The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 06, 1896, Image 7

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Lines Along Which Yeung Men Are Ad
vised to Pursue Knowledge,
A yung man in & Jetier fo the editor
of The Ladies’ Hone Journal Uyjuires
the best esstematic come of rending a*
not fair. the wisnns that 1 Kiva a substitute fur an academic adoration,
11 Warts sho wise dba with the view of equipping himself for
Nor swet, and yet she speaks from feet $0 literary pursniis, sod alin which boka
Lo Bed : "would be the most beneficial fo read
Wh tuen ot walsh of Siromt, and 1 wn thers, with the ides of preparing himsell to
5 Ah, 6, ot tir, the i. that 1 love enter the fieid of Betien. To tho query
WEES Ct : regarding a subwiitote for a eoliegs edn.
= dt wie, thu wotnen that | love, estion Edward W. Bok replies; "Ass
© Sor fait, The spell ba wowves, 38 1) of sense substitute for a college ednestion, Whore
"Fis undefined snd subtle, yet intense $b isu matter of chonee, 1 am pot £0 Furs,
Teka Lane Flame, without heat. gipes yo minch Gepends npan the man
{Abs 0, hot sweet, ths woman that | B98 gy one man a good conrse of reading,
Nor fair, at Feet; ar wise is abe 1 love wisely chien snd followed, woud a
SR eyond 8 BRINE, © infinitely moore belpfal than a noitlogn
i | orient nin & mist that Bes! edncation, while in the case of woofer
rae? : Eluwive fame, : man just the reverse wonid lw trope
© That which abe Is, the women that | love. Bome men abscrd infirmaticn wore
Bee al | ud Engle Pram, readily and retin it better under soit
oe . a pn training, while others need the eopul
WHERE * HABANAS § OME FROM, sory {ores of teaching 0 impreis things
Suet sit Them In England Never Saw Cube UPC the mind. But where a college
eo § at Any Thane TT edueation is, for sme reason, BOY BOOS:
| qhere did this box of cigars come Sible, and = substitute must ba found,
from? asked the write the other day, then a conse of reading is uoiuéstion-
standing in the shop of a large London ably gond—nons better, in fact pe
| tobsoc mist. With respect to the inquiry tupteTnitg
Leap said the tobecoonist, Cage ® PrEpRIStion 10 enter the Beld 4 Sc
. from he United States. ’' tion. Mr. Bek considers it diffienlt 0
And this—where did this come RIFE gine 86 mush depends Tom
from?” : the particolar ‘Geld of historical fiction’
Ao from the United Staten desired However, the best repuy, per
eA luo this viher »! : Laps, is that which png ests tha rewling
: sgph, that cawe from ihe United of & nomber of the best novels Gesling
Staten woo I'll tall you all sbost jp, With snecessive periods of English Lis
: Suppose 1 had 2,484 boxes of cigars in tory from Maxon Himes 10 the early jars
this shop, and tht they were taken pro- of the present cemtary. give a Lat {not
i eamately from the tmporta Sram all Pepriginoad in this exteset} which in
« _ itries that send us cigars, then 1,316 clad ypicki Yeihs by the WHTIDGE Fas
of thise, or considerably more than half, ters of English historical fetiat, bas it
1 bave come from the United miglit be duptied in bength several tines
| Stater * i over without exbausing the ava aie
0 t*Then you mean to say that 18 out of books of vaiue io this ope Seid A Like
© every M4 cigars sinoked iv Lotidon are $eleticn may be made from tie novels
American?’ 1 od. treating of different bistro fer rinde
CU eat’s just it,” beswid “Yom see, severally of France Germany, Spas.
the dunericans gend to Cuba for tobscco Tiady and other somutries of Larope and
Je hich they use for covering the Amica The field in almost Tiouitioes,
kat of Virginia, Ohio and Prt (1 have begmo with 1h» shay af
Maryland wobaced : : ing land, se containing 1he diretid sone
a (Mt the remaining 1,05 boxes,” hel American histery whoh spend 1 he
eontinned, ‘the largest pamber oome raspad before crm cur fairly vp derstand
from the Philippine islands, from which the beginzings and progress of uur (wD
6 get our Manillas—that is, 244 bee national lide."
