A CS LR AY Bo RR ARR Ala Sa Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING - CE Proprietors. : THU REDAY, JANUAR Y 40. 1598 NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. a 1 Sutmeribos whe do pot give dxprose o thse contrary are sonddered ax wine ing pik rorow thelr sabadriptions. It suvmeribers. onder the dbeontinoancs of their periodicals the publisher THY EXE tinue to osend them woth patd. 8. If enter bers sgloct of refuse fo take their pertodionis from 1 they are dire teed, thoy are resp thew have settled their Potts and oeddred then | dlaoom tiviumd, 4 wate ribs rete Wh oihior nied with. out informing the pabibdhers, anil the payers Are send to the former sdb roan, Urey Are redid responsible. : The Louris have decided that we Aawing tex Se osdienby fron he Offi ar peso ing and teaving thon uncalled for, be privas facia evidenee nf Intentional frac] 6. If subscribers pay in advances they are pound to give pitied si the dnd of the time i they do tit wikh by contin Inkiog IL othe wise the publishers i suitor ceed towered 0L and fhe sfhseriter will he roa rahe Xpress nition, with pain gorst of mil argos ages. » sent othe publisher. CHURCH NOTICES. aTHOLI Luther Muredliine, pastor. Maes every ther Rosday al Nand He pa Run day sefilol at £0 mand Fenpese wt Nop MeTnaoiner he WW nan, Juma Rervioes al 1020 a a wel Tp me mday school x2 pow prwrorih Lengne oat Np. mn Any evening wt 14> LODGE NOTICES INBEPER DENT ORR oF (nh Fritows rs tom Lodges Neo ay RETIN In oti 5 rei £75 Parton nhs sons of ANE rg ng No 3 Ipepts & evening AUT in finest 8 Hl in Honalnge t. Frw HH. 40 Winslow, Rev, yd { Piper Biovak Uaioe Nig Ha, ie wool ¥4 bE No. 105 mds every (Bost Nanday afternoon “of ph iil Be Jo Shen pos, Eade =p GR, John Pornadiiy, Se if Freon. IMFROYED ge ov Hurasorms Patton 5 6 pects every second sod i Fir i i Frid of ened toomth at Rp non Goods Hail, ® OW. Kady, Pres, E Will CGireine, Bee'y. ARCIEST (IER OF HIBERNIAN or AMER ATE viatim Nao. of Patton, {arabria ponnty, mets every first Bunday aferneen of each modih in Feria Po Fhnstenn. Pres Phir Jallighan. Flow, Ses o : 0 i Local Time Table. The hours of arrival and. departare Of tening at the Patton Station are as Mail Closes. | "Train numbers are marked $ ‘northbound and “RT south “ror Hera Shall be Prophecies.” w in why youth, 1 made the mistake fo AOR int red fhe town, NE a ke of ihe & a ay both the hod, Oo he'll ER ITY, mrad mw Now that 1” m word, "ts Sound to be fale, wr drinking a | Hitter cig his roa truth 1 have found, 43 meh jor duy ores Jo > Tht my Sn 18 wit spent setiiin , Br RIND weitie Soren. Hp LITURIN. ny Truman's coal -874 Houses are scarce in Patton. RJ. Mull came up from South Fork Friday, : Try» “Prince Charles” at Palmer house. - 94 For a nice pair of shoes go to Mirkin & Kusner's. Go to The Cambria Hardware: Co. for skates. At © Smoke “Prince Charles’ cigar; sold | at the Paliner house. -9tf Local politics in this section is com- mencing to get interesting. M levy, of Houtzlale, registered, at the Centra! hotel Tuesday. Oliver Evans, of Ebensburg, was i visitor to Patton on Monday. BA. Clark, of Johnstown, stopped at the Palmer house Saturday. Ail Brrescages are we postafire IH which | sedis until venti an Prayer meeting vere Widnes | 1 greets avery Tharsdey | | Corwensyille, were seen in The streets of Patton cemed quite. tively om Tuesday. f ‘ansiderable building will be done in Patton the coming spring. . Prancis Uraver, of { rant, Pi, ped at the Central hotel Sunday. sop. E.T. Gonld, of Reading, registered “at the Commercial hotel Toewisy T i Cronover, of Lancaster, stop ‘ped at the Commercial hotel Friday. A. Weston, of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Palmer house on Mem. | day. Mise Birdelia Morgan, of Clearfield, visited friends in Patton the frst of thee week. The Beech Creek railrond hacked ‘over 5,000,000 tons of coal daring the year 1805, E. Rosenstal, a traveling salesman of Dannville, registered at the Palmer ‘house Monday. ; WW. CC. Heimbold, surance man of Clearfield, had business in Patton Monday. The largest stock of amps to select from will be found at The Cambria Hardware € Cos tf Harry Gould, who has been confines] ‘te his home by sickness, 5 able 16 attend to hix duties again LH Logan Weaver, & traveling sates. “man of Pittsburg, was a guest ; at the Commercial hotel Monday. ¥. F. Donehey, a traveling snlow- man of Philadelphia, was a guest ut the Central boted Taesday. Particular attention is called this week to the new advertisement of A 'M. Thomas in another column. ‘The finest line of winter clothing and shoes in Patton at Mirkin & Kaos ner’s, Good building, next to hank. + Fousp A No 104 steel ice skate. ' Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Attend the opening of Ike War tolaky’s Jewelry Store, (next to Paton | Pharmacy | on Saturday, February iat. . Mm. J. R Cornelios and son John, j wha have been visiting relatives at Houotzdale, returned. bome on Wedoes. ar : It not only ia so, it must be #ig, One | Minnte Cough Cure acts quickly, and | that's what makes it go. C Ww. Hodg- | The Delta Coal Mining COMmpABY, of 3 | Barnesbaoro, is to have 0 cars in te [spacial servios, says the Cowl Trade Journal. The familiar faces of T. Jett Bloom and Heory A. Addieman, both of Patton this week. ; Ike Warteisky, “The Reliable Jew. eter,” will be glad to see you at his store on the day of Lis pyeRing. Give him a call. When vou want a 0d soioke gpd ithe “Prince Charies’' at ibe Puaimer house, a genuine medicated full Ha vana cigar, -9t{ | Mrs E Will Greene, who has been | visiting relatives and friends st Du | Bois, Pa, for the past mimth, retarued 10 Patton on Monday. Miss Edyth Eastriker, who bas ben stopping in Patton for the pas y ¥ v i LRG | months, returned (to her home at New | Washington on Monday ] When you take a trip to Ebenstio stop at the Blair Boose and yon will | amed all right Aseom mociations poptiinr in. omghd Wme i you eke 1 when gives the best satisfaction of any. 67 741, | price only. The finest line of lamps in town at’ foellent and rates modernte 8-1 : _ The Cambria, Hardware Co's. 4tf Bargains, Bargaios, | Mirkin & Kusner's in (Good building. Order your coal from Traoman. If you have 2 watch, cook, or Form | Wartehaky on Febraary st. Ont It | date all repairing will be charged fa BRIER The Ouickest Mail Order House in Central Penssylvenis. oe "near an up- to-date Goods "House usually suffer great inconvenience at tjmes by being compelled to, make 8 on journey, ; supply needs whi TL. a ect satisfaction, ff their @ order had come to us by mail EVERYTHING THAT A MODERN DE PARTMENT STORE SHOULD KEEP IN STOCK DHERE IN GREAT VARIETY. _ Samples and will be ptly furnished when- ever rd” Hier or ay as received. WM. F. GABLE & Co, ALTOONA, PA. Satisfaction Always Guarsntest, : Your Motey Back ln tay way Uaseiinctory have x cough or coll Bargains at jeiry that needs repairing take it to tee tnrt for the and Mary Matiida Gray, Bo : bem sia i ih IR Ss, He rine oy pegizlate the word wife have sian. gu Clee us shead an Spine the The PATON Corrie i maol ihe not be a Jeng fiver hest printed weeklies thal reach ns Pittsburg Country Pablisher smi Printer, ; Mrs Cameron Bornside, of Phila. delphia, visited Bor sister Mies. W. 0G Comerford, and nives Mrs. 1), A. Buck, weverid days fast week. : rs. E. Butler, formerly of Patton, hat now of Mahaffey, and Mis Zoe Furguson, also of that plies, were : ileasint visitors to Patten on Toesday. Jorn Dinsmore, representing the merchant tailoring establishment of Ed Swartz, of Panusutawney, Pa. was 8 plessant caller at ibis office’ | Taswdsy : Notre the John Gantz, the flour and feed me chart in another column, and also the chatige in the “ads” of CW. Holy pow sdvertivement Of Kins and 1. 8S Bell In the large store room if the Good nailding, next to bank you will And Mirkin & Kusner, the jeaders in cloth: ing. gents furnishings and whos, Pat tadonns at all prices & specially The first namber of the Big Ron, Pa, News came to the COURIER sandlain this week It i os sixaoiima four paige shew! full of good live local arid general news May it live long and prosper, : as who was thought or Bigwig prein of a one GUATTY NEA Altoona, nas torndd up alive and well at Portage, having seenred work there. Before leaving he failed to notify his wife Quick in effect, beals and jesves 1/0 wear. Burning, scaly skin ernptions quickiy cured by Pe Witl's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical in effect. Al ways cures piles. CW. Hodgkine “James Davis, bers buried by & The South Fork Record says that the total expense of the sewer work which was completad at that plac last weitk amonanted to $4.97.08 The servioe of Engineer Dye and hx expenses | amounted to $400 RZ, which/kmonnt in cluded in the first Hem CJ Wood. J. D. Ritter, EJ. Hoppie, Dr. J. 8. Miller, Frank Me. Anuity abd W. A. Donabtwe, sli of Barnesboro, and W. I. Micholson, | J. Van Dusen, Robt. Nptiey, Dr. D. 8. Rice. Frank Rice and BE. FF. Rpeacer, of Hastings, attended ihe mating of th Improved Order of Heplasophs in Good's ball Friday might. Fai H Ward, the genial and talentipd young man whi was Jn pmmploye st the Patton clay srorks, retarsed 1o lis home st New Camberisnd, W.Va. isn Wecnesday of iat week. During Me | Ward's short stay in Patton he gained ITALY friends who were srry LO ee him Jeave their midst. He vous a prom. iment member of Pattan Agony gquartette. : : The (Tek nines Clareniiiown nave beet closed by he Serf The trouble came from the It Ul at The parties from wham Mr Chek leased the sont had nat Snished paying for it. and as a resol hoa stopped. Thin is a misfortune to Mr Cid as be bal hewn dong a ; Hannes for the past few eaonths, apd al rg of idee near Fmd GIerRtion Sry - ory el Le RBH " wotey he Brent thas tr dems A arrolite vn ety, eal bie will be adjusted Down One Minote Cough (are t ctchien 1h right spot. It aise touches 8 ab ibe go Sew the poling? Then don tenngh Ww. Hodgkin, Marriage Licwames, The following marriage Horns: wire —_— by the clerk of the Orphan's week ending Thursdiy, Jan 23 1 Jif Let 3 g tlaviryk and Litaasia Cin. thin Schwsreth, Barr towasiip hanna Jaros Lewis Houth Pork. and Annie Cimoppe Mariel! Sanna ial Jarnestownn, Waker M. Thome amd Anna BE. Re Nog and Tipe, 1 Ti naga 5, SORNRIINR rant sens How Warns and TARE Myw ine adver regrilabor and i LN & gen hamahedd Bima a LOAD Ww ar @ Tatts Parte Risers the WW. Hilgkine A Pabdie Lat — LINOINRATL Ang oY Ba CHARL DP EER, Wie sre seven Pap wiser an Tai EY Ali Wokliiel Oreas Weak &Trymaend & when ws would voanr Per & “ti piped foyer ad 3 Spek mand oar physician Wold feel gratefi to vom ERY aa We BE a tablespoon fa 3 ters has cmoed msing it 21 days six times a dav, ta of the Hitters in x spall wine Spewr’s Port Wine. Rev. Joan J THROMB i sei Chain, Kan, woconssfally inaugurated bight that the smooth shaven ch of the sown are aboot i Beards is the goat, eo World A high fiver with a torpid oar wit : Carpet the fiver with De Witt's Little Early Risers little | pills thar core dyspepsic and constipa. Tian i WwW. Hodgkins A WONDE RFUL WELL. 14 1s Tn Kvneas and 1s Said 3p Cure Hog ‘Chplera, ia It is claimed that the walkers from s wali on the (George B. Torner| farm, now operated by Javob Harmon, npar Effing are a sure curp for hog cholera ‘The effent of the the disesmd bigs (0 Inst them £0 vost and With n Had Ward & McKeluy Migs 3 y Patton OT yon Lay 0 ec frivm. aril are ailing wea nk AR REA iaily i as joss to Atehgion Finny armers ity. from hog cholera the past season! is esti- They are keeping mated at §100, 004). ~~Kanuas { ity Tim. bat are selling good wich Rheis an JOW ilk aber why in price as if they a IT IE WAY, a= Rivals to he * Potted I bear that the pow society 20 & veRAnize a val society. t6 be kaown ss The Barefaced JURT THIS Brotherhood. ir 4 Ey BLY in ha As tbe patron sain of “The PF: ted Se The Barefgoed Brotherhood” will sdopt as its smbjjem low prices, quality considers. the moos; and by that woken they will shine all night amd be always foil All of which attests the midwi a The Only drangere im os ke etna Fon cg Race: Brosivoss Tal ame honnd to come to the Prat arid Toad 3 ‘madpess to which we have Cholly Knickerbocker in New York! Re Question for you to decide should be: Where can 1 get the host for my money and receive good treatment as wedi, This Being the came it becomes your daty to look around before shaking your par chimes, interest to pet out drop in at % Ward & McKelvy's \/ and find out the way they are wiling } Shoes, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Felt Boots, A rotics, Overs, Ftc. + Ward & Mc Kelvy, The polices have een ardered to all whistling perwons after 1% 0% and. teil them to kwep quiet ~ New ok therefore it might De to your of the oid rotand Unpleasant but Sometimes Lp . Solomon B's, PATTON, a Necessary - . REO SNILN Ess ATs fbi 3 \ 11% 1s eet Of PLOWS. 2 of : H. ARROWS, adi: : Cl 1. TIN. A T { IRS, good and SHOVEL PLOWS 8, a ds andy. PLOW POI NTS. | FEED OU UPTERS 3 PUMPS lined and nnlined CHURNN, upright. WASHING AGATE and (ieystone wary LAMPS, prise can't be beat M ACHINES, Boss and : ine tha {al ifarn ix Wines and Brandes 14; Clinton & by Main Sts. Johnstown. Pa. Telephone 175. 44S Bottles and | OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY’ S COMMON: WEAL Pa TE Kr ye JAMES QUINN, 134 and 138 Clinton =t Johnstown, Pa Al ‘wool pew Fall and Winter droes A a cholo terns. Black wool dress goods .- ranted. Ladies Awkete and Capes'in all sia The 1 mat stock Lolweesn Philadelphia and ttaburg. Millinery Goods a Specialty. Give te 8 agall th mek % ne Dest nase. 1 reltal 34 — rR : 2 Svracase ang Over, NAY dad aay Wi ANG Ton. 1 y TA eal F ga Wy esiern. . 5 lates of Cash on Sale. LS. BELL, Clothier, Shoe Man. HEVY and shelf hardware BUILDERS Hardware, boars, Hash, Glass, Putty, Dryers. Fillers and Brushes. Tinwure of all kinds ir work apd Plumbing promptly attended w I abso well the Cit DERELLA STOVES Paints. Olle Varnish’ s fw Ghat cry Yaad Bo Bay aac Sond etter | Ther am experiment. The Cioderelis 1 guar ried AY and Ran gen of w: Biged might il the al bet please, None Have Tene re 1 mond beg pan ais Ta Bayes ¥ Thanking Yon r ih tine the same I ag, Eaend examine nov stuck before parchasing. RIVE OR oR Lng Fon Ky Onn ¥ WERE Pea Ere, Frgk aval gad sree 8 Birvay ETeat Eira tvemes- the slare sets wo mInel Rue der anes Edad to taelr nedghbars ad De os ry Roar ean t Spite red $1500 : 12.0% 108 800 #00 . £ iW ga 5 Buys Sui Bs fam ite. Td and Ha i ngderwenr frvum $1 per wt to 8h Gloves fram $1 per par Ww Ta cis and Th da D0 2 50 Boots reduced to §2 Gum Boots only Men's te soud ream Adi the above prices ar’ spot cash prices and Jon’ forge” it ! VOLF & THON GOOD BUILDING. Patton, Pa.