| 5 fe of cacutehouo, _ souTH AFRICAN COOKERY. ~~ Mative Bil of Fare Carries Dismay to the White Man, 1 A very palitai iy dish is made of elephant 5 {nt by pattisg it ina bo Yoilding a fire around and over it ad Keeping it going for five or six hours, ant's nl is xaid fo be very deli- gions when washed, raped and fried vintil it is a rich brown. A novel way tf makiog a stew is practiced by one tribe, who nee thie animal's skin as a re- teptacle for water. Put in this wa'er ‘yegotaliles and pieces of moult and tien #44 redhot stones. This generates vist - quantities of steam and makes the wa- ter boil without ipjoring greatly the _ sarronnding hide At the end of an hour the contents ure cocked and the ‘water has become a very fair soup, but & little peculiar on sccomnt of the smount of cinders, sand and fragments of stone it contains. Still another tribe took konsts, grasshoppers, katydids and tbe like, and say they taste a great deal like an overcooked shrimp. Nowe of the mative tribes, so far as known, ever est ~ the Hom, bot they bave no such feeling foward other carnivora. The jackal, wolf and fox are mors or Tess popular, and are reported to give s very palatable meat. Where pur pacple hang mutton, game and the imnorial Hooss to season it and give it a rich or, many South American tribes se tre the same resnlt by burping meat an the earth and leaving it there for _ peveral days. Nocivilized man has ever senged it with eager hands, and he and heen able to eat it in this condition, 1rot the savages pronounce it a delicacy of extraordinary merit. our Darwinian conzine of the mon. r tribe share the sams fate In the districts where they are employed as | they are very timid and fly at the wight of a human being even at great distance. In other territories, where they are anmolested, they are about us fame and feurless as in South America or India. In nearly all of these triles the womun is the cook snd the waiter, ‘very often the butcher and some! imes the hunter —New York Mail and Ex 3 E3 ihm vi A HW AANA cannidaL PLANTS, They Are Sure to Langwish Winn Deprived of Their Diet of Meal, It bas been proved time and again that the so called “cannibal plats,” of which the Venos fly trap is the iv;2 are winch doore healthy when alli ed their regulsr insect food than wien {they are reared under petting or in avy ‘other manver which excludes them from their regular meat diet, The abo is am oddity of Jtself, especialy wben weeonsider the fact that there is 5 certain mehoal of botanists which temches tha _oapnibal plants make no nse whatever of the invect prey eaganured by thers, bot it is nothing compmred with the bid © masertion made by Francis Darwin That noted scientific gentleman bravely meets the ‘vegetarian botanist'' with the assertion that alt kinds and classe of plauts, whether kuown ss “ipaaters’ © or pot, bear more and heavier fromm and poeds when fed on meat than thos that are not “allowed a flash diet. Hy yw two loge, con prising various vari: ties of the different common plants. Ope kt was regulariy fel, through their roots of course, with pore juices ‘compressed from meat, the other with water sod the various fertilisers. ‘The Binal figures on this experiment proved ‘that the plants which were fed Jury meat Juice bure 168 froits of the differ: ent kinds, while the unfed plants of the sume number aud original condition ‘bore but 74; also, that the pampered plants bore 240 seeds to every 104 burn by the plants that were not gives a chance to gratify casnibalistic taste Tiss is certainly a discovery worthy of much careful stady and extensive ox. pecinset, ~ Otuiunu Kaquirer. : r Marion Crawiord, theo novelist, who bas met musy Armenians in the euat, says of them: *'I doubt whether joy ars the innocent, confiding, inof. prive Christians that the American opie believe them to ba. My experi ence with them is that they are the pest, shrewdest and trickiest of all the ester people. They say in Torkey ‘menian and five Armenians to equal ome Persian in sharp bosivess dealings ‘bey bave many abie men amoung them, and I doubt pot that their leaders have to s certain extent fomented this trou. ¢, hoping thot the goverpments of rope womid interfere and that Armee. would be entirely freed from Tork: ed to the Turks be sass: for Christianity, bat the rietisne of the east are not like ur The business gen aco them are Ww a large Exess nt a set of sbarpers, #0 much so that i words oriental Christian ip the winds o of ‘with that of thie. The Turks are. as a _ gule, very devout. Nearly all of them read the Koran, asd even the mien of fhe Letter classes are careful to conform : tothe detailsof everyday Mohammedan ork Tribune, Sulphur, i A cnrions chemical result of eypori. ments niade by Strindberg, a8 noted in 1 worship. Vem New Annales Industrielles, is that sulphur 2] ob pot only not a simple body, but pot pven an original one, beivg simply a arammon fossil) rosin or bitomen. Be fun that whea sulphur is melted at ~ mbout 20 degrous, it disengages an odor iy of torpentine or camphor, and if a grace of iodine be added the odor be + Sanies more marked. If it be heated apew to between 160 degrees and 230 Reg rees, it Joses oxygen and drops to the of which latter wssomes the color and consistency | i, if the brown and viscous liguid ioich is oltmined in this mapper be Ceecied, it preserves its nature for a cer ain engin of tiwe, and then TOsuIIeN x Naty of rosin. ‘t.ly rode the old rieking horse had Not alone is _ tmnnibalism practiced to a large extent, Pom 8AD SCENE AT AN AUCTION. Which Was Poltowed by Gleetsl Chackies a Few Hours Later. H Who bide?’ The anctioneer held mp a child's rocking hearse, battered and stained. It had belonged to some little member of | the man's family whose household | property was being sold onder the ham mer. : He was utterly ruined. He bad given op everything in the world to his cred. | jtors—homse. farnitore, horses, stock of | goods and lands. He stood among the erowd watehing the sale that was seat | tering his honsehicid goods and bie bedr. | lots wmong a hundred strange hands On his arm leaned a woman, heavily veiled. “Who bide? The anctiopeer held the rocking horse high, that it might be seen, Childish bands bad torn away the scanty mane; the bridle was twisted and worn by tender little fingers. The crowd was still The woman under the heavy veil sobbed and stretehed ont her hands. “Na, no, po!’ she cried The man's face was white with emn- tiom. The littie form that oUCe 80 mer. | drifted away into the world years ago. | This was the omiy relic left of his bappy infancy. Abe amctiomeer, with 8 queer mais tare in his eyes, handed the rocking horse 16 the man withoat a word. He the veiled woman burried away. The crowd muormared with sympathy. | The man sid the woman went into an eraty room and set the rocking horse down, Hs took out his knife, ripped open the froms of the horse and took out a roll of bills He counted then and said “It's a cid day when 1 fall withemt a rake off E.ght thonsand five hundred | driliars, Lol that xeciimeer came very pear busting wp the game '-—Houeton | TA an VED. MIND. EE na. wus Wes Menthoned, It is 8 fact that the children whoo have had in abuodanes the old narsiry ta los who haen we topes of Chri Sa wn ont pnIneTie HUM other Clams, th whim ahi birthdays mean new howiks, rhyme and story, being : themes by gradual steps 10 the up ands history, pois try and roraanie, seldom go down befcre the malignancy of the “hid apd thender so freely offered them. It is the starved chikibosd thet seizes and feeds opom these ; A girl of 12 years old bad occasion to call at the home of a lady whe had te. friended ber. Soatterad sbomt the five of the sitting room were the books of small pophew, among them a copy of “Lathe Red Riding Hood.” Her hfe, barren aud hard, bad known nothing of literature save her few schooibouks. | She picked up the volume and was soon | almorbed in the story. came in, she extended it to ber, saying eagerly, “Is it tro?’ It was ber firet step in the realm of enchantment, but it came too ate, She had experienced the real. It was hard, bitter. The same giz] » few yours later awaited ber torn at the library, apd begged the attendant to choose for ber. | “he lady hesitated, then extending a volome by Dickens maid, “Will som have this?’ Ehe shook ber bead. say. ing: “ltried to read ome of his once He writes of rags and poverty snd bard tirpes, {iive me something divelier, plese’ '—Lip SpAnTOIL 4 Magazine. The Wind Engine. There seems to be 5io question as Wo the practical wtii 3 of the new thungh crude wind engine which 4 now ooming Into nse in aime parts of the west. Accurding to the description, it | restrables the paddle wheel of a stern wheel bost, with a shaft 12 to 14 feet lovg, 12 to 16 feet across, with «ix or eight arms. The lower half of the wheel is shielded frora the wind, so that the air acts only upon the upper vanes A srank opon one end of the sbaft con- | pects with the pump. Power can be io definitely tucressed at any tise by sim ply increasing the Jength. The wind acts upon this sort of paddle when! from all poivts of the compass except two, and jt seems 10 TEGUITE DO governor, but simply pomps mors during a storm. No tower is provided for, and it a placed sc that the radial srms will be clear of the ground. One of these wheels pow ruubing io Kansas is stated to be 21 feet in diameter, 17 fest’ Jong, and bas eight fans The largest water wheel in the ward 1s said to be an overshot wheel nthe isle of Man, Itis 72% fies in diameter, 6 foe in breadth, with a «rank stroke of 10 feet, and gives 200 horsepower. —New York Son of Maines Meant Stan. A wealthy tesident of York comnty Jost bis wife x few weriks ago, Her i111 bess was prolonged and po doubt ex pax TE Bt That was the Dox Woman Es mitsforiane, not her fan However, ber thrifty hashed Cheared the Bral weeks «f her Life by regnlariy sitting downy Uy ber bed rach day and detailing bow mach ber siokness was costing bin strikitg a trial balance for the suffering wife's benefil every day. At last she died—1he doclor, who knew of the busband's vogolar methods of cheering a sickbed, said there was no doubt aboot -—and while she lay in Ler coffin the bervavext spouse, deep in thought, picked op ope of the dead wife's shoes and carefully figured on its sole with a bit of hall the sam total of what the sad «air bad cost him. This grievops statement of facts is solemnly made by the Desgor Commercial, which cungratuiates the winnan on being dead. How about the man—could be be any deader '—Lew ston Journal. a ep She Kuen Best, ; Visitor—Tell me pow, professor, are yon sofferiva mar bie mn your headache? Professor 10 Lis wilie)—Say, Amelia, do I suffer 5» bi from my headache? Fliegendo 1 oer i 4 rs Brain di: Mr. Ss i with 1} and di DWhy a Girl Shook Her Head When Dink. : | rence When the lady | | mal kad ar ! roem An Land een moot) Cas okie for the Westminster police comn, two mm re not gait so elabirale Beal eriticis ter on Asg ! S35. HE RANG up ANOTHER a Sober Man's Fasny Eiperisnes wee . Fare Register. Bometines things happen to men who | are perfectly sober. This cue bappened | on a pach boand limits oar, The rar wes crowded, snd when | ¢ Behiller pirest was rosched, the Indy who | sat jort shoot amodships walk susble to attract the attention of the rindastor to have him signal oo she might get off. Mr Ranbtern is siwavs gracions, al: ways suave, siwsys sourteoms He par besoty in distress. and he believed © belping his neighbor. So be reached fe to the pord and rang the wil Of comrse | it was | tha wrong cord, and the arrow on the face of the cash register moved ap trots £5 to 48. It iy not recorded that a» conductor ever failed to notion it when this sort of binnder ooccurrad. And so the comducror, far awny as he was, oot of sight of the passenger's signal, began to edge his way forward throogh the crowd, Tange. | Emitter to Bix ear ance threatened by his manner, Of of horn shonld have toroed red Bat beldidn’t He awaited the approach of the onl Haim With the same saavity The Jady in who bakin! the harm wis dome had eft him to his fate and wan edging to the fra CW the roa with 8 proper grievioon “Idd,” to plead if, as he not be figent with English, The representative of corporations ket ng time He expressed varioos opinions, all tending 0 a8 hermony of rasnit, of the man who would do soch a conmumimataly idictie trick 88 10 ring ap & fape instead of palliog the signal bell it was wha w trombie m stupid trick. Th scndpcir in waintaining ka sanding then of the line Mr Bantern wan't 8 rondpotor n't want to bee He wrepte wi, #nd when the eoniecio the arpd, he WES TdT. Noh il have to pay thas fare," © eluded the on oe Very Manton main fp E, Theol WE Bat sitnativ co for ths niche) with td ing suavity. want th rng WL agsin Apd ring again ba did Bgbt of the ¥1 het Jamengens who ked before enjoyed the sitnat and pow Sound therr pisarure muliti- plied Bor the dumfs anid condastor spneezed Li way back to hie dorssin of the platform and matters, “Well darned. ~{ “hirage Rovard, Rt or Henry Calerntp. Sir Henry Caleralt, wha er day, was § the social life of Lewd. eas: "There was a famons hangman of the pa nead tobe jorniarly koown ne the Hang man--i title he wenld laughingly sod cept, The position be bed ia pubic sonial life may not inaptiy be indicated by recalling the circomstanoes thax his mame vas freely canvasend ae that of Mr. Delase's suoresnor in the edits of The Timon He knew nitiiing of jouer mn in its prsciionl aipects, bat be phrivaled keowledow of the dg affairs of Bis time, ant iL was 1 anal the repotatin: be had ac 8x 8 roan of signal (eErelratnn eva of Jodpmwnt that ed to the sso his mange with the ad itoradiip erry bad never dulled the Erich of Bis ¢ anthook on Life by sg the resyrmeibil GATT He was a eomfirnwd bache ior, this fa quired mony. CWB re (of youth A New Test of Subriety, Shithalethe to test achristy, or oom- parative schriets, in the case of sop posed drankards have often been beard of, and have generally been Jooked upon the dinner table or the smoking room. From s owe reported at it sp pears that 8 doctor, examined as a wit nese, bos invented a test phrase which a re be regards ms infallibi It 1s artillery extingnished the conflagra tiom early.” This may be very effect ive, and it was tried soooemsfally ov a cabmar (the defendant), but the doctor need not have taxed his inventive pow ore There tn the * Peter Piper pi peck of pepper.’ el, tent, dnd one or “Bix fd “Beal costitn favarite tote, but “Mm Benth » felt thn’ have k the best § Lincains Gramanar. Tie grammar died by Lincols when be kod Ofturt'y store at New Saleus in Noth Dekota, in the tha Le wm of Raters Be seiton. | In the inside of tha is a reonipt for $30 piven with an: on Jaros Rutledge by Ofer in Lin ecln's handwriting and over his signa tare. —Indiasapolis Journal I en | Germany asd Steam. In Adolph Werter as queer (ifthe wil sme of mechavioal statistics and odd tins, which bears the very apgeopriste title of “Coriositios of the Steam Ea gige, * we find the following: “The very first steam engine which ever re- volved | its wheels in Germany was set in motion by Harkort at Freibeitwat. 