The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 13, 1896, Image 7
ET do HGH SN _ The ines of this vest number have been | Toroets, Osnads, where it This order bias ramifosticrs in Cansdn, | Anither fraterpal insaranoe order bae been foouded sod it's besdquariers i» tight here in Da Bois, The pame of the pew fnstitation is the American Order of Foresters, and it ie the bust trateroal meurance order wu the world, It partakes of the character of | both an insnrsues order snd a secret society. mark 8 baw epoch in [raternal fusgravce a8 wall as a new ers in the secret sooty world. Not: long xines 8 lodge of the Todepsn dent Order of Foresters. s [rateiba near ADO nocrety, wie instated 10 PDaBow, ihe stler was lonvded tin Newark, N. J, p dune 17, 1874 und 10 IRR], 1t was re-organ 4 pod ne besdquascters removed to still reromind Englspd, Bootiand, Ireland, other Brit ish proviooss, and the United States On May 1st, 1895 the membersbip of the order was approximately 76.000, of which pearly 50.000 were in the U aited States sent all this tims to Toronto, where the Sapiems Lovage is located, spd from [Us justitation 1s belteved to} 1 with one of the largest memiersbips por s-sned by any loos] lodge, bat it wse Aw termined to hoild the aharter open fur one month te fore slosioe 1 Experisnced org-przers will st anos «4 ter thin field and snboriinate Jewmigrow thie Amerioan Order of Fore ters ow i aring the sare which will be taken fo pitiate pos hat med of and sharantar, as weil au of perfect ohye - asl hesith, whieh inrteris main BEOeRERT by the rigid medieal examinations 16 sn jacted, { while the parely Amerioxn character of | to ausiat it to supplant the I. O. B.. or Ulan vdinn order, as weil as attrast to teal! many of those not of & some shat gimiiar character. if goovk standing £ rots, Conia, Nov, Fr appeared that fad 13 i tor the Masopin © * T 3 2 gatizad an rapidly ae is possible, pons | which ail members will, of care, be | 1 bw sosnrancs fastare of the | nel ardaf is ons of saperior exoelisnos, | Cdaroe 184 1D TUS | tha organization, it we helisved, will tend | BAR OB GTN, (oir mes 0 The year, Ris | 58D, it is pow osiled, as | BZN 447.120 Toe work of the new order is bexntifa’ and impressive, and ite literatura, wil ¥ {the order, of hota of ®hwl are represent | i i connect wl with the older jodges or girders | # 1 : basring sithar the aoat of arms or sas of La ra wil soon bw fa the fueid hy moat od the American eagle, sarmonaisd by i the thirteen stars representing the origi | foe Ere 0 mere : GEN FSIS OF skate aed retwad § ArEE ad Pri om «Past ry ic Pats ma mer of the Tra eo ews {30 , wind ie ow ther WAY Yim co mrad sewnral *" 4, 13, the Bn prane sips Ma ol Ld ha minis Debogs y. ov. DA. KR. Haeh, the i 'hapian, Is tre [resident Mt A 4 lergy en, xan oof The BoE 8 qian? and poplar iu H o0, =i Mano aud bus taken fiw KR. 1. degrees, Fo give wn vies of the magni de io whol be pieAoind © Mar aoe oe BE BG DY momiers f sireh ord os oe qe vrsfly un few Suave: Ton ndepeni €) turf Rorenters, ow abont 21 year: parla wn nes = 1 morn ry fevefis f rhe Feemudent of the vii Fentors i Ll igremes bein Pew awd Lat E vaya ats pad A Py § ebin i: Fhe 1a pm ay N PL the fratuboa: (rgatiBstions Belomiae Erint Peal. Bad ow fetal membwirahig as re THEY E ite Avprars. marta nf le Eg t 1 38.000 twig proetaet Ayy Pipe mewerai reeir® Fatt ated i Zr KE iporease fomuration £1 ¢ Frou stinwn to ast: blishment, Forty orders wears move pad, minoe thar Live avoen f gn-- show thal thers is | kml foot © F aD 00 AF eternal GisOrs on coder And the prometors of the Amwrioan Larder of fore ders will attempt lo phaos it fia organ of a rear the top ss posable the ponolies of This Stele anid will oon mendes Aperstions Bs iniuing Fates as ING, AY AND BY” TEN HOW PIN THE SWEET CAME TO BZ WHY Ita Author Tells an Interesting Story of fis Composition Within an Heur After the Ides Came Foor Geutliemen Were Ringing the Song. In Richmond, a Jittle town of less | than 1.000 inhabitants, almost cn the southern boundary line of [linols, lives | the anthor of ‘In the Sweet By and | He is a practicing pbysicien and | By." ix ander 60 years of nge. The immortal | bymp was written when he was only 81 and is the single song of his life. During the civil war a wave of moral elevation and intellectual activity paws. ol over the country. In this grand awakening of the conscience there was a food of music-—martial, religions, do- mestic. Gieorge F. Boot and Stephen J. Foster were both writing songs that Nved. nnd Sanday school bymns passed | ent of the driveling period into ove of | elevated simplicity, Just at this time Rampel Fillmore | Pesnett wae gradosted from Ann Are bear, Mich , and begun & newspaper ca. reer at Elkhorn, Wis, on The Independ- &nt. poser, was living in the same town, and {t was only a few months pcfora the editor and tha wmosician were oolisharat Hig volunteers returned ta Elkborn to open a drag store and rmme his perse writ. fn He Mrs Webster began in {RR7 to work om a Sanday school song The Signet Ring.” which was afterward published This period of his itfe bu the most his experiences to Dr Nor bene ago he tod the whale #tory to an interested groop af listeners, and 5 £% x bok, one ali his eyes filling with tears as he vindi- © Hy ORInnIes Ween given to i% entest hin friend fr nrrenoy the shamef that Mr Webster wis drunk when he wrote the music, and it that wa ware both ps Hi sory puather accoant Has 310 1 I am thankial ane of tha noblest men that ever lived wen fine, sensitive moni, with the fra drouk. od justice 1 JP Wahster: the musical com- | The war ptervannd, and Lienten. | ant Bennett of tha Portieth Wisconsin | : Yiews of Amerion Sir Walter Besant, in commenting on | Mr. Ball Caines viesrs of Ametica and : published in The Daily Ubromiclo, says! LO Wa don't know the American prople in | thin country, snd wo ooght to know | them ; they coma over bers by the thon. mand, by the buidred thoosand, and we | do nothing to entertuin then or 10 make | their zequaintance, or to show them | that we should like to know them. Are | we ashamed of onrselves—of oar homes | wer our women, espesiaily-—that we do pot want to show ourselves to them? We ave no reason to ba nshamed. | "The English woman is not #0 intel. | jectoally cultivated as the American, | but she pend not fear comperisom. As | for the people generally. I am right giad | to see Hall Caine procisiming the troth i abont theml—that is, that they are ‘al | most childlike in their siugirness of | heart, easily moved by simple things, | the youngest minded and the youngest | beartwl people in the world. i *“As I did pot say this myself, 1 copy 'it, 1 atenl it, and I adopt in The ma- terial greatness of Americn talibs away | ope’s breath ; the kinduess of the Amer- joan takes sway coe's power of criti. | olem. Unie does not go away from a de ! lightfnl evening and begin at onoe to | carp and meer and inninne (» suaestions. ! Omly, if by any machinery we pond do | something to make the American visitor | feel at home with ns, wa shook be do- | ing a great thing for sumelves. I don’t {want him to Ie introduesd to belted saris. but I want American oen and women of calturs to bo able easily TO | meet English men and women of cal ture. : 8 Losing Senss of Color, The buman ove, thoogbh friined to distinguish colors, may by want of use forget bow to distingnish them. The nnigne exper Gan of Dr. BR Harley, 7. Rk =, eatatilishes the fart that paler ean be ‘forgotten, an well ax learned, by human sight. : Dr. Farley, io onder to save the sight of one pyoe=dir perisps Of bed heewhen | ape was injored, velontarily lmaared himself in a room mide yistally dark for pine months \ The fortitads which enablnd him to "reams! Dreams!” Soom afier Diernsli bad quitted the agtive arens of the house of commons for the “piided mansolenm'' of the house of lords be was visited at bis hone by his friend, Lord Gower. The two men sat by the fire in the grate, and the sa premier taiked of bis own polit jeal cniwer. At last he ceased talking. and gazimg stetractediy into the buru- ing coals muttered, * Dreams | Dream !’ related 1 the London Spectator, The monmfal, half sodible exclama- tion: fs seggestive. Apparently it indi. cated that he who had for long. labori- ous years devoted himself 10 his conotry found in that fact no solid setisfaction. Is that the usual fate of retired states de 1'he incident is quoted hy Mr. Tocker- man as a thon provoking addition to Sis sccount of an interview with Wil Ham H. Seward, published in ‘Person. al Recollections of Notable People While Mr. Seward, in 1572, was mf- fering from paralysis at his home in Au- | bam, N. Y.. Mr. Tockerman went out | of Jain way to pay his respects to the vet- | wrun statesman. He found him unable {to ame his arms and lege, bot with his { mental faculties unimpaired. For the i tw) days the goest sujoved the states | man's hospitality he was entertained with reminiscences and anecdotes | When he was departing, Mr. Seward | tock brim aside and ssid 1 Now tell me {what I oan do for you. If | possess any {infloenes with the present sdministra tion, 1 am at yoor servien | Mr. Tockerman replied that the only i metvien he comid do for him was to get | better health at his sarbest coipvenience, i and to st the world bese from him oes | oRlipomnily. | "Do yon mean tosay. ' asked Mr ; Saward, ‘that sim cise oat of your {wig to visit a broken down old man ike [ ma withont a single iterektod motive | bevond that of seeing mint’ | Henpoticed that his guest was annoyed by the implication, aud added, with famyntion, © 1 do not have many such vis ites nowadays = Yanth & Companion. The Vagos Lanrvals. It would ba pleasant to think of Spen- sar as post laureate to Queen Elizabeth and there are those who do so, Dit striel eritiniam canpot allow the claim It ia which pisos the organizers employed 16 | ; : ; ¥ : : soir as the one has bess thorongbly oan adopt this conrse and the mgrnnity bY | ope that Spenser. becaine a coartier and Fah separsted commanities the United States smavats sod travel | trom The order is & good one, bins been fried by time nnd hes proven thas far highly snceeslal, Al the time of the institation of the lo | eal Jodge it occurred to somes gentleman : here that an order somethiog of tie sats character, combining the best feat: urea of I. O. F. aud several other {rater ‘pal and jusarance societies to which sev: eral membars belonged, snd which the broad experience of many meo in widely . sod exiendiog over years commended, which should be distinctively American in origin, name, sharscter and sttribnles, was & thiog io be desirnd snd one which wonld mest the appitoval uf sil those seeking membership jo wach an order. _ohurier members. These were sa /oilows: { The thought wae father to the act and ooulerenoss reistive to {he establishment | ¢ each sn order beguu shoot the Hib of Jovember, 1595. ; It wae decided to orzaniz®, and the pane of THE AMERICAN ORDER OF FORERT RES, was determined apon. / ZX COAT CF ARMS OF THE ORDEK. Appliedtion was made for a charter for such an intended iostitntion. This was granted op Dec. 19, 1505, and on tha 26h P of that mouth a Hnpreme Lode of the abisve order was organized with fifteen SUPREME 1 DOE OFFICERS. Willis W. Kerr, Sapreme Chief For- "John B. Steele, Past Soprems Chief a DO. Hatchineon, Vie Supreme Chie! tart and Gomes: George W. T zier, tury Forester. rank Hutton, Seq, Recording Beere- Financial Becre- George E. Gri, Treasurer. : O. A. Wilson, 3. D., Supreme Physi et R. Rich, I. D., Chaptsin, The eoheme the new order 1s for a atste or jaris ction, snd subordinate of I'sb, 4, snd is known ae 1, AMERICAN ORDER OF DUBOIS LODAR, Nh ¥ he: | Tus officers of the new and initial lodge i & | M.. DuBois; Elk Chapter, No. 2%, Rida Yeuango coanty. and baildiog sod losn expert. He is the tro riog of Americanism. The mot tei of the order 1a Lobartas, Fidaiiias ef, | Reenritas, aad the initinia of these words ! (Bos onto reg own whieh it hee hereto appears ss wail as thoes of The order, ob | the grest seal of the Saprems Lodas, : cut of which appears herewith, The prevent time seams an Opporiane | ove for the sstablisbment of <ach ao or | ganization ae thie. The faeliog of inter ; pational strife engendered during the last few waaks, strengthened as it 1s by Lis removal of the hesdqanrters of the [ 0 F. to Canada, it sppears to many, sffords smple opportanity for the growth of the 8.0 F to eminently satisfactory pro-: portions. Conorrning those who sre to diract the destivies of the order for the ensuiog year & word may sot be amiss Six of the (Mars of the Soprema Liles are residents of thiz plase. All are sucome fai meu, of most sxosiient oharscter, the highest standing in bosiess avd profes | | sional siroles and have the respect of the stirs sommnnity io which they reskie | a1 sre beat kuown. They are faliy de | termined to work anitedly for tie exten: | sion of tha order which they hava fonnd. | oe} and io the success of which they take wach pride. Heveral of ihe supreme officers are members of several other snore! societies, apd some ara offisally | connected with other fraternal insaranos orders which they bave beipsd to attain eriinent 8U00NSR. : | pegriatind i 3 tated fron Pt all paris twork of | most civilised depariment pal aolonies, 1 aberactive sud possess | i wameed wn organ gal “hoop, bare a bole, draw The pew! sein di wd metitalion ex peotad roe ry the came and fame of [a fore heel nop own, Weight and Qoulity TU wien pond rend, A man at one of the hades £0 night told up interesting s4 the freighters in the far west used to supply themselves with whisiey, He mid that soma years ago, Rik freight on tha frontiers was ha are ry of how wa sind in wagons, he appeosd to make a trip of several bBandred miles with a train of WARCGDS CARrry ing roerchindise ti remats stations. Neurly every wagon dmtained {| coe or mars barrels of wioasky, sth Brat night ont | noticed, wad hp, great activity around the whisky barreia The wagons each baad a hatchet and a gloiet, They wonid Rock apa ail tha whisky they wanted, then put abeond ws main fine gravel in the barrel as they Bb drawn out whisky, drive s plu Boje, and pol the Bion hack in peace “1 Janenind afterviard that tay barrels wera witig hed asd the whisly tasted be fara it was faroed over tothe fnsightery and that wives 32 arrived at 18 destina tion it wax saain weighed and jested The grave: supplied the weight 3 bulk and the quality remained The same, and this was why it was need bystead of water to supply the pisos of what had heent taken oot s—Lemiseililn Canrie Journal. Peagnine of Posasssion Island, It was pac #t remarkable to sen what ¢ 1 sparen of pois the ants of Possession had arranged Beachy os bromdl oan straight int) the of this senndary tala want cat tha whole fox riada apparently rated by Lega ad #3 53 4 3x i. » Barca Bar paiagad, yim BEng a ne. | and fest the penguins had carefully put SEAL OF THE SUPREME LODUE, Willis W. Kerr, the Saprema Chief Forester, is 33 years of age. He is the loos! manager of the Eclipse Labricsting Oi works, s Standard ramifization. He bas been saccessfnlly connected with this interest for gver 11 years. He is a mem- ber of Garfield Lodge No. 550, F. & A. way; Bradford Conseil, No. 43, Bradford, Moshsnooe Commandery, K. T., No. 74 Philipsborg; avd Zem Zam Temple, a. A. ON MP of Evie. Pa. | Mr. Jobo R. Stesie, the Past Supreme Forester, lives in Oil City. His standicg | a8 8 citizen in sigoified by the fact that be is 8 esndidate for the «fom of treesnrer of He, too, » well known | in Masonic circles and is coe of the best : anthorities in the State on fratersal li'e Mr. D. O. Hutebivsoo, Supreme Vice Ohiel Forester, makes his bome in Pitts | barg. Hes in the hardware basicess sod bas a very wide snd favorable ac quaictance in commercial circies. He ie one of the subetantial mes of the Bmoky City and has an interest second to none of the founders in the snccess of the new Frank Hattoo, Esq, Recording Secre tary and Coupeellor, is a rising sttorney alec a member of the Masonic fraternity. Geo. W. Tosier, the Finsocial Secre- tary, is » member of M. A. Tozie« & Co, general insurance agents, suother mem: ber of the firm being the secretary of the Jooal Board of Trade. Geo. B. Grier, the Treasurer, is sa mem- ber of the Orier Bros. Co, masnulsstor i | gonatant nad be {peat that Macsdam 15 away psoss of the pebbles and stones frag thedr footuaths, and where » covered the groonwis the roms LEY SNE SG x en. The must curv the way in which Lo maintain oraey an rents of penguins ware o ing frons and toward the beach the fat pew drrivals niwavs Rept to the right, the thin pengniog, Which moving off to the vontinenr, sways kept toy the ters. and I never saw any GgLoig Arnona then ; Ehenn IH gs a ¥ &% rn: : E Fhe colony evidenty A Woman's Wilk Talk abans a woman's willl ¥, In Laas; a lade wile has en Jove gina goed you ontEnie t fotryard for $4 es CSTaERION WwW Dent too Luts to get supper for ber husband he grombivd and said th next time she went her Lig. she wonid pever again go Lia HE rut Be hoped prom ised. ~-Kalamazoo Gazette r—— A Cranbrook Coston. At Cranbrook, in Kent, as well as In | other places, it was the custum tO sirew the tiride's pathway, not with Sowers, ings, a shoemaker on leather apd a blacksniith cn pieces uf old iron. —=iMtroit Journal rR Fat Among the manufacturing states New | York stands Grst, having 300,084 per | ons engngnd in her factories, the output | | breath: |’ — Detroit Free Prost. of which reaches the enorticos aggre gare of 81.511.070.60 1 Lo einted taf Werg PRN OET Bae toot Teeny ale rerdpired Boome sat she wind break | This led the woman to declare uatside the | yard. Later when the hustand died, of remorse probably, she followed the cas- | ket 1) the gate and refused to go farther | and from that time bas never left the ‘yery apt to do, I hear my sidest dang: ‘ser say, ‘Twenty five cents,’ is { But it has its bright side. bat with emblems of the bridegroum’s trade: thus a carpenter walked on shav. | parings | Sun. artistio femling. Again, iv has been said that we ware Both inSdals, and the song the ribaid jest of a carouse. As tH my religion, that is my own affair, bat the hope and longing of every immortal won} as axpressed in that song wer the faith of beth of ux To bath creation would have seemed a fares if infinite love and immortality had nt overshadowad us and promised a life of bliss beyond the grave © “Mr. Webster, like many musicians, was of an exceedingly pervons aod sen. sitive nature, and sohject to ts of de pression. 1 know his peculiarities weil, and when I foand him given up to bios devils, I just gave him a cheerful song to work on. Ons marping be came into the store snd walked to the stove with. | ont speaking. “rf nat’s ap now, Wabister?' 1 asked eit x no puatter, hy and by Oh tden of lika a Bash of gatediine and Hy Feary ‘hob hymn “* rMarybe it iy TYEE AT LES Ed - Bs iw 4 ¥ Sg auth at BE ak a it wisi bet nid riRas ¥'b + aa Ed DY {he Hwee Hy 1 hes. ily. 4 rapidly ng Io hogy tnd di § Was wi sist baat atasis ALE Bh wax | BOOM Witla peg it hos se Bae Pith CDOTes tried ! gonit lee HT RoI Cromby in his eves sadil C Di invert Fran 3 desk, Pas Wai Yi Pit ¢ i eh avery fie. CE ES tha town werd singiag striped “In 158s owix Gi. 338 Mig: guer Kis ars to Wis © § 2 strength of that | of the | pt gry citar ¢ dead = OE Beet of Wis and : Wilhvenen 10 P Louisville Post AANA URTS prafie pnd Carswag boat payed Lied rks 6X ¥ Ey Fier ER Piper Lid Downtrodden Me Glimmerion. “Dd anvls so downtr dy wver hear of anybody girosdden aw i sand Mr trim mertcn. If 1 go to the parior Wiliduns to lock out into the street, and. awar, the eartan awry, as l an An INR 1 lens aad 1 have tg pay 1%; it's a dpe for not remdiustiog the curtains us they should be. What du | you think of that for dumestic 1yranny 11 & 5% vy Ha #0 collected goes th buy things tat oth haps it is just as well '—New Yak Worse. - % “(Gogsie, why did yom refuse Smith- ett? Did he show the cloven foot?’ “We, but he showed the cloven 3 oasue to me $y erwise I would have to pay for. so per which be preserved his health and fue nities in this the nist mentally apd physically depressing of ail forms of imprisonment are sufficiontly rors arin ble, but Dr. Harley als) kept an ax. pate record of bis impressions when he at last looked again upes the light, after the spremo moment at which be satis. oni see Ha fonnd that in the nine months | darkness his eyes had Jost all sense of | eolor. The world was black, white and | gray. They bad also hwt the sevse of gana! formal reference to the laurel as distance, tare wrongly the object meant 10 be grasped tiew soon romedind the asst tnduced de { fact of sight. Experipsent with skeins of various colored wonl, of ane wh Bad normal color vison, stored the find His brain interpreted the pie. res. Paris rnibases. Complaints that the Chunibos oom pany darken their windows with adyer tisetnen ts ars rife in Paris as in London. fo Paris, however tha offending ATH Pol, not 1 fe windows of the vil evan of Lhe statician hays had experiesen of ¢ of the Franch capital have spent many a Won sail hone fe weil know that Freseh ion ductirs can sel dow DARREL, BOT RRR Te rR 5 3 sen. HOES DRO Wa ir & % Carnot “% them uf Lhe Bave 1 CEBe railways, and There Pid Riv to the pearest «lation, A walt thely tum, Bo Haupt and an uealiicient thee 10 big aber RETR Tas owas number of oun niremenis of Have to Walt kag tims . £5 hey cannot see tho ommbneses On Lion Tes Fnpett Tae Ieee a 7%, ¥ 33 Dr A BREONNEY the they iltan » +85 . Dating og sutnstunces 0s felt % gy, bat have 10 ain avery ane Ce itm ih Nows shadkeapesrn and Tonarien. Jabal thea, 13) Whon Temisey Wim with portrait dual di ny is if iwcRorsy greatest wen 1 have know EI LES grad ETE {Lhe tal i ¢ Thackeray were in spent of thanking of Wah Tennyson was telling me of how The Cguarterly almwed him humor i : and uf knowing wi uot ogre for Ris LieY WOT KS, thomght 11 be Bad Lived an active aw Masry nud hagas or aver dranx Jd “amd ey ! hee word 5 talked ab wai] Swett Aegis SAFE SUB YREL $45 HR Eee TE £3 4 Likt ik sing Es 1 Bong TEx desaroasy sila, ¢¥ Said § i LAN RI i glare what I wain wine 1d RTE PRIS 8 Oil sree sees fie dd Wis nod far 4 iETe ee Shes Danis avs of Kdward Fiiegerad ¥ . — HS An Inguisitive Voung den A Philbmieintia ady dd 4 sia dnex seotet bye on a friend fig rouge siti ile Lik: 13758711 or Fan RE day ang “lk in thi presence Nitta UE kal Were ik § that when flattered the queen in the axi radcirddinari- iy exaggerated style of the time, and he dedicated the firet three [ioks of (he Faerie Quesne'’ to Elise | beth she gave him a pension of £50 a i mkar It is true also that Spenser speaks w Caf mined! as the wearer of the lsarel = mf fod Himself that be was pot blind, bot Lia ape of the smnets to the lady wikis as to become Isis wife be save: Pha nnd dent whitch won this day do waar, His band did not torch Prae- | : iin ated, existed in Elizabeth's time, and Chgriedd in Teivws pie great hogs of yone relenting mind, Bor, stron it is the badge wlio 1 do Dear, Ton Searing 18 Gn amin to see Dnveiin'd But this is pothing more than the thie port’s special rem Rosnch office as that of poet lsureda, ay it 18 pow ander. {ow poets who have Sattersd a sovereign have had such bitter experience of the flok lines and cruelty of a court ae Speneer. Like some of his mare firmal- iy appointed SLOTS, De WAR iideed West inster abiber. You, bot fos aed feed of starvation, — Temple Bar. futerproting the Hora. Tie Koran is at the sane time a mali jtious. amd political code All Mussnl- pans aduait it te be ea, and if cannot ba swxpeeted therefore that, sues ther ralte $iin sopneested with their cational pralicy, they will sol make use of the ferpier at the latter. Their policy may be briefly defined—namely, ih pnsintenanes of in its Jprity exclusiveness and sciation, the smnneipation of the countries which ave flien rie, the a yOeArTY their faith hv 3 $Y uier 4 ¥fian Caxtermpination of the infidel nations and Rane 1a reer Cavers Prrned 10 4 ERR Flack of the repaying 2 races Who by refasing to pay fribute for the sedemption of their hhod are prov acamed by thik ‘prophet tn be In a state of remy relwillon against the law and ponsegently deserviog of death. Eo ind tolerant Mohmmmedans will endeavor’ tir palate these Dred by dota from the Kigap and Hadis nt they are not the, leew the consdentions belief sag (wh Ey Mobsmome: CEN LAD Hap Ia § ; fig ntened Pirabitions phariskied creed, of upward of Hans =-Kogiirh Pageons Flehi {ne of the many stofles which 81 alingt the Eugene Flald is of a little juke he Dad at bis wife's expensa. They had entorsd a stoest og, to find all sack aud of we ¢ sulted Fioul anpounest io aodts FRave Lim a hie at the sting ro the far ed of the pay the fare of the lady cry wearing the paw, wip sik does All eves foe ureity face ose tur rose onthe, but lance she threw in id yy soil vive seditn Bike, ive Due At « anted they seated the RYE 3 When Toe ooiianetig NEN Ye ing Bd ie he 2 ONY ; ¥ & 238 aE te Eo Pisin | 114 Vestatifnd bre wr apd bey Bios at Bim owas ope of oeingled indulgence, | appreciation sud mirth at the sosxpeet- Lad and apparently truthful annonnos ent , The Woman of It. Naw dest, © have ome favor 10 ask of you. {1 kesmy this | phiid has a wana for investigating the | . } : Phave never loved before, thing vou pever former condition of ail satables fore thes bave passed into the cooks hands. Imagine the horror of the gnest and made part of the menu, was brought on to see that child fasten his eyes npon it ‘and, ta the interests of culinary sciinoe, loudly ask, Mamma, what was that when it was alive’ Exchange The Kaiser's Sword. Inscription on the biade of Kaiser Wilhelm's sword: “Trust in God! may preserve your haror and your glory The one who relies conrageously of the aid of God is never beaten strength belongs to the fatherland my deur won, Wilhelm, May 8, 1593 Wilhelm, BR. 3 i !drenaed that f the oniy girl you have ever been sugeg- “ik im granted.’ : Hen please don’t tell me that you wont ovmid love, that I'm : lad to, that’ {hostess when the hash, which proessily | : He {interrupting i—I won't she (apxioualy '— But you have never been engaged before, have yon, dear®— Brooklyn Life. § j Your | La ‘salary of $4,000, while the lieutenant Lpolonels $3,500. + Camid the editor i soapething spioy. ; He R span] courageous in battle, in order that yom a3 rs | seript, “this stores about a cinnamon Ought to Fill the BRL “Wa have no gee for bear stories,’ “iar ressders demand Wail. said the pan with the mana. bear, —dports Aleld. The colonels of onr army have each » racvive $4,000, the majors