The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 12, 1895, Image 2

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3 aint
Important Bills In’ rdnoed hy
Mills and Chandler.
Bt heir
158 Sp An mt
iy Back to Life.
: iba —
? Now Able to Ri op pr
Ohandter Pav re Unlimited nee of Bok Wamuni N Hl 4 ies ror
; rials ut Rati of 1 to 1835 :
i Dec. 5. Two imporiaut Witrespaxng, Dro 5 — The people 0
A oy fronin Sos siding 14 the beng bite Boao of toe ¥ hows
polet a lew : pix mine 0 [inrsen were thrown joie =
td vo FS
sennte fo dny and wera relarred fo TLE el cxcitmment Tisday whew
“Tbe fret wes isteodoond by Mille It jearned of & case of pripeoded suo
; ion,
for the octosges of the siiver hab | "
tion pow in the tresrary into bait dollars, eR wo i 4 >
quarters and dicoes ; and provides that i” by
when the gold reserve exnesds $100,000,
000, legs! tender notes mua be redesmed
fo silver or goid at the discretion of the
secretary of treasury ; but what the gold
rests is below the bandred mithons,
Jognl tender potes mast be redeemed in
oh d silver dollars
The second measure was introdaced by
Obsiodler. Its title is “To provide, in
connection with other naticws, for the
ooinaxe of gold and sifver at
the ratio of 1 to 1534." I it becomes »
law it is only to take effect and become
operative when similar jaws shall have
been adopted by the gove: nmeat’s of Eng
Jani, France sod Germany.
The resolutions offered inst Tneedsy by
Oall for the recognition of the Cnbao revo
Jutionists as belligecents, was referred to
the committee on foreign relations.
x aufrydan
Senter Sherman Names a Commition Intended fo
: Satish all Hands.
Wassinaron, Dee. 5. — At the Republi-
i oan senatorial esticus Mr. Sherman, chair-
man, reported to bis sesociates the names
epi aig bad been selested by i
Rim do form the senate commitiers for
the Republioan side snd apportion (he
‘metabers socording to their service aod
ewes of the souotry and of pive to wesign tbe Democratic meo-
When the Be mel soma of the) bere to the commitisestips. wv
younger element went into osnens in. © The deifs of discussion and snpecialiy
tending to override Sherman if they remarks of Vest and Bisckbury indicated
found any end of an intention to a wilhingoess to permit the Republiosus
fam ob” the members of if silver to scans reepon sibility of the commitises
Jessen of 3 a. ale’ was undely dic- sod throngh that channel of all legisin-
3 Assoou os Mr. Bber. tion of the present congress. It is onder
agaivst. & stood that po protest will be entered
mr ed list, suspicion was dienrm | inet any proposition of the Republi
The committes named isting of the canis to take fall contrul of the committees
following was scospted withoot & dissent bosiadiug the ahais aap
ing vote: Mitebeil, (Oregon) obairmso ; | Saas Als thet Whetevus
Tuller, (Colorado); Onliom (Tile J; Plate | > Hapublicane shoaid pat forward
(Coun); Quay (Pensn.): Chandler, (N | S03: for praidunt pr bom Senutor
H.); Pettigrew, (N. D.j; Gear, ([ows) and Barve shonid be placed ia bominstion as
Pritehard, (N. CO.) : inns ns
This commities is divided ns evenly on The Story Unfonedeil.
as cial lines ae peraly as sny committee | Wasminarow, Dee. 5A report was
hry The committee | pabiished to-day 10 the eect that chief
will mestfoest Monday avd endeavor to | jostice Faller, of the supreme court of
the Usited States would resign sod take
pomition of general coansel of the propos
ol pew railroad scmbination composed of
all the lines opersted between Naw York
sod Chicago snd 82. Lonis st a saisry of
$30,000 8 yuar.
Ex Secretary Whitoey wae credited
with having brooght sboutl the arrsage-
ment. Inquiry st the resident of the
chiel jastion this evening as 10 the su-
thenticity of the report met the responses
that the story wae spaointely astros,
Horse Owasrs Sesjended,
Cuicaco, Dee. 5.~The board of sopeals
of the American troitiog sssocistion to-
day banded down s decimon in the case
{in which it wes saked that J. HB Soott,
owner of Jobo BR. Gentry and Jobo QO.
1 Taylor, who owns Jos Pateten, be penal
| ized for tailing to carry oat contract with
the Lincoln, Neb., sssocistion in which
the horses wers to have rao a matoh recs.
The owners ware each ordered $0 pay the
amocistion $75 and are soepended snti}
{thesummpeid. .
bat she sontinosd to sink and was ap
parently dead on Toesdsy afternoos,
though there had been po phymaian Bull
od to examine or prescribe for Ler
An oodertaker was oniivid to-day b
prepare the body for bars: «ud A eoffie
wes broaght to the house. © Later on 1i#
| andertaker began bis arrangaments to
jojsot embalming fmd into the bes y wud
whien the syringe tonched the Hels, the
corpes opsoed its eyes sod loc edd show
ROIDR ON KODE the weeping relatives.
The ardertaker who was very much
frightened, rap from the totes, procured
a physiotsn and with copsidersble + Hor
the woman was restored to consoiOnEDaes,
sod this afternoon she is sbie lo #it ng
and sonverss with ber many oallers. Tis
p yHoIan says that It wae a oase of soe
| pended spimatior.
The woman is abont 45 years of see
snd bas always beea in good besith, The
affair baa roused mneh tnterast,
They Decide to Let The Republicans Do sil the
Legisiating in the Bennie,
Wasarsar. x, Dea 5 — The Democrats
senate caocus this [afternoon anthorimed
Chairman (lorman 10 abpoint s commitiee
ip ot thw older vues 40 ae to ake
happy, 8 task that ia pot easy
wn ey
River Mnery Will Receive a Unilerm Price of
64 and 70 coals.
Freesvoho, Dec. 5. The first bosioess |
othe third day's session of the miners’
= district ‘convention wae |
Supposed Corpse Unmes Sudden
The Decree of the
4 £ Fe BR $
thing was done by ber friends tosd her, |
| pomtract betwen the two parhies, Wis
the room io astonishment st what we |
{is as follows:
i sm pany be rélwend from farther fiability
detrimental to the tnen antil the aboer
; CONTRACT 1 I5(i if Brought A i on By Otero
: rr preme Court
{lanr in the
Yesterday. : : i
Froneh (umber of Peopttive Hew rtivat By
Fw: Kiyoia from A Re vuiver,
Bf mt
Long Continned Case Pied
Fitr-gopa Dee
Land pay & fine of BN) fur oeing Teme
wety hive pnd delectioe gain wl LE mitre,
{wie ihe afterpeoon relessed from
i whwre he bas been aoe Moondey, on su
Oraanrrern, Po, Dv. 5b Tiw court's order of the snphrior conrt. Beil was
donee and Suni doin 1u the one ofthe pion ny tes sum of $2000
Borough of DaBows ve. the DaBowe Gary |
Water Works company, io which the
plaintiff sued for an snnaiment of the
At craey £ Ar, five ihe Water Cowripny sy,
E Fila Nelire +f sm Appeal Lo the
; Ny prone Canri, Jats
§ By Telephone in ithe Cau RiER
Dorrant Denied . New Ts)
| Hax Frascisos, Dee. 6 —Jodgs Mar
‘phy denied the motion for a pew trisl ww
| the suse of Theo, Darrant, the cobvictrd
murderer of Blisoohe Lamon?, this morn-
giao to- lay, snd filed with the register
sod recorier, aud 8 given below, oe: her |
with notis- of an appeal, by the defend. | (tmnter of Drputivs Start ind
Panis, Dep 2 Jost at the tims of
80" attorney, to the supteme oourt) ; :
fo the sane of the Bo Ny af DaBoie [olor of bosioess tn the chamber of
# man in the public ga!
sherry eas Yeoh
™ ihe PuaBots City Water Works come Hepats : 34
Eivry fired two abcd feo A revoir, His
any aad the Dion Trast company. of
P 4 Joiphia the dacten of HT Cori | #08 were not directed towsrd anybody,
| nt serely fired in the air. The offender
wa spt ly arrested,
‘on soordunce with theses views it 16 % pomp a :
§ write, thin —duy of Nov, 1895,
dnd, sdjodged and decreed Npw Casrir, Deo. 6M. J. Judd, »
iFrat, Toast the sontract t dated Ade | te graph operator, abot Henry Hol, »
1th. 1980 between the Horongh of Pra a | barter, al Muboningtows, last night, sod
Boia aud the U8 Water Works Com tie victim dd thie morning.
