The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1896, Image 3

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    sss Ee SAS Pe er
: Bow Wall Paper Is Made.
Tt is very interesting to go through a
wall paper factory and follow the proc
eases of manufacture. The designs are
the first things observed. Formerly
there was a scarcity of these, bu! now
ting Theretn Laid Nows by
United States district judge in
gnsas instructed a jory that every.
except within his own honse the
requires a man to tun away and do
} to escape from an assailant be
filing him. The judge further
hat when aseanlted on his own
ses, bot ontside of his honse, 8
a his seme of uy ger by i Vapious designers have different fe
killed his assailant to save himself from | cialties—some fincers, others architec.
3 bodily harm ean be accepted. | tural ideas, exc Rix uf rerent years
This instruction was han ded “down : architects have devoted wany of thew
vost ancient times when Wong ms of | TPAT8 TOT Ie to criginating wail pa
it oomsisted of knives, bindgeons, | Pe gesigns. hb ann
8, etc., which an active man had | _A somplete drmign con x
chanes of escaping. But it is pot | pisces—side wall, border and ceiling.
plicable to these davs of revolvers The general width of patterns of the
ind winchesters, whose bullets no man sida wall and ceiling, as need in the
oan dodge or ontrun, and the United |
Ales supreme court has sent it to the
letter lumber garret.
man sentenced to eight yours’
nt by the Arkansas joiee
from the sopremp conrt an of.
pew trial under a pew instruc
te This pew instroction declares toad
¢r a ian may be, if hw bas a
$6 be there and if he has not hime
if provoked the assault, the law justi |
“him in standing bis grovad and
jts. The least that can be said of it 1s
that it was net desirable
repeats bein
trade in general
Many of the bost effects are prod
polars, but as meuny as 20 or 25 are
sometimes ueerl. Each codor and shade
fn a design moans a se
pein lant provided the prov
ealrstinces wre soch as to Batis
y thet he had reascuabile grounds
eving and acted on the belied
fhe kidlg vens nidessary to protect
f from great bodily harm
ing nuy farther Jimitation on the
Kill in self dcfense would abel
together, Arkansas is only une
Wawa y states in which » man may
4 deride very hastily whether he
be tried for killing a fellow citi
Jot the fellow citizen bo tried for
Bhim. In these cases, with his
8 excitedly fixed im his assai le
has po time to get legal sdvios
pdy the necessities of the situs
rongh the eyes of bystanders
and jary will do that afterward,
is tmder restraint enough When
g that in saving himself from
il of having to satiely » jr
Lot a A am
A Big Bridge.
Oakland, Cal
destipation.. It will span the Rio de
fort euth.
will be hauled to their place by aa
Is It Another Cry of “Wolf?
hy OAR
hers tnterest
ng ~~ lhocago
this copy beng decided
tg than those
Breckinridge ov Ven Alen—Acrept
| pry sympathies, old man. Phi lade iplon
1 183s juss ae well that Mr. Van Alen
ons | fs not ony representative at Rome. —To
| that Jimmy Yan Aden may be drives lo
=! The muss Mr. Van Alen has got into
iis what might be expected of a man
# | whe spells Lis same that way. —Chis-
Vian Alen ie sreneod of oelng the
terms Ewes’ sal 2 a Hos
inet Mtters te Mw Col 30
thers is a flood, and a manufacturer
most exerciss much artistic taste and
bosiness ability m making selections |
One was submitted to a New England
manufacturer recently bY a wom,
whe stated that it was dictated by epic
sigts of three
trade mnd macafactured by American |
machinery, is 18 inches, snd the length |
(of the repeat in ihe pattern 1s gither |
113 or 143 or 173, inches, ax suggests 4 |
by the character of the design. the shorter |
2 the most satisfactory tothe :
in papers containing only four to 85%
arate roller to
a hig ; the munulaiorer, — Philsdeiphin Toes | oo :
EMA b ghe story moight leak cot and gf homes
Lamps. near the city of Fan Salvador, |
in the reyublie of that name, and will |
be 860 fest Jug, in two spans of 430 |
After being Ianded st the |
nearest port the sections of the bridge |
Acknowledgment wuost be made of |
the receipt of a large and handsomely |
engrossed war tamer from te far east, |
The Queer Request Two Women Made and
{ A gevial Philadelphian, who for ob
| vious reasons does not care fo havi his
name printed on this occasion, secired
# parior car seal on an express train for
ahont to pass through the gates was eur
prised to hear himself pocomted in fers).
pine tones with the somewhat stariling
question, ‘Please, mister, exmid I boo
row you for awhile?’
Looking srommnd, he found two baizom
women, who hastily and besitatingly
explained that they were riding nn 8
pass made ont in the name of & gemtio
man snd bis wife, and, ss the gentle
| fhap wak pot present, they wanted the
genial Jooking citizen to place his
bought ticket at the Avpomal of ope lady
. und take the other one wnder his wick.
while he personated the absent owner
of the pass
with an inward gualo, leet his own 3b
“Yew can take yoar §
promptiy did so by tocking the arm
fate the Lar,
£ weliy traveling
feading her
| pronad Ta be righ
pamidns, and the &
of Bigs. Buti dide't —Fhilsdel
What will be the biggest bridge in
Central America 1s pow boilding st
: After it is eounpleted 11 |
will be taken apart and shipped fo its |
ete Ad ASS AS
Whimsirs]l Father Schanbel,
| years
year. He was soither
Christian, A god many years nao
workmen, whi
and I sprke to him aboot it
op his hands in a egrprised way and
exclaimed, “The w
wheelbarrow load of 1177
romp (rman soe
fon he died net
said, Well, Father Hehaninl
yom fipd you sued OF 2 Bed mvwtit ach
ty four years alt,’ be roplied "An
how do you hike it
most be matisfiod. That was a Aevorite
marin With Bing, to boast
ix, cotitented. He i
year there was, for |
scarcity of tomatoes, apd be
crop In reply to &x quiet
was getting for thers, he Page
dollar nnd fry cunts a bushel
de field Ah, vail, ast
fied. Chicago Juterior,
Bw As
i E
The Origin of “Sieaghlon Bottie ™
Did it ever ocowy to you to
when the sxpression * Stoughic
tle" came from?
Bim about it
seriaia Stoughton's bitters that need fo
be very popular when I was a 1
| Bronubton ts Bitters was a sort of
sano, very woak and taibeiess, add pe
Ip uveelesy. Bo when sarbody sas
%. At cones be began vigirous |
stealtbily and systematically,
* a member of the society
from Cincinnati. The snitst- | moe i€ everywhern and by evershody aa-
he brethren derestimate). mod quite too much over.
Jooked in valostions of character. It 18
the sin of fretting. It is us common a4
air, as speech, 80 common that pniess it
rises above its wrsal monotone we da
pot even observe it. Watch any ardina-
ry coming together of people and see
how many minotes it will be before
somebody frets—that ia, makes moore of
ty | less complaining statement or something
a! or other which probably every coe in
Is-| the room, or in the car, or the strees
| curner, it may be, know before, and
probably nobody can help Why say
The Bin of Frovting.
ta dinuer at the exclusive Cli-
‘with which the proceedings
“33% is wet, it is dry: somebody has bro
ken an appointment, 311 cocked a meal;
| stopidity or bad faith scmewhers haa
r| resulted in discomfort. Therears plenty
i of things to fret about. It is simply se
mi ae specialist
h of medicine and surgery I”
ing, even at the simplest if one only
keeps a sha
things. Even Holy Writ says we are
prone to trouble ss sparks fiy wpwasd
| Bot even to the sparks fiyiog spward,
in the blackest of ymcke. there is a bine
sky above; and the less time they waste
| on the road the scomer they will reach
it. Fretting ia all time wasted on the
road. —Helen Hout
Literature ANG FLAT awe.
Mrs. Strembon (Phillis as was) oe
her husband at the door ss he cw
home one evening recently. She Jookes
| tired, but triumphant.
“I've arranged all your books for
! you," she said. *‘Such a piece of work
"| §5 was,’ and she led her husband to the
bookcase, where he kept most of bis rel
| erence books
To “There, ' said she “You bad boxes
of all sizes and colors in that case—i
was horrible to Jook at. I have pot sll
of the same color together and arranged
them all by their sizex . You won't find
a single tiny book in between two great
big ugly thizgs of another color. Now
you will try to keep the bookcase neat,
won't you, dear—I've spent so much
| time over it" 3
Bo Strephon kissed Phillis and prom.
