Patton Courier. aw PI BLISHING (0, Proprietors y YT¢ PE IN fashion ar ments of journaistic a tivit piss per cent. indicates the ratio of advance in numbers. * When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to be away from home. Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y. Schneck, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter, little girl, two years of age, was threat- ened with a severe attack of croup. wife insisted that I go ‘He says: “My phy- for the doctor, but as our family edy, I will not he withont it in the future 25 and 50 « Or Saie ent hottles for sale by Pat- ton Pharmacy, y EBENSBURG, Pa, There is a large crowd week attending court A number of carried over from] Savidee, i week Migs Flos departed on Vintondale qister Criminal Mills Thi wher: B norning she will 311628 vigit. her Rev. Father {hoes “Of church of thas Twin Rocks or ched Ebensburg Bien) Re fl iN place, held Sandia at 10 number hanters The | Praxhy with the PHO Eb 10311 was sick i months. In speak 1 Le Draugins in the potiry Pata ire an 4 * ari to enter a \ ALPE tivital THT Os aia Banner, when his gician was out of town I purchased a | 3 hell op earih. bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem-’ which relieved her immediately. res WR i # boar i ’ the pangs of indigestion. llusband The fool! Why didn’t he take De Witt's Little Early Risers? I nsed to suffer as bad as he did before I commenced tak- ing these little pills. (. W. Hodgkins. What Gossip Has Done. Gossip! How she runs about on every street; in every store, in all the churches and societies she finds a foot- hold. Gossip has made many a home Gossip has parted hus- bands and wives. Gossip has blackened and sullied the character of many pure girls. Gossip has parted lovers who could be very happy if it wore not for pinta py 4 $134 £114: ii NCE ’ 1 ay « 3 } dane po Aric OW ana Aang: it [BRET Pat, i3 stead of iting, try One Minnt Cough Unre. It helps at once, making NIELSON SHOP (SEORGE bP EILGE SON, Wines, Beer. tingd, Penna. - Light On the Sul ) eCt. Whether the subject be SOCIAL, READING, WRITING, KITCHEN Or Out-Doo Hand la Hand | Sali Footed LY tlochester I 1323 Eleventh Avenue, L.iquors, {UF Do You Weal For many years our store its hed nf rit SHOES! the public has made dquarters. Foontat 4) here is SH atpaminr! y ear fies’, Vasses ers NRA 1 E13 I HII im ALTOONA. Some of the Largest Fire Insur- _ ance Companies of the World sand FirstNation'| Bank in the OF PATTON, b - PATTON INSURANCE AGENCY Patcon. Cambria Co. a: 1 CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. Protect Your SURPLUS, $15,000.00. : PROPE RTY. i Accounts of t orporations, Firms, Indiy Fats and Panks received apon the mest fa 1 ht IHC +O) B51] 11¢ i - ida- ora- Agents. Like A warm of Bees EE Te CR SR BE LOB ET TY RE 3 SERRE RE Cae REL 1] i i sop a Patton Supply
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers