid take care of Biel! Attend od eo iar Zan i AA grains of by the we ive Ho hag eleitri FT I) mand ot the captain Just as the command Fire! was about fo Fu given Bombshell reappeared on the parapet sod began to bark fu e jrto the very mugzie of the gon. culled to him, but be weuhl Bo ¥ comme, Anpoved at the dear of the tes I tried to catch Bim, bot could not d sr As I apprinched be retreated, will barking and apparently urging me 10 fiiliow Hira Fiouily tions Ths elr| i Yi go a i Fog 8 1 iH Bis tail anh x oF #1 having aoe ¥ ox % oc iol Ta ash tis the beach fol onead Ln the lat) Gg wares wid end iraly we sor in which they John CW. Brooks fii STEERS The Golf Stream. Ping upon somos of the geo grips charts wow available to the shtigent of © ovsienl selonos, 11 is poanted Coat hy 4 Wriler thst elsewhers in the wit thers if not so majestic a Sow of wikter ax the golf sfrcam, a remarkable pady having its hendquurters in the gulf of Mexico, from thence flowing portheusteriy along the shares of the United Srwew to the banks of New. foandiand Then, rushing across the Atlantic oman to the British isles, it 8 divided into we corrents, coe flowing porthward to the Atamtic orean, the sither sent hward 9 the Anres, avd the velocity of this tmpinnse Bow being als mobs tepid than that of the Misaesipp at New Orleans of even of the Amsaon at 106 mi lox ative its mouth. Phen enal too, in the fat that, sithough it9Y bed and banks srs cold water, yal the Yast Biren IA VETY Wau, and 80 great in the absence of sflinily or comaen gHng tween these w Stork that their ine of juretion ix distinctly vibe fo the eye. Further, the wim of this wan derful stews do uot io uny part of tar course tone h the bottony of the ses They are defended at the boric and vides by what has been termed a trough of gold water, one of the best ponconiaoior Copsequenit ly very ttle bea Is ost, sud the wars water is exrried th sands of meiies, hainyg only {0 degrees of boat op jouruey (rot the gui it ¢ Mexico to the Bei iiiad isle ne tho The Ringe. {a fanboy 4 Eg EF AGY par ti {psrhoral if won a Live stages A of the Grdinary snianis of the rin Es rar fod lage Al CERn eharihes, and % Wel Gumnuat: on of ay day w rod Hog i 3 CANE sihd revininly in demued by their spiritoal that ie needed is a Jittle rei minis terial courage with wpard 46 the stage, and 1 will very eos be see that tie poipit really possesies more fower ii this direction than it ever had in 15 histiry of the modern drama tne (Ging fa ceria neil the stage 5 els oh He owls devievs, ft will beecme a Irnitlal soars of injury to the moral weil being £ the nalivg. P. Hoga Foromw. PE) £5 Gf a ie Thotnis Fatnliese lizecation. ¥ the ginw o Cerise sboaid de SOIT THVRDS ae 88 Cetin even than the aleceric cliaty) Ix ¥ Cahmann, avele RE, %% Bests tie nee of car boi in ne Ar ¥ bis criminal would In Clore Sirried which can be fiind noiseless y bolic oid fa gaseous form fro ir 1a ceiling Wileo the gas reas is fe dee linquent’s month arnt pose it canses in stant paralysis of the longs and BCH boat pi ba no SAS 3 What a person praises is perhaps a surer standard even than what he con | demns of his character, tnformation und abilities, No wouder, then, that most . people are so shy of praising anything Harv. Se STR SONA SAS, In 1580 there were in this couniry 583 bla i: furnaces, 334 leing in the i state of Pennsyl ivania Graphite suitable to aking lead gencils is found in almost every country on the globe. i thie i SR Ee A VICTIH OF CIRCUMSTANCES. Surroundings Over Which Casductor Nue Passenger Bad Control “Thirty ninvh street I'' called the cone ducts of the Aly 'L7 ean Thirty minth treat! exclaimed the woman who was siti ing next 10 the door, jomping op “Yer maar, politely. “ibis Ret off.’ “OM, that's a 1% way to ont of forgerting poe she returned ex citedly. ‘You know very ‘weil tim |} wid you Iwas only going to Thirty. eighth street. What do yom mean by carrying me by 017 Why, madun, | ah, 107s fa ee Tring To Oxonses your. self: I know all abont jt Won thong you outtid Tmpoes Oo me Pecans 1m from the country, bat 14 hive yon po derstand that you can’t do it" Hat, mates, pr i wl the Joetor. we dann stop at Thirty eighth street Prem be to Tab penited grily. Ul woes I snow baw roads ars ron, 30 1 gity Horn apd bred. You carrawd me tir Ho you Enow you : ning at we now, Fin Ww $18 aoih on pond 30Re Wher oon to the compsny. “I'm doctor deferens ge: off here f replied the sandactor i% Where yon want 19 ry Ho ot % on bas’ EY He, at tiean oily Ai hint ¥ Hay (9ERES Hy Wish ob REE VY fia =f pi 3 ger. P 3) try time md wont street for von Toh, vn there, yim she sed ff pe she repped on To the Jistion thounpghr you won ld a8 wie as ¥ at thut yon bad x determing oan be intial ou Sig i “You, mao, Tadmit in” Be pip dive ns hs lowed gat mud rong to gh absad “We din : pan liy sho thers, but enn. Bor Be added the train pulied out, if you iatend to wave the car there, 1 aonid advise to Wear your bluramers on piimh deen thse pied to reach him wih wealia. Bat iT wis tno ate of Post, admit thnt yon Hi 1s the Linge Poni Xo its no easy Bob Poste ho br ois FASTNETY A Wailcome Glesny to the Fast Round Af jantiec Voyager The first glisspss of Great Britain that tha Apierdan foarmt gots on hie Esropean tour ls that of the Fustoet ighths ae, It stands on a rogeed snd rock, sitaated nine miles south of Crook haven, at the extremes southwest o of Ireland, and is, perhaps, moss dorm beaten than any other around oor coast, The rock is 50 feet in height, and the fighthones towers another [0 feat above, vob, in whiter gales, tie Atlanta lows literally bombard (he stractare find have even suuaxiod in a portion of the astern @ {be sumnnt of the sreeticgs, the was frmjinntiy swonp- jog over the reek with tremendon Mere Dade ng thane YOAPR 3g 10 wit er Previn SORBET CAN Weta works wi tna the #t sured, with the soar At Jas a sehodnar ag approach scien iv pear 10 en SAD tity of ford to be drag 1 thaanh pon by the py pen, and, { Iv, te nex ty nF iv ¥ The sea mode Lh Soman WATS (ROR ane fully fubect RiarY hb $384 THERE Wax thts pease “4 A i at TRE TOMER wir of whe a Meow « a bey wet ier tie ved by a Ht wad thao Ei ¥ neal aid of a str A8 feed placed en mek thet weather, ssal rea ine sur? heh a visiter Wis oY Baas : fon ¥ £ Gran je i WLR Fraime Sn TE Tie Bib “in To ax with the & pared a down = wonld ao thie chook anil teu ace? Iw a little near The soungosl w BnGL thats ir an § ¥ oF ny Ak i aE BL $06 enres i ght msl of BAY 5, B< ie ” aRivag uth, ory T1408 Bum $3956 0 | gerne! Yow id oo : { thon BOE ning ml HR ag diige HR ae rent He Wis distur winy Wik lo. A B wid reply Was ZIVED U af Wales, wiv BE oR One Weather was reserving nt shut she had beaven far good “ih said the pipes, Coyom asl cere ‘tainly have wade a file mistake, for if : you had sang your prayer instead of saving it th surely yo mid hove been : : granted. 7 : wa ay hi ventiy tis Wa Woes Wik Lowy THE BUTTERFLY. Wow the Gorgaviin Bennty Bursts From Hix Ugly Outer Shell. Last summer 1 noticed a milkweed ar traveling across the piazsa evidently in search of his final Wa bm temporarily ender n 2 nt there, 10 our sar prise, he proceeded to spin his little web atid bung hinpelf bend downward from the bottom of the covering glass in such wie that in the course of (wo days we caw the whole process of change, Jen to the splitting of the csterpiliar sloin sud the Binal wrigele fram it that changed him into the most etquiste prancpstent, nile green chrysalis, but toned with gokl Toward the end of two seyrtrrend weeks thix began to grow opnque, and sre suww frome podar it the LIOrAX, Wh o. head wings and ab dominal rings in perfect coloring of bisck sod rad fine morsing he burst this duter ell of sin and hatched pimself’ chernnim,'” bot a niote tan rial creators, though not able to J at oure, an par bags evan cheruhim oo pd Re Tis wre only ue Hig aes, Awad stiil the wands "ms we watched there Jor EVER and nt it seemad ptent ly Jato pradug;y frie £3 % fain at his w3 as dime pi grew’ rfid Bing A el ay 4h L300 ad awe, sage Tron amet ip deve rein soch iu defini Jife gine wn xsl foe yeu : HG AE ELE ih 303 M3 3 3 3 Saas i Inn by a HS ¥ vga fad his food and snoied trom Tin ney pime 7 : Roman cut of a I wos hand Mal waters gilts and ges hon feed bs arf Are anny man, | beiieve, 8 Ww past ers Pen Pens SH NIE mre spine nt. os. aiiy fir an i LEECE phe wr VAAN Tea In Paris rid orang Viners, tizal they Wore Jaonne; Fr x23 LE by whieh aedsrent ERR bi sie eel th then had biyp sel He LO BG Era goad Yeni 3. Muar. Bas Ww Tarr ining of the 13 3 Gresgvrs Wager AL H tics Bara To FY ove thn ra poh Bags Artin, wy Ty Phe bang last geperatico of Si PRYLICRINT ar LD aticnuiivy of masons From the {R00 down to the present time the Paz Girind Opera ban prodoesd works by 100 Fivnch and 3% foreign pT £m the aiher hand, Aptwars that only 5.834 performances of French operas have during (his period Deen given, we Aa ithat . 148 represen tations af works by ! are sivinne The Frepeh aviier nas tore preferred irness it : Deo i Moyichear, Hosuing of a previoos not Propel lash by thas Fr th he oud fos 3 that {he I altghie the ET ie and other gost pastors gEpEERtion, Yeko, although By hii dw prachieally Sars It Sanat Sut sordid se hole, oie who deli ghte i in Bard shady and who wean sdurated far Boyiaid spot wosnis of Ler gay TOUR Bn forwami es Sak Thom pelt boa Lapin ta Xx private anes Xe sem aetmeliy ER RIVED yaeon, © LEry chartered Tar soe eigperar Was Ey ast i Srey whee ee Ts HERS ID wlepe PRyYRrs A os Was wi NN aft he Ow I Par PIRES, The Stylin sty ing, Was ab gt ame wd Re sther Hao a DAper for writing on tab vars willy Wax. doved for writing correetin Tae 4 I ‘wan need wal or Ivory Oo p End] was ern) the Har for areas and what was waitien, Mu i5f Sw Te Happened. "How did ei when the cesitied man & ‘How dist T poy Certuinly. A young woman gave me the marsle bears when | was a young man, and it spread. —Ulncinnatl Enquirer 1 ew THEE TINY r began, gated to aay in Laas to stay all their lives jo Lio rinks nr at LB gb Cask all cases, Lis possibile punditien? | The Mereranry. The meroanary fighting 1wan ie ux per. | son who seldom reopives hin due revenrd | during his lifetime or his jet meed of | fame after his death. The charncter is | ane ¥o alien to the age in which we live, i it belongs #0 entiryly to the days when | fighting was the only ocrppation for s : gentleman, that it hos Torte ted alike oor | study and our sympathy. Volunteers we! pnderstund, bot mercenarips we do pot. The world apparently bes grown to think that fighting as a profession—the | bare trade of arms opoorseerated by any sentiment of cave or coanfry--is not 8 noble thing and shonld not, how. ever ably and gallantly followed, be ad- judged the highest praise. i Possibly the world is right. bot we | suspect that change of system in the mars inflasnos than mer alwtrict bu | manity in creating this opinion. In thems days of sheet service and wwift | wars the old type of professional fight. ing man has beoczne extivet. In every sountry the recruit is forced thn wth a goidlivr’s seloeation at high provanea pnd sotnrrad te vivil Ble as apwedily a8 pow sists that he may carn mohey 6 pay fo the adueation of others. No nag, andes | he be an affieer, devotes dik whole life time to the military calling, and anent Iz the fore THEN TAT [dens LIN Brive | ta toe igmnn le for {erage i Bi iran | tor he 10 thei Trareps rn swith syeant fon offre inrdon, for Valentine Baber aud Hobart, wird LHR ie VORR AT X tater La i oi HEEB RAA a Ny 5 SHER ls Lt Xk an crak igTeY, BIG HiWaAYy a wm Then fewimin o 15 +} nyc bd I neo: op ring Iw IN WARY, Situ Ta gunmen aud pope eit - tha ranks, and madly goat gwen srry the end heir pampanien, Veteran soldi were worth their weight in gild, snd thongh by no mieany fppocent of rapacity fot these Ying fron sheer devi and thonght themeslves pnineky died in their beds ——Maciuillan’s ) Zinio Highest 10 Color Pind, Jotin Dalton, withont whose discovery the laws of ination An phen is} was wholly color blind af the fact chine aboot the sort whol we oy Bie mod hey Ta of UL Be tick bor ng which be Bad pon ne Sinbad of chomiend omy ehemisiry ax sxe hardly sist, Hie know wlige be oa i olan WEEE ERE x happening of rinilay, pair of stork @ shep winlony Ra lk art pevvest Pashion. Sih hak hot ht mew pair of grand howe, Jobim panther, what made: sine wearh a brigll or? Why, 1 cin pover show mys meeting in thew, Johny was oy sold her that bis donsmdeniel the aloe) tobe of uw very om HWE go tO a] colin, as thar ware « dork bluish drab “Why, th ; gu chery, Jobn, was her natrnisl Neither Ba nor grin id goa ar Sues, and tf shim rand wo 21 ts “hat aE "3 if at 3 iki wo hr ted but he fia bi wake Waky ant srg tees i wih NY Doh © haaey Dot Ge the storwoy v % ; Taal Shae sd ¥ maient wrivigae Tt Sd Sem Val Beat aa it again iN BIER vig afeaid atm we hE Flay, ny miia wing pew There wasn't ar And flores oan Soames pirher gr el Ear it Giiry Sullient. if everywhere ree i wy Lane CER aM BOTY seis ims for magnify fA Rte § oat jas wire k ovalt Be v § son iris | oo was Dheto Lo Bip eden siywenty § Von Ho Gand sere vig | do 1 marin Figs In pry HAR YE af my Falormation For the Teacher. The 1 Ga fate ARE To ask GUesiUnE, red FURRY CULL Rie cretion was as follows fam DENY ehias fog inals BI gt and they so wwers, © Nnw, SR dara i of chem, i replied the Inseryer rasa hor, oe 4 EINER : Expects the Worsh 1 always heeguse 1 know tha witpnt Berson 1 1s watural for me tis expect thie wurst, apd as it 181 hs on | axpectedt that happens, the worst diwea set often happen ta we — Fiber and Fab ra i | ww He Follows Up training of fighting men hav had far, im the Tracer. Lol Son <iihe Lovigess that the installment hones » thut in Ra R Pye 1a hand ¥ emo of Co foe the janitor for this servies, f : He La ol the vranined defective He ia fam liar IRAE Lhe REE AT Live meno puking qnOstionE— | . {8 nos ver ansheathed, she Eppect $s Worst 1 ail thongs | : THE LAST STRAW. PErESaSe ES Phen cre the bettors “hie vant 1h Had Hite woend thrift of ink: Wowing bar jovu 16 content me, ¥ifcy titorw over, on pink. Trose are my Heald old ietleree Alb that 1 wrote herceturned, has wid dn dainty Wik fetiers Captives oondes ped to be burned. Peas for furgiveness or pity, Quenticns and tensder repliion Misaives inclined to be witty, Demers, smd pone of them wine. Bray! Here's