5 1788.7 Abraham in Denton $83 eh front rover ob oar AL In all governments there 3 must of pe cessity be both the law and the sword; laws without ar liberty, but Dcentivusness | ami arms thm, b ree the paséngers tiftered, and it Aoor as the car came to a halt. 5 rang op that fare?’ demanded | 'manfolly replied the enlprit. | He afterward avowed that bo was ready | guilty in any other language, expected, the corslostor might H coucee from his phint of view mid te go ostupid wood bBuve $5 thes Am 1m 3} - : wh Bl Sr Any yemrs ome of the i best known and most popniar men in In a sketch of his career The =f Jurtes Gazette me of Calersft, sud Sir Henry ained fo middle age the pavely »2 vaed 8° LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE. Aor Sess | Instances Tn Which It Haw Been Coed to the Delight of Messuge Sendera A good many wories are told of the | strange news of the omg distance tein | : | phone. The day the line was opened to | | Merrill, Wie , 8 Uhicagn Wan, bunting | 1 ‘in the porthern weds, came into town | tion with bis family As they bad a oid ber a Ssh story at which she might | | be sonld pot ora the signe of inoredointy; i talked with his boy snd girl, snd then called for Givp. Givp was a setter, a great family pet, which had been Jeft behind becauvse of An accident whith renderad it lame { Gyp was called 1 the telephone, and be stood on & chair, bis fore feet on the back. and his mistress held the trans- “Hello, Gyp!’ called the master from Merrill | pricked np bis esrs and whined The ¢ master whistied cheerily, and the setter barked directly into the receiver. He knew bis master’s voles and the whistle ax well and ths master cheered him by repiY. It was worth the $3.50 it cost. A lady Dring near Indianapolis, who | bad for more than a year bees in deli. oste health, wae taken to Chioago sarily jast winter, where she received surgical | treatment in a hospital. Is war Dopos- | sibie to take her bore for the Christmas eslebration, aithoogh she hed reooversd and learned of the iapovation He went | foto ome of the '‘scundproo’’ booths and bad bimeel! put into commonios- | telephone in the booes, the task was a | sonal] roe He chatted with his wife, mile without SHSMTEMISE nim, since : 100 yours 5 a TRAPPED LIKE RAT | La MARINE ERGINEER RELATES AN AWFUL EXPERIENCE. [Shut Tp In the Pir Box of » Tog With the Tog Leaking at a Frightful Kate A Deliversoes That Promims lo Remsalw | FPovever a Mystery. Marine engineers have their shares of starting experiences Georgn J. Littie | teil a tory of being trapped in the Sre box of abiier In fost seh circom- stances the hair sometimes torn arey. “1 con pover fempet tif 1 Bvatobe said Mr Little "It 2e ienrred on am old Buffalo tog pamed after CM. Farrar of the firm of Farrar And the dog in Chicago ready langhter at the prompt and eager & Trelis of this city. The tug is gove where all good tongs go. but the mem. ory of shat few minntes | spent trapped Jie » rat in her fire box comes back to me often, and | wonder if the men who | Cveas with me that afternoon remenstmry | Be vividivas I do “It wus iste in ths year along in December, I think Wa ware laying up for thaeonid We had teen break. ing joe ail the weak previcus. sod the old tog was jeaking badly, a badly, in fact, that we had been obliged to pump ber cot with a tin pump twios that ‘afternoon. It was ocdd, sad we wanted {to got through with oor job while it wens light, so we spent very little time on the pamp, and st po time did we pomp ber dry. We kept the water of the fre hole flor #0 wa woriid pet be shliged to work in the water, and that war abot al We intended to pomp {Ber thovomgphly site we had finished # moch thet she could walk readily all over the hospital, She had three bean tifal children at heme mud the father prepared a {hristmas trem, just a8 be fornwrin Siam, hh kad never been foond He bad the savtricians a heforn {rise der tele hie In AREER Leary with had feature wile P there befoon ens in On pas aval pot | tha ¥ re vo re Foi Maar: Sg 5 | Caba. 1t rand a Bea Your and kG a 5rd Rmamntaeys jace, bast a fats #08 * The honed of $i a Lawn aed are BET x oeihy Th itremts the piace Sliby bey asl i kent i oly warned bh fall every alterncen it summer and beavy that 5 a yory few mooutes ‘he wiriers sho maddy merit 3 the | Ere abet the pelicw — in ahead bat if ix parbesiarly deadly among the Spanish trovge. Bow many die is sever roads Knows thee dead are carried away | oR the! ESIBTD PE Iee-T RE 8G omiy he added 8 rhs Last 1 | ree £ i ¥ 3 i 4 im - ed} : ee the door was shat. Inside the | { frp beix thors was sienty of room for two | REE i mem ta an or koeel med werk ored and there was the | rowan fromm the ssh pan, which was the | iF i i ing fry ! to the tay are like COBI®, If wo 1 ith | jarpe STRER i Dove ledd n ne afer th péarest the and burved by osipht, aha in one Bospiiad in the wail fm that the aoidiiers Bib ir proce Sct a hole wan out bora grand min Be The Sua tf ed By fora snd big ety aw hats spd thin they are badly fag, prization. Boos for Vo Lhe ate ansrus Cana By axposare Pallas with Bf o—d on seas 2 se et 3 reins Ts are made anit to tems Dray Review. Sad Fad of x Bad Boy. Or sariy stories are mosilv a3 inter esting ax our (ni poems one goecipen gnitabie Just vow, bat i “fem grew. I was written by a Lint as girl Cee WO] be Lieve—an 4 was wn baghly moral tals of a little bey whass fault hat grea: i! amd who overgte Bim self at a Chrotmas party. The copes guence sud punidbmpent of this pieces of debas lery Was b severe attaeg of scar Jot fever ca the following day, and he rapidly became worse. The sequel is toid in Sialcgs ha Sons : Mammen osha, ¥ Artbhar- Yes mae are very 41 Yon RSW vig are poise AREERST~ w 5 Hi, Masons Aree Beer BAT 8 PURTAY But be had mot ope Be Barely there is sn sntigoe, sven Factivienn ©ropicity abiont this oe ood of bringiog the catustronde wiek most of we womb So well to heed Lewdems Speaker sober LRA SR Toa rod think vom bal 3 hpi tr yi ¥ + weenile Logie. a. ¥ Lo ir Ce aa wa Gr tg Cp thei 7 #7 thuasy sheer we ar bed By Reo thers and sisters i on ticies meet me atoh, Sneha pn Fa frie girl was talk tng learnesiy fo per bros My tea Soe ways that rubber tress prow wild in Flrida' ste anpoonced. YU rpose they do. answered (oe ab impressiblie Joungster. Nobody ever thinks of robbers til it rams and then 1% too wer ints the woods | —idonnd News, % i“ 5 i Mh op LE oo - Near Enough ta Gaess By. lady walind into a wn book in search of Elisabers ~ Sroars “Borglary In Pan Bat asked for was —Bemty Es Tra LETS If the molasses amd butter to be need in gingerbread be hewrad topetber to al peost the boiling point before being | stuired 5 wiih the ogher ingred end be impro ved, A 12 $3 da gore Phelps’ what abe Heaven.’ ws wonbd give os nog Cwithonit laws wind proadioos oot sabjec- | ; | ing the vip © I buen ouily cur other work. There were two jobs wa com id do after tari. (mie vas the pamping ard the other wan ciling the | iowide of the Svs box “When & tog is laid op for the win tar, yom know, the boiler and every bright part « # the engditie fe puinted over ith ri] to prevent it ros out The in. | wide of the fre bax ia coe of the particn- nr places, AY the owoer of the tog bad | ranted ne pct to slight in That was | cme of the pemscns we bad pot i off Bl hog EB asides, wa had fo tee a 85 1 mate no di @erenim if iE wag dsr cates It Ie veeensary tk # Sa nag wou Swinestions tha to ; Ar tn Bay i nets 5% gig Wie RCH BE