Almost an equal number, $38, cape from, cctis MMP
| our near neighbor, France; 171 from THE USEFUL BURL
. Belgium, 102 from Holland and G1 4 Number of Valuable Frodncts From the
from Germany. Then & very Isrge noim- Big Bright Biowom.
ber; 195, were sent from the British gunflower oil made froan the seas Sa
Bast Indies. Now, you ses, only ¥3i5 great demand in thw couwtry. In
boxes remain, sod we have not coms 10 Russia millions of pounds of the weeds
Cub, the country of trae ‘habauis,’ gre raised annually for ine oil, and
yet. Of these yd Hongkong bas sent jpegs quantities of this oil are exported
Be ix not sweet, the woman that 1 ove
dE Nards sho fair
Por wise in any Jor that looks enn tl),
And yet ibe knows the weet of u spell
ET Lo Pros fied te Bor
AB, 50, tot wise, the worsen that | ove
half, 47; 11 have come from the chad: eam that country.
‘nel islands, 8 from the Canary jands In (he crude state it is used by paint
‘and 12 from Spain. Four are {10m Auk gry for inside work, bot it does nos.
tralia, 4 from the British West Indies qoite equal linseed oil for yarsish pure
and pearly 4 from all other British poe It §s mixed with cet of our
sessions. Now there are only 15 mors chuap paints acd slso with many pre
boxe, and they come from all quarters pared stains. Of Inte years efforts have
x of xhe globo, including Havana YOO hugs made to refine tie il so aa to seil
will see that of all foreign CigATS WOre in competition with clive cil. Ia fact,
than half come from the United States, pnrified sunflower oil is need guite ex
and of the remainder roore than half erinively to nilniterate salad oils. Many
_ oogne fron France and other Earopean opsgider it equal to the cediniry grade
moulriee. No, €ir, the ‘habanas’ which of olive and simond oil for tale uses
fram Havana are a small Jot. "— Jy ts of a pale yellow eciar, Baro ieks
and palsiabie,
{Ba ; AE 5 In Maryland a good deal of this hi ns
Ya Rhone & Light Hearted River. y,pje to supply the Baltimore trade
Lake Of all the rivers which, being navi Afr the ol is extracted from the sweds
patile, do serious work in the world, the (he residus is made into makes for cattle
hone is the most devil ray care und food. and while pot #0 Driritivus ay the
Hight bearte In its 500 mile dash food made from the fresh moeds it 3s of
Agwn hill from the Jake of Genevs to ynsiderashie value The facturios that
p Mediterranean its only Purjose— eypress the oil sil the med cakes ai 8
er than that of doing ail the mischied gerely nominal sum.
ble—scems to be frolic fun. And In the poorer districts of India snd
: e than 2,000 years this ap- Eorope a fair kind of broad is made
gently frivolous, and frequently m8 from sonflower seeds, and the Datives
lent, river has been usefully emi: dipend ujom it tor a steady article of
oP in the service of mankind. | diet. Their cattle are fod with the sme
I} Jans served under many masters. In gjet, only the seeds and heads are chop
ley of the present day Cel ped op together, and even the Jekves are
‘ upderlié Roman fd to the animals :
and there a bit of Roman = The stalks, whed stripped of their
magn remains almost intact. On aves and heads, are dried and need for
the hilltops still stand the broken strong fel. One acre of senflowers will yield a
holds of the robber nobles who main great many cords of good wood, The
tajned their pobility upa what they gialks are large, tough, brittle and good
were able to steal. Nuturaily, these bgrners. A few acres of such foe] will
roined castles, and the still existent Jagt one all winter.
tqwna of the sume period, being so Lon- There are piany other nses {or sanflow-
spicuously in evidence, the Ravor of the ers that the ingenuity of man has de
river is most distinctly raediseval, but vised, but the instances cited are suf-
aperywhase, to the discerning eye, are ficient to show the suuflower bas cot
traces of the barbarism, of the civiliea- lived its association with a decadent
op and of the semitarbarism which S00: gesthetic philosophy and become of prac
nfgively were plowed under before what tical value if nt of TOIVEREL Whe
e have the temerity to call our oWa New York Post
: began. —Thomas A. Janvier sion nt
ntory. : Huxley ss a Lectarer.
mnc—————— In lecturing to hia classes Huxley ad-
Bonoets Coming Back. bered strictly to business and it was
ts, 1 am led to believe, After varely that & matter of levity was intro
fing the field of fashion for Some duced to give merriment to his listeners.
