i mon has had d yeas of experience as a cutter an GALLITZIN, PA. attached | L. association. (30 To JOHN DANIELSON'S > SHOE 5th Ave. near Central Hotel. Shoes made to order and of all kinds done promptly. moderate. tee. wowing | ~& NTRAL - HOTEL, iy eave. Rate AEA M JOHN R CORDELL, Prop'r. Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. cmp mantat hss don BE Sunussasse? AHAFFEY HOUSE ; Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Fines at the bar. Stabling attae heel (GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. ES QUINN. IH and 138 Clinton St, od oT mmole JAM ticket office, Fifth avenue Kmith- ‘fold stress and Union, Seaton. and 2B Fil avence, The. wife of Mr. D. Robinsons Hatwick, >. De Witt Little Early Risers tor bi. | | Gmacal od Seve by Practical Blacksmithing fend | Horse-shoeing ‘Sleds and Ww agons made to, order. } fn the Coxrt of Com. Fionn Macsse 1. Gatien 12,3 DS Ca, No. 1, Dee, ing Vasientine Gallaher. | jug ; LANEY IN PIVORCE. ols aviag on syle of F. A EnowanaR er, ol nved Commie Po take \ tention and ot» the above RE Lowest Prices I Pa Prada Suria td) Ab "pa, at 9 x ard where sil perv Jutarouted | If they wor pope ECKL Soxuny ILE, Cimn a isabonaet. OBSERVE: E> Grain of all kinds taken’ |in exchange for work R. A. Hunter, = 3) Meter 1 ; Ww. H.SECHLER, _ Attorney - at . 4 3 Law, | Dear tron Bridge. have opened» a Merchant Tailoring Establishm ilding, near the Palmer house. Mr. smderstands th e business throughout, therefore we are able top rantee a perfect fit and satisfaction to our patrons. a few days we will have in stock a complete line of Men’ s Shoes and Gents Furnishings We think it to your interest to call and inspect before making “another purchase, as we will carry only Men's Shoes and can give you URLOE For Your MONEY EVERY TIME. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage TOTS pec K ‘ing to make a very fair effort to please, und give yon a square, deal for every dollar. & MCKELUY, PATTON, PA. oc ye Wor ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Solicitor for (German National B. & SHOP a timo when we kept this fact a secret repairing ' are endeavoring to divide onr earnings | Prices > Accommodations the best. First-class | oe and Children's Fall and Winter Shoes modations Arytclass, Blewt of 141007 | yous oan please you all. Drop in =a |All kinds of repairing done at| PATTON, PA | ent 1 the Sol-| McKelvy, the d thorougly i . For many years the public Bae made | our store its headquarters. There i | no special secret shout this statement. They came in crowds to relieve them. | i | selves of high prices. There never was | of i Tol day - we - A Wonderful Enormous collection of useful articles laid down before you at a very small margin of hor of feat | rofit. Gloves, 1mbrellas, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Mufilers, Dress Shirts, Suspenders, Thre axe 8 mumber of excelent] Press Suits, Jewlery, Boys’ yrercoats, Boy's Reefers. Boys’ Suits, Men's Overcoats, Men's inn offered this week. If Fou are : | Ulsters. Men's Trousers, Men's and Boys’ Furnishings, Hats. W ishing you all a — Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, Tn for you. We rernain yours for trade, <usner, THE LEADERS. ) Rome of the Target Fire Insur- ance Compasties of the World represented | Why should it be kept so, when we | 4 Display Specialties. i with the people. one | A pretty showing of Ladies’, Minsen’ ' that have never been shown in Altoona | (are all fast sellers. Be active in this | matter and don’t wait too long. Our | stock of shoes this fall is so varied that | and soe | [Opera House Block for yourself. GEO. F. STREIT, Ne, 1182 Eleventh Ave, | i Actions . Fi rstNation’ Bank { OF PATTON, Y. ‘Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. ARS RE how many desirable artic cles there are in a well se- Jected stock of "HARDWARE That would make a nice und aseftil XMAS Present. For instance take CAPITAL PAID LP, 00. SURPLUS, Dir AE dae the temadf print’ will Have oar prompt ane Protect Yo our PROPERTY. (Sa-One in Good Bil ding over 1st National Bank. PATTERSON & PARNELL, § Avergnis of Corpirsibons, ale and Banks reseived ons, Fife Bie terms enssistent with anfe ban King ira mabip tokens for wale Br Cipses Foreign Dalle Leitiem of ihe tid Ww £0 AK one | Pmtereat pasd sen tinn. Trtarest paid on titre depowite. ALE PATRON Rd H. SANDPORD, Agate Ware In this ware alone on will find many small articles which | Do + you kn 10W the good house wife has best for some time. | Why Bat jet ner some of thess articles XMAS of LAMPS is the largest in town, ranging from i to $12.00. | A bargain Want Save mone This Jac | When you Come Yea — - - Children and ITS A ~ Fair and Square FLAT - FOOTED FACT + 4 agree 1s worth +i * $1.50, but our Price is only Come to-day. $2.00 - 3 3 ail exceptions £3 : ur Ine 1} a LOT Brien £3 reas i al we i gords to a mnimuan. Eo Pin ATER and no half-way aorK-—but | Every Cutis to To the ver Quick. Special prepar: ations and mn purchases have been made tor H OLIDAY PRESE! For everybody and ev erybody for presenta at (ur store. Come Early RACKET STORE, R. FP Galinher, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 7! x The above phrase you will unde stand when vou visit our store and see the bargains we are offering in Dry Goods. Graceries, Boots, and Shoes. WE HAVE just opened up a full new line of Men's Women's and Children’s Cotton and Woel UNDERWEAR which we are selling at prices that defy competition. .. Boots and Shoes. Your happiness depends somew hy at on the degre yon make others happy. Giving in a right way is a pleasure. Qelect a present that will last pleasure to the receiver. 8 iQ oy z Fog J useful 1% In this department vou will find bargains for your money | adies’ shoes from $1 to $3; babies’ from to $1.2 For Instance, for Mother or Friend: Lamps 1 and $1.25, were 1. 25 and $1.50. Knives 5c to $1.25 for Boys or Men Sleds and Skates for Girls and Boys. Come ana exat nine the SUxK tin you may want some of the thonsan ware, Tinware, Classware, Woodware, « and time do not permit to me ston I thank you of the same and happy New Year A, i Hardware, 28. 3. le # WE HAVE now on sale the celebrated Armor Side ; Corsets which never Yreaks down on the side. he fore er d and one ir Sto Liz your girs, in Hard- 18 y arti Ci es, which space ie ! vhic WHILE WE HAVE many we cannot enumerate th when in need of BARGAINS to offer you rem all, but give ns a tnal a anything m our line. We will treat you right. A fill line of Flour and Feed; every sack guaranteed. Salt by the barrel and haled Hav. % nw y contin 5 far aon and ah . . % sy wien ¥ and Ee bi yout 15.3% merry Christmas patronage A $y y LSE 8 2 5 ik - AE Y ERR 1. THOMAS, PATTON. PA. wish very x “own Sy NOE ARLEN o
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