Patton Courier. | PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. THURSDAY, JANU ARY 18, 1896. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION CRE VERT in advance, frais “LIne gw Ba Advertising rates appiicaiiog or No POA NRESN Ae publisher Euler at YY Epown pan Papers Aiseantinaed unto JH i, rem a8 ihe Posto fdas pratt | trot RAT COUNTY. PE HENLE Na fet Monday of Sept, ist faauiny of Dee TIME | £3 HT Int Monday of March id 1st Memday of June i DEPIOE RR Presto r Jopar. Hon Proraxorany fb 0.1 REGISTER AND BRcopnen TREASRERF. H. Barker, REEsipy IL WW, Caalier, fwrory BH PACS KES Harn Eo Imvis Distiier ArronNeY FN Murphy Cosas pps FL THES, Yi 45 Geo. M. Wertz, COMMISION ERS TLEREK dea COUNTY ROPELINTENDENT FW. CHESTY SURVEY ORM {Le Fellorinots ny Ty AVDIEORR. Wa J Jones, Wo 8 Berry, Jaynes Dally fi 2 54 RY POM MIRREN ERS Wm. Miller {HRONER - ir Viparee Pose Derporons. 1 wrvitie, Baphid Hite, BOROUGH OFFICERS Br goess Wo I Ponne diy Oxon taad taeedn m0 Beil Wilson, Frank nraptedl Yemop, Hatph Late? Ree dunt, Bova Bod $0 Cpe wll, president) $l Curtis, sociotary; WHE sandfong, ire rer: Jesse Fo Teel iF. Harton Samed Edmiston JUSEIOH & i Fonse FB Matton. TREASEIER Ww FE Sandford Crepes Harvey Patleieon Carreeror Jas, Mellon, Kom pscigoc Jo, HE Rieke Avnrrons- FH Hinkesd, BH. © Harry (ion! i. Thar oF BIeriak San’ Posne, InspporoRs Walter Wonkiund Cover A NTH Sa frvreed] B Jones Crier ar Poriieo John Boves Sereey (ireMIssIOR KE A J PENSION APPROPRIATIONS LOWER According to Bradetreet’s the pension appropriations as reported to the House for the next fiscal year are slightly below those for the current year, amounting to $141,326,620. The bill carrying the appropriation pro. vides that in expending it during the fiscal year covered, whenever a claim for pension under the act of June 27, 1890, has been or shall hepeafter be ro. jected, suspended or dispfissed, because of any defect or infGrmality in the : new application # or shall hereafter be filed, and a pension has been or shall | be allowed in such claim, such pension shall date from the time of filing the first application, proving the evidence ' in the case shall show the disability to have existed or to exist at the time of filing sach first application, any- thing in any law or rulings of the de partment to the contrary notwith- | standing. AS BSAA II Our people are growing more and more in the habit of looking to Pat ton Pharmacy for the latest and best of evervthing in the drug line. They sell Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy, famous for ita cures of had colds, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give thik remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. WAR TALK GETTING QUIET A congratulatory dispatch from Em- porer William, of Germany, to the ‘president of the Transvaal republic aroused a very considerable degree of excitemert in Great Britian, and for some days the press teemed with belli cose utterances. During the last few days the strain between the two nations appears to bave relaxed, and there has been a return to a more peaceable tone in the ontgivings in the press. The moderation and conserva- tiem of President Kruger have consti. tued the most notable feature of the incident. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly - pamed. It affords instant relief from suffering when afflicted with a severe | cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs, and never fails to give instant relief, CC. W.. Hodgkins A XY. Barker PREY Tr A Modsoagh faayin, Eimer rea LPIA E { dew hy Annies Wolk 43a A Feds NEw Fa rns ey Wine, =. M pr firms Ho» Pore PRaow {ade Winslow, Jackson Toil ihe Tale, In 1883, 535 daily average; 1894, 2.000 daily average; November, 1585, 4,042 daily average. This is a3 year's history | of Daily Johnstown Democrat, Price | le ~43 a vear. Circulation larger than | any other paper in Cambria county.’ | Largest, best and cheapest paper. Tel- | _egraph pews from all parts of the world by special wire. Daily market report. Gives all the new of Cambria, | Somerset, Indiana, Bedford and West moreland counties The Johnstown Weekly Democrat. | Eight pages; full of local and telegraph | news; only $1.00 a year. Best and “cheapest Cambria county paper. | Sample copies free. Terms of Subscription: Daily Dome] erat, 1 month 26c.; Daily Democrat, 3 months, Toe; Daily Democrat, months, | $41.50; Daily Democrat, 1 year, $3.00; ! . Weekly Democrat. 3 months, 25; Weekly Democrat, 6 months, 50c.; Weekly Democrat, 1 year, $1.00. Postage paid to any address in the United States or Canada. Rend money by Registered Letter, PostoMoe Money Order, or Express, to Daily Democrat, Johnstown, Pa. Call and Sov Us. We are now removed to the large store room iy the Good building, next to the first National bank, and invite omers to give us a call Thanking you most heartily for your patronage/ in the past we remain as MIREIN & hU=NER Lon jt and allowing it feonple of days CR AYPEY, following real ‘and John Bergenholst, ec, iherg, Genos, N. Dmbiaw, ner, Phala H.C. - prirehasesd | stend news and inflamation. it CW. Hodgkins, FARMING | woes Of Interest to the Farmers Whe ftead the ley, deceased, Patten “Cotrier” The indications are that a will bring a fair price goed road horse sig spring. Disturb the hows ns Handling them torica $i nye their slares As vit fiiE fitthe NOW, them Winter ia farge proportion of SOR me cheap your cows have plentv/to Wheat ber grinding Pn friree 1 an sett barat hy CaRiiy healing water toy soak for a Agetralian wine to LIE mrpmwain 518,168 gallons was is United Kingdom ih vere, of 188. 288 pallons over 1884 A good many trotting horses are being shipped from New York to France, 4 Lx wal worth of horses were from here to Germany sported init the RE INT Ree favae hy and wii DERE yY rere iv wer OTE Ry ate rer Local Market Report For the special benefit of the farmer ‘nthe vicinity of Patton the COURIER fowend mar from publishes the fatlowing ke report, revised each week 8 Gino's store: iii ry vast Sad de $id TAREE {ais ares, aman Real Whinit, Bock what Bye, H av, prvi) Nheri® a Sales Rleriff Coniter has advertised the entate 1 acyl at court houses in Bh Jan. 27, 1898 at Cr Ps sheriffs sale at the enshurg on Monday, 1 o'glock p.m. The interest of Angust Sederholrn terra tenant in a lot of ground in Hastings borough, fronting on Spangler street Also the interest of ( justave Seder. ‘holm in a lot or piece of ground in Sasquehans township The interest of Eliza Long and An drew Long in 184 acres and 157 perches, net measure, of land in Sosquebana township, having theron erected & two. story frame house and frame barn At the Falmer Hone, of some Following is a Ist W. Biluch, Pgh; IL D. Vander. Y.: W. H Denlinger, Philipsburg: Wm. PF. Barndoliar, Ev. srett: 8. W. Coffey, Altoona, W. D. Harold, 8 DD Donglass, ¥. K. Jee H. Bolien, Pgh Kennedy, Reottdaie, William RB Win. Prutzman, Altoons; FE. Schmitt, Pah; £ EH Clark, Johnstown; Milwaukee: 1. E. Einstein, I. Roop, J. B. Feity, 8 H. Haflley, Al toons; (A Byers, Johnstown; RE Tifts, Wilkes Barre; (I. W Reppersbt. Nother of Parchaose. given following ia hereby the goods of Pb. H Hale, Wo wit: paints and painting spparatos, paint, shop, household goods and harness be. longing to sald D. H. CC. Warren and Notioe that 1 have left them with him subject persons | to my control, and notify all nod to meddie-with the same 61 FP MoUomrMick Drege. 21, 1885, Coughing irritates the delicate org- ans and aggravates the disease of walling, try Cough Care. expectoration easy, recinoen the sore. Every one i likes | b of the peaple who registered at the Palmer house sins jast Wednesday morning. Brad. Mr. J. onid. | that | howe | Cheeses rites | : t Warren at { ‘onntabie One horse and cart, wii In] One Minnie | It helps at onoe, AGRE | j oe TAR re Fist Nation'| Bank : in the : OF PATTON. PATTON INSURANCE AGE bf ‘Patton, Cambria Co., Pa Protect Your CAPITAL PA \ID U P. $50,000.00. : SURPLUS , $15,000 EO) PROPERTY. of Compl ili A Mice ver 1st National Bank PATTERSON & PARNELL Agents. R. S. Tozer JEWELER, sr Pomsrineia vibe No excuse for sleepless nights when | yon can procure One dinate Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, sure the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can yon afford tor do without 12 CW Hodgkins Fatray Notice, Came to the residencé of Jas Gorm. in Clearfield township, abont the first of September, 18485 one Blase hal wh {te wp wit on forabiead, mimes wtf wy 2 with probit Sabratich yr and 4 THs oft beek ealdr of ba f Arad ane two white Easil abv # ALT ER} bag fie ia DVvoree., i Bal kre ale FF Weta AOIGL Oe i The free, padbvidy srr et Tee pss feomred oper TREY © PRT repeal] ty One forward rp a a Ra ot yo prove and taks in (rood Balding Abr t Irges, $i 4 boise Sig Step wig sreiag by sacl animal a will be af sri tie Reds ny Ww Ew deny id ET | % for ats the nding Gish bre Le the periRe pe) Er pevieript and Clonrfinhd Township, ut ime dept tx Wu. H. Saxprorn, Cashier. p ATTON, Presutent ,Farmers If suffer Ing with piles it A. © I Ww 13 Fan 1% Wi ite oh Thaw med § ompl ants of “CC PROTECT THE FEET teatoed thas iy 14 Roow that ot Yiu will ofr Haw! Salve is a speifie for all FEIT AY Phi Char which are simple are carried & i 11*F + SHEAR WHE res YO Re And Enjoy 60D HEALTH! with Ww IE BR Terie RIWRYS Jie resails Fonever fale £. Flow iERins 00K HERE! Bi: Hor res hie Ing Throwed Auay Mio {anes Willen, ¥. a 4 Bane ii GNER Kenic NE onl LETTS BUILDING wo conn $s Wolf & Thompson's STORE. “k Mie veut Mr DB ex postmaster, Bla {rend N was uo badly ; ; % Pe ly ity ue ag 4 sn “ d 4 nly able CALL ick smith NE and shat he wi nd with canes and sven 3 : ; hun fines, sm even Onur stock iter Shoes ti RE EsA] Bary A Bar ; wey iL » g y a i 3 CS si gt ¥ HEN ®i) mwivieh Fre Tis © and order. Wagons made to «threw proved 1a nomen AWAY yy v a 1. AWAY {It FG Well YOU KIOWw i . . NE AIWAVES SCL GOOG CRCAD- For : Be Hoa ATW, fs moore goose] than wil eines ard treatment pal together at Mr cents per ie hy Palion Pharmacy, (0 WW. Hodgkins bf vs BE YI ; & ; x OLE eG 2 done All k [Lowest Prices Fe in town ids of repairing wi bye at x : ; ZOOGS are Vv Or Wheat Ground % 18 Wwe tir Ihe al F. Marks wishes to announce yablic that be is prepared to Kinds of grinding at his mill in Patton Special atlention gis teary Tor The grit sin 4 wheat Perfect satisfaction gaaran. 53 1480440 YEAR-BO0N, 1 0 +3 £343 | OBSERVE | BE >Grain of all kinds taken ‘in exchan ge for work R. A. Hunter, PATTON, PA ores [he de Hie and i Repairing All Work— Guaranteed. prom pti y. ME a et George F. Streit, 1122 Eleventh Ave, [etts Building now vacant. Near [ron Bridge. When you are Ready Shse that Altoona, Pa. Stove or Range, call and in- find that it is complete mn. s sure to be satisfactory. new Conk You will orice | to pur and the Dealer it Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenix BrewinG (Co.'s Beer. £ & fons forks. Ric. . Jugs, HastingS, Penna. Flax &5 i ‘ager and Better Than Ever Before. 5 584 a 3 The few Heating Stoves we have will be disposed of at cost.’ Only three or four of these left After having exhunsted yoursell in search of anything in the Hardware Line come fo as. wi have it THE CAMBRI. A HARDW ARE C left An Invaluable and Unrivalied Polttical and Popular EE 1 und y AAG Fs The AEN READY ~— i? 1896. Price 25 ci ceNTs. UNDERTAKER, "HE WORLD. Patton, Pa. Pulitzer Building, New York, EMBALMING 1 Go Without It This Presidential Year A No Prices Specialty. iit 1 ae {i654 As n Northern . PRP gn iiasX 4 aplion Like Ours as ate act gently but promptly upon the kidneys, fiver stomach aed intestines ; aches and fevers: RONCCESATTY. ficial in effects. A single Tani 1x or, better still, at the moment J the or just before retiring, first indication is noted of an approaching cold, headache symptom of indigestion or depression of spirits, will remove the without scious of any othe than a sig warming effect, avd th pected iiiness fale rre on or Indigestion, a ‘Liver, . suffer Distress after Eating, of the Ripans Tabules Regulate & x " u ¥ ® N RELIEF cleanse the system effectually | cure habitual constipation, making enemas Are acceptable to the stomach and truly bene- with sight symptor elected graduall i you suffer trom Headache, Dyspepain xr A! KE n W you are Bifious. Consipated, wr MTS TAKE Disordered ww your Complexion is Sallow. or You TAKE For Offensive Breath and aff Disorders vy * Svs EASY SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S Bitl i dispel colds, head- Fa ery price we (] Le iC 15 the low . We intend to lowest. } Keep our PIICES ft they Te not whole difficulty in an our | I purchase back and et the patient being con- Of eal "Thiii'ec ma toy ov rls neh or I Hardware, . wl's our sanding 20+ i= aterial- Lamps. Glass, Or Cook, _ Or Heating orice list—consuder that STOVES, chincest—and wig it ti) Lye ti wand elsew here taken after the evening meal, wi any Wavs the i 1 at rh F has disap peared 1 sease comanonht comes on as, wh when x. Wik h te ent and Compare Our y grow da RIPA} NS RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES ealths tree and Preserve the F TO TAKE. QUICK TO ACT. a Rid VA In ATION