Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. | THU RSDAY, FEBRU ARY 13, 1406. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. HORE cap, One vim, in aitvanee, Adveribeity rates male known : appl femtion. MENG papers pores Are jad, publisher, Pintered at the DiatoMoe sd Patton eles pad! fmatier COUNTY FINE OF BOLD NG COURT in Monday of March txt Mundy of Sept Ee Monday of June i per Monday of Dee. GEYICERS. PREG EYT JOR Han Presestoxorany Ff, £8 ReGen asm Re GRIDER Teessvare FH Barker, syrparee Ir Wo Coniter, DeEreTY Mueniyers-saretel ass, Romy Drernicer ATTHRNRY- COMER N ERS oo, (Foc. M. Wanz, COMMISSIONERS £71 ERK LCoD Ney SUPERINTENDENT COBUNTY RURVEYOR-B £5. LCeRrY AC hErORS Win Berry, James Daily. Jimny (OXMMSIONERS Wor Milter. Cnwes ER Dy Epes Poor IMRECODRS yevitie, Raphiel Hite. tinued ants the (ERED af disean nies at a werd AY, Barker PTY JF A Meth “HB Maorphy, Ilion, J. bs fiovd, dehy En Cambon. Wi Lave h Hy ih FIED, J. Foams, W : Martin, Moar, OFFICERS Crees WW 3 Donnelly, | Coenen Lincoln 8. Beli, Wilson, Fink Campbell, ‘Young, Batpdy Trish Boros BOARD AD 1 HY Oarfee node Se ers fame Fo. Indie, Faprtamton. Te SE eee Pray erties ‘ CTRRART RAR AH Sant iond y Tis pe Hae Patterns CR) LRT aR Fok. Mating Aas Jim Hicker. AUDITORN. FH Kinkesd, H. © fonit Frepar of Brporis. Mam’ Bove: Tap sero Walter W sak iand, LnNeT ARLE Sara E Jones, Carey ory POLIOe John Bovee, sraxer( COMM IMIGN ER. A 4 Janknon. ®. PP Lx provident; hn FF. Wise, Cprweil, president; v0 H. Partie, ~Fowas Bo frale Jaw Winslow, MARRIRON COMMENDS cr EVEL AND _ General Harrison writes of “The Lk in the March Ladies’ Home Journal and his compre. hensive article is ontapoken and plain. | He takes occasion to commend Presi. ‘dent Cleveland's movement. towards sstablishing a more permanent cons. Jar service. The ex-President says: “The nead of a better consular papvice bas been getting a strong hold ‘upon the public mind. The practice Nas been to make frequent changes in. ry thess offices—-indeed an almost com- | plete change upon the coming in of an administration of a different party. | The daties of a consul relate almost wholly to our commerce with country where he serves * °° hgh recent movement by Mr. Cleveland and in congress for a better qualified and permanent consular force is to be commended. fe pemarked that changes in the | home administration in other countries, {wach ss England and France, do not fnvolyve changes in the ministers or am- bassadors or/vonsal, ss they do with ns The “English Ambassador at | by Patton Pharmacy, C. WwW. Hodgkins, 98 Washington holds right on whetber the Liberals or Tories are in power, | He represents his country, not 8 party, and carries out the instroctions from the home government loyally. Fle in pever heard to make speeches attack: Ing the policy of the opposing party - Jor criticising bis own people. Porta 1 one of the chief difficalties in our get. a permanent diplomatic and con: salar service grows out of the fact that the tariff question is one that is always acute in our politics, and the reports of | our consuls naturally take on the views held by them upon this question. Wo cannot have a permanent diplomatic and consular service until we can find diplomats and consuls who will leave their purty politica at home. [If they are to be aired or exercised abromd it follows that they must be ta harmony with the party in power at ADOPTED A RESOLUTION, The House Ways and Means commit | tee last week adopted » resolation (providing for an inquiry into the status | of the commercial treaties and agree. of the United States particu larly in relation to foreign discrimi nating restrictions. The resolution | providing for the inquiry recites that ds desirable to foster and extend the export of the surpins agricultaral and manufactured products of the United States to foreign countries, and that in certain countries the importation of these products are probibited or re stricted and subjected to burdensome inspection, intentional overvaluation or discriminating duties, and provides that the committes on Ways and Means be directed to submit to the House a report which shall show in what countries such restrictions, regulations ‘or discriminations