What Happened When a HI% $100,000 BANK ACCC " demly Met His Bank's Paying Teller. A paying teller of a down town bank ils an interesting story of a Cuban ex- perience of his. ''I shall never forget,’ he said, ‘Bow 1 nearly sent a man into _ doubtful whin I shonld be able to get ‘away from the bank I said nothing abont | fits one dav last winter, all because 1 met him unexpectedly, % “I had been planning o little jaunt y to Cuba for some time. As it was it to my friends or the bank's customerd with the bank's funds sud a large slice 1 had been instrumental in getting a d sized account for the bank-—one of those $100,000 ones that are hard to piok up nowadays and worth quits » wd deal of money to ns, I knew the head of this concern, and, in fact, had ‘got the sceount through him. He told ns when he gave it to us that he was in a hurry to get it fixed satisfactorily he- canse he wan about 16 go to Cuba “Ag soem af 1 was able to get away | sailed for Havana, I staid in the island pearly a month, having & moss delight ful time and keeping one oye open fo my friend of our new acconni I was abit ready to start for hone when : i met him, quite by chance, in one of the Havana shops. When ha saw me be jumped back abont five fet, as if he had been shot from ont of a gon, “ iGod bless my soml--you bere? he said. “Whey, what? He sewergind strock all in a heap. You here? God heavy. ‘ene! I had to laugh, and langh bard at that, for 1 knew what was In Hn him. He was thinking of that § {Hi 00 balance, and worrying about it—a jittie. You sos. ns 1 was the paying teller of the bank, the thought naturally Sashed through his mind thet I had skipped yigl his hundred thousand, a langh and his excitement had cooled down a littls be began to seo the fun of the thing and that he and the hank were safe, after all. We found cut we were going home on the sama Steamer amd ten minutes Jater we walked aver fo the American consal's offios together and ¢ om passports vised, And we had a lly ti 8 of it back on the beat '— New York World ments of great men in the Geet Men and the Precidency. © There in nothing more pathetic in oor Ristory than the successive diappoint. patter of the presidency. They have dedicated their Fives to the survice of the country with the belief that their labors would surely Sring them whats they earped, bot after all their endeavors, they bave been dis. appointed and the prize bas gone to men of infertor merits. as if in cxmtempt of the rules of justice and propriety. There iz no way to explain this carious frony of destiny. - We anly know that it 88 a part of the established order of $hings, and no wan is great encugl to fe exempt rom it Xn a sense, wen of superior ability ara always at a diswdvantage, by reas of the envy that J they provoke and the hos Gility that they excite. but this shod | pot be sufficient to deprive them of what . rightfully beltngs to them, as the pros _ dency certainly has rightfully belonged publia mite wna to & pamber of men able to obtain it “The tendency of such a form of gov. : ernment ss cars should be to reward mon socording to their (roe de. keep the highest offion fill. best examples of current «/ but the truth is that it does ustify ftanlf. ~8¢ Louis Globe frequently sean a dozen years today, und who runs about barelegged in a very brief fartan petti- coat, with 8 dren) of fish spon her shoul. often promised by an ally in the servants’ ball that sbe shoud some time see the young duchess in her own home. She was therefors posted ppe day in a distant corner of the hall, froin which she looked out in dbyious room door bad closed behind them, she was asked what she thought of the duchess. : %The duchess!” she repeated in the discontent us the lady and her gums filed in to dinner. When the dining | shrill tonew of supreme disdain.