The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 05, 1895, Image 3
ee rg AR 5 SPT IRD nc SI . " Bre " 1" 4 o v . ARR AA RL oh 7 . ERR so » ARR I EI SA Teiseiiiay g. that he will quit his present quarters at] 8 nL : ; he 2# the Arlington within the year. . Dr. Tal | i BPE; TER, Different SI pa€s of whe "t | have GO ited on th a subject, he wed up- the agent of a pene efal man afac toring | mage bas taken Mra. Ann Cole's ola, germinated ng less than fon times after on experience and experiment. hig] and commission honse, whose head lquar- home at 14001; Massachusetts avenue. | Dtervals of a week or more, doring | matter will go to form a book which f6Ts ars In Koba ant Hiogo, arrived in| It is one of the oldest houses in that | which time the se els were kept per feet. Professor Laflin is writing. ; that city, and offered such indoesments i with Great Britain. Ho sclented part of the city and adjoins the newer | ly dry. Cort will germinate ne arly as He alse aims to band together the 1 to San Francisco merchants that they | Lr this ie it and ub tae aiineion The story of Tartar’ 4 mishap spread : annex now occupied by Assistant Secre- | | often. Clover an ’ the grass seeds ger- Sunday schosls of the ccuntry in one | were compalied to place large orders | the first. of of agtics Popul trail throughont the Army. Thoo®nds of sol : tary Hamlin of the treasury. : { minate but once, us a rule. This hel ip? | wast anticigarette league that will strike with the oriental firm. A canvass of th in| cout of Po Wo aah Washin ton diers visited the battery on puspose tr 2 Dr. Talmage will take the larger! to explain why a good stand of grass or | a harder blow at the cigarette trust than San Francisco merc antile trade reveals | L1lt that the emengeiicy required a see him. Ho fared like a privee. Noth- : house, which will be furnished throngh- clover 18 Gifficu it to obtain ijl nn L4VOr: | & ¥ of its i Clergy n are} the fact that an pnyprecedented cut ini tha p ati ne Re 2 . tclaiive ing was ¢uite. good enough for him. It out with his own effects, except his Ii. able seasons, while failure with wheat | to be interested in the new movements, | almost every line of staple goods has! i a $ H Ta talent o c legis often happened that the battery passed o felt that it needed profound troops resting by the roadside. The ape j ditions seidom Geenrs, | rovided the gi ed ery state and city of the conntry. Buttons by | tho great gross are. Seite legal acquirements, culm judgment and pearance sf ** Fighting’ Jim Stewart and : i i a : aval Ante tr on Praptiey Tass tha Hofty ¢ haracter, suo ch as : ‘eonld be found | 3 heailed Tartar was alivavs a signal for 11 1adad a ci : ~ t IRIBAIONn Wo Ldn 13 eXdian LY val Wich phys ah ai i ; - WHICH is COLBTYINUD O86 10 bhilu Uy " 7 | resisting the French frenzy and eneoun- + in Qetober, hie Was th a proudest Borse 3 | tering the public clamor and distrost ip the Army of the Potomac as he again an effort to establish commercial rala took charge of Battery B's ad } i brary, which has already been installed ior grain from ui Jeasumte wet and dry con- | and there are fo be branch elnls ine oo been made by the Japanese hidder. at the Arlington, ‘and in this condition § it wi : : : ; hat is large wraonnt of beautiful and valnable)! : a : ! aa ! rhe es Es ed errs ; \ mat i ] [Toa i 2 : Bites Sh : HBG in to Br: wkivn tarpend the balance wis . oi wih 1 King proy« rt Ly red ington | EOMUNDS A Tributs