i A 5 And Ae enrth | bs Convo HE With robes of foe: 3 atton fo urier. Tey Teuman's coal 6740 GORI ; | This is eortainiy an pen winter. PATTON PUBLISHING co. Sicmad Go to The Cambria Hardware Co. for Seaton tf Te NSP APER LAW DECISIONS, mew=1 EO Harelorn { Suhseribers who do Bot give express | ville rn potice to the danirasy are aA ax wivh- AR iL Yozt. or 1 hicago, 5 J tos pene their siibseri plans. If sabseritiers oder the discontinbanes huginess Metuday ir. A.V. Murray, spent his Christ- Joh IRDGr Ray Sia mas at Plaladelphin wis at was here oof their periodieats, tue Poi wy amd them nail paid. ] x. TE wreaths 0, ol boi rele Bo tain ghelr portodiend feonye the prastotine th which they gee Fractied, they are rrapomaible anti thes have settled their Bille anal ordered thin 515 AITERTAZOR are hone. AM » » are $y Anew In winter when nd ne wiidly the storms TE, Aseontinned, tor to our town on Monday. ; ith 1 BPE sent 16 the foriner address, thek are 2 G.1T.C t he pertodivads fran the office oF remoting | nolan, of Pittsburg, register & If sabserilers pay io advance they wre | gives the best satisfaction of any. #716 wise the pahliniers 1d gut horiped to send i ages. hil : $5 et to the publ ‘day. Jeyery oiher Sunday #1 8 and Ba my Mune Pp i 5 Ay. Heeddors at He) x 8 si ant TI pom ax exbuing v0 TR. Monday. tom Lanlge Hove. poiite eeery Thurles in Patton. Parris CRDEN Ses oF ANKEICA Wash - Hall I. Holsinger, Ves. J T. Swarts. 1A PR bdon Wes. Patton, Cambria of each month in opens oars on Saturday, jhe rebuilt at once. rons visiting friends. M to 8 New Camberland W. Va i ‘hristmas in Carroillown. { Patton on business Monday. Toa call on him in the Good building. Fat And “the sighs new sing heerrid, rast - ts ASCE pum fh : : hu To ith hin during institote week at that place. {Bf snbderibéss move to thet p okt : 3 : odes oul nen te panther, and the o popers Carving knives and forks at The ve held Cambria Hardware Co's. 4tf Fesponsble. The Courts hve decided that ve fosing fo © amd leaving ther araatied fr, bs prima feeds #1 at the Central hoes Monday. evidence of Intention! femad. ; er ke : : Order your ooal from Troman. bound to give notles af he end of the the if : they di not wish to continge king it other. Red the mibeerifeer will be sewponeibie mati an © H. 1. Weaver, of Freeport, was EX Prise notion, with Ji ssn of Ril armen guest at the Commercial Hotel Morn CHURCH NOTICES. ol : CCK PHeL IG Father Marceilios, gritos? Mass Jus. A, Hetimah, fie eg Hn guest sl om © da shoot at 2p ra amd ¥ PUREE i3 i t Jenteal hote MerHoner Epineiir AL Re, £ WW Waser, | : i td ¥ siday ht std p.m. Epworth Lengo is Joh. H. Dansmore, of Philipsburg, mt EN pm, Praver mesting ory Wednes wh 8 weloome visitor to Patton on LODGE NOTICES. a tha Ola IRBEPENIENY On we fo Ci ERLE Pat A.W. Lee of the Clearfield Lamber he i sompany, of Clearfield spent Monday ee fer ot TR Got 5. Hall, HR es " Crh 5. {5 BN a Dr. Chan. 1). Hertz, the dentist, spent tnglon Ching No. $88 oris evers Mowiny Christmas at Tyrone, the guest of Dr. | Frenne nt TB In thud x 5 Witalow, Bec iy Fh ¥, k 4 . ANFEERT ORDER GF mex oF AMERT Prince the weil known bull dog own : ed by WP. Jackson, was killed by the ornty, mols fiery id Sandiay Kilerhon ; Tn n, Prox Bs Pritip Outtighan, | Rex. Hee. tpn, | The large main building of the olay | : wr — - plant which was recently burned will | . Chas. W. Wasson and daughter spent several days last week in ‘John Snowden and Frank Thayer, spent Christman with their families at OC. A. Repsher, an empioye of this office, accompanied by bis wife, spent 8 Good of Lock Haven, and | lex Patton, of Curwensyille, were in oi hen oar bew in ary ee) bow a Sompansien for the fellow i If your teeth bother you read Dr : Who br dirh o naght i vortared with ix | go new “ad” in this iw Feet. whet 12 day are torrid Ei H. Parnell, of Houtadale, visited ad his brother J Edwin Parvell, of this And Battie with the beat, ie Awake place, the latter part of jast week, i The Clearfield Monitor insted 3 daily told The edition shows mach enterprise. “EA W, Bulletin. | Howdoesitgotowrite1906? Where did you spend the holidays. and Mrs I. 8 Bell on Fifth avenue. Everybody is invited into the Cou- "AL Hat} \ Frid | mrin office to wee the wheels go around | Ab ngs ; ¥ on press day, Wednesday afternoon. | night : x Harvey Lingle, who spent Christmas ah wn foam over from Curwens- |, .1.e home of his parents in Philips Lo burg, returned to Patton on Tiesdsy. : The writer hus been informed by the : raion on Monday. © paysicians of Patton that a number of we _ “Tim the Tinker” at Hastings oper children are down with the meusies in house on Friday night, I. 8 Bell and Jesse E visitors to DuBois last week accompanied by Rev. Patber Brady, of Osonols Mills Good, died at that place on last Priday. Patton, The pest line of amps in own at Calinet photographs at rednesd The Cassbria Hardware Co's, 44 prices during the month of December a Postmaster Ed. A. Mellon made a #1 dC. Patrkek's ol bainem trip to Hastings on Monday. avenue. af Jas A. Miller, of Altoona, registered When you take & trip to Ebensbury at the Commercial hotel on Satar. stop at the Blair house and yon will be iy “used all right Accommodations ex. "oellent and rates moderate. 8840 @ were — ¥ and BJ. Good of Lock Haven, thelr fatber, Geo. 8 8 Saker ¥ ¥ Wise were last The Star, ve Alex. Montieth aud _ Johnstown and | Matt and Jas. Nolen and their wives change added to the Coumier list. It. " with certainly a credit to the publisher. a R E Davis, a traveling salesman of 0 Alteons stopped at the Central hotel : Y Haught, the lumber mer. iin all, , "Ham Cain, of New Cumberland, was chant, is spending his New Year at : a visitor to Patton during last week. of was in town He is in the wall paper and painting | ” Geo. Green, of Gazzam, nr business and is thinking quite serious . wil die wegl Shaking ly of locating here. LW veil All the Patton school teachers, who H caver, a tra one Slogan, | were taking a vacation last week, re af Fresportitopped at lommercial ened to Patton Friday and Saiarday a hotel on onday fam : os and resumed their duties at the oid The largest stock © ps to select pund Monday morning. Be will ay fond at The Cambria p, of peopie have piles, but De Hardware Co.'s. Wikt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure Taeday was pay day at all the gum When promply applied it cies mines in Patton Sptepe the Moshan- gids and burns without the slightest AOD COMPAnY's WOrks. pain. C. W, Hoogkins F. E. McBEifresh, who spent yChrist- Charles Eck was caught by a fall of "mas at his home in Penrith, W. Va.. coal in the Benton mine Wednesday returned to Patton Monday. morning and considerably bruised Ward and McKelvy, the merchant about the body and arms, hat no bones tailors have a big new “ad in the were broken. —Spangier Sentinel, i ark this week. Look it up. {On Tuesday W. P. Jackson received McLaughlin and wife sad intelligence of the death of his Ot dinner at the bome of wister-An-law-, Mrs. Doras Hoover, of McLaughlin's parents at Clearfield The South Fork Record issued s Rigler, Pa. He departed for that plice Wednesday to sttend the funeral beautiful Christmas edition last week. The familiar face of Chas. W. Martin, Editor Sechler puts out a good paper. | Raphael Hite, whose term expired who was a former employe of the Cambria Hardware company, but who on Tuesday night as poor house di- rector, wis in town the first of the is now traveling for a Pittsburg house, week. was seen on our street Wednesday. Road Supervisor W. H. Moors was Abe Byers, a former resident of this place, but now of Mineral Point, Pa, one of the frst who arrived at the tire Friday night, and was not long was here on Tharsday looking after business interests. looking after the interests of the Mr. Harper, of A. M. Thomas’ bard. * ware, who was at Lock Haven and Renova, through the holidays, re. turned home on Saturday. pected to take oul al least 140, 000. 008) wh employe. With a crew of men be soon removed several cars that were standing on the siding, which were in Tmediate danger of eing CONSUL HY by the fames. Lrwoens. | JC. Wise, of Ansonville, was a visi | ‘had charge the past I. A Quinn and danghter ta, of DuBois are the guests of Mr. spent Monday wind Tuesday in Lal Poh at Rankin, Px, | and edited br A. H. List, is a Dew ex- Five million bushels of cosl have gone down the Ohio river from Pitta burg on the prevent rise, which » ex. Pymusylvania company, of which he ts "The PATTON COURIER lately entered wpon ite third yenr, We esteem it one of onr valuable exchanges May it ve long and be a source of real profit to ita projector. ~ Conlport St tandard. days of grace will be allowed on notes, drafts, ete, they having been abolished thronghout the Stare by the last Logie ature. The Husting Tribune is again andor the supervision of Raymond J. Kaylor, the proprietor, (A Gill, who bis year, retiviing. The Cormier wishes Bro. Kaylor en- “cosf In the “ald harness’ again. Jt A heauntiful scene presented iteelf | during the fire Friday night by the re flection of the light on the large hill south of the works ad it was white with snow and here and there were groups of spectators witnessing the fire. From the railroad on the opposite side it presented a magnificant spectacle. Ar the Palmer Bods, Following is a list of some of the poopie who registered at the Palmer house since last Wednesday morning: JN. McCormick, Hantingdon, PF. Maloney, Syracose, N.Y: A A By ers, Johnstown: 8. FH. Haffley, Altoona; 'H. D. Romberger, Philipsburg: K. © Raup, Altoons; W. L. Malin, Belle fonte: EA. Clark, Johnstown: John Davis, Jos Carlin, Altoona; Wiiliaed B. Winner, Phila; J. B. Smith, Su: litzing J. M. Spincer, Ho didaysbarg; 'B. MeClellan, Philipsburg; Gi. i Phila. Giised for Business Mon, The eleventh annani issue of the Columbia pad calendar is 10 be had by sending five two-cent stamps to the Pope Manufacturing company | Calen- | Hartford, Conn. This calendar has been considered a has been ‘dar Department , fixtnre for many years. [It improved from year to year and this time is better than ever. Jt is & vii | unable adjanct to the desk of the busi- | ness or profesional man on account of the facility with which memoranda may be placed on its pages. Received their License, Marriage liceome were bwted 10 the following people af Eoemetiar december Zid: Wn A: Dietrick, Blanch A, Adams, Patton. Moses lo Loan. Irn sums of B20 1 Reoved real estate security. fare address J OC Yo For par- Too Polite Collector- That old Slopay is too darn polite Editor. Eh! Ceogector Every time | bring his bill for advertising be tells me fo call again Ex. Rather Slend This store 1s run ou principle of slender profits a lots of them. That means many sales, with alittie hangin on each one. It means further that this is the cheapest store in town—cheap because a man ‘always gets lis money's worth. the 1 a For Instance: Men's gerd all-wool suits; . worth 86 3 Si Che 5 00 Berne cr oones in Blac K ut, 7, well worth i 8 We have suits. Ov ere outs yon Sire mn these Good warm storm coats for men At $5 00 just worth 650 iy x3 Our black beaver coat at $s is a beauty. Others will i offer one like 1t at 10, Boy's 3.4.56, Here an assorinient that tripp the other stores in towt. L. S. BELL, The Clothier. that amt. Te ka NR ¥ ne $7. & aH Rid Hu S43, es i Notices have bhoen posted in fhe ‘banks stating that after Jaguary 1st no on Londgren and Miss Annie Hanson, Patton, and Math. : Hastings and Miss $10.000 on up Patrick, Patton, | having recently opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment in the Baler a building are glad to be able to state to the people of Patton sod or a pommunity that they have already plenty of work, also wad to bw able Io X- tend thanks for the liberal patronage and genthananiy treatment we fn ie peretved sine coming in your midst, we respectfally meguest a continuance of he same, promising to make onr heat afford to pions dnd give vou grad wa £. 2 . ror your mony, Don't think becanse we say we have plenty of work we are not wanting your arrange to take cam of You know this is the dullest time in the year for the Tailoring business and thal is the very reason it in The best time 54 order for a salt or pair of pants, for we Ao. an ae will atl that comes as promptly as possible for you to get a Bait or Overcont made. wont cost as mnch as next spring when we are over ran with work, for that's what we are going to be Wa know fram experience that we can fit yon. Also know we are going to reat yon well and not overcharge yon, and there cannot he tere think,” any reason why vou should nut give ns a trial, after that yoo are sure to come back A good line of men's fine Rhoes latest styles. alan a complete line of heavy Shows. Rubber Boots, Fre, for men and boys, that ‘we would like you to in- spect before buying, especially that Invisible Cork Sole Shoe that excludes all dampness at £4.00, and the Goodyear Welt at #325 then the English Foeamel at $4.50, and don’t miss the hand-made Patent Leather at $5.00. It's a daisy and if yon want a cheaper shoe we sella good C aif Shoe for $2.50, and good shoe. &il solid, for $1.50 and $1.75. The Working Shoes, we have them ringing in price to suit your pocketbook. Arctica. Overs, Fte., we are prepared to give yon a good quality at prices al low as same qoality can be sid for any place. Drop in and see us whether you are wanting to purchase or not, ; Patton, Pa. : in EWA 11 Fiewenth Awe, iis Practical Blacksmithing and ; 1 orse-shoeing Sleds and Wagms made to arder. Ald [owest Prices tinds of repaining done at OBSERVE : = Crain of all kinds taken xchange for work R. A Hunter, PATTON, PA Near Iron Bridge Do You Wear SHOES? For many years the public has made snr store te headquarters. Ther ln no special secret shout this statement : They came in crows to relieve them selves of high prices. There never was a time when we kept this fact a secret Why should it be jtept so, when we are endeavoring to (ivide our eArTings with the people. There are a nupber of excellent values offered this week. If you ame quick in the matter there may be one eft for you A pretty showing of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children's Fall and Winter Shoes that have never beet shown in Altoons ‘are all fast sellers Be active in this matter and don’t shit too Jong. Our latook of shoes this 1 ls so varied that we can please yon ill. Drop in and see for yourself GEO. F. STREIT, ALTOONA, eh {vervoats, 1 75, 2, Remember - We - Give - the - Desl People Always Want Foy as ap oad La a Ray + have con gg WW © Dave SENET BRAS Ea A Bib OWE HRVE UIC UGE terms. We will sell you give you VOur agreement 1s 54 Monthly 7 satae. avn igi t i wee ¥ » c the balance R CHANCE FOR HOME SEEKERS AND INVESTOR of disp Wang on easy all piyment when QUARTERLY rat ahi NOW % ¥ ¥ Foy Lh ae 3 Here 18 a chance make a 4 Er SO a Rs : 3 pg Call and see ms whether you Wind toy Du 1 a thing to mteres We will be glad at advantages of investing in Faton Real Estate. ¥u v4 LK ¥ TY co 1 ase 3 3 Or Yearly. myesiment on easy terms. Or nat von mizay see sonie- x » . si all times to show vou the Terms.