The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 05, 1896, Image 2
has Assumed Alarming Pro. | portions. A Postoffice Robbery. Kae of the West Hiab Office Blown : Open With Ganpowidler, Naw Youx. Fen. 27. id A sen: oid Fog TIE fam from Pansms, Colombia, 1 the Hersld, nye: A formidable revolotion bes broken ont | in Nicarsgna against the goverment © Proaident Zelaya. As far as pan be jenrned, the presen’ losders are (en. Rabert Alors i, #x-unity jeter of war: Jose Cbaivaris, Hiiiinis _ govervor of Leon; Frapeisro Back, «% minister of the terior; Chon (3adery and | others. Its reported that the revoiniion has spread alt aver the westsin provides, fore | cluding Obivapdegs sot Clochigslps The port of Oonnto bes best clomed | and Mr Beverioh, the general ager! of | fhe Pacitic Mail company, Hine Paavo re | Bled fo that + Burt. allowed So tial at That port * Phe Port of Javn Det mar is stiff ope More than HX) tons of arpa for Chriss | Are DOW BWsIliOg shipment bere A private eahie dwpnteh from Near gas reports that bard Babting hav take | place between the 1eheis ard the govern ment forces Dear Momotombo, oo Lake Managua. It is reported that the rehee oaptared two iske slosrners, praphic sommanioation is inter at cointe between Corinto aed p with Masagas, ths espitai 6 Pacific Mail steamer Barrnconts, is anloading freight bers which was des | (dined for Corinto. Jtie beieved bere that Connto ie al rwdy In the possession of the revolon bo POSTOFFIC E RORBED. Taber Ben Open he Safe at West | Hitzabeth. : pprna, Feu. 27. — (he little tows | of er Eimabeth ase swakened ab on: o'clock thie morning by sn explosion | shook every buiidiog iu the bor ough sud onnsed nearly every remdent to rush to the stevet to Bod whet hail oo- It was acon foand that thieves i blown open the safe in the postufiiow rifled it of ita contents Fortaostedy de did not contain more thao & few Fest Elizabach is on the Movongabels gt 38 wiies from thie oity. It ie reach Pitabary, Virgicia & Obarias toad 80d contains the residences $ number of Pultatrueg b dl sStuamern will 0 be SEA 1 i ORES | Central America Be leeoming Very | Productive of News 3.000 Armenians Kil ld. 4 ka : Hihabitants of Other Provimecs in Daily | Fear That it Will be Flot Turse Next, I xpw Yeux Fo 28 eral cate from Panama Bey: i Tha following sable dispatel baw been r cotved (oom Nuwragnn: nies handrad rebels andertook to sez: ia wesnier af Momotomix, brit ded pen mroosed in doing sc. The government | immediately raed troops and sow bas 2 000 troops st Materss, not conotieg thee | £0 00m at tus place spd (ther towns, fhe ain body of the people mde with! hye | : 0 WASHING. | WHY THE © . HINESE L IKE THAT BLUSE BESS IM THiS COUNTRY | 7% Is So Mack Kasicr Here Than st Tone Pre Hur ia ApH | werpment, Tin retipia have Barely i What Lith | shsneadied in reinteg S00 men. vn £- Cig tas arrived at Leon, ; fhrat thon will sown put [NRE i SET AYA £ Pvgne pantie TY a £ CE a 1 i i z a Frais pace Pg « pres dent aval Gh dit mse ohwl of Elle RITE. foo vafimt Managas IN sRrepns advices at fn fint | Ta China Washizge In Jes Qavercd Pods a Tarr With Weise and Beatle @ £358 Ea. PORT RUT ALS Hrabers any other calling than thadiof annar mal. esannent ly many Americans beliave (hat the majority of China's CARE a : Acts Sean IIIA RYE 3 ARNOTT Eel, Wh, Wht Ed i it squirting water through their teath npon shirts and linen, spend their time eating rats and puppies or indulging a tha reas 3 mnie en joymenta of the Elem gr ete Tha rath is that Cals fini $50 TW, i» I drinkers Sa a dmalier perientage wanting §# ¢ eared Dative. Ww he Tee intent pews fom The i oe : stem FIRS reat eo nlomiok pie Val Ro oR fi J aloney smoLR the ers hy obs awe Theos. Mobil gga wf the re¥ Fob phn ae On Waspisor x Fer 28 sats feptrav BERTITeR Gr 04 BROS KR Weis sic the aiimged canirgtetor nm Nigara Lgnin prod oting thet reviontiotis afe «+X Fanta vi The peighi orig wi alee wid de riare srnphistoal 3 That 1ERre gE BG fuleics peed whatever thar Hordires, which ton warm politins frie d of 7 tere, sting You Triditpowid tv mets? Bom Bs Torres of mer in the sttempt to pat dow the Nipwragn RTT HD, NO RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. Prince Adologorowki Saes Only a Peaceful Outlook. maw Frascwmo # HK prise Adv gOroaks, of Boassik, woo fr soBie Hilo pest bus bees fl g Drentenant of (be pow «itn} Rossin tnities 1p. Emperor Nish yosterday on the Beige He compe and wild pot reture to {hum min, spd sinng wich situs eT 1 adlatr test th Hnestan hos ory hes soran, war botw oo Rusets ard Jepan, as bs Gime wie, 0 ig ey cotered they uever trying the doors but prosemied : bore boles large epough to insert aT, ae of gunpowder. ‘When they Sotelo bat swan back 0B 118 “They quickly tok all they onal ag rothat, T bar Io think thers wil &o any tromole” Bad tie prines. C1 ax was anticipated, warlike prepara sone Af pressst ther | pO preperation whateva spr, Chstrows, The mic iste 1 from Bae sta to Japan, who has Lie Besdgasrte oft Tokio, 18 to jenve Da 1 wees ou He stoner vis Novg Lar 5%, Petersburg © thers won De som | be present st the corcnaly © of the cg lou May 18 A the same Une Uo Wogss, the military agent of Rassias un China sud Japan, will sie jesve Chis for Bt, Pstershorg. Mr Duke feki, the | wovernor gepersl of essters Ribera, » sino at 8t. Petersbory. “This i the best proof, | think, thw there won't be any war. All these geo tiemen desire to be present st the cotta 1100 of the cxnr, apd 18 is largely for ths reason that I ama abo barrying «brosd ” THREE THOUSAND SLAUGHTERKED. Comtinnation of he Greatont Outrage of | Civilization of the Nimeteonth Cen- : tury. Lospox. Feb. 27 — The angio Armer- isn Association bas received a telegram from Constastivopls which ease thet 3. U0) Armenians have been massacred st Arabkir, and that the widows spd orphans | of those killed srs in terrible distress trom cold spd banger. The d:epsteb also says that the Ar menians of Bivens and Ceearsa are in daily fear of masssnore. Forowd corver the Asiatic provinow I WILL D DEFY TINE. a Birthday for Eight Years, majority of mapkind of the lapse of time and of the pearer npprosch of departars for that bourve from whieh no traveler returos. Ou first thougbt, too, it woald { be supposed that these rvminders come with the same frequency to all, bat saet | | ja pot the case. Du Bots Bas at least tet: | | étizens who sre more (or Jess) favored in | this respect than tts fellows These are | J. L. Boofield, of the National, and J. A. Crist, superintendent of the Berwind- Foes, Qoal Mining company. Their | birthdays fall on the 29 b of Febraary, d | which this year full npoo Setarday, snd it will be eight years before tbey wil bave another birthday Both gentisen obesrved the present oc J es Io. To eid Setarday | night apd going into retirvment st the place over Bandey. They will pot for sometime bave their hearts gisddended by birthday presents or be esddened by | the information becsuse of the arrival of the nsasl milestones in