i uk BOTH WOULD INCREASE Chandier Fay Motaliwl K WasrinaroN, Dec Bnancdal measures were penate to day and were committee on finance The first was int:odnced ty Mille provides for the soinkgs of the siiver lion now in the treasary int quarters and dimes : and when the gold reserva excesds 000, legal tander notes mat he in silver or gold st the discretion hat when the go itl secretary of tressnry resarve’ is helow the huods Vries legal tender notes must be redeemed 11 standard silver dollars The second measure wae 1utrodaced by Chandler. Its titie is “To provide, in conpection with other patioue, for the unlimited coinage of gold snd silver at the ratio of 1 to 1514.” It it becomes a law it is only to take effect and become operative when similar lawe shall ‘have been adopted by the government’sof Eng land, France and Germaoy. The resolutions offered last Taeeday by Oall for the recognition of the Cnban revo lationiste as belligerents, =x referred to the committee on foreign relations REPUBLICAN CAUCUS Senator Sherman Names a Committers Intended to Satisfy all Hands WasniNagron, Dee. 5. — At the Bepnbii- oan senaiorial cancas Mr. Sherman, chair man, reported to bis kesociates the names of members who had heen selected iy him to form the senate committess the Roepnblican side and apportion ihe members aceor ling to their esrvice aud for the best interest of the conntry and bosineas of the 1ody When the ecancna met some ¢ younger element went ints cagens iu- tending to overrida Sherman if ft the they fonrd any evidence of an intention “anut’’ the young members or if 6 element of the senate was undnly ernorted sgsinst, As soon 88 Mr man read hie list, enspicion was ad, ? The committees named consisting of the . : . if following was accepted withoot a dissent | ing vote + Mitehsil, (Oregon) chairman | Teller, (Colorado); Onliom (Lils i; Platt | {Oonn. i; aay (Penua ); Chandler, (N H.); Pettigrew, (XN. D.}; Gear, and Pritchard, (N. 0.) This committesa is divided as evenly financial {ines as neraly as any of pine conid be divided. Theeo will meetfuext Monday snd endenvor aseign the new sendtors end adjas mitteeship of the older ones 80 as to make everybody happy, 8 task that 1s not easy of gecomplishment, A RRTE REACHED River Winars Will Receive a Uniform Pris of! £4 and 70 cently. Frrravvrag, Dee 5. ~The firet bnsiness | man of tha third day's session of the min and operators’ district oonvention the presentation of the operators mature on 8 uniform wage sesle figures remain nuchanged from thoes yestarcuy, viz: 61 ceuts and 70 cents tonfor wining. The mivers went iuto another secret caucus for the purpose of formulating another proposition. This proposition | waa submitted to the operators at 2 o clock this afternoon. While the terms are not yet known, it is believed that they will be somewhat moditad from the demunuda of yesterday, in an effort to effect a comprowaise, will probably be somewhere near 8 70 cents a ton. It is not thonght, however, that oconceseion will be acceptable to the op ators aud if an agreement 16 effecte all it will probably be at the rates mitted by the mine owners, A rate of 64 snd TO cents was upon to take effect January 1. Fr January 1 to March 1, 64 cents wi) paid and from March 1 to the end of 1 year the 7 arrangement will only be carried it’s shown that all operators wiil ns £4 1 cent rate will be paid. aniform price after tha first of t Ambrose's Shortages Growing Avraoxa, Dae. 8.——1t 19 allege night that City Solicitor Ambry 006 short in his seconnts with 1} ing #8soniations no. which he was agted. The officers of the associ will neither confirm or deny the renor but that thers 18 something wrong is denced by the facts that they are gol over the books. étala learned of #H “tion. Mea KE snddeniy (thing was lint she narent paren : thongh the 2 eo. “rile CF PPR al tr pYAaTy ~ i Lonnder'aker Wes Mu wus hroaght to the house 1 5b6r oh L116 codertaker begap bis arrangemm-vis 10 inject embalming fluid ivto the body sud when the syringe tonched the flash, the oorpee opened ite eyes ard locked sbou’ the room in sastonichmient at what wes going on emong the weeping relatives, The undertaker who was very much frightened, ran from the bonee, procured a physioikn and with ooneiderabte «fort the woman was restored to conscionsness, and this afternoon she is sble to sit np | Tr FAD converses with her ran y criiers 114 Po YRICIAD BuVE That It WAS & pended anim The won ar} has BiWaYS Des in affair hag aronsed mined DEMOGORATHL Foi rele cancue this allernoon sniborize Charan Gorman toubpoint a comm ities s ¥ % pipe to sssign the Dismotrst res lser® I) THis rrnitteasns fe The drift of discpssion and especially reraarks of Vest and Blackborn indicats willingness to permit the Lepn nr Baris ah $ REBINET ALY pT cans to take fall control of the committees ley ¢ FEE y y dy feu nding the cHRAIrmAnsnIps The asonns also desided that whe: tiie Republicans candidate for pre Harris sh tha fair nn Gf gsi ire with Laving brought about the arrangs | I inguairy al he eRiGent of the ening A8 to the an- | port met the response ¥Y WLS Hs alely undirae, Horse Owpzrs Sun endrd Cricaao, Dee. b,— The bosrd of appeals of the American lay nandsd do in wand owner of TY & i + je ie 3 » For § » & 3 Taylor, who owns Joe Pateban, be PeEUAL In the case of the Boroagh of DaB na ve. the DaBoix City Water Works oom- paoy and the U.sion Trost company, of | P lad«iphia, the decree of the Cour is as follows: ‘Iu scoordence with these views it iz t wrefore, thie— —day of Nov, 18935, or d-rid, sdjodged and decreed “First. Toat the contract dated Ang. 1th, 1889, batween the Borough of Da- Boia and the 17 8 Water Works (lin nt Ms) 8 i r tne towsrd ¥ Was 1D J SOpaTdy sg ¥ ¥ ‘thet ia the way the mfr two or three | ad for tailing to carry oat contract with ha 3 y Ym} - . cay % ‘ be lanoco 0, N20. assoc siion In which the horses were to have tun a mateh race | The owners ware each ordered to pay the association 875 and are anspended nnd ote Draw With, Dizon Frank © ’ f, sod Teorge Dix nnds to a draw at ti seneral impressy As far ne koown lie acoonnts with the 0 city are all correct, tha investigation eo far having failed to disclose any defalea- tion. Chairman wright Iii, LLENTOWN, Dee, Democratic Bate Chairrsar: Wright wes snddenly taken to-day while trying acase in conrt and 18 now confined to bis house, His phys. cian does not apprehend any serio termination to Mr. Wright's illoess leveland After Birds Wasgixaroyw, Dee. 5. President Clos land thie afternoon asiled from ton on the Lighihonae tender Myrtle to dnek shooting tn North and rivera foros or fra or Biz days. tinction prominent fig i mission of the stats } § 5 bidding r munitions of war threatening with ¥ jie i x i #5, lelosimg df tosiness in the chamber of | | deputieaitc-day, a man io the public gai {iery fired two shots from a revolver. His {ah te webs not directed toward anybody, { oot merely fired 10 the sar. The offander | was prothptly arrested, : : | A Mahoninglowr Marder. ; {| New (asTLE, Dec. 6--M. J. Judd, a telegraph operator, shot Henry Hoff, a | barber, st Maboningtown, iast night, aud | 2. Hn®% and i tidy Yad tho 5 2 the immediate spheres of the consulates | remsin wanting. 2 The correspondent of the Speaker, the | | | paper thet firet gave publicity tp the Ar i menian ontrages, ie DOW Enown to have | close relations with the copenlates in Covstactivop'e, apd from information derived from them be estimates that not lesa thaw 500 (00 persons have either been |! killed or are now dying of starvation te- | [ yond the chanoa of timely relief, {A.m,. r.m. r.m nod Ae a NRE « 3 a oe = Ay “. B. WOOD, Manager, fen’iiAgt Paw, A LLEGHEN Y VALLEY RAILWAY, > LOW GRADE DIVISION. on and after Sindar Joly 2 1586 trains 3 : setweed Driftwood sud Pittsburg will ron as oliows: i EAHTW ARD, banindinbiding WIST'WARD, No% Nos Noi No3 Nos Noi AM AM PW. 5 38 DNs. gE
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