The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 20, 1896, Image 2

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    het Monsters Ser About the Spell of a8
y ers Eyes
Br the Adirondack wooden along
the banks of the Wat Cannda creel the
otter in regarded as quite as #ly 20 the
fox, insemoch as it is very difScait to
trap in avy kind ¢ of oomtrivapoe There
3 The Deveiopment aod 1 Worth Busetiont
. By Set Porth.
The svolpticn of the daily press into
more than a pewwpapsr forced By
; nit expectation sud cosvom. Jt is to
|» meyrity of pecple, at lest on thie |
| Khabarofka ie 8 wreiihe Jed xing He wets of Bving creatpres hesome
| Hs plac about a ugoarier tiie size of a apd by avoiding the
in this Sante was _m given i pH Visdivostok, althomgh [it is fhe capital ten things they teoorse pool There are
anecdote related by Professor Elli. of casters Siberia and the rexidence of three sins of the body, fin wins of ibs
Evans of Hamiltm college The the governor general [It lies shout 43 tongue, and three sins of the mind. Th
moos Indian chict Red Jacket ome degrees Jatitnde perth] wr B degrees wine of the body are murder, theft od
Mr. Evins’ grandonele, Joseph El BO va Fal He put gar sdaltery; of the sews. Jans : sinvsdior | pomtinent, the cob library 1* most satis |
tt, at Tomawsnda, Niagara coonty. or 18 8 2 Eft eommmaling " bard ikeve sbose ard gossip 1 ba wind, envy, : : a 2 fy 8 wider demyxed thas thet of the 15g
Ellicott at that time was agent of view tf the tiver, beach and sleaIners. batred and error Therefore I give pron cilis, ana in the vo fashions of 108 oo. merely wants to knw if ot are fewer soeios abomt the creature's in-
: is Here a a LE hor ne. to Gor. these commandments 539 Chane risen sinew veslerday of whether titi grgos, 8% the srimais are scarce and
erniy (Ghenvral Adjutant freneral Niels First Kill not, bot have regard lw ing © ey As Litening 10 the sugeis be Senegambin sind ‘PBalivia have gine to Have pot been ao inch cheerved as have
most of the din w int wit ; ; * mds
% land in what was later Nikolaievitch Maravief| who took part life Jisdedd he angels ae
n as the Eighth Judicial district
New York
The two men shook hands and sist
down on a eonvenient log. both being
near the middie of it. After a short
time spent ip amicable conversation,
Red Jacket said pleasantly, ‘Move
akmg, Jos
Mr Ellicott did ae bho had been re-
quested, and the chief moved up chose ta
wm. Ina few minutes came a second
wet, ‘Move slong, ow"
Ag. in Mr. Ellicott complied, thoogh
siderable snrprive, and again the
slowed him closely. Beareely had
dome when Red Jucke
vs along, Joe
ot was greatly annoved, bat
willing to foeonor the hie! be moved
‘along’ omoe core, this tinve reaching
the end of the |»
This was not »+ Teint to satisfy the
| ehief, however, {ny peopent later came |
the forth request, Move skmg, Joe’
“Why, man, ero the agent jreita
Bir, “f puny fares aw farther withont
| getting 24% the Jog ints the mad | 4
“Ug I" exe tnteted fed Jacket con
tempiooasiy. Just so white man
Want Indian wove along-—move along.
Can't go no farther, but he say, ‘Move |
Coltivation of Vielets.
Violets in frames Begite a great deal
of attention during the dark winter
months, snd ght and sir et ha given
en every possible cuportunity. It does
no Barra to leave the frames coversd
with spow for a conple of days in se
vere weather, bot grout do sage ie done
# snow is allowed to resuain for 8 week,
when mold will sored with alarming
sapidity. Eve cain
mitted for bet thees himrs atid & Tittle .)
Cwentilation given, it 1s surprising how |
i the plants sry benef gd. There are very |
ow days dnaing the w yde winter when |
we do not give both light end air. Vio
Pets resent eoddling, and air should be
| given freely whepever ihe cutride ten |
peratures allows If the thermometer |
| pogisters several degrees bvlow freezing,
ci midw inter, the sun WANDS 109 |
ramen sufeiently to permit a moderats
wunt of sir being admitted. Violets |
frames wake much mors work than
en they ste grown in bonses, and the
wers are lose convenient to pick, bot
s quality of blows is as good in ail
pds and mer h befied {n some, par
ticr indy ihe single varieties The flow:
ori s, mogsont, too, 1s a little longer than
with those grown in artificial beat.
i Garden ag id ¥ pesat
Yr ovate 5 mgtich 4 Cibhiowia,
CL Ensresdnle Hall, pen
rand, was a
fhiscason! br lion
tent slater by drowning be
snd the Judy revered be :
mg from the hones to the fee nid nen €¥
ey oonasion that & me cinibie wr of the Tats
Aly happen wed 10 be abont after dur.
Pat 17 vie were tO enmnerato wha may
Me termed the sissveasa ohents' of Bog
land and Wale 5 ping adios snd
stlemen sho, having teen nobodies
during their lives, detern mid | that
samething re Loo the rere pitaphs
over thelr gravis pha koe thet mein:
orieit greey, the line of this paper
would bs very far conemicd The very
Bouse in which tie author of the paper
fs writing ir well known Ly the villa-
ors to have 4 white lady on ME oper
most stair banding, a8 Geoovery which
very rioch cohinged worse American
Cxisitors, who dec elated tht if they hud |
© known it nothing won
3 then to gon Ey
landing during thres
153 have indueed
iy Sry roxas abate
iy whi as history a
wa Journal
A Flemennt Barpriee,
Even § Saxon conrtesy and rendinieg to
- ellie Jay fa oipreied w Jittde ton 7
(Whaa s abt to rita fr 5B id
awillage to alii
Sencar of a
ariners caren cae out sa! res
HW wd with £1.11 texiied Hungarian |
Phong they posed the gmardpist
hindrance, i the erry
and § wan 2 al fh BLS a of ther bitle
‘dodice, they callnd at a wayside inn for
ints Chr resaming their seats
(¥ the party exclaimed ©
the fiat warmers are quite
Sots of the jun stepped for
3 with a friendly grin,
tnt wirmers were quite cold, so,
abbas yor, 1 emptied them and
shen asin with hot water,’ |
bei Ka wradir,
The Plea Might Irs For the Lawyer,
The attorney for the defense became |
“Dig you sk proof that my client is
pane? bo usked. "Well, there is
pty of 1+ When he came to engage
wy services, he promised we $10, O00 if
1 would take the case, and yet be hasn't
a cent. Is that the act of a sane man?
*Did you know that when yon took
the cave?’ asked the attorney for the
prosecat ion.
~~ “Certainly,”
‘Well, I can’t sce that that helps 0
him in any way, but it would make a
1 Splenar] plea for you if you were on
gre the court so ruled. —Chioago Post.
a ih A rH Se pa
Made Fain.
Teacher—Tommy, you may define the
difference between a while and a time.
Tommy—Wy~—wy-—when paw says
De is going down town fora while, maw
pays she'll bet he is going for a time. —
in two expiring expiditions — (854,
§R5E5—and gained the title Amarek:’’
for his services in the soquisition of
this Awnr regiom to Rosia The chef
street in Khaburofka |x called after
Bim, Muravief Amunk) On the stat
pes pedestal sre engraved the names
of himself, his wife, shoot 26 ratlitary
officers and seven scientific men, wie
“ehared in the ils and dangers of his
expeditions.’ Near the statos is a band
stand, where 8 military band plays on
aT svanings, and a little temple of
the Blessed Virgin, the Boporoditea,
| with painted pictures Inside the walls
Further em is a pretty little wood, Jeft
for shade Behind is the governor's
hemse, a fine brick ig Ing, With sen
tries paciag before 36
Meen path leads to te |
whers cms has th
fromm the #timy
regular bath
dilapidated 1 Wy ed ;
Ǥ Paribas UnomӪ on Oor Coles
According to the Us States mint
offirials, Le words, FE Ploritas Unum,
a8 they sphear on of cOInE, ars there
without the sanction of Jaw. The gond
first apoosred npoh | 8 copper ooin
*atrmek’’ at the Newpnmrg (IN. ¥.) mint
in the sear 1788 The United Brutes
was very young at that time and conid
i pet aftord the lnxuryiof a mint, so a
private individual of the pame of
Brasher cpenad the Xowdmrg sciniag es
tablishiment with the intention of torn
ing out recmey of the realm for all
DOMETE. Exactly how the words “Eb
Pioribus Unum’ same be posed nk A
Cmotte ix not known, bat ope thing as
certain, the Brasher dnpper oon besr-
ing that Jegead and thee date of 1756 is
the most valuah we rth] disk ever mint
ad on this eemtinent, being worth sbond
$2,000, or twice ss much as the famons
rare dolisr of 1864 |
Seana Hime after coining bis fanioo
copper with the odd Latin motte as
above described Brasher tried his hand
anon Jarge sized go dpiece, vroeloei ng
the coin known to the | pumismatists a8
“Prasher's twenty! The Brace
“twenty | was nn a $ guldpiecs, |
however, for it lacked $4 of weigh
encmgh, but of late yelsrs it has bee
very scarce and valuat te beegase of the
fact that the legend inscribed npn it
reads Unum E Pludibos’’ insted of
“% FPioribos Unum.” This on IK pow
wuioed at $1. 500 51 | {amiss Republic,
Derenizie at t Domine.
Differences thal sein very signi in
foreign or provinsial w i aay he very
veal, and tie in
nda then An entine
sohGlar calix att by
wn erronenne use of the ww]
for Vdomtne by 4 ry ant oomtritutie
to The Sunday Bebo Times He says
Vie terrane Tao hes sud ‘Guanine
both are plainiy dens ii frm
fn. bot do Bd ean 18 Barney Ll
The former is a 1 age
oho! only. ja ni verea
known beesnse of Domine Ramps
in ce of the Wanirley povéle Ihe at
tor xu Foliandiah, pee fe]
tion fir a al
It is weed
8 Toverynd
iste ws
Adie OF
in oa vast poe
went wrong
Him ¥ boy 4 wena it,
Loe Hae A HERE 0 {poms
the gird welipion. in dread Jest,
without sermon oh tthe rat ber dee
sided aga Hae :
Wire 1h pad oui weerral of bir nana
3 i realex Xan see,
: stoatly
by masking oF
og wd DURBAN A
Opposed to EN fnsorvations
The vq div a pn wal war made st
a parish yeecting fur the lighting of the
village of i inde of Wight, with
eight lamps, which, ij seenmd, cvuid be
nasntabed at the me ¥ mt oat of a halt
penny ruts (noe wr three yours Uk
pose a farmer pamed Hollis to oppose
the revolutionary soheme. To the mind
of this worthy man its sothors were
‘eyeanting 10168 night into day.” Cl
world set a bad exargple tothe young,’
he oomtinued, "keeping them oot all
. honrs of the night. What they vaght to
da was to set algood example by going
to bod early and gefiing wp early, and
he wold like to hear the curfew rung
again. ''—Londun Truth.
A Rid i ok a re)
Marshall pass, on the Denver and Rio
Grande railroad, is the highest point :
| yet attained by a railroad in the United
States Elevation, 12 835 feet.
In 18580 there were 174.659 bandsem-
plored in the cotton mills in the United
States. In 1890 the yamber had risen to
£ portant 1 » hw w and #0]
Becrpd Steal pot, neither do
toh, Put belp everybody 0 fa Propetey
the froits of & pie fate
Third — Abstain from impurity and
jend 8 dite of rhastity
Prurth we fA net. bot Fo tre
Speak the truth wi th Alain,
dewsiy and in A bovine Loan
Fifth — Invent pot evil reports
ther ao yo respect them Carp
Fuk Low pod nde of yon ur ful}
fngy, 80 that ym may with sinserity de
fend thers against their emdimies
Jxth RE but ipwax Geen’
sud with dig gi
grarip, but speak to
keep 5 feet
Fighth eK PRR PE
jodew at the foot
Winth od ampnen vos
i Earn
Ming tliat 18 pesded,
a prey filber bose
OF 50 STTOTA. mierdnstdyy WE
indifferent, and errors wil
bis path
Bertin = 2
growing dosk
8 lake w
Boros With
se rnecd ta te
1 meres
sir for am f
BG pea bell
bey were
to bor cmt cof gros:
aad ve
hy a =
! shaadi
fee th BAL We
as them Ku
A Tankes in lew,
v1 thee Lapand
The Ceosineter's Wrong Assis phic.
bP iba
vhims Were Fighters
pat Mr
gen He wn
fond thay 1
Yau fami wel
oy Slane,
lati a1 tha
rohiny of Massachuse! is
Rr a Be a o”
The fu
bin hee wa
Asabel U Wing
Corbin. David Oorbin,
Elisha Corbis, Eb shakin Contin, E
sab Corbin, Joba Corbin, Jouashun
bin, Mises Corbin, Pelee Laortis
Ham Corbin —Woresster (| Mass
The Pastor Scored (ee
It was Rr }
chair did not
the «©
glance at the pmpty chodr
said oT see the singer are alent
mornine. Lat all nei. Raid ung, ‘Praia {
God. from whom ail blessings flow.’ "lex
| —Lewist Gn Jutthal
Wilk a soe
won, thst 11 be
year ng |
beer genie pris 2I0Y
Flags Betas ah
pg beeBe He took
Bak gn
nraging te
Whi it en
gen 3 re wi eng Th Asp CUES Me LT
wore to ref 1h Ga od thou te
rorsrdil ar
be iy o pe ar
Bus Thal Troan
ars ton
ipex of the
A Dosters Theory That the Habit
ter Malkin People Fromme.
