5 4) Dale . exp ention to the woarens of th THE WOM- ‘G0 mbout the honse in the freedom of no skirts, but have your gown ready that roay be fastened on with one stick pin. Have this hanging convenient to reach, and when the doorbell rings Hip on your gown and yon are reads to re ceive your caller. When the caller has gona, dropoff the gown, osrry it on your arm snd go op stairs in freedom This 1 have practiced with moch comfort. © Morton's Record For » Fae 5 2 The report of the secretary of agricnl. fare for 1555 has been subapitied (0 the president. Tt ix a volume of 84 printed matters of mest i op compelled © refs | request, as be | eonld Bot get crricrs | the pemniaine, and, Emoreow ber that the na wo state and would probably | Yoarstt Toe] { FIERCE STRUGGLE BETWEEN AN ELE: | PHANT AND TWO TIGERS. £ OLDEST MEMBER OF | AN'S RELIEF CORPS. | In Woman's Dress The Horse Kingstoy's Travels-Amerl- In English Eyes, p Oct. 30 Grrandroa Maria Allen of O., who enjoys thy distinction ing the oldist mensbor of the Wom: | Relief corps, department of Ohio, : probably thy oklest memter in the { States, celebrated bor ninety. n wis the first charter nen Allen Women's Relief . which wan galiant eo, Captain de sll day And fullows wn every whers, In the night 1 wake with a stark © 1 02 bm Viewe at my ted; Fas aniilnd byt his stouy pure. Aw my progers sry belt ansaid. When [ 4breteh my hands toganrd the light Arel hie promise how seems Boar, ¥ sbnddar in pudden dread As 1 me us ghost apaar Fin chow are sanien with ape) Hin oni wey deibbow anid dis Tis brvath § lente in pir, Avia Vpn priewiong Bs Loo Sher The “Regus” Took Possession of the Pool, | and His Claim Was Not Disputed Butll | An Ewcited Guide Spoiled the Fan. i Tha tiave hanter does not hong at pan. | dor Toe hie garne. He Bivens shor fa the ma pection and to «1 wige markets for American meat prod. | | vets, including the lsepection of aud of Reptember. | mals for export trade, Amdmg the Heme The German gvernor of the place of econdmy it shows that the Ki 30,000 gave ber all sssiytunce, and before the | sppropiated by the Fifts third congress | boat of the day 1ha grab oat sens th Weamer oft 8 pumber of carriers had for il. purchase and dintribntion of | Bours neny in the owed setitapde bo sath | tects sngaged to take her up the Cam: sede this year ix entirely intast, and | fml Hix bed may be in the deste Jungia, ' arocns mountains. She | intended to go consequently not drawn fromn the tress: | wher) fo pret worn Biv way in ant ont overland to Rio diel Rey to the Boghish | ary of the Lnited States iis 3 in snus daek miving geet re . Bay Tradi 1 Ty he baci : Ioeniishing 1 tv and a%eing ion on ban | factory of the An Shas y : ng oum- | The total AmouDE Femsining Dues | aoe ol nih have nevis Deen Bbtsl | pany. She is unittended by any white rh Ta pended oat of the appropriations for the | up ha Phe rave of the aun abv the Bik | companion. Besides he | years 1RG3. 1594, 1895 aggregates $1, | were rented. When the mi Pnsaibutesl : corning the country and ite people she | 300 000 wvailable for retorn Rito the | and darkoee follows ine’ metsing, then the treasury. ot this sum, Bowser, 21. rooval feast pes SHIPS, CREO TR wil gorin, where $i The Horse Riding Archidurhess. | In the early days of ber sarried Hf the Archduchess Maria Theresa is said to have fonnd the atmosphere of Vienna somewhat stifling. She resented being | tied hand and foot by the traditions of ded and gowe Hapsburge It was at this time that she used to work off ber aperfinons energy by those vides that Gon wilde wiih do may This wb} wan By $s i% will ¢ s Ag Loi as ng le hall Tas io emia Srgntiend In Deine iy : Eo pope ¥ WELSH SUPERSTITIONS his wha organized the ses. voltnteers in that v1. on nod nN ane of the first to enlise the late war. The charter mew dp of this porps was 60, and it én ¢ o distination of being originally “ Jurgers Wornao's Relic corps over the hatr of her conyt ladies stacd ond. According to Connt Vastli, she cmos Foils from Rischenan to Guns snd hack, a distance of between 200 and 300 kilometers, withent stopping. Mere phywionl excitement, however, did nat. somtent her for long. She is 8 woman of geen intelligence ond wide sympathy, of fish was brought to Sier : \ the Niger. Although she had nndergons _ soma exciting adventures, Miss Kingsley was in good health and comsdnl in her expioratio arcons mountain na of the Came hoped £0 be sme | 120,600 bas been saved in 1504 and | ISAS rat of appropriations slightly ex $ % counting B5 000 000 for the two yoard, The point is mude that while the saving bh of §1.500 000 may attract but little com- mendation, vet mm the heat ooonties in Cth Dndon it wonld be diffenis so find 1,400 firmers who Bave together earned | imei I He say cross a Gowen | slow again that B anal third w strate ew ral alter a few spoed ravvaw hile dair in #t grr Gf Cw pper wii, boot baci] Ton rots e anl lpr fii aul He wwii the tanned creek or ov Dera plunins ble peas To dutil Bec sone shit Ble ces jn ho laps enough water to satiny the # wars growl | They Awstelnty Spectral Honnds With Muorptain Ninraes {One of (he ony carions sa perstitions | of the Welsh poussntry is that of Cron V Apnwa, dr "ihe spirit boonds of the Pate” Wien a sora rages over thn | moantaiel of Wales, the peasant will { toll yon (hat hix ear can diseen the hive 0 8 Anil vhe 5 a = Wook f Bowl of the Cron Aunwn mipglo? with rw who hunt the slephent af | that of the wind, bot saifotent iy clear 4 jae thay Hie ¥ Rone tha b rent | anid distines to admit of po snistake of animal on sarth Teoavoralfor and cong | ince te ia panes thmid they Lie Tux. 3 thers | EA = danger 1 the air be may i nol Thess spirit Bonnds, he tele yom, ars the ineddesl dogs which hunt te dad or which foretell, Poand saved as mineh in the sme Dime a : SC Parnmire pay the most ties Ta ; $V ions of ooorse property, 7 ays the secretary, and are RIE hr fante, ON determined tor. count for sornething, pol what is the at | pew tal iy Dterdntod in an cenineniend |, foie _panize a court of ber own - She bas a traction that drives som an ong mon Cand judicioas mmnagement of the gov Silo perfect gonins for entertainige. What. to take a bride ity Americal I think one ernment. rt with weer wore her rank in life she would | of the reasons is the individuality of the | out wener and pover got any susp by have her mon, thoogh she held it in a American girl. Treated by men with a kitchen, and madve her role the arch- courtesy and a consideration aukoown ducal palace soon became sinowned for hers from ber earliest youth, accostons tu splendid hospitality Fur yours now od to have an epinion and an existence 3 hag been the center of the life and of her own, independent in money mat- | | gayery of tha capital, the meeting place ters—for the American father gives the “of all who are distingoished, whether groator part of his fortune to haw girls by ravk or genio Y _ rather than to his sonsohe has jonrned report thst p The Austrians, especially the Vien to think and act for herpeil. [rinthigin- On pent for i | gese. are» splendor loving rane, and dependence that gives a chiar to Ber | $100,000 oes then the approfiriation fr | they would idolize the archdunchess if i8 conversation, m gest fo hor society. She 1534, and got it was $182,000 morn that | | were for nothing but the royal state in is pot crada, oiish like the amount estimated for by the depart. tr which she lives among them She js iv} ar si ment Washington Post . Ee | sheir ideal of what x soversign shonid tor miss oe hha ! te the roi > Fb, their own sovereign whos all, and ry, apd MILL'S NEW MOVE. ' Bn mind Rod, . thay openly monn over the fact that and her inp { for niles an she ta snot change pisces with the eo 4% Bay moth. Rawor That the New York Senmtor Is {elephant Bol Nn a BRL press. It ds a favorite thecry of theirs § rernarks Ahont to Be Married. | dunbited pot that th | Drnidish priests, with their wits robes that, if Marta Theresa robad in the hof- tate of Senator Hill hax sp all his Pfrionds | 80d jackal taro to ta | aad red trae brie, Vienna would at cove cast off its : ¢| and enemies th guessing again by give | Shel? thir. A a a ag In the yopalur superstitions of Toa gloom and be, ax it need to be, the gay EL ing op his hotel lodgings, which fe has | Foe she i sort Sens had Lait ode | and, whites o similar belief in spectral . "ext capital fu Earope Then trade womid | yi : is Lomb farm mason the treed ester ad BORE boo Be i CE As {| oevmpied] ever wince coming 1o Washing. | and mn Bes soon Eb iii : : onde YXintE, tory are gaid 10 be b iid inane was Lowndes, and | revive, they are sure, and the good old : . : Leek, with evos and teeth of fire.’ 1d Pompton towns) iq. Gays when men lived in pence with each ap ton fntersat herself ul nnthengin oid Taity is remarkably well and al amd phiian mine all hie Den ities ty a soris soe. To see bor in ber favorve snd she #00 te her husband 8 soy work” Then, as the huftri was pot at their ot feo ormnenta an $ mith prasad be % ave a aibelter of the Tost te brink pntll srmle of the >othely SRUrCIRt death of arrose pore Poof thes hob oreadiiy distin guien : 5 . | hunting fick rev acliniy tun | they bait ever sutaally sen a Com {Annum lon they say, wha would ia | linger gotil sch spusters dawned vpon ui the might!’ They are described boy<Fali- wit exiy, amd aise in the “ Mabtuogion, Afer Fling for two Bours our native | where it is sald they are of a clear, dion. skate tod Gs to a water wide cn the nip 0f ing whith w pod care The above : Ih ¢ seamen ik i seems to be the ativerami dewription, : “he Land en thay sesoant the beh. Then he mmalies his way eey. sph thicket amd over Gallen hon 4 3 mead deen ere gully dha 3 mn owe folloves alter. When (hy 4) Hed 2 SX B As oRes fa 3/PV I aRaR Faw Fla THEY Ont A af ? i : &lass ran PARR hl at gril $1500 Chae writing 3 for any other pen wivieh they were tab fron | TET are Ww PE 1 wee his come down taahil perl Wil a {aban spitting and snarling, smd wool #1 ghaeny tos dopa, Anke ; PLR whare ie & wail 3% than | fila Aud TER | Saga author of Metisdigy of the Ancient fraide’’ ¢ piven Qt as his opinion that they are mally Tmvebic forntions of Hihe ix a wornan even Ln Ue 2 SXPraENes Ber vem ed ; apdaboen while milla oon er's koe. Biuioar My ea bn hie Mewk oon Ane things has its | marries, the Wilitiem, ber Tats fnwipid, CAE evalitee 3 in resignation " fain ann of the | GRAXTIMA MARIA ALLEN re r years | Her face is radiant sud ul, fediceting » well poised sod In spenking of ber his tom, snd ranting a big house jo ote of fartably we possible. We sans smoking it Con MeMichue!l who mundered 20 per. comnty, N. J. om Oct. 20, 1801 | Fe had 0 | the post fashicnabie parts of the city, | steplant, Duffaio or deer. 18 was a tigep ! © other would come back again. Many of .| There is nobody hers to speak for Hill, | we And some 6 kill, and knowing that bo | #ons in the surly pars of the fifteenth sneestars (ny mother's sida in Jersey and thos an my in New York city. Thoraas J. 3 4 hisckemith, who was bors | Pompton township. We Oct. 20, 1838, say hirth- | to Ohio nie years jatar mber Wagon, x i 4 § 3 ho regard with sant favor the of Karl Lndwig being their those w prospect ( emperor womld gladly hail hin wile as Se : College Settioments known as the college settlement system #00: | rv Mis Joney Conard of Pittsburg sod 4 t kille ho 40 Toh interrupted by saving, i sure if iE bad nat boon puight have dived fo 8 aga Mrs Alien smiled Wm Neaith bad Toon very good op (| which bas beem partly developed in sipee which time with pero ia yours of ney bile in & ball ago, been trom) he enrly thin neurnigia came om. wei you want to Jive 10 reach wrk,’ said the repor ix wuch a thing as Tir ave enjoyed Prople 5 seen in my time! and hve vastly | ago the old lsdy attended Richard Allen W. R. Elizabeth Williams of In the | £ 3 Miss Corells BE. Bond of Cincinnati. Both are college women of broad oul tare, and both huve sdoptad literature as a professico. The fleld ia a new one, “i | and soggestions by such bright intellects Yidy sinh dave, Me ech |W thess are alwass of valoe Mises Conard, in speaking of the subject, | pays: “It bas already proved a benefit jp every place whera it bas been tried, and its usefulness to a oritienl stadent L sespns Wo Bave no Hmits One phos England, bot has been rather neglected fr: our own couniry, is teacaing the very how to wmose aod enjoy them. pocar xd hd a | selves. In the terrible yresenre of life tacked with fevers. My | they lose a small part of the power to enjoy and a large part of the power io pocure material for enjoyment. Teach {ing the children little games and pretty * instantly auewered th | oC Morris backgamison, dome Rte and | DM 10x and geese, simple arithmet. joa] puzzles, teaching both yoeug and the clubs where ane contribotes a =ng, | another a recitation and a third sore ‘ pther specislity—thes: acts dn an | mmmount of good whoeh the well to do scarcely imagine. I have no doubt £ x % ¥ MOT | that this matter could be xystematized and a regular method formulated which would apply to any and all kinds of communities. *' Miss Boad spesks highly of the desire | for jnformation which exists in every | human being and seems to survive even | the hardest condition of life. She says: ! i “1 “1 have known cases in which poor as well as the W. | y an ber birthday and pro- ii large emsy chair end into the conference of y purity and physical enl- wients of the National Wom. Temperance union which n Baltimore preliminary to al of the speakers referred to the 111 effects of corsets and other tight por tions of woman's dress in antagonizing : cal cultura development. These i torght to her feet Misa n Potter ¢° Boston, whi said: : Skirts hither me mare than corsets What shall we do with these trailing things which 1 re forever tripping ns as we go up stair? Look at a woman with » baby in otic “rm and & cup of milk fo the other band trying to walk up stairs, Even with « = ided skirts," and here she gracefully pi ed up a black divided skirt in whic: she was attired, "one porner is sure to get under our fect on jexs held out of the way. With the new _ gkirt of eight yards around the problem sf dream : © nights of an smaneipas © tion coming iT us Bx a result of bieyele "riding," continued Miss Potter. ** When : gop girls riding with Turkish trousers and who we: formerly afraid to dis mount when they wished to outer a store or public plcte now getting down and “walking about with prefect freeddm 1 think the tiwe of our .mancipation is coming. When the state is reached that such attire will not receive a backward glance of a hoy or young aan, the proh- , jem will have boon partially solved. iho publie only tociy to aot gradually i | workingmen would forego little pleas bad read or hanrd a great deal. You can - alwayw gather a crowd by giving them an interesting lecture upon foreign | lands, queer peoples or anything eccen. : tric or extraordinary. tr Margherita Are i fPtargherita Arline Hamm. Margherita Arlina Hamm. one of the | youngest leaders in the woman's suffrage | cause, says she bulisves that for cen- | turiex women fave held the balance of . power without mcognition. They are ‘the homemakers, through their theft | Apd economy they make if possibile for "toon to live so that ther do pot become care upon the state, and that as ail tected by the government, the grea} tarmy of home nyakers, the women | ony pation, should be recognized by | powers that be, and only the right of | franchise, thinks Miss Hamm, wiil ring | this condition of things atent Women { should pever rest until they are allowed | to vote and become a recognized element in politics. i During a recent visit to London Miss | Hamm was made honozary vies presi- | dent of the Writers’ club, of which Mrs. | Humphry Ward, Lady Colin Campbell, | Lady Violet Greville and Marie Corelli {are members She was also made a | member of the Royal Geographical so- ‘ ciety, of which Mrs. French Sheldon | and the late Amelia Edwards were mwem- i bers, $ £ , Mise Kingsiey's Travels. The London Standard gives some par- ticulars of the travels ia Africa of Miss Kingeley, a daughter of the late Charles Kingsley. She applied to the German { authorities for carriers take her over | the Cameroons nounutaing This great % ¥ 3 i ¥ empress. ~ Temple Bar. Two of the latest leaders in what is | 6} how to come together and form hit months at a time fn order to | accumulate encugh money to make a flying trip io some place of which they other tudustries are reovgnized and pro) are dissativtiad wi are reef iow Dap for revnit, yebeil hig Bmreriant far damon Grape F # favesibes Weraen, | Beome clever geying rability of draws | piney Moding along the hw sige a th piece of leather of a stent pace of cloth This simple devick Bas probmgod the wenr and tear of those neefal artichm by | ag Jesat 50 per const. Mis BE 5 Holch ins of Big Rapids, Mich. , baw agping this principle with cousideralie succns fo the puenmatio tives of bicycles In the conter of the tire che constructs a groove, which she fills with a band, or smaller tive, of Jeather. The latter deen pot interfere with the elasticity of the robber alr cushion and greatly ineriases stg durability. Tie sane idea Was ag gested by Mra Ida W. Rew of this 0ity, whe recopnenesvdesl that the band of Jonther, two foviies La ene mented To the extivior of the © 3 wonld protect teh tire from wear sod also frogs the carpet tacks which madi cine miwresnts ie {51000 New York Maal and Expres Ep hia on A ChaBlag Dish Party. | A pleasant and pew diversion for au- tenn evenings is a chafing dish eandy party. Each maid and man i provided with a dish set apon a large table, apd makes the kind of swestmonts that he or | uhie Tikes best or bas most skill lo miak- ing. Ba bring hin own disk, and the hostess pro. vides the material Some of thy panilies that run be suovemsfully made 1G a chaf- | inig dish are Letter soto, caramels and maple caramels, taffy and all Kinda of | nuts and Gait candies that ar mad of | sugar or hotter and sugar or of sugar ind | molasses, Alpumde, pennote, pests aud raisins and figs pay be used in these | omtddien ; Helistrope, firny and flack the Yagae The vogue given to heliotrope, sliver advance information about his plags, Cand soit ix all a matter of ormjectare | ¥ 5 5 3 ; Bloyr Mm what bis foturs course will be The | leasing of the bones natarally gives rise | i to the remir tht he da to bring » bride : to Washington at the opening of the ses | sion of congress, but po coe in Washing | tom aplears to have information on this by Cr CH UN A SE point. Indeed Senator Hill is always a migatery to everybody and gives little ether of a public or private natore Tt haw been announced inn the newspa- | pers that bw will commence a lecture | tone in Chicago a few days after the | opening of congress, but thers is no | sonfirmation of that anpouneament ob | tainsble in Washington, Whether be ja G3 be present when CODEYeEE mests arn guesticnn that his best friends in Wash. | inggtens conmet answer. The hone that | Senator Hill how jeased 8 on the west: side of Lafayette square, Within a stone's | throw of the front door of the White | Flomme und directly across the park from the neve open hoes erected cn the sito of the Bistiaie mansion im which James 6. Bluine ived apd died. The hove was leatlt and for some time ceonpied by Major Rathbope, who ooenpied the - box at the theater with President Lin. | Leola and family off the night faimeain | h guest may be requested to 3 . gray snd black is attriboted to the fut | that so many of the royalties are aying aside mourning and weaming theme | shades. A silver gray get op that is ie pecially moart i a skirt of silver gray | bengaline and baw no trimming what { ever. The bodice is of the same material | and bas square Jaeket fronts of silver | gray velvet outlined with a piping it { steel passsrnenterie. Just in front sa loose gilet of rose colidwl chiffon, The sleeves have puffyof the velvet and culls of the silk, with a narrow frill of ehuf- : en. The bonnet I puule of oat steel and pink velvet —Ladiea’ Home dJonrnal \ Saye his Gea EERE Badehiffe students bright plan fur preventing the crowding of the open receplicrs hislt of she girly bave the privilege inviting gueals af 006 time, the Rber Salt patiently waiting their tara Cue of the most interesting aud sue 3 Naw JRE ry Eh Hut | cessful ennvases executed by Miss Jane Brdgbam Curtis while at Ciiogeesster during the past Maniiner Wis a Jife sted tust portrait of Elimbeth Bruart Phelps Ward. : Mis Sarah L. Amoid, the recently appointed supervisor of the Boston pub He schools, has been in charge of the primary work in Minneapolis Lr seven Juars Maw camizra Maous Caazela nwans The Ladies’ Gapette, and 1s the name of a paper started last month by the women of Turkey. A military cotupany has been formed by the young girls of the high school of Halvax, : ny ¥ i i wb sas kitied, Binoe thas the as bests sed alternately ax a Boarding homes and private residenes. His latest tanant was Senator Duigh, an old frigrutl of Semator Hill, who frequently dined thers with his Republican colleague — | Washington Cor. New York Sun, Nothing to Attract the Mob, Thre were more nyililons represented yesterday in the Seiten Rockefeller wedding in New York than iu the Van derhilt and Whitney nuptials combined, : yet the young people most coneerued | wad fortunately neither divorce nor tL gles to attemet the mob, and the ceremony | odio It ix pot mere money, then, that we sightueers rive, Thare nat he a side show, a news paper notoriety worked op, befory the “areat heart of the pubic oan be tonohied, and when it is, then call in poe Hee and spread out the bride's lingerie to the publie gure —~Cholly Kbicker- booker in New York Recorder. Step Up and Wegister, Chen lintnen. The friends of Cieperal Alger have established oa procedent which is Lkery toy fuerease the eandidata Jt to a large 7 wrtont. They are forward ® hin Ga Wilag to : asprin Sg why whe fu Bok a endl date for the presidential pominslion an rian hiv gael nt of cabine firiie ; $45 we EEL 5 Pi wiversity doo iaons ronghly panty par: As the press 18 tie The h ti had! pew Froopch 9 ihe Henin 16 sit and tie ralivg TENS if ties fh avd away wonal De to Tha B \opssariiyY a dad ERT mar a Siren Washington Hear. i Bo pe Bata w HF PRENANE ee At Une swallow. Ti the a Hussta professes gy on dtaiptepration of the Ruossia wound rather go Now Yirk Toler. i Jyrae dale 1 Whig They Tail ta Ses In The front le with a great