The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 06, 1896, Image 2

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    ox 3 © Robert McMurray, paddler, sealded
1. Bip broken; may dis.
= 1 DREAD i
Result of a Boiler Explosion at
ive Killed, Others Hurt,
Phe Earth M d- 10 stake sa by the Effect of
: Barthgoske. :
Bornipayskina, Jeu. 80. At 7:15 this
gpornin, tii commnoity was visrted by a
Serribie ataiity vod hoes of life. The large
Shirty- rob cylinder boiler st the works of
the Hollidsysturg iron sod wire pail
eompany exvloded, The bulier was blown
through the rocf of the works 300 feet in:
$0 mid-air, and came ssitinig down ike »
spent rocket, erashing throagh tbe ro [
in another departmant of the works.
The entire rool was knocked to the floor
Beicw by the foros of the sxplosivo, snd
he works were practically wrecked.
| Thess works are located slong the hae
of the Morrison's sove branch of the Peon
gleanis rotirosi. Tbe fi;og boiler ai
post onus! t the Martinsburg passenger
feain in ils J soent. ;
Pollowing = the list of the dend and
wounded cp. is of the works:
Deal ;
Ceotge Lane, wosol; was found crash
od 1010 a lifeless m/s onder the boiler.
Con Beans, helper; trsotared skull.
Merrill Trees, 15 years 01d, head groand
off under the fy wheel.
Two tramps who had beso fryiog mest
of the furnace were buried in ibe rots
and have not yet been discovered,
Wonoded— : oe
Semosl Kephart, paddler, scalded
about fave snd body; will die.
about tase and body: will die.
Frank Cramer, saperintendent of the
mill, several rite Lrokeo sod bead eat,
Bumoel Marke. paddler, severely soald-
| Joho Woommer, puddier, scalded and
Vigey Perguson, puddler, severely
George Moore, whesler, internal fujar-
David MeUlosky, boss of psi depart
ment, bodily je jan A
Muwrshall Wier, laborer, spite hart; may
“ # /
John Heflerin, tramp, ents In and;
as die Si |
Geog Rocks, roller, cata in the bead
Hotwrt Marks, straighteer, wrist snd
sukie iroken; interpal igjaries; may
ci. ay |
Duniel Oavkad, Saber, internal wnjar
Wikis Hardsock, beater, several bod.
ily wari,
Ce Drage: Aven, Yaddler, several bodily
© imjnrwe. /
i Smaller ii jarics were sustained by the
aptire forest 120 men 16 the mill,” with
fe sole wid mingnlir oX wption of Lioyd |
©rumer, (hie sogiurer, sod Wesley Athey,
f Tiss two fhsn evoaped an-
fb explosion was sofficient to
he earth with the foros of an esrth |
# pest he works, sed broke window |
s red in Waskizgton County Ready to
SE Lo ipight for Ber Jody pesdencs,
oo Wasiiworos, Jao, SL Dt. James
Hownrd, of Vesilia, Washington ocousty,
Pe. who applied Jest week for admission 0
fhe ranks of the Coben insargects a regi-
wiital gargeon, bus written Gen. Thomas
_ Palmer, Cobso envoy, who has bhead- |
arters io Washington, thet several
g meu in the Venitia peigbbarbood |
escamprosnt for 1506 received & telegram
last night from Commabder in Obi
Walker. at Iodispapolis, stating that at
every conosssion it seks 84 to rate. The
soiation of ite intentions and 1t i stated
on the contrary, has telographed » state
sat's raid to hia London solioitons 6 be
RS br
They Capture Men, Arms and
Churches Used as Forts
Blows Up, Gen Teglor Avie Two Years in
: Which to Sopyress the Revolt.
New York, Jao. 30 A rpecisl cable
dwpsted ro the Herald from Havana says:
News com-s {rom Paysmo, in eestern
Cuoba that the important towns of Jignani
and Baters on th road between Manze
witic and Santiago 1 Cuda bave beer
ssptured after severe fabting, by Colonel
Wilson and bis party of filibosters.
The tows tharches which were ased
se stroogholds by the joosl spanish troops
were blown op. Wilson took 160 prisoo-
ars and seigad 300 Manser ins sud (0)
| 0 cartridges, .
