a © "The tides clothes | have, tn seen a after £ Inegaaiity In the World. . Mheye is arn inequality in tf I othere wlways hins bean a work an. spite of the striving of giterons hearts and pk ened indie dor eanality. Althmgh eqnality has never ceased to show ised ened (foot tee if within the different or ders, arid in raodorn Imes 1G character Tze at Jesse oo Jargn © posiie order wi civilizating dangiered be ine G8 INETATIORR, Ti every one's expericnoe and and those wha dread or the dein] level of equality are « in aving that even ho mocisey there Ww as anysrhere, Bot thie d they are right not iftensive and staged. Deg persists, bat 8 foes thelr, ‘der, go doex nnchastity, so do alppst all the sins and shames that ever were In equality 1s, in fact, the sum of them. In the body of this death they fester and porropt forever, As long as we Bava inequality we shall have these sing and shames, which spring fromi it and which live on from inferior to superior. Few vices live from equal to equal, bat the virtues flourish. —* Equality a¢ the Ba sis of Good Society,” by W. D. Howells in COrotary. Hard Work and Haxley. A great part of the work by which the world knows him was done after din. par and after a bard day's work in the Jecttre room and laboratory. Be never spared himself Often and cften have | known him leave the circle of family and friends, ¢f which be was the Life, very early in the evening and betake himself to his library, a room of which the oly luxury was books If remem strated with or appealed to for anither balf hour, he would only shake his bead. There was somvething to be dons And it would be midnight or | or 2 o'clock before it was done, and then he was up at 7 in the morning. I memietimes thonght be had nohigher happiness than work, perhaps nobody bas. He would dine on a little soup and a bit of fish; oore than that was a chim on lite niind The great secret,’ be said, ‘is to preserve the power of work: ipg continuously 16 hours a day if need ba If you capunot do that, yoo may be caught oot apy time. '——Scribuer’s Mag Bazin. ry § 8a FR hy we pall good y if $20 2 erp hr rp Ee nilegs 2 mheh gy pelpiirivil if that it iw & Boy chow TONY ‘ boi: ae WR Lh Political Carser Predictest For the Dnchens The West Side Women's Republin suxiliary of New York held a nice the other day. The women ral political spmposinm. Mrs Clarence Burns, wha kowks like Mra. Potter Palm er and ia president of the clink, talked abont womin '@ part in English elections Daring tit ast esmpsign foor fair Amiricati® oren took part in their hus Finpan band’s canvasees. “No.” said the pres dent, "the futnre Duchess of Maribor oagl, Miss Vanderbilt, will have some thing to look forward to in this direc tion," The wife oi a titled politician who was campaigning ip 8 royal copsiitaency was askivl what she was going Lo wong of the eggs.’ was ber reply Men ang boys in Eugland on election day parade the streets with wheelbarrows late “Election egus, three a penny. Notice Nit sold for boman fod Ve-New York World a Agriculture In Great Hritain The fact that agriculture ix in process of gradual sbandonment in Great Brit ain may scconnt in part for the increase in nmigration from that country, the pamber of arrivals since August aggre gating 238 000. It evidently does od pay the British farmer to raise wheat on high priced British land. The next problem is to make this land profitable fn some other way, The decline in wheat acreage this yesry is 26 per cent Joss than 1894. This inCiiates that np ward of 200,000 acres of Jand have fail od of cultivation becates agricuitore no longer pays — Philadelphia Timex Their Exense. The southern excuse for such borribis burnings ss the ove in Tyler. Tex in found in the striking words from the dispatch, "He begged for mercy, and it was meted ont 10 him Just 88 Le was merciful to the pare snd inpocent win an whose soul be sent to heaven at this hour yesterday.’ There js grim tragedy, bat pot a spirit of Christian forgivencse in these words —Bostun Journal | Right Sert of Jingo. The new navy of the Upited States not only commands the respect of other pations, but is ready to enforce that respect any time ita services are de aanded, — Baltimore American. QUAY'S WESTMORELAND DEFEAT Evel the Power of the Great Frick Ceka Company Could Not Get Hw Friendly Mesaiations GuEExsBUBG, July 58 —~Nenator Quay was as unfortunate Lere at the county ecomuaittee meeting as be bas been in every eouliiy primary which has been held since he announced himself zs the candidate of the ‘campaign of assassination’ agsinst astings administration. He bed all e circumstances in his favor. The oon test for the judicial nomination gave him a chance to play one faction against the other. The colossal H. C. Frick Coke cons pany, which bas 1LOW ovens in this eotinty, waa for him with all its money and influence. H C Frick lis president, 1s also the president of the Carnegie Steel company, and when that corporasion gol into the snarl over the armor plate it far aisbed to She government Qoay was ite agent in she senate The result of She campaign lo this county shows that such sllinnces have their weakness as well ae their strength. Their effors to solidify the coke region representatives for him failed. The com mittee adjourned refusing to even oon. sider a resolution complimenting Quay, | nominating the governor's Ap pointes, Mr. McConnell, for judge by a majority of twenty-three. The best the Quay people could do was to hold a riot ous and disorderly meeting of the Quay mambers of the committees and adopt reso lutipns # pa lire will » : i , FUNNY EXPERIENCES OF FANDUS AC TOW : SOME STAGE STOR] ANG ACTRERSE Compilments Fad to poprainy Party by Persors In the Andi. vine Severs] Interesting Incidents Her fated by a London Nowspaper, es re Aa SR 5 hed anneeay tin the inBoenee of x Pagar bard Fo dw iy ry x x 5 Joa dy with the mtersst © Lie enol ah extent ti A - ; Sivas real yaar Y arevaatore, 3 iA Feud and tangible incident when plavs desl more with homey sod natural stories and Jess with ; fantastic apd wasn with class of drama, fol ghee positioned ant of forgot : and only saw before them Bfe in mins ture, ux they upderstcod it. They had the human pore very fnsly toned and developml For example, when they wers play- ing the almost immortal “Green Bush. es’! at the Adelphi doriog ome of itw many revivals, Mme Celesta, in the character ¢f Miami, the Indian, bad to shoe her Ergin husband, DY Whom ghe had bean deserted, and, after firing the pistol, a woman started np in the pit mod exclaimed in a Joud voice, “iSoretad him right! it's just like my rocasster 0 This explosion of ipsnlted womanhood, prodnesd by the Vonaning of the scone’ and Mowe Celeste 's pow. erful acting, was naturally followed by berst of Gaughter from all parts of the hones It id pertain that srt frequently ps FREER PROTA SRA UOT ngs than KR frtasay 1 stirasiastic bi hs Timi Ban the of the pictare nature bores treater tha “Teo (n thst 8 young hurhel ber 0% cisinatiyn, ley ihn Pr Mr. Hermoy XN Ge dR tended tao on many monihs play faba Thi were tH thy Bo Wives very cami Brrke u : Even the great farimmaids invariably rely tigen soe wheepex He wake hi Wells themter afted x ed rondo song [What 5 gn pi to oresd, by 4 Fappiise wd hen | “had on reese ET ima that could checks, oven, power gud rs hy want War, yawned a the pit, “wo want a pew feature!’ Soroetines it is RDARYY Who gives vent to bis feelings when sitting i ent, es vs i Benry Harrie, for many manager Coens Crarden theater of the century. Hoe was yerformanee from the sia actor +f the rama of Fanikoer, who had recently arrived fron the proviness and wax making his appearance on the mel. ropoliten boards as Octavia in "The Monntaineors ’’ Panikoer was tot quite mp to the mark, ard when he excinined iu a deep, guttural tone, "Oh, where is my honor!” Harris éxclaimed, 1 wish sour honor was back at Newcastle again, with all my board!’ Macready, of whom many stories were told, sayw in bis Memoirs!’ 1 rameter oerasion ating ip CCwEnee FTeserYea. A ood and rsier | drowsy dyiog speech of my poor frienc. Jaffer, was ‘dragging it sow leagt i along,” when some owe in the gallery, Lin a tome of great impatience, called ¢ ont very loundly, ‘Ah, pow die at ooce when a voice friam the other side ume. diately replind. "Be quiet, yon bilsck- Foard,” and then turning with a patron- | iing tone to the lingeriog Jaffer, ‘Just i take your time, will you?” Uo Ax an examin of how easily the most acute parsons may ose themselves 0 some extent in the mimic action of the stage, we may recxii the story of au eminent special pleader who was wit pessing a perfarmance of “Macbeth,” the soeme where the Thane of Cawde questioning the witches in the cavers, says, What 15'f 502 answer % Td is, “A deed withon Ad xa Fog wom we ER SUES iBLIEGEE TLR ria Fe SRE WY Fy ae dof the Gare the pleader at eyoitediv: A ‘Why, ‘tis void a af aos, and he oried dead without a nan w-lamdon (lobe. : Waulde't Want Her Presence. | The boy had smashed his father's shaving wu and done subdry other damage, when his ether, discovered © Oh, Freddie! dhe exclaimed, sar ified. What will boar papa say when be comes bome and eos what yoo have sdomar” Poel mamma, (1 dons wonhi like to repeat it before yuu ' Pearson's Weekly. , think 1 Ya Tow Do Politic Thrive There’ io Thuy've just clevted a new presiden the republic of Switperind with : and without even : ay of apreaidential var py Boies -Hoston Herald, 3 ¥ STAGE FRIGHT lpeaen, But the Aptoy Rare Not the Eight of she Kus Bannd, the (asses of It an frinh Ine Gisroreing stage LB 1d said Pretormers of Un. © Sit pt te ai mock as its xnnd that ow ginner FProta fem what b wakes I Hy very Tow re z 235 Argo sree Gen vn Aa of Shonen ariew de % LAW Tao # the haglnner. HE & the mis] nr analvee them snd th ard threare : “1 know 4 femme] to yiine for soma The first firce | wont on FN get veil x tha gute the sage high and { of five beovomd w 2 Themurmors hor side of lights seemed 6 I comid son pith andienes on the of was gwfnl 4 » wrete): pursoed by a mob and convo that thera iz nO Maps, THEY LOVE ACTRESSES. | Howard Gould Said $5 Be In Love With | Wien Oleinuions, § 80 not goa the andietos pt all for fhe fo “Jt ix popularly soppossd that only | beginners suffer from stage fright, and that it svn disappears oomstnl actors and potresses who Dave wt tacks of tho same sort every time they gO an the eiage amyl wihvh Wil rover get over them New York mun & i . Tiere gra wn Bebuhed by linnnibal Bamix in Wai BK oman Fobra conse if 1 the cdma all the ri ats of pentiemariy in Ta equally exacting of Evin & hs Irian (Lhe roe got Twa & a io dot Bun ou Yiiss do 2h * Po wy FRA Ri 53 ar EVPLY CORTE 3 ] a omrtipade id a Fixes A Keni Trivnte. tof youre edt CRT fae ve SORE Facixd The Work of the Tear Aa A lhe Laks BRYA a SER ER By eg pos of CA pain 1 CATHARINE CLENWTS : ‘ Zh {mod and Howard's general jaunty and | golf mntiafed mavner gives deep meaning | a ; i | eight speaking parts, all of Sebich wers | | enacted by persons who hed heen taught | to Ris Biomant { The Jove of the Chins for is proposnead and well knooen George selected the lovely Miss King i dom to share the family miliioons [was once engaged 1h a young wlio be the lage | ber bag dot, and pow along comes How. [ard making ondonbted sheep's eyes at pretty Miss (Clemmons I sappewe it will be sa match, and very suitable cme, ton, setording 101 general trend of the Gould smbiniong — : Poatand pares of ite Kafokerbooksr in Now York He roadie, DEATH IN A BOOT LEG. It Costained a Ratiiessake's Fang and : Cunsed Too heath Ose day last mmimer Thomas Horton +f Buphsrmtn. NX. CARI gh 8 need of plenred io heey thr was Litten brs ratthenais To was shail fh 4 pert Jo ged Lhamedorn fag a ie pent s fanige Nod peaetrat Chor, and ot Wak easily Koel to Napoleon Meeker, 8 ne png farm Ha them Hiewidpor. a nephew o them 45 hone and be als wire Sud in gre agomy. The hey ressrmion of un Aay be wore them be was attached with Bix beg t > ud traorer. The seornd His syxperience vod hire 11 was the rewnit of rattivenake pot soning. He supplied a remedy in tire and reecverad, i Om exmesining the beetieg ha fond Upemall point of a pare of bene arabedided /in the It was the fang a 2% tks hide wn AE fotlesmake ninced in ow & nit . drawing ont the foo PUTTS WoW Te Provo] to (et Even Win of Eowsny. How a Ed WIE aR He ¥oi Tend 1 BR os Word ward ave ue A mobi as mysterious exo = pity & arn if yen £; sembiing ang dig gyi A a As DLTNE. 3% emis Tar Yo Bt bide when able or woe orale DEok a Drark Babes, f De frne thar BR brn at satan Light » i Tribe a ETE MRR. $ £ Tha eity wWatey ¥ has parking £7 pad if 5 Dail Water 4 ¥ as sunlight as thy Ba sek Baars ¥ $ the free aooymss ind 2 Louki sat infection with often convey bevipd quest Bois state Bard of fession and have proogniee direct the ve Qos I Ped Aga Lobel i upon cheerved faces — Chicago Times Herald BT wast wou 14 serend Therd's so thal permnils aEnL te. waved wx srtpd SHE ne 11 The war Wr 158 LER Ae of war =» an Lay high i» vimir In 1 Atiania U0 wks © river was named f tome. The Dara, Anna | ore Bont Osstellane’s bonny looks won | Lhe cer fide ve tink fF Bis bewit and Rlawifa . Rumor That Wiliam Waldor? Astor is 1H Ardiibaid foun, worse | gu text passed into the DART IONE PETERS, - AD A LS SVD he i INIGUE ENTERTAINMENT, 5 . Tremf Matar Line Beret bons aed Fibs Peoria iiaiines, abut ET Ay wissnd jatiers Tot om FO Wen i +f thoes in Che pistiog was {iowtratest Ty a in rivath. ihe pories of Eeyen Lats sr bbe oom i CE tin thw : - rabieans were Perth ; pan. J Pieracs Rade i®e, Will J Univlan sod Willard XK. Taft. They were follownd by Kutbarine Woodward, an 8 year-old | child in a fireek dance The performance was somelnded by a tyr aot farce, written by one of the yn. © pls, Robert H Moulton. Theres were | 3 vo kpenk As they were all totaily deaf, it seas pecesssry for then to fake their! cues ly watching sach other's lips The | performance wonid have bees a very prodirahis one for any apmtenm ; My Meniten who plared the Jeadiog | | part, spoke with great distinetiiess. He Hom , wwe pared for college at te and will smter Delumbis pexy Je expects 10 have no difenity in be shle to ander the ncturss by wstobing Thur otbwyn in Lhe Framran, Yiorenos Wietward Unrris + Salt, Frapeis Bell * the etnies’ KpE Ma 3. Wolerd x. apd Mary Nicholne bs 4 X ¢ ia “8 a The enters spent wu the fat of : Fe Fn sttemnntad ns Mr } SOE Bad oy Tat Fra oa New ¥ A BRITISH ALLIANCE. Marvy Lady Chsreliil x Lady Han Willian Wallla fey His pd a dare fps vse nd has Ed tw Astor Sranish ancestors 1: seme a good and rteasonaiie meted spongh. but rome bad always bed 03 that Lady Randolph dong sips gave b | heart to Apciber--to the Joong guards. aman whos she parsed fo tend wih | thromgh the consequences of a weve a0 eident Wilkie Wallis word inieed SRxpEare wer ta fortn- ade Fa HAs £5 Ruedeivh oF ke Taw Weare a Hat REY om VE Satter Wiig A WATERY SUBJECT Hathiog Pihios Troubliiag Folk Te Perts of Filton La anh en at Washington thas NV Meise lk 4 Dips arate gutiyaiiies at lansing are having trombles of ther apn Hera xa coestion which a biusb- ra vonng shocine sm, DesUlng in an terior county, has submitted on good faith to Soperistendent Pattengiil Whieh shoud take a bard the often tr—the tarmeer cr the stodent’ If yom think that the sindent coght to, please Rive your reas why The schochma sm inined that her pupsls had Deen analie to solve the goes tiogt, The (nestion peamalns gnanswerad pending the retarn of Professor Palien gil to the city. and iH (he masKIURe beh the farmer and the stodents Goad. lens grees the ranks of the gest anay of the un washed : Perfuraied Smile terested ey 3 the ATTA. Syeras, thst ad £ “ sub 03 Waxing Lae BRK the gos of 4 wi Sak put a } : tof It rmanot nro nfuted part owe win oferta coebicn, el ea, Ee Ba Late Ciifice. HE WAN AT re ay wit ERS id cay tive engl sansa sy ae En Ri Wewa ile gave up | AEC ARE Soul vas Tera axpired Saat i pie Rey Pid ek aA Was Ce: % RL AR TEA SeUTELary ees. TY ow LAITY an AL © inar coerated Ly | PE gg Godan ew CWnCY HAS RE The Postal Clerks’ Img Has Pees Fotied the Crlale, Crone, the meta] cers x ait ewe Yi ¥ 3 aT URME Fs iv Lg a wind Jape rere, cliemnit of tim Now Youre Be wiz §acians et at Bnd Bi nd Fi es i Fah freon AB no al ¥ La £ tin saris opp Tip wakay, ng fam wor id vis iad iy sid soewel RIE» Et 3 sroand dey hin Journey aoross oesn fod ened tO Fekohama, Fosgkong aud New York Prom New York send bien overland Tacoma. amd whe Rpows Lot be mer scm pans the i iobe wad beat the reored of Keiitn Bly nnd scrge Fraocis Tite, und be knosen as a oelebrated giche trog. : for Croney 4 in exrelient health, sed {Captain Gray reports that be baw killed ail the rats on board the Port Fhiliip He has shown an amiable disposition, und all bands on bound have made 8 pal of hie WORN MONEY IS GOOD. Eaited States Soprvane Court Has So Ie NG cidrd In a Kecent Cone. J The supreoe the Piniivd Statism in a cues Areided by Chief Jos fine Fuller roled on afumet er of general interest Jammer B Morgan and with wires ot a & Jorsery City spd Ber The scfpdpeie Lr Cains 4 tot sosser nf rots OY igen Kailroad oo refaued to seve

Be wen dure See us sa : wnt 3 a, AWAY “Aad Thon oR Biv bel Yeas re ak vive Ware : i ith any of so ped he Fimmbend Qraws owen Se pled oid mre if of gyven ih, ee Oy guniafiion Past Apruin For Ervsipeisg y Pa Maroon Af Aostriam. alber Toa de Pasgeny fst Sirvered a WEE Feral fove sroif al; bot oe ge -~ . ee gti 2 mie 05 BG nak thet ia