6 past, aro likely to enjoy a renewal [ recall, in a course of some T0 Jectyres,
i favor, but they will be somewhat only a ingle instance of this kind,
larger than beretofore—cf the Salva- when, for sume reason (po longer io my
| tion Asmy pattern. Hardly becoming, I memory), a reference was made 10
‘dency, yet I am toll that ia hairy or Chamisso's *' Peter Schlemibl''—a book
_siaooth felt, with tr mmings ot velvet which Professor Huxley frankly admit
exXibbon loops or tits of plumes, and, ted gave him mare geunine pleasure
moreover, nicely iid ander the chin than apy other in nos clentifie litera
with bows of oid fashioned sarcenet ture. Whether it was the refreshing
ribbon about 6 to 7 inches broad, they frankness of this admissico or the fact
_ure.gver fo quaint, and with the Bair ip itself that was quoted which on this
wi pon style « [ ooiffure most ad- occasion brought forth an us bounded
yaniag go your 3 and pretty faces. merriment from his students was per-
| Wecan but bope hat none other than haps not fully decided for all of wus,
ladies possessing t'.o above mentioned but there was no questioning the spon.
a of Dame Nat re will live up 10 tanecusness of the applanse which tal
"this style of poiffu.e —Paris Cor. Lon- jowed the uiterance. And this, as | sow
~ don Telegraph. pecall it, was the only instance of ap-
: plause greeting the lecturer in the mid.
: A Haseot. ‘dle of the lecture during the entire
“He is the lock. st man I ever knew. *' course of my studéntship — Popular Sei
*‘In what way’ ence Monthly.
“Well, be was : over gick a day in his i
© life and there is ¢ ory likelibood that he A Perplexing Quretion.
will live to a gre a old ags, and yet be Mr. James Payn, the novelist, tells of
a ———————
5 fa so thin and pai: that ¢vary life insur- an amusing gquestiun put 10 him very
anos agent who ¢ mes along skips him seriously by a little boy of his own. Tha
‘as a dangerous rik "—Chicago Post. family were being driven out of their
: : London house to make way for the paint
Men of God always, from time ars, cleaners and whitewashers.
to time, walked rinong men and mada ‘Papa,’ said the child, who bad evi-
their commission felt in the heart and dently been turning the matter over in
; yt the commonest hearer. —Emer- his own littly head, where do the peo
ew ple in heaven go when the spring clean-
3 5 : mm——— - 4 ing begins thara®’
+. Jivery year Sees & development in the This problem was too perplexing, even
. maanufacturing interests, and it basfor Mr. Payn.
wpread toward the west and south. y :
pe re : hi pid
An Interesting Pen Planers of the Kussdies
: (ity In Stheria
Visdivostoic bas the sepert of an fn
ferice Hengoomg. of sbost a quarter ths
size. Hillsorrwpsd with foie rise romad
ft op to a height of 200 font It lies tm
the south side of § penisauis 20 mit
Jong, culied Maravisd Awmarsky, in 43
degrees § minotos Bi dace porih Imi
tode, and 171 degree 4 minntes Bi me
onds east icigitoda The town is be
twenn four wnd Len mies leg. but
siraggiing md or pected, sod of wo
© Seendih Some strecty sre very steep, wad
all are horribly dosty in Ary weg ihr,
being pever watered, and beng comtin.
wally crowed in ali Aipecticiss by dre
Kies driven at 8 smart pack Instand of
pavements the Krests have eidewsliks
of pixnke my cOWTnIY sees in mw
American cities You take siz slomt
planks, sane $5 fans leemg, and Ixy tipi
side by wide, and yon contings ihe prio
oes for the requis pamber of veel
or miles (threes verse sre (WO Tied,
and the Csidewald’’ is corny iets, NTE
for a few prope snd pais where (he
groomd is ino soft, OF oe fogndation
dogroarated into hows
The droskise ars driven by redihmading,
sub posed Homie izvosebiks in OW,
glared sovepipe ba, with very curly
brim, red eaves, plnited bisck skis
and kigh bose ln lobes Une flex ns,
Joiling ws poiesengars, 8 nosple of frowsy
Chines or » #10 frowser Korean. The
ture is only 80 koperks, or 1 shilling and
18 pence, mi boar, fe over half an hor,
sod from pint lo pant thers are 'An-
penny and frepenny fares, sooomiing 0
distance The reguistioes forbid charg
ing mors, but, with fine irony, alire
the driver 8G take lees, i be ike
Be may not eave Lis cab to take onge of
jase. rosy pot Téing. make a pass of
sanss & disturbance be most tereper
hie pace to 8 wows) frat and 'ketp 10
the righthand side of he rood.
The troika hes a desbing Yk | the
heres in the middie toate under the wreh:
of duga, whies osject snd Macs. vibem
properly put an, are to kewy the shafts st
the mane distance apmrt The small
Besos right smd elt’ are cantariog. snd
their bode toeiine a litte cmtward
fronn the car. In Viedivistox are fa
completes (ripie tems perATRLY hers
are any ths “rnididie bors’ trotting.
and cove Otier panTaring On §18 Dest wide
The water larrel on wheels drawn by
borne or heiil and (dien driven by 4 she
‘ dier is a frecuent sight, CATTYINg Seater
np 10 the foie Bol to (he nppeT OWL.
A funnier bores vehicle Is ibe 81
astride, roshioned beams on which Jrvoe
chik 80d cloaked and sporred officer eit,
with dangling lege. cos behind tia
other, the officer behind Fortnightly
Many 8 Cure Ia Effected by These Simple : : « x - ;
Jong ‘wand the German Poetry that
was plscad on the royal table in the
| year $416, bot if was Parmentier, an
apeitheeary, who remily introduond 1 and
i did ail be could to get 1 generally onl
aud Palatable Bewmedies.
Lerom nice aves /
eroshed agar Will relives 8 Cough
Por feverishuess bpd as somtar i
thirst wdlen asm by riling as
hard surface, tat (fF the top, ROG RURAY
and wizk ol at Bua erpom with
a dizk.
Daring :
poeiipenn, cogpdort aa TRY
be produces) by a Trew Gas OL :
Por six large gasses of lemnitane tee
six large, josey bomooa Roll oo a hard
sarface si thi the juice can be easily
extracted. Peel and siioe Add xn fl
clent suiter WD FWoeten sud air i well
int the ioe belive wi
Big lemoaseds will le
taken at the start. Make it the satis as
cold Jemomads, (nly nee Laslng watiy
Apstesd of cold wister and wee about One
bail as pinch sugar
A piece of lemon. of stale broad maces
temed with lemon Juice, bound <n 8
corn will enre it Hemew nignt and
morning. The Sres application wi pro
duce soreness, Yumi if treatment b per
sisted in for a rossomable lepgnn of time
a core will be elfecued
The discoanfort camsed by sors and
tender Set miay be jessened. if pit ene
tireiy cored, Ly apriying slices id lene
cw of the Tent :
{| To cure chilblsins take a jieos of
Jerson, vpeinkle fine salt ower it and red
| the feet well Repeat if peowssary.
} Lemon juice will relizve ronghbess
and vegetable dains wn Afs.
er huving the hands In Lot Hos pros
pub then with & piece of lamas This
will prevent chapping aod make the
| hands sft and white —Philsdeiphia
The Swise Fike
identified with the long pike of the 13
‘ foot shaft, and most gallant sttempts
have teen made by recent writers o
| prove that this celebrated weapin Was 3
Heiss fuvension and emplovald by tbe
confederates from the first. The paint,
bowever, is one that most remain sn
certain for the earliest mention of the
jong pike is found in sa order widressed
fn 1837 by Count Philipof Savoy to the
tmrghers of Turin, and no one can teil
‘whether the Sayorands borrowed it from
che Swiss or the Swiss from the Savoy.
fantry sesin to be the spear acid shield
The Mijaress fought with soul spears
‘and plies eight of ten fend in le
Legoano, the Seoteh
| the Fletsings at Couriral, so toad
| impossible really to predicate of amy one
| pation that it added the requinis Dur
| ber of feet to make the weapon's shaft
Lin order make it a ng pike There
| is po teention of pikes in the battles of
the Swiss until Senipach, and it is prob
lable tixat in that action they were pod
above ten feet in Jeogth —Maemillan’s
{ Magarine. ;
i »
The Prisoser's Animas ;
a at i SAO
[to the animus of the prisoner’
i Winess-—The what, yoar biopoe
| Judige—Animus—a Latin word sig-
| pifying mind—ihat is to say, what was :
his intention or teraper or spirit!
i Wilness— Animus snd mind, then,
i are the same thing! I dou’t think he
lever bad auy, your hogor. — Bostaz
‘thew, was a politieisn from Cara Jim, 1
snd ope of The teat EnoWs SHErRCTAre 10 | ;
| of reposentatives for Spanish
with ual or
The name of the Swiss is generally
| mity of sovereignty aimvady septal fa
The primitive weapons of all in-
just farge enough 10 admit of the pas
. : ia in popeersatic shat sno
Jodge Bet what is ost ppinion a ANTHEA JE 7 clpesrsation § 123% £00 18
to say than of what others are Saying,
and we pever listen when we are plan. |
ly solved
The Siroke of entiis That fave s Well
Known Beading Cherk Hin Pines.
bg tne ih
geioetiom of 1a Tem
homes The reading cle
ing ¢lerk Goring Plyeriwe s sizninmirs
Wash ingum of the time. Rewve tils tis :
«7 814m 't suppose 1 Bad any show for
the plnce when i cane © vile tems wid
be, far most of the midi
colinge wen, und sine Were Soret ig-
jets, while the cn’y elocation 1 had ever |
practiced was calling hogs is soothers
[ilinds, though I had been able to get,
up in a political resting sod make the |
$f Weil Pod and Treated, They Attain te
Big Gigh chronicles sre Shways inter. :
esting Attention bs just sow belag be
growed ppm the Weight possi ites of
{Leryn These Bon are mlin emaiy Bont
Yived, snd, prosaded They are pot can
} hetowe ther have had gp chase of Byizg
4 2 8
Jog. avd, provided agen, toey rave
fom srersisn and solicitons Redpers WO
opp their FE
atest Chay then
f ome, they
. ams, we It
24d fk rE,
dnoy a Dew as more
thay ne tue
Emu niall oi
rrpnEE Sees, BRA. as 1 opens vas
penis noprerped with what wegnt Lay
can remch, iY 3 ROL Sh fariiny sie
jos po exend a few
f% tha roo mal :
follows om the back sent lear me 001
thonght I womid go into this oomtest |
anyicw asd do my lest io my own :
way. But you cogs wo have beard Shows |
elonnticmints. The way they rolled their i
1's and bieesd their o's and said ‘ab’ ward |
‘LT was scention | Bom of them dida't |
talk like boman beings snd otbers bad :
voices #0 rich and medodions yoo :
oo idn't bear then 40 Teed away. :
“Hy the time my tarn came I bad
Szed up the Bail snd knew jout sbost
where io throw my vobos, and I deter. |
mised 10 wake mipsel! beard if 144
poking ewe Each sandidate bad re |
cai ved » 0opy of a hose Tall to read i
potivad thes she ntbay lems stared |
cnt this way, "Th BL” and seen. Now |
‘ub i A seand Theat wap tT CRIT, and |
you cant attract the attention of 1b
bowen by grontizg ‘Ub! 50 wien i
started | sxog cut fa a ond, chear vows
tat took theses off their feet, "A 2 33-3 i
bill Cebmg a They wersn't aed $0
that, sod wondered what had broken |
focus. But it seemed 10 catch thers. 1)
sas I was op the right tral, Wo { went
on singing ber out coEar 88 a Heil, med:
when J got warmed wp 1 felt ae good :
{ over id in the hottest spewed of a
cagapaign. . :
Tie thing they gave me 10 read ow
a terror. It bad words 2 01 as lug aes
Aicticonry, bot 1 harried vp snd 2d
through them asd was doiag pretty weil
when 1 locked dows the pags sod saw 8
Wt of Fpanish proper Bases Row, 1
didn't know Bpravish from Apache, bas
I was going aboot 100 words & maasie,
po witbont stopping I gave them two
warses of a littis German poss 1 bad |
learned when & hoy, and bang re if a
phan io that ball seemad tu know the |
Giftersmre except Congressman Nied- |
ringhaes of St Logis Yom omgss
have sets him Jsugh when be heard bis :
pative tongue worked off (Go the hous |
“Yu, | got the plaow, and 5 Was the |
saved toe New York Sen
a —————
Pe Advertised.
vem, when 1 was publistizg a pa
por is Seattle 1 comvinted a man 3% A
most omrhatie way that it paid Ww ade |
sortise. > said an od joormadist. “He
was a fairly prosperous merchact, snd I
fad tend for & Jong time Wo get Bim tO
jrppert an wd vertheezoent ix TOF
SAOh fe Bo wee, be would say.
sever read the sdvertisments in a po
per, and no coe else Coma I believe in
advertising, tot in a way that will force :
feel cm the publ Then it pays But
in & pewspaper — peiiaw | Everybody
rhe reads & pewesaper dodges the ade
vertising paper as if Shey Were Eas :
eats "uatd | "i 1 can sOnYIDOR
that poops Bo read the adwerty in i
pages of toy Peper, Win yom advertise?
