\ a we a ; Er Young, Ralph Lots. i Manors Er perion. Ram’! Bayee. |: Mx, siraddling they are, threat- IOC, TUN | hg other nations peculiarly ex- o Botae . i the com. | mitiee ppointments having been an- | ks | 3 No excuse for 'doeplew y sighle when | you can procure One Minute Cough patrox restsmING co. Proprietors. Care. This will relieve all annoyances. : etre the most severe cough and give THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 1890. yout rest and health. (an you afford TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. i to do without it? CC. W. Hodgkins. PY, year, in ndva J CClerieal Onder ob the Poonsyivanby Rail Advertising aden nde Known Hpon road AD Eaton aaesl nntll atl ar : The Pennsylvania Railoead company ars pad, pnioss al the option of the a | announces that clerical orders for the Entared 1 at the Postoffive st Pation as seerand. year 1806 will be piaed to ordained class pail matter. : © inisters of the Gospel located on its : CouNTY. system east of Pittsburg and Erie in EME OF FOLDING (COURT, fut Monday of March | 1a Monday of Buspit, OFF ICERA, to avail. themselves of this privilege fpsrrienr Topo Hon, A.V. Barker, Pann irra RY dL LL should make application to the nearest imrhy, Rearren Ant Rucoang —b. A. Meouzh. | gjcket office of the Pennsylvania Rail road. so the orders may be nso Limi BW Uantiter, Davis FB trey Bap ers-Nanahel bavis Sire Po : at the close of the present Year, BE. Davis DrsrRaicT Arron sRY RoR Murphy, ! Conse 3k, futon, a te, Yoivd, Oar people Are growing Ore and ot MIS OR ERS CENER Fob | fe Cantos. ‘ more in the habit of Joking to Pat- ONTY INTES DENT oJ fase Oy Li rn , h Eetiermmn. © ton Pharmacy for the latest snd bent Len ery Avisos Wn. 3 Jones, WoO of everything in the drag line They ; Pony T nak THILY. ns. Ausiom Wenkinnd, sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Foy. MiBer. : Comer Die. George Martin, | famous for its cares of bad colds, croup —— DO be. Coabaery, Baines Mom. and whooping cough. When in need : peliioide OFFICERS, of snch a medicine give this remedy a Brsims-W. J. Doandly ae a “trial and yon will be more than pleased Cnexcr-Limeoin 8, wer nt: RA Wilson, Prank phe BOF Wee PY | with the result. sty Hogmea i Cre) president: i. . Throwed Away His Canes, H. Carina, retary: ested, trons. | : joa E. i il Mr. I. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black SB A fry, Na Tie, HF. Paricn, Sammie {Oreek, N. Y., was so badly afficted “Jowrtcr or TE PEACE deem FE. Drie Ins gen phanmatism that he was only able | n seve. W. gl: Saandford 45 hobble around with canes, and even ROP : Metlon. : | then it caosed him great pain. After Yaaborn. | using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was | a0 mach improved that he threw away Insegeron- Walter Weanhland, hie canes. He says this Hniment did aA en hoy. him more good than all other medi- Seem fu Coxuimtonre— A. J. dwekmw. cines and treatment pat together. For CA TADDLING PMPIRE. | wale at 30 cents per bottle by Patton ‘The British empire is an inttation | Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. Ar ma end. H (LW shomal Haak of Priton at Paton, 8 the paste of Ponasyivania &t the close of Dipeinows, | the globe, and It seems that its very po y ! of RB EFORT of the condition of the First Na. | {ror mrnoed Best nens Detober | The fall of this inh, 1. i empire would act be A surprise to the HERO BER, world, becanse it is in truth becoming |, 4 se cuinte £8 heads fo wears efrciinion, fumeon 1, 8 bonds S40 6 Banking Home, farniiore & Atures LENO has covered a period in the annals of) hoe frome State Banke and Inokers, am : {Becks ter candy Heda fo maturity, and in oor opinion | Mister of vibesr Nations! Banks = the world which would bring any Ire from a pid FRITH AEnIN TT the Britons are possibly near to some FTeCHOnE paper camer y mek nl « of decline. It is gnestionable Lawful mon. {Specie 1409 Wy oy pesorved Cemdre wen wt the empire is as strong to-day in Bank. ; ai : on ot Pree Bron U. HK. Tremevirer other that ner ont, pedemypline fan. 3 2A | 0 Total a Ss = Th RN " SAABILITIEN J BE i 28 ompts the great powers of the world | : Sp seek | peut Mise Inti days and gb o upon the | vided rifts, ree aa In gem a Niles Gk fetes SOs ndIng, ; : Doe 1 Sih Hagia nt Janke is = ae bs a mks red ners DE algodh dage in the Fubore. Tnstividuni de . wits wnt Are heek Sie pepsin certifiontes o nerd ; ; an she Ld today is very well Tinie cortifiontes of eget i | Certifion chet ky | Tota Epdanb. I EnEavER § 2 . § k Bi | Libr ars hy PEYSAYLVANIA, Cutis of Cambie § Wei 1 Sandfiest, Caller of the above | satned Bank, do solemuoly swekr that the hes staloment B lrae ARS sorrento the sel Of Ty Roowiedg wd pedlef H. sawnwonn, Enabler. ager bed Fy Torh toy before poe this on day of Dreamer, jah Jessg ¥. Dare, Notary Palle Crete A best: : AE Parses, : 1. Brows, Ihre toa, James Kran, | ho av and Sean on Appropriations Poreign Affairs, current opin- : d eut to be well founded. whip of the Ways and | r ittee goes 15 Mr. Nelson r., of Maine; that of the $ committees to Mr. J. ‘rio : rT ENEMY. praise for President since footwear ike this was | Chas. A. Dana, of the New “‘a]] the go’ | says that Mr, Cleveland has | ; . . Eo anlfoam, but all the ents will perhaps remember | s the American uniform, and! it: will follow the man who | And how prices change too’ or the Monroe Doctrine, | Labor-saving devices have slnsive on the same conditions as pre. Jat Monduy of June | xt Monday of Ive. vail at present. Clergymen who desire . y ! RY died in this place on Thumdsy night, he Patton Rharmaey, €. W. Hodgkins. Our grandpar-| tle BAS RIK HASTINGS. Hasrrsas, Pa, Dec. 28, 1585 Miss Mary Nash of Osrrolitown, was the guest of Miss Mame Camp bell, of this place, over Sunday. Messrs. 11. J. Fasley and J. C. Cur. ran. of this place, spent several days of last week in Houtedale among friends ard refatives, Mesars. David and James Allport, this place place, spent the Relidys i at Philipsharg among relstices and friends A four-year-old boy of Ed REines The funeral took place on Sunday from the M. EB echurch at 3 o'clock Rev Raker conducting the sprviocs, after which the remains were interred in the Swedish cemetary. Mr Dr. DS. Ries and daughter Mary, who have been visiting ralatives and friends in Houtedale for the past two weeks, have returned home Minses Kate FE Empfield and Flo Fale, two efficient school teachers of this place are spending their vacation with their parents in Indiana connty. A ten-year-old son of Owen Terrets, of this place. was accidently shot be jow the right eye by an air gun in the hands of another boy on Friday last Ean Kaylor and wife, of this spent Sunday in Carvoiltown plas relatives, James Rhue, wife and family, of this place, visited relatives and friends in DuBois the past week, The mines at this place are now ran- ning full time, and the only thing the miners complain of now is the scarcity Lf cars The members of the Methodist Epis- copal charch in this place, on Christ maa, presented their pastor, Rev. “which be is very proud Lambert Scanian, of Carrolitown, is [the new assistant in the postoffice at : aa 3 nn ow this in its expansions. Ha time, | Crverdrafis seared and stmseared ne oo w | ; Hy § Sven aa meastired by lives of nations, place. | 1. M. Notley and wife, of this piace, i visited relatives in Cherrytres during thes holidays. Robt. Fagan, of this place, hax ac : wholesale liquor dealer, | Mrs Noel, wife of Andrew Noel, of this place, died Monday morning of a | complication of diseases. The re mins will be interred in 8t. Benadict’s ipemetery at Carrolitown Thursday morning. M. G. Coffey, druggist of this place, LON Christos presented ail the children ois of fine candy. There were 450 called ‘during the day. W. HL. Fekenrode, formerly of the Carrolitown News, Fras acreptod the Thun as foreman on the Tribune in | tlm place. Rs § ¥ Baker, with a fine gold watch, of cepted a position with A. Lantzy, the who came to hin store with a package The little danghter of Mr Pred! Wabber, Holland, Mass, had a very bad cold and fongh which he had not heen able to cure with anything. gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamber Imin's Congh Remedy, says W Holden, merchant and postmaster West Brimfield, and the pext time | ane Bim he ssid i worked Hike a charm. The remedy iu intended especially for acts throat and Inng diseases sach ax colds, croup and whooping congh, and it is famons for ite cures. There is no fanger in giving it to children for it wntains nothing | injarions. Far sale : [Dealer m Wines, Beer. Etc. Phoeni% BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ele. Hastingd, Penna. Watch for my ‘ad’ in this space the next bmoe, asl have something to say that will interest all. A. M. Thomas, HARDWARE, Patton, Penn'a. Good EBEuilding, PATTON, PA. pp Have your old teeth replatec * ts a ASN om RC I use ol the best makes o Fine Gold, Silver and Alloy Artificial plates repaired while you wait. Liquors, Fancy and i When yon About 50 " Lot, You'd best 3: Some of the Tangent Fire Tieur ance Companies of the World are fepresenter in the PATTON ISH : oF Pa TTON, Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, KORPLUS, $15,000.00, “ Protect Your Anson of {orpomstions. Firms, Individo- PROPERTY. 5 * i at Bauk wd it Ww =>(ffice In Good Buid mg ie Terme hacia Eg —t it ~ ve By tickets Ge sale for all the : ; dues, Foreign Ji ep wa the ames 2 A SC Tg, } A i TERSON XN Ally FRET RNS Tipe will have ony promptand b wpe 3 PA R N El i. [persons @ rtention a : JAE Parrox, Ww H Sasbyorb, Agents. oad President. Cahier x, i wnkix over 1st National Bank. : len of ERP ORE Wart t Irtenest pall on me depesiin. } That sur line of Staple and Fancy Goods is just as complete as ever. : You some of the fin est Dress Goods you ever saw, Notions too. taple “3 GROCERIES and everything else in General | Merchandise GOOD 3 BU IL DING, ype you know hea . Do you A bargain Want to Save money? This Jacket Comes in Sizes for Are only | 6, 8, 10 and 12 Year old Children and is worth In the $3.50, but our Price is only 5 Lome to-day. 1 : : $2.00 5 * Fe id ‘ ag : i wl makes then: same as a f Artificial Teeth and Rubbers, | a All Work Warranted. RTZ, D.D. in the President's mes. | {made it possible for us to sell, the people of the United States |, dics’ fine I, yons Kid Button he He and enthusiastic. And the Rex ation of this interesting and ns for 82.50. They are unt business by the Administra. | shapely, soft and pliable. Not will be watched and sustaived | very long ago the same qual Mr nfaltering spirit of pride and, se ation to uphold the interests tity shoe would have cost $4 "en of the United. States. Let the good! Boys’ good shoes R<c, 1. 1250 82, | Misses dress shoes 1,1 ito 82, Ladies shoes 1 35 to 85. Mens shoes 1 25 to #5 A Bans | fn his store CE hanes Bedidn’t give more ; Attention ta his advertisivg, Eatray Notice. Canie to the residence of Jar. Gorm: | ~ all others sell at £3 ‘owner Ia requested to com forward, COME HERE FIRST perty, pay charges, and take : Goan 1 away, otherwise it will be | Your money back for the asking. i trom of acording to law. | Jas. Apaxs 1 S. Bell, vl cans of all siacs, THE CAMBRIA How, Co. au > Goss Rubbers 33¢, 43¢, Soc to Sc _ ley, decensed, in Clearfield township, : : i re wed abt the first of September, 1885, one Mens leather boots, good black bull, with white spot on forehead, | ones 2 to 390 | lao white spot on right shoulder and | COI.CHESTER NO. 1 Rub | two white spota on back, color of til, | her 2 60 as | | ahont one-half white, supposed to he Boots at 0, Mme ® about one and one-half years old. The! Ri a \ The Shoe Man. su No Superiors and Few Equals ITE 5 This space is reserved for Remember the place and watch for their “ad” next week
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers