DAY JANTARY 5, 1896. One copy, tie yon? 1 advance, i Advertising rates made Known apon’ : fom. “ao us are put, uniess al the oplion of the | tered al thie Postodfios gt Patton sx second. Slam mall TER Ier, TIME OF HOLDING COURT. ony of March | 18t Memdday of Sept. widny ol Jone i fat Monday of Dee OFFICERN. Pissropvr opus Hon AV. Harker, Ist Int | Ppuardoscrany- Jd, 4. Barty, ROISTER AND RECORDER 1), A, Mediongh. TeeaxcereF, H. Barker. CC Smearr-DW. Cha iter; PERCYY SHERIFPS Nammyned Tunis, Eirner ® Taye oo Dsreier ArroRsEY ALS Marphy ¥. Ohms ers F. J Ditka, J, 5. Liovd, Ae M. We REFS CLRuR Job LU Gates, £F FEUER wi CHENEY SUPERINTENDENT J, WwW {aves o NTT RO REVEY ORS ( Battermman. W TREY ACDIToRs- Wi Jones, W, £ Berry, James Dally Si : fray. tues Bally os. Apter Weonkinnd, m. Miller, : CORONER IW. tearge Murtin Pook PIRBETORS More, _ervitle, Raphicd Hite : soROUGH OFFICERS. Br pore -W, J Pronrseily, Con xen Lineokn N Bell, president: : Wits, Frank Ouenphl BOF Wise £ Crpwetl hi Freiaent Gi. Ho Curfroan, secrstiry: W, H. Sagdford, trees. mer; Jew F Bale, ik £ Barton Savon) i yrice or TE Pracy. Toads E Twice Jos. : etion. f-fim H, _ A¥oerons F. HH Rad. HO Jupor or Bracrios. Bam’ Boyer, I di Walter Wowk bund ABLE Sayed Ww. Jones. Purace. Joti Boyes, MM AION ER AL Jnekem. © LINCOLN DAY. With the exceptions of Washingion, | no figure in the annals of the Repoblic is more deserving of perpetual re membrance and bonor at the hands of | his countrymen than Abraham Lincoln. One writer has justly described the immortal “rail splitter” as one of the “marvels of history.” There is ami- | pent propriety, therefore, in the memorial the Maine legislature has = ment to congress, urging that February 19, the anniversary of the birth of Lincoln, be designated as one of the Wirsdorw, ay Nrrrer national holidays. The only objection that has been made to this suggestion . is that we have too many holidays al- ready. This objection does not hold Dbl of testimony tool papers discontinued Gail all ar | when be be rey Fans Some WHY SO SAU, WILLIE & Leadon Police Covet Incident The! Made Even Laiy Socerset Laugh, AN Loses 1: laaziing pow ver a : given in the Forireet 8 Wigs ew om doy vr Ir Farinnrst Lady Henry Not th hu b 3 Br On vw crnsnde, | Sopserart dite badd by the horse anid oslient evalenne hase self Bhe seenred another iady ss peal: ; ONS ax Berse if nd 8 conmpanion, and the | pair obtatord the services of a voong surate of their acquaintance as male is . Hors Now, it happens that Lady Somerset fa 8 woman of very generons proportions and withsl so bandsomely made that some of the ongodly have been wicked enough 10 suggest that her ladyship would make an enchanting living pie ture berself It chanced also thas the Iady who was to accompany her was of | a similarly generous batld, if anything eather the larger of the two Om the other hand. the young curate was slight and weazened, with a pals, mild face, that bore a perpetual air of melancholy. The trip was made, and when the do fective party was placed apn the stand doring the hearing the justice asked ber Indyship if in her travels abomt in the | Sion she had been molested or avoosted in any offensive way. Lady Henry was alle to reply that she had not, but that, on the comtrary, she had rather re - gpectfnl treatment. Her companion gave : similar testimony. W han the little curate took thastand, the jodge asked the sams gnestion of him-—if be had been accosted. “You '' replied the littie man ina shrill voice, ‘and very offensively too “Well, said the judge, “‘what did the women ssy to you!’ “Well sir,’ the curate declared, . with comical indignation, “in one of "the music halls a couple of women came op to me, and one of them brasenly chucked me under the chin and said, "Why so sad, Willie? Even Lady Henry Somerset conld pot Suppress her laughter. — New York Her Unjust Aspersion on the Boy. «Talk about intellects!’ raid Webh "That pew office boy of mine bas a bead that wonld S11 grandfather's hat “What's the matter pow!’ asked Blaffkins canticasly. ‘Yom ware say- ing only last night that that boy was 80 careless you were afraid Le might come to business sane morning without his breakfast.” “I know it. That's just what I said good. It is tantamount to saying that ' Bat 1 mean to ask that boy's forgive we have too many national heroes of ~ the type of Lincoln. If there is any _ walid objection st all to the proposition “of the Maine legislature it is that - an annual Lincoln Day might not be devoted to a study of the “martyr oe at,” but, like the Fourth of any, be turned into a day of revelry and sport, Whatever course congress may take in the premises however, there ja little liklihood that the memory of Abraham lincoln will ever grow dim ANOTHER REBNCFF FOR ENGLAND. - Kaiser Wilhelm’s message of con: NA ns to the Boers is one of the of wt emphatic snubs ever administered try one European power to another. 8 rude jolt to Salisbury, who is still shaking with the joit be received from this copntry because of his attitude with campo vely little bmi i values, and with few ir “The outlook in this respect say clear np rapidly, it did a year ago in the industrial world, and ead to an era of prosperity, or affairs may | i} An slang as they did in the summer ae of 1a, when enterprise was held back | congress. At the moment all eyes are | . on Washington. The latest advices [fg indicate that no financial legislation will be passed a this session of cos | gress, but the tariff bill passed by the house may pass the senate. will still remain regarding the pres. dent's action en it, pending which; general trade will santinue to halt. It! K that this period of 3 now, when mer chants and manuficturers usually de! vote time to stock-taking, and itis to be hoped that it will not be prolonged | with | comes ta the extent of interfering spring trade. No excuse for sleepless nights whe n | : Lyon oan roonre One Minute Cou gh | Cure. Th 9 will relieve all annoyances, | cure-the most: severe cough. and ot and health. Can 5 seh without ite ew Hod ee ou 4 flan It For sale by druggists, or at Aunt, : Hazel Salve will cure ther. Tlie med. Lisine is aspecific for all complaints of * this {which are simple ‘eure will result. We have tested this! in puperons cases, and siways like resulta exasperating tardiness of The doubt | pees. It was only this morning that 1 learned how unjnst I had been I gave the youngster several letters to mail He was gene some time, so when he eames hack Isuid, ‘I'm afraid yon didn’t post those letters very prompiiy aod that your carelessness has made me mise the mail’ “Oh. no, sir,’ be replied. ‘I'm sure I didn't waste any time In fact, I toxk exre that the firet letter | pat in the ix was the one marked ‘Immediate Atal AN INDIAN BOY'S PONY. As Acosunt of Hix First Attempt to Ride | It st ss Buffalo Hast Thos Jed by those dedicated to re ligions service, the trite leaves its vil lage. the people by families droppiog into Line—men, well mounted bearing | their weapons ready for wes. women, in gala dross, riding their decorate oF pee older ones Jeading the pack horses Jit tia children in twos and threes pos the backs of steady old pags, OF SUNY stowed away in The swinging ponch be tween the tent pole. and the dogs trot ting complacent]y srerywhers Here and there along the line of the cavalosde ix a Jad being inotisted into individoal responsibility. He has been upon the hunt before, as cue of the fur iy. bmt this is the first step toward oo ing independently nnoared for as child, The father bas lassomd a wild horse and. died and bridied Bim xpd pow bids bis som mount the animal The boy hangs back, the colt is « flery crcatare and al ready restive ander festraint The fa. ther tells his son that the horse shall be his own when be bas conquered it, but the Jad does not move The lockers on are smiling. and the ra sland dowd pot wait ‘(det nop. suys the father The ty slowly advances, and the colt quickly recedes, but the boy, gravping his mane, swings himself into the sai dle The father lotr go, and 0 does thw oo lt-—rears, jumps, wrigghes, bumps his hack like an inforisted cat, stands on his fore logs and kicks at his own tail, ® the air and stamps the earth. bot the boy elings to him anti, with » md. den rk, the saddle girth ix broken, and he is Ianded over the bead of the excited creatures, which runs for dear life i Jiterty. Bromght back, protesting by twists and shakes «f his head, be is spain monnted and again frees bs meme if After two or three repetitions of this sort of thing the bor bidames angry, and the mother grows anxions. She rons to her sem as he is scrambling vp from the ground, feels hip all over and meres his loge and arms to sen iT be is hurt. He is impatient at the delay. He is going to master that pray pow or dis for §t. This time be stays on. In vain the xnimal lashes himself into foam and fory. The boy sticks to him jike the shirt of Nessus, and the father at last jeads the indivisable palir between the tent poles which trail befiind a siplits tirated family horse, and there forced in, they journey ail day| tryiog 0 pet ased 16 rach other. The pany does mut wee hin way cut of the poles and is fore od to keep up with the procession — Century. TEACHERS | iN ENG LAND. A Pathetic Latter From One Winich Tells Its Own Story. An English paper, having «fered to throw open ite columns $0 a considera tiem of the “worst paid class in the community,’ prints the following | Irean Asswras—| am a sohoolmaster, and 8 in my plessing duty fo teark Greek baton, Premah, Fagen matbssgafion and ¢ things to the ‘some of penlismen | pecsive board and ldiying and ON a year from wy {Wa : | Re dmiarer. whe makes owed Br 2 of aver £1800 por anutm ont of big school Horvhound and Elodampaios medina, i Fach of the component part of Aant Rachael's Cordial, viz: Horehound and Flecampane Root and Speer's Grape ‘Juice is a cure for pulmonary oom- plainta. The Grape Juice and Hore hound are combined with Eleoampane in the proportions recommended by the best physicians for throat and lung diseases, public speakers and mngers Rachael's hone Passaic, N. J Af smffering with piles, it will inter. est you to know that De Witt's Witch tog In tw home ceanbors. inst ractions | Rt A and are parcel character, with It never faim © W.. My poor odd dad a colBlry DEFER Was »: WAYS sarions that | shosid receive ‘te dn sation of & penteman. we he pinched wrewnd to med me tos good padi hd and stiseequently to Grford. | may say, with out eemevit hat 1 Sistinguabed myeelf beth places, winning sclholaralipe snd ther prises with a facility that seemml to mark me out for he life of an lostraebor of yoath Be Rodd mw. then. af the age of 8 raking in fhe Jordy stipend meester glove and ladurieg which, arvanling to Ris advertispoents, my principe wnpoiten for kis tes During nine months in the year I may fe sabd Sa be on duty for fhe whaie BW hours Wien Toa wot feaching my boys 1am play: ing focthall of criclet wilh thems sat | sam even oc pliged to sheen in The same Gdrauitory with 17 hearty rounpeters. who airs five stems sirens The worst Testure of the life i the fact that thers is no fatire before ue IY 1 Nad a cmritad of £2008 cr even £1000 { maght | eter nm aelood of my own bot as if de Ioan L Bugw for mcthbing better What will bewvame of mos inomy odd age 1 iremYie to think The ro are hundreds of excesmrly sduosted Foon o Below in the United Rigdon whe con vary BO mere sb sehocimastering Cuan 140 Bin serely FOURA MA thos act gently but promptly upon the Yidrevs, fiver stomach and intestines ; cleanse the system effectually ; aches and fevers: cure habitual constipation, making enemas to the stomach and truly bene- ficial in effects. A single Tas LX taken after the evening meal, or just before retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the first indication is noted of an approaching cold, headache, any or depression of spirits, will remove | the whole dithculty man bour Ld the patient being cone HNNECessary. Are acceptabld symptom of indigestion Liver, . . sother Destress after Emting, , of the Stomach, . ONE | EASY GIVES RELIEF BELEN KER 8CI00US Of warming effect, and that the ex ected iin 12€ 1 with x Ered gaily gri M you are Sitios, Constiputed, a CE is your Complerion 3 Sallew. or you o are } For Offensive Breath and ofl Disorders * TAKE Sk spr og Fone RE Aarngs wie #h Cis Fa pans Tabules Kerudite s the Sven and SAVE dispel colds, bead- any other than a slightly wes fatiedd fo maternal r has disap peared. Pose ARs go v light Sym = LIES 5 dan get LEER e Ril PANS TABU! RIPANS TABU IPANS TABL a TABU 41 boy grees % bY LE ed EF vh se Ih Bs Fess F ameaitn TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT, MANY A DOCTOR'S Bill. Min canes Mr. D. Wiley, ax-posteaater, Black | Creek, Y. was so badly afflicted with ta that he was only able : te hobble aronnd with canes, and oven then it canwed him great pain, asing Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was #0 much improved that he threw away He says this Hniment did him more jrood than all other medi ‘pinion and trentment pot together. For sale at 0 cents per bottle by Patton Pharmacy, CW, Hodgkins Our people are growing more and more in the abit of looking to Pat ton Pharmacy for the ‘latest and best of everyihing in the drug line. They seil Chamberisin’s Cough Remedy, famons for {ts cures of bad colds, croup and Whonping cough. When in need of seh a med give this remedy a triad and you will be more than pleased with the pestiit $ ge ire ihe in IY vores, w. Erinn, Shen Flensberg Dee ied R. & ire. JEWELER. In the Letts Building. ade Ty 1 iBae, Repairing done Promptly work All teed. Lldrdil- hl sed Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer. Etc. Phoenik BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks ( HastingS, Penna. » AE | | Pk leading UNDERTAKER, Patton, Pa. EMBALMING — Specialty. as y CRTTY oH Ri Hardware, Lamps. Glass, Ur Cook, Or He gating STOVES, A.M. THOMAS. After Protect t Ve ofr Po => Office in (Good Building + aver 1st National Bank. PATTERSON X PARNELL. Agents. Do You Wear SHOES? For many years the pabiic has made snr store ite headguarters, There is no specind secret shout this statement They came in crowds To relieve them. seloox of high prices. There never was a time when we kept this fact a secret, Why should it be kept si when we are endeavoring to divide sor earnings with the people. ! There are a number of excelent valpes offered this if yon are quick in the matier there may be one wv le Jef for vist A pretty showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Fali and Winter Shoes that have never heen shown in Altoona are all fast sellers. Beoactive in this matter and don’t wait too long. for yourself GEO. F. STREIT, No, 1122 Kiexinth Ave, ALTOONA, AE PATTON. rE ubas Practical CF oo Os Our stack of shoes this fall is wo varied that | we can please vou all. Drop in and see m eXCiaange oF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. i CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.08. SURPLUS, $15,000.00. . a carperwtions Firms, Kix rowed ro, Feats the nrowt favors y thekets Soar amie for all heel Irafis 2 Jorne ein tha pry sre wit hmve our propa We H. Savowons, President armers | 00K HERE! Blacksmithing and H srse-shosing Wagons made to ¥ ana Oraer. | kinds of repairing done at Love st Prices “. 4 OBSERVE : w= (rain of all kinds taken for work R.A. Hunter, PATTON, PA Near ira Bridge. No Superior and Few Fp Fo our Conk Stoves and Ran eR, All are Guarant: i mr shelves are crowded with many desirable pieces of and cooking THE CAMBRIA HARDWAT all kinds. tens is of to be perfect workers. Come mn and see E (0. Bhs