- Now i Is. the time of merry-making and : gift receiving, and the very air is filled with b t especially is it the I has. long been a bic to the it anticipations and all partake in it, time for making chil- custom for the t the lowest of prices for its use at this Sime : and we have not disappointed Of any house in the city, and eager buyers throng our place from morning until late at night. We have tried to suit all tastes and to enable ALL to find something within their To-day we offer you this large list only by way of means. To irresolute people who find it hard to make up their minds what to select. looking it over carefully, t tached prices may greatly aid By the goods with at- you in de- thing, } ied i we od novelty goods. Serges | black Noth brocade ud maar. Alipmur ich mdf 9 to §7 each Ladies’ and children’s silk handker- two in chinfs, embroidered, in. white and colors oo Ii. Ha ties pan a a price "a reduced os » phan or aignificent pattern 10 thio Jot nor one that is marked today a" that is not a splendid valge. Come in * and look them ver 4470 bon ait paitarne 1. od Awol skirt patterns, 08 inches, oe All-wool skirt patterns, #-inches, 89 Allbwool skirt patterns, 40-imrhes, T9e These skirt patterns were si: §1. and $1.35 each and would make sensible We have novelty patterns at 7, 5.50 Presents a1 and $12.50 in al} shades and very beautiful IN oe Sve Tamdeome black crepe g SUSE Lama Bs Yard : and $1.50 per Purses. A new aid beastiful line for the holidays now in. Here are afew. Combination pocketbooks, 3c, =e, Soe, We, 1, LIS 1.58 to $6. Plain and silver trimmed leather hare ia & fall tine of black and shopping bags silk tops, Toc. 76, 1, 1.50 colored silks at 1, 1.35, and $1.50 per 113 $373 yard that any lady would be delighted 10 have If you desire sorosthing less expen. sive there is a very prefty line of elas Serges and Henri Manicure sets, §2 Traveling canes, 8 to 2.50 Writing pads, 19 to #08 Military bair brushes. single or in pairs, with or without either caso | cian that make up beastly and only Men's toilet canes, Sic 0 $3 Sou can bave them neatly boxed and elt altable trimmings if 3 desiring Handkerchiefs. Something | Venise edge at 3c or four for §1. You will like them Then there are: Lace edge 1x Lace edge and embroidery life With lace insersion 150 Lisi emi pir aba nip : 160 Manicure sets, © Cards ees, 7 TR Combe, white, er black. from 10¢ to $60 Leather photograph Ammen Sie apd aud AE en and ing more acoaptable than a We have the great § variety in the sity and the styles are Ladies Gloves. No need to say anything about this pew is the Point de department aow filled with oar asual holon lines. Among them av. Tuxedo, laced gloves, per pair Too Chamont, laced gloves, per pair §1 Berthoki, laved gloves, per pair $1.35 B B Special glove, per pair $1.5 In all the latest shades, all snes Four button pique gloves $i With white stitching, very tne quai- Tay nm Biarrits sousquitaire 9c Linen Department. The following are excellent valoems aslected from our immense stock now receiving some very handsome things in fine German damusk: dosen napkins to mateh, 5. & X50 958 Ws 1280 17.50 and $19.50 Fringed seta, 350, 4.50, 5.50 and 7.50 each Any housekeeper would be delighted with a set : Elegant damask towels drawn work and knotted fiiage, 1 135 1.50, 2 8 and §4 a pair Look at them ha A; very pretty st ihe x The an $1 each ow aon the beautiful Boas. Kiack and white Thibets, 5, and §8.50 Black feather bons, Mv each Long feather boas, #e and $1 58 Imitation ostrich, black and white, Black ostrich boas, A full line of yery beantiful In same department is a dine kt of soliars snd garsitares thal would Hake cingard presents to & young hay Pointing jet collars edged with fur £50 aud $5 sah Fancy iridescent Lo cain Pear! yokes, 250 1.35 and Men's Furnishings. If you are at a Loses what Bo wive a gentleman, the following sagpestions may aid vou Far gloves in seal, otier, 3.50 to $17 a pair Mocha gloves, Th: to 31.50 Silk moflers, Mie, THe. and $8 each Initial silk handkerchiefs, 37:0 and Plain silk, 25¢ to $1.50 each Initial linen 134e, 25 and We Bato 18 phitte Angora Doax yokes, 2, 3 4.50 ann Bag ver - ST, Pludn hemstitehed, 1350, 170, Be, Soe and De Smoking or house jackets, very handsomi and ia great demend 5 £50 1.00 to $12.00 each : Other Great Values. Hers in a la of things suited for pre- Blsck coney neck searfa, with head, 8 Electric seal soar, $2.37 Mink scarfl, 3.50 snd #50 Stone marten sort 6.30 snd $7.50 Skunk scarfk, 150 to $8.50 An endless variety of thibet hows and children’s Pur site. For the Holidays we offer our entire stock of muffs of every sot at half prices, from Be for elon ane) sunt up A full tod of teeakfaet od taney ahawis, Hinek Cashmere, Henriotia and Blanket shawls, have all beni p itdown fir the Bioliday rettuntion prices Biderdowy bath robes, plaka and siaipe, 3.60 ami pe.68 Pderdows dressing saogies, 2.99 and $3.7 all hidsome and aeefil, for presse Don's forget Du ‘we am Nokia reat reduoni sade 31 milinery, as 4 advertised : Regan dar gify ooking anal expel wavs Lo Every ous Hae it ® Ri tise in waefil ad areas serra taad, arany things paning boils Dat a0 place has more wiles thon The wiiver departs ing im stock Hak aw Bot enim very reasonuaiue, anpraaiy hewn for auch Tak ape T'¥ 2 avin 3 3 hie i. ie ed RIGGATAGE iE word {hpasiaie (rem fis in PET Aes $8 97 Anal sat Ln fray $8.79. Barnishd 4! of ve [recess Large fray five 3 Far $4.18 TE. #7 3 3 di ER % MAL LIER, iver sels viimety, A, GR. LOT and Bx hk Large We plasty in frac TEL TEN RTE BAH They maki a tah with Hitering Beauty Burnished shooolste sets $11.99 very attractive the & Water seta reduced from "ne wo $11.87 Tilting pitchers, $14.39 Water pitehers, §7.49 Prait dishes, hisque bowls, 11.37 and Hie Fruit stands, 219, 3.19, 3.49 and 0.98 Cake baskets, 1.68, 2.20 3.08 AR and §7.29 : Xan Bowls, were $8.79 Syrop jugs, X18 3.79 and od Ink stands, $548 Plokle castors 198, 2 2.08 und JA20 Smoking wets, $3.98 Jewel comes, 198, 319 and $5.99 Pin trawvs, $1.29 Napkin rings, #9, 9c, We and $1.3 Silver cuph. 2c, The 148 168 and £1.79 Celery trays, 2 Rabvers, 1.8% ga Butter dishes, 17% aia individual butters 40, toothpick holders, 98; pudding dishes $7.29, bon. tons, 83.29; collar and onl boxes in addition to these = a complete line of fancy spoons for all sorts of ases ladies, forks and jelly servers in all thie newest fads, kil suited for gifts and very popular. An endless line of fancy omaments in aluminem sod chine Sewing Machines. Sompriss one of the asefinl and sensible of git, and we have jos received a Rett voice of the beautiful Baltesdl | Tix is the best machine made, and oe an have vow in buying one for | pour wih or mother 1 15 to $25 in agent's anmissions. We amploy Bo agents, in@rsfore the prices are that much Loar Come in and see our new arm als foam 15 to $35. Cash or on time and ten years’ guarantes. Wi are selling the Dest carpet sweep: ves made at bargam prices for the woliimnys. Ask for them as the will ive made to suit you snd lower ophens Can weil them. Just the ocd fur ih preset. $a 19. Not bowls 478, 289 and $2.79 -. 299 4.58 419 ana 118 29s snd
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