paay, L274. which, on or abiont May 26, Todd bad seme words ju the former's
14 wos assigned by the lstler to ti | shop
DaBow City Water Works Uonipany, be
and is nerehy asoalied, oxsaelind ani i
Joey ara vend. | woie rand shat He® etthont spy
“ duonnd, That the defendant ther wor da.
oo of the abdomen,
$0 plat: for the execution of said oon- and 13 shal Jad emcuped, ut of
trae’. snd that they have the right, withis | mars are Bet on the trash
& reasonable ima, to pamove ali water i
Plpee and other property foroished fe
trem towards the erection of seid water |
works pliant. : Diggs
“Putrd. That the plaint pay the legu: | Dias
aati noorned in this osse, SOU Bo Weyer, | potten ardor
to inelode the costs of defendarit’s wit | to
niwsrs sod anby easing the same. i
“ype Gorpen, FL. J
Immedistely following the Bitag of the
al5.7 +. the soliitor for the defendant sn ; 7
red the following Appeal | Condition Bol Serious
“And sow, the 5th of Dec. 1800, the de | PRinangneiia, Pn. 8 oo Gowertor
tendunt hereby appeais from the 3 al de | Hastings, woo wea sigad with a chill
ares of the coart, in the above caer, to the | (hetiyshurg, Ww thin city. He =ss on
Sapreme Codrt of Penveyivania” Ohestunt soaat this aflertoon.
“A L. Cour, dition ws not at all serions
Solweitor foe the delandsnt.”
or A Marooinghen Marder,
misread ont,
Hig Spies Firs fa iim
Nuw Yosx
Eg Prey
fine. §
at JeTarmon,
REAR the bavding were stored
Lopon and other Bast [odin sod Chios con-
Work of Renegade Fudinme
Deuiso. NM, Dee. %.- News from
tha pene of the murders 0 Adsz oom
mit ed by renegade Apsches, stale that
tainty sa to the ontecme cond lm remoy Lie wigs are on the teal, bat the conutry in
al. While it was pending the people did | wo rough sud moantainoos that ih is ors
This conse has bev noe of jong sianding
psd in sonse ways it has probably bees
‘a bandred miles of the marderers,
| all murders reported.
pontaret or not, and the oonipany, if ot
nd well deficed plans for making per |
gispent improvements ou 8 brosd sosie, i
| sonid pot well ventare to do mish before | the soldiers beset y wrmed sod
knowing what the conrt would Jo with | | moanted, sud st last soocants wers fol
giously do afterwards, while wuiling pg antbreak.
. | Dunraven Coming.
I! the people wanted waler—gv
Nie Youx, Dee. BT
do nothiog-—oeitber bring soything Ww
the |
Ho® and
-Forasturted im the | 0 Toe pramsine | vr
led warshonee of Eihott F. I Cros ag wie wonld reveal horrors tliat |
Water and Soath @ o., POS mint sluomsl. |
Phim sors ag, snd before it wee |
awitrest had does $100 480 | who hus been Ton dome tim 16 Constants: |
His oon.
sot Roow whether they really had s water | probatils thet they wili pever gel within | ents restored svarywhere, busomes woth.
THO | je.
{ite informetion, seys the Bosker,
A party of miners left in advance of | Salisbury wonid pe dare 10 appear
well : publ.
| slrenls
the contract. Troe, it bad plenty of lowing the Indians within two hoars |
time. before thers was an setion heongi d, | These morders sre the work of » lew mar
ti» do for the town what it soald pot (ahi i dmrons hocks and does not indicate an |
| An Obie Town Profits Prom Kees {ves
water—they could to scaneil with :
ae | Yacht clot hae received a cable from
ts bat A Ba ! : hed
their completate but toe ofieieie Sonia | | ord Dunraven saying that be will ssl have Dost farsa
bear apon the company
is given io either side.
whose coutenot |
was 10 jsopardy por tovite soother com- |
paoy to come in and do basivess. And |
that is the way the sitastion bas been for |
two or three years. If the appeal is fol.
lowed op mith speedy action the whoo
suspense may be dove sway sith |
comparatively short time, bot 7
shoulda be more delays th +» 3 ony
become still more aagTavai: i Lore relief |
ARAN So fi ai A
Got a Draw With Dizon. 6
New York, Dee. 5. —Fr=g Erne, of
Baftsio sod Feorge Disa fraght ten |
r.ands to 8 draw at tho
| bello cinb to-pight.
May Be in : PLaladeiph ia. >
Avroosa, Dee. £ ~ 11 4 bow thoaght |
that W. A. Ambrose, the missing soficitor |
Manliv 2
BE to 70. cents was agreed |
ar 0 sta Jauoary 1. From
anaary 1 to March 1, 64 cents will be
rom | of this eity, hws gone to Philadelphia,
snd sn effort will be made to joeate him
there if possible.
The general impression is that be
ia his acvoucols with the eity and
yea 1h 70 onat rate wil be paid. * This
arrangement will only be carried out after |!
it’s shown that all operators will pay a
‘emiform prios aftac the fir of the year, tbort
: mvs Bhartages or | the three bailding sssociatiovs of whieh |
: | he wia avliegtor, many thoageands of dol
Aursoxa, Dee. 6.—1t is alleged to- | are, bat the exact figures will not be
might thas City Bolicitor Ambrose is $40.
008 short in bis soconsts with the baild- |
ing sesceiations in which be wes nll
eed. The officers of the sssocistions
will peither confirm or deny the Tapes].
‘bat that there is something wrong is evi | mugd
(known uot all the beaks
Ei Nennti:e Wright Dead.
P died at 2% this moming, st his bows in
this oity. Geo. Wright served with ds
tinction daring the war aod nad been a
promiuent flagre in politicos sines the ad.
mission of the state into the anion.
over the books. |
| As far as known bis scoounts with the
sity are all correct, the investigstion so
fur having failed to disclose soy defalcs- |
tom. :
; Chairman wright ET
_Arrzxrows, Dec. 5.— Democratic State
Chairman Wright wea suddenly taken il!
to-day while trying a cass in court abd | iar has repeated tne orders of thegov-
ju now confined to his hooee, His phyei- | ponent to Danish ship owners, ship
pian does not apprehend any esericns masters ard sailors for bidding them 0
termination to Mr. Wright’ . tliness. | sopvey men or munitiovs of war to Cabs |
hams in Danish vessels, threatening ary vio |
Wasamsorox, Dec. 5. — President | lators of the order with prosecatior. |
~ Innd thie afternoon sailed from Washi - A New Bubop.
wn on the lighthouse tender Myrtle to go] Wasmmxarox, Den. 6 —~Bav EY. Sat:
_ duok shooting fo North Caruliva sounds | tarles, of Calwnry eharch, New York, was |
‘apd rivers form brief period, probably elected bishop of the new dicocese of |
or five or six days. ! Washington to-day.
Denmark Probibits Fllibosiering
(Beveland Aner Birds.
| Winsosop, in Mingo soanty,
[fair bas cxnsed the greatest sxilement
: Hats
fhlcont will
heen {AREA «
make Loa arrest,
Des Moses, Ia. Dee 6.-Geo. Edo
Wright, who 20 years agu repre- |
denced by the facts that they are going | seoted Tows io the United States senate, |
| tion of the operstors’ and miners’
| Pittsborg district ad jourued this after
moon after slecting & committe to
Another Materd Marderer.
Hoxrisarox, W. Va, Dee 6 Near
inst saght,
Toy Hatfleid shot Dan Craig fonr times
[with a Winchester, instantly killing him.
Hatfield 1s only fourteen sears old and is
the soa of Devil Aose Hatfleld, well known |
sver the soantry owiog to be late fead
with he MaCova
The troable aiose
wae 10 love with.
peer & yomog gw
Tha nt :
id je xt his father's home aod
Panthord se have bees pobifled oot to ate
| tempt to male RD arresl
The Hatfelds are daogeroos people aod
fw hefare thay will sures
A poses wil probabls te formed 4
Craig was s young mao and wes well
i Rnown,
Conver Adpourn.d.
