ARI A I te CUBA’ S TA AST CHANCE. THIS TIME. Ye Rud the Fight In Six Months Sam. mary Measures to Wipe (at Bushwhack- ers Navel Plan to Build Up a Spanish Navy Attempt to Take Campos. The Havana correspondent of the Washington Star hat sent the following Jottor which explains the situatiom in Cuba as it is at the present time Cut fe nndonbtedly waging her Inst war for freedom. All siden think this anid sores that within ax pstmt hs the fuiarsd will have win her independence or be bow loesly sraabhed. Of course Bpanish military men insist that the re. sult cannot but be favorable to their ay yihhe, piiies a. % ATH, EEA 3 t 4g Lid Dey Fs wk CE EE Hr 4) ¥ HST yoge tm tien Tevites Mail rroen Wal GE PE Bee Big Hus, § ih 3x phd C GM. Division. wa FALLS CREESR ADE WMARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIONTS, How try ttorroation sod froe FIandiask write to MUNN & 01), Wl BROADWAY. NEW YORK, Hides Dress foe seonIthy palents in Ameri Pyvery patent Taken ont BY un is Drongh) belie tie . passe UY B Gokion gived ree ul charge it the 3 cientific American EE Ege { 1 4