Bn the New Federal dutiging to be Erected in
SE | Aliegbesy City
Wass rsarox, Jun. 31.—At the offs of
the sap ruining srobitet it was staiad to-
dey that as soon ss Leach & Sco, the
Glseage contractors to whos was award.
el The contract for batiding the Allegheny
pret offiom, completed their tond, work on
the eh perstradare wound begin. Toers |
aro oul, tao federal boildings in Peaneyl-
varia 11 Gonree of constraction, aitboagh
sppropristions haye beets made for sever.
él The two on which work is being done
ré the Allagheny post office snd the pab-
lie batidiog st Beaver Falls. The Soran
ton postoffice and the taderal baking at
Tork bave jost been sompleted, and some
wrk has been done on the postolice at
Caestar, bat the plans have not even been
completed for baiidings st other places in
the state, an
Trideiny is dae to the small foros of
dranghtemen io the employ of the govern.
ment, Au srohiteot in Sapervising Arohi-
toot Avken's offios suid to day that the
force st present was Bo larger thau 10
years ago, and that congress had within
the past few years antborized appropris-
tions for more than 100 federal butdiogs |
in different portions of the oounlry, tor
the grestsr nnmber of which plans have
pot even been drawn. Aiken, in his an
nual report, will sak that congress anth-
origa the employment of several addition.
s! drangbtemen and srobitects.
ew AR
81. Pacy, Jan. 31.—The Bt. Paol ¢ m-
mittee baying io charges the G. A. R.
the reqoest of St. Pani be bad postponed |
osiling the executive commitien anti
Pebruary 20. This ie not telen to mean
that 5t. Pal will in the weed secure the
The Chicago & Gress Western has an |
poanosd that it will grant the OG. A RB.
rond Lae given potive to the Western “|
that the Minueapolis & 5. Lois sad ove
other road will follow soit to morrow, i
Tuis will bresk ap the association sod |
make » general sorsmble for bastiess,
A SA RS RY § ;
No Denial From Raoies
I J. Bhoiden, ex:
premier of Cape Uclony, hae arrived at’
ths island of Maderia. It transpires that f
the report: that he will plead ignoranos |
of the operation of Dr. Jameson ia the
Tresasvsal ars atfoanded. Mr. Rhodes
weot of the evetls lending to Dr. Jame
re 4lno anxions to juin the rebel racks.
He enclosed gevers! applications. |
As it 0 General Pulmer’s busioess io |
this oomnioy Sov Serre moLey and men to}
bible they will be soospled. Agents |
of the fnsorients in Washington sre very
setive, anid nu sifache al ibe 1. iTRent]
Deadquarters suid today (oat recente
the conntry, Weshinglou Laviog sired iy |
fai0iched murs than 200 mep.
Browsed ba ihe Clarion. ay
- Fuariaxp Mines, Feb. 2 Spent on the | Lon to the Herxid from Havans, says. i
ase of ths ostrgents, it in gate | ky, while ndusg batween the cars of &
ased xe evidence io Jassaor's defense
when the Jatter's trial comes off
Killed on Whiskey Ras BR XK.
Prsxsvrawsey, Feb. 3 Adam Latze
dirt 11416 on the Whiskey Hou ratlrond, |
4 thrown to the track pear McoGees
Mills about® o'clock Friday afternoon, |
4 and his bead completely rvered from his |
‘wets bring rawed io Jif est sections of {body His remams were brought to this
piece for interment yesterday.
: CC Ree Weyher's Three Years Task 2 :
New Youk, Jan. 30. A special cable |
© jor Usa jend to thie death of ope more Isd | 5 (udu dispatch to Ls Discassion tw |
ard another home hes best made wad |
throngh the frequently recurring mis
hee of the most pupulsr of winter out:
dsr amusements. ay :
Lest Friday afternoon, after the close |
uf suhonl, & party of boys went down oo |
the 1iver pear the match factory to skate. |
Pie wai weather | ad made the ioe nn-
ewle and When A group of three struck »
wesk spot they were all precipitated into
tbe water. A ery for sssistance led 10 the
_ ye.cniog of two of the three, bot oue, |
Penny Timbly, sged & years, was lost un
der the ise. ‘The body of the last ind was
pecuvered at 10 o'clock yeslerday morn-
jug. It was found in'dead water about
| 80G0 feet below where the ioe had brokes.
The drowned boy was a son of Thomas
Timbly, a family of French descent. The
faners!, which was held to day, was very
largely attended. ir Aa
reat Stamp in Coke.
Uxtoxrows, Jas. 30.—The coke trade
shows bo improvement, bat the operators
A predict thet it will brighten opine few
weeks. Coke men say that the slomp io
porta that before embarking for Cabe. |
Capt. Gen. Weyler said that be would be | ¢
quite satisfied if be shoald sasceed in |
supprecsing the rebwlinos in two years. |
The acreage of Kafilr corn in Kansas
this year is larger than ever buf, The |
drosght of 1584 taugit raany farmers
that they must prepares for adverse sea |
gons, aud the fact that Kathir cotn will |
stand a dry semson when Indian - corn
will dry up caused many ficida to be
planted with it. The rest its have bees
satisfactory. In some counts of ‘the
state, notably Montgomery, the yield of |
the Kuffir cdo has rub ag Tigh ax 60
bushels to the acre, and 30 or #0 bush- |
els to the nere is considered a very ordi |
pary visid As 8 bushel of this corn |
will go as farin fattening cattle and |
hogs as a bushel of the Indian corn, it
can readily be seen that a great paint |
has beens ga ned in is sacoessful pro-
duction. ~bicage Tribune
* Nothing is more necessary than good |
light and plenty of it. bt 1s civilimog |
and Christianizing, & means of grace |
and a measure of morality. Evil and |
mschie! fiy before bright ght, and !
personal safety and the security of prop- |
erty are greatly increased “when there |
are no dark corpers or midnight hiding
places for thieves and interlopers we
New York Ledges.
Lest of all large cities
Lemmeryin, BH
1 Hines
Talive alr, the r “a he pee,
Boca will ie orn 38 bier
Every lovely | aver Bere
; wield YORE
o her pe ilt drany
phd ;
Gollum hal freon past ta wont]
$i, 42 ati Dlooworas feet
For the dying masons shircad:
Pratsien to = Mahar vowed;
Prabiins, set in oder nim
Asters famed Wo the hyiss
With tho weight of tows anion x
Pollvhorks pine while and reds
Diminty folnimne wrenthed with Leki
Viateta of pare porfome] 7 ey
Bomex paling oa and wan
Vit 5 sweet: si wiil Rave gone!
Taaction fair, the snd Ie near. /
Dry oy ie the sy van yaar]
At Juenee Camitie.
Remarkable Treatment of a Convict by
Governor Bob Stewart, who way the
chief exeontive of Missonri once and aft.
erward United States senator from thas :
state, had a strange career.
Daring bis gnbernatorial incamivney :
he was ome ~lay looking thr oo | toe
penitentiary at Jefferson City «v5 iv
saw among fhe convicts an aged man
whom he raognized. Oni the following |
day he sert to the warden of the prison
cress to hare that men brought to Use :
exeontive mansion
Whan the man appeared, the govera.
or, calling him by same seked him 3
he hadn't orcs bean the mete of a Mis
sours river steamboat. The convict ad
mitted that hie had been, snd then the
following conversation ensosd, tw gov
ernor beginning: : :
“IR yoa remember at one time of
Baviog taken blankets sway from a boy
who was a EowWaway on the boat sad
Micking bim sahara?’ :
“The cirrsmstance doesn't recur to
me now, :
stanmboat miate io those 4
scnsiderabis of 8 brats”
“Yon xiv, and you Rlled the bill ad
mirsbly. I was the boy yo robot and
Kicked sshare very near to this capital
ofiy, apd thus | became enabled to give
you your pardon. ' Hers, sir, take it
Mow, right about
door and off these prancees, sud nave
let me swe your brutal old face sagem.”
adi wo be
Ths oid convict walked away quite
briskly for nna cof Dosage
A Bttie sthils ago 8 senator told me
that one day about the elose of the war,
sx perhaps a little Ister, he wad Walk :
gg down Peonsyivania pvenue in Wash |
fapton with apother senator wiven his le
companion atraptly caled b a gfilention |
to a rather distingnishid Socking man :
in » gang of laborers who ware © leaning |
the streste, and I think be said suder i
police guyend ance. an
“Dis yon kpow who thet min br”
the second penator asked
Well, that is ex-Govsrnor snd ex.
Senator Hob Stewart of Misourt He
wan of acciyivin] natare and tae non
slities of Washington proved toh much
for him. Pele Licago Thues Terald
Farapenn Capitals. -
The French statistician, 8 Bertil.
