, have seen W. Fa : ONE OF THE MOST ra the horse show spect | amen gmpoke, and 10H “fixet camer : | fate in the paren pablicity and BOHEMIA OF FASHION INTERESTING PARTS OF THE HORSE SHOW. Een 1 Mure Exhibit by New York Millionaires Where the mart fet Dinne and Gossips In Poblie—Kcene, the Waldorf! Winter Society Jeft the horse show recently held in New York at & p.m. every day. In the fen minutes on either kide of that ~ homr there was 8 | githering of wraps and calling of ringer, and ona by one the boxes were emptied. At 65) sles began again, bat not at the Madison Square Garden. To ses this part of the show, | the most interesting part of sll you must Lh to one of three fashionable 4 ins ing places. This soetns almost incredible The most, in fact almost all, of the people who make the smart set in New Yok society are rich. Beveral at of them are enormensly rich, worth from $8,000,000 to over $100, 000, 000), They bave magnificent houses They Braves poores of servantz. Ther have diniog rooms noon which tens und even hun - drada of thonsands of dolisrg have bee lavished. They bave jrypoeted 1x 3 Yet they y do not At the Walder! hotel ary srry during the horeg show week yom miei K. Vasdertolt, John Ju gob Aster, Oliver leslin, George 3m snd 5 sors of cdhers of great wealth, seated in the pabiie rastasrapt, oan and drinking as though heir gorpe homes were not within a few 1) “open and ready for goests. 1 at, a a part vf a Hoisy, eiheiw ing crowd, ! enjovirg themsiless as Hf pesos and | oo and privacy were fet supposed tr be the muin requisites of a good ai or. | The favori’e dining pisce at 1h dort is pet the big dining Treas, where ing the management has made au 64 . effort to gratify the desice Lo7 spiend and quiet. In the main dining root there 12 a rarpet upon the oor, the | lights are softened, and the most softly shaded lights are opin gish tal hie, and | the tables sré removed ¢ rritse the | other a sofMoient aie 80 ) that rt | versation conpot be heard from one to tha other. Bot the smart eo sesn sRrroundings. They prefer the winter garde a pretty roan. Bat if war tes place for afternoon tea or for | ar for a guies drink when a 1 to have a wrmmsn with bia wished to suoke. There ara gp © ferns wand various i RE ming plants, in a corridor oterhaking orchestra 3.00 : the floor, snd wv very fwitfal movement of 1he begs of a vhive Jond poise. When on waiter dra thing, the crash tonches up the donde nerves. . Men and Wen fre} Teen NEE INS Forget Laide way rsh madi nnadiin Yediemin Ar Smart pg Hie tare, that thers wire pot erly Ho you might see VW Ghomidd and Aster wit at 8 separate falls, anti] the people iw dine shall coma Jf thus, the table would Ard the rales nid for foil te tithe sideration which wil kn ether parts of the workld CALS pom the litle The tabies are so close tgerier elbows of those at one tale = mercusly near pinning into thet at the next tabile. The of course ax careful and 88 pert CARY (tier part of that beaniifal vy © Put the reasons this Jit = Jar above other rooms aed othe a Te Pred an rants is the privilege too aevompanying air aud fee] bohemian awd ales being wu fashion and cominent resp the sence in which that phew | by sociely Now, in any society but that ~ York sock a ne of affairs wi In ony oa sift Europe the high soviety seeks above all thiogs, To be docked et, | £3 ry A seen of the ooteiders is to be pelea and bored. Other sovutisn lave bad their padaces to live dn, tobe at hoo dm, to be at ease in. New York's pa ean to have been built to get away 1 Wh da men with teow of mW “with longings to be thought aris . “pnd gltra refined thns sabpect themes ives wo the miseries of Bi IR and dreary ¥ wa to bold a table du the en pth diet in eating place of a hotel? Why do wa who carefully comy the manne al persons and spend cont nit of excite da i tote after evenings and euyy it ¢ Ther them vere i tow pe fren vat of town ur fron Jess fas ‘ble sets in town. enormously interested in the bearers of well known names. These poopie wees But they were 19 more absorbed than were these wy known people in each other, Of conpse they knew each other well Bur ihe women were discussing each other's pOWDS, cach other's personal appesr ance, nud the men were listening or taking part in the gossip From table to table it was gosiic, gosaip, gossip, never things, always pre pile as subjects of conversation. And iw the dinners progressed the talk grew ~ Jouder and louder. In a lull one route male or female, could be beard ain ws in a shout. And the clatter of dishes, “the scraping of chairs added 10 thes toe ‘mult. It was bohemia indead. bout the doors stood an ever chang: orowd of curious people. They were the same general class as the people the tables—persons who have worked me well with their brains or have bad ts who worked so well that they have leisure to dress and to practicr; the juxurious ways of living. They were at the doors to sec the Selebrated pera: a Tots coricity ae wel es, sd 10 m0 | side from the foterct which the presence of #0 many munch talked aboot | gave the scene had another and 2 or interest. Everybody was Homistor and Samuel BL Kaestlin, navy people MENDED A es Gaiam it © Remartsbis Sergent Operation uy Cree. | Two Cleve —— Charles B. | 2 very wel dressed. The men were 80 bromght to a oempléte recovery Erwi well groomed and so polite and grace. ful and, ax a rule, so athletic Jookiog. The women had more than their share of beauty. Freedom from money cares, attentive servants, loxori®w gorround- ings have sock an amazing fect in the i ¥ 2 3 ARI way of softening snd besutifying the features. And they were tastefully dressed, ns a rule—arms round and hare to the elbows, brilliant colors in gowns and botnets, attractive jewsiry, And what by the masses of green. Theres were powerful odors of flowers, delicate odors of porfames, sapgestions months’ soffering. Kuidel 8 14 year old boy, who sostsin. ed a complete fracture of the cervical | vertebrm, There is no case 24 racerd where this Bas ever been sccomplished before The textbooks tall of only two canes of even partial recovery. Both are English cases, and in the ope the victim died after 14. In the other case ‘ : _ death came after 15 years of pain the brilliant lights were softened some | me yea pain of the bymaoet of wine a Savoring of muperh cooking--ty no means abjeetion : able when the racking is of the right sore. cinaticm of fresdorm. rams boeanse Be con 1 froadoan where be is mansion with he own behind the rhairs AY this winter parden were happy they fel sbwanin The rai i Homaire 2 gat that same bud wh » Bron this fy ANY One that so dancing w {I Fel Fall RUNOR. Hew, GCrerse Carron May Become | Foombe smear at YWashing tom. { PETE - feiter was Io Cyan ersbneeydcor, Bir ti ba promoted to th | Arcopdit Jo nd 5s the w ber of the dpb Pelenhone Clronst nl Feeeris A b¢ The eid DTH a 45 FR Between sere at ds foreigs mrrchante wise snapes ion of mukiog th desired ft is intended, trodoon prin nin in a more EXER ged ner than ever slim line of goods isto bey are to be handed 30nd Pets thareby Feusa ie Herald Chaumeeys Latest Mr. Depew’s latest: Joinsvonier to enjoy tally while living thai decorated with epitaphy wher Boston Herald ny And above ail there was the fas. The medical profess on ars onan ion i | in asserting that yomng Keidel is now at physically perfect 35 be was befues the fractare of the vertebrs, The fracture he sustained is exactly the marge as that which accompanies desth is ® was part of 8 man's dsiiy by ng. “and D the somTert on exeentiont by hanging, where mid fo be instantaneose Koide! recsived hiv injnry om Ang 24, when be was ron Over by a heavy wagon. The wheel in passing « $ Aomhied his bead onder his body, and the perl vertebew snared with a fond Hie the crack of a whip Ire Kaew lon was inupedintely om the rene, Ha fixed the injery at ones, from ths fact that veeoivation had sopsnd the hs ress fea Mterar Being he Bird and seca ver rion § mghin ay i Sor dower. I Pals lowe dees in ber hpven eyes stle, In midair poised 6 hear her ding, The ekyiark hivers Suivering And sl] the leaves That oh ped wigh Beem whisrwring of ber veo, While soflest winds ber curly daroms And ities ber mouth a oft an L A men and wranon ge toe meet Are glad prod swift fn seirve my gucel, And ofikers cranes {5 crow mari, Bank Jaw ta Ein and misery, Ber lily hands [ft tendariy Ap those, on, Bearts A Gre AT ¢ Phi WOLF 006. Somme Pine Paiste whieh Yreveloped When Jie Was Fut So Lhe Test A reporter wan talking to an old boat Cpr whe bad Hyed many years in Ye | west spd other régions whera ka tarned om dog al her Fad ron po considerable Jeng Aired ion “1 rexpem wn a Little Jow, me fn RE “of a wolf dog that my ov of a faiier or pm Mgnt times Jim had an des he $v ing Ard That Was doowad, aad it # up ene ink Hs srivse flog an tf wi ful vw {har Wary f Hig be why WE after th were BNE $ they realined. ns NE 7 RE Nan ws Had THE THIRD Team % x What 8 Cabloet (fear Saye fx Mr. Cleen dnel’s Nentinnentl. be og Tatra ‘i SAF NES a 2% SiR Xoet w Edite Mofnling) Gi be Deane 83 md rat wan Taw SRA Sie gees i He SAE 2 Bowe] is wi THIER WD Bax an of dor to hines ports vod 42 Lx > n and Mas hn & and baru xe =i the wianan awa dis * Pome Journal for ba was Tore Emo] the wil fd Sa * i SC eS wif 1 3 Whe Ahe Wa Ofelia 12 wight a mile i ewilight that how is gently betwen both, mare bewitch- img thas eit ther -H. W. Beevher. honme with one maid as a balp | be done. : pn dusting the brie. | a cake everrthing mar he daintily done Land well done if Fou ga abomt | right way ma with the right si i wiil have — be patient tainly make siistakve, $a fan 0 or wealth no In Free Sheen the days are bright or dark, to buve a home of thelr own, writes Ruth Ash | more, disenssing he Mistress of toe Bmall Hone whl Boarding hones life i» bad for; women, and | do nog believe that dn¥ man has ever reslly enjoyed it in Ladies’ Home Jour crastad women to make Sotho make homes for the men they love and for the children wham God will send to thers And a home must be started] at the haginning of this new life wait for a big hones and many serrants, bot make happiness exit in a know it can Ii n vom do sot like bemawwork. Work Mon. i iy dismgroeable when it is badly done | and from washing the ifffver and glass a hrac and enti oy 5% it i th Po fy he dee RI Yon will hati sard miiake ps, arden won antiderstion and weird B00 take tails and ofien Ymwiih is one ster toward soe Jaton, wade pom Wil rey pan a the haroy hoosewife, the wiv ¢ hegy raid rig e eal ® Ba TR i Se a IIR, DeNaaRS Ail geal wu ¥ogrer mike a las wo herr, The Komsan ¢ Orn bands new BORAT, At 3 beantifal HALE Ai LX § sary CPR Ls Sie Hanh ef TI Ree pos 1 IM Fi Sp for 3 Pony oY hom £ mr WW eR THE ML LIGAN wrTn Riaine’s Deunshtie Reading Ju Congress of tie Fassons SHETenp mtn. Ha ey Patredtnle Tan Bodlend. Burgas Hite a | : oan : Serwering topes of omrtadn spewien of ar rag vonr shoniders snd say Fam mach Yon Avaineh, Xo intelligent pean rhoald have any dont atvnt abeineh 1oing a devpeeons, ioldions and saltle quer Whatever y temporary service it may yield subject 0 medical advice, the moment thet neces sity ceases its farther sie is a cruel viols- tion of the laws of health and is not inapt . 10 lead to the abandonment of common devemey in appearsnos and department The practical snd scientific ocopelumions in regard to ‘he see of adwinth are sumined up briefly ip the statement that “the evil effects of drinking #b- | ahath are very appmrent. Frequent in togication or moderate but #eady Lip pling stierly deranges the digestive sys tem, waskens the frame. indoces borri- ble dreams and balincinations snd may end in paralywiy or in idiocy.” Chambers says: *Alwinth is a spirit Severed with the ponnded eaves and teminin, chisfly wompwond, together with angelica root, sweet flag root, star azitew and crher sromatios The aromet- Sor are macerated for alent eight dave mn disiliad, the reemit sored Hance. Adulters- thn ie pra Fired, nenpllys with the essential oils of herbs, but even Bling vitriod ie Ee fond io on ealind abeinth Tre offent gpon of ber MAD Cr worsen pel aelively engaged a manos work of sore bind mai te dan geromn. It rain dull and an reliable iTerts tive mfrest glimpmes of ine are Ehme- dintaly fol wed periods of deiretion wom ari safest of they nerves be Beka Bagi i Lars TORR Lhe U petoy 3 Hg SE ent People Whe Look Over Huamsen phir on fio ed hy ctw of Boies gapeente Uy LEE img 1 save bemaeal songs mecliabe folks win LEER Reg om ATE A sen afr al, the wah Tie ¥ Puls ns the eTery hoon % howitading B TO | Al Ly EIS a adap LOR ag AAT ra Dimer Bb WE Bd ald samt ames chi ay ih gt Lo b Nationale of Paris, Tk 3 ¢ Rp AE aay in the wari. moss has 1.4%, ;
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