institate 8 0d poet at London for the peculiar shaped shen] seat and “desk which she designed some years ince, nod which is now in nae in mont he royal and imperial purveries in snd on the continent. The in: reference tO the ¢f- on the beaith of school and is very suitable and pra 1 able to the face in attractive and ber charming. It is generally nn | that she has remained name: Mocs ths dewth of Ler busthund Geference 10 the wishes of bet p-law, Queen Victoria Her life was certainly not ideal, hbough affectionate relations vs in the nor De of epidermie The dike Was 21 delicate that he was i permitted tocdeive, oF pues 6 un erp ihe exertion of walking up seis, snd tha elevator at Duckingbam palate was built for bi Ho wes vary self and Be inslvied apm mere : Shunging that ry ory tbe ques, we the. wom your, widch she rece # a widow of the sovergign yom pout pom, 14 Ipadognate to ond: the § : Cpr gre which residences at tes pal men of Claremont snd the painted 4 a tnvolve. waves. oF. DARKNESS. i I. Work In Hers: : A roetecrulogical pimp of psonl character gtivurted wide af jo Dittsborg and vicisiy FPR 19 and 11 o'closk the other morning. fain ht and wipd were gersniling, the aim ei phere was heavy, and the elon low, : Bhddents tn ef daykocss, growing in jptenwity, came Lp the Ohio vier from the partbwort It pre doevd an el feet like the shade wf sn eclipse. It seensed to be produced Yean aren of low Sa Aaepin elends, large enough to cover the vene and dense ene gh to ont oft all light from above The darker id a remarkable and alarms : A 4 ther wick ot new Bb ; to the doors Shi aL. Spree and even clerks i posed cut of the stores, and in a few : s the streets were filled with ot people, all Jockigg wpward = Sndoors and ott was wus tid "In the cutekirts of the city the afr was y filed with myriads of leaves Down the Chip river a beautiful fea- ture of the was exhibited phencimencu when the darkness was st its height by | thei sudden dawning of a spot of silver Bightates Jow down on the horizon, in : center of the Ohio valley and ever rani of the Ohio. This was the yer guard of the darkness. Both it and the cloud traveled with abont the ve © Jocity that a clond shadow in midssay mor does when it sweeps over the mend ‘ows. The brightness following was like | molten silver, and beneath it the river took on the same effect. The falls of the river yt Davis island dam, which a wo. ment befare bad been Jost to might in than darkness, now seemed like a jige of | quicksilver across the river, stove wank | beyond which the city was Jost 10 sight | in inky darkness. This light revealed lang cloud streamers traveling with sor- prising rapidity. Then io turn the light brightened vp the city. Three times came Waves of darkness and light. The light waves were harrow aud of startling intensity, while te ark wave covered the whole heavena It toek bot a few moments for each manifestation to pass, but everybody guys nothing like it was ever seen there before —New York Sun. Neepiag It From the Children. A romantio ferture of the celobrated ‘Mayutick polecning sue 1s uot general. shildren. a boy and girl, who and § years of age at the tine r ‘s conviction, bave been being brought up a Jdre pair. in the hope that their real parens- age may pever bo made known to them. ==New York Journal haut | prism for foar mw L mspal, and Alea ing point of thet wae of Cwithost quarreling aw My be parti oned falling nts wenkress power has been slowly ebbing, until tries incladed | by actual experionon. ; pn A ta : eapital of the worl sarily thay throngs © tees him said, awfol ples of reading that hag ever wane ditlen Ta 196% Ba was | Beamer, appeared sent to jail for three years for stiuling Snoonrenicon, os Fle then got [seven In faiy rset erved a “singing” soon berame bo York bon. ! situation st lewst tithe extent of § 5 | THE END OF A DESPOT SA TT 1 THE RULE OF THE UScPEARaTLE TURK iN LUBOPE wile BOON END, Na RAS CR Tena of £08 giv sot Snadenes of samiyotan Dread y In Farcpe tiuepis Na Teovger the Bey lo what 10 May Neca. TAH the send indicate that the Toerk- oh ernive ge one GF thw pore of the wird he rroe hdd df end Thar i 19 (Ra p LOTEaRn Poors oF is to be Rept ia oe fife pili a poten to De comet iinted by fiero powets, as one of The Jatess reports ¥ § fdicares, thw result will be the same. he grost Mobsmimedan empire, Wii ich at one time threatoned all Eorore, has axisted for the past 40 yours only by the toleration of Chritendom, and #8 now pode fing the end, apd will be practically turied by ite own corruption amd vices, It is instrnctive to recall the rise und f31f of this Mohammedan power. Re crafting its srength from the es 5d mred Seren frives of Awa, if over of oe 4 he effate and dernying Greek eno © wird wiped it oat by the faking of © oat ths neple eight ornturies ap For masy gotierations after th af it wan fhe pending threat of Christer hem ronched ita high tide at he Sepa « t¥: nna in JERR, neariy a pentwy alte tha last of fhe Saracens had been expe isd from Spain, and when the gi apdom wit hy Fentioand and Iealells war 3: ire udy Ninos twin lis ow it is on the verge of dudntegration. At the smse time the process of deca Ww has affliennd Mobammedanicon nosrd Ipo averpwhera, The two exceplions fradi ite the extremes of the sale Io the Sudan the jwistive fanaticise sai sav wgEry whisk gave Jt the original vigy 4x still extant. In Duda the spectacle of mire Mohammedan subjects than Tur ey every had divi ing nsder the same § irs senypert with Uhriadians and Podd shows the possibility of the rec Hom with eixiliend government of gooisnt enemy of Christin Exactly w hats will bane ts u ink nk: within fhe To ; pire ix 8 puzzle. Pub ir ps i) the char which has (or oer shout srantinoniy wr beg From: (he ¢ Cotetinting ti that of Alexander ms Westphatian Witcher Wore Hed Hatek Sonat, in Westth sien, Proseia Tau Balen vif tha Fors : gra. snd, by Ihe way, the) Join oy Tasted {, PEE rue 3 or there | han iia an Westphaiian pear was called 300 Vinh Bere eT SH El el i set of bigots in the pravinse, Tue tooo ave still sic sug uider wei eh this witch trying Engress regalia! iy wet on the commons of Soest amd the records of their proowed ings are still tbe fou od fn the archives at the town hail Cron of the most potceahle things in « thew queer oid records of the dayy of bigotry aml Blind superstition tw § we fact that the pages spon which are wrt ten the po weeding ¢ of cases in Whi the scone di were condemned te i stalks sre 511 adorned with Joeks of the enlprit’s boty. The individual hairs 1 this nuaer onlisetion of taf ¢ exhibit al } the variations nenaliy noie 2 Rand MRR b ne in: [es ery ; ever, that the same gor formiy yal Tt is passing curd that in an od Surin apa deed yomrn shone of bein dor 5 ton bivawda,” Lemis Repsbiie OAF Delasions In a Yooat leetnrs dn London by De : Hoe si pirate Fog cla, 5 via iY ibe ALeR. Jing he view of that city whers Ear a be hal Axis tomes boas wees £5) imply the tow on hm i) Fiestricity | Bi AA ade hie ¢ Water remte is | 34 £3 rh iw the Ea # pp thm. The lap rome Ir Asta will pasa dey eivilizedl vale Uonelan te a great yesont, a charming plsp oan inhomata Mo Canty on pe lations gud fntvieoes, bog it | Hkely th becumpe 