“ Dinna ye try for to make me believh my ain ‘Jeddy was there. I saw a muckle braw wives tricked out iu shining stimes and feathers, esch with ber man by ber side, Na, va, dinpa ye try for wo lieve that.’ ing out for a tall, ‘but my bonuie duchess wana’ wi’ them. mak me be- It then transpired that ‘she was Jook- willowy form, clad in simple homespan, with a sailor hat poised lightly on a would not have the tiara and satin train at any cost. — Madame, Trick In Making Change. A curiouns incident occurred in a Paris pestaurant the tier day. A high official, | Montmartre dis- | walked into as frequ-oted moch by foreign. happening to be in the trict aboot diner time, restaurant ers, and took his dinner there, his bill . change, be only gave him 2 frands Bee?" tween his lips a amounting to & francs When calling the waiter to pay for his meal, he hand. ‘od him a 20 franc goldpiece, which the waiter put into hisnouth, as is the cus- tom of the laris waiters. Making Joc sed up and said: ''Beg yar pardon, 1 want 15 francs and not § franca.’' "'] scuse me, sir,” said the aiter. “You pave mea 10 franc piece. And therewith he took from be- : smaller gold coin, showing it to the gentleman. The offi- ~ gial, considera!ly wrought up for being taken for a fol, without any warning gave the waiter such a slap in the face that the 20 franc piece given him fell out of his month and ro od across the room. The gentleman ge: his change, and purposely forgot to tin the waiter, who had received gnite a sc'inck by the _#gtriking’’ argument of tie 3 Paris Letter. aa TL e— SE eomrse, a8 soon ns he saw me wha have not been : x dainty head, such as she saw when she trudged to the rear of the castle with her creel, and that she “What snocess have you had?" “Fair. I've got » dwarf cow. It only | weighs 245 por gon and is no Tt came from the west Lin 8 load of commen cattle, and thongh {44 isn’t quoch of an abnormity, yet is ! gorves in the summer season. Dwarf Uanfmals with a hit of fixing and aro £ { snancs stock on them of some wrt make I people, an th | THE MEANING OF A FAMILIAR ITEM ! WELL KNOWN TO WOMEN. pn Sm A eT Sara Patched the Wall Paper and i i ¥ : How tWan #0 a enya thal amt we rent wom went Pan Acted ss Helper Adam and Hi | Agricoltara) Parsuits In the Ga of ; C Washington Eden Painted by a Modern Eve. | fair attractions They are easier 10 han. | gle than giants and require Jess keep “Da yom get many haman freaks?’ “A pod Buman fresk is worth a | great deal pow. It "an be anything ab normal. no matter how disgorting it in That's tw way the pohlic rons. Take a | man who ix willing to parade a queer i : . : § i pa At Lyon beave if, says Sam, And then Sam © 0 deforniity before the eyes of the poopie and he tan make good money. Ipota woman with a horse's mane last week dosen in Pennsylvania, and she is book: | od for a number of places. Bot thers ars others like her, ao that detracts From (her yalne. before igh money is paid eyes baige 3 I oan hook t6 Hisa boy with a Jong, hairy tail jost like a dog's. Boy wants to geome, you know, but the old man, who is a pions oid farnier, won't Jet him He'll poniad, themgh, before ong” Hew do you kee things! “1 have 2 goed #0 nr the NEM ERADATE, fromm hero to Texas thers that's a WY Bonded girl. That au 5 ai) over, anid keep a I'm gang 3 wr. Evetrin { ser poe vw Eh ite Ara white snd the other biack, and che ¥ fail 13 ey of sparks Rhe conhl rona whois tra system, they teil me Bay, mt wear, That's on the level the papers ¢ Fe Yom 3 hear of her, age Ro falo Expres. Railroad Car Wheels ft perhaps fx pot generally kaown to i the traveling public that most of the | prmehas on the Centrid raliroad are made in Germany, 4 Some English and Ani rican wheels are | i nan, Bat for the heave coaches and wheels wet om mailrosd #ieepiirs the Gorman whet sare genera and maker of big gize is 56 nob many #3 inck sbtor, al iRTneter- ars in nen The Eierman Whee! di%ers from the Eng. | Tish whee! in that the body of the whee! | lo fhe English wheel : There ars fewer bite | $4 of solid iron, wi hiss short spokes fp the Grerman wheel than in sabers, and therefore Jess ter shake loves The strain on a carwhee] is something tremendous. Formerly they were made entirely of cast iron. They were liable : ti» erack easily, and the rims Ware rap. ily. All fired class carwhenls are now | meade with a solid steal tire pearly two fi ssands the frictivm of | In straight | inches thick. the rails for a long time. ranting the wear Gn the wheels is gon erally even. aver curves going in the me direction every day in the your, as on a helt line, | they are reversed several times during the year «Albany Hinge, Canine of Hed Nose. tha ness’ is caused by jodigestion, not | inteynperance. The remedy, 1 is stated, | : ; Bp . awithin endl If it de driving usin, some i% £5 “adatain from overindalgence in fats and sweeten’ appreciated ther have been misjudged by irreverent ; : her tha ander side and get in ber som the | 17 he even mends Dis Row science comes to their rebel. It is fishroel of ties Bix flies, she mast hold | “Hits and sweets’ that make the troable, | 159 waned thread or turn the rod with | sooifers who did pot scrapie 46 aseribe the pasa] Hint th excessive imbibitions, | cutiwing Indigestion, which produces & | rush of bloc 1 the Boss. Some persons | ied woman ean doubt the truth of the | given to alenbolie stimulants do indeed | have ted poses, bot the redness is sto- | : ; The Arewatar ft ohapter of Bizaosis set the seal of truth. | ny * “burn out one’s coppers,’ and thes | fulness oon ths wh de. When man Was | i made and put jo the garden of Eden to | minohie, not alcoholic, indirectly produce the lominons probos: cis, byt itm owner 1s now in a position ty maeert that “drinking did it ~~ Baltimare Sun. AR LAA TWN SRN Gap mr AA FR IT WILL COME BACK. Fashion, the bustle ix to be revived fins stages it bas already appeared. The cbnogious litile accessory of wom. | a's toilet, which for the past five years has been in disuse, is no longer to be ig pored. A premonition of the reviewnd | futerest in the formidable little pads which supplied natars’s deficiencies was given when padded hips came in. dresa skirt cloth it bas become necessary to sabsti ‘tate something which will fill the re (quirements and bald vot the ripple skirs af a Lenis Seize cont. The bustie sewing ti folfill the mission admirably —Neow York World Cp to Dats Advertising. Two revent new things in window displays have been seen io New York— one, & man wearing the costuing thot 18 the trademark of a brand of cignreties sitting in the window and smoking cigarettes ; the other, 3 man wearing a fancy coat with lace at the sleeves, and a paper crown, and a false nose, sitting in the window of a Broadway tailor shop sewing on a coat. = | mitionaires at Golf. : t Members of the Dobbs Ferry (N. Y.) pew golf club to be known as the Ards. ley Galt club. They will also build a - $25,000 clubhouse on the grounds now | being laid ocumt for a golf course, five { miles in length, costing about $350,000 i It will be the finest course in the i world, Among those interested in the i pasino and golf club are Willie Dunn, | the champion zolf player in America; William Rockefeller, Edwin Gould and other millicuaires George Livermore, John D. Rockefeller, | i ¥ Something must be nnigne | I've got an attractisn that will make the public's | TODNR CHIne | pr track of all thews | There sa gir! down | toa 1 gor fiw greatest thing [ve srriel in on dog's Ty nel. These whesls are manaiarured | 8% Essen by Krupp, the great ronmaster | a6 The etandadd | heosgh | chances for anything | Whore sare have (0 travel | 11 ix stated by The Popular Health Mastazine of this city that "'rggness of This dictum will be! by many worthy peopie whi Doses Are nndaly ory, For years | BOSIE If he is riveting something, the it is an erpor WO say | The Retarn of the Hostile an Edict of Announcement bas bees made that In ite iveip- A tiny roll messuring about 8 inches | across and 4 desp is tobe inserted in the | Sines the abolition of hale | Millionaire club are about to organize a | Adam to the house, logging nomorcus | It is ber compensation, | _ .. o.. : she greets Abel and his wife, who are { golly Rat ag tha dre | waitivg for her, to hear Adam telling : wan paid no attention to the dream, but i That too familiar ftem on oar Glam be & & “ar's bills, “To man and helper.’ in ex: pressive of a much in our daily domes: | { tie relations that one almost forgives the | | pinmber the gift of the phrase, appears on a day when yom are in the No AALS Hm A 71 just make some paste for me, yom your married Jifo, thas that will be ail. Presently, hnwiresr, there is a demand pealpdder, pail and _— x for rags, itroom. Those alse frarn to your work Fan,’ calls Bam, eh | hidden my brash? pight in the loft humd corner, at gone. Sone I Again vox leave Letaiva or down al eamath the plan a tthe to the Lgmite in the vis Tittle loft Band oc | kinsh of shane b Pare $00 ROHN (AV WO are have yon in the to “e 4 x 26 ap 5 Tx pre Tone Rave Taaek SF Syn PRL pen wl Jest watch 13 Bhis' | Where right sigs th sot 08 {ran put scone Dosis ROTORS | | grand the stepindder?’ Yim think a mooie, and yon that the only box available is one with odds amd ends of needfal things. but yon resignediy lay th out on the floor and give Sam eatehing al wR which reveals that he is {you for the hoards. Thorn are lemg boards on the pred form swirl in the backyard can be taken np, and they are—in anole vigonoms hraxding and cleansin [Then for a time Sam varpishes, andl i& stron, hat not for Jong. Ther are a alatter of hosrds and pide of my ting ranks, winch ya : img that it is met a day Dr Ring hints, Sam culls again, Fan, wil plese como wed stessdy this thing, or (T'3 brea ny pede TOF cours You gO Land of courses yoo find that be has nob | alremdy teks You gor odds andl ends of thingy together 10 ev UD and fan i The stairs, wo 41% 3 tha Ew 3 Z ger, a ptrengthen his rickety seafloldd then you st on 4 step wi up between the bogs to steely the lad: dar, except when you vary if by hand. ing A poaty rag. or a brosh, or a mantel Then is the yon say, SIR for his pipe. “Ta mon aid helper, three hours, get your mevenge, for Sam oaily seas he poh Sutw. fT 1s x etvange thiog that it ls | avwavs “man aod helper. 1f s svoman | sndertakes anything, as a male sha goss | ahead ind gets her things together and any tak pot in the line of his ordinary y draw himself the assistance of every wimnan | hawipeus he will manage b ene must hand the nals to him | a wane Can wonld keen them in Ser pocket or | woman must hold the other hammer (0 | jar of the stroke beth Bands 1 do pot see how any mar | Beriptares Land eighteenth verses of the soeoind i wi : { Farene aiol fy the DOFts +1°}1 patch np thut paper on the wall; | y ppd [0x Herat a foe ik of the protie, Beira patel be and the oxides the poser and begin oof ths by Livre From the yaar gan American yards Ware cine edd rnd BR Americal mena In the Noi gist fly EL Wow arely YI Lie sean oof Lieeat Bit tv and all te on af fag coder whic of Sige Tvereinsd the orn tpere liana ant the tratias world began fh diseover thas there amid thick of some particuiacly absorbing honxehold rack and he sayw: Ten come | up early fo mend that paper, and if od a new. mi Anlerprising art pat adventurous recrnit to the ranks of the trade and commerse of the wo we ial [Through the gateway fie partly Gnwripal please, 1'H go at it™ Yoo sigh, but do | it cheerfully, thinking, if it is early in| : Broke by the Jay treaty .mme a yorlaane of trade which liberaliosd the laws are down thie tigie honored restyie | pies of the centarion. While Earaoe felt whisk on pet ont and ne fi Ber appv Eels 4 2 iYex Lone Hi paw in Now on tha infinenes in a hopdrod w avs and most American addition the other hand, PETE af CE YC Henafictatly of the 5 we siariod x ag $1 {p0dy thnt foobar og eentisey, Bas oa ayia eiti te of Reser ivi ut varben ani vie mal Ben swat EX Ta Lis wtp tae IW af Dwoem CAFR RRL At thine fates Ir shen dirk ered 2d end lye Ey fF ’ 4 ELE of Rina pin at oS Sige wiping] f rh wntd irr Wehbe peery tard of aad shania fF DooimeTTe Axiuts ta 1H inated state trwtny aed hanes 3M = Sun UNCLE TOM Tre Oiriginnl of Mra S1owe's Noel Awww a. sar, andl | voy bhoad | El oeidaged Ba Starvation Sel mogrrd Arh 3s in Mien Uipede “ou Ky inl hesitate onditun wid Bake Fiow smd itton as bgt & ia Lexington, Wi yen ip very Tenis pitiabin, fading Lewy proud oy weit going many bivs witioud fomul fii sn niervivw bio watrd that Be had Shans YIN Pris Gt 3 conte» day groes. for whose freedom be wie Jani fio Vast, tify bebail fia anv him fron starve bo death oo Nia York Revondes and Coben stamping : Shred nen ha Aces tall by berwelf, bat if a man arly | i pen of spo ahi bone day upen all of the 15s - wifesr April b } hBonys New [abhor Proposition Count Hertwrt fiemurck has lately Prague Saxony ig the Is ome of hie gran ll frstervonts of tha sprarians defundnd 1h Arafren by Count Kanitic and in apotier speach has same out in favar of Yao ad Vownny, proteativg ta ifs and the introaiw imperial docks and wharves, th go Higdon di + » + At present the employees work ten punning from ¥ o'eloek in the mnriing Eta 8B wateck in the afternoon. with i goarter of sn hoor for breakfast and the Plein | tend 11, be Badn't beens there a day la- | fore wioman Bad fo be made to help | him. He conldn’t get along alone at all | Fancy him starting out to sow his rid. | apart, so ba could pat them some other distances. It most bavs been awful! | Por Eve! For of all conditions of “holier” that of the ganlener 4 bw lper ia the worst. 12 is cary to Dhagine hoe : who ware the | ” RA | tal Why. to her, the fifteenth | one’ daration, | abandoned and the axisting systein saree Jengeh of time for dinner, © losing the works at Il a'nloek, would give Live sien timne Tor day ght regreatiog He strongly urged a tein of this cvs | if owsey iat triad iv ta tha work after a fom smiel. m | siti o- New York Journal A Now National Park A dogen generals and other officers dus have gone south from | Chicago to mest representative leaders 0 ; | of the gray to arrange details for a pets eh seed ne having nobody to ask howe | nares to make the battlefield ifaw she thonght he onght 16 Y TOWSE : ie t ral she t Mong nt S85 aught 14 put the rows i af \ wkabinrg 3 narienal 11d 4 litary park | They farm tegether the affiepre and 4 | pectars of the Vicksburg Military Yaak § x @ {hat iedtieid her day's work over, as she suppisape planning for a quiet rest Gpon a esd | grees beauk through the king sumiper Cgwilight. Along coms Adam, belated in his work, becavss he Lud been cist Pope here aweiciation, organtaed last month 1! will be accurately and the ground cesnpisd by both armies ay fat he of the aseceiation: It x hoped Chw this apited action cOBETess way Taek | juduced to make ap appropriation sufi {mossy pocis, where the speckled trong | Lars lying, and he savy to Eve: “My to the garden? 1 haven't sven auything of my darling all day. ¥ou can sit im a dear. won't you oom along with me in. | | niem soft stone in the path while 1 wih? And poor, ewsily beguied by Love Eve gets up acd follows right aking, patore any more than Adam has Js ie not sof | thers long. Good, kind Adam! He wants the rake, and it ia down at the bose, of {of Kee es | which he ties to the trellis She (rots back and forth for the primitive imple i { addls and ends. | his sun, “I've done a lot in the garden maybe it was a bower, and she | : hi... i rhs ; may as wall bring aon am wring | movement, as it i intiaaiea Liew nay. Be TRA * wh = i | : : CRE {thas throwing state | line, of which also she may bold one end | 4 i when she gets back. And then as Adam | L genvention having been called 10 ; : ri early in December bur, alag. the stone has pot changed ts trek perhaps that bs the reson | ine as asso! 3 Sian PETIA ih 8 ie Shae pian 5 * Ek : Es ie : USER | ooo. she won ld make a much more ‘why Adami does aot kwep her sitting i Mexion | farmer living near Asburn, Ind. bas : | smst left for Montana on a strange wis | | nents, and she smiles, as if she enjoyed | . fon cust ei Be i) : : g asl. Lit, but it is a weary woman who, as dusk vivlds to darkness, accompanies | : : spot whers some miners, pursued by lo tomight, 1 think ['Il lay off in the wid- | dle of the day tumorrow and take a try for those trout in Cain's meadow brook. {New York Times | At Hammerfest, in Norway, the polar night lasts from Nov. 18 to Jan a8. 3 - emup Chandler. Ew , : { giently large to convert the hattiotieid ing his line from shady Books ata ddep, | ; pnt a suitable mopament honoring the soldiers of both sides Who dist an the historia spot. — Atlanta Constitution A Candidate For Statehood Oklahoma ix the latest capdidate for admission ints the Union, a stitehoad sient As Ukiaboma ws | if wiation ix 250,000 oF more and she now eninatinng of FHL end irable state than either Arizona vr New If tha Creek, Choctaw Chickasaw Nations shopld join in gre 18 n Hines aronnd the In dian Territory. her His Strange Mission. Henry Shull, an old and wealthy Suvural days ago he had a vivid dream. in which was pictared the exact liane had buried a large amemor of At first the old gentle the memory of it clang 10 him so tena A ® cicusly that he at last made np his] mind to investigate the matter and sel his mind at rest. —Cipeinnat) Enguiver. A XNuvelly Anyway. For preaident, Senator William Kat | the Pripece of Wales '—Chicags Record, of its patifieation he | po i ental putin of the | wid aed interual fies with | ib E heey prey 5 £LIPEEY {lotrel 631 wi 38 March, Thom sin f da pol aunrorinte hin intxrs In They have mule no afloat wtardation uml were. | trot for a few White friends he wonid. An aight boar day, i arpnsd » [fit shoud roves to be detrimen | i went, semitowt will be gone over by fh WE Agim wenld bear ; | reststitle —Chicagn Tribmpe gets absorbed he absorbs more and more So re CR She rakes up the weeds which | has hioed out. She holds np the vines | Platform, Down with ‘ . 2 — 4 Blunt Letter That Reached Him §rom the Interior Department. : | Tha following anecdote bs related of | Jodge Cox, who was anes secretary of | the interior Land a large One, whe find plenasore in There ix a clam of paple, | a Olered Ord. A young maa, Wales, recently qbtained a situation as wititer in a large pahilie houss in Man- | corresponding with the departments on i trivial subjects and prolong the eor- | fot ue call Bim Mr Jones, was one of thesa porsistont specimens ho wWrsta 10 | the interior department, | plies were made to hin inquiries, he al: | pnimportant question ia subject of conversation among clerks. and at Inpebtinme one day some Inter writer. : “If I had my way." said a clerk, "'T'd soon put an end to his nonsense ' “How would yon do it?” “Why, I'd write him a letter like this," and he wrote as follows: bo Deas Mu Josys- Yoows of the posnived. In realy | owinkt say that ¥ sellvetanl canpeitisg ars rather inferic home | of those baronets the most marvelons Prion Th | smbraced a large par | slectrical display I had ever agen. The lightning played about them, dancing. rolling, fAashing, leaping from one to it hugely enjoyed the frol- For an ipstant 1 thonght the whole company wonki be struck down, spd the men themselves were badly fright- ened. No opbowas hart or even by the brilliant display. —New Yuk LRnn