H i FEY a A fo
of the Middletown
rently, #iarted the 12
IEERTILY as erly rising
In proof of hie seston ie Tawory
| ealis sttentinn tthe relative fragaency |
with which farmers their wives, sons
and danghters beens fosana The canse
of this bas hitherto Been Then a Tu
their isolated lve, tear Bard work and |
Perhaps Lhe SXONERITE of pas mand poe
Tales | :
Em the other sae, Mi
sempedd to Le, Tadoott and
ERIE That 19
Toh Yoana ane
pnw aR ard Gans ese
sir chives areal tie heed
sdvant wes Ad a ane ifn LE y prosl
PORTE Re of Luis
Sx YE ly a aH
vase Lite charoni
ie ide sleeves of
Cisse thE anon warns Brien was
Mrs © Ar 8 Lass
Sard Was REY UNAS Mle
AGL Bangs wa ad Lhe
4 ad the Sire winid §
GEER Ise ret,
strong la Their Oppomition.
“Weak woman © repeated ime sadly
b: % * % a 4 Yoms GY on ih iY dx % %
Ab von cond bot enconniar (54 OR
position 1 Gave to mewn from ast
Cveastonalir, be confessed, De Was
prompted © uate bo moe hack oy Bis
Hight, but th abandon i alogeibir —
The sngines
abe worih Hien GO
vi yaioe an oid engine 3
withdrawn every five daze and replaced |
br a pew ana
Al present time the United States
L44 garrisoned farts Arenas
CATY posts venbied DW TR ODORS
otter that for wix years anyhow, aod per-
Bape anger, nas traveled down the creek
winter and surpmer shoal every two
weeks In the winter it jefi a ronning.
slidirg trail in tee snow on the jos, sel
dem weaving the creek bad to go WO 8
sove or overland for a Some or 15 rode
Is sarmmer weather it Sehed and caught
frogw in tha coves of the flate A good
mati shots have been fred at it and a
Jot «of paps set for ir Dnt DODe Was
ever pnovenfal It «believed by woods.
i pee that the obrfors. lie the bell divers,
Joon, pink and others, dodge snot or
1 I saw this c4tery Joew MONE FOure
s the sntwer time, sod Wht ie snly
oa is distinet fn
vas | et Bl oy sh er
The badly in 8 mere
Aine FW r-.
bariy, TustY gray
Pa sand far the
| Shey wors
Bape ak
wim, Tues
% iw Alarmed by my
rons, cAther than
or us dietinet a
was mane as
thom BMDE 24 She
EAE EE ily
: wef AE
peels % - £ ans PEA is Flank
As i Wogan Frndvags WHY | 7, tu by The |
varber dims Gent of a (Baws lantern §
Beles stumbled over the body of § man
had Pain 5
eid ra, ba hareied
Mr X wasatill with:
my laren
Bit at Ye Bo
Se mun
was that this suspicion
bgp Tear rie We ware
pew moder smiley
wd WER fe er
fan owentad ave
hina, or mest Likely
upc tek | f aang the
ate gain, while
evita wu ald BETH
hasnt heagried, bag
M. Cady a Usp
the pacul.
Warn thelr
* child
nae perfect by
wmisatared, the
it ware, at the
he hrooght for
fad oF three Tears
fire jive OaCARION
r words 8 is fonnd
sndeatie to teach the
ce, for years the words
pws ged Tr her Wien
Cm one
Gn seeing some delioa-
: abe revsar ied
cies, "Thank vou"
Tapmd Lead 2agat
the proper times, but
for perplexes her she
; SAY Aonsetimes, aod
mud te 4 a dark morning by
"wound nigh UC —-UBanibers
The Minbters Farsece Flew
Farm bers tell some laughable wories
oeopie who G8 know how 0
furnaces aid eam beating planta
put in a furnace [Gr a minster
apes,” says an Azburn piamber, “asd
ie next day he came down and kicked
about 1. Be said that jt wionkdn tt burn,
aid he either wanted it mien out or
pat Im working onder right away 1
went a 3nd after examining the chim
per carefally I locked nto the fumaon
What do vom suppose the frouble was?
Weil sir. the minister had been trying
tir heat the homnse by building a fire in
the ash box — Lewiston Joarmal
Alarmed Por His Safety,
The Professor's Wife—The professor
i in the aboratey conducting sone
chemioni sxperiments The professor
aTpecis to go down 10 pOSerity—_
i From the laboratory | Brorrr bang!
The Vsittr—-1 hope the professor
hasn't gune — Harem Life