Jom, has compiled sume interes ive fae
regarding the population of Pein and
other great capitals | (miy 288 jer cont
of Hs present population was hom iu
Paria, and this percentige has remained
practically he sue for the Inst 40
years. Thi native papal fon ia St Pe
| tersburg ia 32 par cert; dln Berlin,
{45 in Vienna sad, contrary to he gen
{eral upinien. 63 in Lindan—the high
if all Ear
pean capitals Paris has the greatest
sumber of foreigners, mor) than
{81 G60, excinsive of 47.004 paty
ralized fozeigners. Among tlisee are
26,563 Gerrans, while in Berl
are only 387 Frack Londos |
go oan foreign
Y 9 “13 ake”
tu Paris tow wav her
Lat awards ERAS
thre are mere Belgians
ponnis of soy
the fiermai
alia 18. 21
gnc X
Germans Role Earope i
we may be sd to be mied en
Jurraans, since the heads of
signing hones are, hv the most far,
£ (lormon origin The British roval
house is of pure Gernian descent, The
Apstrisn emperor is a German and a0
are the Spanish princes. The king of
Devimiark 3a a Gertsan, The King of Swe
don 1s of French ancestry (thn funnder
4 the present Tine was Bersadotta),
Lat his recent ancestors have heen Teer
mans. In fact, the Presch rc vai lines,
the Portuguese and the Italians are the
oily hop-fisrmans among she © yal
houses of Enrops. Tven the kings and
princes of the former Turkish provinesy
: parte, (ireece and Rouma
Big——idrs Germans lixchangs.
Out of the Mouths of Babes.
Little Efe west 10 svnagegue. and
Cwrhen the rabbt exiled next day, wishing
to: be soeiable, she sald to hia, +1 heard
you speak your piece vesterdaf.
‘Dd you, my child? he maid, ball
surprised, half amused How did you
Like 1027
Vil answered the bopest. chi,
it puade me awially sleepy. |'— Amer
ean Hebraw,
Cape Horn (8 ove mass of black rook
without vegetation Jr birds The sea al
ways rons off it with tremeniions furce,
and rounding the cape is considered by
sailors coe of the n madlyest of passes.
served in the Federal army dunng the
civil war coe Sith were killed in acting,
one-half were wounded
3 : v + ui as 3
Now York, the greatest of onr com- |
metcial cities nnd the leading seaport,
is also the greatest manufactaring state.
General Harrisens Frpiaine How ir Was
ng the Mauna Charta—the gensrad
* establidhind agal uemges Or cuatoris
| These ars not compiled io any siogio in
| trent as with ps, but are to be
sotght 1 pare placks,
| making a state constitution is 10 nieet
| by a popular vi 5 delegutas 10 a CORA ;
| of government
_ the exercise off
bat doubtless I 434 31. A
March out of that © J
: Listening © s the Tee Flee to the Bonr of
| sheet of water rge enough
1 believe nevertheless that
deat ads and dg
Lines ob wre
{i Zutil the pressure on guar coinmns Das |
write Brivfly and contin
dresses. Mra. Brown,
: a : i muoh!
Of the West Point graduates wae |
{ op it —4C hieago Record
j fer. Do you want it #-Chieago Tribune.
Made by the Peopln
Fx President Harrison's paper in The |
Ladies’ Home Joumal of *'Khts Cons
try of Oars’ sirips trosls 00m praben
#ocely of the ousstitation and its appli
cation and mwration, definieg the in
stramest, ita sign and limitations
clearly. "The wird ‘constitution,’ he
writes ax uss among oy implies a
written instrritpent, bat an Engiand 1%
{# used to desoribe a gorerugrental ere
ten or organiestich made op of ehartars
acts of jarbament and a body of lceg
Sha cominioh ABierican peage In
tion, whose dud {5 is fo prpars a
When ti
bave agreed atl have propory curtified
the jostrarsent it is submitted to a di
root voto of ly people, and each voter
casts a ballon’ lor the anpistitation’ 0
* Agninwt the «2 «itntion. if a maoarity
vote for. the i mtitntion, it then be
omen tine pare nn? lew of the stata
The jegislatar: (oes po make (he (on-
stitation ; the sonstitatlon makes the
Jogisiavare 1 « Amerioan idea is that
aonstitutions por ceed from the peophs in
{er mataral Fight of self
goverment wil can ofily be ames ded
or sapersedad Ly the pecphs. WN hatver
one degisiatum of ohngress AACE The
Dest Obes ma copeal | hat neither can re.
peal or infringe a agostitaticnal provis)i
Tie delegtiter a the comvention that
foamed the sonstitoticn of the {ained
Sates were not, however, cliosen by a
v spnisr vole lo (he sales, tut by the
sisiatores Nor was the question of
a adoption of the canstitnlion subimiy-
{ in the «tates to a direct pogluiar
a ®*% There have been (3 armen:
Lonta to the conetitation adopted. Ten
¢ thems wera proposed to the legisla
sa (8 the states by the Pirst conyrees
ratified. The other five afuendmenta
a in His manner been sobiniitied by |
rosa to Lie state Inginiatnras for rate
tion, conventions in the states not,
ing been need im any casa 18 wiii be
ad ais that the vote upon fhe |
tiem of the sonstitotion and apon |
wiments thereto is by states, each |
+ without reganl to ite population, |
na one vote. But while these provi
¥ make the popular control less di-
than is nsoal in the sates and Deo
rily reooinize the states in the pros
oof making and amending the onsti-
fe om, the lea thar constitoticns pro-
ce. | from the people ix sot kat.’
tive Coming Storm. i
When tha swell ix heavy in the ie i
pack, it is often very diffienit toh amcer- |
tain from wich direction 11 CONGO, and |
jst as diffiondt we a8 ia, Jost so impor:
rapt may it be that it should ti fond
cut rightly. as the safety of the ship
might wholly dupend pp sorrel judg
ment as to Lh ‘When the huge iow
riasseaE Begin to opaoen and slew aod
profs on tha ides of the vessel, Fipiug
and falling in a heavy swell, tishn thera
i RLY Loe GRRTHe-- RADY, ta wiek the.
vemel into the Selds away from the side
from which the gale blows A mistake |
an (0 the direction of the running swall
hax often proved fatal, and the si istaka
in easily mate : Loo 3
Aw oid arctic sealer told md how in
Bers of dread in the arch ipnack ha
hard abd his ear down tothe ic Soo and |
sternal ihe sar of the wink or gwanil
that tari ble pessagn Doo tie {urine
galp—and bow be thus had discovered
whence the ga lo was pressing and had
been able 4 save the ship fram destroe :
tion I tried his method and finnd that |
it worked admirably. What ix well
worth noticing ie that ppen water noariy
aiveays is fib be fonnd 18 the i
one wide of Seeberpe Pha fwoalbarys thu
wa met Were generally in mition, car
ried onward by the raling current. Ot
“tas they ran 4 in the ralelds at
. yd :
a weed of ow ote, prilnd uy she
; t
Sahat If 4 hd 3 i xin Yak 3 &
hoe foes tefore their o ull givtering
bows tnt Dehind thems they Jan Open
he any suip
Now, thers would of con the fax any
dangers for a vessel tugged dione the
foi pack by such a Boating mong
fis ethos |
might he pstrumental in
sol from berng orusbed wien the wwefield |
ia moving heavily ~~ EH arehgreving |
in Cendary. ! : i
Resouress of Jonrasiism. :
“P'we got to have saupthing to fil
aut thiseclomn with,’ sail the foreman :
af the Splketown BOs, poking hig
baad into the editorial sandra. That's
all thers ti about in [ve ran in wd the |
3 the catch lines and |
slngged everything out mil there jan :
even 4 piece uf wood ring Lot eft in the
office, and Pm
Whersapon Editor Clukston sat down |
and wrote as follows: Viwing ta te
erowded state of oor colgmns this week |
we are oomnpeiied to © wit sevaras inter
in type. Friends will please bear with
- 1 ”
ps Advertisers muss by accomraadated.
snsed uh correspondepts wil please
P themseives Ww
simple statements of face’ —d ‘hioago
Tribune :
He Notiesd That.
Husband— Really, 1}didn’t novices the
kiscuh, wars her
gown en rain i
Wife—It's a ne you pokiced that
Husband—{ onlin help it—1 stepped
: Only Tw Burvivors Pieked Tp, snd Thay
AA 4A NE A Tre SpE
{ own cali SEE Bale
i might arise, Go a
J IMIne IE pireenl
| yoni of the Zayger Zee. She must
er, bat
ving A vos
{pur the aoots’ or fabing boats if the
( pomst, and when dey broke there Wak Bo
| Lotine, Only two survivors were ploked
{ was fresh and belie the sand bud silted
i ar drifted over the wrk, the Dr itoh toed
| ematic and seme really costly efforts
: | FAHY WY Nh id.
esting cummanieations pow statsiing | 0 was recoysred.
Lin 1403 by an English engineer, Mr,
He became interested in the Latine, und
MORE THAN $1,000
Talk shoot pervs! A Caribon dentist
tells The Republican that a woman
came to bis room one day lately, and,
. alsorwing him an aching tooth, asked if
#4 would coigmont bard. The dentist.
wh Hy An SH SA
oon Dried Of the Vast Treasure 8500.
B00 Tins Beco Hecoverad. Extensive Op
rations Under Way to Sernre the Meet.
There $4 an caleen chair in the offies of
Lioyds’, in London, the great maritime {
fren which has a strange and romantic
history. Is was made from ibe rodder
of the king's ship Lutine, which, in
1799, was wracked in the North sen,
with tive largest amonnt of 20ld on board |
that ever went to the batt. The sep-
retary of Llovde' recently gave to the
public an interwsting aoronnt of this
wrock and of the namerons attempts to
find ber lost treasnre. The Latinawas a
34 gon frigate, captured from the French {
in 1793 i
“In the antomn of 1796 it was neoie- 'y
sary to send a large amount of specie
across the North sea, and, ay penal, ap
plieation was made to the admiralty fora
king wship This method of cunveyanes
wis thonght the best goarantes for bon i
ssty, the best ssnrance sgainet captnrs |
by foreign foes. Althongs some money
fs supposed to have heen transmitted by |
| the Latins to pay British troops then 5 4
serving in Hattand, the nik of {he |
| treasure was forwarded for purely cong
merrial reasons ;
“london merbants feading with
gorth (lermany fn thoes (duys were in|
the habiy of semding their goods und
then deswing bills for their voles vjon |
Hambrrg and other honss at so many |
months ahead Hy the time the bills foil
dus the goods bad been sold for cash, |
which was paid ints the banks 10 mipet
engagements. Bot a protracted frost in
the karly purt of 1799 had #0 jog sal
ed the Fle thet the nistehand ion had
ha landed ar disgeuid of 2 tone
“The London weiss to save their
eradit and sera Lie S40
providing new bells aud
Aas Boros Arka § pe
iogarne fo pnaturily
Lorine, wo gl
thal & Lb» 5
Jy avery buiiin
diepatchmi x
HONE rag
Hcl Lo ii
wigs in any 00
RO Was inured
AR Rrons dea
authoritative, pravaii. ai
aspeant on bound Ca Fails
rhe specie, Wwiiah wis 1
HR dg or,
plastery, dcbin
goldpieces, stiver pissters arid dollars, |
also io gold and silver bars, reached a
total valine of opwanrd of 4 milion
vIn Oetober of that year the Laing
was ordered ronpd to Yarmouth to take
rasa tn bossd wid provesd to) the
Ditey, Her caplain Wis one Lastuselon |
Skyuner, Ko XN an offoer of distin! both, |
and no dead hin missin was mois thi
lin taste. The short vivage was i sely |
to bring him considerable profit, flor in
was ihe rule to pay taval captains ul
commision of 1 per cont ou the total
value embarked,
“ie hoe srening of tw lth cf Cwtoher 8
fhe Lotioe lay i Yarmouth rads with
a merry party an hosed
a grand Ball to the leading propia im and
abont Yarmonth, The last of the guests :
had hardly gone ashore when pti |
tary orders came from the adraiiealty |
that the Lotine sboakd forthwith go 1
sun She satied (nthe sarly morning of |
the th, aod from that tine very Hatrle
wus heard of her
Tp iu, however, known that she steer
ad a otraight course for Cusiavin, at
the month of the Eine, wind string |
from north northwest. and proatiy
‘After landing passengers and
freasnre the Lotine was to convoy is fest
of werehantmen 10 the Battie, aid
Assen after midnight, ginbg from atid |
ander full pros of wail, she sfrmek (nthe i
paler hank
an next ta the Texed and |
fa ring of isbagds that bow thn |
have been slightly ont of the sours, anid
ft tx said that thers wal a sirong We ticker |
suing. During the aight altel Wont
down with alla board, Another King's
ship, the Arrow, Captain Portion, was
in company, but sie ecnld give ng hep,
Bosrnd and ond pot TW TS
5 Yip. ne
pr Lj iat % EH
- 2 ¥
ihr peabalibe bh
pomnarcin: waa bw pail ta
: PYhwsins 8 1066 py WL
Pin 6 TE Dm
. Beech (reek Railroad.
xp Mani
NaF No. ow
parte, gold sud mliver, guineas golden «0
The cagtain,
es donbi in excejlent sgirita, had ven
of the isipnd of Vielsud {
| after an inspection, replied that it would :
be un easy tooth to pull; whereupon the 7
sufferer remarked : "Wall, I'm giad. A
blanksmith promised to pull the tooth
with & pair of pinchers, and I guess Ti
Jet him do the job, if the tooth is comin
easy.’ And swey she went, leaving an
astunished and bewiiderad dentist
gaze ut her in wonder a4 sis started for
the black, mith's shop —Lewistan Jous
rai !
On und 7 er Nov, 10h, 1M, prssengir Loait 8
willprrive und depart from tha ots Auily =%-
wip Rundiy, ae Iolloows : ;
Ho Carwene viii and Clearfield :
¥ Bradford, Wailelo and Rowtontor,
Punxsutawnay and Rig Baa,
mr, Falls reese,
Pan zeuts and Hig Boe
Crm theld wad Willlsnuegeort,
15 Ridgway snd Pradiord,
& a Ponte iawaer sod Hig Bun
Sob“ Clenrfleid and Phils.
FA Fails irwk.
i 45 am Punpsutawney sud Big Bes
TER Ho Falls Creek.
Hrwmiford and Ridgwsy
CO areweneyiih aed Uksatieid,
Lienrfieid 4 Pls
Pan ssuiawney syd Hig Res
Rochester and Bufo
: Panmentawney and Big as
TLR ® OO Savwenevilie std Cle riieid,
Tosummnd ini iirkets good Hr passe DeLWWeD
#1 wintbans gl 2oents por mie. -
For triste, time tation and Poll nrmatios
gl ots on add rows
: MM Laundergen, Agent. Dedlele
EOL Lapry, pins haem Apent,
: : Haw tester, N.Y.
Lo Matthwrww Geen Mopl, Hodhegter NY,
#5 txiared Han
Mii Haven
Risoris Mills
Hine Hock
C Vipeyurd Run
Broek way yilie
MeMian summa
Harveys Run
Fails reel
Phos Bevin
Thmin K BIT som. Towdp £ 1100 a
Tin |, 0p. w
Tim 4 ®S po.»
1. BR. WOOD,
Gen Ag Paw,
ar Pape
a 83 BE ARE ME NEN me sd a
EY C&R ER Co: lessen.
end Up : Hewmd lows
> Roe Ra B®
ind nn »
lis’ ais SE
iL 00 Ar learfleld Jase
55 sn Woodland
BS be Binler
Bens WRN
A Starrs ate Mines
al OE A
BEA ri Praigmbarg 3 {cw
Ar... Monsen...
XB wo Pewie
; Ryow Slaod
crass Hels Uren
Cais Mii Hall
Ei ae Raven. :
i... Youpginle [Wavie
i Jersey Rope Howton
¥ aloe Willlsmowgort. Ar?
rs AM >
> ;
4 E
wi Rt a 8
wasn ass Wenn
wEovcmm uae |
+ io
SR ng we Nee Wag OA
- :
salty. PW im EASY, LE Pu Sundays.
(0S AM, Sundays.
Cosi setianie- AL Willimeport with
in and Reading Ratirosd At J
CB tion will the Fai! Brook Ry. at M
Clanil Cenitrat Hallo of Pentey! vane. Al
Praipetsirg with Peas B ff. At ¢iemrBeld
with dhe Rafal, Rochester and Pitsburg mil
ony Af Mabafey and Patton with Csmbeis
wha Clare division of ihe Pearawy lvanin
aglirvad AL Malfoy wilh the Peg ney vRIIS
aged NOP uestern ries
AGPALMER. Gen’ Passenger |
Aun perintendent. Prise phn,
a 18 EFFECT NOV, 5 de
Mgtedeiphin and Erie Baiiroed D1 ints
roe Tabs. Tins wiv Driftwood
Od A.M ~Tenln 8 daily sXxoepl Rgnday, for
Han oury, Harrtubarg and inlermedisie sles
Ghonm, arsiving ad Phiflisctol plete, S50 3 Wy
wow Tork, £58 oo mL; Ballinsare, aad Be Whey
Washington, 8 pa Pulien Parlor ong
roan WliREugert apd passeogeld smelne
trom Kune Wo Plliade phin
+59 7 M«Train A dally sxewipt SNuuday, OF
Hurristanyg and iatieraed late stsbionin, AITIY:
pve ah Ihibadel phils lt & Oa, m., New Yuk
Tol a Puiinsn Bleeping oars frome Hea:
Asbirg 10 Philsdelphin and New Yor
Patiaded 5 LA PARLE TR CR Le ol aleepe
iti pti TER A ie
up by a Duteh ingger at daylight cllag
jug to the wreckage, one of whom died |
almost Gnmediataly, and the arbor, Mr
Schatrach; tho Botary, Vy scan after |
ward tied, buy not until be bad wld the
Htle he kivew,
“* Repeated Aifarts have been made W0
Maco Lhe maney. Ya thw your ime i
diatel¥ following, when the whole tBg {
fished np some £35,000, Then mare 58:
were made, and by 15379 another £30,
“The preset operntions wera Deg wn
Flotcher, who had besn anguged. on thi
Dutoh coast in raising a sunken dredge.
associating himself with another amis
pent engineer, Mr. Rinipple, théy bavk wil
Hy apd ir lermidiatestations, arn ving
aes plies Boas i. vii New Yors, xia. 00
wok and Los. m, on Sundays; Ba,
po, 50 a a Wasiin: oF Tw
Po lman cars and passespe aaieem TOO
Erie and Wilimmasint a Protas pii'a :
sengers Ln siesper Tor Haitinsore «2a
tagtolh Wik te Leneosdirred TRIO Wash'nglo
pepper al Haoreesbnirg Foo main “yl
om brie to Philsdelptite sud Wiliam
sare WHR mare, A
via8 A Mo-Train 4 daity eXiepl SUGARS
tor Ridgway, Dublols, Clermont and inte
aoe bate © Lemves Hidgwiy st 390
=. for : si
gan AM WR A asi y wa Be was a.
met late ols,
ast P.M. Tain lL Asliy except Sucday, fo
Kane and interned isle stations.
TRAIN 11 mves Matindel EE me
Washington 7:50 a. wm. Baltimore 68 8. Wm.
Wilkesbarre, tld a. mu. daily except Sus
tay, arriving at Drift LEAT pom, WH
Pullman parior oar from] Philadel phis
ALN 5 saves Now York st 200 p.m. Fl.
approached the basinoss in a novel Way,
Thuir idea 18 to clear the ship of sand,
but to inelws her D1 a oeDITAL Ares OF
dock faced by sandbags, which will po.
vent farther stiting, while they ransack
the interior of the week by divers. This
area is 200 feet in dixmster, from which
the sand will be removed by powerful
‘Ready to A “
Grinnen—What ard you going to take
for that frightful eld sia ye got?
Barmsti—1'11 take anything you'll of -
anction drosdgers.’’ — Now Orleans
Dione Denacrat
3 EER é
The seca! Smminule Indian war by
gan tn 1856 and hosted autil the clove
uf 1558 The total timmber of Wen ene
adel 1190 p.m; Washington, ikea. m
Baltimore, 11:50 ¢
wood at 720 a.m. ne
fron Puilsdeliphin to Erte and from
on bea fromm hi ladetphia
ro x
to Erte, Baltimore 10 Williamsport.
TRAIN | leaves Henova at £58 sm. gr
sxoept Sunday, arriving Driftwood 72
(Daily except Sunday.)
CHAIN 19 ‘eaves Ridgway at 2:30 a. m. Jous
son burg at $56 a. Wm, arriving at Ciernnont
10:40 Ww. m,
TRAIN MN 90 ienves 1050 a
| Listed for this war was 3.8587.
: (Clermont at
riving at Johnsonburg st ha a
Ridgway at 1200 noun y
ERR ei