The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 20, 1896, Image 7

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The First Real Liviog Skeleton, His Wire
sud Thels Three Skin and Bone Sons,
An Old Museum and Side Show Man:
sger Taps His Memory Tank.
poarding to Manager T. E. Sackett
the Bijon theater, Isaac W. Spragne
( Docturing Promoted by the Use of Med-
: feines In Compressed Tablets
tablets simplified the work of the doo
tor. but it bas aléo vastly promoted self
_doptering. The nomber of remedies put
mp in this form for popnlar nse con.
Many draggists make
a specialty of these things. You see.
i tantly increases,
them displayed near the soda water
: Hot only has the general introduction
of medicine in the form of cimprossed
“ln a horse that | was Jo
in a town op the state one Bi
tha retired burglar,
: He Had an Plegsnt Lay Oui of Wedding
Presints at His Mercy When ls Maude
an Unfortunate “top. fn the End He
Made a Contribution to the Collecthm.
hing over
'T cama arross
The Min
: tion “Vas Mtimnisted,
At the beginning of the war there
Lwere al Jot of ‘raw’ soldiers, whi,
| though [ardent fellows and good Gabi.
eri, were not op to the West Poa
standard on military matters At War
penton. Va, ope of the new dompaiies
happened tbe stationed early in the
| panfliot] and many were the jmssons that
had to] be learned by the earnest but
fgnorant southerners, wi had bot a
of warliyn
| #Coffes growing exivausts th sil 50
utterly that the fand must lie fallow
afterward, 2eplained our gotld dor
ing 8 toar +“ Jawmaion ** "The salipeter
bas got foto tae coffee, Kah,” is tue mig
gers” favorite expression when they pail
voy that at de potty
Now, vonsidering that
op A tree lo dn
at the rota
thers is po saitpeter inthe Whole niland,
hose and whepoe they ever got thelr vies
of its qualities iv a mystery to me”
for market vas now briefly prplaiped to
Mr. Locky was perfectly right in do
clining. as a parliamenturs candidate,
to answer questions coneeriing his o>
ligioos belief. Bar iy elting Macanlsy
as an authority for Lis reticence he in
not gnite atcurata.
The ietdant to which Mr. Lecky re
fare occurred at Leeds in 1832. The in-
terrogator was a clergyman, and Moran
Iny, after exclaiming. “Put that man
| pon a chair that © may sea him," pro
The process of preparing coffe berries
conded to express his regret that a8 uih-
fester of religicn should exhibit so ig-
‘wad the first unnaturally or abnormally
thin skin and bones man to be exhibit
od tothe public onder the title of a
“living skeleton.'' It was during the
palmy days of Barnum 's Greatest Show
on Earth, and while that ceswhrated
© showman was raking the continents in
merch of curiositios in 1864. Incident-
‘ally Mr. Sackett was in those days with
Tony Pastor. Mr. Sackett was acting ss
doortender, manager and all aronnd
man for Pastor. He had previously boen
onl with Millie Christine, the two
headed girl, and had an eve cot for
freaks. When the Tony Pastor show
fonntain, put np in small bottles and ren am :
gold at prices that must yield a hand- | Smet ing Ha Hever Sirues but that
some profit. Half a dozen remedine for Sr dn Ar ir i
indigestion are thos sold, some contain. ag. [renents, all juss a thoy were ar. . It was one balmy Septem mt evening.
ing pepsin an the active principle, oth range for display. When 1 timed my 3 Thu Home BE the yar A. sou}
ers containing soda mint, some bismuth, lamp into the soon. I wished 1 had breeze in Inden with the rich odors of
some charcoal or more powerfal difin- pen ie a bores and wagon there was the dying leaves and foil of an exhiin- |
foctants. Some are designed to remove og deg] of it that w alin’: hnve rating qriepivess that seam to G1 ORS cing them clean and hive They are
acidity of the stomach © others to stack yen of any earthly ose to me, bot 18 blood "ith dreams of lows and hasppt- thers son dried, and on the best plantas
a catarrhal condition. Otbercare to Bro med a pity to leave any of it behind ness. The moet Was Just peeping from | one this iv done by spreading them on
vike appetite, and still others are © Bue if | conldn's cacy it all off, Tormid belsital 2 bank of clonds resting oh 18 | parpeenes, of cement terraces, gliped so
promote ome or suother natoral fone. yocg ihe fun of picking, and I started eresta of the Blne Ridge, and the HB2 | aw to allow the rain to ran off quickly,
thin. A dozen headache cores are sold In oy fook the things ova They were ar. of hight crept down tha sides and cTAWL | poping gutters all aronnd and one raised
this fashion, and the different emolli- py gnd on tables aod chairs asd on the od actos the fine of waving oor an | place in the middle. The beans are rak-
sits for the throat are almost innnmerd ge gronnd sor three sides of the rotm | the muadows foil of chirplog insects | 4 aptantly to sxposs all of them in
alight idea of the zor fo
; Ne : me bw thiv kind sequaintance When
discipline. But on the whois they did er
gatherad, red and round as cherrive the
| berries sre saobiected to the only rok
shine need thronghoot the work. This
in pot nolike 8 nutmeg grater, of grat.
ers, which free the twin beans inside
the berry from their fleshy eoveriog,
tolerant a spirit. Bat having exbansted
bis indignation he said, *"Gentismen, I
am » Christian’
Macaniay owt his seat for Edinb
in 1541 on a religions question, tO
grievance against sim being that be
Bad voted in favor of the grant to May
pooth, the training codlege for
priests. Om this embject Mr. (3 ladst one
enka carious and characteristic sours
When Nir Robert Peel, as prioe minis.
ter, proposed the grant in 1845, Mr.
Gladstone was secretary of state for tHe.
colonies. He, like Macaulsy, voted fir
Maynooth. Bot finding that such a
the living skeleton,
ime but skin and bones, yet ba was
tiem for a tonr of the world
“wus the ig. eard,
| Baekott.
Lo to London, 1211 desperately io J
om mighs for the sentimental to cheng ve
the llng and cooing of these attennat
ed specimens of Pharach's
| The cutre lowe affair gave Barnom a
“ hysiness Lint, which he was not slow to
take advantage of.
| etm)d be seen ar St James hall (where
they were shawing) sumething that the
reached Florida, Stone & Maorray's cir:
cus came there. The old inhalitants
will remember Stone & Morray 's show.
It was contemporaneons with Iran
Rita's, Thayer & Noyes’ and afterward
with the John Robinson pircas. With
Bone & Murray was lense W, Hpragoe
Mr. Spragne bad
ben discovered hy Barnam in Massa
chasetts Ho was the first Jiving skee
toa) om record sines the diseoy of
wild by Adam And Bpragos was a
pei] Jiving skeleton ton He was noth
healthy and jolly,
In 1885 Baronm oolleetad several one
riomities, including Sprague, and sent
Next to him wis a
ton woman, nesriy us attenuated
ipragne, whose name hax eswcavd
wanderfal memary of Showman
Among the other freaks with
whitch Barnom expeeted to and did as
tosish the world was Jovea Heth, the
etilored woman be picked op in the
sooth, supposed 16 ba 135 years old; the
agonlly horse,” sud Annie Swan, the
fiert giantess over on #xhibition ;
Bpragne, on the steampr gang rer
Ove With
the skeletin woman. She returosd bis
affection, and, aconvdiog to Manager
Suckers, who wax on the voyage, if Ww
jean kins
Cry thelr arrival in
dear old Lunnon'’ the showman adver |
tied and heralded the astonnding fact |
far and wide that om na certain day there |
Si world had never before witnessed, name. |
"ly, the marriage of two living, breath. |
£. fact that never before in the anuals of |
0 phew business had soch oa thing as tha
ing skeletonz, He also anninneed the
wedding of freaks been perfumed in
This was a fact too |
Of the enthusiastic crowds which ench
8 unigne anposnocment drew, or the
Rteresiing conduct of the living skels :
Ctme, wedded in the presence of
stanbled thousands,” Manager Sackett
fimlent. Bat be tells of a fact, how
Wr, which is of uch intevest that it
Sms recorded in medical works, bot
never before has seen the light of news.
paper priblication. That was that
. year after the marriage of the skelvtone
beads and those that were hail
the wife bore a child which also was a
SH livipng skeleton, : !
Stranger still to relato—bnt Sackett |
stakes his fortane on the (roth of | ite !
two ciber children were alse born to
Me. sud Mra Spragos, and they were
also of the skeloton mold, Por many
years afterward the parents tra
with their unnaturally thin ofisprio
apd added to the stock of the wii ws
astonishment, incindipg both prope |
; The |
original Sprague and Boia wife are deed
but the three skeleton childrmm, yun
young men, are showing ato the oan |
fry, healthy, happy and rich.
| This is the only case or saceemion of |
caves in medical antals where a father
and mother transmitted the disease of |
wasting atrophy to their offspring. ¢
| Jis peregrinating show days
| Mr. Sackett also tells of another weird
ome that came noder his obwervation in
Barnell, a celebrated showman of the
#ixties, found a pair of freak twine in
the south, the offspring of colored peo
ns Kongo stick,
pure albino The major engaged the
One of the twins, a boy, was black
The vther, a girl, was
0 fwins for bis show and exhibited them
for years.
married an albino in the wost,
Burnell increased thir salaries accord-
fainted away.
‘curiosity prompt
‘a scream. Her 5
The albino girl grew ap and
offspring of the marriage was a baby as
Sack as the ace of spades. Of course
s enbapced the showing price of
Charley and his albiso wife, und Major |
DD. K Prescott wis the discoverer of
‘the far famed Slo ing Beauty, whom
he found 10 Tenncss «in the sixties He
‘brought her to St Louis She was a :
g girl of sur: swing beauty, with
but one fault disc verable Shi slept |
nine tenths of the time She was the
greatest puzzle ilo medical men had |
‘ver seca. lt wa one of these latter
who deprived her other of a fortane
and Prescott of oof his most popular !
curiosities. The ° ung doctor was left |
alone in the sh. vroum one day while
the beauty was « eping as psusl. His
i him to take out his
a her arm. The blood
a beauty awoke with |
sther rushed in from |
an adjoining roc. Beeing the blood |
from he: daughter's arm, she
1 is ended the showing
of the Sleeping Deauty. Her mother
took her home, und she never slept iu
public any more. —Buffalo Courier.
The most easte: ly point of the United
lancet and junct
started oot and ti
States is Quoddy Head, Me. ; the most |
wresterly, Atto island,
portherly, Point Barrow,
7 wet southerly, Key West, Fla.
Alaska; the most
Alasks ; Se
ST pe i
Clone been
| pensers. —New York Hun.
Bis There sre grip tablets, hver fab.
Jets, heart, lang and brain tatilete,
Persons who have ssehewed patent
medicines all their lives boy these tab
jets of one sort cor another, leeanse
pioet of them ars supposed 10 bo well
pocognized romedios, Most «of the tab.
Jitx are adeoriised only in medical joar
nals, In ascirdancs rognITR.
ments of the medial codes, and
of them no doe ba
popalarity through their nee he repota
with tae
1 their
vie he ained
thin form
Quinine, which 1% pow
i aheap, 18 sold Iargel gE of
two grain pills or io larger yrds ovine
tafying dren. Alhongh believed hy
many physicians to be a dangeronk rem.
ady, it has ong been self priscriiwel by
all sorte of persons, especixily in mals.
crial regions, ans it 1& on of the rome
dies most frequently bonglht withoat
prescription. It is soif prescribed for
ria liria in its many forms to check a
podd in ite early stapes, and BS A TaN
CL Reiwnnlants of one set op another are
sold in this fn. tat mere sspeciall
perhaps at the soda foontain, which has
beotann & sort of medical dispensary.
J x
Many headache remedies ars dispensed
Cut the main fountain, Dome are recom.
mendind or eopapested by the attendant,
but many persons have their favorites
| wenong the various sedatives and fabri.
fuges, and some are called for as regu.
larly as the frait sirnps. Nitw remedios
| are constantly introdoced thrisgh the
soda fonntaine, sud many old onde have
incioded in the antnaily
tengthening list of the soda water dis
The Sensations That Are Supurindiuced by
Its Blsing and Falllieg.
A dim sunlight strikes oi in the bal
Jom. Suddenly we realize wa are in
bright sanshine again, with feecy white
clonds below us and a deep blue xy
above. Took at the shadow of the bal
Joom on the clouds! Bee tho Hight pris
atic colors Like a bale around the
ghiadose of the car. Hern we are *ail
sions, in perfect silence, in the dept hx
ing up on all sides, a SDOWY WHIT TRA
below. But ndosign of ea Fhe tits REED
of npyihiing boman. Not a sound, not a
sign of What peace! What bli
Horrors hats that report? The baie
Joon most bave borst. Oh, nonsenss |
Keep still] It's only a fold of the staff
nipped by the netting being suddenly
re lrmend | that & all
Well we are falling, for sea the bits
of paper apparsntiy ascending. Aud we
must takes care, for the coldness and
press of this clond will catse the
gas to contract, and we shall fall rapid.
iy. Noget a bag of ballast ready, for
we are already in the darkness of the
elond, Now ihe gas bag shrinks and
writheos, and the folds ruatie to
gother, and it gots darker. You can feel
the breeze Liowing npward against
your face or hand bed over the edge od
the ener. Well that's not to be wondersd
t, for remember we are falling, say
1.000 font a minunte, which is the same
thing as if we were goifig asag ten
miles an hoor sivting io oa Gogeart
Not quite the sams, you sag—yon'd
pooner be in the cart? Well, perhaps if
the horse were going straight at a wall
without the pwsibility of being able to
stop him, you would think (therwise
Bot lex! Theres ix the oatth again | #0
out with your ballast. Goon! Poor oot
plenty; there § Bo good fo0BOminLg —
Blackw oxi ’s Magazine,
es 2
Mark Twain's Latiat,
The authorship of “The Personal
Revcilections of Joan of Are,” which
bas been sppearing serially in Har.
pet's Monthiy during the last year, and
which has been credited 1o nearly every
well known author, is finally determin.
od Velome 5 of the Naticmal Cyclo
pedia of American Biog
of such scrnracy that it
ared officinl, tuntaine a
of Mr IL. ©
Twain: which ennmerates this wy
the list of his publications
Nanyned me tin
Good Digestion.
A good digestion is as
tory as 8 gow couscience ; §
gs truly a part of manhood as a pare
faith: a yigoroms brain is as nooessary
to useful living as a vigorous will
which it often helps to make vigorons,
‘and & weil ordered skin 1s the Srst con-
truly obli
tral: 2%
dition of that cleauliness which is next
to godliness —H. W. Beecher.
The Usual Way.
Fuddy—Yon know there is no rule
without an excepiion.
Duddy—I believe you I pever lay
down a role at the store but most of the
clerks take exception 10 1}
A Misleading Report.
t — Boston
“1 hear the colonel is a hard drink. |
“Hak! He's the easiest drinker I
ever saw in my life ''— Detroit Tribune.
Brel LEE is
om the side opposite to the suds that i
had soma in ar. and cp the sides to the
running arotind thoke
thrae sides in a sort of frreguinr otiler.
1 was there wore
right and lef;
Om the ®ido where
foe chmire | ihe
the nf
Rene atwnt Lire
drown throngh the
4 gan
step dew throngh an
goppcEn sonieds #1 Inst bavi
mght 1'd s=tart
and work arcand to the righ
and I started from the door and bad
rons i seemed 10
me. but what T bad really done was to
Gpen register, 1
something down through it oand
taken it out fo get it and forgot w
it back
“There Was A Wirn seveen mpder
register over the pipe Opening
thinge from dropping down t
bat it was very fun Dght wireland ©
I just slid
into the pipe, poshing that along under
dmdn’t stop me at ali,
my feet. When I dropped i
I bad besn facing to the edly]
way as I went dowifd got skewed aroun
a5 that when | got down as far as Idi
go I was facing to the front than is
pipe didn’t go straight down, but with
1 bad thrown op nvr hands as
plomb to the furnace if
of the vega
reward the center of the
A cnrve.
[ went down, and 1 suppres
have gon
hadn't eintobed at the edge
tar opting and bong on
A sninnte bee
fore 1 was going 10 fake mr piok
rocanfnl now where was 17
“i Bad started across
ing mY tooibag in one hand x
EhoaT Wwivan
£8 buguw
had shaken the hag
Inn] ia the The
C want down
| my hand, put I had he Moon to my Bash,
thongh 3 Was lying on ite side
with my fingers clutrbing U
Bande. The failing of the bw
the strikivg of the amp on
snd the seraping of the
down through the Ln pe
mace BLL Tope
¥ £ XK :
Cf om ErEal alias massive conde tower ]
sid as
Togas © BEE
Ft ga
Ra 5
$A T
Dag ans
a8 rOofn iTyY-
dwn again. aud
I myelt
beid bh
lamp and swang it nmnd on
Then 1 et mvs down agai
dered wi
apd and
ion 1 wax
an RRR d
T ey
Abont in the fs
poith them the tired men were deed ih
{mn © mi
LET Be 8
bis heat
iF Tha
p for
with eager
pick hire
3 5%
Wenans | Jeet sores THYa 5
of ah enemy
aE puts (he gia
eT <
camp breax J
Wax Wi
ha mitantaon
dark Bilicwes of
world was wrapped in seme aud od
Pat in ne
bh Bnah there sparkled
a glowworm, snd aboot in th
# Rr mit
go a FYE Rr
BIS Redan ty
g bugs." whos ting 1a
gy peantedd with five
ne * Bua
and gave the signal, aod th
ay memotl The men
CHE Wan poh
hastily awakened from their
Ral 10 ®
HEH at 2
wid, ow
1800 Bi
Li oy und wer fu
i fhe
w wh
axe a di
5 Nn
FoR 4 it 0
fant fis Wir
#LLTR, and mE FEIT,
Ww hen
the sentinel crept Up 10 the 0d
fosmid the fellow in a dis
“I nm
Eg 3
PIL ote,
evn fitad yiaoe mighty sorry,
can} t
hg e-von sein 1am on WS nearsighted
And the mw
tre of Ihe susmy-~it's a lightniog
ant back to hide under
the flap of s desclnte tent, while the
Aisgrantied men took therpee ves again
to win ber, -- Ph inde iphia Times
Pws Men Ashied Advice Abont It and Then |
Bejweted It
Thers is to use of opposing a Jove af
fair, not eves when the actors play oto
pony own hinds 1 koow what Um say. |
ng. en Bad the ex
tive young amd the old pan
know his mind
params With Two
what ba
thar, told filon he'd better not marry
gir] he was courting. He went right
off and marred her
An od
tha ear wheps | was rending my
paper and sat down at my #idm
: tue wich
1 va
Ae phe
3 i4eiy
man fromm they sin
heg your p
vg Tome |
ogy BY ep corte
1 thon will
nk Hesse. | vd sonsrten
A werner Dell marsiveg Bl
Are Ai
Joosigpist just am wall
po, batter, Tor whi
Wr al nagas
xo | made
the pipe
nara lie
| fake,
np IY Hum
wn Lo
get tiemtl, Mao 1
I Kicand tha
i Rinne
ws wae
sai 8 foere,
was 5
fil om the enilnr
That made no
body gp there
bots that.
* as
Sg 1%
nr. + . 5
“rhe Pyramid Limp
“The pyramid |
be said
or making toe
Qoe is so much
the time that lithe o
“is felt
Ping ©
slept, ard then the tronbie
brew : the second day of thas
wornan is worse than the first
max is rescied ar the end
or begin
that timne
peu rer =f air Correspondent.
Len HY 2 §
- a
is tira stats
aren use fur two Or thie
san Rog od
reas EP
Dgrss GH ID
SiR ©
i ge os
nels Na ek th
a ed
kine y VA -
A strin
for th
swith sniit
f Ww
Lu oF aaRcRl
diy, and 1
Bg ge
oF phe secon
patient being slowly
tnd fu an Egypt
New York Berabd
Limeain's Modesty,
Freie Prose, safting
is is jo RENE 3 fant
A hrabiens Lin
: .
How gk is.agel,
is think
7 think (%
swrgoer tind sffory
EEA tiie
Qos very Lraly
A. LamiuLs,
snch 48 ¥ Part
— hivago Tr
What She
A lady of great beauty asd attractive.
ness. whe was an ardent admirer of Ire
tad, coe crowned ber praise of tat a
party by say
“1 shink [ was meant
; ‘Madam, reloined a witty son of
"Erin, wha happened to be present,
Sd shomsands would back me in saying
SL ghar you were means for an Irish mam
—Srrand Magazine.
Was Meant Far,
as 4
for an Insh
4 wore sonttered the |
white tents of the Confederates, anel hee
fgnorant men hod
the tights from the distant farm
vin and fragrant, and the sad
dior's mond wan full of (he romance of |
Le the maven sank behing the
wel Bpnk and thal
enlated some of the bright insects known
gentry sadddealy Deeame |
wilson be.
if ae |
Af nesting The pre.
seek ined i
rieal then
thety |
base 1 have made a nostake-—thers 18 80
"i that wonid
My fire |
and asked me
busi bere do, and I. ike a fa |
try came
. 4
i ¥ tid ;
wrted a
shor |
tur to the san, hat should thers be any
signs of rain coming over tha sky the
| whale crop iv gathered with Paap into a
heap in the raised center, and a shelter
hones on wheels io drawn over the ber
pew while tne had weathar Dnt
| of all the berries are band plekd wit
care, and the finest are put asides 00
Chill Magarin,
1 Laan
Trish Hain
meapatimen rains
I must allow that Ht
Irish rain
Niko other rain. Jt is an a rubs sofier
than rain ehwexheore, atid, if the trath
went be taht, I BEe rain #0 Hing as (ne
has not to say, “For the rain it raineth
every : wiantlier is
much farririans as conuettish
Cdn Teelandd bat
diy Trinh ya
ft Liew
"rn plagne wou, BF bat Lo prepare you to
the mere itasnany, melting mood,
(11 weep and wat all night, and,
nt mooring Dread
gweet smile and sesms to any: Tle
raining | was yesterday? Ah, then, 13
And tha rates oan
Cand bamah, and the pastures and yory
the neg i% vo
Pongdny Bo moms 7
|store walls glisten: the Inks carci on
| their colestiani journey: there is a pon-
i gesit, healthy smell of drying peat | the
mponntaine are all dimepied with the Joy
P of Jife and sunshine; the lake lies per.
¥ still, content tH rofloet the (ver
| hanging face of beaven, and just won't
| your honor buy the stontest pair of
| homemade hose from a barefoiind, hare
¢ dethroned Rings,
with eves ike dewdrops aml a voice
: rharm the eoin oot of the
| moet clinrhish If an such morn:
i fect
i headed daughter o
| ings aw theses von do pot Jose yoor heart
| to Ireland, it most be mde of stern, on
| impressionable sof indeed. ~— Rlack-
woods Magap na
Ses Otter For.
The sea otter fetches, where the skin
is perfect, almost any price the wie
cares to ask, provided be oun find a
| Russian, American or Chinas buyer
The sea otter is pearly twice the size of
| the common river ofter, and the far,
without finishing or preparation of any
| kind, ix more beautiful, us it ie stripped
fem the animal, then the richest sex
| glein, which has to be siraped, pincked
© of the loag apper halve, and then dyad,
| before it could be recognized wi the beay-
| tifa] object which the “'thushed * far
sndenbiadly is In the sea ofter's for,
| the snft apdarcoat—the true far--is x
| thick as that of the wal, und nearly
twioe as long, while tha jong coter hairs
| are ax soft as a sable’y tui, and often
a pale gray, which gives to tha while
| pont an sppearanscs ax of dark fur
| shightly frosted The sea itor s
| range was formerly from the Alsstian
isigtide to California, mud ite destin
aren By palaraiist
iy furriers, —Lomion Specta-
hae len
less than ©
Fully Armed.
A good story bn tad of a youn
ik Who 1 a regrcinenit
ned nl Addershi
ob duty, aed was alow iy Meng of
town when an offer approached
TO pints tie offionr said;
ar viii
x PY xh sit Fol *
a Die mulesiel
amit nos wWitat
WR Bad Eva snik 3
3 Sis aT
x 7
Fu Ae
Voss mite arid i ot} vont Daa
faa rile Was Droanpla¥ snmelhaase i
Te We LE
Emans Abbott's IK iw.
Toes ogi ‘y
WA Lage
KR, al anki
gh, BIRO Kies
we por oa ostasiien
. Bor on fervent
Wiss, nor
fraternal Kins, Dor gingerly wis: nu
diffuse a cngtenirated
Bur a Kiss, Br a popu diss
— Twist 8 Chiu Bly, eestario outbreaks
ing of two fond and trusting hearts, an
intermingling of two gentle souls sano
tified by love, a communion of the in-
tangible by tangible means, a biendiog
of hears with hegven, in which the iat.
ter had a manifest preponderance.
mind Risk, SAT 8 Derions XK
Bins, hous,
hk Ae
A Reputation In Peril
Mrs Gufregoent—You'll hear of
trouble io the Higgamore fopily one of
thess days,
Mrs Allears— Duar pia. What is 10?
Mrs Gofrequent—1 Oynraward my
husband saving the other duy that Hig-
gumore was awfully stock on May W ont.