{sed — New York Son.
Hardening St
In hardening, bright steel should not
| be exposed naked to a fire or flame. It
may with advantage be placed in a cov.
| ered box containing bone dust or animal
charcoal in some other form, or another
plan is to spear soap all over the article
to be hardened. Water or oil is the te
Ba- | diam generally selected for plunging the
what you article in weoolit Petroleum is recom:
‘mended if extra hardness is desired
Either mercury or salt water will give
| gress hardness, but the steel is rendered
brittle. Ofl {athe best mediom for bard
| ening steel if toughsess is sequired. —
Het Pt
EES wr
| tone bitters on a dines tubilo |
There js one gin which it seems ls |
anything aboot it} It ix cold, it is bet, |
found in the course of every day's liv-|
around se neelens as & bulls of
to saving that bs wa a Stompliton |
the, until as an exprescon fier pon
term.’ WW MRL IBREG Post
Schooimaster—Jobuny, ma you
me anything sou have to be than
for during the past Guirter?
Johony (withent besitaticnj-- los
Schoolmaster— Well, Johny, wha
wonths, London Answer.
A Cramp of Trees Upon Which Appesred
the Names of Many Soldiers.
#1 don’t quite snderstand, and 1 sev.
er oomld' said an observer, whet
public places.
favorite objects upon which tO carve
beech offers » field most fuviting to the
knife of the carver. I saw ome a bund
gina, close by the left bank of
James river. A ravite made back from
the river, and at the bead of this ©
there was a spring.
as this clomep of beach trees.
“The pamen carved on (hese mos
were those of soldier wha bod evn en
camped thersabout in the fume of ihe
civil war and who bad onime to to
spring for water It was in 8.0
saw them, so that they must have
there toen at lems 14 yurs. 01
probably been there imper
third of the pamias wire stil bg
Macy of them wers the nazis of
of Penravivania regiments S5e
Nad bevorse illegible were mainly these
that Lad been carved oa nae thes
There Was oie hig tree that had np
on it. I sbemid thunk, 500 names They
ground. It seemed a if grane of those
by men who swung down fri the ret
branch, sod one om
by men standing ou the ground, ur that
tree a borse
“These LAMEs MAY
every ope of them,
and yet it seared
thiv was a case in w
might have been done in
hich the owrving
York Sun.
— A By FE IS
to got married on Chaistmas.
Jacobe— Vot you goin « give bert
sew an den 1 vill Grabably give bes
Reading & few days ago, and ae be wos
“Which te my wife” be inquired, |
sent bevier ball should over bear the
on gir,’ snug
| fie lady in search of an escort, and he |
the voumger fair vos (opder Bis OWD snd |
ht: 27 g 5 hd 3
The omnis
the fransaction was dos to a fear that
Father Schanhel, who died » fom
Ago, was weil past bis eightiearh |
dosed in narnest
‘a haniing earth Trion coe
of Nis dots, eperonched on one of mine, |
He thon
Bode earth 8 made
of dirt, snd shall we quarrel showt a
Has kad a
it A short times be {
wn the street ane
Ach, vall, ve
,@ preat |
pd 3 jarge |
a5 what be |
be satin i
wonder |
Senator Palnser need |
it the Inst time I sow him and 1 asind
“Why.” said he, “it comes from a
Jobmny—Why, when yom broke 5c
arm you cocidn t ick oe for tr
prompts people to write their pames in |
Troes bave always been
t i names, and the oth | bark of the |
eve ont on that side of | bar d smooth | bavk of the |
of beech trees upon which thonsands of |
names bad been cut. This was tn hi
* | ar came behind and posbed.
Aromnd the apiag -
Ny ii jish, which Is
2¥ Bad | 1y well, how munch money § had. It was |
2 po place 4 argde with them, for if ther
| had left me thers 1 might bave Deen |
* | thers yet.
epoircled It for 30 feet pp from the
Among the highest must have been nt
Jd tmagime that
men stood cn one another's shoalders to
reach above the Dames already carved
there was lod up beside the
open whose back the carver |
simply as a pastime, |
scmehow as though |
more than a merely idle spirit "'— New |
Laraels—My daughter Renbel vas goin
It ia high time thet & word shonid be
spoken in apology to the mach abused
puppy. who has for years bees made 16
stand as an enablem of the moet desploabie |
member of the human family. :
When s ran Jiscovers traits of wean.
| peas. whon be betrays a meddimome, pry
Rati ee
ing, eaddish disposition: we sre loo prone
to tharacterize him ae a ‘puppy’ without
stopping to think of the eontumaly there
by heaped upon tie eanine aritonsl of im
| Intend of beings term of reproach,
# poppy,’ properly eomsidered, is & bigh
and ondeservad compliroent heitowed up
i om the nhiect of our contempt, bat white
| we thus nnistentionally hone the adh,
| we doa distinct and unwarranted i=jus
ioe 30 the puppy. for it is 8 sort of insinn
ation that be is no beiter than the man te
whom he is likened, inasmuch as hy raid
tng » cad a PUPPY WE As TAUGH Ae ERY that
i the puppy in a mean, # king upstart of
| a eresture, which be is not.
The puppy Is frank. free and frais
pore. siwavs in the best of humor, with
| petiving apderhand dr mean abont him
He pever sniks in Lis Eenipsl por sam
| plains because things ui pot go jovet am he
wants hom wo ga Ho makes fire Ge with
everybody, the rich and the poor, fim Mig
ard the low the god HORI are iB
aRiy, and he tw po rospecler of giik, wi
sud broadcloth above otto or fasten oF {
I rag# |
| Fie 4 ett sgoenrnieh as 60 Bs
. akon what be given to Bim gilli,
ypuch move ae he can get bold of. %
Fie man ard does rend you Herman at and |
| Bexuolish stray rablers and make “mane!
| ings of your ralmeona, but he does ail hin |
| jwosely and without soalion Ji be his}
safety vals the joint given Tire where |
by he wuay bio ofl pane part of his ex- |
I aherant liveliness
The puppy is the very a iptesaenee nf
nimared good nature, Flv 8 ho cin
arent. his the merry making die
position that would bave BATTS, ANG
mal and vegetable, share in Bis Joye
Therefore, to call 8 monn spirited fol |
| Jew a puppy Iv 8 gratuitous and cowar ;
LC papted [hel upon the four Boted ihpen a,
and it be Hive that justics was Got Lo Loe |
puppy by Bo fodigrer nunking Bln The sme
Lean and the anabogae of Uhl mat wa Amid |
by his pare
"A puppy does pot put of Aire por turn
op his Dome at people w Lat fe fancies are |
below Biss if, he ver considers |
anybody below Biro oeitho dows dee Ine |
Saige in Naoids foore potent than wriiR
i Sor make biel? odorous with clparetie |
I ogoake. i
i The poppy ix mbebievona Lut neve
| malicious. He tries Io aw every
friend and was never known to sak U1
of any one. : |
Then why bas be Deen maligned ald
these years! Come, let ux Bo longer do |
grade a good fellow, and a merry, by cm
pioving bis as 5 mile of all that is mean
| and despicable in homan pature — HBostos |
Transcript. i
divs. Bd sd
Experience of a Daitimore Men With the
Arabs of Egypt.
Dr James J Milis of Baltimore made |
8 visit to Furope and Egypt. He passed |
through an experience that was as on. |
pleasant as it wan novel-that of being i
| held up and robbed within the gloomy |
| and musty walls of the great pyramid |
| of Cheops, by the Nils Discosing the :
trip, Dr. Mills said: i
© “It Iheltolivea ina foreign city, it
- wromid either be Paris or Cafre. Catra |}
| js onlike any other city in the world |
There is a strange mingling of the white |
hit lanes 1 Onin Ey La ma deh ha : faces of the (resid with the inky kink
faces of the Nubians and Sudaness |
* and the yellow skinned Arabs, who oon |
stitute the bulk of the population. Of :
| course 1 wanted to visit the pyramids,
‘and 1 nndertock to do it without being
| accompanied by a dragomnan. Against
the advices of friends, I set cut on the |
back of a donkey, with no attendant |
| save the donkey boy! Aw the boy cond |
speak po English and I comid speak no |
| Arabian, we did pot talk much. :
"Wa were followed cot of Cairo by &
pwarm of beggars, whoss cniy cry was }
| pemohed the vicinity of the pyramids, we |
| were met by a Borde of Arabs, who
' conld speak but a few words of brokea
| English. They volunterad to take me
| fnwide the pyramid. With two of the |
| wild ooking sons of the desert we en- |
| gored the great pyramid of Cheops, de- |
seending long, gloomy passages, passing
| the brink of an enormous well, travers |
ing a footway which jad along hy the |
| tombe of pumerons dead and up a par |
| pow passageway with a foor as #octh |
| am glass ; i
| “Here the ssoent was #0) steap that it
was pecessary fur coe Arab go in
| front and pull me along, while the oth- |
Wien we |
reached the end of this passageway, we ]
‘ sat down forest. The Rimmosphess ¥a8
| sifting, while myriads of black bate
flew clamstly about and gave an ano 3
| Anny Appearance to the piace. It was
i shen that my two Arad) guides began to
think of ‘backskeesh’ and ask a Bag
1 aodderstand paanfal
“1 tried to make them think that 1
© did not nonderstand, but the result of it,
all was that they turned my pockels in.
side cnr and took ail the money I bad. |
Then they piloted me ont in great glee |
and told me that 1 was u valy glod
man’ 1gotback to Cairoassoon as 1 |
gould, and thers my friends told mel
might have well expocted to have been
robbed. = Baliimore American
A Stlent Yoloe Speake.
The Monroe Sovirne woeske alow,
And bide si Barope hear
That oo snoroschneonts av allowed
Upon this hetudapheoy
That Unciedsam ovens wars of pesos
And wants them be prevat]
Among ail me BU was whisdl Onnee
And wariine offi fall
Bat will not jets foreign state,
However gromt she te,
Taare thos wide or desninsse
Aspe rioan Howry.
All if Greg Britain tries W take
Boas Vevey well :
The sect snd wo male
Tne Gio within him Bath
And mar cv Ba
Thal aa te nol Bo
Or. dues ing 8 » chal
Flin mater kd ovdviRd
Butta Tie a Saigon Paw /
= 3s 3
| Hgaments in the nape
I gitiem iv easily shown :
| man pods as he is falling ssleep, for as |
| avery now and again
{to just $1.59
| to chest the Lard by sortmg a plogged
| Tork Herald
i 3
| quickly forget and forgive Women, on |
sex who by wend or deed hints that the
¢ from it, is possibia
: all the people for miles around are due
© emtile shrank 0
| seera frantic tH hide, au
| Seores of people yet feel the effinin —
| New York Recorder
ho the pannfscturers —Spokane Chron
Wa are 80 aoonstomaed to standing vp
right as a natural attitode that few of
us think what a special complex mech- +
| apie is required for this puprose. A
moment's consideration will show that
the crdinery explanation of the ersct
positicn (the penter of gravity to be di-
pactlv shove the fest) is insafScient
When 3 man is suddenly shot, whether |
from the fromt or behind. he drops oo
Bis face, for the truth is that thes is
much mors weight in the front of the
spinal column than bebind it.
The fact is that when we ave standing
s large number of powsrfal moe les
{both frout and back) are me ilaneons-
Jy at work, the «fects of their action
ng to neutralize each cfber. Thos, |
the jogs would fall forward ware it not
that they are kept vertical on the foot
at the back of the heel At the same
tinse the muscles of the thigh are tight
ened $0 84 to prevent us faking s sitting
position, and the moscies of the back
are pulled tense so that the tronk does
not stoop forward. The head is prevent.
od from dropping om the chest by the |
of the peck {
net its normal po |
by the fact that 8
That the npright is
| soon as the controlling pervons furee is |
Aeadencd the head drops forward bY 1H
bown weight, only to be poled bak fot
portion agdin with a jerk whine the
Brain beergpes sudden iy aware of on pm
vena! atiitnde - Reatnsh- Amer 2 {
Ministers Pay. i
Why do pot eomntry Christian pooph |
give at least a decent support 10 that |
ministers? That sole sph ingg r i
= mil i
ba pets |
Thm @ wt ar
ropaki Yok more Than be ix warie,
ted, eared, fondled and snl 0 fa:
rope whenever be bas the tovithaw he OF |
mins and gets to feel (hat be MAD
ida] to be worshinred The cones
minister starved tv death oo aisry
at ail and gets oo Sook as though he had
heen shot through a Endod ir du 10
pe booed be will bave & govel Vigee ind
heaven, for he hos wpvineg Lat a goed :
time here. (me of (hess pear Creator
fot 100 miles fre
frou Nowe York, Wis so
wretchiedly off that kis parishioners got {
op An entertainment as x benefit for
hire. They were very careful tO extract
freon the sam total every expense to
which they had been pot. and when toe
set Fam was handed to Bim if amonnted
Think of that, ye smd
wnled folk whe want the gospel of
brotherly Jove preached to you and think
copper into the contribat fom box ——Now
Riis Je a Man's Assertion In Regard to
Women Comparnd With Men
A man who bas made a stady of
women and their ways remeried the
other day {hat Women are, ax a set. hs
frank and rrathfnl than wen. Whateve |
truth thera iv in this assertion wn Nay |
be sore it is at least pot innate, tut due |
to the diTerenrn in The requirements of
the two meses and the seseqoent if
ferenon in their aducation. Men ave
taught to reveal (roe natures from the
cradle to the grave Men are taught
that, Being bomot, they are mbjeot 10
varions passions and fable to fail nin
error which it is not pecvssary for them
to copoeal, for if they deviate fom the
straight and pareow sath the word will
the contrary, ate faoghy that if they are
pot inwardly statoes of decornm, they
must miske iv appear that they woe, for
the world a merciless to ope of their
smallest totleriog on ber pedestal, not
to meation even a momentary descent |
In short, women ave required to oon
cenl their real human seives from all
bebolders as absolutely as they conceal
their lower limbs in the copventivpal
draperies of femininity, while men areas |
free to reveal their real selves to the
world aa to clothe themselves in the
nether garments of their sex. Bat con
cealment or lsck of frankness 18 by po
wenn ontrathivisess — Philadeiplics
Gn SO,
Many Persons Terrified Ins Little Ren:
tueky Vilage
The little village of Stark, Ky, and
cussing cps of the strangest coonrrenon
that ever ag cand that comupniy
On Toesday last, n beautiful day with
set mach wind, 8 borritis noise, inde |
scribuble fSeove, assavited fae wir i
{ gpecticn reparatory
Thee In Last Contest Food Enough For
Several Year: Warts Delligerency Tors
oguition From the United States
Major Chenirs] Manoel Suarez Delga-
dn. commonly spoken of a8 (General
Soares" ix the insurgent chief in charge
of the Fifih wrmy corps of the Coban
forcer, with headgoarters af present in
the vicinity of Monicaragon,
Branding fall £ feet in beight, he pre:
sents an iden] appesrancs ix sn near
gent chief, kiv massive form clad in the
simple white linen costume of Lhe COBB.
try. His features sre of a decidedly
sqpiline cast. and his eyes show the foe-
nity of resdy commend over men :
Tie headeuarters of the Fifth Coban
STImY Corps (OnRIST at present of a large
desertad toharsn shed, without walls
snd with » roof partially blows sway
by the rian! severe ops Lave prreralont in
Cobn 3
proaches are gu
large deta] of cavalrrmen, Wh are rail
armed ard chi evidence of mere mill
tary train tg than ix the present tates
of the baa oF Sem Conban | forces {nn thes
¢ Rants Clam, otherwise
ride oMelentiy BY 8
Compneend of 8 Soe hosing
wr of whe have given
wo laprative profes
Borg to Bet 10 IND DriDMssom soe dliie
operation of the Coban " Army of Lib-
erty.’ :
At prosent thers is with the peners!
Ennesto ¥. Stirling, the civil goswrpor
of the province, wha id 8 8 Tour of in
ta the estabiish-
BA Sasi
| ment of places for the manufacture of
| clothing and complete equipment, ave
| the arms and ammonition, for both the
| Coban mfantey snd cavalry, Very come
plate shops ars at preset going at fail
blast in the mountains of Santiago snd
Puerto Principe, established there hy
General In Chief Gomer These supply
fhe armive with headquarters in those .
| places, anil thoes 15 ba established wre
| intended to clothe snd equip the large
fopne to bo shortly centralized in this
fie sayy avery pacific means bave heen
ged to pot from the Spanish coetes and
rulers a proper recognizance of Coban
rights, tint without ayprevighle efeot,
Coba is allowed 30 got of sbomt 400
mem iors of the Spanish legislative body,
and of thin ineffective pumber the # lows
dogs of 34 3 coprroihd from Madrid,
thus waving sit vores effective for Coe
ban rights apd 2564 dotpionted by A
uly desire for Spanish agrandisement.
Poritions inramershie have been "nt
for The amelioration of speoific aboses,
and all withoot effect Unjust and
grievons Taxes are Weied open oil the
Cuban pomsasions, aod the laws reguist.
ing domestic manufacturers Are SG hard
tint the residents of tipe island are com-
patied to buy almost every manniec-
rural siotiole of counpptee 12 50 exorkt.
Ant Sinre fram SpaniEh panulacharers,
and Tom them solely, asthe import do-
thom 7 aetically shot oot from Cuba the
wes expensive andl vastly better made
prcdoce of sther nathins
Thin is ssvecinily se of the United
Mares. which ix the nainral market wo
wirich the Cubans go for the purchase of
masafactured sommpodities, and 0
where they andonbrediy will go shoald
they smooeed in gaining their independ-
Ar tthe probable dorgtion of this
war, shomid victory be delayed the
comptry bas fond encagh in sight towmp-
port 30.000 men for years. Should this
prove bwoMeiint, the smaller towns
will be taken and their provisions need,
as wax dope the Init five years of the
last war,
In that straymie 7,000 men restated
the Spanish foroes fir ten years. There
are pow 80 060 bsurgents in the Seid,
and when safficient arms can be had,
20.004) more are ready 15 join the army.
The general believes that the sumber
of men in the field, their discipline and
equipment are soch as 10 merit roe-
cgmition of their helligerwncy by the
United Staves, which he thinks would
tend to speadily temminate the war in
favor of Coba, ficst by the ressendous
moral force soch an set woanld have
spon the nations at large, and second
Hecate then Cabay money wonld have
po hindrance in it cutfow for Amer
ean aries and axnuunBition.
General Soave is abwoliotely ennfident
af Cuban sarees, sud that pot far off,
—fyivester Scovel in Pitsburg Dis
— Ey
The lstamd of Thao
Tie wolianie dst of Tanna, one of
was belwron a soream and a Row an
had Suit iuo oA terror hat taupe
almost parsivaed with fear is
the earth ain
we. Pigs and sheny
fF Fo in wed a
the moet pitiful
if eraxy
The sound lasted faliy a minate, and
many womens faipted. No one 18 sure
whether it came from the air or earth,
or what caused it, but The Carter County
Bugle says nothing Like 8 was ever
beard of.
It was confined toa space Sve miles
square. Beyond thas uo che how qd it
pita ise
Thevoughly Hammes.
Bloosin—That street just below is
quite a thoroughfare, isn't it?
Blagzin-—No; that's not a thorough:
fare at all, but the crowd likes to use it
because thers's a sign theve that reads,
“Private way-——dangeroos passage
Rosimry (razetta
! gw
any Years
Now Hetirtdes jfroup. has been for
a aera state of erup-
Vain of dre hy night
which ix clearly
fstanon Nuch i the
Rtg A
af A Qreak w
| ssrrainty with which this ane appears
thing vessels fn the YRUIILY are nsruct-
ad by their saliing dirdetions Ww Wok out
for it ust ss they world do were I+ an
ordinary Lighthouse
To Ft the Case
“1 wish you world give me 3 name
for a sew brand of butter.” said =
dairvman to a customer.
certainly, answered the onstomer ;
sil 3b im like the last om sent ma I
wonld sugi@et Sanson. ** ee Datyoit
right of discovery, apd if we cal re-
what is old more briefly and bright
v than others this also ODecomes Our
own Livy right of conneet. —Coltan.
A little wit and « great deal of IR
How 1s Prepared. 3
The dried Jeaf has little of the arama
of the manufactured tobacen. This in des
veloped by a kind of fermentation
which it i subjected in the warehouses
pature will famish a man for sate,
but the greatest iostanoe and vains of
wit i to command wall — Tillowon,
Dr. C.F Sco the state veterinarien
of Wisconsin, sys thas when the gold
murod is eaten by horesy It prodofs &
fatal disease simetisy ee comecnprion.