PIO OW) ane og in Beflalo today } femt cme WE amd 18 inobes the stir oh it coversd wae 8 | tnt was pen wiUR OTwROEQL WH nila. amar, x be dour nts ide, 3 oh ed aE The Zrates were Mn tlhe room sheet, 4 on Toni place, ot | ” oa in | was rooan for the twin of ox MAOES OTR than kb. water bottom, to be % two ran 4a i forget it wan BY a AEN wd en 3 {he iii tha fre b box o. EL 8 Tle and suffer the | sinking i tenciued « nt aad | : natant 1! toed ty ook | in a5 1 he, nol bya by os the hose, With 12 Wa bh belly poed tha ba ANG ase. Cl > 233% a vd beavy latch of r The tog that wa Wir Rise oust SLR BIDS ANNIE RDA QR comsl men the Water corer the fre bole Sony wonid do my goed heard on deci, snd thers within 5 i’ 2 aris of ua bole was oo Dy 10 pass thie wmgh 11 aman All these thonghts ras throngh minds ina woond We were per w familiar with the ination avd ¥ di Evin then we Cs ea fort! ro ir chances ware 8 pever forget Lad soene ny Cn DADO Soon bal? spownebed posi Ir wus abogt | Sie ty large | Lienly | SBOBRE to sla 8 ATE Lo oTawl thing | fasted by a heavy Jul ny dropoed ints plaos Savon, bat thers | Hwirk, and | Ce We | The ogee ww whet hee Sg Ll Wap the goredy | The ; $ in fn ME OWRR Tous Ea A Wore In the ot Lrmace of uw was leaking s badly thay in a fon hime ooieas draw ling 12 na calio}, 1% Wa consid bordiy be Was BO Ohm will ah Bol oe me sal Keeplon Bears (rar of Cornfieida. In the district of Rachinek, fo 1 bears are 1 | the worst snemics of the — | and when fhe srancn for the maine o ; dn ripen comes round the populating take all possible steps to protect the froite of their toil In the evening 9 peasant, armed with a gon, a kinjal toot oaken cudgel or whatever other weaprm be ean secnrs. takee ali the dog Pa pownssas with bin sod goss off © tbe fell, where he sierviowmly puardd bis ranise during the whole night, some times ot the risk of bis life He piven the night in firing off his gun snd con tinoal shonting. while during the day be is foreed to work to the otmost Ff | Bin powers, sesing that it is Jost at thin period—i. e. when the maine in ripen be has to thrash bis wheat gather fn bos crop of beans, repair for storing his muatsa If a bear gets i8- to 8 maiwefield in which he does Bot 6s pect to be distarbed during the waole bimeelf ; then, feeling heavy, be to roll and sprawl on | tng i! snder TE, be rolls —— over heals from one end of the flail » Mm. Lillian Bell, the — | parts that ccoversstion with 8 man oB- ad 35» Lepossible, becanse the nem | ander 35 never converses: be only talks And your chief socomplishment of be | ing a good listener is eniirely throws | swsy ca him, became be does not MB . | the Joast cars whether yon listen or : Neither is it of any dee for pon 10 that be bas surprised or shocked yom | Ha cares not for your approvs] or dis | approval. He is arverly indifferent o you, pot because vou do not plese nim bat genanse be bas mot seen yoo at Sil | He knows you are thers in that chair. | Ha bows to you in the streete—nh, yout | He Jmows your mame and where yom live But you sre only ab entity to him, mot an individusl He cares sot fw Lyon dikes pnd dislibes, your cares op booms or fears. He only wants pos be pretty and well Cpnindl if you will | Hawn a beart and 8 onl ng © ERneTT him 3 | mad Yo pe dressed, Have 8 Ha will not how They do He wy wna wit to be tad are a gititeh Thet's 1 i da Sm Te Make » frond Cup of Tra | A young man who wed belzg joled | abot the appearances of Se Young | he wan ping to searyy sail in ap apo [opetie way, © Wall, she can make a god This is » qualifies Very few know how to ue 4 a good oup | pea Here are sone pai : Ten shon | power touch metal. Rd pron: be kept In | paper, wood, glass or poroshein. Fake it. put a somali quantity in | porcelain cup, 81 the latter with Ding water cover Mf with a poroeiain : smmoer and Jet it stand thres minutes | Thess, f you desive to be an eplourh, | drink only the apper layer of the gold en lapsid, throw the pest AWAY. The the pup sod begin again Never use sug a he tea. spd the combination un stomuscl. #3 (he Chinese say. and know their sun Deveragh Av ail hs TRS. div psd Beal the tem | i ron of ves anyhow | tion that Bot many givis preness : of % | the Pope Less Hugin. i Ha spent Bis © ood 10 the KIN | marpoandings of Carpio, than which none cogad Be simpoer, as every | knows who haw ever visited an raliae | conntry geotieman ia his bows. Early hon, constant exeraen, plain food and farms interests made a strong man of i bigs, with plenty of simple como Cgenaa Ass hoy he wae a grest walk and climber, snd ow said that be Wa exosswively fond of ng. the only i forms of sport afforded by that part of fray, and practiced thers in thom | times, ae It Cx now, pot ouly with goo | bot by meats of netic It has often been said that poets and lovers of fresdon diy from the Looe Porwpds Aww | pomae more fra The damper o0i0g and the seashore than from a Saf Large snoRgH To maaioE ow mland region ~~ Marion Crawlord in toxay poking of | Century VE 3 bod NO AAA. Not Lewraed In Uhinosk. Cine of Calgary's recent contingent [the comet evidestly koew bur Dit : about the Chinork, peng ng by (he sary tha is being todd on Buk Washing 5 tiem, his face thrown into bold relia? by © get some clams to take back with bam, the Bigelow of the ron behisd him. The Sickericg | the faces, wiih the fro ast uw, 23 aw: ui expression | ressember, as 1 looked apd the blushing ita oto the face that looked Inthmine w brave eves the thepght came 10 ma ‘Wail Howe § edi cw sa be le oat and} ry cine He oat wanniog of toe st Wa looked t beast a minute I was waltiog for ba for me 23 was ® Sop on: Cae lg = : Ie him to aT not. Tha mas bas even travel’ i saw Bo a torch 2: WE ie asin SOUR Mam a8 be and ina ow, distinet wiaes, Dud the door lateh? “1 pst my band agains it mod pasha ll dd es give Im oxichend my bead ould oot speak. He half fed bansel! and Lex the dour with Ris foot, and 18 wwnug open. The draft of gir put the Igrheont and in 15at mo ment of dasipess | thasied (aod “To this day 1 oh swieestand bow that } red fond, or if it dud | drop, why! CRD Literary tatormatios. Jens Ryks | ! rou may find in thar ne; hich. and i Wiis Bon. past At ama Lgnstizg- ght of the torch gave ith pee was the sin of the be asked an old sgoaw, who bad cob webin in her eves and » basket on ber beadl, what she wanted for & basuwtfal tle -Suplick, Ei or 3hie Che ay smpiog ii Six dollars snd all wy clothe? No By giver saep! Dl Zive wou BLM, mT watith aod crercomts | I ay iseoneeRty Bo lade Chat a was moepiad, as Bas dsERY wasdeny axed for the # cimas was foar bis — Vaneomeer Wi arid | | en dodlar, bras & Calgaryite said. ile Lovie Iomid : Ap extracmdiuy tule a todd by Mager Pry Gundam of wi ad rommvod wl the Watering &n by one Donald of thie Ninety awe od rot ment, He bad! | been shot 1 the thigh by a wskot bail The ball was extracted, but still the wonnd Od pot heal. A ares abscess formed. Pon tices ware applind, and on a iscision bedig made. jo and behold 3 {rane piece sod a | See pies wane | extracted, topethint With a bis of cloth! . the larger coin having bear hit pearly Lin the center aud forced tuto the shape of a cup — Rates and Np LH TH Thunghia i R= almost npossi hie for any one Fwha Reads roel an oi roflocds a pound dead ( Ie able un evere (Remon 10 deter ira whether a Thought ww another or his own. I haw several times quoted sinraoees ont of my own wntings Ib aid df me own argueoents, U0 OORT a, thinking thas 4 was supporting Lewy be soane better authority. — Sterne
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers