and the grand “ri r Ereen dommes in the clondiess s bed ridden past the post toned os of Windermere and Grasmere, memorios of Coleridge, De Quin i Christopher North, Mra Hemaus Harriet Martinesu, and had rested y Rydal Water in the shadows of Ry. da} Monnt. Wordsworth, 't said ene of oor par calling to mind the suthor of the sion, '? “‘weems to be the soul of . ments. He made himself the Logins woh There, oder the a trees lifting in tops to the son, cor fem 4 mpated a single verse from Words worih's poem on the death of Brine, : 4 with thosends, bat 8s cpa Toor La rss pode id wien fizwt 1 spony hn 1 % princely Throne adel truth. —¥ oth’ A Compan “a1. a] Par o* Fines Yor Lrrek. Tha Rev. TD Witherspoon in a ser. mon at Pados a related an smnsiug #ory of his expec nee while evangelia fog ia the pion ns Owe day while passing a cornfield in Leslie comnty be war surprised to ses ong strings of papaw bark knot! ml together and tied stomps. He asked bis guide what it = ; and was informed that it was “to bring Jock’ And doss such a foolish soperstition exist all over this community? asked minister, Oh; wo," said the monptaioesr : id preacher over in thn settlenent re Bapaw vine eh n't do no gent may, interrapted FV m glad w find cme nen wt in fon wanve’ anor ** the native eontibned, * be Mows that yarn strings beats papew rings ail hollow when it comes to bringin lock. Fact is, hy don’t wee sothin but yurn strings. ”'— Louisville Qonrier-Jou: nal. : i A Polite nna. Professor Bully, in an article in The salar Science Monthly, commenting y the jealons regard for onremony pind e proprictios of behavior as sen in the sent of rules of politeness by ites un dslightfal instance that fell under bis own olsereation as he was walking om Hampstead heath “Jt was a spring day, and the fat buds he chestout were bursting into mag- wifioent groan plumes. Two well dressed “Saissen,' aged, 1 should say, about 9 and 11, were taking their correct morn ing walk The elder called the attention of the yomnper to one of the trees, point. g toi. The younger explaimed in a highly shor bet Sane. ‘Ob, Masd, you know vou sion dat point! The nition of perpeiisiing & 5 ro sisson the choxt- fut tree wit funny enoug eh Bot the in. was illostrating the io trate hand goner try to do businey before [0 sod , 8 Hi Loin pigs anthor to Bis friend Mr. Dailax, apd su subsequently bought by Mr. Childs,” the publisher, of Philadeiphia. The mennseript of “Pickwick was, Mim Geagina Bo garth states, never preserved ip its en tirety, thon h sray fragments have turned up. ang arn di persed ahont the world, but it was not given by its an. Shor to anv “dom tr think,’ adds Miss Hows he atigehed much im pot tar: risunReripts in those eariv 4 ris of the original man str Twist’ figare cori interesting Taos wmpany the article from it fragment of the i oremaining, which be- thos twelfth chapter and énds with what is now exiled the forty third chapter Vv ierein ix shows bow the Artful Dodosr gent into tronble © OHI ver Twist’ ates writen ina nach ager hand than vw re most of the Jawr works. The manasc pt shows some notable va- riations Ths manuneeript of © Nicholas Nickleby ' is one of those which bavs vanished, but a facsimile is given of part of the reviced proof of the preface. which shows a long passage sf rock ont by Uhbaries § Dickens ~— t.ondon N News. dwg The Drammer’s Dilemms. “1 was heen under an snlocky star,” gid CE Jameson, a Baltimore knight of the gripesck, to a veporter. “Over in Maryland tiers are two men name Curtis doing basiness in adjoining towns, Ome of them has been a customer of mine, wh is I conld pyver sell much to the other aoe. 1 was told that the cme we hese trade 1 wanted xed ¢onid pe get had heen presented by his wife with twins. A bright idem csme tome 1 wom ld seal his trades forever. J sent him the best baby carriage Iconld buy. Then in a few diye I went over there. He was the maddest man I ever saw. | seems that he is a bachelor snd every- body itn town had guved him “Then I went to the other town bo soa my customer and be was mad. was ha who was father of twine and a rival had given him 8 carrisge, with the information (bat be hed seen mie buy one for awiher customer wha bad a baby. 1 haven't straightened it out yet, and | if mitfal if wwe can = Wash T ington 5 A Keen Eyed Eigineer, An old engineer was getting his sight tested by a doctor who lived in a house facing » Jargs park. The doctor need 10 say to bis patients, Rawk over there and tell me what yoo can ses’ Whett the engineer Jearned that his sight was to ba tested, be had arranged with his so to take his bicyole taif a mile into the park and be ciling it in due time the olf wan was Jed 10 the window, the doctor saying, ss usual; “What Gi you seal" The old man, peering omt, ssid, “1 oR young man stooping beside his by open’ “Do you? said the deotor poe anything a all’ ING mpi, anid {be angineer. hi i% iing 3 The doten ar HK ri FA A RN “¥ dles a 5 Wir. # Lh A pir ig . glasses sna plainly srw the sue. ‘Open Car Windows, A correspondent writing of open ear windows und thn disagreeable dials from the same suggests that screms t 0 those need in sleeping curd te foo sonch windows and thal only trainm on be allow ad to ple or re move them. A lady writing to the ssime paper sugil is uriginal tactics by the mtn oil SS Bimply sdkine voor ambralls ar para: sol jo fret of yon, wo y that the wind, A 1 as: and hy uke hiow fron JG im Ha on the hark of the mek of the person whi iis be | ie’ window in frond of you CA very few minutes suftion 10 conyinoe Bes Xe ery that the wind ia ue thought snd de gud antontortable trivia, and also tis wt sigtle of pati ite nt, with the results of pelt Fork Tribune SAH At " A Sponge Staton. fo {2 gertainly one of original and unlikely matriais iy pet in, the ward for a etatne; bot, lor all that, one of Germany's grost wen is modeled ia this unpromising substan. In the Frimdrichsstrasse, Berlin, is a a which contains a statoe in spams of ir. Witherst, He is represented Life ‘hes, seated in an armebair and hokiing his notes fo” » speech in bis band. ; ‘“Pvery one nscknowledges that th likeness is an excellent ove, and the ‘manver in which the statesman’s frock pont and go | spectacles are represented ie ft sulijeot for universal admiration. The Whale World wt War. : i The whos world is at war—not the warof argmics or Beets, but none the less war Capital contends against labor, | Jabor against capital; capitalist fights papitalist in trade competition work man fights sgainsd workman in ways which bBave nothing to do with mere _pompetition There be men who deplore “the facts. who denounces the existence of "this warfare, as though wvotbing goo | could be said of it, and yet itis far from clear that without it the world woald | make any progress. — Engineer. a A : In Line With the Business. . +*Ha's one of hose self acting clerks,’ | sald the proprietor of the little gunshod : in speaking of the young man who had | quit his emnloy. “How is tat!" asked the patron. “He discuarges himself.''-—Chicage RAT BN Ahora _ Authars may be divided roughly into three groups, the good, the bad and the popular. The first make fame, the _ pevond make books, and the third make money. N¢ 7 York Evening Sun. | have eh BAHAI At "Magn ific ont sight!" be said The ey is still drawing WAGE Emi ira Tehran his The Voiew of a Child. Professor Irommond tele the stary of a litte girl who poe said 10 her fa ther thing to Gao bor me, something 1 want ta tell him very ronch. 1 bre such a Hirthe evden that | dunt think he sonia Bewr it war up in hoaven, but yom have a prent big nan’ vie, ang be wii be sure to bear som” The father took Bis Jitthe girl ir his arms and told ber that, even though God we #3 Lhuxt pment surrounded by aa hid baly 3 sounding on their golden ou hepa: and ioe 16 bom ons od #uentest SOLE o pe in ay to thy for 8 ith Like : i 8 whisper soroet hing in myear. Hern, ET Wagner and Sor by Gren nm, Ww BRner, WIraiug 24 Seharuann DC He oad sician, but an jmpoasil exme from Paris, 1 wept to told han of no Piartaiats spoke of the stale ih France then of that bn Gereny, fike of lites ature and Delite, but be redoil good me dard Tor naaiy an bar. cannot go al ga Simpson ble acount of ealiv agvens with that rt “hut bes uo man of Ha talks, Bowser, Ae Cakiteon endure Tor ag EGE, (By gia me 2 TERE. When 1 se bisa. 1 RPE eTIonN, taint ga sn 24 E owuss vs Wi Sehmrnans fie Slavery sarvived Jater than is peledally suipossd, : word Cbatcage’’ in Nerthum hertand still means a female farm servant The Cpoolies and se iters—l. 6, Sait miinerseew f East Lothians werw actually slaves till 1355. If ther dewertod their mrvice, any : one harbors. g theniwas able to 8 pen alty of £5 i he diz not restore them In 94 hours. The bist slave in Englar was not freed until 15799, and in 1840 there was a oooly living who, as wail as bis fathe. and grandfather, had work. | (edasa slave in a pit at Muosseibarg “It seemari sort of strange at frst,’ said a stroller, ho ses a ome legged man looking af the db store wind w, for it dado’t seem as though he would take more (han ba. an interest in shoes, but ss a matter .. fact he appeared © he as neh inter | ested as anybody." —New York Sun. w—— A fed : as The BTEC OTR | other stro “Para, | wan! yon 10 say some holmes BOCES pani ex Neneansla, day in a shoe. the morning, and learn bow impossible’ $t will be. becanse the Edglishman thoroughly imboed with the isa thet busines is an iorident of and pot the! pole sim and sod of Ifa There isnt pn | gion of the world wherein work is re: garded as it is with ue. po Gther sation A we da peas and Hoe dnl “lives that it mey work,’ They ‘work that they may live’ they thoronghly live while they live. We tot] snd slave that wa may ave money tH three who becuse of cnr owery work, wiil not inherit the vital strengih to properly utilize and enjoy it Individual exceptions might seem to pegativa ony asscriion, mt we are not dealing with individuals, bat cur pation as 8 whole, and as a whobs we fear not eonteadietion of tis assertion that 154 great American pervons system is in deplorable condition of prostration, and that his lamentabla sondition of aflaim bas tween the direct outovme of ome methods of work. particnlerly during the past 80 years. — New Orleans Times. Demi erat. Cirenmpventing Them. Befora Hinmarck resopstrocted map of Envoys, and made pri many, a dozen little prisefips to anmty travelers hy retaining jo their fromriers ont] Shey bad satisf thin enstoan bur owe Tsar Sut Bow owe bad Jos carnage se pod 0 wt the fr stir o fap ecmntry. Tin herr : the omeicnn Bomee minels to kos hd ipoa fn 8 pose 1 ongentiemaniy eno ngh the carriage. nor even Tie herr cher dls ih PH kes of the tourist s trunks, suhordinate began handling rong “Here, bands off 1" shanted the ¥ #3 kee ‘1 didn't coape from the United Bratton of Ameriea to be controll Pat those tranke bask gt jroggh yom at ali Timber Im in no hurry, sad don’t mind Joming. n few hoors. You're no oimmery, only a spot. I'll goround joa. aid Strand Magazi 0 | 5 AE sat | 2m 3 gd You re He Tried Its Secomt. Tine. ps airy ont Gr ginal mrt tributiog it, was told the Sansterer 1 {he aber doy : The engar ing’ "of Brand Frraat wos a ecnfirmad havhelor, ws everybody feel knew. His brother. the Jase Mahiod D. Spas lding, peed 10 live in Bearoa strent, and was the father of a Bapyy faumily At the himh of the fret child wn pent to the rich npoele that toe i been hamad after him, VJdako FP. Span i fag. 24. Uncle John resjonded with a cheek fir 810.000, A comple of years later another heir was boris, this tite 8 girl, and Uncle Joby was again not fs that tha litle danghter bad been nase Kfter Bios, Thia was a stick iey for fhe sole, and pe serote for parieniag day or two afterward piv, samething in these ig pesiiv no take Wa tiar tin dang Sogn id ange rw Uncle Joho on anwaber $19 oo : wenden Badyet ba pee 4G Hs fk first rating =» Serpe A north oon : gifs isy of marrow path 3 highway be : ! Be fern Bo ons im Hie ieromree Beran down pulpit siairs and provecded to suid Reto to the woe ~ “My breton. Cha pried, ro heaven ds Lor tne Ane fm the Banister be began lop i Hand over hood, as i boy elipatae 38 rroasedd Poin At last he resched thy co Bin foot again, bapoy in bl Yieney Th oan Ba ing 1 it Sirsa ea ¥ Bsulren; Eng! what is the fa Lod be Pot pr Hin after Bim Pores ws road the mast oxi sding it be nn Hat ever £13 nave Xb PEs LAY WO Wt than fi fnterent GG THAKD MALY SX] hisvs wxte risk hos life sore of times ma Soot land. He bas the Stes oo deotion © eagles’ egy in Englatd The ear] alse keenly aterssted ia pet animals of iTersnt ki and weed to walk about the park ut his Haver £00 . # a ARIS Be SS at thee end 3a 8 BEAR tae Ha rw Uy 8 Hopes t akind. “Thera are 14 varieties of apes ir * beosadd aller & Jong ¥ienee coe variety bere.” she me And ngain the sire £10 —~0 3% EF ree Press Aad ly "| eponded sui] settled up Tre The Sree Sma was the weaver bird. which, from threads and vegesa ble flamers, mansfuciores a fabri quite waterproof and of very dave structure i ‘the bet was dv Bs outs war of 500 frauon that [be wonid ewaliow a yard of galvanised fron stove piptag. The bet was socept- od and witnesses and refered appoint. led. Alexander and ons of the withesses went to boy the piping which was abent one-sixtosuth of an inch in thick: «in diameier. Alex ander took it to a whiteanith and re- goested Bim to Sie it down isto a pow. der in the presence of the witness, who shasgquently carried it toa cafe in the Rue de 1a Chapelle, where the operation ef swallowing the flings was carried ont. Quite 100 pereons attended an spec. gators Alexander divided the filings inte five portions, placed them in five glomees of beer and tossed them of at intervals of te minutes. He played eavdx during te proces of drinking, and when the lot glass of beer and jt metallic addit on bad been cansamed dared wom and the S06 jer to him. Be stored mn fait no fnronver ions wo feat Paris Letter, frances hundod afterward that whatever from “i Perpetual Painter. cof mine isa great doa” 4 ¥orpen au be petted filemtwaph 1 can al 1 fuer heh TAR eS & it Bas how sented hi wiii Mr. Terao Cat pes Aang declared idk 5 rk and 1 know: de while | owas soi Bove when 1] mast het qe where, anid mond ret 1 resummed Frere Bar aks gre Bhs. 4 8 {3 hut HR tar I meiked evarywh fod Bim. 9 With shond the 5 ! HAE per MieRing ek aL The strane he i Yaw ea Petar fer of the rise ered 1 man, wa edd iate ly proopesied give elaborate corms AR tH how tan CAYSS Ph ji § an Shas pod toe Se Ste ¥ wee EY 8 ¥ fomikey hg AS sort Wik He ¥Yeled Aye ATH BOCA, like a spend by