the journey of | life—that old age ia creeping over them. x : entra Aero acting Lost bein 12 go. ine, pow at Hoong Kou, sroved bee Each recurring birthasy remiods ths Tower v-; o oStionTars see Riser Th grent reed of wen Che mayors st Matagaips sod Jiioteys | raving evinoed a dmg Pom ko pon the EAGT Een’ S, Trop Ba ve Lead Bobi (0 {HW = Tre eoomren tvs parts of | rannin bine «Forel the party of Gv. | beard, brestting Z tasu BLOND, 7 ‘xyes wili Take the | J ! {BDA oad a } us in t 08 class froer ries I's ober E PWG nays this wien the ABOD. dup SUT Ts Fiuk Nord in 5 thts sd 1g a > goed in Bis native bis | and bave peer been thongst SA A HEE per begaara tis mairie at three gqrarters of a : aploews. There they stand on the OW shires of a paddy § fed, ackle deep in the mud od ouge, am after making tha oh Bans the sms h gtona nt three J this purpose oatil the dn Jomened and can be robbed out with bunds Within the limits of thn slap the Americar | set! jement of the treaty pert of 2 RL oA AAT REALL hii are several ponds A ded with from evens tix Toor fet of rainwater In sum wer those ponds are used by the wash wen and Jor irmgatiog bpeighboring paddy and rice falds, while in winter the joe ascoumsisting 8 carefully pre The Chinoss themmnives donot nee 09 | for any purpose, the most refrashing The priv is ao rons ta N, Petarghnry i drink to them in the bot spells being P piling bot ton without milk or sagar of coe of the tormom fem ties io ail Ky ii Sines the advent of the foreigner tha | Chinaman bas found that it pays to pra | serve the scanty joe of Shanghai daring He wes sabod if there wae any dabee’ 1 the short winters The jeohoness sur poanding the ponds ars low stroctares | Cormed of wood, mod and thick layers been fotimatsd in the Jgmtches suo | Se A A BHA NSIS 3 A SS bcd ers and other imbibe ha must re 1 Two DuBotsttes Whe Will Not Celebrate ; the foreign devil's sions io Islamism are general throagloot | | tizees pace poy to osiebrate. | Jetters. When making a call of salt hay. with the Somme raised slight ly above the level of the water. Adbaring th Ba oy genet ; Foie of doing gC hge. Barisne™ Y Jobs < eS SARIN besa in allowing the ios to form 1b or peers Anihes Dut AE BGG A A skin bas formed he brakes i Hp and pushes it all throogh thn nar Ap ings of the storehogees The heal nt of this thin Wo makes (T neoesssry for the poor natives 14 wads op to the hips in the water of the ponds and with rakes and books manage the ioe »0 that it ean reach the storehotses Hat to return io the workmen, who west work and live in winter ws well ax in spmmer. Not baving hot water sort fo the dirty pends no matter bow L ocid the weather. The ioe, broken in the center of the pond, is allowed to Bot quite thick along the edges, m making i necessary very often for the ine ent 0 ent throngh it before be car ooo bis washing The stiffened B dA slammed up agaiost tha = atone, i which soy turns inl 8 al mound | of joe ax layer after Layer of water is thrown upon it The native keepw Bis feet incased i a covering of old cloth- fog. rags and bay, while around his Lindy are wrapped one of more Blankets As he goes thrimgh his cheerloss as weil as siapless operation he is gradually covered by the jee, which forms as socn ‘aa rhe water reaches hiv clothing. Tak- ing oto consideration all the trouble, hardship and tnconveninuce the laundry man in the Flowery Kingdom is com peliad to endure whila re dering white faen, he does it much berter thas bis more fortunate brother in this country, who returns gor lansdry in sech a carsloss and fadepend ent Yaahion. and who receives, after de docting rest sad all expenses, sight return. —Pht indelpnia amie, Hia Hat Symon. A certain painter who died not loug go was a broken down wriok in bis later days. Soane feeling of pride ami shape cloog to hivg to the last, how aver and alibongh be Dived upon the eharity of his friends he iin asked | for wepey outright. Tu the crown of his bat be pasted this TREAT, Pha fend me a quarter,” printed in hig. staring be wend doff bis hat with much show o of dignitr. and there wonld be the mute appes!’ staring in the face his iofeoded victim The scheme never failed —San Fon cisco Argonaut, A Wheet I Compliment. “How do von like your new wheel, Miss Splarge i" s@plendudly! Why, Mr. Pedlemaa.. do yoo know, it rides so easily that bait! the time 1% seems as hboogh it wanted $0 xan away with ma" “ Partectly patural it shonid, I am | in airy, "a boy named een Jobnenn ‘lish by grafting apon is p MATRIVONY IN EGYPT. “Phe Curions WW editing Frormions That Are in He Been In Catro. As yon Jock ont of your Bote window ! grontering by, iwianging the Yate of 1a | Eo pastor 18 sade ¥ vi AE Tb Mant throbha of the naguaral fells you theta wads ti procession if skiing stony, and if you have the curd oRity to get np and sil emt you Will bi res srided hy one of the i wight of Cairo. In which w gre oddly blended. Prob smeikiog 1 combined with oR You een srnenen, and the charac pol etsy pre enakiim will be headed by the | Peru wien AR eeasdion fravne raed ald, # three gorgeondy ca. IAT stage proper Biro] cnt fur apch OCHS OI CHITTY A ng the way Ge of Carriage or an thd with Hittle ing A Dest woke hand e % 5C.% Calis 2h i% foiled by § arise Sn : ¥ Pood in rer, jap iendd CRYIN wd pathos Mos ro raved Tu the be carbo aeeered tienen ten panels. Tore and aft; the hind camel must took kis head npder the Liter nnd is probably quite as my pra€orinble aa the bride wi a A fair rhonew of dene kun in hor riilin 74 wa iangnin In the 33 days the bride walked be ries naier 8 CANOTYT Oar ried by her friends bat this Ix now quite ont of fahion, and Farcpean car. riapew ars rorfdly ousting even the saree] Yittebs Pat the cashosere shaw; wey be abandoned The Egrpiian woman we, at east if pabiie, generally 1 wdewr. Rhee dette a ateanger's inte with ms wival rapidity, sven when to all appearance locking 1 other way, wed tarthwith tha well vik poled sloser over her month and nome When she mots yon face to fave, sha Acew not dros bey hig eves in the slward fashion of western modesty. She calmiy tarne thew sway from yon. It is moch sewn catting—really —Satarday Re and theverl will 1 CRP. GOVERNOR TOM JOWNSON A Stebbern Patriot to Whom This Coan. try (rwes a Grest Debt. In a storied Burial ground in Fred- derick, "in his narrow bend,’ sleeps Gne whose pane never fails to stir the beart of the old Marylander with lively smo- ticos of admiration and affeetion—L{ioy- ernve Tom: Johnsen, that asdacioos and stubborn patriot of whom Jobn Adatha gatd that he was one of four citiesns of Maryland and Virginia '"withont whom there wonld have been no Revoletion,'” although, in affected worn of Mim, A British officer. writing to his people at home, had sseared them, “Theres 16 BO need to bo alarmed by all this notes in the onlonies, ‘which |e mainly maids by “That pestiisnt rebel’ of the British war 5Mes wai the trasty, loving friend of Washingtin, wham be nominated to be commander in chief of ail the armies of the [atte colonies; member of the fost comyress and of the convention which sdeoted the coustifation of the Tnited Neate: first governor of Mary land. and an susootate jostion of the supreme court, and be Was twice urged to sept the portfolio of secretary of state. Fle was in his day the first oft sen of Marviand, and in all the solonies the Revolntion disclosed no’ wiser, eiromger, swenter charicter than hia who jusd the fortitade of the warrior with the foriaight of the statesman in i oes naragaent of an eager, dagntlos bicy Jobin Wail Lamson Palwer in Con- Lary. A A ade Re No Eaglish Better Than Eaglish. A pew argument against college ath- ¢ jetics has benn invented-—the deplorable effect wisich they have on Hood Eug- the ovaree langoags of sports.’ he plea, says the New York Ti. uly mmusiog. What on asrth/is “good Eagliah™™ any- how? So fay as we know, thers is pO English beyfer than English, and no writer there? bas ever hesituted to use pew words from any source, provided they expressed an idea more clearly, or even mire Jicturesquely, than did those which formed the vocabulary of his grandfather. Shakespeare is full of the “janguage of sports,’ ranging from fal CUDTY pugiism, and if he Dyed nlay | it is absolutely certain that he wonid glean words from the football fields and that on "lege pra Wompors woul de pounce him for it Really EYRE men are like the common y pecpie, in thas they never make a fetich of the parts of speech, pever Lmagine that dictivnarios or grammars setile apyihing, and never make the mistake of confounding a live Kugoe with dead coes “Don't yom think the mince pie wm good, Willian ®’ asked the bonsewife who prides herself on her culinary socom | plishinabis “ Yeas nui—-1 think it is, probabiy.” “Bat you have sav three pieces. '’ #1 know it But I can’t teil for sure (ill sumorrow worming. 1 bad some wines ple last year that 1 thought was procty good, but 16 4 du't make me dren a bit — Washington Star me The moat graceful of domestic ani maids wi the cat, while the most awkward bird 1s the duck, hut it wont du to oes i these facts for © basis if you wants to {ull a woman pef names ons EE The factories of Indiana tarnish am- | Fag ws Lil ree fy BBTYYE INUMICIRN 1 ened by the iiakogne that followed : ¥ 5 BUT THB WAS A CASE WHERE LOOKS wih arrive and depart fom | wet Bday, 8 fe WERE MISLEADING, A Laneie Priativean Whe Claimed Argusint- LOOKED LIKE A LIAR. AFA, ROCRESTE 4 PTTSHURS A EW i Cn amd afer Nov, bey ig mrad iad iy ex THAINS DEPART anes Win « Chipmpivn Pogitie Ais Loo Epler, Wha Wiki Dank To th Gia I ripirtend thee Ciainie ing a ove AL EEUETIenoR I Roel somes wii § was orpeideralily yonoger, em wren Fo srt 1 Winn, the wriiend) CAN PIETY ye SHED ih @ Jomiaiseent meeod | the ther day. fit was ike thin want the frst contract 1 ever toll was one 5 hot id * chery ih a drnail town in prastern No York pear Lake Dntaria My tier and I employed a good fares of men atid among ( aners wn good natored, Sasser : dnvper Hite » Irishasan, who apsiied f work shortly alter wa got tive Whi started. Cle wean not a ski lied workmas a good, wiivn he ir Cand hee wEraeg fue at the time as beivig one of the mo povryining and chesrfol liaes 3 bau ever en my Cape of Bis favorite tae War 1G 108 wifaet that bo was for threes yourk trainer amd b arvuer of the famous pags Mace and had sarod {Ee Daan champion in two of his aces no hatiles He rattled off npmex dntes and incident ip the met ¢ had manner imagsoshile, which, as we ard a0 means of verifving bos statements he was prerfestiy ata in dome OF sonrEs We eR Wht Be snd With oa wre grain of salt wed en pved doawing Rim gat fw thing alent the old I low strnek me as peenlinreewn cond] never induon him ander any eoneidie join in soy of the frispdiy hirgin soar. ring contests which wa oerastonnily in duiond in at tha Tettla comprary Bodied, after ony day & wink was Some. Ly po sabterfogs conid we indoon Bim to st x his hands in the dg mitiens, 9 Khongh he was alway proses? AL OEE SXRICieR and took Anlight in making shighliug eormtents pon ome skill Phe got rather monotonons after awhile, and wa set aboot devising » plan for teaching the aid fellow & ww sons, When ha was sober, wa Knew (het was po chances of getting the gioves on him. but be usenally got modérately fail sERL HERD eg = on Satardar evenings, ang we reported | a scheme to give him an earlier start "cme Sstordey afternoon, vo thet by the | rime sopper wae over be was consider ably exhilarated Iwas just out of @& gymnasiaom at the time anid was oa sidered a pretty clever bayer The boys all went to work at him, and after a good many drinks and 8 jot of coaxing and eajoling they finally got bim to put ony the gloves anid spar a lig with me. | “2a ID, Lary,’ I mid. ‘Don’t be afraid to hit me.” And] winked at the | bors and went at him. Ho was easel than I expected. His guard sere] very pour, and peverni times I rapped bun harder than I shonld, but it seemed a good plan to Tesch the okt blowhard a good jemmon, After awhile 1 got a bit tired of the cnn sidedoes of 1 I regis tered about svery time 1 foond an open: ing, while the [rishman's puneses were ail wild snd of po scoonpt. Fiealy i decided that wa Bud bad fon ene ugh and made up ay wind 0 give him oa giowied ehinchuipper. Jay him ont and goat oy 1 watched fie su opening, and when I saw che a dainsty ter, I aimed as heavy a blow as I anid piriee snd et Well say, | don’t Zuow even 10 this day what besaine of that jonuch, {or a8 that moment something Mrock me on the neck, and for the next 40 seconds 1 experiencia all of the sensations of Don Quixote when be bad the mix up with | the windmill, for shat little Irishmen was dancing around me and delivering | ederonts. overonts, clin choppers, side- | winders, sarmuffs, straight drives and jong arm budy blows Ta than I could | foel them, while I paw the air in an | attempt at defense. \ 1 think the boys sail le was 43 seo ands before 1 was Iring in jhe corner, | ; limp and entirely ont, hat wis three days befors | was out--at work ANID. | I was sorry to 8nd thot the agile Little Irishman had disappeared immediately after I dropped asleep. Heo evs ideatly feared troahle, Bot I never wonid have made any. In fact, I'd have liked wo take a far lossons from him, bos vel never had the mitts on from that day © this ; “1 don’t kbow pow whether that lis | { tle Ir ishinsn was toiling the truth or} not, but 1 bare my a about the matter. —Mudin YY.) Cor New | Yurk Press. Easily Busied. : The business depression of the past few years hay been tha sviigiiom of a large crop of employment seekers. Cie of them last ‘week avcosted a FontIeman tn this city. He was ragged, dirty, goad | 2 parnred. evidently hungry spoogh tod pat a cow if it were in his Way Bat his soft slonchiness of guit rendered way | poriTe exertiin on bis part highly un probat ¢ This Impression was xs strength. “Food worming, wr, like a job with you, sir | Wall thers 18 not moch doing Just "sad ha “1d | pow-—hardiy anvthing, in