The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 05, 1895, Image 4

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    hr Rh AAAS
TR dr satiafaction of any.-STHL | JAMES QUINN, | Some 2 Zur reiN
the TOBACCO and CIGARS 134and IM Clinton St, in the - i OF PATTON.
Ye neat Hae fu Pallon ab { Johnstown, Pa 5 1 | in IRL r ! v 5 y in io | 2 .
G. |. FITZPATRICK > “AHN INGURARLE CERI] Patton, Cambria Co. Pa.
- Reuet Somerville,
Esstaourant _ Ma Br BEAT 1 : Phrrite LY v ar CAPITAL PAID UP, $50, 000. 00.
SURPLUS 5 000.08
Attorney-at-La Ww, R.
® » §. We Hs : g T ! 4 rag
Pecemibx Patton, P. sicily Keel I HOPE RTY. |
Be, aff . ry . pie pd BOBS
this to say regarding Fotirth of July | Office in the ood Biking AUGUST XK. HUBER, hands, ) ein Gx od Bi: ilding Hh em in
and the stars and stripes: “The old- od ing
time Fourth of Jnly celebration, with, SECHLER. STON E MAS
ifs simple parades and musters, the | Ww. H. 5 Hl i PATTON. PA. |
reading of the Decieration, and the Attorney - at - Law, wie grassed at ne of to aves | LL om time: dogs
oration, that more than supplied the es CEELERB LE 1 Wee slate an eve A g PATTON, Wa H Saxpeonn,
tack of glitter and the color in the pa: EBENSBURG, PATHTI ; aL ts. ET it. ar
rade once the event of the year - Cambrie Connty, Pa Catia
went out of fashion. We allowed our. :
selves to be lsnghed out of it. It may we DAVIS. ol
be that the speiker was hoastful but a
boaster in better thay an apologist or 8 Attorney and {ownseior 4 :
ot patriotic an- Puywenr re, Pi
: niversary was alrcoms Fowt, and A family A 15 bogad bawineewy preempt iy LEtnrated he
_pienic day or & hase hase ball day sab | Ofee in Armory Hall Fa .
stituted Wines, Liquors,
“7% is coming back, snd we onght to ‘RL GEORGE,
434 in relnatating It Te en ATT ORN EY 5 AT ¥ LAW, Beer. Etc. 41 woo! new Fall and Winter Arve re 4 Cnn x sf
& : Fa : ¥ : ; ponds at 35 full W in wide New ii he vo aiive today he wou
GALLITZIN, PA. Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Pinids and Boncle goods, choice pat " .
Solicit for German Natiomal B & terns. Black wool dress goods war
Macks Corks. Jugs, Ete ranted. Ladies Sackeie and Capes in
Flasks, Corks. Jugs, Ete. aime The largest @ock between
Philadelphia lle tab: é
; : 13 ‘ 3 ! + Rk as
a | Hastingd, Penn d. Wola as
ae . rs
Yarns, in fact
would like our senmns {
J aired fo get an answer to that ques.
; Is cultivated, and that the | ro oe md Jobers in ! !
m ave very easly sade squtinted jof all Xin done promptly. Hoe ima :
at a = -
Sur Prices on Groceries and Feed, so low they advertise
nselies and hurt the printer. Come in and profit by
GEO. S. GO( D,
Eigin Creamery.
Guonce Fimavecs, } LU HH 3
Prop’r. 4 1 High Grade,
Harnes, Bridles, Saddles, Coliary, Nets ¥ ; Fresh Eggs.
and Whips, Blankets, Bp ; re RUIN 1 | 1H Ignited
\. Repairing a Specialty, Mail orders 19
promptly at- Limberger Cheese,
tended to. sit Eleventh Ave Brick
ALTOONA, PR. |"; .....
. Manes AE d WALES.
oll 1 “Sua ranteed
¢ 1 to be perfect workers.
erowded with many desirable pieces of
nsils of all kinds. Come in and see
How bright the handle of
: sur front door 187
a good light buy : a rr ls (Oh. no; just the
- GOOD LAMP. > : Y ordinary usage of our trade.
BB Underwear days are here, old winter is
show his teeth. We carry
nderwear for gentlemen im the town.
Sugg #3
nothing in Underwear, worth having u ha | |
you, y fos 2 soc. Merino to 2 $3.00 Comin y + above phrase you will understand
We Defiere in the besutifnl. Our § 1
, 2 Wich au VISIE our Store and sce the
garments are in the season's prefliest COONS. 2 |
: a 3 z ix 5 FATT wo are ater 1 ng in Dn
Ther's |
we can't
1 - Ba HOLS, AA i Shoes.
pened up a il new line of Men's
and. on vent’s Cotton and Woal
Keeps the boy outdoors, and §
mtdoors the clothes are torn, two to one when in- : : a ow fich we are selling at prices
; hence be: $ out today _ to-morrow and ways rhat defy competition.
cheamer, as we've
: ge plese at a Hime Boots : and Si ! es.
artment vou will find bargains for your
dice lines from $1 to $1 babies’ from
than at to atch apt the
% r ~
WE HAVE now on sale the celebrated Armor Side
Corsets w hich never breaks down on the side.
‘WHILE WE HAVE Hany BARG. ALN | wo offer you
we cannot enumenite them all, but give ns a trial
COO y BUI . ! : when in need of anything in our lime. We will
OL = | treat von right. A full line of Flour and Feed;
every sack guaranteed. Salt by the barrel and
baled Hay, 4