Patton Courier. PATYON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. DECEMBER 12, 15845 Toast aon GGahhler At Thanksgiving Dinn {4 But one stuth After thos fp Try Troman’'s ( Wer the has Ze adder Edy £ Rocks, down the Blacklick, destroyed about $6,000 worth of machinery and mine paraphernalia on Wednesday night.—Ebensburg Mountaineer. The Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road company had the biggest month of its history in October and yet the net result, in cash, for the eleven months. as compared with last year ghows a deficit.- Coal Trade Journal. Harry Rumberger returned from a business trip up in Cambria county last Wednesday. He reports business in that county -as being very brisk, everybody feeling “good and buying lots of oil Philipsburg Bituminons ¥ See Mellon's real estate “‘ad.”’ Order your coal from Truman. It Black sweaters $1.25. All-wool. Bell. | gives the dest satisfaction of any.-87tf, At Hastings opera house , Friday | ; A OR RE IR RS RGR How Much Do You Know About Advertising? Joon ammtne. Tm a RLY Vr
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