8 peat of power 101 pare with lamden, Pari: Berlia of Peterstury Neill the vhosgee that a G¥BinG fesminate an Siew i is sory. I Furopean poss oan dispose wf © them the Exupann 3 whose torn connects tho deeds of Rome will be finally dip off tho man of thew od EEG Dispateh. Thirty Gre Tears For u Yew Dail An odd men in Eng sel waa mind stent fag whose peoced, the dw aman od the moet se to ty notice. two tare rablits for stealing 5 abillings shaw! then ten years, with seven [yeary’ police supervision, for stealiog ducks, snd finally consecutive st ef five years each on three chin stealing a cost, a pair of reins shovel, with another sever: years’ police supervinicn. Ix all 35 years of | penal servitude for six theftr of objects (whos aloe amounted to a few dollar — Now st vi Neo Bond June Contemplate Notwithstanding the continned treasury deparfment that there} is po Immediate prose of 3 nd bie that such sotion will while the balsas retaa ine abe ve th $35.000 £500 Lait, and not even fo case | Virginia fil! : | tary, aad then it was nirod wend in the ft shondd fall to that Spare unbhs om gress fails to take Souisane {ing sows other method of maine thie nations] credit by the pated the 2old halator er Waghin gion . Infferent Wyle of Advertising. ¢ : coiled By PE raina th ) emptied rear 4 4 opt Judge whe wo | | fat that iw ua ne eviy When fig asd the mung was sviderily ane ax bree hog. whinh, in when fast apd 1 therefore sestoend fhe mote 0 {his sarov og salntives — fendi Graphic The Potates Genesis Unsolved. The exrly naturalists differed pv as to the origin of the potato Jobs Gilmer Speed fn Lato Journal In England (twas : native of Virginia. and In bas il was said to have artgin sated tn Pera. Mod Mn opinion Balds thug ¥ 13; J ate det to the slewnts y elas a. hile, Joss of gold, it is still amerted 4% the Perc, Bi ia, Costa Rios, Mexion and fg western United States. It probably sl: got to Virginia by the hands ¢ if wpe : dort early Spanish expiorers It is certain, | however, that it Was oot suited in id 8a Amsrioan © ib teens io witch 18 Was hed in Brrons far int the - tig Sears ti oun apie on povoant of the eb Foroo Sleep te Death, In svmpideration if tive relate Defies that ebcirniily ray A vow advertising Wagon intdoduced in New York is fitted up with tivo eve inders which keep revolving, giving & momenta y view of various husitless an. PRR would rac bhor sooned $100 to onteh fhe ave of tenor threw thossand pec ple ¥ 3 contraction of this Rind than uly cents to reach A boandrad thoosarld pad ors in a pod newepsper St Globe. Det CAL wenty Thousand + Without Fivings In Italy the market peice of the titles count is $30,000, bat po decornpions go : with the title. How much is ft quien for a little parsley laid aloog the diges®— Iowa State Reg ister. Pe ou Tine. put your holiday advertising into shapn Art iit Advertising. ag boc Re A SO Pacific Meashres, Boston Journal In China young blood may go out and have a frolic st a cost of about 1 cen for the night's fun There ure people wha barbary br Ir Taeans thas of ¢ Bir HOW Baitervin aret in ne and whose or tmpossibin Louis 3 . % * % pk the inhasation ; ous gan lo Pim orealy Bs — : | others, gatue boarding : { langmaue a merourt Don't wait until the last momens to | Mercury was in the ascendant, : therefore possemned of the bly into death —E Mervarial, The adjective 1, 1i%» many HSErenTy gry speech from the realm of astrology. In astrological al mas wil ip ander the indoenve of Mercu rental a i | ties suppesad ty distinguish the heathen | deity u Surveyors, not soldiers, will probably | softle the nny live of Alaska — | ? that nae. Scume Are That Way. She Why doesn't Mr. Pompus Join | the church?’ Heseems to be quite a god man. FoI guess be feels as if the church ought to Join him. — Detroit Free Pruss. sant wm inority. | memsmee reileve ber of much of the manual labor. Mrs. Barah #. Neal Mr Sarah J 5 Heal » for clerk Im fhm pean Washington and sae of Uw pe rowan of ail Hansss Wospen, ow Setemse 8 To a fortnight aga, from sinrics recerverd by being thrown 8 ye okt age Mow Neal eefebrated her pyviginis tay on tx “he was owed when a nibs of 10 Toe BYR her SP itome Wak Jobs saun. poe Unired Beaten senmor married Dy Andrew Fallon, Twa ot thres years afrer Lie death 744 i 1 Nea! Ther sent tn Atel hire tive and from that sity Mr Neal went into the oivil war as captain of a oom pany in the Thirteenth Kansas ros meant. The war ended the captain Was commissioned as an officer in the regu lar army. He died a few years biter at Gralvesron, After her second husband's death be gan Mrs. Neal's stroggle for the mpport of fersalf and children Rhee served dor ing a session of the Kansas leaisistare as engrossing clei in the senats, rink afterward, through the infnenes of © ator Ingalls and her Atohison frivnyde che seas given a position in the pensics department at Washingt This 5 they she held for 20 sear on Kan whe cistred WashisgonMatify 15 prany kindness sit Tal Las 0 bla five fingtevs hi AE fhe ris Bp pean x LORIN salt of a cutting down of forces rather tian being due to ber advanoed see Khe was vieiting ber grandchildren FL amberone when the aopideant which ended lr life —Kaneas Cty Peat TG was aioe in ber t ie wae porn ily Sue kad fnenlentiy al the a wit mando refrsalinnta “im feckine for we ike shame Well thing. i wi {me rand ! ref hrs voted Lop Waa Su EE sn the Bik dae of fac will RYE wine to the anim $4 We shall on Boba ented at dead pe Tia men Wiis v iy pu tieen ya reged Tn Ina sage. Less than ve bonsitred voted boast heen del DF has Sesiys 2 5 2A 3 iat Ha 0 his again #HY Load 3 g sie AT Appian too salirage. The Wai en opposed 30 sutlrage are an insignia. The feel that so many woaren Sok the tombs 1H via an 4 mers expression of optain is an ov donee of enlightened poblic spirit al. mont sogeaupind fg politiond history Wa domist wh so der similar condt con ht have migistered + Woman's Je imrnal Ameriosa Girls Criticiend. The much written up Woman of Japan ix reven eed at last. Ome of her dwn counfrywamen has torped the ta Lies spon oocidental critics and a calm ly dissects the Amerioan woman aw the | Aiaiens ¥ wo nat is wont to dissect the i her more distingaished Kinston, _—. Teakd in Tokyo snd is traveling in this coun try. presents rather a disparaging view hs of cur American girls when she says: ‘Por frankness’ sake 1 must say that if | were a man {| woshl not marry an American girl hoand jmde pendence preset too $ remtrast shen Duked to Gl leu pusts- ment I ¥new that Aperions woraes ark Bot ALT Loe tee clasts fer ITI Bat thers ae feminine tract tre affvotn § aarior A awe og Te Csalporatesd Bor gh Winks aes Mrs aren, the presi ¥ wa nA Sra i suitor Ex 2 hange, Wins Edith Oley. Miss Edith Okey graduated Veterinary college of Toronto, Ia first worsan to win a dippuma fame out hee shingie at Sandeval, Lk, in the conter of a rich gramog euaniry Diseases of milk cows Bis been Miss Okey 's spacial study. she has dope wed and empioys | three male assistants, who “—— Shimoda, who is the superintendent of a female coliege Pwr hreag u rt A BATTL E OF HORSES. A FigRCE FIGHT BETWEEN ARMY STELDS AND WILD ANIMALS a So SC Feprine Pewicas That Beosne Fiendish When Patty A roused Riders Cavalry Te if Hep mene ibe farther up the hnrbew, im Parnisbed from 8 generating tation at Sandy Hook Pertod the 31 bit are mpplisd with a eootineons cn pat at 180 volts Ty means of nearly tvs pales Spends That EBpwed Ihe Results of Their Mititmry Training. Fra at sapdows, apd while we ware sf smeneer § drove of wil Boreas nam #E ospliienly emerged from Thats ops peasy woud deplowed on the Jovy. | ia) wound of the wallex They bod made gee of thie pass bo cross feo Cli max valleys, where graed and water might have faled them or horas hunt. ore had appeared fo give them a fright. They ewsrged from the paw in gugle di, led By x rpotpid stallion whose mane reached alms to bis koees and whose tail Totehed (he groond when he | Il eubile for thee lights fhe aw of frm mit an arms had to be discarded, ae with wae at rest de want as handeorne ae sire of the deave leaders to ba met with fu the dove of the wi bl hase, hist he was vet 3 Rig sumong ho of at Hay the remainder of the wero fine an mais hardly be worth tha ¢ fone wir yooo grim ax cavalry ; abalone On ts mareh, pt Rae that pumtwe hid collar thas they had stampede] from sores Sm siRTant as When alear of $he poss, they © wmed i f f awie We bul sha luring pine, and for half uu bogr homel ail we con ld do ta present a HG patie. The wild fumwes wit finally drivers dawn thie wr © onntes men, fat They $437 is fear 5 ¥ an Sov mt rary, fa EB Pour oil ¥ 4 Etriing Wo ih Are bmated wk sigh 1 LR egrrons at Sint (panes in which such 8 current Chis hoes weed for this porpoise. Ea Ew SPIE NRE HARBOR LIGHTS. Haw the Rotraten to Mew Fork te THumianted. The entrances 0 New York hatbor i the a cite [ives ae Re id oF the spar baors along thet Gel sael onerics an electile | » ait for theses Hghts, ax viel as oo cali comsinting of 8 fugle oinduet- wo seven stranded oobper wires of Nin 1H guoge. covered with an iwale ip sud protested by a double wrsar of amet wire The haoys along the Helpey chanuel are farn. wheel with an 4 Rernat- 1 00 volte, pralubly the fn the maenfuectare of the Hy mile i the Teens of self induction Hors foo ginmounesd, Anconiingly the SPIROT em gi haa vik te No 18 gauge Bani dean 0p phy wire, the cwioster oo ashing of Aree or Wf arene wives of Sinilse grag tinats pereha in the inimiaten of the als ernativcg parent {LR wath in the primary enrrent ap eirenit is of ; ransforoneiof G08 ty fred rwitle ha Riad or yive. § Bach is peanted in tight ones, which is filled Ligith heavy off axon sddivional ineals. © gape Tay fig i ghithived] sgl tem | Pieatam TY The lamas are of jO0 en fie paves Li Pr veh, atid ars et at the opof rey Ton be gre pw hit pad be fusy jase 2 by dinpseser The ova ty which these rare mre xed are large spars from 60 he 20 fest lotig each sue Loved to the wow cast ren bhiek shape Eph Tile ow ommshroom aad weld hog aboot Bihan pamds CORTLY THE ata CALE 3 FL Phe Extenvagant Prices c harged st 5 Phils 4 ME SE ON N o*: 5 Ww FEE tus th 25% CORI AER Haier snk eee sired a8 Five WHIIEN, postin al ERR atl #1 a mike baw hie Aan | ERE AD {driving them «of, adr EIOg Bi nae efor wa Soul gotten dnt Snel, : The aa 33 h Gir pres t| | gnite well able to provid itanif with Ly A oe sist between 3% x 5 Psa Lg ther flare eis and I ind tr the fate, looking for thingy 0 eat, per | haps for soft shell crabs It noses the shady revsetiee GDOR Then we Wit weaned une iing whch HPT 3 cavalry ; y Cry horses fll iki: & dpessid 0 The CQL aM : per lad sovapied we looked the power fared ; daw Gv Soe right andl feaibing Bo alot 20 feel Tha Hue of wild Lots be and wavered, but did mek Tt owns ike strik & drpnhiad with a sledge hammer, belie thar Dally G0 hogwes Wil ander tha shoe q ie fwd agesin ak a seis, the whole aad Aan ores wrscdy hr all except | wenktieh swine along thie bank, look- na ey AWEDE past uw, thy ately perfect, with | EL EH mdetubis Theater In ise sid af the ria of wate bat let them read i Philodalybis as Sid mm shale pesne’s Sages," and hen Tees ei dd in thn words TH, Ansapolis, “fhe Mer f Vahiew was jee winding by the opr tran IRE iy aotods, nf the tis mug opt pom cae Sent lem Hak Da wat peeforve ] those who y, "Uy per . Tota wre or Lx ARSE ao to whitch yeast tac TE Ix thesnles ; sont lsrpen aad Jading 18 choose to six amare will pene belie the is not pessible they alfier tha Duran J f going fo rhe they « Xe w Ne rk : play} wine al tale rans Lower | gallery seste Uae vo veh, pit seats hr ds seed ¢ sphely there wir ten, Tor Lo hrwever, Yate spin hire { gs or sueling shib ensured with the pees at the Sehr theater in 1756 when $13 4 saraed for the sdmismien of a oh) bs. & ey Hr Bust theses latisr prions, it miy os added, wore in oo atinental money Vooding — of the Weakiieh. crt wonktiah, anid an old Seber mam, appenrs ty be very intelligent and Ed fod 15 will come np om the Sood sud work ite way int the shallow places in ales, or wa lettuee, about, looking une der iv for aurthing that may have been aft rire by the tide or that may have sony. sere after the tide went cut Uwe sien %. akfkh swim ander a boat that § was in that was anchored om the Oates, on the way to places where the floed tide wis making an As the tide gets higher the weakflsli works along the wedge hank The =dge bank is where the meadow land adjscent to a bay mets the sand; there may be there x bank purhape 18 inches or 3 feed high Low water, and as the WwiMer rises - ing. and when the food ide, ill ris Man the AcTinmt £2 ve fd ecard wl rn Lie mah Shey Laat dae, 3 email wed thers bad bes 12 of them Wan werthioms In oad car opss had kKiok mt oan sibne Mid wt Ei ry PER Ag sd ¢ wit hifid shows, Frnt Ges Were ded and tprriete ld when Bo Ey ik the OF wid luipdes SECHPE BOY We re Hreaking chihyp wr nit wo the vie, and wn ardiki ew ien Bud bg wnives were food —{otryiit Frees Prass ider, Yao oon and Kwamina on Satanlay. ing, rive above the wdge of the bank and runs heck in the sedge grass the weaktish goes with it, looking sboot in thie wroes Tor things good to sat ast as Pt ls 2 puny pian ie, “hiss in the cunniry, Ban at ams and ghout the alive dnd is cw places oi the fate” —New She Lent the Queen si Dinloredls Man cries are tuld abest Queen cnneetion wil her visits © gr feand a TOIT NID OSig (De Whets on (pe of ber ame hi ues Was cnnght in 8 shows, and dhe eplered an ald woman's om the tomate of whieh 40d ot Teobg nie er MIversign, SAIL lend me rn ambrells”’ asked the roval lady Theowoman looked at eg ina suspEilons MBnuer, ard eniiad 1 Bae twa pralueiine; sue ig wenn amd ane veers old, Ye may ake thn Gal one i Viporia a the athe day [ guess 1 will never soe It again And she offered the queen 8 158 ote, which was quistiy accept. diay was saiBcientiy pranished for per grampiness, however, when she dis covets whe her visitor had been. —Lon- don Bane a i 0 i i AA Anhui Nannies. re ard seven sarnaipes in Asi coniing tor the dacs of the Ww; Caw folivws: Kwasis indicates a man born Sadar, Kadive wn Monday, Kwa bing on Duesdar, Kwaka on Wednes Yinrsday, Ko on Friday These are ' all avosuted an the final syllable. ghites, ant ars shunt flee fates ane. wily Maw Os sll r they were a gallery seat, $50 for ad sistem to the pit and §48 fir a box EAE yb AOI ERA or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers