ng chemieal erp, | The Literary Ageet. When we next bear the question A tau Toaan action! Phe Wiikedurs of Sleeping. ! Shabempan tn London. Tha: bea was almost dominant in ree. Shakespeare “came 10 London,’ ew | Character is like stock in ado the : an armed by 8 gaked, Co killed bya tion Hadras woodty 60 yoars apo, sud some torn, in fact, into eternal fame throogh | more of it 8 man posmesses the greater ho Sigh er boys?’ TWiat all ve So with = ays: ‘ihe pi iD pond forms vile hf pot ridi: te gates Why he came, or precisely | his faculties for making additions to it t is possible that it hia Hterary agents.’ All you want is a lit the train vio salons, we stones pt. jr was, for when, in largely » matter of sop jecture. Character i power--is influence ; i 3 before, but I have not gle room in a central sitnation, pens and tannopa, 6rd fl nies ois | ; Over this, ay over #0 morh of his life, | makes friends, creates funds, draws Fare Kp low sveil they he himself nover chose to | patronage and sapport, and opens & sure MED irae seen 4 d pewr Capi fowars Knox ¢ EEN a ELIT Tt, ae one who has heard ink and a lady ty ver. tal fs yo track oo sig 2 awd oom any Lge lift. Thet he was pore WW certain, and | and sassy way to wenlth, honor and Rep A akaters were on a large artifi on which remarkably clear . In various places white goon noticed in the ioe. snagest } of the skaters said to we, 0a.” Some ove bored a hole y of theses white places and fama lo {os gan, which took Jed to further experiments, found thet by boring a smail of flame conld be this continoed for some aw of course marsh gas. yy the decomposi izontter at the bottom of the e method of demonstrat. n of this gas in nature the smuthetlo poiut of view, a ent on the nena! method o textbooks, which con- | ing & pool of stagoant wa | stick wd collecting the gas Ours aillags doctor, good man that ® Was," says a woman visiting in the fram sn interior town, ‘has jost He was very much shaorbed in| and studied every case, frm aon of typhoid fever down to an attack of measies, a8 if it wers bis first . When bis own mortal iliness d him, he dingnosed it clearly, d his symptoms and the effect of | ‘the remedios used, and warned the at ‘physician several days before tending his death «of the hopelessness of his | condition, as evidenced by certain feel. | ings no (me bot a professional patient, with every sense alert, conld have dis . He was conscions ap to he last, and #8 the pod approached bad himsell ‘bolstered among his pillows into a half sitting position. He kept the fingers of | tion of the quite unnpecessary, for if the agent ie pot absolutely destitote of wits the flies walk into his parker. How does he : pt them? Nothing can be simpler. In an age of publicity mothing w sacred from the interviewer, and after a fow vhs as to his wheresboats bave judiciously placed in the newspa- ‘pera he shares the fate of emperors and actresses, and ie interviewed, sither m The Daily Chronicle or The Bockman, both of which journals demote moch space to the chronicle of small beer. The interviewer naturally begina by smying that thers are few men better known than the Agent, and procecds to describe his servant, and bis maid, and his ox, and his am, and bis personal ap- ance with the miputiness which the British public expects in an inter view. "My authors’ are then fonched spon, and the agent modestly says that ‘they came to bim uvosmght, nnasked "You woald be marpriesd i I gave yon the psmes of poe cr two,’ and wo on ad nanseam. Then a note is handed in, and the agent bows the interviewer ont after arranging thet a few copies of this nice homely chat may be sent to him for private cireniation. A few days Jater the flies arrive, their munoscTipts in one pocket, their preliminary foes in the oth er. = National Review. Derivation ot chartran® It is stated that this word is foond in French in the fourteenth tentory, and reference is made to Litter, I kave no means of referring to Littre, but desire to indicate the nse of the wiirde “chery faire’ by Gower. 