o | 1 th Patio n PATTON PUMLISHING C0, Proprietors. 1806. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, cb 3 20 ' i NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1 Mabworities who do oan notice To the air aTy are oO pani tieeed ti pene Fhodr sot pian ‘ hg homes 4 subeoriivies their pertiation is Too thby are directa, hig sre they have sedfied ther Fb wnied ibs uations. fH sumeriteos mave oat informiog the phd wie went ty the fartner gis PERPORNS biker, . h The tours ave de take periodicals fron and towing therg ue eine of Intent bos BI suteeritoes Beret fora ve Bothey at Elie do ref Wet ty continag wine the pubidors bn gelbiri add Hee wihaoribeor will ba er ERpres notice, witli gel green Kf. Beosent 1 he prkdistier, CHURCH NOTICES. gee TE aT FHS pH Ay im Ba VRLAY: co wend od 4 Arion Fat EVRY PLR 5 hp di i Toby sett METHHOINe ¥ Pants Ropes play se owl gy my evening WEEP Les oi a) PEE WR abd pom SE Tips a fr yates tings © al Tie INDEpENIESY 0 # ites Tasipe Na, : £2 YE ee i # J ih 1 HOF. Whee Mev Parniaric OHBEe Prsgpteens Cnanig LR Cen eriaer seh TIRE Yer fare at's Hah : Ww ii. $i Whe aw, Fis, bi 32% Ware oF Pray Spa ax CATH No 18 saoelr UN aTR fied Gf ered Paoli nd SO eR John Formadoy, Magy CiMERay EDR CIR TER Cmax ee, No Te fraartts Fridas Liownds Hall co | , wR Edi RE WHHL Clean, By | ANCIENT UROER OF FINE ENT ANS OF fea Perhaon Nao 3 a B sompaty, movie EY OTE | of enol month in 9 | Philip Calligtion, fhe See, | Loend Tiine Table, Bi EER Tee Courier. Las Fria a SIRE Flew mee | # 1] A et Rane war} r SereRit an of mil Arread 1: $i. SE ¢ Pron 5 Fro AMEw I mnthiris HARP ONEE Eloeror igus, Pris | The hours of arrival and departure bf trains at the Patton Station are a8 follows: Train No Areives r? GES TE am ; ie 4 . HHT ee oo 3 TE ar NS .M. la | Train numbers marked Fire yarthbound and V8 asnthhound. Nest Thing ta 1 {ener a frigabl dyer the sine, Fie went 1 dnew hearse he spike, iis Hie yom vary cer Pet $e was a tan that's always hi he § atenped Bix sap Lin shart, veka wo et Bia bu For themeh 1 I swum juried Try Truman's coal. 671 hone S15 Mall has * per ostoffice hours from TAM WW 8 re Try a “Prince Charles at Palmer if 8 Fifth avenue ready for oocupsncy Smoke Prince Uharlad’ cigar, sold at the Palmer house, 9th Geo. 8 Good and wife, of Lock Haven, visited in town this week. Order your cond from Trios I gives the best satiefaction of any. -67IL Boynton McPherson, of ( earfield, visited his parents on Fifth ave over Sunday. so A grand masquerade bail will be held in Patton son. Farther partico. fare will appear later. Ladies when you want a good Biack dress buy Black Siell the Hewes thing in black dress goods at PS © Geo. H. Curfman and Frank Pen nington were elected delegates tO ihe: Republican convention heid at Ebene burg tn Monday. RI, £3 In publishing the list of business pro cilities ote, last week, i harness shop, | which is owned by EJ Severin, was anintentionally oanitted. On Sunday night at about 0.50 a ‘box oar on the Pennsylvania railroad was broken inte by thieves and several suits of clothes were stolen. When vou take a trip to Ehwnsburg stop at the Blair house syed vou will he asd all right. Am i Px selient snc rates moiensie pd Lrrect A high Hyver with 4 Wp not be a long liver with De Witt's Little Early Hisar hit pills that cure dyspe psi shi constipas tyson. 1. WW. Hodgkins, CL \pr. EM. Thompson Was recently appointed postmaster at Unrwensviie. a good man and Use appointment appeats to have met with the general approval of the majority of the cit ‘gens of Carwensviile On Monday, March 2d, Wm. F. Gable & Co, of Altoonn, will hiied thear anhusl sBpiversary. it being the twelfth year of this store's existence It will interest you to read their big announcement in another colammn W A Mellon has a large force of parpenters, tinners, plumbers, piaster- ers, painters and paps hangers basily engaged in getting bis new hota % 3 on it is expected that it will be pampieted in about two weeks. We sekpowledge one doilar on sab seriplinn from our fogrner LOW BRITRD SBilly TT Buratiff, now eof Patton, which pays has paper ahead 10 Dot. MH, 1994 Thanks, Bily. May many of onr sub weribers follow the exmpie ou Have wt them Co Uosiport Standard An ing heid st Beech Grove in Chest township every night. The tencher of Francis Craver, has Deen interesting Brerary soviely is be mehioog Boise ather Frlay the taming wb, #o% I | The matrons of the St Angustine Catholic church held a very successful festival in the ball there on Monday might for the benefit of the asareh ex: clhustyiaer. Mri. L.A Craver. of the Bir house, tr is: piace, rpenived word on Toes day morning of the death of hor sister, Mr. George of raw nahin, Memlay even. ¥ J Sap Pr REEY Allegheny Nhe dhiedt om ing about 5 o'rbek Phe faseral ak piace at {oreltn om Weninosainy morn ng at 18 olelock, after wh hintermoent wis made in dbe semetory at oihat places Cambria Froosmian nin railroad from Portage to Litiy, rons in the Kill west of Hens hill will be cut, then in a bee Hing oeoeit, where the rremsws the old route and follows the aid Portage road ail the way to Talty. This will throw the bed of the Pennayi- vania railroad tracks 30 higher than the oid tracks were. It is a st rik: ef fant ing vindication of the survey the engineers whe laid ont the old Portage rsnd that the Pennsyivania railroad & Began Laps x EET AEE w restiie going hack to the oid oat. Ebensharg Mountainetr special whiwies mn ail + ary Pats AFT ions wide that i wt FELY £43 GOVERRMENT AWARDS Hoosderd hy th od saddicre in wey hers and Noarby Ovo tien Troe have February 18: Original Robert Dots, Fheneaer, [rsdiana county: Harman Hines, Sta pesto, Westmoraiand cotmty, John Wome morsland following heen imsusd sinee the date of REriw, Livermore, county; Edward {iibbwans, Jeannette, Westmoreland Ceorge W Kinsel, Punxsutawney, Jefersan soanty; Henry Martin, Cnrwensville, Clearfield county: Jared Fisher, Wine law Jefferson county; James Wyn. coop, Marion Centre, Indiana county Fncrense - Michael Huffinan, Lye phis, Westmoreland connly; Samuel Harris. Saltsburg, Indiana osunty: Mal porn A. Cameron, Clearfield; John R (‘urry, Blaireville, fas WL Steowary, {rsclinng: Daniel Repine, Blairsviile Wiliam Waiter, RNaitstarrg, eeninty. Original widow, ste nei Barnes, connty. Rec mwne ani Harr, Youngstown, eenanty AdAitionn: James Hepburn, kaffuy, Clearfield county enews! and increase Vese Shaner, fash, Westmoreland county. cranny; indiana Pres amie fom Conflaene, Somerset bree Al { hirstian Wistmorsland 5 Fn Ww gents that vee oR ed of winter pension ert ifeaten TORACCO and (RGARS Thee Aaeet Tone ip Potton at G. |. FITZPATRICK'S Restanrant on Mages avente, near 7 PER dept 3 vr h MEAN AT Reuel Somerville, Attor weyv-at-Law, WW. IH Attorney - at ERENSELU RL, + 1 £54 yore $EELY f sunseiar ort 4 ri FapNsnom: Pa wr athena te GEORGE. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GALIITZIN, PA. Quticitor for German National B. & {, association Flour and Feed. [ have recently purchased the two four and feed stores Kam’ Bovee and Willis M. Ross and am now prepared to furnish you with all grades of Flour and Fred At Prices tr Bait your purse weirs i £167 {yive me 8 call John Gantz, Beech Avenne, The Loading Undertaker, Patton, Pa Embalming a Specially. belonging 16 CABLE & Twelfth Anniversary Sale Monday, March 2nd, 1896. astonishing ns hax huargat You wil 5 % fiw ‘ buying at this time 16 Make Your Preparations Cw A ir Tr Comedy 5 praw 3 : i i EL Xv £335 dk «3 (yreatest Storg . 3 “ will he, fpuots ¥ nd TERT road : or this grant os “iad $id tin for this day rnly 20 a yard p dbiim thay only Jie a yard : ar this day only Bie a yard, ay Arve aewenin Far this Say oO ity, for tive (Any oly «four this day only 124 a pur 3 fat tas ogres af S40 x Doar wad wiridowr shades, with spring roller 1216 pac h : Splendid We hpooma, with four rows of sewing, 0 remember this cals by, 100 : Rabbit a posap vip we Ny mathe what part of the “Rig Store” you visit whether you look Arsen goods or bonse farnshing goonies 2 dress trimymings yon will find splendid asort yw prive everywhere % Asn a! enie to peoples from dletant towns we angounos that we will prepay sil freiphts and express an goods bought on Annie yersy Dav to all espe Wy Hin 100 miles of Altoona Wie megrit at this anrly writing it 3 impossile to quote a comprehen wiv list of prices. Preparations will net he completed notil the end of ERGG wil Bag wes will apmnee vou that {enteral Pennsylvania haa never Chef en nied SY Great Bargain Day 53 ect 0 thik rest store on Anniversay Day, Monday, CH 2, 1§ Peiinsyivania to the Grandest Showing and Big Feet Bargains ever Knows in the central part of the State. es APG Mu 7 enlvs ; aril wll € end Wm.F.Gable& Co, ny 2 t 120-22 Eleventh Ave, ALTOONA, P: Ki AK DA 8H Notice the advertisement of the dive part in the megings wh | Waverly bicycle in another polumim. | i or Achates. select reading, speak Just received acme very nice patterns ing singiug, ele and they are in Spring dress plaids which we are grended. | selling at very tow prices. P. 8. Co 11H It hot only is so, it must be so, One Mingte Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. . WW, Hodg- kins. t Anton Kujawa, of Clearfield, ac earnest that William then and | companied by hie brother Joseph, of decided to have him romain snd Curwensyille, bad business in PRION hi oldest son to consume the paragorie on Tuesday. and to take active part ind When you want a good smoke get entertainments, | She “Prince Charles’ at the Palmer | g pelt the Magee avenue cloth i house, a genuine medicated full Ha jer, gents’ furnisher, taiior and show bask bonita | VROsS cigar. 9th dealer, has a large wed’ on Shee Brst Praok Farabangh, of Vintandale, TT I it is not so necessary to have your : page. Mr. Bell has just received ihe spent Sunday in Ebensburg = advertisement at the “top of the col jargest stock of shoes for ladies umn” anit ix to bave it at the top in gentlemen, buys and girls, that | excellence. Printers Tuk. Lever been brought to Patton. Bt the opera hddise on the evening of make faster than by Mins Sadie Hattwick, . > hy b- | i , P . of Jersey have an nmbrelia that a La Wishington's Birthday. letting us Nurnieh your Ol! OW ing rices . | Shore, who has been visiting at the ing leave it with Mr. Bell and it will be Master Bedis Poach, a son of Thema ; | home of J. D. Blair on West Beach 1 : y Poach, the liveryinan, wh has been il Fest -¢ | : GC FLA avenue, returned home Monday. loth es 5 with pneumonia is able to even if you do pay a litte Again. than store-griee at the Lime. Charis White and Miss Emma Davi : 3 We don't wis of this place, were married at the seaiddence of the bride's parents, Dr wake soit lke store-suits, they are only made to sell, we make them erat Be seeded regu ime uf post Find Parrom BlerLy Ward & McKelvy preparsd to fit you well ERENSBUED APE TIO oat in the latest styie Tailor-"lade Feb. 25. {aval Costin, of Jidaulown, wes & Om Friday, Febraary Tia Present. Pa Fah contractor 4 Hubbard and expressed a desire clothed and fm. The weather levers and the ttle one's grea Was WY there Geant Fadi ad in visitor to Ehenstarrg vosterday AL Gilmore, tra: spent Friday pight mim our own Messrs HE Figgee andi G6. F sp diter, of Eighth: Ward, J wery Ge leiales convention on Monday 3 J. Gall, of Pittsburg, spent erie with our merchants on Tuesday Yair i “FEE. 9 co TH oi Ra . = 0 MET eT fang E Ju done Lown, ta the county £4 pat Ra Lopk $1: mnadnaent FOLLO! And wishing to make room for new [ offer a few ® AK VOD Can that hate ance a week. tiv Lae Drowns’ t Li 3 them at the to he roomade ae stub, of New : ane Ath Ih AER All ur work 8 guaranteed to You can- give satisfaction and fit & The Mozarl Symphony kas York, gave an exellent entertunment Vrs Bot Hershey spe {done on short notice. He bs making a : : ASS Ot ods. specialty of that kind of wrk bee Gt 180 Dre. Petdit's Blood Purifier $1.00 sue The i rr Kesslor's Clongh Cure oe ih Hiood Hawi Siar Dr. J M Ross o Pertit’s (ireal Anerican Cough Uure {re Lewis’ Cough {ure ir. Peotit’s Worn biG "rr. Buney's Dr Pettit «Canker Dr Runes 's Herb Lisa ment ; Pe Ui Ir Raney 8 I Comtial fie. Rages’ pot ; » Dir. Fenner's Worm Ny Flestrie Bitter Powers = NVerrm Worms Sletiingmne £3 Tone Foleys & {os Partfler @ W Bails i atarrh Rem ely + Syenn 20e HY Ise MoCletland's Crystal Drop TE 15% Dr Gallagher's Vogetable Pile Care - + ankiin’s Save Johnsons Aneddine Linn tent Harvel’s Condition Pow- ilers : . - : Cary’s Buckeye Condition Powders - Howard Brother's Condi tion Powders b - ES Lg ls + more LH \ 1.00 7. He and Mra T. J. Davison, at & ool k an lene Blood Thorsday evenitig. After the cervmony refreshmenta were and young peopie then went to their home which had beer previonsdy furnished for their reception. nintions {8 1.00 1% Two Hn He serial Ls We offer con grat e Hmrrinm to wear, and if van have not been scenstemed to wearing good Tall or-Made Sgits you should try US once, after that we leave the mat ing to see vou Contrasis Lad & Kins Rr EE The Pennsylvania Railroad company has awarded contracts far 31,000 Lone of stew] rails RU E28 per ton; for the lines east of Pittsburg and $000 tous for the western lines The con- tracts have been divided among the following companies: Carnegie, 2.000 tone: Cambria, 6,000 tons, Pennsyiva- nin Steel, 8,000 tons; Lackawanna, 2,000 tons, and [Ninos Steel, 5,000 tons EN) Taaus 4 ter With von, back to as fir all vour clothes ALMOST 1,000 NEW SAMPLES already in for you to select from, Prices from S15 TO 8350. And should you need Shoes, Gum Boots or Rubbers, we are making very close prices now Come in ard see on Ward & McKelvy. Merchant Tailors, Spent ide Shilok’s Foley’s We Lonsun Honey of Tar $1 EX BIZEN Risr aN : Adaninbetrntor's MNatier | Bagate of A. M. Bargoor, late of Ash- ville Borough, deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted so said estate sre reqossted to make payment, and those having ciams lo preseat them without delay tw Dr. HH. Somerville, Admipstrator. Chest Springs, Pa, or to his attorney, Razed Komerville, Patton, Pa gts Jan. 29, 1566. Beinn Thanks. The Ladies Aid society take this method of expressing their thanks und | appreciation of the generous patron age accorded them by Lhe public und an especial manner Lo express their hanks to those wha, by their contri: butions and help, contributed so musch to the success of the supper. Mes. W. H. SaxprFoRD, Pres Lypa Gre, Sec. i made a Large wes [ades’ Dress tien on Men's Rubber 5 1 - yoods, Etc. C. H. PERRY, Chest Springs, Pa. Also we have Boots, Men's dwg ¥it 5 Evidenced by the fact that there were more of them sold in ‘95 than any other make. Be sure to see sample before parchas. ing your "8 wheel. Made by Indiana Bieyele to. tnddinnapolis, ind JAMES W._ HOY, Agent. Solomon Bd’ i. PATTON, PA.