Svepagnc ae. Dec 8 The jouat conven:
| that uniforouty exists io the dist alter
January 1. The rate is to be 54 cents
| trom January 1 te March 1 aod seventy
Mipsip, Dea 8 — A dupetoh from
| Copenhagen stnise hat the pritie min. |
septs daring the jake seascn
1! the New York aed Cleveland Gus
{Coal compan ¥ refuses to pay the anform
rates, the other operators will pay the
‘ anene rate as that Br which the mipers
| agreed to soci.
The Charge of Murder.
FPrresposa, Dee. 8—Polioe officer Mose
to day srrested T. C. Judd, who ws charg-
od with the killing of Mr. Haff at Ma. os Sith
bosiogtown, inst night. Jaodd will be
taken to New Onstle this evening. Judd
gaye be shot in sell defense. :
for America ou the slevesth to be present
at the investigation of his charge that the |
Defender was loaded surreptitioosly 0 |
siderably Jower than thas of the Bell
inereass her water line
The investigation committes Bas added |
rae raw members to ita porber, BJ.
Uiimips, late U. B. minister to England,
sid woli-kuown naval authority and of- |
| Bower, Captain AT Mabaa.
fe Wena ¥. » C A Warker.
Cixcrysary, Dee 8 —H, Thane Miller,
Famous Jonraniist Dvad
lec, RX,
- Uimargs Angnstos
desl thie
morning at Brighton, where he hind best
Fer 2! £
and anthor,
for a
of the =
Aan Improvement.
as prasest to women
Tact sew whan the
for woman, | Rhee is found
of the road riding
fad han don
Di IN Yh
with fie ou
Mrs. Ups
spe con fort abont that
walking in the sidewalk
B® 5 if
date Fuil, at lonst there a
It is better than
with dunkers
LD Hnrrevs the Porte Wonks Saospress Mi
CVF Sissy sentenced to fall for 3no0ite |
during the afternoon and Jadd wes | aid
| the Kordu completed the pilander.
Abn 3 of aldek be returned with a ;
fur !
The bal stiterad in the re | Bones, leaving tim people with no tind |
Hal lexvew sn wile
| Ambasspdons tive slviesd the ports to |
] weit eae To
Cand borned snd their inbabitants mais |
Muassacrea Hovealod,
ars rennhing the foreig » Mos ea thet
witht fears of tha dedrnsr in: of the Ale
ore rdmnE WiThon ins woes teat Treks pid hs
Vie henea goat] west fo!
Abrgund atta, on tie bay of Iekanteronis
trots Al tunidretts slightly riheset lo)
Kore-Rimanr, aod from Kees Hienpir
surtbeset (0 Crab zood. Wile Christin | i
towns and vilisgss have heen piilsgid |
be liv 8 Pabirag,
{ston Jive BW nh
wives 155%
pst mrnntite wid Tie oo Enis
sured. Those who have been left alive!
uve heen forond to abandon their fatlh |
ard tars Maobismmedana,
Apsurste details soneeruing the cop. |
Mityon of fairs in the dwiriste bevond |
the imme fiate spherws of the consnists
reais wiinting.
The correapopdert of the Speaker, thie |
psper that ret Juve publicity to the Ar
menian Otreges, is pow known to hate |
alose relations with the sonsnlates iin
Constartivopie, sud from informatyin
derived from them he sstithatas that gist
jen thas WX 000 pe eons have either bain
killed or af vow fhiog of starvation He- |
yond the shanes of timely relief.
He says thet after the soldiers hid |
snoked the Armeoisn towns sod village,
tatter wiped what grain they contd tint
+f with dope snd set fire to tlhe
std their homes beans of smonidering |
| permit the Red Cross sooteties to andir. | |
take tha wine of the dbtressed pangs,
haoidrads of Hind |
Tis repress intive of the Uoited Prove, |
| people, his recetead 8 lelter from fhe |
a Bre sencRery, Tox, fobason, olnus- |
| word
| Tha letter rales to the prominent prt
| that Circassians hava talkie io the atropis |
| ties sronod Badin, sod sexys that 10,100
he New York |
[the wind premdent of Monat Aabarn in-
Latitiate. died of hewrt disewss last night.
[Ha was famoas all
throngh Lis conpection with the YM.
i bered soon 30
1 of
aver the avantry | STUOE. anid, with the Harrison ngs |
| py's 28) iplephoues, hin eity of 10,
| ings fur $i
{ drew a bi a of subscribers,
Hedin mission which begins with ibe
“Wa are alive, praise the Lon.”
Circasmisg sand Tarks wer sntively om- |
ployed in sacking the Ubristian village. |
The goverpor did nothing to protect thei
Chiristinos, aps sven refosed thets per
mission to defend thetuvel ves, He did,
Bowever, (iromase the sid of regolsr Tare
Kish troops, who, lhe wriller states, wire
of the sams festher as thiowe engaged in
the marders and pillage
In the fiow of these statements, the bf.
fini Torkish statements that order [iss
It the Tormgn office published all
He wonlid be taobibed
row. AX
PR. rom
i A 0 A 4h SE
Bos i Wk od ME
Norwalk, (. is prolabiy the (RD
city fo the United States whose inlisb:
ftauts. 10 the sumber of st least (150,
sth telephones
rent free fOr cus ywar.
The trouble began with the intradve.
tion of the Harrison tslephoue into the | vu
city. The company offered a» rate son-
Telephone company, and attracted any
subscritiers hen 300 people had sig
pified tier intention of asing the new
telephone, and the Bell ocmopany saw
thas it most face opposition, it nade)
the apnougcement that mlephones would |
be placed = ir houses apd dwell
This offer at tuce
and ;
the list of Bell telephones som vam
New wires had 10 be
| people sp loved over SU talepho in
When those asing the Beil telephone |
| want ts pay their yearly rental Yum of
$1. ther wars info armed hat it was not
NECARERTY, receipted hills for
asnonnt wih given t hess Next west
| Rall sonpany will charge for the ase of
temper ir ack}
x. but
v ilars i 4) 3
Fonsive |
ey Th
Phe will be
te the Har
Fie. Brn
ae Rol
te 3
fra telenbo
shale Joss than
rison Ompany
terppl fo peed
Ball coups — New J rk
ity nil BL
mromtition off tho
No Iaith fa the Tnmirasnenl.
FE vb LS
tint for?
#§ witht the
meas odin
“Rats aad he
conch, Hos BW Ar
that i
tof tin mek
Foy gooul fa bidid 1
sng whether va for
1X whington Bhai
= ondertul Engineering.
FY a
Senses 18 to have jo AID CaBW
t Brag veagme nw of $0 Ay tus RE
thy ost wi Sipe
hie TI OWN ders
LETS. 33 ji 1
pe of thas ma
18 1in
HEAT AIRY. 1 wows
sed earth with al
rapidity -=>t Louis {riube-
ff Pax
15% 2
BE fatht t st samt tH 2]
5 SR i on
A Nstaral Hikise arn
One of the gldest bridge "'bents.™
piers, Tu this couuGy # to Ie fosud im
: Rapoma county, Cal. Two large rede
of the | Fright il Extert of the Armenian wood treed growing side by vide support
the timbers and rails of a bridge which
ravine or creek at a place
is 75 feet above the
a sama Si
TH Train £ RETEE :
1. R. WOOD,
| Prwin £0 oa om,
Pi Trmin £148 pom
Hen" Ag! Paw,
i Train 4, 560.
Jn and afer Minder July W 1NM, Deine
et weed [rif wond sid Piiisbarg will mo a8
Nod Nak Ne Diss 4
& 4
$ 1s
a "3
Swe lk WE EAE NE ee
xe. 2 A, rif wd st 0
{arti vom at Bitsihi wt 0 pn on
| Driftwood at oe
% 3
>p §
- BL arriving t Piteourg
poh Xo. | vay Pishargat Léa mand
rfves ut Driftwond 3120 pom. Nad
Wisbongat a p.m and aivives st Dritaasd
wa DAVID MoU ARGO, Gen" Sal,
SHRMON Gen’ Pass. Agent,
Beech (Creek Railroad.
NYC &H RRR Co, Leases.
Rew Up Hewd Lows
Bxp Mati Nov. iT Kxp Mail
Sof Wer =
FX rou
« W lover.
3 wk
! .
Sa I pt IF WE. i
ST guar pew WH AR RLS
va ae Ele em
heme fieln
am reid Jane a
Wont land
Rigler i
Wnilmorton we
~ Mort iinie Mines
adit and
Ee at
Tecan E NE SUI
Pho petinrg { Le
SMG uRn.
ir Ee
Heweh Cronk...
: Mil Hall
ii he HRYeR. .....
CY oungdaie (Wayne
ery Alors Juntos...
Tiilmenapesrt, AFT
i i=l
LE ly
5 a-gM
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Eas marks
Hees LT Giysns 2
| Eprserey
Al aE SE Sra Rn
$ 8 1
£ 3
Naim aw
3 oF
1 Wankaa¥s.
Conneetiorm-— AL Wiliam pory with Phiindel
gots wud Thmdlng Hailromd Ad AT a
Tiatuetion witls the Fat! Brook Ry, at Mill
with Central Railvon® of Peasey!ivenia
with Penn's. RR.
Woe ewtey wed
i hate Pritadang
uy. At and Patton with Cemmbrin
Clemrfinld division of tu Penusyl
miirond At M with te Penney! vane
sod North
Mr hu
Superintendent. Pol
« Homily.
in EFFECT NC ROv. x am
Pulindeliphiis and Erie Ratiromd vise
Mime Table Trains wave Driftwood
A08 Ac Mo Trait & daily saoept Suntsy, of
Auapury, Hurray 4 and ilersnediabe ste
Lions, arriving al Phibateiphile, $95 p. Sy
Npw York, #508 bo Hi Has Liriuere, RAS 1h MWh
Washington, Tis p, a, Palins Pariorosy
sary WHE spart aid jassetger cokcles
fro Rane Wo Phlisde Dhis
X90 PM. Trsin A dally exoept Bundsy, or
Marriaiary soil iotermaliate stalices, METE we
Wide pita BE 8 Bupa, Now Tak
Pyle Mloepuing ones Troan de
Aas rg te Phiisdes phe ated New Tord
Sat abel pl La pee TOES ORT TERRE LW
anadinti rived Rid To a ma.
#aburg snd intersusdiate sla ans, ArPIving
Pat okces phi. ld a Now Yio wis X
wen days aud HPSS. a Hanis om,
vipers, S00 a Ww Masia Se
PTR EYE STR Ramat w& Thom
TNR ak
15 oA Train Tid iy a {wp SU RAN
var Ridgway, Hots, lerdal nie
pad iat = ations Lesves Hallway ol 399
wm. Rr :
Boker IRL ARIES ay Shaman g adn BE 4% vl
mais liaty ANE.
B27 P.M. Tain LL Asliy sxoepi oi
Kans wad interoiadiate slaiione
CHALE 31 omves Phliadeiphin «55 «= =
Washington Tin C Haititeore S06 Be
Wilkeebarse, His a tae daily exo Sas
tay, armiving ai Drifiwoost of of pom, Wik
Suliman pator sac Doan Palade pile
(MAIN 8 eave Hew York al NE p NE
adi phin, 1102 poanc Washingion,, 06am
Baltimore, 1506 ay in. ils arriving at Orifl
wood al ww a I Puiloas sheqel
freuen Philsatel phon to Bote atid rte Wass
gion and Baliunoere wo Wi ampli! sul
PORE DRE ST (OR toes fromm Puy Pile
w Erte, Aaltiraore to Wii Hrs epeart.
TRAIN | waves Henovs at 5% a =m 3%
aXxoept Sunday, arriving Driftwessd 75
a Wm
wy, Wp
distill IR
CDmily except Mandey
TRAIN 19 mves Ridgway af 98 am. oy
SOULE wi Rd al mi, Arviving ai AZ
res, I. Ed
TRAIN 30 mves (Tarmont al VES Wm,
at bohipmaiburg ai LL - a Mm aml
ODYVing a
Ridgway wt LA sous