The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 12, 1895, Image 1
——————— SC A NTE SAN — ec o———— SS ———————— Tr —— ————— TT" —_ rs —— i Ba ————— —— TE —— ae . OND & COWDE FROM THE PL ew. ears Santa Claus Head: quarters for DOLLS! DOLLS! First Inttrmedinte. arrie Holter. Katie Nornad] r {Aras ; “The Old Ward Woleshage, Wheeler W sl Cs * docat 1€ ( { -| Koshock, Chities MeMahon. i hine | “Be not afraid, © toilers up th LE akiih Loca: Tech i : | 8hort, Frabi Li spnik. Jeraie gph The gods are very NERY, yet out of ht: : fire clay, which has been tested Ly hote! and QUI ned Dr. Rice, it was Charles Abbott, Dortha Abbott, Charles 7° nines = fpful hands and say: Comic some of the most feliable tile p'ants in | found that the knuckles of two fingers 1 } A higher, eat a ot that ._... “the country; and immediately over the ' had been cut open and the joints sev- Gradwell, Leott, Reese, Zella Woomer. : All earnest souls must clime if they aspire. sive, Aho: i en t OF i J B : : “eg clay is found a fing coal vein four feet oped and it ia like'y. the fingers will oman | at 1 Trvin Myers, C lemens iller, Henrietta . (G. H. HusBARD, Principal. . > efloduin ° Teel ered, and it ¥. ge } | Northnagle, Henry Pennington, How- thick that will be gsed to burn the clay have to be amputated. : ard wi y Minnie Beckwith. WHAT THEY SAY. - products and the gatural location is as | ‘hina J I Jinki J ( aw nearly perfect as jpossible. Mahaffey Married Tharsday, ( C ina one Erm niin, Sohn & Jsle- Foliowing are a Few Items Taken From is a nice little towh and we would like On last Thursday evening, at the _ : 7 v i ’ BL 3 ; 3 : : | vani, M Sos Moe S 3s . Fae ali : to see It [rosper, Hat no advantages are home of Burgess Donnelly on West } ived in A ARGARES > SRY The PATTON COURIER entered its gained by its nefvspaper making as- Magee avenue, John. Ardell, a well por First P’ rimary. o : t third year last week. It i8 & robust sertions that are Hot true, known and highly respected y oung Paul Barton, Racel Haden LS Mary youth and its many friends need feel fifa nan of Patios, and Miss Minnie: -Hervlett, James Glass, Lillie Williams, no alarm about its future. Clearfield Good fir Counlport. Brown, a very popular young lady off : | Vincent Bortman, Earl Ww ilson, Ww illie : Monitor. E. PP. McCormick, superintendient of ADsSonv ille. were anited iin marr ri age 59 | Penchers, Edna Swank, Julia Myers, The PATTON COURIER has finished up Moshannon No. 3, informed us on in the presence of a few friends. Rev. ' Annie Shayna, Dora Prescott, Romaine its second year and is now speeding Tuesday that he Has orders for all the Chas. W. Wasson, performed the cere- aN ‘Smale, Thomasine Holter, Eddie Mec- merrily on towards its third mile stone. coal he can mine {this winter. This is mony, after which an elegant wedding 13 LL ormick, Anna McCormick, Mary Os E. Wil Greene is its editor. ~Fal's encourageing tol the people of this sug per was prepared and enjoyed by . : ! f ' vied ry ined The 4 ; . rel fmiands Mr ard { 1 Ciiyy : ify Yrs : SATO] ™IMGTONK, ACY i i i { ‘reo i 11 FEN atl ia oi better styies tne the burning silver heresy wus delivered, with beantitul stemopticon vievs, by COME RRBRPOS. Inhnst OWN, 0 “5 :. ¢ ph