many of our politicians 13 that they are ob the re. give list and don't know it Washing. ton Post. Ne Has Yet Appeared, Hiwaver, we expect still to hear of game bods who tea candidate in the or- diary sense, Detroit Tribune, Fed Kir OF frighten all other wutohod Bis for a few minutos and then | aleph nagatn, and an hour ater the naive { Lwhbigeavd in our oars: ; caishih ie te tine. The rogue is still | Ln | Haal mead Hats tho water Swen out amet gether the | Thee fastaimd 00 his 3 : nhan apa her mi i terestii in Wh her. | passaniger woald pat appear aptil dong alive mide sight the twa of us slept and left 1k © the FoI08 to wasted snd wake us ak the progee Hour, Sonn after 12 o clock he whispered to ai (Bat 8 rogue’ cleplusnbe-an Outlay focani tha herd and more fo be fara than the tiger had rome down frat the fie and taken possession of the paal. Stand fog to the venter of 5, be was trying 18 cammiees aveay. Wa hors, buat the forest bas suddonly grown suet. That Homie thas » Lhaper in aE 34 gran. SRP he WER sure DY Lo path Eig 8 Die Lith 11 was two hairs Ye to day hrek, Br bs be Buarried or pot snd whether be fu | %° Bad the Hght of moon aml steers and : Cennlit sew pvercihing alinoet as yell aa hy duylight. Iv ix mover quiet fn an 1 pdian forest by plight exept when the tig mates abet. Then the very toes toms wed bisests som to be warsed of bis pros etyois and Bosh their notes for a time. The ciephint was sanding lke a blak of stone, hin cyes fustend on the crest of the Hii] spoken of by the native and fur Ope or four miiputies the since was so pre found that we conld bead dur watches Lick. Then the bead oa the tiger appwans] abot the kill and ball a minute ster the Twink eapiee slowly walking dow. He wos a fill grown weade, and he was fullowsd Li hia coasts, There sore defiance sad son. | tered in thelr voy nis ax they slouched alolig, and Yedise reaching the posal cath gate uttermnne 10 8 vicious growl fs warn thi elegant hat they wom ud bi bar gist feed with, Ho stool se guietiy tnt yan wianshi have thoaght him sleepy and for a oan The tiovrs sat down an ihe sda | of the pool and glared at him and aaraek | out with a Lope paw. as Yuk lave sew gh | RORTY Lak | orl thelr beads to lap at the water, but ad | the first sound the rogue uttensd a shrill Cogeranan and dnabed ar then As ho did pot movi they low: Ne had eked 10 ave the tigers stared hut his torrie frightenad them lor thi anotaent, and thoy ma away, slosiy parsed to the Wop af the Bill br the rams peting elephant After five nuliuies he passed off quietly and with an parade of slowly petaroed to take ble fiaee 1 Ihe pond, Dat he Jud pot get romelond Uw wane | vrs when the tigers, perhaps ashamed of their ght, cone bounding dows and upon As he wheeled 10 test them and evs Hak bad [swoop the earth with his tronk one spas upon his fordwedd and bit asd dug snd rbd Bima, Amt the other wdightest on his left Bip and parsed the sane taction. Tha | stephast nade a rash into a grove of young Ptr maul rigurs wer wap m0 (he ho carpe erashing back in Figo as bie was in bulk, nts were wenderDa ly aulek vf Rin tennR be roll of vier and Lobo Che vat sf the oth gid ii Lhe {Eat f them & a ig t ip Ne BEARS Wy #3 r sd vee is fe trtek. Tha beat Enc Rast pair again artacked Hind ego ¢ bounded apon Bis buek, er and over him as cals (p) We heard thelr teerd | wt Bin wough bi voip With pain ma He Hrnadoe sit Bitnws wilds fn rhe Baile was Soir, 1 3 (REY ® TrULR LH me sain, he exoitesd 1 {here mann grow | g focany bho pleihant mi baad elect oway Thor hy Ba Fatiat sin secddegtnily discharged Hig gn i Ton feng alrel § had Bed 10 ders Laskin ifoy Lhe wos iad Srikk Som DCR IIGE SF ake eed This Was In Boston. Tha tinieat fittie tot hnaginabis, with ell pwmkosf Howse was sitting be the side of aes baa stoeet car, deeply in tahoe saw pass ng ations fresentiy the cur stopnsl aad a sntersd. Wherenpon tha mother tok the ehild on he make room for the pewoomar youngster rested, saying: "Don't be rideiul as, salma for god uy und give their seats to gentlemen Thorpe are sony read obildren Jafy, but wot many -Boston Hemod — soieanks mal Ba Wilde ¥ vg xk 8 5 ¥ ® Wg The ¥ % 2% Ladies 1 “8 i 1 HH Renee and we i 1 % 3 century, sod who got vid his wistime by hurnitie tier bodies, ts Sd tS have Ywsent eatun by speetral dogs that gould be seen Bigh in the air awlally rendiog | and soar tig bis flesh.” One of the pent fo iarities of the Cron Anuwn, according £ ARI RS SA a ER ar AN tn the Rev. Bdmuand James, is that the farther way they are the londer their erie appar, the wnnd decreasing os they draw per --Piistineg Dispatch Welghting Silk. | Hogue bmppovements i the treatment Lof wilh ae potted. Ordigarily wiik is sweightint’’ by depositing tannate of tin og the iter: the material recaives a bath of fannie soid and then another of | perchioride of tin, a rietion of this being wade wntil an increase of the we ght mnopats ® from 10 10 30 per const, beyond which it is not considered safe to gh in the ease of vik intended to 1 bo dyed light shades or to be hicsched. Recently a CGhrrmian inventor has brought furward a process in which silica is the wiighting sent, In carrying oat. this method itlires steps ammdeseribol. Fiest, the sik, raw or io auy stage of mang- facture ind either before or after dye. ing, i worked for an hour in x bath of perchloride of tin then, after sjpeesing and washing, it is worked I a warn sintion of water gloss or soluble sili- sate of soda fur aboot an hour, followed by washing. having alse been previonsly passed tiirongh & solution of phosphate of soda The operation may be repented again and again with no harmful affect on the fiber or cn the subseguint dyes ing, and in thee cperations the wk may he inerassed in weight some 100 to 130 per cont, The sik is now sonped, and, if alrendly died, bs cleared iu in smal ston of slive al and acid —Nuw York Sun. Halibing Egus ou a Fire Engle “A goad story is told conceding the members of the fire brigade in 4 certain town nab far from Hastings On one og: camion itt appears a fire broke ot in the town, ahd a rush was sataraly made for the flen engine, which wus always kept un the promises of ane of the in- habitants. When the nren attemptad take the engine out, however, they wera met wits the excimuation from the cas tisdian “Hi! ye can't take that cot. I've got a hen sitting on there, and you Tl break i her PERN £8 5 Tradition avers that the men, sexing the force of this argument, ipstantly | withdraw, and the fire wis prt ont hy means df pails of water draw from 3 | neighboring well — Pearson's Wiwikly. A SE AH ABA HASH A AP Happiness. If pon cannot be happy i (ne way, This facility af disposi- on waists but little atd foo philos shy, for health and good hemor are wost hese hole affide. Many ran abont Vafper felicity, like an mals boat | fg for has had whe it ix i hed or om { hy Hea meen a hisgnt Bicarbonaty of soda x an ssio ile pamedy for sick headache af panies. [8 0x aso best to Keep in a horiponal position. Chloroform is aise veouiimbed, from five to ten drops on a harap of sugar boing the ampoant © be tikes. It cannot be denied that ontwaerd ac- cidemty pondnee mach tu fortune’ favor ——gppottunity, death of others, cecusion fitting virtue—Dbnt chiefly the molding of a man's fortune 18 in his own hands, wo PROCUR Suid a little boy who, daring a visi to Florida, was obliged to dnipk ool dense! milk, “Mamma, [ jist wish that cotdensed cow would die!’ — Anjer- | Ioan. i +
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers