The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 13, 1896, Image 2
A DOG THAT REASONED. Me Knew When It Waa Safe to Sleep om His Master's Bed, | No one that knew Bombshell ever Jochted that he roasoned and thooght, Pat occasionully 1 would find a stranger who was not inclined to believe it, and hen I would tell him the following Mhory : My parlor was a front casemaste which opened by an arch into my bed- foom, a back cssemate. A onsemate pousy be described sx a room in the wall a fort, generally intended, in war ime, to hold a gun or powder, while in me of peace mauy of them, like mine, re fitted up for use as quarters for offi gers and soldiers ~ Bombabell had his own hed in the Back casement, but be preferred my bed #nd woald use it whenever he could 1 tried to break him of the habit, tnt not been sucerseful | Ome dar he came in wet and maddy, amd, as usnsl, curled op on my white epunterpane. The resnlt was awlnl As much: as I hated to do #0, {felt rhliged ta give him a thrashing { never emoght hime on my bed agnin. He woud still get on it: but, no mat fer how caietiy 1 ame mm, 1 womid ale Ways fine im on the floor, thongh 1 umd ses fro oo the rorapled ecmdition of | fhe bed tha: 2 had been on it, and of tpn the spot» were lw had slept wend still be warm. Ome evening 1 went out, 2 Bombshell Jzmg ov the parker save, Oat of onriosity I poeked thrimgh the Ball turned sine of my shutters und watched him. From my position 1 wes abls tu sen tho Ww hele of both of ng For awhile Bombshell did not move, then he raised his head and locke the door: finally he got up, stretched imenlf, yawned sleepily, walked to the ed, jumped up, and put his fore paws on it. Btanding i» this position, a thonght strock him, and hesoid to him. elf: : HEnpposs that my master hasn't gona? | He wiil catch me and then 1 shall get a flicking. 17110 ind make certin that bib is not coming back. I know that he said this because he took his paws off the bed, walked can Sionsly back to the front door, and, with Bis eur cicse to the erack, he Jistanad, At last, satisfied that 1 bad really gone, Ke trotted back to the bed, jumped on ft. enrled np and went ta sheep After such a clever act I thonght that he had earned hin sleep, 85 1 went away hd If im —8t Niehoias Joy What & Burd Is Like. Ia eolor they are neaslly po darker, and often not pearly #0 dark, sx sonth- ern Europeans. The escbrows sand buh. es and eyes ars generally black, snd nome agquibine and fine, and the miath wall formed. Tha face is lung and oval, © while in stature n ped inm height peeros to be general The chin ix shaved, tha mustache nione being left, apd over it pe end of trouble i taken with cumb and wax, The hair is neually shaved along ius fon of the crown, bad eft Joug on vither sides, though littl ur Corwin bo the pe nignnEr In 823 | onliar and charwits Lwwhieh the uen deck ir heads The CO Kords oostumie ix distinelly his own, and except in the south. where be Bag come hire of less under Persian india. ence, he never Llandins it A high silk pointed cap crowns the head. ro which fs wove a number of silk scarls and bamdkerciiefs in skiiifaily arranged disorder. The favorite onlors for those tu lans aro dark + set and gold, with hero and there a narrow stripe of some brilliant bue. ‘The rough fringes are left hanging down, ae often 32 not covering the eyes. und earn of the wearer at adding pot a Hittie to his fantastic appearance Over a white linen shirt, with sleeves that end in points rove than a yard long, so that they touch the ground, a #iik oemt Ci% worn, erases] strawberry being the favorite color, though cherry colin and white satin are almost equally com mon, These roats are made oliariess and chen at the perk wd Tod nerds Wren, being held in place by a ws milk san Ekiiiuily faided and twihned. Iu thie seh the jong pipe and cept Hine kWioend 8 IR sod eh prior i earved dagger are 1h © Maganine. Aroens kad Beoguet In Wir Arora end Yoaqguet,’ sed known wine expert, ary tou alc tuk Cam bo aean the Fine th wine Flavor pertain: wil erinily to the loge bua aftertaste of vine when swallowed al only 1 the sxc |, and the for spits in the pra: Haeil. while booguet only pasion itself lang afier fermentation i oun: pleted. Bouquet ba sever present exoept the purest wines. Lt sentus tO afise from 8 won of several agreeable odors, aud any mixture would sorely destroy it. There ate no truly fine wines with. ut o strikingly suarked agreeable boo quel, and where all other qualinies are of equal perfection the Hougue the distinotiBn that givis to Ue wine porsessing it always the preference. '— New York Sun. he mr 1g to Li 3.4 § IGaRes Euew What IIs Would De, It was a Gardiner youth of wiry ten. der age who, when asked yecentiy by his maternal poomt the Men gaesnan, CaWhat would you do if mami were taken away? quickly Liurted out, 1 wotild take my meals at Mis Haley's" The lad's worldly response knocked the pathos out of the scene in double quick order. — Bangor News. The Hat at the Thester Yet Again The Man Behind—Pardon mie, miss. { can see nothing owing to yuor hat The Woman In Front—True! “There is ‘ngth owing. I bave paid for it in fall, — Philadelphia Record. Virginia oo aoturing state, having 69,0891 manufacturing hands, who make a prod- wot valued at $88,368.534. J would die for you!” passionately exclaimed the rich old suitor, and the : Feactice] girl cally asked him, ‘How ; oi ; Carns B hig st is becoming important as a WHY THE =! I HAS BEEN 80 EviR ! CREATION OF TH. Wo Of Gres? Benefit to Mankind Oo Prodooed by the Skelefnos of ¥ That Conld Not Have Lived Fn Fresh W a ter Moses’ Short Aewnrunt, The sea ut present enntaing $0 0 BOG, O00 O00 000 toms of sel. TF ti comld be gathered in aa Yul form compressed into the shape wend contain 18.178 600 Each adie of such ss enbe woud : are somewhat mare than 0 miles This is enough to cover all the land on this globe with a aniform layer of sai to a depth of 1,000 feet This statement as to the saliipess of the sea is interesting enough in tee! bat it is also saggestive The questions may well be asked, Where did all this salt some from, snd what 18 the pee of it? Severs] scientific gentiemen have attempted to answer this first question, and their efforts are nol entirely satis factory, The seovnd question is not #0 difficult Acecrding 10 tha hat tion of the world, as by this Genesis, it is implied that existed be the land, “third day’ the water nude ens’ was pathered togetime and land appeared. . This statement has bothered a grast pember of sabia philceopbers, Whi their «fort to stick to the letter Seripture and at the same time to res son out everything on perfectly natural principles, have been puzzied £0 know how such a grand transformat ; be acocmnplished in one day. And perplexity was pot rilisved 1 HTT sd geciogists anndtinosd that have required sges for the waters that enveloped the earth 10 salwide and re veal this land thst bay bemesth But when it was suggested that wy of the srea EN Yr (ig bat ditfien not a period of 24 Boors, thousands of years, tne rerpovad. This meaning “day” is at present gen by devout sciantists, waa © i that there is nothing Wi . gow’ srcrmpt of the crestion This description, fo be sure i% roeniably bref Io we to pass over such a creation of a worid in a fax ry from 8 LeWsTaner i 1 sii themEniing HA fd view, =a mnst Bokn take advantage od Aceviding the Mosse 8 