fact, in wy | lina. Iepnida't give yon much todo by | ocnldn't keep you busy.’ i Indeed, fir, it world take very lit- | tle to keep me busy. "New Landon | Telegraph. Intarmithent ananlip. “Do yon own your (wn he ime i ** anced’ the passenger with the yallo rw diamond, who makes 1 business of selling real es tata. “1 do every Thursday,’ Ler passenger. “Eb—-what! said the wb: 1 own it every Thursday. That's | gure. It I bad its chances, I would do ployment hy 124,549 persons, the outpuk i Mary Ann's afternoon out. —Indian: %0 ton. —= American Wheel i being $206. 838.0% i | wpolis Journal | Pratn A TOT wm, sk veiw arm HY Fro yf wir dia ome sn. Pon ssuiewias snd Big Bun. » a ¥eE oe rade wad Hidgainy ’ : SERRE I B 9h ew Peg & Paik A Pan Reale wey wo 4 Big! # Wowhestes ghd Hattale Pansotn winy wed Wig BU # wo Carwsrantiie ga lepton Be mn B61 Lie SEERA ew TLE pnweisgiy Tal SEEN #17 AtEm ow Foe Poesy iis i ¥ son rdy mE Ra Ww Of ailaliruee #6 Lape, aes Pane Ee t Hamby, YY Senet rte Wi ec evi {eeon i feER Aalurona, ¥ ¥y C BEAL wh BK ERE Ge FEN OER OY TUE TAR ¥ i ios AS & oad Up Ka a trash A a Ed & & Ew % SAE EMNEERE BA 5 3 wo am &F * @ ooh L PinSXERELESRE BR ERS aT § team WE NEA LY £m SHWE : yi. in apt Baws 4 35 i By sawp Tetion + 1. Wy we MS with (eaten 7 wrpg a Ew oan *¥Riis FMT Ly ape ue 5 ar wih the Hats smh pgs VERMA 6 -u At Main Patio WFR Cs us a Yue Peder Casi wit enema AY Wh Paes wit i Pug Fier mn a el sald Mapper oes WE Ani? ger TH og gw 5 le hick SA RRS 53 pnt VANIA BATLAHOAD SRE Neen I ae, Aare pin a Fate oes ian Es Gl - Pabie Trude sok wn Cyn wy aT AKL a A. MM Tesi os Amir) v appl gibi a SET, ra wey wth a a hese. ATEN 3% aa ated alin "eo As Sew York Ge. Fiano tr meat SER Hust nga: Tie pe Pallas lie ca : A. freee VER agar! adans | jeAnEre met Tv oan Rare fay BPE Tatu lve City ake wistins AE Lepaerageent lake shall, wii i Fyatesn a ABE New York 3 hasty WE Ci mew TOE Hae Leet SG Phioetaegitue aad New Toul PRA sn pment artes ae a] yet ietg rome: ne” ' Re a contd Mla ogame A FEY vl Pht aadeepisin, is 0. New York wie Ah Saye ee Fe Ha 0 Supdaye. Gomesee, OE emai Powe wo @ Pa PE nae dhe 5 TL red spud. WH cates an) nu PRERaaRe Be HRT wpe ler HOLLIE RE - Boni URe i wk wal cite Bow Da Fath Ho FRY Pode LE bn PhiileteiDiile and William EY wy aii VERE Mr G8 a MoPromie | Giiy #¥erpl ELARY. tar Ridgway Imai Cberpmaont aad Gee artinie « athens Lewves Ridgway st =8 nn or ons on TR wn vm EEE aay Vi. paint OLE EY eo dl Kase as Taber mae bite el lion. HEGUGE TRAINS FUR DRIFTWOOD ean THE BANT AXD SOUT THALE 11 wmves Phileieds Wastutgton THB a Be . Bai Wiles, 3 aarivingg at orl Awot at ; parior ome fiom Phi Wii nananwert SMARS Bb wees New ¥ Yors al 200 p= pi adeiphin, 1000 Ww. Wonshitgton,, ela ad rrsiare, Lia gms dadly arriving ot woos! wl wou m. Pullmen 1 from fpr es re Ww Erie and OI, tater Ww Fb a FRALIY | eaves Renavo x RE a mm, axowpt Sunday, wTiving we 0S JORNRUN BURG RAILROAD, (Dmily agrept Snoddy) TRAIN 19 Jusves MAgway #1 23a Wm, JOBS i Ped am, arriving st (Gerusant Br a. ma SMAEN WW meen hormonal Ee Wm, = stving al Joupwaniweg el lieu mi, ADA Radway al L20 Gash LawaT 4 AND CLEARFIELD KB 55 ALLY EXCEPT binds ¥ 3 | UTHWARD. » sears NE 4 3 TION, jo2 ig way mand Kan 3 Haves Cravisnd Hine Roel Vinepard Run k Aarries Hiroe way ville MoN un sani fHurvens Ran Fails reek 10 5% vn Bais THA INR LEAVE HIDGWA Bastwoard BELEEReewa Rlin®a BE A soe ren SEauBaRses BB BB ve ee RENBBERSESTEY - 5 _—— t Mmin 6 18S ge 2 Cfrwin A THAD. mo ¥. PREVIST, Masaker, 4 4 si go ib Sanli