1 give the compicts sentences from the prologoe (othe Can fessio Ammotis For if men lke in holy rhindm Betwerns the words and t Chsver wipvhe, There ia a fal grea Gifs They prochon ue in and That nomen shall bis sone separ For al ia but a chery folrs Thin workin good, m0 a they 300 one band on the pulse of the other, and he seid nothing, the expression | of his face showed that he was interest ionally in watching himself | dia. As be drew bis last breath the fint- wing at his wrist must have indicated , for be Jet his fingers drop, kedkied around the group gathered sbout him with ss cles: and intelligent expression § go wysrencion Als they sadn tere bean Wikia Shit panne 8 wizine | Hy dn i . in the arisbrock * edition of the “ an feelin Arsantin’’ IRD, pags BY, «imp oy gives “‘charivari’’ as the equivalent of “eheéry feire Is this the foro in which cecnrs in estiy French! am any that ever shine ou his face, 23d 19 0 Gs world seem that (his poeziing ‘aloud and distinotly, ‘Dead now,’ snd watt New York Times. The Caurt PR Bowe years agts io a suit which tar: od om the state of mind of a lady wh CTOSS $XAMIBING a Witness, Who gnva evidence as tw the plaintiff's behavior while an inmate of the sisters’ hotoe, wr things it had been deposed had been guilty of a breach in eating a certain plate of Coleridge— Eating strawberries, © tem Yon. sir. Coletidgo—Bow shocking! ' Hhe was exting I box of thick ones—and as there was ward should yield ita seeres to persistent | investigstion on the part of French | scholars, thoagh there ee {500 WioroK 15 . trace instead of one — Notes and Quon i | ries. had been & member of a shut rhiend, the | ate chief justice, then Mr. Coleridge, | Thin Skinsed Oranges. It han often been goesticoed why orange growers will graft and plant varieties with thick skine when the great poblic appreciates a thin skinned one more highly. Asking a grower, if not one of the secrets of the orapge _ growing trade, why this was thos, be peplied that the thin skinned kinds were . rarely as productive as the thick skinned | apes—that the public wonid give mw more for a box of thio skits than for a canseqnently more profit in growing : Witness It was forbidden, sir. : i orange skins than in growing orangs [r. Coleridge~And did yon, mamiam, | y consider there was any hans in| : Witness— No, sir, not in itself, nny Wore than there was in esting an ‘apple, $ you know, sir, the mischief that oe from that. The court smiled, and Mr. Coleridge | $0 lose the thread of his ideas | Ie the moment. — Bomsmbiold Wards, AAR A He EA Ome of His Tricks flesh the skins carried the day. We have never heard wich an expla | pation ufo, and this misy be only Yehafl.'' §iL the great guestion re mana, Why Me orange growers grafi and plant thick skinned sorts when the | thin skins are preferable’ Meohan's Monthly. Baeston's Pabile Libwary. In Boston, at least, is & poblio library i where the eye may share its pleasure . Cyros Hamlin, Hannibal Ham- | with the tind and cur popular taste father, was 3 man who pot consid | faith in buman sstore. He also sheep when be lived on Paris took considerable pride in io day when a peighbar brought rly fine wether and offered # reascmable figure the doo- | neighbor's word thathe bad and purchased. He was later by bis oheervant son that ho rg of his own sheep that men er Ty was holding on to a strap as a Broad- ble car in New York swung the Fourteenth street curve. The | ma crowded to suffocarion. Never } your money in a cable car com- | my boy. It won't do you a bit of | id Mr. Widener to the youngs vhe a with him. hy pot?’ the reply. ** id think this line oe oi on Do you mean to | ; + don’t pay up their dividends?" , yes, I get my dividends all right, neyer get a seat. ''— Philadelphia No More Managers, There are no more managers in the | ly directa It is Modjosks, of Frank L. Perley; John may gain that fmpoise in the right di rection for which, with us, the opporta- pity is still far too meager. Wa bave had po Medici to adorn cor streets, and often our public buildings have been the denlcrable Jswues of lpexperience and political scheming. Now, fur once, we . bave an enduring monoment worthy of oar material prosperity and progress Turning away, we linger and look tack at the Jong inscription of 1 oorthern facades — “The Comnopwesith Ree | quires the Eduoeation of the People as the Safeguard of Order and Liberty '— and we are profoundly gratelol to the commonwealth which has jostified itself #0 nobly that all the world way bear from it a useful Jessen. Ker} fuser a, His pa a D¥ficuity, “Every man has bin price.’ seoten- tiously announced the philosopher of the ail night drug store, where the street railroad franchise was being dis cussed. “Well,” said the wit of the estabiiah. ment, ‘I wish somebody woold discov: er my price and offer it to me’ “My boy,” solemuly remarked the perfuniery drummer, who bad pot spo ken before that evening, “there is no , smaller coin made than & cent And for several seconds there was no sound beard save the drip, drip of the real mineral waters from the hydrant. — Buffalo Espres. Wasted It Out. An old highland sergesnt in one of the Beottish regiments was going his rounds one night to see that ail ths Coming to a room where be thought he saw a light shining, be roured out. “Pat cot that light there!” One of the men shouted back, “It's the mune, sergeant!’ Not bearing very well, the sergeant cried in retarmn: *'l dinoa care a tacket what it is! Pot it oot I!" —Eeotsman. Not Waerthy a Wits, The missing bridegroom jis getting nomerous. The latest one's absence from the wedding ceremony is said to and he isn’t likely to get cue. — Boston | Harald. lights were out in the barrick rooms - tint | Spot. tiene, and vn OUiliNiar was b “It be es whan t intended io the three iia 0 Wevwes vas, sii a the wiigess oi ho mile awny fron whistle was 3 wos, Wo tl MHligioea ba #ach parileaier Cov iy as bn hud meh dog tho som sed fr App FE Fhe reg ow Arm fag FUE tf iat} Wh oe Bi hws §o0i8 Ware LHF OF 8 peg ii poe pre waeh consae ata Bhdar the bho wad] Lowmdoa 1a M Gousne wh TES poles Vost the niin of Ray Lie vol Bae be ¥aieul 40 hia OBR ay pheiiianed ix bg bend hy Pio wad given bo wre oie a anol oekér nt SVBRE Fe oo amen tr of thee hay of Bow wl the WHY, hE anoiiiees 1k ; Sw, beeing Sy the awl ane stress Tho nprnanaN ex bis srstement & : 3 2A ey fRaR aE Eater un Yeon Tun finrden Jotiosi Zine, Thwt Troublesome BK. There Bive b Poe ow Bien sty themrabhy, avd iid BO Aimist genruaons There was omew in eastern Tennesie a judge well versed is the law, boat en tively self educated, who bad this sae obstacle of orthography to contend with all bx dayne In early Life be bad Jived in Knoxville apd for a ling time insist od on spoiling the pame Noxvilie His friends at last edoouted him op to the point of adding the K; so thorongh- | iv, in fact, did be learn 1hin Jesun that when, a few years aflerward, be ve moved to Nashville, nothing conld pre went him fron spel lng the name Knash- ville After a Tow yorrs' residenes there the judge removed again, this thive to Mor frowmtonr.. (ne day be sal down to write his first better from thts plnce, Ha scratched Lo bead 3h perplexity far a manent, and finally exciumed Weill, Fil give 11 uy! How in thw world can they spell the pare of this pice with a KP "-=Cinciopat: Cow tnercial tiazent te, Tried the Postar, The Lurews tells this story ta show the trials of x country doetar in Fravea A young phyocian setilsd in a come mane, whom paupers he attended {ur $10 por anno. Ouse night, soon after Bis arrival at this El Dorido, he receives! af Brent summons to visit g pation! whe lived at a distance of six | ters frome the village On remci cottage—is wan then 11 pot the doorw closed and Lights S Sttoataiet od In reply Ww is Mnotks the dour wa opevest by a sfardy peasant, who laugh fagly whom og him thut thers was po tiiesa in the house, but that his wife had wished to see if, when any one was $i Be wimg come if seit for! The so fortunate medbve—dinee Gear froan over. wih ancl Siiiadliy saderionding-—re marked, ground. What Put I Dut. “Aevident? said the old sea captain. Na, we never huve any to speak of on this Line = Why one trip aboot & year 350 the snip cauvghy fie down in the : aascovernd It 1 we a port and began to discharge.’ That's sirange Wiat pot the fire Why it persed down through tothe 8a and the water put ont. Coakdn’ burn the wane, you know, And the ar waked away sil cine white she Jatericontor was 80 as J tomtshed ‘wky the stig did pot sink —Londan at be never thonght of asking £: eT Mix a large tablespooniful of mustard with a bail por of commend, pour on this bat {not bailing) water and stir cn a good fire aati! it is thick A Lisle mo Igopes wide bs die detracus from the dapger of the poultice sticking. When the mixture is cooked thick enough, | spread between two pieces of thio pans din, apd lay smoothly spon the aching The amount given above will | make two or three ordinary ponitices. Where we cannot invent we may at | least improve. We may give somewhat have been dus 0 bis excessive rater of povelty to that which was old, ton. ness. A man who is too modest to attend | | densativn to that which was diffuse, his own wedding doesn't deserve a wife i perspicuity to that which was obscnry and currency to that which was { dite, Colton. bighly probable that he was quite on h frisnded. Whether i» had ary conscions. | add self ness or perwoasion of his almost miraco- sin alten of Joos gifts we can only guess. The im- co pgainst tal. prise that led bim there cannot bave fe nh Loew well bean sitogether due fo chanes or whim, sad wl eer tw pot nesded fn But that he conid hava foreseen the Fool wom Che meat wearisome of all splendid rescit is altogether impossible fhe rapt . Reh i tha yonrhfnl expert, after a critical ax. “1 eimid have fu ted him to the shed mee veverthiniess they bel eved hat thw ts ives pnare than 8 striet ry viptinted Gnas which, according to modern Bygdisis wiv too hort, was a park Of sivcpieh self indoigence, and ir wan vised therefore, with moral parr obusioe ; : Pariy rising wae extravagantly praised, pot beans 11 jeugthened the day, for the early risers went 10 bed early, but beanies iT was disagresable, and some caries ries of dieteatfor example, ab stinenon fron sngar-—weres defended in part nian the sane principle. We have kon girls ont off their coris avowedly becanes thes were prond of them, and pen pooabont in shabby elothes becanse, ps thee averred and Balivvwd, if was wall By lwpialeh ag comtort 10 promote se rivns reflect iin — London Spectator. Kandirohi's Preomastare Celebration. When tha lutea WR Marshall was governor of M npesota, a strong affort was made Io move The state capital to ! jurde in Kandivohi It be. came gn jvene before the pablo in the dwetion of wembars to the leginintare, A FLEA : in the passage of the sels both hooves It was vraor Marshall's desk for The residents of Kandiyobi Li iver The sncces of the Bil, ora thie governor bad a®zed his » fhaer rama dawn fa 5 Paal } ar 12 oxen, attached them all | ] it nn we rd peed B00 fH oa winch was placed a ming he abd capitol, nader cern in large lofrers, cane! This vehifeln Lromgh Wabasha and Thord Puarl, and while the people it. they remained quiet nn cr hadl weted om the BL after the depiny the gov fe pewinra. The Kandiyohi Birds of thw Ein seam peas hia 10 pass ieee feos oo Pho wiley, sy Paul's cain bration folliaved Minneapolis Jour. @ have baw Wilson and the Fapert. goad gid dost story is told on pera WN Time, whe awhed the famons Parviz pide in Park county, Mon. Wik mon Wis visitiwl by some Englishmen | | one day, among Wham was an sxpert of | the Eoglish pattern-~ane who knew all | aboot ines and a great deal about ev: eryibing #ise in his own opinion. They | wanted to se some of Wilson's gold, | and he panied out some very fine color | for their edification, “Put that isn’t goid,”” prononnesd | amination. Me deabh fellah, I sm a graduate of the English Bchoal of Mines, | arid 1 know gold when 1 so; it yoo Enos Thu ie iron i Wiss didn’t say much. He just Janned over Lud took the sileged expert | oatiding iy by the shoulder: '"Mehbe it hak dent go and give bo owwny to Doss fellows down at the Dlosiver mir for 1 have been selling tiie wt fo them for gold all alipg. Buits Monutain, : t isn haeosaid, A Story of Jeha Bright, Comevrmng The late Me. Jobn Bright's SX neve } many stories have been told, Sir Wil ham Geddes, principal of Aberdeen soi versity, (6 a lestore on Poetic Ideals of Edoention” whivb he has published, tells another, When Sir William escort. ed the praat castor throngh the great Bulls of the university and showed him : famons portrait of Beattie by Reyn- aids, Be mertioned this conection with Byron Bright stood a moment io silent Cenchapiment, gazed on the beautifuol floure of the Uientas of Truth, then piled fF the opening stanza of Lord E Byron's dedication to lanthe’ i Nak fn thew climes where I have late heen ray ios. Thodeh besuty there lath ling been mata | FON Ce ies withast a falter or a flaw — Westminster | pea i Raadndle Wheat We Have Now. “Wa have no great murder trials pow." ba said as le throw down the | Hew STR Ter “Whe John, thers have been a whole let of them io the last year,'' she pro- Lemond ‘Non re mistaken, my dear,” he as served Wa have ml ga jot of minor 3 PRTERT Oles There bhuve been some very sensatiopal mar ders “And the mmanderers have been tried,” “True. be admitted, “they bave eil—for fnsay ity, not for murder. say that wo bad pot had any Sauity triads, you know. mel Th rag Pes BE er trigln, hat x Irate Le The Largest Pumping Esgines The largest pumping engine ever made in the United States was placed | at the Philadeiphis waterworks io I It is 83 feet high and cocnpies a pace 3 by 40 feet. The total of this glapt machine is 470 yout che base plates acd foon strips, uid 15 pumps 30,000, 000 of water sesry 34 hours miadern exhibition of the mat wf Trevea took place in the ‘44, ted durteg the year 500,000 3 pect ie viewed the Pedic, The canon masel in provided with | u rope which may be attached to a stone recon | or twig to bold thé animal Io position { aguinst tae current. freanyre shaky panel in an old house in Warwick shire, came npon a conossled copboerd, imagine it at the age of 80, looking | own history as 8 drama, snd then reflect | pot buy the chapter, and u temple woold | | Jonrpal and ax rat) me the legislature convened | i rwianed A Serre fight fol. | Covet, and the leedrie oy bnew, PRouw thet it raeans progress | porwistently ridiculed and laughed at sopuaintines with poetry | ~—Gentiaman’ 8 Magazine. ‘shipping man, grieved. ‘II fuund it in a volome of | sermons published by the Rev. Philetus Like ronny a ess gifted mortal, he ms tained the straggie of bupe and fear The first folin of Dis plays sells today for a large eum of money, bot let us imagine a romunce worth 20 islands of Brnppose some ons, wrenching away a wherein lay, thick with the dost of 300 yonrs, a roll of munoseript, onrled and | yallow with age. And suppose that, on anfolding it, he found it bore the title “The Life of Me, Willlam Bhakespeara. Here surely would be a record of on- paralleled interest and chiofly the chap ter which should tell of bow he came to London. Think of what that step was to him, consider the power of bis mind, back with ¢alm onroffied insight on its what he, Shakmpeare, conoid say aboot that youthful entry into London, and bow depict it. A king's remsom conid | be a poor place to hoose it —Chambers’ AER I OP RAR LA ys Wonld Kether Rus the Risk. Mrs. Corntossel bad been thonghtfal- | ly gazing at the ceiling while the daily | Daper lay ia her lap CHiram. she said, “hey yon seen [this pew woman's Bible! they're talkin Toast 2° NG 1 hades laid eyes ony to it yet PIP yon think it's apy bstter'n the old “ld ne Youn might git one and edge fer yourself ; "No, Hiram. I won't do anything of the kind. J iry ser to ba behind the tinses seen iF wa do Dive in the country, 1 don’t regrhdge what fae duily papers | ‘vanes [| I'm on: | vivid thet the regmblicen forms of gov ernment te a sternal sarees, and I mos’ sy ther [ye got a strong suspdeton thet | a woman es is taxable asder the law copter how oa vole of she wants jt 1° Lwanter to bo right ap ter date, Hiram: (but when it oomes ter tryin ter por | modern improvements on the Reriptores 1 declare I'd rather takin my chances, | Hiram, on bein a Lack pomber '’ | Washingion Star. Swniipor, ; The marks that smallpox leaves on | | the bands and face may be entirely pre. | | wenited by the simple expedient of hang | ing red cortains round rhe patient's bed. | This marveions discovery was made | i fp the reign of Edward I by Dr. Gad. | deweden, who from that time has been by men of scivnes to this day, notwith. | standing the fact Ln hwy olatmed to | have effected miany cums, notably that } ‘of Edward II himself when Prince of Wales He orderad that the ution shonld be wrapped in scariest cloth, and that the | bed and farnitores of his rom shoold be painted in the same color. This was the main care bot he contin aed to treat the patient in the sstul mavner : It is only gnite recently that it has: been dissoversd that everything claimed : for this shwple remedy in perfectly troa me fandon Standard 3 ed Math) fA pp en Si Wanting, { In nanies taken fron trade, such an Archer, Fisher, Brewster, Glover, ete, to be found in the London