i Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING €O, Proprietors. THURSDAY, MARCH 35, 1586. NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Subscribers who do frig to renew Eee subscriptions 2 If sateeribers ortfer Lhe Sliscoslin mien Tof their periadicals, the patlishier fay oot tinne fo send thom patil all Ararages an : pia their periadicals from tha postiffice they are directed, they are responsible Ruth they hive settled their bili and nrdesed them disenatimed. : 4 3 submes bon friove ty olor places with oat infheming the prabiisbere, and the popes are sent tothe farmer address, they ane fed responsible. * 8. The Uosris have decided thet © frasirig 6 wake perinticsis fron the office OF fetid UR and leaving them aneatied for, pu prima faci ev ideniee of intentional fmad & If seibwecribers pag In advance They are Boat to give notice al the end of the tire § they do not wish to oontinae Taking i. ther wise the pildiatiers fx act Beeriiondd Te seared HL and the sabscriber will be penponsibie until an express hotics, with maton of Ril Aarne ages. ix sent to the pub inher, CHURCH NOTICES. Cara Father Mawelliss, pastor. Sans Avery other Nondiey at and Mia Ba San day school at 2 pm aid vespem atdp m Merson FE Re, 0 WW, in, Servioms at Hed a, ao, and 7:80 p.m . tay schon] st 2p om Epworth League dt 850 pom. Prayer riveting every Walnos. day evening at 7:45 0 LODGE NOTICES. INDEPEN BENT DIRLES ; ton Lodge No. BSE, mis avery Thursday evening at TO in Good's Hall } ts 1 tartan, NG RB ¥ Wise, Sex, § PATHE ORDER SoXs oF AMERICA Wash a £9 ments pvery Monday evening at 7.90 in food's Hall Wo. I Hoitzioger, Fre HH. (x Winslow, Bee, eh Finer SinvaAR CATHOLIC tixraN cof Patton, HF subseribers peglict oy refie to fk 4 Nip. Hb, mets every firsl sanday aliernoon Jones had business at the county seat of fuch month at o'ekek pom {ieorge Shika, Pros Join Fortmdivy, Secy, FIupRovED URDER OF 5 Cvaiave. Noo BR peety ovary aeemd and ridave of each month at Xp fourth ¥ fionnte Hall. RW. Eddy, fren BWill Greens, See’¥. ANcExT Ono or Hi toa Division No 3 of Patton, (amhiria county, meets very first Byadday afternoon of eh nsonth in oper hots, ARE wnros Panning, Pres Philip {allighan, Rae, See, Lon) Time Table. of trains at the Patton Station are as Mail {oes LTR RK STE. seo ru pumbers marked “NT are Train and “8 southbound. northbound Phe Giadistors. Jim Cortudt i going to break Fita's face, Mey Jien mave * And Filey is willing to furnish: the place, 354 Bey Fite save He dn ct for a Bhs, ard gore will soit him, : : Ho FIO suv * And he's ready te:d pw HC ram Cen tien Jim, : s FE sys. Pat Fix ten Har with wind sat Bibs meant, Mis TH MEE Univiiling to Bght in the north oF The seats, Ses Jiro ams. They're anxious bo meet and pat on 1 ; Mr they sey. i And Fits will lek Jim, and Jim will lok Fit, 1 Ba they say, i Bay they may, Sop they wey Mar Shaay NR, Ry They way, ey fhe Nay Ro They say, Ms They KAY, Hey thee wip Mey they BAY, May they Ray, Fenriastingly saying wth Bev a pie Da they think they ran pall off a» wp with their pws, y Free PEE, New York » i hs A genuine March, Taffy, Taffy, at Corner Drug Store. Dwelling houses continue to be sch we “in Patton. HH. A Schell, of Carrollitown, wis in town Monday. Attend the Firemen's dance Faster Monday. Home-made candy and tafly Corner Drug Store. MJ. Lucey, of Altoona, stopped at the Palmer house Tuesday. The Beech Creek coke tonnage for woek ending February 21st, 8.567, The Tyrone and Cearfied tonn ge Ol .% for week ending Febroery 20, 30.854 ap te a Cp £7. Cah pot give expross notice to the contmry are considered sa wish th whiek np Cian Peorows- Pate | Herrasopns Paton | EAN BERK IANS OF AMEE of arrival and departure «from 7A MX to8 ; ; from A cof Cambria eoonly. Patton will have two dances on Easter | Monday night. Smoke Shrubs, the best 5 cent cigar, ‘at Corner Drag Store, John MeMakin Is living seriously ill at his home on Beech avenne, : Jas. Peters, of Coalport, regist ered at the Central hotel Saturday, 8 P. Owings, of St. Louis, registered at the Commercial hotel Friday. ii. McAnglty, of Barnesboro, stop. pedi at the Central hotel Monday. IE A. Grabam and wife, of Irvona, were visitors to Patton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. BR. McPhorson visited relatives at Philipsburg this week. Thos. Whitehead is confined to his home with an attack of la grippe. The Beech Creek coal tonnage for week ending February 21st, 50,150. Anslem Weakland, of Elder town. ship, was at Ebensburg on Monday. Wm. G. Hummell, of Johnstown, wi a guest at the Central hotel Mon- day, EE Davis of Hornellsville, N. Y., was a guest at the Palmer house Toes day. Bring or send your personas to the CovriER office if you wish them pub- lished. : E. Livingston, of La Jose, was a pleasant calier to our town one day last week. Reuel Somerville and BSam'l E. on Monday. All the old lignor applicants of Pat- ton who filed petitions st Ebensburg were granted. A. Laird. traveling salesman of Tyrone, was a guest at the Commercial hotel Monday. Mrs W. H Sandford and danghter Jona visited relstives at Philipsburg over Sunday. George Prindibie, formerly of Patton, but now of Lock Haven, is spending a few days in town. The PaTrox COURIER 8 tie bent ad- vertising mediam in the porthers part Andrew Lantzy, the wholsale liquor merchant of Hastings, was in Patton ‘on business Monday. What has become of the ordinance profhabiting swine, horses, vic, from running at jarge in Patton? H BE Abraham. of Altoona, and E. A. Stengis, of Pittsburg, stopped al | the Commercial hotel on Friday, Dr. J A Murray, of Clearfieid, was the guest of hic brother Dr. ¥V. A Murray, of this place on Monday. Joka Morean, of Toronto, Ohlo, aud IN. MeCormick, of Houtingdon, nog istered at the Pruner house Monday. 4 Db Ludwig and Lester Larimer, two prominest genticment of Bassin. burg, were vistors io Patton on oak nrday. Mrs Isanc Taney, who has been ly. ing serious y 111 at her home in tow, is now improving, bat = aol conmlered wut of danger. What bas beoonee Gf ther Tex road. Gepot which br expected wpootedd in Patton sas srivanin Balroad cosy BJ Kayor ww seg $3 Mis, the besas oF fer oa town, ete ; Hastings Tribune past werk. Harry ¢ fond, of Patton, Pa, arco here bhis week and i Cinalng among Peo Uris Corie. Gis friciain pondent to Look sdaven Ex janes, Wheat voir Gabe a Wop 0 hey stop ab Loe dhar ou Ld A kh SEA a wi A 3 aerate, seen at ral of istered at the Blair house lait mig The Quickest Mail Order House coming spring. ‘Then don’t cough. stopping in Patton Dysart house, Dysart, is i» 'M. 8 Quay is the general choice among the Republicans of Catobria county for the candidacy of President. The “old man’ has many warm friends here. Everybody is looking forward to & prosperous business in Patton the It is quite probable that a large number of building will be erected soon. One Minute Cough Care tonchos the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you fake it whet you Bews the point? have a cough or cold. , W. Hodgkins. of Toronto, f, is Mr. Morean will have charge of manufacturing the moulds for sewer pipe, etc, st the Patton Clay Manufacturing company’s Works. Now that spring will soon be here what is the matter with the members of the Board of Health getting their heads together and looking after the sanitary condition of our town before it is too late? The address by Hon. A. A. Harker before the pupils of the Ebensburg public schools on Friday last, in com- memoration of Washington's Birthday, was munch appreciated by both parents and children. Cambrian Herald, The Cresson Record says that the old stone store building, near what is known as the “Stone House,” in which John Marean, ‘Senator J. A. Lemon sondacted busi ness when the Old Portage railroad crossed the Alleghenios, was blown down some days ago. Dr. Harry McCormick, a practicing plivaician of Vintoudale, was arrested on Monday to answer to a charge « v.olating the lignor laws brotyht to this place on Tuesday and placed in jail, bot was reloasm] on bail on Wednesday. Cambria Freeman. The services of Frank A. Jenkins, of New Cumberland, W. Va, has been so. erred as enginesr at the Patton clay works Mr. Jeokink is a licensed engineer and comes 10 Patton highly recommended. Robt. Montieth, trustworthy young man, is sctiog in the capacity of fireman. : J]. W. Pierce, Republic, la, ays: 1 have nosed One Minute Cough Uare in sy family and for myself, with resaits so entirely satisfactory that 1 can hardly find words to express myself! as to ite merit. 1 will pever fall to recom: mend it to others on every dooasion that presents itself” C. W. Hodgkins A party consisting of the following | people visited Patton on Thurwiay and | Friday. They came here in a special | car over the Beech Creek railroad: A F. Patton, wife and son Alex. of Car. wenaville: Geo 8 Good and wife, Misses Sarab and M. Good, PC Hitohooek, of Lock Haver A. a. of Williamsport; Miss Bird Marsh, of Troy, N. ¥., and Hon. Jam. Kerr and wife, of Clearfield. Quick in effect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin emptions quiekly oured by De Witt's Witeh Hazei Rulve Applied to barns, scald old sores, It x magicel in effict. AL ways cures pike. CW. Halgkins ERENSRURE Fuapnspvia, Pa, Mar 3rcd, 1586 (‘ourt convened here yesterday morning at 9.45. : E. B Camp, one of Cherrytree's early settlers, shook bands with his ald acquaintances aur town on Tharsday. Angustine Hott, of Carroll township, visited his deter Mrs. Lo A. Craver, on Sunday and Monday, Joh €. Click, of Philipsbu ree and PF Reed. of Carrolltown, were reg it Wm Suyder, proprietor tail teruding court is 4 aro The Ladies’ Indastrial society, of the Presbyterian church, will hold aa we People who do not five near an up-to-date Drye suffer great inconvenience at | make 4 jong jou , at ly needs which could have p satisfaction, if their ALTOONA, PA. Bact Ihe way Unsetisiectery. Mitchell. John BE iserder in the school room, Bert hor Annie Biroup; Hollen, CV. | 4 grea supper ab Mrs, W son tw on Wednesday evening bay £ ate X & nie Usagh Cure and you bave immedi. diate relief, It The onix harmiess remedy that LW asap pointoand Don’t Perini ntin Depend upon One Min CUreR CrouT FOYT sakd ea es aftate restiila t Hodgkins Institate Prag font and White townah wiil bey be hid Flinton Mam ® 14, Morning sous £1 Lp tate al wn al iba om cr La devedap the Bn = Bauhm ; A Thomas Means and ends in edu. WOH Troxell, Maury Beal Afrerooon session at 1.00 pong real FEET, Tian, ve written examinations, Jesse Jatnon Brown: Oappwess of A Ricketts: recitation, Zoe 5 Hows: How shall we teach history Wo phtain the best results, U J. Praxell, instramental A teacher's aim, Bn. ahora Lovell; Is » Te wha ex Clippinger, tent are patrops responsible tor 8 | teacher's success, William Moore, J.T Cilasgow:; essay, Charles Myers, Bip | ings, Esther, Barr, editor, Carey Yan Scoyou, associate editir. A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver Correct the liver with De Witt's Little Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa- ‘tion. C.W. Hodgkins. He was ; a Tumbrells nase, E | 1. « OMcial Postal toads, Feig Very tow of our Disiness own Kix thot tie Past Mo lmpartment Ww feces on Lopnary of ou Your pds ng 3.9 ry » a 5 Sipniate Fists pret A fBoes in The Pirited States Pati aphials eoally, Festal Laake centage £9 Bil THe PognERLIGTE, IGLoY LEE ofa ud rmilings of he gepariment on prisstad tive of arrival and depariade sid far the public on postal fatlers Gf hoereiTn mim, much valgio 8 information maiters The nk ts exosedingly valuable to those sing the mails [2 is the Guide for every postinsster in the country and ix cold to bosiness men by the pb. F. Laster, M7 N. Hth Philadeiphin. Pa, in cloth pr eOver, &2 00 Can aided through our postmaster and | every shoud secure a Olay. liskvr, Gon streat, caver, A 30 or a be 4 Pagaltiva mat Astmminisirator's Naotles Extate of A. M. Burgoon, late of Ash- withe Borongh, Aeveased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the nndersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are reguestesi to make payment, and those having claims to them withont delay to Dr Adimanstralorn, his attorney, Repel ma Press nl H Somerville, Springs, Pa. ort Rorperviiin Patton, Jan {heat i's 2a 1am Is your Umbrelln Covering getting more hole-y than righteous? Bring the thing to us and we will give it a new jens of life. Will cover it in a twinkling right before your eyes cheaper by half than buying a new No other houses can do it Prices right. 1. 8S. BELL, “Umbrella Mender,” here. Ward & McKeluy Palmer, of Jersey Shore; Mis T, Stiita, | Ars eit pow prepared to 81 yon in ther Inteat ate bo Tailor-"lade a alot Tw AS FOU ean | y “Hand-me-Downs’ that have to be pe-made once 4 week. ; All stir work is guaranteed to give satinfietion and ft. You tan not make money faster than by letting aa furnish your Clothes des a Hite more than store. price at the Lime We don’t even if yon da pay Thomp » tara owe make them ad If vom have not tren erptomed to wearing good Tal Made Suits vou should try US ws after that we leave he mat ter with you, expecting to see you Back tos us Tor all vour clothes, ALMOST 1,000 NEW SAMPLES alpwady in for you to select from. Prices from S15 TO 850. very close prices now. Come in risl se aR, L Ward & Mckelvy, i 3 . Merchant Tailors, PATTON, Solomon Bi'd'g, When you are Ready And should vou need Shoes, Gum | Boots or Rubbers, we are making PA. : ts Bure hing oo thi # 2 PAE tarot dab towbar Ye a % x Sty eS and sizes, 4 sd = pe £1 0% The few Heating Stoves we have left will be disposed of at cost. four of these left. After having exhansted yourself in search of anything in the Haniwar: Line come to us, we have it THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. SS ie Only three or to our door. Throngs of buyers tras Shows that we are strengthemn; relation between the store and pu h there can be no soecess. Want you to Want vou to tell your In and neg ™ t sur store. Confidence once established bet It leads directly av after gay. ) : DUsSHIgssS COM { % abou us, the rest will be tasy In to make room for our Spring Goods. Core and are sure to get a barga Clothiers. Gents Furnishers and Shoe Dealers, GOOD BUILD'G, PATTON, | A FOLLO "ULL And wishing to make room ‘or them I NCW i al Lhe Following Prices: 3 it fie, »” I 1 ti “Ay t Peasitler 91 Dr. Kesslor's Coa Lay : t Blood flex] Bar : fre Jo MM. Boss Perit's Orval Amends leaveedn Tare ir bir pie y £ lie } nie Blood Leawis Chagh 7 seek Ham Borir's Worm Honey Runey's © By pap Ep gout gh retin Prog Wogedabis os fa Re ey wt RR SEA 3 ¥ Fou Faney's Herb Lan Pip 3 ment HW arm Neran ndition ’ orm re 3 Bitlers 3s v¥ 15% rent an per ar Yaprn Warns was for Brother's Condi 5 Yok ER 1 3 4 3 1 5 i Woe iso Daxd . ; LC opsumplio gh Honey of 1: * ITY KY 55 x w 1 iM BILEN. i PLO TION wil A Yan 1 x ¥ Skog f weph PEE SRE EE 3 FF Lin Wi avi Ith Aa Fadl lt 3 . YEN ia ¥ $Y oY Tye £3 aa, wool s, Men S rites, Ltd {Ives & ptMHIN, 3 C. H. PERRY, Chest Springs, F 2 Sl | Highest of igh Grades Evidenced by the fact that there were more of them sold in '8h than any other male. Be sure to cee sample before pu ing your '86 wheel. Made by Indian Bieyele Co, Indianapolis, d. JAMES W. HOY, Agent.
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