oosensibile billed. Al. tis ber giimate Wels “Ws haee Deen Jun smongh willy. Temse return wil that § wrote ™ Cleve i St AMA AAR A BSA. THE TRACER. Dishonest Purchasers on the Instaliment Plas. One of the most important men jo the employ of a fir that makes 8 specially of selling goods on the installment plan "His duty, ss bis name signifies, is to find out the whersshouots : of delinquent customers, who think to {get out of the trouble of furore pay mente by yoictly moving away spd neg sring $0 leave their pew address Xiu could be more feclish they for thin 1% a feature % E By op wy 5 Ben yah Pay we ood fog moence. 18s ohvione iw city the great majority of thie Who pure nse goods on weekly peyineats | Viva fu fat This makes 10 8 iv say matter for the deal them ander surveillapos, for frat fHinRs the eoliector dom the jauitor and inform him wiih famiiics it the house have boaght gods on the sstallment plan. k pa ag i803 a prettion to know When any mow. ing is ateut 10 take pisce, and the in- gE ine iw 10 few farsustion be gives the collector, bas | been the means of nipping io the bud many a well laid scheme toget out of paying o& ferpitors bill : dometimes, of course, it happens that a dishovest family will move away in | #oeh a horry that the janitor is anable i to inform firey in time. In such an peacnr’ 18 pat on the Case wat bie wore with she method § pyant tha with the sane and address of every fur in the city, ane his aso quali stance among the beipens is #0 oX- tenses that it 1s mere shan likely be sonal friend. smoog the men wiv woesd the family be is seeking. With sooh mivantages his tall is DoS biel fi of has a od pearly so hard ae the uninitiated would fmpagine, snd thers wonld be fewer at tempts made to beat’ the instaliment | dealers if 48 were better knows bow lit | tle chanon a person has to suocsed. — New York Weeld EE Mintstering | tea . Qtilet Keontueky Flook, In a pleasant, sovial little Kentocky Nee Sr | town not Jong ago 8 new minkter arriv- | od. Ferveot in his miismion against the | world, the flesh and the evi] one avd not duly considering the pedtts of his | compass, be delivered from bis pulpit . the first 3 Sunday a tirade sguitst card playi BR Om Monday the wealthiest fr sf Bin fe Goealled on him and dear Brother Parlier, your ser very upwise. Yes will offend if sim tall agsins Sper a httle quiet com riveeloes bore. al we Fr We wast tin Dent hone eerd plaving. Tei BAY preacher ing Again the ciurtedd him oe say that bud abwpes danced all Wrst pot Ry dancing. The PR 3 ATH Wehiiny piped pecs wate fr and he (HEE thy i aprile suas LC avil af hase tating woe bis sphiet the fad oow ing | iis and hie brioght the pha Respir #1 Lin irs great distress of minh erent grain tie Hus tpether Parker, this wa set Hong 1 the Fore if wien corde opt IRE akg konckie Done of wera {ram : bean: Iatne 43 HE WIE 5 ; id the plomman TE i bios HIER, When aid Tron Flonts syed hi SR HUES qf Brel inRs to K Har i a prowess and {i ogglanmes FIRIGR 18 uke plained by the xg at the ball due th hestisg, whereby 11 becomes hnik fiir big Cha sods en mots! dense Thun Nomen. Nemesis i= lame, stature, anal { ralosssd served inpees, while hor wowars strotehos nl hor huge eft arm aod grasis ber ve tim. The mighty band is jpviz kis, bas the victim tot ters onder the dire clateh hint whe ye metpeorge Biot : The Cyeippe. a peculiar water (nsest, propels tee] if with a pair of paddies which both in shape and general appear anes closely resemble those in use by PRISON. ian oy The Venus fly trap produces juice thas te nearly ull insects is a deadly poison.