Dirveotary, | peither Banker, nor Soldier, nor Sailor occurs, bot it most be remembered that | the first of these pares is soarcely as | ‘old as the days of the Stuarts, before which time the Goldmpiths “kept run- ping cashes” and acted as *‘banguiers, | fur the ward is one of modern Freoch | importation. Scldier {s3ldat) also is of | foreign and comparatively recent origin, | The absences of Sailor is supplied, thoogh | wary sparingly it must be owned, by { Boatmuan and Boatwright, Shipman and | i Shipwright. Bat, then, it ts only in| comparatively modern times that we became a ses loving people, and that ** Britannia’ begun to “rule the waves. 04d Provision Fur the Satety of Liners. | “Do you know,’ said a prominent “that 13 1s a role with the big transatisntio steamship can- panies that the wife of thecaptain shall not travel in his ship? {t's a fact. The company strongly probilitts its capraine | from taking their wives aboard with them. The snppasitivn ix that if any- thing should buppen to the ship the captain, instead of attending to bis pub- lio duty, would devotes his attention mainly to the safety of his wile, Bo that f ihe wife of a captain wants to go abroad she must take passage in some other vessel This role alsa holds | Cin many of the freight Lanes Phila | i Qeiphis Recor d. : A Trasting Nature Shocked. i *“1 am sorry to have to tell yon, young | man," said the aged clergyman, "that the sermon you delivered this morning | was preached by Jobo Wesley more than | a hundred vers ago.’ i ‘1s it possible!” exclaimed the young divinity student, both shocked and Maoggins in 1526 and lkamng since out of print! Whom cua one trast?’ —UChicago Tribune. an Impossibility. A colored pastor in Texas, demanding ¢ salary. is reported to have sad, rodern, I can’t preach hoah and boa 4 1eb'n GR ro ire LPIRALN 90 saves Clermont at (na, do BUREN E RE BS FR 001° pines J. Hawes A A A ANS A AA Sunday Observance In Boston. No more work of convenience’ on may still ba performed. Sondny Work of ‘"necessity or charity" Under which olan dos | preuching same? = Boston Amn ee Fam EXsreInEn vo embebue SENZLSHIE ple? NYO &H R KROL CONDENRED TIME TABL Bend Up Li Mall Nov, 17, 188 Nay #8 z 3 3: SpeNs, Ld gr : vy 15 iw. 1n WAT di rr aii £7 1M News a och 1 iy er se with is we BESO Hm —~ Clem rtietd yy An o3™ Tx] 5 ¥ A 31 11 rn Kemer 5 i war A'gurtinia June... Ax a evaprm | bis canin wag fd WEARER GE ng i eT —— oe wari Puspmoury Ave en Ba a ry Mess b sw Ju OR... THiamapoirt, Ary tend 17 Mlve.. AN Zrpewons I Sh sesansle SRAES BEgkusu BEEERE PCW - wa § YPBERU ER EecH BRR EBNE “ ¥ Ewsummesius = aBXCEUzEzus 8 Daily. FWenkidnve i055 a wu. with Centra) Hailes of : Mt with Penis. R id ™ : von Bea Rochester and Pitan "ay. Clenrfinid division of the 2 i | Mliroad At M anid Northwestern tal AG PALMER, Saperinbmdent. PENNIFLYANIA Ra RAILROAD. IN EFFCT SOV. Won Pitindeiphila and Oime Table. Trains imve Driftwood EARTWARD. AM, = Train A Anily Saupe { £59 PF M.~Trin a daily vacept Harrisburg and intermediate ing at Phiisdeiphis ol © Oa mh, URS ha Pui man Soeping oars Hany tw Phusdeiphis and N Hh Lin pg 68 OAL ral 0 andinte dg anti’ Thelema finan are | Erie and Wim rein pglob will Ye od iowpir at wring roan arte to A port © Baltimors, WERTWARD Ces A. M.-Tmta i, daily sXoepl for Siagway, DuBdia Clermont =. hr vos Ridgway » M Tims oy wmary he Bw MPM aie 11, daly Roept * 3 - 4 Kane and intertnndiste stations. FHROUGH TRAINS FOR DRI AR a | tmanE 2 eT i TIER ligesterre, UG a 0. BE arriving si Driftwood st 28 o spare sar from Phila Taain vm Pow Yoru st mil pp Tym + Wasdul) ae ia. 115 wood #1 £8 «om. avn Phiisdeiphie io Erie snd frou, ington and pi 0 Willa darongh comedies Drom Phi w Erte, ri. of i raramy | hy FRAIN | eaves Henova ab 8 « a axcept Sunday, arriving Pritt wd a | JOHNSOINBURG RAILROAD (Daily exrept Munday Ran 19 ‘amv Ridgway al # Bs. 0 sonburg si Haba. mi, arciving ai het Hee n,m. miving af Johnsonburg at (6 « Ridgway at L200 noun A A 14 FIDGWAY AND CLEARFIELD « DAILY EXC EPT MINA ¥ 1 : a TNORTY MTATIONR =» » K =| Mii Haven Croyiand Bhorts Mills Hine Hook Vineyard Run mrrter Brook ile MoMinn Summit Run Fails Creek Da Bois TRAINT LEAVE RIDGW AY Y EBBEEEEBunew 3 SEISESIGEEREEX || REEBBERGERREE po < Woe vid 5 Tin & ious Train 1, $9) Tin 3 =} 4. R. Wit Gen Ag PW