—~{hiagn Tribune
ja not quits
; fixnsteps
vote was contrary to the principles laid
down in bis book on Pagreh and state.
which he so far recanted, be resigoed
his office so that hia mative for changing
his opinion conld not be impugned Mr
Disraeli tannted him with enavrnising
parliament and the ccontry ‘over the
womenitons question whether Irish ste.
dentu khould sleep thres in a bed or analy
twa London News
A remarkabls instances of the impr
tial administration of justice is said 10
bave geenrred some Fears ago in a court’
of Teyns when a young Mexican. charg
ol with havipg stolen a pistol, Was ar
raigoid. He proved beyond all doubt
that the pierol was his own, and that it
Bad ben in bis possession jong before
tha alleged theft ovenered
The onse went the jury at |
i nH to 3
steloek. the usual hoar of ad pmrmment,
and (he juey, who did net wish to Be
kept until the conet opened again at 3
oeloak, hurried to give in their verdict.
Tog foreman, wha had been rec Bniog
in a peacefal attitudes saggestive of
inpiing the Hearing, rarped (0
fans, Big
Cah von think?
bmtger give him too puars
1 responded 4 Juryman
sr the Judge will
his cin 3
Bain’: wo
HA :
“Pat Bin
den %
Hur an!’
Page gniire?
thant fal olf gentleman
eT Coxe laivnnd the foreman, after
a stare of setenishment at this view of
tha matter, © fron think be ain't gualty,
EPR des
ie Ne
nivend, another
want (i stay hers $5 3
he ipgnired
lets plear him 1
A verdot of CT Not guilty 1 was spead-
ly rendered, and the jarvinen ¢heerfal-
¥ paired tha goontide meal -—
Youths Campanton.
3 {4
Risnly, the
dirty, wt
and of
Fw finial
bazaars are narrow and
ed over with palm mist -
offer bat little of interest,
u fod of the Arabian
calivd Baiwa, it 8 Just os
ned to watoh it being mide thee,
for nigmers’ feed are weuadly emploved
to sie if, and the knowledge of this
apt to sped the favor. Moss of Muscat
Fifry vents ago thm pop-
have tween nearly three
sow. Ther is
wi the feature
wien tOWDS Pio
miparet. The
pelt Sel are squa-
Arfirst it a iff.
giation smust
thanws groater than 8
ale wanting in
wirbioh makes neost
mosignes of ths bad
tid sod suinteresting.
cult to recognise then
yard of an ardinmey
the eve gets trained to dently a
ror a mg
sach--—-namely, a sat of
ahi raed $ feet ugh,
which is placed alo of the
mc lsiing wall —Contemporary Review.
fhe f
fromm 1
boas, bat by de.
moaine hy the Ling stubslita
gree atiached 19
ope Abant
va he garner
George IV's Queer Clock,
meniers ordered of Boochier DY
A Aumuaie’s grant or, Egal
prion of Wales, after
f England of Lis
EE in Paris along
# the te MM Leopold
Ad Xo
a Lae
spun t IF a
iy 0d
08 Ypaee
devas a LAraRTIH ot
: Phe savE goes to se ah
; # rhe Palais Row
© Bead, srscwte land wl
snerastad in the
ak to form a aeek-
hair, i the Dust
handieeciief A pair
irs, dour aud ded.
oan the sary On
the hair is shawn
Bang I
Aye ag the minnie on Li
TEA draws, a
foto where the
the time of
brainn an a AhHITes oO
day Pall Mail aarette
Ix There Water In the Suan?
Profesor Janssen, the afirauomer; bas
reciaitly mas a vid 10 106 ohaervatory
cn the saoinit of Mont Blane, to make
sure that the sew telescope wich DAs
bisny carried thers fired. He took
the oppurtunity (0 search Wn the spec
tram of the sun for evidences of water
tn onr rest Jumipary He found oo
sncly evidences 1 rams and dry
air thrimgh whith Gheervnfion was
made, at the top of the morntain, gives
this negative result moch valine. But it
sapaot be said that there 1s uo water
fay thie san 0 only that none has met been
disciovered in its constitaton
is AEN
*3 vi
a Veg
A avery lawless
grief, like a shade, co all its
waits, scarce visible mn Joy's
meridian height, bur downward as 118
bluse declining speeds, the dwartish
shisdow to a giant spreads Milton.
Whore ix the conree
(me of the duties of the secretary of
war is to cause all captured fags. stapd-
ards and banners to be brought to Wash
fugton, where they are carefnily pre:
servo. !