The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 27, 1896, Image 8

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    VE ping AN rn ER a BT BAA BF i ep
: I : 1
i ¥ a = a i bods : i > q a not xr In Poovey Cometh a Ea tent +
om ti ai EVERYBODY RECEIPTS HA wn ge om ope rr] |
nd Ex penditu FES niiouy tne ar iag
of Beiiiet, i Leg off evr,
A of rie, #5
ate Cough Cure and you rave imei APPRECIATE S A
diate relief It ores croup. The oily |
2 harmless remedy that prods im / A GOOD s
mediate results. CW. Hodgkins, : : I= Een
; ; 2 : ] i ‘ 24 Mye on
Piano to be Liven AwWny : N EWS PA PER. Se Fy HR Eon ps
The publishers of The Happs Home You wart to Beep posted
will give an elegant fine toned vpright | “events of the day, an 5
plan, valted at $350.00, absolutely free | 80, YOu must rgd
fy Lhe person sending them the largest | tains a | the pews
fst of words constracted from the jets
fore contained in the name of their Pittsbu rg
well -kuown publication, rhe Hoop
py Home" - Addigenal presse,
f bid gold watehes,
chew, ning machine, mimic
box, silk dresses, China dinner set, and
shany vainable and useful articles, 8 il
sing be awardea! in wrder of merit, and
every person sending not jews than ten
words Fin receive a present of vane.
Bae either plural or singular words, but The Spe cia |
not botn, sad no deter more Lites finn
appears in the text, “The Happy Features
Home” This is a popular plan olin. © shite
troducing inte pew borer this : pHi pik!
Nm ial care 1s take
aerate and pnbiieed ny
fiw conve 4 BapPE Viet
* 5 & ys fi
Sore» tes, thons wynls of hoes
Ag the ohn giving away less
gRiaahie prisenis bd ta aebeartise and
gestions ta The Happy Bom,
handsomely astrided
i oral atin devotes] to hte WE mh a
ture, os oe RL pe and Ary every ; WANTED AN ID oF Se Ha
fod of words must be Rooompe ied thi vor pacers? 7 Prresect cr}
with three twoesmt stamps | Six obs Fi Eh ah Tie JOHN WELDER
for a trian! vopy of this favorite brine Lh ©, for theie $1 A prize offer.
Journal containing fail particulars, List
of pres ate, and rules pegerding vane
beat, Ad $ i
sward or 54 jeoubie. | Address The
Happy Home, S55 Dearborn street
{ ne Minute Ca Lun tontohes thie Bs 3 !
fight tne yor take it when you : ; a
Rave a couch or Bald, Bee the point? Ff OVER
Then don't onagh. CW. Hodgkins -—
Throwed Away Es Canes. i | : \ ;
Mr. It Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black 1. :
Crock, YY. TEN Re Sally aflfe tes]
th Habib around with CRIES, and ven : Fy . Cr. ni Mamaia BB Ga A +o 3! was CR
thep it comsed him great pain Aer os —i— : A Ha SE Memic ly rt 58 i s : 5 pd 2 1
slug Chamberlain's Pain Babm he was
wo myueh improved that be threw sway fh : :
Bis cuneow. He says thix Dniment did Mefoury ching 09 ot ¢ Ae dmat dO REUSE Rai es 7 Sdn eo as i fo cel Si Dealer in
Bim mere pool than all other peedi- Enh wt Folie ot S98 Sui a hn slaty ir weal bn : Ee A eT In
inns nnd treatment pul together. For fg Bah ; asic = che wi00 : : tind po Yo es 2 ; : he ; Be a ps en nr is ; : = Wines Liquors
sale at 50 conts per bottle by Patton 30E BC : :
Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins corn is Iceroarsied ander the ia wr Duieenlione to caine CL ion * Heald], WAS wa A + Rida :
Quick in effort, heals and leaves po PET B.S aa Gaemetn TI ei i. = i = : Shima ittag oie pe 2 Beer. Etc.
scar. Burning, scaly sn eTUpHONE ers Have fo indivrian GRE LY whatever #1 bate pe fev fomd. L nih # adit mee - ; ; cx av
quickly oured by De Witt's Witeh 200 nat is A Ss eis ene IEE 1 TS ERE EER eR es TR - ERE aE a a or pit Phoenix Brewing (0.'s Beer.
Haze! Save Applied ter barns, seal ¢ dessas . rap ’ . vf +a 4 o # x & ¥ | emptor] Pn ! ak : F Ct ETE wed igh 1 : ta : . ; Lh Va Aid Fad. 7 : . he.
old sores, it ia magical in effact. A ih the hs a jurson wiin a 1 Trasam pe ot 2 nig Wa Bers : oo Ta LT Flasks, Corks, Jugs. Ble
ways cures piles. C. Ww, Hewlgkins Suan. BE ationa Sane Arseny srt as mA HBR He rai a - # H fi S P !
In mums of $200 to $10,000 on ap. © other | Vork newspapers com BE ma me A eT fon
v pharde i le apparent that this
proved red! estate security. For par opportu 5 buy New Yor ercury 00
& ; wear aed
WS 4 i y % PRLS AL RE
Gichilare address J. C. Patrick, Patton, S000 Tu ones ti a : he us Seti a: EE
Pa re present ris SF SR Teaae $i 3 a past i mesa bata Baste a CoE To AE : : : r Livi#H
i “Gi : ii 3 1 ®lL ps 5% Mg Eig £8 fin Eh LE i A ? sgn BPEL BRS ae TH INE i kt sey rm > % ataren i nl
: vee me a liver reguiator and 1 can ey ert ihe Fr : fameiatiely muTe me shareltepgier 1 So Ane i il al bohe Lg a — Yel Given &
# ; : sped wk 5 catty a i La an LE £4 Tres Gi % : : pT . a 4 i
poguiate the world," said a genius The rise wal ap Pe a Li ! J Cetera: Bleade Ta £3 . i Exp . nditures t AN BE een SAP P
@ruggist handed him & bottle of De pf dues tising reoeiptn of the Matoary Red 4 Im arn mamerttie mK 18 se suils
Wits Little Early Risers, the famous fires af Sika inerensed at the rate oF IES Nt : Pn ny Eh Ie P bi 2 5 beg Et Ii ee id ann Cure r ed.
Mitle pills. ©. W. Hodgkine Toil Week v and Sunday sditior
me Sn 5 asi § Ey RIT tie IRRTTRSS AT 2
CENTRAL - HOTEL, =~" oy DEEL hs :
JOHN BR CORDELL, Prop'r. ns serine En Lis ha ac Jia { uli ” ia : i i Wi o Shag 3 - TE hana Treg ie Nae
Accommodations the beat, First.ciass a x be bus is Moris £3 Free 1s nu j Ries ¥ . ® FE me To or Youfor 1s i ® = 3 with Posy " i Houpe fre hes ; ; HIM
Bar in connection. FE Gr AREY oe Be rx Gy : ar IR Tinie Mp Se . meal It will save you.
Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. is ares i nd Bi
© A aoanamodations frat fue. Best of ldguors | Fur tusthes rastivg
td Wine at the bar Bia hive sitachun RUPP RINTENDE wr £1
Al an mavers tii vi wbiums the New
Frop'r. CP Mork Mercury bs ag ret
rs i
ntly but promo
tines: cleanse he 4 setuadly veel colds, head bE Haat Laaiinia teas FEE Laeaiowny TE wa » ‘ :
and fevers; © habit aal epnstipation, making enemas Bh ite Poms aiid 4 : ex : h, O FA 5 ; 1
EE as Are acceptable be fi oF aid ete hens : A RA va br Ramee is * : x The modern stanG-
foial i in effects. A single Tari: ik .
Tr just. before retinng, or better stitl, or the nomen hen the EN Met cotinine, MRE = Kurt Wom SE 3 i
fest indication 1s noted of | id ocho GRE Nhat ih = an dep ia wiweetn er I cine :
mptom of indigestion or
ard Family Med:
“3 you suffer from Headache, i y
or ladigestion, ow
$f vou are Bilious. Constinated, or ba
& Disordered Liver, .
4s your Complexion is Sallaw, or you
. suffer Distress after baving,
For Offensive Breath and all Mae
of the Stomach, .
Ripans Tabules Regula
FE EASY 1 iim i : ah : : For mafaemation snd free Handty
N A % ANY End To : } oman ; AER cM Hite 23 gi i i RENN & 140, Wd BROAUWAT, New Yous.
" ONE ; iA Lyre, Yoastingm 19] 3 in : ; i {Bitesd Dorsal Tor SEINE PetoRts I Amweton
X : ey Ee Ege Js th Wnaliinet om y : : 3 Footer patens taken oul by a» rough delore
GIVES H ns ; Em fae v, Weston | : i : gti Ni tific us dere
28 § mavezcavai ee cientific Buel