CH moe Twin Tadvertiee niber- |
pest dur 1 ram 15 :
lime jx the Jigbtest faced aguie io £ bis
GfAe and suck i ia the mot of
ixrner of the paper between a cvapie of |
patent toeliciig aE
«+ vWhat ix Coben gov.
Veh wagt Aap Bh MARY Je ple an
od Bim by asking what that Line
that bee begred tone to explain ton matier
in my pext imeoe I promised t doit
be wos|d Jet me write the explanation
and stand to it. He agreed, and
“Bie ia going Uo advertise, of piegm A
And be did Zan Francs
Elaguence Croeily Interrapted.
Whos Salas went 10 Australia, be ar
ranged to deliver a series of Jeermres
od he was fond of telling #0 ADRCGOLE
about coe of kia platform experiences |
«1 nas describing to my andience,’
be said. ‘in my very best Eugliah the
coponaiion of her majesty. 1 bad seen
the procession from the corner of Par.
lament street, mind was telling bow the
youRE Eiri sew By in the stately
} . 4 3 4 i an Ag
vio oof cBLASHON ty, the Cig
ber pale young Iuw, Wik Besav ing
reoast. CA ect fob apm ber Luana
af cheek.’ 1 wus saving, ‘Jer sweet,
pallid Jigs shighils parted, a teardrop
trerabiing 3 pra
showed — Bosh
a buxom Go
my inspiral
Fer Urapstie.
A Deiteaie Sochanical Feat
An expert tool Juggler one of the
great Eng onl Sew fptorien in 3 Te |
pent test of wx, yet ome of the |
woowt delicate IRIS ;
bie fe towia AUST EIOM SAW Ing Needle
of metinm size (length 1% toches) and :
drilled a boos Sore its entire length i
frozn eye to point, toe spening being
sage of a very fine hair
The reason why so few wonle are
“ x
thinking more of what be in intecding
ning to speak Rc chetogesuld
With the early penmsakers the problely |
of s point was the most serious, and a
long time elapsed before it was definite
| Mall Guartte
i Sloane in Uenlury
rate ponrd kn Smaony There
md 34 A brending carp whiee
anita] Weight PD Saou DETTE Tyee
cent heavier than Engiish resehed Fi
poande The male was 43 ponds snd
the female 48 pounds By good DVISR
and atter lon they even exonedod This
In 31 years the mae jufon ¥ ponds
and the female 13 ponnds The pod
which afforded 8 home fir these cm
trires was 8 famons coe Io coe prise
&. 000 ponds of carp were taken from
weds gay poking of tenwh ad jwok Ia
this samse pond-—which, by the wey, 00%.
ered 17 sores——tha propriewr howd left
poveral carp for breeding Five of theme
SGeEciey doa BS
| weighed 108 poands Samen, sud tie
nrgent of the five, a Bgisgel carp, sped
18 years, drew in the sciie Siig ponds
Poglisk The age ofthe two Sri s Hinded
$5 cos pot be estimated. They wers 0
bie wetate when it was purebased from
sci her family, 50 years before
We have never to ony perscsal Kuo
edge known a carp that opomaded Ii
ponds to be caught in English waters
A Brace which weighed 33 poands was
| omew presented to the laste Lard Fyre
mont. A cnriome thing sbowt these Lig
fish i their tansenwas. Nr Penoell tells
os be bas sewn carp in the garden ponds
| of Rotterdam eagerly following vomibars
atemt to be fed, while one immense fa!
Jom, with & side as brond ae a fitch of
bacon and in appetite that seemed IG-
| matinble, wernaily pursued Rize for yes
ir 100 yards slong the wide Af thes bank
mati] his stock of bresd had run ent
This Gab, be adds, must have weighed
15 pomnds Their rate of grow tN Sa
beets sppronimately oumpeied GO he
3 ponnde during toe fine six years snd
8 pounds before the festh your ~Fal
Sa A Hh EA
: The Putato In Frames,
In Frases we fod that the potato
tivided, though Sot Withont the seis
| ace of the government. In 1771 a igh
prise was fered by the Acaderar of
Besancon for the dimsovary of 8 new
fond which wosld £0 the placow of oe
| rele in case of 8 famioe Parmestier
shomad Nis potatoes, wd Logis XVigavs
Bigs 00 morgen of land tH plant Chem
on When showing the free Sowers of
his potatoes, the kiog need Thess ad 2
artonihoie bongset, oeen Marie An
| gotnette bad theau in the evening iB Bor
ie god 2% Opes REIHOMK, | doe and
| Bigh functionaries went fo Parmentier
| to obtain Foch Somers
All Paris taiked of sothing bul pota-
| toms and toe cultivate of them ba
king said, Prapes wil theuk you mone
| tigme hence Dooacse you lave fomnd
| bawwd for the poe.” Asd Frases lia
i pu forgotten Parmentier, for 1 maw muy
all in 18S potatoes growing on S48
grave in the gragd oeielery of Par
| the Pers la Uhaiwe, and 1 was samnred
! that they wers planted there every Sour,
| gs that hus services maigbt nwver fue To2-
gorten by Fre
: Horsioulvaral
jets. ——dotirnal Royal
PRA omposs po A Si
When Eassoumms Are Daagrroiie.
Sos Ramses cal perhaps tee most
hackney cartilage mo 1
bani Eo arreye.
to the traced Lan
This is thas the sal a vary Hable
get damp a wat weather. A mile oF
[pwo’s sitting on We ® Med naling
| puay easily resaf In rey a
en cr 3 pesersi chill ending 14» more
Phe hasacm cabman is very anenalb ds
} I pio OF wm, ans if 12 Se Re
orally were :
| state of le
Che calm TT ia
wos sk Lh @ 4 Sin an 0
wake Te Foams to 4D at
aE A% Is, Tow en talon mo guwal ea
pains. bat are dat Lod WL EAS
their "fares
get ont, leaving Bt
Briss Me :
The Ruassian Army Ia Napaleap's Day.
The Roscian afmy was strong in rege
: ;
i x. Gis i pric at a + aS i
fglar jefaniry, INE Weds fay Wei. aml
wiimed cavalry, although Me tter Anliey
i #
was largeiv supplied bY the { osmnr ks,
peculiar body | £ riders from Gee Vole
A ld T A 3 4 3 o i n
Cand the Don, whe pall the reltac ok
whsaty Inside to the crown by four years
military service at llesr own ohare,
Then. as now. they fonght with barbar-
| fo ferocity. They attacked in (pen fim
mation, esch man for himself, and gave
po quarter anti the czar offered x duoat
for every live Fresciunsa Ther wer
known to tide 100 miles in 14 Hours, |
and their services in pUreuiog am eg. |
smy were inva inabis — Professor W. M.
rise to & Philsduiphian.
“Rear about the trulley accilent yes-
“Wey, what was 3}
smger got a seat.” —Philadel- |
phia vail
2 3s Ome of the Wont Ancient of All The
Is is geeraily believed, by the Bmpie
snd sn sroad, that the art of advertise
ing woof comypurativaly moderns inven
tice bat a wery slight study of the ab
quiver (hat if in im poant of fact, cme of
the most ancient of all the civilized aria
Indend , {he fret advertisement was prob
ably sosival wich the frst man who had
something to dimpews of or with the
$ret woansn who wanted somneth ing the
pad Bol got Tt seems nok ims
that the wrrpent tempted Eve to sartaios
of toe apyle by means of » “poll pars
graph, setting forth the merits of the
fruit a8 hn complexion deastifier. Be that
as it mar. the ome of advertisment
wera known at 8 very early Sate to the
Yeraslinne. who were socustomed $0
piscard the strects of thelr cities with
the pttdrances of Kings and prophets
The socivnt Greeks, 190, Were moch
given to advertisement, shiefly through
the rnddinms of the 1OWD crier, who,
bewever was not permitted so offend
tive ears of the citipens with Lim procis-
pastions nnliess be wers arovmpanied by
a masician to give Bim the scurreet pitch.
Tow fact thal property bad been stolen
or damisged wax made Known by means
of purses, ineirioed npos sheets of Jead,
wlio wer: Mixed to the statues of If
ferns) deter in the temple, the venge-
apes of tae pods being thes ined
spn the pessoas wha had olen oF 18
jured the aivertiser’s goods A rider
was sesslly sided, to the ofece that
shim ld the property he returned, oF MO
canpenes te pond, the Owner womid In
teroade with ihe gods for » remimien of
the punish
The Rosas ales made oie of the
own orier fo progiaim laws. Tihs,
or sales. used the walls of the strests
rapa oovived with petions vainted in
Black or red, or inscribed spin Serra
entes labi, and Jet into the pillars 60
either gid (f Binses and shops Many
of theme Wall advertiepunts were found
in Hercoinens and Pompetr, among
Shon most Sintra ing being The ARLORINON-
mans of (he indiatorial games, CORI.
fg promise that slemizey wont De pr
A in case of rain amd thos the sand
win be witersd shonkd the weatier be
exoeptionally warm —Oorndild Mags
Rie :
The Latiter Part of =» Complay Boleros
Paits to Werk Suoeesmfaliy.
Bald wu whchessls whisky merchand
Wa Bava (be reputation of giving more
for charts than any other class of mel
While wi git credit for sane 100g We
do, pot there ars many calls made apn
oi thst sre never recorded. 1 remensber
a cate net long age. A furmer DRGEDer-
Sue Hien name Ite our pata liehepent.
His tock cat his bundherehief and wiped
tbe teary that came nto his eres. Ing
Broken hearted manner he said that hie
write was dying ed thet the doctor had
prewsribod whisky. bat that he did not
Ravn soy money When be told seh »
oie of wrod © sald
o «My friend, if your wife ia really
sick, Twill give von the whisk,’
“Ea priors he was telling the truth,
snd 1 pwn the whisky in 3, hotiin of
which wean cor brand He left, the hap
pleat Going man in the workl 1 was
feeling gonad sien and Was fatiering
mye! [nee thinkieg 1] might be ancther
goad Skmariias, when presestly my
iad reappeared. This time Ris tears
wae slisag dows end hi fran Was
shaking with owmrsisve soba i went
ved tx Bim and asked, “is your wife
dint TO
afraid ihe wal
my front gate 1
Arippwil the i
ti Riki
Caml amen TIARAS wn hack Tar on to
gow, A061 har yop wil give me
aninther tetas
HT aad touched and rerned to gut him
gmotivr bettie, wing 9 WY surprive 1
gb a dlanos 35 a pheow of the gine 1
sald, “Exiuse me, wy friend, bob the
Silt | pars you was Shite Riess and
thie cae 1 4 1 then exmuinnd the
pitoss aud A that 11 WIA BN
rip par our brand Tha La 4 oa the
Bliss was water foedked at BY
sriomd a picked up the pecs, farted
rudd micipbied ap azcnse and seem pod
off wel cnievilie Uimrier Jonrnas
1 ew of & voung man who bas Bia
walls soversd with the portraits if pret
tif girls and women-—somse » af them
A fow ars aoquaintances, Dut tHe meager
de of the photographs ans ff aITesases
and wags :
Hix flames wed to a friesd of maine
tl wr day:
De wom knew, 1 feel quite jeans
vd henry hesrted wien I go into that
ge % 1 wader Wit he
apa see 10 ome alter looking at aii those
Jowele gars for hours at a Gime?
x 2 oemik me friend SADe men
wt Sor besaty in their wives”
; ors. a the awful slonoe arrived
dnp time, abe felt like sinking throng
soe Aor. though ber Sieranoe had heen
Hn bonat one :
Tha maiden WHHL SWRT rataer hastily
Wier that, sid beet returned, —Pally
Pry ia New York Becorder ;
Sat ni wily Defined.
Willis ia, what is the meaning of
ite sxpession | IOnCD ani RU Br
Papa—It's very simple, my sob it
mess extreme speed, and refers tO the
profesional Larrowers, Who make a
ponch amd go so fast yon widom see
them sgain —Philmieiphia Record.
“Dw you say that as a lawyer or a
man? exclaimed an exasperated wit
| pees whom a lawyer Was (Puss eXMRID-
Jing If you say IF as 2 an, it is a la
and a slander, but if vou say it aan
| Iawwsr it's pot of the slightest vonse-
| quero. ig
Reed pens split at the end like quill
b pens have been found in Egyptian tombe
| dating probably 2.500 years befire
[| Christ.
+ A rah du