are in force, of what they consist, the causes alleged therfor their effect npon our foreign commerce and the effect of the commercial treat- _ fés or agreements with foreign countries i entered into after October 31, 1800, || upon our trade with sach countrive, . and also the effect of the subsequent ‘abondonement of such treaties upon “such trade. : A GREAT MOVEMENT. The movement for another Pan- © American Congress to agree upon sn interpretation of and insist on the oa- forcement of the Monroe Doctrine, is the logical result of the encroachments | and land- grabbing propensities of the great European powers. Only a firm : stand by the Republics of North, |__Contral and South America is ueeded | to cause the nations of the old world to recognize as a fixed article of the code of international law the declaration Lor cholera infantum when your physician as Elmer Fares Som : well 3. Mand fany, freee ¥. wk rated plant are need 10 cigarettes. | grow | those in bearing. which is dearer to the American than any other instrument save the Pocin- i pation of Independ Farewell Addn i Lion : Lincoln, Ho yw | Lin the nse of brandy ar the bowel complaint nee, Washington's 4nd the Emancipa Proclanuation of the immortal ——————————————— Be Ca relist He Curefal during wenson of Nothing is 0 nse Gipson rnorbioe ordered by made fil to assist in checking Pare Heandy fint how and where 173 is not EET $e only from gripe ter get pure is the question pire from grape it i poison and w help kill the patient. The Od Climax Brandy distilled from grapes hy Mr Speer is absolutely pure Be sire and ae Ehat the Bottle has the « with Speer N. J. Wine Co. vour druggist; take no other $1.50 a bottle qt. $1 pints FARMING NOTES hp shar posed Chet 18 of Priec £: es OF Tuterest to the Farmers Wha Read the Auster Weskiangd, Patton “Courier.” Peach trees most be coltiviated to de To get size among tree fruit, soltivate often and hin The gooseberry flonriches best in a heavy, forw, bt pot wet sali Authorities are generally agreed in recommending early seeding of clover. Walther black por white corranta are grown extensively for the market In Riam the Jn of the banana yaks wrappers for It is very hard to get a new tres to thriftly when surrounded by The pallet that begins to ay earliest Lin life is the one to lay the largest num her of egg through life. Toren experiance is the hest teacher n poaitry raising, yet many tpi os may be learned from the sue cesses and failures of your neighbors When cows have heen long in milk, | churning bs difficult, becaose the milk ‘has become gintinouns and the fat glob ales will not cobers Heating dissolves them and increases the fluidity of the opeam. The little danghter of Mr Pred Webber, Holland, Mass, had a very | badd cold and cough which be had not {heen able to cure with anything. 1 the Eve him a 35 cent bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. Holden, merchant and postmaster al ‘West Brimfield, and the next time l | saw Bim he said it worked like a charm. | The remwxly is intended especially for | gente throat and long diseases such as [colds eronp and whooping cough, and Cit is famous for ite cures, There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains frothing injurious. For sale focal Markel Report. For the special benefit of the farmer n the vicinity of Patton the Cormier publishes the report, revised each week iN Choc’ stare: = Friider, - conte yor posi, ae. SAE eA & A 3 from Wemyss | Pamloon. REINA, | Sia, + ¢ po ho i ed oe a ; a . a £00 a BT per ton ack heat, Tas) prom. Our people are growing wore more in the habit of looking to Pat ton Pharmacy for the latest and best of everything in the drog line. They soll Chamberiain’s Congh Remedy, famous for ita cures of bad colds, crogp ‘and whooping cough. When in need | of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased Cwith the result, Marringe Lionas; The following marriage licenses wore immued by the clerk of the Orphan's Court far the week ending Thursday, Feb. 6 1504 Nicholas Kinclak and Emma Kron cak, Johnstown, Jacob BE MeCartney Brallier, Conemaugh. Abraham H. lewine Altoona, Kara Mendlestein, South Fork Victor Goleta, Patton, and Karalina Kirmenesky, Bensereek. Charles Cartiedge and Hannah En. twistie, Barnesboro, John FF Webb and Me vioa Thomas Johnstown. H. J. Dayle and Amelia Zimmerman, Johnstown. Howard Keck, Johnstown, John Beoujon and Mary Johnstown, . Mike Piear and Elizabeth Koceise, Benscreek. John Thomas, Tunneihill, J. Fuller, Delaney. and Viola J ated Ope Minote ( ‘ongh Cure touches the also touches 11 al the ‘right time if you Lake it when you have a cough or cold. See the point? Then dan’t cough. LU. Ww, Hodgkins Transfers af Rest Eatite George Delaney et al. to the Altoona Coal & Coke company, ship; consideration, $1. Chest Creek Land and Improveme nt company to Florence A. Dale, Patton, £250. H J. H Glass ¢t ux. fo , Erming L. filass, South Fork, $2,000 Mary BEckenrode et al Stay et al, Allegheny, $1 Mary Ee Kenge et i Stoy, Allegheny, 81 right spot. It to William following local market Cir. el i i A. Wilson and Harriet J. Maher, and Mary Crallitzin town Ana Jane Free to Ladies and Girls, The annual free distribution of ram heantital Somer aeedts to those ifterestad in Aorionltare, £1 heen inangarated by the Ladies of Philadelphia, Pa, February 5th stock Each person will be ontiting will i Axl mat Stiiniay as and fet pnt © patie al collections gro ox enliection, which srtain Prout seeds of ten different varieties of the ihn 4 {1 far those esting putshle th one will Be peste of Phil. writ dot RES BATY WEY Gur TL LE and aE atlsiphia to Enel win 1 ‘address lo aud mating ter if re stan, fates Harpe for postage wey ead FW PEPER 0 which will be rv CRETE = after stow k ixexh aryatisrt Pre dag ritntod Hor the por attracting attentibn to tile weekly for fates’ From poptiar Adkiress, Fvery Rewut Ruteibation 0d Walnut street, tad Riri. apd Ratna, Pays Philadelphia, Pa Try Truman's coal #ref fa vite disappoint ant by ex iepend upon Ome Min. Proen’t perimenting ante Congh Cam diate relief. It harmless remedy that medinte results. CW Ineatht snd Sacramental Wine, and yon have immedi. otipes cromp. The only prigitices mn Honbkine Kpeer's Unfermented Grape Joioe is pare and unintoxicating. It is nade from the finest native poet (rapes, expecially fiir the wie of Chris. tian churches, preserves] fram {rekhy and ptire juice an it is pressed and guar antend to retain its grateful flavor and essential qualities unimpaired for any pericd. Moch used for severing partion and invalids who do not se stimu. funda. grown P J. W. Pierce, Republic, Ia, says: “1 Baye used One Minote Cotigh Care in my family and for myself, with results wo entirely satisfactory that 1 can’ hardly find words to express myseif as ta its merit. 1 will never fail to revom. mend i to others on eves: ¢ oecasion that presents {taeif” CW F Hodgins “Citgo me iver regulator and Tcan | 8 reirtlate the world" suid a gening. The druggist toned fiin = hottie af {re trie Exrly hiner WW. Hedgioing, the Firsts Fadlion Talks “Nate” And separate that etlers Noo transposing them so ax fo make it in HIREY many sul! woeds gs possitide sald that twenty five won fue marie: for example note. ae The Ladies’ Every sale $10 Eyer fed oon iy BA lat prday wii give in gobd Lo tne Aint meen making a fst of twenty words: $0 to the fret able 1 8% ron the firut able to » ¥ Fe 2 Li #% make eighteen, & 3 } is i rake site 3 mking Sarin, with » Het on & lady's envetifnd sishel watel Hr Ww iran movement. guarantesd foe one minke ilver plated swan pin saerh of making ten Wola oF year and wall worth Is pul yi . sis Fan first How able to tavelve andl oa beauty enwhion 16 the fllowing one handead whist Pansy Letters tradi in anmber af correct liste he re. Write list nlainiy with romee ard address of sender ony postal eardd, Phe above prwards are given free and withont sonsiderstion amply fo at tract attention to this most charming 1 weekly for ladies OK ypy Ahir, wx “2 Laws A givie, a sample matied free Lasddiow’ matarday, CA Walnnt atreel Phibudeinbia, Pa Soothing, Wits Wit wounds and piles which it healing, cleansing, 0 BOTY, never fails burning. sores in two or three hours. Hodgkins 1 cur Cares chapped lps and cold. Ww. WwW. H SECHLER, S Attorney - at - Law, HRENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa CENTRAL - HOTEL, Flour and Feed. 1 have recently purchased the two four and feed stores belonging to Ram] Boyoe and Willis M. Rows and am now prepared to furnish vou with Ril grades of Flour and Feed At Prices to Suit your paras Roller Feed and Pouitry Pow der a Speciaity. (live me a call, John Gantz, Rewch Avenoe. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parton. Pa. Office in the rood Building. H. S. BUCK, apd R The Leading Undertaker, Patton. Pa. Embalming a Specialty. | The uaa 1 | Restaurant JOHN RB CORDELL, Prop'r. Ascommodiations the best. First-clnms | Rar in connection RATES $1.25 PER DAY. ny M AHAPFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Ca, Pa Kova enesintives fimtootnas, Beet of Lianies Senet Winem 40 the bat Stabling allschnd HAnorcE Friaians, Prop'r Harnes. Bridles, Saddles, Collars, Nets and Whips, Blankets, Har news Odds, Hue ‘Repairing a Specialty. E. 4. SEUERIN, Prop'r, PATTON, TORACCO and (HGARS tree fn Pattie at FITZPATRICK'S on Mages avenne, PRR depot. ALL HO He G. 11 MEALS AT PDAVIN otngelor af farney an £ Engaanr ng, Pa, sas {Hope bpnons earn pty a fterated Ti Uifew A reno (dad! 9% 1. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT GALLITZIN, PA, Qnlivitor for German National B & 1. association LAW, Riviere. of the wards, : POE and | of which will bo Every | De eh Hazel Salve is the enemy | Stops itening and near ie er "oa “ At a rl Ta act gently but prom ptt Vv upoy miestines | Cieansg vesten aches and fevers; gonecessary, Are acceptable ficial in effects. A single Fanpt, or just before getiting, or, het first indication 1s noted of t: it mm - a —— H vou suter from Hesdache, Byspepun 4 ar ludigestion, aw It you are Billows, Constipsted, or have . Disondered Liver, . . . 2 your Complexion bl Salltow suffer Distress after Eating, Ear Offensive Breath and all Disordors of the Stomach, . ‘ / . . wn re Rae Xia 4) Kisans § 0S Keewick {i ONE i GIVES RELIEF EAR GA MH H A Hn H gure habitual constipation, ti an apnr sympiom of wdige sti OF aepIon or Yor ov * * ite! Nr Liwer, stomach and dispel colds, head making enemas 5 4 and truly bene. the Rulnevs, bah prey ible DEAT LAI Y the st nach LE fake ales Lie eve ge mical, omen ow 3 the id. headache, any RADNER TSd inal lat -- Io BONER 0 Foes i Ww? n 3 Sanh i, AY . RIPANS TAB ¥ 5 oF iE TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT, VE MANY A DOCTOR'S BLL RT 1 To exexrrsrrxaxxx —-— Somes ‘of he Targen Pire ‘ar ance Companies of the World ‘are represented in the PATTON INGURANGE AGENGY Protect Your PROPE RTY. oF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPPTAL PAID TP. $50,000.00 SURPLUS, $15,000 00, Pleas. Individg. srt Daw Ter Or aul sinpaertative Areas rity df avrpaaratianes i af jx privet pn ots vals thy aut $aterapt paid AE PATIOS iN President. PROTECT THE FEET And Enjoy 6000 HEALTH! wi tire Jdbpamita Wa H. SANDFORD, Cashier. Winter Shoes xtensive in the cit y and-—-well you know we always sell | goods cheap er than anbody else | in town Ee Aine af {ar ste Wo i £3! 4 the most ex not because our goods are inferior, but because we buy in large quantities and at the right time. See? The are first-class and —IN THE— ‘Good Building. ~ALL WORK grads stylish. George F. Streit, 12 Eleventh Ave, He 11 Altoona, Pa. GUARANTEED. When you are Ready | to purchase that new Cook Stove or Range, call and mn- spect our stock. You will Sud that it is coniplete in styles and sizes, nnd the price 1s sure to be satisfactory. & dy £ The few Heating Stoves we have left will be disposed af at cost. four of these left. After having exhaosted vorrwelf in search of anvthing in the Hardware Line come to us, we have it. THE CAMBRIA HARDWAR E CO. Only three or [OOKING BACKWARD May be a pleasant pastinte but we take more pleasure LOOKING oh To the Ie when t) ot growing popu tiation of Mountain Ci become convinced that of all hav i Yi wert as Kis will Yi 5} alt y Ak A Is at Our Store You Must Eat! ¥3r Enh Ix “it - Fea “® Ey 4 welt evident fact thay you must “EAT TO LIVE" or “LIVE TO EAT” presse 11t 0 y CLT egonom- msideration onr complete of Sir gx ay £4 Fi stock GENERAL GROCERIES. Careful Selection. Reasonable Prices. Pure Goods. CK i I. HEALTH n Supply Co. Patton, Pa. 20) Patto REASON,
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