Hont, a barned foal history of the giolde, Momo Jeli eit, and a very good reason fort the sait in the sen. Hav the point of Moses’ meager nEreative where the earth wax in & peilien Sats snd sar peat by gy onvel ot and of water vapor, Dr. Hout sags “ihe or phates 15 = 0 grrived wt i pane sme boniatos {henna © bea. ehioaine and © were changed Youn. eR rowel Troan fh fori oF wel gon, vapar © cvse of ony which wis anhenit paris ; bighly beated soit STI aa surface and deeianidaed 31 the &iioates ware ¢ 3 taking the Lorm phere £8 Hugh, the vapor water, hao LIN, Csician, Bay nm. The a! poxicns element, for man. iz haa been suity from (00 world FEE 4 8 iwi a ba That wh #& Sense Pur i¢ therefore «3 Tra anit x AERES : the esas ATRL gurEtian ¥ The Where 1d LE part of the grand Ou to provide fox which huss Dewey gobi tice. Many dd CIRAL ISTH Ma saint Jargely contyl finents ANE raaransend packs ado bows S401Y ot Mave existed substance knowns tan," which hss a the growin o early bnhabi crintids, sen The saltiness do with toe distribnte tia the paler re oii tis of the engi are largely due ta the differenee I» tween the speoific gravity of sea and the fresh water of ral whet rain falls on s certain ocean, the #fort of the heavier sa ter of the tcesn to establish an wy rinin causes a current — New World TE 3 ign 3 ; gow d © LET 35 Asssong of the sol ppv, ig. HO AAS A AAAS WEE Wi Memory is the mental power With x . - s cunild be no then ante ina | Ol EH TIBATY The Chickabominy had its designa tion from an Indian word Uhik a maw Lik pony, the place of tures walter | HE 1S A WORKER. aA RA sypisismbaner Pean Next fnsendy Didng For His Baew, No fepraen of the Cotton Reates and [siorpatlonni expeition has attranted more Willespresd attention than the ne. RIG Sng of wnohia de Whaat Co st rnent arimrent np to the close of the cxprestion the eves of the pobio wera moon the negro featare, The wis dom of soch 8 department bas been clearly to the world that she peg’ hos a man's in| the soath and/ thst the real srest boing made by the race which is snbethntial and Jacting is sonth of the Mas aod fraom Lae The xp ition sid the negro depart. dra tended to create beter artery eanding and rele with the best gle peat of both races in the somth They have hrougnt to the front a hd ad vane hb nkers among the regrobs, such men as pee doing mach for the real eleva them of their (pope i the race id bey fem b is tin : depurrent, 1. Gar Al & he Bas een. A the eradit of respect and recognition Gast 2 £0 1% bevanse Of the pegs exalt Axked ns bi what be womid elgags in Anving this year, Commbsioner : gad be had tions. He cond i bo desist otner sapien months he wonhd be 4D Ten St AAW fae f tse 0B G0 8 Fos PROG IR ak $99 LEY baswpy offered Bevery { Pre He Tei Laws for the nOgt PWE gantiy sturaged in provaring bis Pox of 109 list of the Negro Department st the Atlant Exposition = Said be Ff expect to devota my ime night and day in preparing this book Tana the beipesooent and a 5 ies wets mhed eho 3 i oompany. Is nection with the whe - ghuip 3 watt TERI hee - Lowers anal ay act wiser pd wotk on the A EAR Thera is that is that ] a the exiomition pet Ln 2 that tre 1 pny, and lo Pan hy Rik qd 582 ‘ x b So i Spd ¥ Fein PARES ioral I have nover Ely Xp MOUSE GNAWED Foter Will Naver Again Make Merry fiver Women's Terror of Then J Fister H ven. gu agened by wg Lyin re § SamIraLr ® Cal, had sina kis ear #1110 So iY Cntr teas] RRR Bad they mi; taal vi on Sal SI HST sr Dana Denies IL vis Herald of A a2. the of: tamed Mr Robisaat, fe subact wiatemuand sf am reminded of what Mr ow a few dacs ap tia Lin Pray Wed a GAA A il he is the | ELrUnR | enen of tive day. 1 thak be | be coms derid a man of his tines,” Com tng fresu Mr Dana, this was prety | RIOT raise LAT that seems pecesiasy to remark on this suliject is that Mr Dana has nat 'gaid auy such thisg Yet he estecn “Mr Brice. pot as an able young man if | the cay, but as coe of the cutest ap | pers in the whole field. —New York Sua 4 rom IRIAY SALTY A b S From the first nention mnorwtrated to all ih showing Cds bi SUPER! CURIOUS LE MT HW ESTERN OF THE FAR wos ¥ PE mae LENCE a oe -Reversy Tradiloes Wiiih Pefer to the { Gum The Karen, the Mink and the Salm. sn Tries of Aburizines In Jegeccs of Britieh Colombian : 4 porihers coast tribes of | £niatiitita fhe raven pisys an gf South Portiamd, ‘we dint He ie the benefactor of strives ix considerad Cine of Bis adiventinres rie chief who weak staging the sun from tan in os batt ar with and daylight bis Bip created gatmon. Another Jegend SER af the Gelty, ofc smrh Dir a visit re married fafa x jo box, Togeth. fo Hl #i his fathe the 5 FAA LAR | gx porienos Wiis | believe anybody aver Bad the like te | ore ! wines | was § years oid, and 1 never saw in ome [pever saws while before that duin't Dilan. bot the ote we met ef traditions refers to oloan vf 1 FEAR 8 TE Fiona $I Fehr papers $reg gw of gnrerst tions, Mestrs EBT Lone, sents PR g Rai x Tha lle RETIN ELAS, x Arh Was Ai i iw shonld id be Pa £5 WORT Save MITA No bb = take berry 10 Sine yf of They SCR Tope dorm in ust the fannts Barve Desi LIB the salmon daock neglected —& Be ari ee CEPTRIG ® : thes noearty Jdimd away, tinned and prtiami ale i An Infailible Test A miiser Dud died very suddenly The donor Ww death appeared th have his & the case “Phace a 10 niark piace in his band,’ said the old hrosekeeper of the deceased. “1f be doesn t grasp it, you may safely ive «rder for bis banal 'e— wk valle InoT0 pertify fui as abonk make oul the Wegweiser : TITIOUS 10." ROARED LIKE A LION. A COASTER CAPTAIN'S STORY OF A REMARKABLE WHALE Is Didw's © Hiow * but Ita Roar Wie Some | thing Awfel It Wak Righty Feet In Length snd fad a Queer Looking Heed. Tried to Swamp the Schotowr. : “Mat paid Captais J. A Crosman snocun- for the sen serpent, Lut we lad Astrange is whale und 1 don't ly o boon #t ses. moan snd bor, he Jie of the whale wae efcountersd 1 didn't, buy it gave roar that was awful" ¢ It sounded like the lions in Central park, New York,’ ssid Miss Heoston, : wiser Wan abe of ihe party that hid the | range anoennler “Ie certain iy Was pore suyiiing else | ran tink tks the roar Lge dhan amid lactam Unimensg Cavdain | selorner (ore Woteter, ¥ ave Hey Hew ro Toppan 5 Fo) i Mes {rue Heamion A # WL So "ELE Sd 9 sedi iog rood heal ay whiovimas was abet Ten Tew nid aoed tiv pate. Mery Sing B ® Peat <8 § i agimegd A kT bor Han Ships a ane Lee TY nt 3 Bar saat J 3, 5p wl Ey Ore aT w Hage, if Cy Terex. S098 ioe 3 nad no Bie { Brat A: prenion between them whl Tay 4 Etsy oe groat creators went 4 A The wu and * Lik WET Pik tL mua a wie CATE WY ry ype pd vite and Rw bd Lok Fiore 2h Wenw sed OL rosETEan ON EE Tea Be Grp) pV ys pd WAR why ne RES & Eek 3 Lathes RE frightaped water, pac dain the re & cesnil a sr SERIE YT peated pint i ose Up He did nor renin o-aarinng LEtr Ax Pig anger and Jey 1b go TER ak . i 4 5 in pose. 1 saseea by Havwrd Taylor, Mont Clair, ia Maus an nazped by Bayard Tarlor day rami nery Papert ves LY MARS Sempy i er oo Kb REE PVR 2 AW * a #33 - anak fhe place £33 six Benne =x 4 Gesllv ope as Be ape end Ua rail A. whines : hewn perhaps th 1% Was Dear phia Inguirvr body who ah that 1£ i wasn cgrrees anongls Top 5 ETRE Bel 14 spoiled Hin Fun ‘Whe ix that sour Sw said one pretty gel wo church festival. enjoving | raensf a bi WE omen foe to be oi a 3 i y NEARS cienhy fay “ean, Live him Dore OVSOEES foe Wonshiag tem and [ had them in his than he ond sas Star Cnp Doesp't Fit. “fr hewta the Dmich’ was not ong pally applied w aggressions against the Boers. — Pittsburg Dispatet. PRESERVE THE HAIR Sows Desful Suggestions to Thess Whe Valine What I» Invaluable. Avoid tight fitting bats and collars, also close fitting caps, umiess theses be of sone porous material. The two former prevent s doe supply of blood to the paris; hence the bair papilie are put, as it wire, ob short commons all the time the hats and collars are worn. The eaps engender calaric, which sets op frritation and oltimately that most sobbory form of dsndroff-—namely, pityrisvs (i eo. branny scales; Note that all ibe headgear which i not porons should he ventiialed st top and sides to allow a free curreat of atr, Novels git ar stand with the top of the pend near a gas fight or jamp light. The Beat thrown ont iw apt to paralyss the scalp tiwnes and dries op the hair al Don’t wash the head oftener than anes a fortnight, when first rub in the yolk of an egg and thoronghly rinse out with warm water, jute which has been throws a pinch of bersx. Dry carefully and apply a litle purs olive oil Posie of the somimon practice of dipping the comb iu water when ar ranging the hair. Jt promotes Geeotnpo- gitiom ind raneidity of the natural ofl, and so leads to rotting. If ride balr be natorslly dry. spiiy 8 LH oevawiona lly HH sataral- iy ally, cecasionally wash away fhe ex tf pebaesons seeretion by means of w Inthe or tenid water and sap bark Ayu epenariad is most inigrices to the dy rommon When sea bath- 3 £8 1s WERE Sy Pees alnan if yom loved {wuifrey « dictam Tooting = Ae liopte and : ard Foret pad CF Wire in oa oases Droge a ty ba sf & wrt iin talarnd ently hasah ont the halr before Bois. mpd new the comb oy mpvopen ll hang . "i ; hoi s W WL Dae OEE ee TS SUTTALKED CUMaS Row a Clever Trish Girl Got Ahead of the Academivisn Le vee wae. He YRDOD alge Fe sled ative polionh 87 (he meet. Sa The we ss le hetwors Bim and sn lrish girl, laomght opin Paris who ast 0p rd aE at dipper. She was Sug ri plain. Bot ber Diiness was moet Je was a witty, good The poms was short, month wide and temas Heping, Pot, h kay. Bien pensdoe for top Ga ed v {part EVAR yi ® LEE aa 3 BERS sofipant BR De Brew . g - if she gemisray Ths tongue toonld be ores wean itiom wae atl the alsrary shrewd | 3 poate JF sewing au sen ied book tohim. 1 i greak ct ow the time 3% fhe i Ha staring. swirtinen Ci A afrar ar Ug sane thay TIDE bi) Penni v. and Petras MM a fanny Dram He began 1 Aluhonse’” Ernest Pine sptare, ered, Aone HE GOLDEN 2¥is i 8 gr aes hal wiese Alt be London oy Sehinpareilh. ¥ £ wn i iv awl eri Who Brat “teri Tn" of Many Her ax 3% that fin And vel be man (ares P ins ug of his escent Thadings, . £9 bo SRR] £4 vagy xia ky spend NEBTNIRS Boid a vR Tr EX inves her i The sine tory is nit thas a udirmite shoald be gular part man With seh ins le snl kreinives Le feriees Of ei ra of the Lo pveraece of 8 3 10 SRI tire mtier oer a Tittle ost that the gitved woepnist in gnestion ghonld haat foran wearing has a 1Oe0ry a8 IEE NEY isgal Ivey fis JRC past ® Wek to Eat Candy, I thing mu f the ontery agains eandy is tha result of wrong methods of nse. 110 be seu ly taken at meal fue Ww =Cientiets say that ow oi sagas ts very great. A pend { sugar contains moch wore energy and power to support ani- mal life than a pound of meat. If candy is taken noder such coneitions that it will oot derange the digestivo apparatus, it is perfectly wise and rational to be a sandy mater — Annals of Hygiene TesLIN fond vaian Said. 1s I’ Aaber a good painter™ Yew: gooxd as gold.” “Tay his paintings sefl?”’ “Yoy—those who buy them.’ truit Free Press :