American r Seolagioal Rewipary Dest toyed. : MANY HOTELS. m salts HOUSES. Satked wd onto Appani for. Ais | Cf plese Delietivits Avetsed, Losp x, Eng. Nov 28. —A porreapor- eat of The MFrnes” Bt Canstantisopie, telegraphs thet 8 second terrinie rasan gre 1am geearrid st Maresh, sod Hoe re px ai tliat thirmsande sre dead sul bum: + winnodel ge sroup theotougiond persinnry wae plunder sd haroed spd waders at tanked, ute beng fatally wompded, A ot of hotels and bose ding booses in |] ib were siso plasdersd sod bmn drele of foe people have u pesied for} : gertatans AODESS INES 4 rr) WURBER. Bo Suis 1 Grand Jury Siting in the white : Case. 2 Canis, Now, PE Ater Bearing &v. aryilies RE in the Frank W Whites abv ox foie 4 fre bo in te varias, hari | Witise Diy wn br marder, sod beidinn : ths loliowing per ou sonsestad wits the rey detestive Superintendent Obes. 8. Mebomald, &- o ut Boyerindent Joceph A. Meld whi and opeirativns Joost J Pishs, Char. J , Chas, &. Toeompson sod Jobe Fran Io sddition to this each of he abote mt charged with eonepirecy in conn tou with the murder of White, THT A ER Rn a Ni ann) gee lL Fost sm i : ep " ‘ Soppnr. an Roc coded in Brief a Toe Lolbowisg — ball, gimaes were played yeterdey: Futnanmirny—FPervey irons $i, Cor | in taviaen- Adelbert BR, Peansy! a AEE TL GR oR The Provident Went ts Chareh Wasnsorox, D. 3, Now. ZR. Presi and Mra. Ceveiand followed ther od sustom of Stepdug Tnasanuivive ae tburel. They sprout the remainder of the on Hiiy oh she Wiis Home wed stjoyed | Tn A SA mA Hsp wo Slavk Beats: oped. ping vo we Zinger estate, Bens : hes is wba Jostaon sud sows, rl Por ad a a supe, thw grated jor | wo: AS en sop, « | which be reprasented Homan in = soba, Lak & pleasing vor and La tone it is pow- {spplense. BH. H. Brasserd ‘ongress Will Practice ; Feosomy This Winte-. LEADERS WILL war fot CLEVELAND on Nalional an slione Be Importance, WN arrsorox, Nov, 20 i seonoshy fa pabiie sxpasditores will be the Regn Joan programme for pext wister. The E pew pablic buildings, except wiers gr gout pecessity existe. Ii Js so nedir- stood to mess thal the river acd harbor committes will be constituted we to government Mr. Hood bas not, 80 far wn oan be fesroed, formulnted any policy wab re pee? to the tar ff or Bosco bgsiaty | Not only be, bal cider Bepublicas jek (wre it the house are disposed to swat be | [presi lente message belore dending wis | pottee the party shell parsns upon Hore and erdesr paestions of seliousl smpent aa Ba ggertions which bave been od Fran wd to moset the sitastion srs we peree we the sections they represent wt reved that pearly sil Bepuliopue #ili roach the sty to-morrow sod thet i atten dukes ol Returdey sight's samo wants tor the house canons #0 far od rejates to them have been perfected b the managers of MaDowell Gisns-Rassel) {001m ane Ad to the nosinetion of Beed s propo stiles was favorably dissasesd to-day to have it dons by soolamstion snd riding vole, spot motion of ope of the Maine ernbers, dwregsrdiog sil precedents. No plan bes been Sentded es, however. SACRED orem a cumweRsY LIE YEaxher, ho Beatitel Cruere.” By Bowe Tabet, Cenwessrinze, Nov. 29. The ssorea opera, “Esther, the Besatilul (Joes, wis prowsied bors oo Thenksgivive sj evening ander the snspises of be Ladms’ Abd somiety of the M. BE. chareh, sud the directorship of Mr. 8. H. Braiserd. I “was ssmly the svent of the mason. > Miss Gertrade Moore sseumeld 1» sharester of Esther, the bestifal quires, {and a better ohotee fur that diffienlt ocovld pot have been made. Her wouse | was swited to the part sud ber acting teal. Fred. Bard sssumed to imitate King “| Abwsnerne sod in kis rossl gown renliy | did appear to be the sotiguated poles tate. He omrried bis part through with graoe sud dignity beoommiog the time snd {ossasion. 8. 0. Norrie, as Haman, frst favorite of the King, bad » most dif | {port to sunten] with, bat did i in & maz. per beouming & veteran stage-setor, 1 aniving many fattering comments trom the sadisnoe for the natura] messner in Prema “Behodd this Mordecsi in Booen” Hs srial, effective snd sweel. Zarssh, Ham at's wife, wie represented by Mer, May | Moore io 5 aos meooer sod with & voice that was charting, sod ber solo * docst, the Jew,” won for ber appreciate took the part , 1 of Motdeosi, ihe guest's anole, sod ny + p | od it with plession effect. Mordecsi's bewitehicg manoer. Prophetess, wat the | part Miss Gertie Way was sesigned and - | banat aod Chamberlain, wae presscted by | Canens, ¥. X., Nov. 29, —A cave-in, (the loss of 18 0r 1 Lives oc i she did pet dimppoint the director in the | manner fo which that character was pre- {sented Harry Draacker took the part of Hiug's Goands were Lawrenes Dole snd a Page, Jas Davideos: and Arsoid Sl Qutea’y Fons Edt eed Spiess Soribe sod Herald, «od was not lacking is any pertisalary of thet character. Hae Verne Bion who did weil i» prodesox # in smesterly manoer. Hoga snd High Prisst wea presented by Hany Brown. W. A. Brainard: Queen's Attendants, Presifest « Moviguge WHI Pride rive owls tosans thet no mamey will he voted for | wil be nonansliy grest. The arrange | Tteremne, TF being the pa sppatandy Sed | part | Bb : Combinn tem Ticket Carried Wi Bet Ose Exception. x i Nod featinn of Orgeoreatice WH be i to BBR President Taree | Wesmtsor x, Dee 1. The somiies bien tioket for Goose officers wa oucroed through the rept san sancos of horse sf the pap 0 “one eXeplion, Mr. Fubwer, whe wes sisted for Shapian, tein g Aanted by Mr. Conv 05, of Michigan i galt of the snnom entamatiied ire ihuiee | Speier Thomas B Read, of Mave, Oterk, Asrsnder MeDowell, {pantie Serpesttosi-srum, Beojemn F. | Rasesll, of Muecnr., (ism J Giese, i Li i COMORES cowvines gr ne? Ed Be Bade i Tress: Tors my Woninern, Don 1 ~The | Spi foetine wil Sh am grea: will sup eos team craw at Tia shel d-} Pu Grad varias wesw # the IV fapnbers ow ABLE sos peone Ty elm mae, iat imernpies 10 Sew met baw In the seit sdwieeion | wilh {sworn in. Swern, Ned ifiosting of the Sra ZreRE WY ara} ¥ tae minde U {ect on Toweday sod bs sovow will be rend that slisrnint. After sd imrpmpent the senate raasas of Repnbiions members will be bid. | » given cnt Soernght That me Koss iow gti wil be deterzoned npom. The mmetin sw vesres Lor tha purpose of & genes wn of sea fx & Pre fre TRS er sengtors ty meet sopsther after 8 nor sot s TetEs, The £22 day im he hones will be #3 samsted by The romtios of orgssImAtie sunk ae the sleotiom 8 & spear, X05 { ssbordingte off mre Asides from the mircdastion of sow ssnaenres bills remintions Ste By inom i kotieipated this week. The adit wom of pew rien sed sppoinitent of som will be pomompibed Interest ig mumlistoen. HBaenmares, Dee 1.-Msjor lease B bares of the Separtorsst of iptersal of fxive, bus Soabed the compilation of #ls thatiog for 170 The serion covering wt ® inl areeting. H shows tedal of IF passengers Bild | and £10 ininred . $47 employes Killed sad S30 ie jared ; 1,000 other persons Billed sud 1 640 in ored, of grand titel fed and BT wr jared suliting dong those cihaaeiBad da Tutler Eperpems”™ lo Sistiogomh them from Dee Loy 0 sec perk ad smmrioTes The dtatstiss for the year show hal te op. | FPL) $7 cmpivven there was O06 Rilled sed 10 every 20 one was to jared. Soong Ah DRS ZETE OTS WES kitted sot of svery | 4.50 TR persind sed one inane d every TE TOT smrreed. LINCOLN AS & LA BoRIR He Did Varo work tn Iedince War 25 Conte & Tray. By thie since Aleibes had bere am imsportant teember of the { He WAS reISArkatlT bY far brews, ard Te ok i on ds im 8 Guy was ote Thana Same The x a had Bess pul $ Sand to help in making the fre clr ing had perer been al indeed, 2s be wiry Bimeaelt, til] within Rix pwenty. wat almret ooostantly i “% & lw Sn i sear be AY Fi Goan at Fam: BILE fo .{ Katie Frauk sod May Borsbeagh ; King's Helm moat neefyl instrament’ drove the earn, ent done the ein and Libis brosh with which fhe stick was | fen fed earned to handle the 04 shovel pow, wield the wrkis, WO thrash the wheat with a Sul wo fan aod clean it with asbwet, logo to mill avd Lgery the hard ess rand ist wan fon in shies be ewrnad % ie tertainment, States LE . Motion. rir ait i motion fo srrwst of jadgmoent, Pirrserss Noy. 30 Judge Porter to- {iar nate? down an opinion in the same asivst DD EK Harz dl, sestaivang Hurtzell wae check weighman for) Btetn, the toil operator, and was reosutly {convicted on two sounts of oeing false weights und scaivs. whereby the on were dafranied. The opinion wee based qui asta bonality of the Foetal act of asneisiy of Jape } 1897, | The fn} OE ‘be sn, It Spee, oes ook {itoeit we De by the nw, Ia the case of T. D. apie of Hsrtzall, convicted ander common law of peing false scales, the court suoalied the motios for the arrest of Lnlgmmtond Inpew trish. Co | Sinte Fimassal Report. Hasxwenora, Pa, Dee. 1. ~The | your at the este tressury ended Sater | {day. The beianoe in the | was $1.95 (115,58 us aguinst $5, a. Mas 8 FEAT AT. Receipts for 1536 were gs, 884.75. tAppwmnt pad on §11,805.000.15. which exceeded the oti. mated expendiiares by over two millions. settlers bey must edo md Wel epough #0 that wheo Lis father dd i | tad Bio be sould hire Rime to the Belghters : mas 1, EG tenght CRIDOTATY A 5 whine 1 ize, pos Regs kis Ba ya " ak Fold EF $ 5k ao | Ricks ard thee be ng eu TAs he aren | ErEOmGeRt the RICNILS $TRET 82 % 3 Tair “% Eopren kis fal Se He Fy ready even tend the balks boner whe Heyes thiog wk @ Fad fae & hoi 5 LER. on 2 ok Se Snr | the wea and the tolsl payments i, sppropristions § {ham $ in 5% : Son | Wow tansral Swans West CONGRESS CONVENES THIS (FTERRODY. ws 3 Eg Flt im . Buca lets tows fhe 1 font pight with ba of Kavams, He of Pennwsb thous have Idea bisger. Wie w Worg Postmoawhr, : Toarhs 8. Nise : Pa Fy Fasy. soittuen bry the sTenker are the Boat myatiers : of gemerk! fotos snd importante (Let Brows, muperistesdsst of the relwey midests cn stesns railways in Peosay) lesnin PBs omen WoRs of bo 7 i The grads ervaeing seed roicdda are ; § mentioned sn two of the sane of he Te Len he Low iorh Pomme a Wil the trades the OVER MRLIONS GF ates fur Emre te Further His Selvenpe Hin Lan gerisvsensns, A Faroese Town snd Thowads of Pars Tawalved, The roited s waite of BO Key ; olf pees High Ow faras Yim RENE, frown, Ming ‘a PE mweariy aii of waatern tart of Wear VW Juan wre Have noe up fom troy jn Tae Th a Snare Er 2 Wisma Com. im Mingo oomnty, mat staae anid thossanie of Twos om wbh ger an, Lived leeir a 4 ro Me FE & wh grand rad wn Hei wad grated tel gf a guied pay a Hla Arwericdh RsEORE Hes rfp co de either weld wows Sal Sate ThE nol ope prism Peimgs wher, ropder the them prevsiifeg Freeohs : with the exception of Seprioainy | fremdoms, supoorsed in a andy hes butt lived wie xt Liberty ied Bis wioes fromm thew ff Fry hi hw 5 Sha Li bie snfop of Faris pod nyu vy aan pair and Gas pleased da ihren Aavs go teas doves ce By dae ow oe ] 4 gry $a the wxirome rN Faster wa an amas Sowaet be geal faith Cab Sennett OR ji FT 3 rr eovarmd be tes great How ah pm pet : Khe oon Vtins wn owned br sel ors W menvireds of 1oowanade King self a J Tha twiebrsiod vk of wes fa for part & fox BG 0G wm ssa nhisraeter Sepand o BER The romn 1# of the present suite 5 Loss Globe | Sands, - Deguocrat Lilie Roswell Warriege Namyer. Bt is rencrted in 3 rireles im Fe lows foarts husband Richie Ling ag at i “Why the des yertont] iy Mr sad denigia Thandie bwediore, and snhieet in ancy way. We are mpiy pro fei onally maowisted 0 (he ane con pany, snd are amily ss friendly a5 the ppesbers of sy eoappany Ke recurun ter thst foe in the Geraad Deeb ens’ where Privve Pasi tells (he duchess of someting be has read in the sews papers, and she replies thal she never believes what she ready the news papers? Thame net that Line nore was wri tn Miss Russell Boy ghomt tha sda sent bark a reply that it baer tr Po Na Wn yer toe PEROT TY ted Eas Ros Aen Ls Lemdon Was the Foesr Lover Tree Be a v0 Rmew wri Test 7 Has | read Lillian Tau MRT take ) wed ; traneseis ail Down ; oy 5: | wae tha A; Beings, ay BEET “fant pom asedn’t Ly fl aig pismant olen eer my simmer a i gio wsdl ho tHe Coa WEE # Hu fwghter or ta shank Brvus Dnaioee see wn Twetand i the things ga I awd Sn omy $ER0T. bo ried | abd pared chothes tnenad 20 hn wed smd. wy boabead vas sudoweas Eiled ot the bat 5. Ler ni bert goes hs hoe bam Hat wivy Sear ¢ rar hag whe VRRT tare, Ne Sodh shee sulerent gave pve thie hedge of he e Wong boRrme of La = Tata ee Ant hv VIE a medi An arpa it ph See B® vim e ow Baas At the wry a ar a nis y LER % He wha wid The boas "Rs anit 1 15 Bina if Lm. It i» pews 0 Th I pever bemrd spvibing stent it { ams sure that Mis Rosell sod mre! bate pever dimonserd ihe L to whew be lomus the een tir Bent SE ton pelur Le Es soem Wrong aid sellers protolfes. which im way WE A Nog rovenme eer “0 158 Esme war, and whan Ss Lh . £ ag SH OETR ON a lggiug wea Jann hers a ¢ fF a BL; 5 em ARE dross 8 FREVISY A LIV BRERY VALLE in the | wil peay, Sor 31 CB by a | TLRs RE Fema | sme } Tere did memm omy | fale : RATE 11 eso A Wy ADisaton “ . ou } i ERNE ase PhRBuRRALRANE 5 w | wo » 3 = ® # TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Bipstwyes Trewin ATI a om Tenia & pe Pom Tadd 4 TRE Dm Waomwaes Trsin 5 Ee -. Trodn &, Sp a Trudie g FP J ROWE Ma rmier ER a T Bai aT, LOW GRADE I AV IRON Semorina: A it flr ili SAR est Serle vies PA # } de BE ROR Co. Losses WIVENRED TIME TALE, ah 3 EER ER BEEEL Sp SAARI eR OK di an lt : : a bg EENEREEERE &F eukENE Brewnean ® CEEMEEEERELE ¥ dd i 1% in alk TT . mE) Buin Eg i 5 % ad Siok » IR ar og. ar Da fa, Smily ax 4 prooeTE axis KAT RAILROAD. gavs fine Soret Slat | 3 1% nus bee Gi Shae a WE | spe Tasin Towser ive Und IN RFVECT T NOY. EE Phin pain sud Erie Palio DEVAS BASTW ARD om “19 PM Trals & Jail spoept Slum, Ilan Are all A Horse asad WED 1 Philiede plus | wy ns seoeper Kr Ft" dS wll Te Snir mt 3 Rin GE ae Ea WERTW AND {08 A. Pax oo dROE wie pay 3 Omid (Terme set ube is {a in pd in dor Ka on BR i ’ y ¥ Rani Wats sai 2 ereiadiai Ta Hk ee TALS» Frag PRIVY w a FROM THE EAST AS SAUTR. Phatiaitet pts WERE ae . ra Neo Baitaaee Ll a I es end METER - Dron wi HE WWE £5 Wan BU BG RAILRGAL CPmiLE entwed anny TRAITS 19 ves Bidgway wl 204 1 wy BE ESk a WB RETTVILK AL 4 XH TWAIN WS mv ets Lag a pa ht 3 IER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers